Kefir diet by Larisa Dolina for 7 days - menu for quick weight loss and results

General rules

The star method of losing weight, which will be discussed, became famous thanks to the singer Larisa Dolina.
For a long time, the woman struggled with 20 kg of excess weight. And for more than 30 years, the singer tried to lose weight in every possible way, but, alas, it did not work. This is how this simple and effective technique appeared. And thousands of people, following the example of a famous person, have already taken advantage of it! Larisa Dolina’s kefir diet for quick weight loss has many options: they differ in components, duration, meals, and so on. One thing remains unchanged - the mandatory exclusion of fats and salt. And the diet itself is effective due to the fact that it intelligently combines the right carbohydrates and proteins, and in addition, the calorie content of the dishes consumed is reduced. In addition, for the sake of a more noticeable weight loss effect, the pioneer of the technique, Larisa Dolina, strongly advises not to eat after 18:00.

The main product here is kefir 1% fat. It should be present in the diet every day, except for days when you need to drink only water. Often in such diets it is advised to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day, but the original version of the diet involves drinking about 500 ml of water per day (this does not apply exclusively to water days, when you need to drink up to 2 liters of water). In addition, water can be perfectly replaced with unsweetened dried fruit compote, green tea without sugar and berry juice.

It is known that the success of Larisa Dolina’s weight loss lies not only in a strict diet, but also in regular physical activity: during the diet, she did both strength and cardio training. As the singer herself said, in order for the muscles not to be flabby.

Valley diet for 7 days

With a diet menu for 7 days, according to the method, you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight. Not bad, right?!

All meals for 1 week do not have to be eaten at the same time, you just need to separate all the foods and eat them throughout the day. Every day, except for the 7th drinking day, you need to drink 0.5 liters of 1% kefir and combine it with a certain approved product:

  • day 1 – kefir + potatoes;
  • day 2 – kefir + sour cream;
  • day 3 – kefir + cottage cheese;
  • day 4 – kefir + chicken fillet;
  • day 5 – kefir + apples/carrots;
  • day 6 – 1 liter of kefir;
  • day 7 – only mineral water without gas.

12 kg in 12 days? Easily!

Other options for the Dolina diet on kefir last 12 and, if desired, 14 days; they are no longer recommended. During this time, you can say goodbye to 11-13 kg of excess weight. Here the rules are the same: every day, except the seventh day, you drink 0.5 liters of fresh low-fat kefir, combining it, as in the first version of the diet, with potatoes, cottage cheese, sour cream, meat and apples. The seven-day menu does not change, but is simply calculated for 2 weeks. Opinions about the increased version of the kefir diet are, for the most part, equally positive, the technique is easily tolerated, and the results are not long in coming.

Menu for 12 days

The 12-day diet is more gentle and provides the greatest variety among meals, in contrast to the weekly diet:

1st dayDrink only low-fat kefir all day (total amount - 1.5 l)
2nd dayOatmeal, doused with hot water, with the addition of prunesA piece of boiled veal; fresh cucumber Broccoli stewed with carrotsTo choose from: 1 apple; 1 orange; 1 pear; 2 plums. Be sure to include a glass of kefir in one or more snacks
3rd dayGlass of orange juiceSteamed chicken breast; fresh tomato Baked zucchini with tomato slices
4th dayOatmeal, doused with hot water, with the addition of dried apricotsA small piece of boiled beef; fresh carrots Salad of celery, cucumber and greens
5th dayA glass of fresh juice (apple + greens)Steamed fish; fresh cabbage and cucumber salad A small piece of chicken and 1 boiled carrot
6th day2 tablespoons of bran, poured with low-fat kefirA piece of boiled veal; fresh cucumber Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs
7th dayOatmeal with kefirSteamed chicken breast; fresh tomato Stewed cabbage with carrots and onions
8th dayOatmeal, doused with hot water, with the addition of dried apricotsA small piece of boiled beef; fresh carrots Zucchini, eggplant and carrot stew
9th dayOatmeal with kefirSteamed fish; fresh cabbage and cucumber salad Boiled breast
10th day2 tablespoons of bran, poured with low-fat kefirSteamed chicken breast; fresh tomato Steamed broccoli and a piece of boiled fish
11th dayOatmeal, doused with hot water, with the addition of prunesA small piece of boiled beef; fresh carrots Fresh carrot and apple salad
12th dayOatmeal with kefirSteamed fish; fresh cabbage and cucumber salad Boiled breast and cabbage and cucumber salad

What to eat when losing weight on kefir (Allowed foods)

The kefir diet from Larisa Dolina involves eating according to a strictly designated list of products. There are no concessions in the form of “cheat meals” – days when you can indulge in prohibited foods. Also, you cannot replace prescribed products with supposedly similar ones.

Of course, the most important and necessary product for this diet is kefir. Buy it, closely monitoring the shelf life. But it’s best if you make kefir yourself using fungi. This kefir undergoes minimal processing and has a lot of useful properties.

In addition to kefir, in order to diversify your diet and give the body a feeling of fullness, you need to eat additional foods that will help with this. For example, potatoes. Yes, this diet allows the consumption of potatoes. After all, in itself it is even useful, especially if it is cooked in its uniform without salt and fat. Just sprinkle it with fresh herbs and you will get a wonderful aromatic dish.

The fifth day prescribes eating apples or carrots. But, if you wish and are tolerant of these products, you can combine them: make freshly squeezed juice, puree, bake them.

On the fourth protein day, you can eat not only chicken, but also turkey and beef. But these dishes must be prepared without salt and oil: just boil the meat or bake it with natural spices.

Among other things, it is recommended to eat a tablespoon of oat bran every morning 30-40 minutes before breakfast: this will help further cleanse the body, prevent constipation , and reduce the size of portions eaten.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
boiled potatoes2,00,416,782
kefir 1%2,81,04,040
sour cream 10% (low-fat)3,010,02,9115
cottage cheese 0% (low fat)16,50,01,371
boiled chicken breast29,81,80,5137
boiled turkey fillet25,01,0130
* data is per 100 g of product

Contraindications to dieting

Reducing the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as limiting the amount of salt and fat can negatively affect health. Like any method of losing weight, Larisa Dolina’s method has a number of contraindications. The diet is strictly prohibited if you have the following diseases:

  • pathologies of the gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • inflammation of the colon;
  • stomach ulcer or milk allergy;
  • pancreatitis, gastritis and colitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver or increased stomach acidity;
  • frequent heartburn;
  • malfunctions of the immune system;
  • the presence of chronic diseases.

Pregnant and lactating women are also advised to avoid this diet.

Prohibited foods for the kefir diet

The biggest prohibition that people who are losing weight most often violate is quenching their thirst with sweet, carbonated drinks, various drinks and packaged juices. All these drinks have a terrible impact on a woman’s figure and beauty, as they contain a lot of sugar, preservatives, flavors, harmful additives and dyes. In addition, consuming kefir in combination with such drinks can cause great harm to the gastrointestinal tract. In general, you don’t even have to choose between regular water and cola! Water will bring several hundred times more benefits!

Always replace white bread with whole grain bread, and during your diet, eat cereal bread. By eliminating baked goods, after just a week you will notice a change in your skin for the better, and after a few months, your figure.

Also, do not satisfy your hunger with all kinds of sausages, sausages, canned food, sweets, and ready-made food from the culinary section of the supermarket. The ban is due to the fact that you do not know the true composition of such products; they may simply be stale. So, with this and any other diet, we advise you to monitor the composition and quality of the products from which you are going to prepare this or that dish.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal


potato chips5,530,053,0520

Flour and pasta

wheat flour9,21,274,9342

Bakery products

sliced ​​loaf7,52,950,9264



Ice cream

ice cream3,76,922,1189

Raw materials and seasonings



kefir 3.2%2,83,24,156
Activia quick breakfast4,83,114,4107

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese 18% (fat)14,018,02,8232
curd mass with raisins6,821,629,9343

Meat products




Oils and fats


Alcoholic drinks

* data is per 100 g of product

Kefir diet menu for 7 days

The original daily menu for Larisa Dolina’s kefir diet looks like this:


  • 0.5 l of kefir 1% fat;
  • 400 g potatoes, boiled in their jackets.


  • 0.5 l of kefir 1% fat;
  • 200 g low-fat sour cream 10%.


  • 0.5 l of kefir 1% fat;
  • 250 g low-fat cottage cheese.


  • 0.5 l of kefir 1% fat;
  • 500 g boiled or baked chicken fillet.


  • 0.5 l of kefir 1% fat;
  • 1 kg of sour apples or 0.5 kg of carrots.


  • 1 liter of kefir 1% fat for the whole day.


  • Unlimited amount of water without gas for the whole day.


Larisa Dolina's diet is suitable for those who want to lose up to 7 kg in a short time. However, such rapid weight loss can be harmful to a weakened body.

Due to the fact that the Dolina diet provides a limited menu, it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications:

  • diseases of the gallbladder, digestive system;
  • chronic diseases;
  • kidney and heart diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to dairy products.

Important! You should consult a specialist to make sure there are no pathologies in your body.

In case of failure

If you start the process of losing weight wisely, then failures will be very easy to avoid. Start with the fact that you don’t need to “diet.” All weight loss methods always insist that physical activity, even the most minimal, will perfectly distract you from the various restrictions that the diet prescribes. Light running, dancing, swimming, walking, and maybe playing a musical instrument or even cleaning - all this is a great way to forget about prohibited foods.

In addition, it helps to plan your menu down to the smallest detail, so that any meal is thought out right down to the dishes from which you will eat. Women love everything beautiful and dieting is not a reason to refuse a skillfully set table, even if the plan is a glass of kefir and one potato. Thorough preparation for such a feast will only set you up positively for all days of the diet.

Also, drink more fluids. Even if you slightly exceed the prescribed fluid intake per day, it is better to drink a glass of water than indulge in a sandwich. And the water should preferably be at room temperature. You can add cucumber slices, lemon or ginger.

If a breakdown does occur, you should never despair! We advise you to end your day with kefir after a breakdown, and extend the diet itself for 2-3 days.

Quitting the diet

The Dolinka diet is quite strict, so you need to exit it smoothly and deliberately so that the lost kilograms do not return in double size.

Experts advise reducing the number of servings of non-diet food by almost 2 times, and compiling your menu from a large number of vegetables, cereals, lean meat, fish and seafood, and fruits. Kefir should also not be excluded from the daily menu.

Also, remember that losing weight and getting out of your diet wisely can be the perfect start to eating healthier. So, you shouldn’t go into overdrive and rejoice at your results from losing weight.

And, one of the most important is physical activity. The success of the famous singer depended precisely on the competent combination of her technique and physical activity. This simple system gave the star a beautiful figure and youth!

Did the change in appearance affect your voice?

There is an opinion that good singers should be overweight. Nutritionists consider this opinion to be a banal excuse and a lack of desire to make efforts to restore a beautiful silhouette. There are many examples of singers (even opera singers) losing weight and still remaining professionals in their field.

Larisa Dolina had a unique voice that allowed her to “take” two octaves, performing roulades in both jazz and pop styles. According to experts, even having lost significant weight, the singer has not lost her talent.

We recommend reading about the kefir diet for weight loss. You will learn about the benefits of kefir for the human body, the pros and cons of the diet, different menu options, and rules for breaking the diet. And here is more information about the vegetable diet for weight loss.

The benefits and harms of Larisa Dolina's diet

  • The most important advantage of the diet is its effectiveness. Almost everyone who has used it is delighted with the results that this technique brings.
  • The low cost of the diet does not in any way affect its quality. For the price, kefir weight loss will suit absolutely every wallet.
  • The tangible benefits that kefir brings: here we work not only on excess weight, but also on the health of the digestive system.
  • With the help of a kefir diet, you lose weight quickly. Sometimes this can have a negative impact on your health.
  • Such nutrition is not sufficiently balanced, so you need to calculate the duration of such a diet based on your well-being.
  • Sometimes those losing weight complain of a frequent feeling of hunger. You can fight it only with the help of products approved for this day, kefir and water.

The story of Larisa Dolina's gorgeous body

For a long time, the singer did not pay any attention to her figure and was exclusively focused on her career. She realized her problem only after studying her own photographs, which were apparently taken by a not very professional photographer: absolutely every flaw in the body was emphasized and literally stood out when viewed.

This moment became the starting point in Larisa Dolina’s struggle with excess weight. By her own admission, she tried a lot of diets; the singer even used the method of two-week fasting. And the results were impressive - minus 20 - 25 kg, but the kilograms lost with such difficulty returned to their place immediately after switching to a normal, classic diet.

Such a “swing” could hardly have a positive effect on health, so the singer selected the optimal diet for herself personally. There is nothing extraordinary about it, there are simply some rules that will suit many who want to get rid of excess weight.

Follow these simple tips to achieve the body of your dreams!

  • Kefir must be exclusively fresh, with a minimum shelf life, or prepared independently.
  • Eat food at least 4-5 times a day in small portions, chewing thoroughly.
  • According to the recommendations of Larisa Dolina, the last meal during the diet is at 18:00. Then you can only drink plain water, compote or green tea without sugar.
  • Never avoid physical activity, commensurate it with your strengths and capabilities: it will be climbing stairs, walking, swimming, dancing or working out in the gym.

When can unloading be repeated?

If you follow Larisa Dolina’s weekly diet, you can repeat it 10 days after the end of the first course. But you shouldn’t get carried away with such dietary restrictions - such double courses are allowed once every two months. The rest of the time, to maintain the effect and continue losing excess weight, you should arrange fasting days (with kefir, once a week) and do at least basic physical exercise.

Larisa Dolina's two-week diet can be repeated only 2 weeks after the end of the first course.

Larisa Dolina made a lot of efforts to make her figure slim and attractive. It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve good results with kefir alone; in any case, you will have to go to the gym, do cardio and strength training, or at least give up cars/public transport and start walking.

Diet of Larisa Dolina, reviews and results

Larisa Dolina’s method of losing weight, based on reviews from those who have lost weight, is indeed very effective. Actually, like most well-designed low-calorie nutrition systems. It is great when you need to get rid of a couple of extra centimeters and make your body even slimmer in the shortest possible time. It is successfully used by women who want to lose weight before a seaside vacation or a wedding.

By the way, doctors do not recommend using this method for more than 2 weeks and more often than 1 course every 3-4 months. Usually this is not required, since, if you exit the diet correctly and have a balanced diet afterwards, the weight will not overtake you again, and you will continue to lose weight.

  • “...My husband gave me a trip to Turkey for my birthday. I was very happy! Of course, I wanted to be a beauty in a swimsuit, so as not to be embarrassed about my body. Therefore, the very next day I stocked up on the first batch of kefir and products. I have always loved dairy products, other products were not a problem either, so I tolerated the diet very easily. As a result - almost 7 kg in a week! Now I look back at my vacation photos and admire this simple diet and my willpower!”;
  • “...Only healthy, proper nutrition and physical activity will provide you with good health and a beautiful body! But before I went on a kefir diet for 7 days, I didn’t know this. The kefir diet impressions : I was always hungry, couldn’t sleep, had no desire to get up in the morning, knowing that on the next day I wouldn’t eat anything again. And this is not a food addiction! This is simply unnecessary and debilitating fasting. So I endured it for 3 days; I didn’t have more patience. A week later, having calmed down and returned to normal, I composed a good balanced menu for myself and went in for sports more intensely. The result is wonderful, the body is beautiful!”;
  • “...After I gave birth to my second child, I gained an indecent amount of extra pounds. I tried a lot of different diets, read reviews, looked for the best one. And then I came across the kefir diet - the Dolinsky diet. I have a neutral attitude towards kefir, so I decided to try it. I admit, the first two days the diet seemed like real torture! But then, when my body got used to it a little, everything went as planned, and here I am, on the morning of the eighth day, standing on the scales and can’t believe that I said goodbye to 7 extra kg in a week. So, girls, I confidently declare: on Larisa Dolina’s diet, it’s very easy to lose 7 kg in a week, the main thing is to hold on and not break down. I recommend it to everyone!”

Exit rules, what to expect

To consolidate the achieved result, it is worth exiting the weight loss process gradually. There are three options for ending the diet:

  • Familiar foods are gradually introduced into the diet, 50-100 g at a time. This diet continues for a week, during which time you can return to eating your usual portions.
  • 1-2 new products are added to the diet daily in small quantities, and the portions of what is eaten according to the prescribed menu are increased.
  • Kefir is gradually being replaced with some other product. This way out lasts 7 days, then you can eat as before.

When exiting under any of the schemes, be sure to adhere to the following requirements :

  • the amount of liquid should be increased, and you can drink water, tea, juice, coffee, and so on;
  • the amount of fruit eaten increases, they are added to the daily diet;
  • continue to drink kefir half a liter per day;
  • before eating, drink some water or herbal infusion;
  • It is advisable to engage in physical exercise, since with intensive weight loss, the breasts lose their shape and the skin may sag.

The Dolina diet is an effective weight loss program. In just a week you can lose from 5 to 10 kilograms, and if you repeat it, weekly weight loss reaches 7 kg.

The exact amount of weight lost depends on the strictness of following nutritional recommendations and the individual characteristics of the body.

In this video, a little more about the popular kefir diet by L. Dolina, what results the famous singer achieved, reviews from doctors about the system for 7 days:

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