How to pump up calves for a man

More and more often you can see girls rushing to the gym in the hope of not only getting their body in order, but also to correct certain parts of the body. Large calves are a common problem among women.

The calf muscles are the most powerful group of muscles that are constantly at work in our daily activities. Every time we walk or run, these guys are working to keep us upright and balanced. In this article we will figure out why our calves are imperfect, and also look at simple and at the same time very effective exercises that will help you get toned and slender legs. Let's get started!

Causes and solutions for full calves

The calf muscle can be of two types:

1. Thick calves. Full calves in girls are the result of several reasons:

- hereditary factor. If it just so happens that everyone in your family line is the owner of strong, fleshy calves, then you are most likely no exception! It is very difficult to bring such calves into the desired state; it requires a lot of time and effort. But if you set out to eliminate the problem, then the first and main solution is a set of exercises designed for the problem area.

- fat deposition. The peculiarity of fat accumulation in a certain part of the body depends not only on genetic predisposition. If the fat content in your body exceeds 25% - 30%, then this is another reason for the fullness of the calves; fat begins to be deposited there too. According to recent scientific research, psychological factors and the presence of diseases also affect the distribution of fat.

Those with thick calves should be patient and step by step perform all the fitness exercises that stimulate blood circulation in this area. This helps displace the hated fat.

2. Pumped calves. Girls with pumped-up calf muscles are professional athletes who daily load their calf muscles with strength training and short-distance running.

To solve the problem in this case, you should try to avoid any stress on the calf muscle. Give preference to cross-country instead of sprint. Any elevation during training, long walking, step aerobics, intense cardio training are the enemies of your goal.

Diagnosis of coronavirus COVID-19

The diagnosis of coronavirus disease is established on the basis of epidemiological history and the results of laboratory and instrumental examinations. The set of diagnostic measures includes:

  • PCR testing
  • pulse oximetry (determining the degree of oxygen saturation of the blood)
  • CT lungs
  • plain chest x-ray (if computed tomography is not possible)
  • ECG

Patients whose Covid-19 symptoms are accompanied by signs of acute respiratory failure are additionally prescribed a coagulogram and arterial blood gas analysis.

What to do if signs characteristic of coronavirus infection are detected?

If a person experiences the first symptoms of coronavirus, he needs urgent consultation (preferably calling a doctor at home). It should be understood that the patient’s condition can deteriorate very quickly, and only prompt diagnosis and timely treatment will help alleviate the severity of the disease.

Pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment in each specific case is prescribed individually, taking into account age, condition, the presence of concomitant pathologies and other possible risks. Patients requiring intensive care necessarily require hospitalization.

What tests are needed for diagnosis?

How can you understand on your own that you are sick with coronavirus? Many signs of this disease are quite typical for ordinary ARVI. However, if negative symptoms last more than 3 days and there is no relief, or there was contact with an infected person, then the most reasonable solution is immediate testing. You can do a quick test or be examined for COVID-19 using the PCR method, which reliably detects the pathogen from the first day of infection.

When is the best time to do a CT scan?

A CT scan of the lungs is not a mandatory test for everyone. It is recommended for patients with a laboratory-confirmed “Covid” diagnosis, only in case of suspected development of atypical pneumonia. It is thanks to CT that signs of “ground glass” type destruction of lung tissue are revealed, indicating a rapidly progressing infectious and inflammatory process.

Stretching is the first solution to the problem

Stretching is the first answer to the question: “How to remove calves?” Remember what people who do gymnastics or yoga look like. Slender figures with chiseled legs - all this thanks to daily muscle stretching exercises.

Before you begin stretching exercises, your muscles need to be warmed up, otherwise you could get seriously injured . If you are working out at home, then to warm up you can do a light run in place or jump rope for a few minutes. If you train in the gym, then stretching is also performed after warming up the muscles, and after training it is advisable to also do a short cool-down or self-massage to relieve muscle tension.

Bends to the shin

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly lower your body. Grasp the tips of your toes with both hands and bring your head as far as you can toward your shin. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Perform 5 approaches. This exercise targets the back of the thigh and calves.

Pressing the body to the leg

Get on your knees, stretch your left leg forward, pull your foot towards you. Press your body against your extended leg as far as your muscle stretch allows. Extend your arms parallel. Hold the position for up to 15 seconds. Do the same exercise with your right leg. Perform up to 5 approaches. The hamstrings and outer calves are worked.

Training calf muscles in the gym: how to pump up your calves

To quickly pump up the calf muscles, you need to make a lot of effort, since they are initially accustomed to a heavy load - after all, they actively work in our daily life, at least while we are walking. Accordingly, you need to select the most effective exercises to pump up these muscles, and a variety of exercise equipment in the gym that can provide the required load will help with this.

Seated calf raises on the machine

Each time before starting this exercise, it is necessary to stretch the calf muscles.

  1. Starting position: sit on the exercise machine, place your toes on the steps, and lower your heels. We place the levers on our knees and fix them.
  2. We rise on our toes to the maximum possible height and each time we remain in this position for a couple of seconds to give the muscles the necessary load.
  3. We return to the starting position.
  4. We continue to perform the exercise until the approach is completed.

You need to do 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Video: Technique for calf raises while sitting in a machine

Standing calf raises in the machine

For this exercise, the simulator has special body clamps to reduce the load on the stabilizer muscles to ensure maximum isolated work of the calf muscles.

  1. Starting position - standing in the simulator, place your socks on the platform, support your shoulders with special bolsters.
  2. Lower your heels below the platform, and then try to rise as high as possible to straighten your ankle joint - this makes it possible to stretch your calves more and increase the load on the muscles.
  3. Continue performing calf raises on the machine until you complete the set.

You need to perform a minimum of 15 repetitions for each of 3-4 sets.

Video: Standing calf raise option in a hack machine

The toe press is an exercise to pump up calves for both girls and men

The toe press is performed on a leg press machine, which effectively allows you to pump all the muscles of the lower extremities.

  1. Starting position - lie down on the simulator, straighten your legs, squeezing the platform. The feet are only halfway on the platform - the heels should not touch it.
  2. We remove the platform from the stops, while exhaling, stretch out the socks, continuing to squeeze it.
  3. While inhaling, we return to the starting position.
  4. We continue to perform the toe press until the set is completed.

On average, you need to perform at least 20 repetitions for each of 3-4 approaches.

A set of exercises at home

Not only aerobic exercise and stretching, but also various exercises for the problem muscle group will help make your calves thin.

There are many exercises for losing weight from the calves, let's look at the most common ones that can be performed both at home and on the street.

Jumping rope

Jumping rope is the easiest type of exercise to perform that involves the calf muscles. When jumping, keep your back straight, use only your hands, and land on your toes. Jump rope starting at 5 minutes, progressing to a 30-minute workout.

Jump rope, landing on your toes, not your entire foot! This way, you soften the impact force upon contact with the floor. Jumping rope has contraindications, consult your doctor before starting exercise.

Alternating rise on toes

Place your feet wider than your shoulders, bend your knees, and point your toes out. Rise onto your toes alternately, first with your right foot, then with your left. Repeat up to 20 approaches. Internal calf muscles are involved.


Stand straight, bend your left leg at the knee, use your hands to help maintain balance. Rise up onto the toe of your right foot and lower onto your foot. Repeat until your muscles are tired at a fast pace. Repeat up to 20 approaches. Do the same exercise with your left leg. The lower leg muscle group works.

Calf raise #1

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist, feet apart. Rise onto your toes and lower onto your feet at maximum speed until your muscles fatigue. Perform up to 20 repetitions. This exercise works the inner side of the shin.

Calf raise #2

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, but turn your feet inward. Rise onto your toes and lower onto your feet at a fast pace until your muscles fail. Perform up to 20 repetitions. This exercise works the outer calves.

In addition to the above exercises, step aerobics is a good element for losing weight not only in the lower leg, but also in the entire body.

The video shows the basic elements of step, which can easily be performed at home:

Exercises for the gym

Leg press

This exercise uses a leg press machine. Place your feet in the machine so that only your toes are on the platform. To avoid injuring your knees, keep them slightly bent. The body and legs form a right angle.

We press the platform with our toes, the heels rise slightly. Use the platform only, no weight. Perform the exercise at high speed until the muscles fail, this will burn fat and dry out existing muscles.

The feet can be placed straight, turned inward or away from you, this changes the area of ​​​​load on the calf muscles.

Calf raises with dumbbells

Take dumbbells of minimal weight, stand on any step 5-7 cm high with your toes, heels on the floor. Rise onto your toes and lower onto your heels at maximum speed, as in the previous exercise.

Below is a video with a more complete set of calf exercises suitable for the gym:

Each person has his own genetics and his own level of physical fitness, so everyone needs an individual approach to finding a set of exercises for losing weight in calves. Don't expect results in a very short time, especially in a week!

The average indicators are such that by doing stretching and the presented exercises 2-3 times a week, you can achieve the first successes after 3-4 months!

Effective exercises for the calf and soleus muscles

Classes for girls

A set of simple exercises for girls will quickly pump up your calf muscles:

  • raises on toes . Maintaining correct posture, stand as straight as possible. After this, rise on your toes to the maximum height and slowly lower (your heels should not touch the floor surface), then quickly rise up again. To increase the total load on the target area, you can pick up a variety of weights (from 1 kg each). Do 3 sets of this exercise of 40 lifts;
  • climbs to “steps” . For this exercise, you will need a fairly thick book or a special platform that will act as a step. Place your socks on it, with the heel area at the bottom. Rise up on your toes, then lower your body, touching the floor with your heels. Frequency of execution: 3-4 sets of 30 repetitions;
  • walking on toes . This simple exercise will be a real discovery for girls who save time. To train your muscles, simply walk on your toes for about 15 minutes at least every other day;

Important! Do not take breaks or touch your heels to the floor during this exercise - your calves should be in constant tension.

  • weight lifting This exercise perfectly trains the soleus muscle, thanks to which any girl can increase the volume of her lower leg. Sit on a chair or hard chair and take a weight on your knees (recommended weight is 5-10 kg). You can use a dumbbell or a water bottle for this. Next, begin to smoothly lift your heels from the floor surface, standing on your toes, and also slowly lower them to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 15 reps.

Already at the end of the first approach, you should feel tension in your calves - this means that the additional weight was chosen correctly.

Exercises for men

  1. “Donkey” (can be performed with a partner). Stand with your body tilted forward and your hands on the bench. The back should remain straight, fix it motionless. Next, your partner can sit on the lumbar region (not on the waist area). With your knees slightly bent, rise onto your toes and slowly lower down. Do 3 sets of 10 reps. At first, this exercise should be performed independently and only then “adding” the weight of a partner. Perform all movements slowly and consciously so as not to injure your lower back.
  2. Calf raises (on one leg). Raising on your toes on one leg with weights (kettlebell or dumbbell in hand). Stand straight with your right knee bent and extra weight in your left hand. Next, start doing calf raises on your left leg. Do 15 times and repeat the exercise for the right leg (the weight should be on the side of which leg you are training). There should be a total of 3 approaches for each leg. During this exercise, the opposite hand can hold onto a support for balance and protection.
  3. Gun . Quite a complex exercise for complex work of the lower leg. Stand up straight and move your left leg forward. Next, start squatting on your right leg. To maintain balance, you can hold onto a support with your hands. Start getting acquainted with this exercise with 5 squats on each leg, then gradually increase the total number.

How to exercise correctly to increase the volume of the calf muscles:

  1. Before training your lower legs, always use warm-up exercises for your ankles, fingers and muscle preparation (cardio exercises and joint exercises are considered the best options).
  2. Your range of motion should be as wide as possible in any exercise.
  3. Be sure to vary the load and alternate between different types of exercises to prevent addiction and a decrease in the intensity of your training.
  4. If you train your calves on days where you work other muscle groups, then pay attention to the calf muscles at the very beginning of your workouts - this will allow you to work them out as efficiently as possible.
  5. In lifting exercises, try to transfer your own weight to your thumbs - the load will be more intense in this case.
  6. To complicate your usual exercises, stay at the top for five counts.
  7. After finishing your calf workout, don't forget to stretch your calf muscles. The easiest way is to take a big step back and plant your heel, leaning your body forward. In this position, stretch the muscles of each leg for 10-20 seconds.

Exercises for losing weight over pumped calves

Any girl wants to have a toned, beautiful figure, and very often it turns out that along with “pumping up” the necessary area, other, unwanted parts of the body also gain growth. For girls with large muscle volume in the calf muscle, intense strength training aimed primarily at the legs should be avoided.

Any elevation in the training complex, step aerobics and even wearing shoes with heels can lead to even greater enlargement of the lower leg. Avoid protein foods as much as possible, since protein is the main building element of muscle.

In addition to the stretching exercises above, there are several exercises that can help reduce over-stressed calf muscles.


The most effective way is jogging on a flat surface over long distances. With this type of running, the so-called slow muscle fibers, which have a low contraction frequency, work. They have weak growth under prolonged loads.

When running, lower your leg onto your entire foot, do not run on your toes! So, you can damage the ligaments and tendons of the foot.

Elliptical trainer

This is an effective cardio machine that simulates running. Program the machine for minimum resistance and maximum execution time. Exercises on the elliptical for 30 minutes at least 4 times a week will bring the desired result.


This is a great workout for all muscle groups. Regular swimming will not only keep you in shape, but will also improve blood circulation in all parts of the body and help you lose weight in the right areas.

Exercise bike

An important element in your training is exercise on exercise bikes and cycling. Choose to ride on a flat surface, without weights. A light bike ride will not only lift your mood and improve your well-being, but will also help you acquire slender legs.

General Tips

The most important rule in the problem of getting rid of large calves is compliance with all stages of the program:

  • Start your workout by warming up your muscles;
  • Move on to stretching and then a small set of exercises;
  • Finish your workout with self-massage of the calf muscle.

In addition to a set of exercises and exceptions during professional training, an important rule for reducing the size of the calf muscles is a balanced diet , add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, and give up fatty and starchy foods. Diet combined with exercise is a surefire way to make your calves thinner.

Whatever calves you have - thick or thin, remember that every girl is unique in her own way and that part of the body that you consider problematic may actually be your advantage!

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