Homemade diet by Elena Malysheva: recipes for quick weight loss, menu for 7 days, a month + REVIEWS

Elena Malysheva is one of the most famous doctors and TV presenters on the territory of the post-Soviet space. Her programs are watched not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders. Elena’s popularity is due to truly effective advice that anyone can apply to themselves.

Quick navigation through the article:

  • Ready meal kits
  • Homemade diet of Elena Malysheva
  • Menu for the week/month
  • Rules and recommendations
  • Reviews with Before and After photos
  • Video with Elena Malysheva

In her programs, she, in a team with a group of doctors, tells people about what is right or wrong, how to avoid the occurrence of chronic diseases, what are the optimal methods of treating a particular disease, how to recognize an illness in yourself and at what point you should immediately consult a doctor. It is worth noting that she is trusted, millions of TV viewers follow her advice Elena Malysheva’s diet, which appeared several years ago, immediately gained incredible popularity.

It would seem that there is nothing special in the diet, no exotic and expensive products inaccessible to the majority of the population, no complicated recipes. Vice versa! The secret of Malysheva’s diet is its simplicity, accessibility, and most importantly, incredible effectiveness . Elena Malysheva has repeatedly conducted programs dedicated to weight loss and getting rid of extra pounds. Serious television battles flared up among obese people who agreed to lose weight in front of the whole world . The results were stunning, they inspired hope in many overweight people who considered their case absolutely hopeless.

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Diet of Elena Malysheva. Ready meal kits

Obesity and overweight are the scourge of our time. People of all ages spend a huge amount of time in front of computer monitors, tablets and phones, preferring sedentary activities to active outings in nature and sports. Many people simply don’t have time to prepare food, so they usually eat everything that is at hand or within walking distance of the workplace. Such food, as a rule, has nothing in common with proper healthy nutrition . After all, modern society not only does not have time to prepare food for itself, adhering to certain rules, but also does not know how to diversify the usual diet without compromising work and personal time. Many people arrange food delivery to their home from Lenta in order to always have a supply of food on hand.

Elena Malysheva offers a completely different approach to losing weight , which will make the life of everyone losing weight as simple as possible. After all, between you and me, a person who is losing weight already experiences stress associated with changes in diet and lifestyle. Therefore, the famous doctor offers ready-to-eat meal kits in boxes and bags .

The food in the miracle bags is the real thing, prepared from environmentally friendly products by the best masters of their craft in compliance with all the rules and recipes. Throughout the day, you will know what and when you eat, what you eat tomorrow, and what is on your menu in a week. You don't have to count those hated calories and keep a food diary. This is all done by specialists for you. The contents of each package have its own calorie content and are intended for a specific meal. This diet is somewhat reminiscent of the well-known weight loss program “Leovit. We lose weight in a week,” reviews of which are also very positive.

A set of food for Elena Malysheva’s diet is designed for 4 weeks , that is, almost 1 month. You will be able to follow a 4-meal schedule, which is considered the most optimal for losing weight. For 4 meals, the body will be able to receive the entire daily requirement of vitamins and microelements that are necessary to maintain and restore health. For breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner you will receive a variety of dishes. Ready-made portions contain the ideal combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and those losing weight won’t have to count calories.

In the video, Elena Malysheva talks in detail about her diet.

Diet of Elena Malysheva. Ready meal kits:

All bags have their own colors. Breakfast packages are green, lunch packages are yellow, dessert packages are blue, and dinner packages are red . This accustoms the person losing weight to order, to the proper distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates throughout the day. Such ready-made food kits are very convenient to take with you to work, outdoors, on trips and trips. You don’t have to run to stores and markets in search of suitable products, and then stand at the stove for hours, afraid of being tempted and eating too much during the cooking process. Simplicity of preparation and instructions characterize Malysheva’s diet from the best side. A set of ready-made meals for 6 days includes the above food bags . 1 day a week should be a fasting day. During the fasting day, you need to consume pink bags of food. A fasting day involves eating only boiled rice or buckwheat throughout the day .

All of the above dishes are prepared as simply as possible. All you need to have on hand is boiling water or a microwave oven in which you can heat up the food. Some bags should be stored in the freezer , since their preservation requires deep freezing, which allows you to save all the vitamins and nutrients. For example, it is customary to heat ready-made omelettes in the microwave only immediately before eating.

The official website of Elena Malysheva talks in detail about this nutrition system, as well as about the dishes that await everyone who wants to get rid of excess weight.

Thus, Elena Malysheva’s menu includes the following dishes:



  • oatmeal, for the preparation of which you should use boiling water or milk with a low fat content;
  • egg dishes (mainly omelettes);
  • fruit and nut mixtures (ready to eat);
  • fruit and grain bars (ready to eat).

Popular breakfasts

: oatmeal with strawberries, buckwheat porridge with apple and raisins, rice porridge with raspberries and pineapple, omelet with cauliflower or broccoli, fruit bar with cherries and cranberries.

Lunches (hearty second course, rich in all necessary substances):

  • meatballs, zrazy, meat balls;
  • chicken meat, chicken fillet, turkey;
  • fish fillet;
  • vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes);
  • spaghetti, rice, buckwheat;
  • mushrooms;
  • various sauces.

What will you eat for lunch:

turkey with Bechamel sauce with vegetables, potatoes with champignons in milk sauce, pollock or chum salmon fillet with mashed potatoes, chicken fillet with rice, etc.

Afternoon snacks (do not require heat treatment, are sweet and will especially please those with a sweet tooth):

  • muesli;
  • souffle;
  • fruit and grain bars;
  • fruit mixtures.

Delicious afternoon snacks for dessert

: souffle with blueberry or lingonberry juice, fruit bars with apricot, apple, cherry and cranberry, mixtures of fruits and nuts (cashews, raisins, papaya, pineapple), etc.

Dinners (first or second courses, ready to eat after heating in a microwave oven):

  • julienne;
  • fish and meat dishes;
  • pilaf or stuffed peppers;
  • vegetables;
  • mushrooms;
  • soups.

Popular dinners on the menu of Elena Malysheva

: Flemish cream of mushroom soup, English pumpkin cream soup, French mushroom julienne, lazy cabbage rolls with gravy, stewed cabbage with mushrooms, etc.

Review of a box of ready-made food from Elena Malysheva’s Diet for 1 week:

Second place. Malysheva's diet

The presenter of programs about health could not ignore the promising niche and offered those who wanted to lose weight a set of frozen meals for a month. Malysheva’s diet is designed for both those who are losing weight and those who want to maintain their weight. In general, the very idea of ​​eating frozen semi-finished products for a whole month already causes healthy skepticism, but all the calories are counted and, in the end, you can endure it for the sake of a good figure, right? The cost of a monthly course of the Malysheva diet is 12 thousand rubles, delivered once.

Natalya Sergeevna Grigorieva:

Of course, this is a good commercial move for budget patients. Convenient - defrost and eat. Cons - the diet is not calorie-adapted for different weight categories, everything is very approximate - for everyone the caloric intake is 1200 calories. The patient himself creates a menu for the day, based on the availability of available purchased boxes. This leads to the fact that one day may not be balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The fasting day should also be selected based on the individual characteristics of the patient, and this diet does not provide for this.

By the way, Malysheva’s diet service is not unique; however, competitors’ nutrition programs are designed for high-income clients. For example, TV presenter Marika Kravtsova launched the ready-to-eat meal delivery service D-Light together with chef Konstantin Ivlev and nutritionist Ekaterina Belova. The cost of a menu for one day starts from 3,000 rubles (minimum order of 5 days), you can choose how many calories per day you want to eat.

Also, a service called Just for you was founded in 2006 by restaurateur Arkady Novikov and doctor Irina Pochitaeva. The cost of delivering one day of healthy food for weight loss (850 kcal) will be about five thousand rubles.

Official diet of Elena Malysheva for a month. Price

Elena Malysheva’s diet for weight loss on the official website is designed for both women and men. The main differences between the sets are that the portions for men are larger, since a healthy man needs to eat more than a woman. For one meal, the serving size for women is 200 g, and for men - 250-300 g.

Many people want to know the price for a month, how much does Elena Malysheva’s diet cost . The price of Elena Malysheva’s diet for 1 month for a healthy woman who wants to lose weight will be 14,500 rubles, for men – 16,700 rubles. This is the same price as a monthly set of ready-made meals for weight loss for women who have achieved good results and continue a maintenance diet. The same prices for all categories of diets are also set for people suffering from hypertension . (Prices may vary)

Elena Malysheva's diet for a week

Non-magic diet

— Covid is a wonderful miracle! — the TV presenter’s phrase instantly became a catchphrase. Malysheva explained her words by saying that the infection is dangerous only for old people. Numerous haters immediately began to sarcastically on social networks that for her the crown was truly a miracle. As proof, they cited prices for a coronavirus test at Elena Vasilievna’s clinic. They promised to make a report in just a few hours, the price was 8,500 rubles! For comparison: in other metropolitan clinics it costs a maximum of 2,000 rubles.

The presenter of the Tsargrad channel, Maria Ivatkina , reported that, registered to Elena Vasilievna and her sons, she received a tender from the capital’s information and analytical center for 47 million rubles during the pandemic. And, of course, the famous Malysheva diet. The TV presenter directly says that those who use it by ordering products on the official website increase their chances of saving themselves from the Chinese scourge. According to some reports, sales of food packages from the TV presenter at prices ranging from 14,999 to 19,300 rubles. after such self-promotion they increased greatly. According to the most conservative estimates of economists and marketers, during the pandemic Malysheva enriched herself by several million.

By the way, what kind of magic diet is this offered by the TV personality? We turned to healthy nutrition specialist Olga Kolodeznikova :

— There are reasonable things in Malysheva’s diet. For example, split meals, drinking two to three liters of water per day. But according to the Internet, this diet involves reducing animal fats, but retains sweets. In fact, white sugar and dairy products are mucus-forming foods, the presence of which in the body leads to vulnerability to viruses. I'm not even talking about the fact that there cannot be a universal diet for everyone. Malysheva’s diet suits Malysheva herself well - with her physique, small height (168 cm - M.V. ) and stable health. I would advise people who are overweight, have problematic pancreas, or chronic diseases to abstain.

And here’s what gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences Sergei Krasilov :

“Indeed, over 48 percent of those who find themselves in a hospital bed due to coronavirus in serious condition are overweight people. So, of course, losing weight is useful. But during a strict diet, the body is exposed to stress, which means it becomes more vulnerable. Including from the crown.

Losing weight with Elena Malysheva. Pros and cons of the diet

The diet is completely balancedReady meals for a month are supplied in two boxes, which have impressive volumes and weight. Most foods should be frozen immediately. To do this, you need to have a spacious freezer or a separate freezer, otherwise nothing else will fit in it except dietary food.
The dishes presented on the menu are hearty and healthyThe cost of Malysheva’s diet is quite high; Not everyone can afford such a diet, that is, for many it will simply be inaccessible.
All calories are calculated in advance for the whole dayNot everyone will like eating semi-finished, steamed food from bags. She looks far different than in the pictures. Most people prefer natural fruits, vegetables, dried fruits and nuts to compressed bars.
A clear nutrition schedule, limited portionsAdditionally, you will have to purchase some types of fruits, vegetables, herbs, mineral water, etc. Therefore, the cost of such food will be even higher.
Simple preparation (using a microwave oven or boiling water)In the process of your weight loss, no one canceled taking care of the rest of the family, which means you will still have to go shopping and stand at the stove.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition
Possibility to eat outside the home (at work, while traveling)
Saving time on purchasing and preparing dietary dishes. Suitable for very lazy or busy people.

Fourth place. Japanese diet

A couple of years ago the Japanese diet beat all the popularity ratings; now it has lost some ground, but is still among the leaders. For thirteen days, you can eat strictly those foods and in the quantities recommended by the diet. Portions are quite large and include fish, meat, vegetables and fruits, but salt is prohibited. Perhaps this is why it has gained such popularity - on the Japanese diet you don’t have to starve and you don’t need to cook anything complicated either. However, it belongs to the so-called “protein” diets, that is, it is not balanced in composition, protein foods predominate in it, and carbohydrates are practically excluded. With the Japanese diet, the load on the kidneys increases significantly.

Calcium and microelements are actively washed away, and as a result, bones, hair and nails become more fragile (and this is the most harmless thing), and general apathy increases.

Do we need this? Hardly.

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home

As we have already said, the price of Malysheva’s diet is rather high, and is most likely suitable only for wealthy citizens. But the diet really works, many women and men have noticed this. Therefore, most people with average and low incomes are looking for a more acceptable way to lose weight. In the case of Elena Malysheva’s weight loss system, this is quite possible, since there is nothing complicated in her diet . Moreover, most of the dishes that come in boxes are known to the buyer in advance.

This means that you and I can prepare all the same things at home ourselves. Yes, you will have to spend time shopping, yes, you will have to stand at the stove for at least an hour a day . But it's worth it. After all, you will save thousands of rubles on homemade food. In addition, you don’t have to think extra about what to feed your household, because all members of your family will be able to eat your dietary dishes. In order to start losing weight on the Malysheva diet at home, you need to carefully study the recommendations and advice of Elena herself, which will be discussed below.

To lose weight you must burn significantly more calories than you consume!

Find out your minimum calorie consumption per day:

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is a measure of how many calories your body burns per day at complete rest. That is, if, according to the test results, your BMR = 2000 Kcal, then to start losing weight, you need to consume calories per day significantly less than this value. If you consume the same amount or more, you will maintain weight or gain weight accordingly.

What's your gender :

Your weight :

Your height:

Age :

Your Basal Metabolic Rate:

Now we offer you several simple recipes for Elena Malysheva’s homemade diet.


For breakfast, you can make yourself a traditional omelet . It can be prepared in the microwave by adding pieces of your favorite vegetables (chinese cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes) to the dish. An alternative to omelet will be oatmeal , the benefits of which have been repeatedly expressed by Malysheva and many other world-famous doctors. This porridge is incredibly satisfying and healthy; it coats the walls of the stomach and heals inflammation in the digestive system. It is advisable not to cook the porridge, but to steam it with boiling water for 5-8 minutes. During this time, it swells, becomes soft and tasty. Try not to add sugar to it. To make it tastier, use fresh berries or pieces of fruit: banana slices, strawberries, tangerine slices, blueberries or lingonberries , as well as juice from these berries.


Lunches can consist of a second course if you eat at work. Prepare yourself a second dish in the evening, and in the morning take it with you in a food container. Lunch dishes are very varied and nutritious. This could be a baked fish fillet (chum salmon, hake) and a portion of mashed potatoes without butter, with the addition of low-fat milk . Instead of puree, you can boil rice, buckwheat, durum wheat spaghetti, and a mixture of vegetables . You can diversify the lunch menu with mushrooms, meatballs, meat zrazy, boiled and baked chicken or turkey meat.


As an afternoon snack and dessert, you can buy ready-made fruit and grain bars marked “Fitness” . They contain a lot of healthy foods rich in vitamins, but at the same time maintain a low calorie content. You can make fruit and nut mixture . Buy several varieties of nuts and dried fruits in bulk, mix them, divide them into small portions, and place them in bags. These bags are also convenient to take to work and use with coffee or tea.


For dinner you can prepare first and second courses. According to Elena, the best first courses are mushroom cream soup, pumpkin soup or broccoli soup, as well as chicken noodle soup. As a main dish, you can prepare stuffed peppers, lazy cabbage rolls, pilaf, stew cabbage with vegetables and mushrooms, bake fish or chicken fillet.

Fasting days

Once a week, as Ms. Malysheva advises, it is necessary to have a fasting day. On this day you can eat boiled buckwheat or rice, drink enough water.

Diet of Elena Malysheva. Menu for the month

Week #1


The first day:

  • Breakfast: muesli with pieces of fruit and nuts (pour boiling water or hot low-fat milk over it, let it brew);
  • Lunch: mashed potatoes with a little salt, butter, dried dill, mushroom sauce made from champignons (champignons, onions, a little milk, flour, salt);
  • Afternoon snack: fruit and grain bar;
  • Dinner: stuffed peppers (peppers, rice, onions, carrots, tomatoes, a little salt).


Second day:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with strawberries (you can sweeten the porridge with fructose);
  • Lunch: boiled rice, hake fillet;
  • Afternoon snack: mixture of nuts and dried fruits;
  • Dinner: noodle soup with chicken, carrots, onions, parsley.

You can download the full version of Malysheva’s diet for 4 weeks completely free by clicking on the button.

Print the “Malysheva Diet” menu on the refrigerator

Diet of Elena Malysheva. Figure construction book

“Elena Malysheva’s Diet” is for those who want to lose weight without fasting and grueling diets, who do not have time to spend hours in the gym, for those who dream of becoming the owner of a slim figure and maintaining weight! A unique design book that will allow you to create your own individual diet, as well as select the exercises that are suitable for your body type and achieve ideal results in the shortest possible time. The book is sold on Malysheva’s website for a fee. On our website you can familiarize yourself with some pages of the book, on which you will see the basic rules of Malysheva’s weight loss method.

By clicking on the Download button, you can copy part of Elena Malysheva’s design book to your computer for reference.

Lose the excess with Elena Malysheva. 10 rules and recommendations from a doctor

  1. The serving size should not exceed 200-250 g for women, and 250-300 g for men . Whatever you eat must meet the specified volume. This is the amount of food, according to Elena, that is enough to lose weight without experiencing enormous stress.
  2. Number of meals per day – 4 . Do not reduce their amount, as people who eat incorrectly, skip breakfast or an afternoon snack, risk falling off the next days of the diet, and the weight loss process will be stopped. If it is very difficult for you to eat 4 times a day, and your body requires more frequent snacks, you can additionally include 1-2 light snacks in the menu. An additional evening meal can be replaced with a glass of milk or low-fat kefir. For a second breakfast, you can drink unsweetened tea and eat an apple. When increasing the amount you eat per day, try not to overeat.
  3. Try to eat at the same time every day . This will allow you to quickly establish the process of proper nutrition. In addition, the stomach will begin to produce gastric juice not in between meals, but at a certain time. Optimal time for meals: 8 am - breakfast, 12 pm - lunch, 16 pm - afternoon snack, 19-20 pm - dinner. Try not to eat after 20.00.
  4. Drink 2 liters or 10 glasses of plain water daily . The doctor recommends drinking still water, not salty, not medicinal. During the day, along with your main meals, you can drink tea or coffee without sugar, cream or other additives. Elena Malysheva believes that tea and coffee do not replace ordinary clean water and have a diuretic and dehydrating effect. Therefore, in addition to tea and coffee, drink 2 liters of water per day. In the heat of summer, you can increase the amount of water you drink to 3 liters. You definitely need to drink. Since a person often perceives thirst as a desire to eat. Therefore, if you really want to eat, and it’s still a long time before you eat, drink a glass of plain water.
  5. Your daily caloric intake should not exceed 1000 kcal if you are a man and 800 kcal if you are a woman . Therefore, carefully select all the products used in cooking, taking into account their calorie content. The calorie table can be found on our website. With such a high-calorie diet, excess weight will begin to disappear. You can lose 4-6 kg per month. Losing weight should not be drastic, it is harmful to health.
  6. Every week there is one fasting day . If it’s hard for you to unload on Saturdays and Sundays, choose a weekday for these purposes. Each fasting day will save you from 1 kg of excess weight.
  7. Try to reduce as much as possible the amount of salt consumed in food , as it retains excess fluid in the body and causes swelling. If a dish can be eaten unsalted, eat it unsalted.
  8. Do not buy or eat foods rich in fat . Try to choose lean, low-fat or low-fat foods. The fat content of milk and kefir can be 0.5-1%. Avoid pork and other fatty meats. During the period of weight loss, give preference to chicken and turkey meat. It is preferable to use low-fat varieties of fish (hake, chum salmon) in the diet.
  9. You should not completely exclude sweets from your diet . The nervous system needs regular supplies of glucose. This improves your well-being and mood and reduces the risk of a breakdown. You can replace regular sweets with dietary ones, for example, for diabetics, or with the “Fitness” mark. Dried fruits and fruit and grain bars are excellent suppliers of glucose; nuts are of great benefit.
  10. For more effective and faster weight loss, exercise . Choose the types of activities that you like: morning exercises, running in the morning, going to the gym after work, or going to the pool. You can do fitness, water aerobics, yoga, callanetics, Pilates, cycling, in short, anything that will force you to get the necessary physical activity and will not give you the opportunity to sit motionless on the couch. In addition, exercise will distract you from the constant desire to chew something, and will also form an excellent healthy habit for you.

Let's lose weight together!

To be slim, you must follow two rules: DON'T STARVE and COUNT CALORIES. Counting calories is very simple: they are written on all packages. You just need to remember that 1200 calories is the minimum for the body, but at the same time you will lose weight. Meals should be fractional, that is, you need to eat in small portions, but often. You need to tell yourself: “I love myself, and I feed myself, please eat,” says Elena Malysheva. So, you have decided to lose weight according to Elena Malysheva’s program. What rules must be followed? Rule 1: Drink 1 glass of plain water 5-30 minutes before each meal. The fact is that the body does not determine the number of calories that you consumed in the first 5 minutes, and therefore does not know how many more to consume in the next 30. If you started with fatty foods, you will certainly reach the sweet fatty dessert and eat a lot . And water contains no calories, fills the stomach and accelerates the feeling of fullness. Rule 2: Eliminate all products containing fat Vegetable and butter, pates, liver sausages, sausages, smoked sausages, offal (kidneys, liver, heart), fatty meats (lamb, pork), fatty fish (salmon, halibut) , fatty varieties of cheese (more than 40% fat content). Rule 3: Try to remove from your diet all foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates 1. Confectionery products - cookies, pies, butter bread, cakes 2. Sweets - candies, chocolate, honey, jam 3. Liquid dairy products with sugar: yoghurts, sweet curds 4. Rice, buckwheat, semolina 5. Potatoes, potato chips 6. Lemonades, sweet carbonated drinks You can eat: Vegetables, fruits, green salads, low-fat cottage cheese, lean meats and poultry (lean beef, chicken breasts), low-fat fish ( mountain trout, cod), canned fish in its own juice. Nutrition of Elena Malysheva: “In the morning at 8 o’clock I pour boiling water over the oatmeal, rather than cook it. I add grated apple or wild berries to it. I can also eat yogurt or cottage cheese in the morning. next main meal is planned at 12 o'clock. For lunch, the body needs protein - meat, fish, chicken with any green vegetables. for dinner . You can season it with kefir. Dinner should be no later than 19-00. Between these meals I snack on fruit.” List of foods for weight loss: Foods that can be consumed without limitation cabbage (all types) cucumbers lettuce leafy greens tomatoes peppers zucchini eggplant beets carrots green beans radishes, radishes, turnips green peas (young) spinach, sorrel mushrooms Foods that should be consumed in moderation quantity lean meat, poultry (preferably for lunch) lean fish (2-3 times a week) milk and fermented milk products (low-fat, 1-1.5%) cheeses less than 30% fat (3 times a week in the 1st half of the day ) cottage cheese less than 5% fat potatoes (optimally baked - 1-2 times a week) mature legumes (peas, beans, lentils) cereals (1 serving per day) pasta (no more than 2 times a week in the 1st half of the day , with a vegetable side dish) bread and baked goods (from wholemeal flour, with bran) fruits (no more than 2 servings per day) eggs (3-4 eggs per week) honey (3 teaspoons per day until 17:00) walnuts , hazelnuts Products that need to be excluded or limited as much as possible butter vegetable oil (no more than 1 tablespoon per day!) lard sour cream, cream cheeses more than 30% fat content cottage cheese more than 5% fat content mayonnaise, margarine fatty meat, smoked meats offal poultry skin canned meat, fish and vegetables in oil cashew nuts, peanuts, seeds sugar jam, jams candy, chocolate pastries, cakes and other confectionery cookies, pastry products ice cream sweet carbonated drinks alcoholic drinks Nothing new for me, but maybe for someone will come in handy)))

Reviews with Before and After photos

Manyasha, 23 years old: Hello everyone, I liked Malysheva’s diet. I initially had 8 extra kilos that I was going to get rid of by the summer season. I carefully read the sites, including the official one, and weighed all the pros and cons. I decided to try it, especially since at that time there were no problems with money. And although many people criticize this diet for its high cost, I will say that it worked for me. Since I spent almost all my time studying and working, I had neither the time nor the energy to cook. That's why! Prepared food has simply become my savior. At first it seemed that I couldn’t get enough of this amount of food, but after 4 days my body apparently began to get used to the reduction in food volumes, and after two weeks I felt completely full throughout the day. The dishes are generally tasty, sometimes it was not possible to heat the food in the microwave, so I saved myself with ordinary vegetables or yogurt. The main inconvenience for me was that the food took up a lot of space in the freezer. I lost 5.5 kg in the required 28 days. Then order a maintenance course of nutrition after losing weight. I was pleased with the result.

Vera, 44: When I found out the real price of Malysheva’s diet, my eyes widened. With my salary, I wouldn’t have enough for anything if I bought such expensive boxes of food. But I liked the idea of ​​losing weight. I studied the rules, recipes, made a list of allowed dishes and started. Yes, I had to cook, constantly keep in mind what to buy in the store and what to buy in addition for the following days. Overall I liked the dishes. During the period of losing weight, and by the way it was successfully delayed for me (since I liked the nutrition system so much that I decided to continue), I excluded fatty foods, left only nuts, as recommended in the diet, and a little butter and vegetable oil for dressing dishes and salads . The result is good, already in the first 2 weeks 4 kg were lost, specifically from problem areas. I recommend this power system to everyone, it really works, but not for that kind of money!

Sveta, 29 years old: The diet is good, but expensive. My friend and I bought this diet and divided the packets equally. We were embarrassed by the need to constantly eat semi-finished products, from bags, heating them in the microwave. Moreover, it was autumn, we wanted fruits and vegetables in abundance, but for the purpose of the experiment we ate only bags for two weeks. Fasting days were generally difficult for both me and her, so in addition to buckwheat, we also ate vegetables and fruits. In general, in 2 weeks I lost 2.4 kg, and my friend lost 1.6 kg. We decided to create our own diet based on those same dishes. By the way, personally prepared, fresh from the heat, much tastier than after the microwave. The porridge with fresh berries seemed tastier than after steaming from bags. Of course, everyone should decide for themselves whether they are ready to shell out that kind of money for ordinary products that are accessible to everyone. The only significant advantage of ready-made boxes is that you don’t need to prepare all this variety yourself.

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