Weight loss conspiracies on the waning moon before bed, reviews and consequences

“I wish I could lose weight, at least by summer...” is the dream of perhaps half of the women on the globe. And what methods are not used to achieve the long-awaited result. Moon water for weight loss is one of the most unexpected ways to get your figure in order.

The moon will help any woman who wishes this to become slim.

After all, since the most ancient times, the moon%

  • firstly, it is a female symbol. Since it is lunar energy that reveals the best qualities in a woman.
  • and secondly, the moon, as an astronomical object, has the property of waning. It is with this quality that a parallel is drawn in this method of losing weight.

What are weight loss conspiracies?

Any phrase spoken out loud can act in a certain way. Weight loss conspiracies are one of the types of positive auto-training. These are words in a special sequence, uttering which a person reprograms his psyche, which helps him solve the problem faster. Conspiracies are often made with personal items - combs, crosses, etc. You can even read certain words in the toilet. The subject of conspiracies are also foods, for example, meat or apples. After reading, all that remains is to bite off a piece and give the rest, for example, to a dog.

A weight loss spell helps you gain confidence in the result, and can also have the following effect:

  • reduce appetite;
  • normalize digestion and metabolism;
  • eliminate excess weight, keep it under control;
  • improve appearance;
  • enhance attractiveness;
  • take away negative energy;
  • change your attitude towards yourself;
  • convince of your own beauty, slimness and health.

General rules

The new moon diet for 4 days is one of the fastest modern methods of losing weight, which is based on ancient teachings about the influence of the phases of the moon on the human body.

Features of the influence of the moon on humans

It has long been known that the heavenly bodies have a special effect on human health and condition. The most studied features of the reaction to the phases of the lunar cycle and lunar gravity:

  • during the new moon, metabolism accelerates, many feel a huge surge of strength, so any diet is easier to tolerate;
  • there may be an increase in aggressiveness and hot temper, so giving up sports and avoiding irritants will protect you from unfavorable situations, the best solution is to focus on relaxation (visiting a sauna, spa center) and self-improvement;
  • During periods of lunar gravity, appetite .

Based on this knowledge, a new moon diet was developed, which gives an excellent weight loss - minus 1 kg per day, which is considered the best result among the known express methods, plus - the weight is maintained for at least 1-2 months, depending on the lifestyle of the person who has lost weight.

It is recommended to start following the rules of the diet from the first day of the new lunar cycle; you can repeat it after 1 month. and thereby continue to get rid of extra pounds and achieve your goal.

Rules for carrying out weight loss conspiracies

There are many options for conspiracies that help with weight loss. They differ in the set of words and some features of their implementation. This is an indication of a specific time of the lunar calendar or day. Special conditions of pronunciation may also be recommended. The general rules for carrying out weight loss conspiracies can be presented as the following list:

  1. Moon calendar. It is better to perform a weight loss ritual during the full moon or when the moon begins to wane. This will require less energy.
  2. Times of Day. You should not say a conspiracy against obesity during the day. More favorable times are early in the morning or late evening after sunset.
  3. Day of the week. Monday and Friday are considered favorable for reading conspiracies.
  4. Pronunciation technique. You need to read the text calmly, without stopping. It's better to learn the whole phrase by heart.
  5. The mystery of the ritual. It is important that the weight loss ritual is carried out alone. It is wrong to talk about an individual ritual even to loved ones. Anyone can laugh at a conspiracy, and this often ruins the mood.
  6. The power of ritual. There is meaning only if you believe in the spoken words. You should only think about what you want, i.e. about losing weight.

Lunar diet calendar 2021

According to the lunar calendar, there are days when you should not go on a diet and days that are favorable for this. To make it easier to navigate, astrologers compile a lunar weight loss calendar every year. In 2021 it looks like this:

Name of the month Favorable days Unfavorable days
January 1-11, 29-31 13-28
February 1-10, 27, 28 12-26
March 1-11, 29-31 13-28
April 1-10, 27-30 12-26
May 1-10, 26-31 12-25
June 1- 8, 25-30 10-24
July 1-8, 24-31 10-23
August 1-6, 22-31 8-23
September 1-5, 23-30 7-20
October 1- 4, 20-31 6-19
November 1-3, 19-30 5-18
December 1, 2, 19-31 4-18

Powerful spell for weight loss

The ritual associated with voodoo magic is considered the most effective. This ancient cult paid a lot of attention to the health and beauty of the human body. For this reason it is considered effective. A strong weight loss conspiracy is carried out like this:

  1. Take a hard piece of dough, clay or wax. Make a small figurine of a full person from the material - a doll. Add a drop of tears, sweat or your hair to it.
  2. Next, start reading the plot to lose weight - “I pinch the sides - I kill fat, I burn lard - I drive out gluttony. Small food is good for the stomach.”
  3. While reading, alternately with your right and left hands, pinch off pieces from the hips, waist or other areas that you think are problematic.
  4. When the dream figure is modeled, collect the remains, wrap them in cloth and burn them.
  5. Hide the doll in a safe place where no one can find it.

Waning moon spell

The mysterious power of the moon can also help you lose weight. It is important to wait until it starts to subside. At this time, you can perform a ritual. The waning moon spell is as follows:

  1. Fill a glass with water, go out onto the balcony, street, or just stand by an open window.
  2. Place your hands with the container next to the solar plexus, try to feel the effect of the moon. If it is closed, then look at the glass itself.
  3. Next, without taking your eyes off, say the following words: “The waning moon means weight loss for me, the moon means beautiful horns, and a slender body for me.” In a word, mine. The moon is your business.” Repeat 9 more times, then go back to the room.
  4. This must be done 9 evenings in a row.

The most effective diet for weight loss according to the Moon

First phase of the Moon (2-7 lunar days)

This period is the most dangerous in weight gain. The moon is growing, and we are actively drawn to high-calorie foods

. As the Moon grows, so do the extra pounds. Therefore, this week it is very important not to eat anything harmful at all.

If possible, avoid fast food and foods with sugar, especially cakes, cookies, and sweets.

Let this week be dedicated to healthier meals, always balanced and rich in fiber. Also during this period, it is advised to play sports more actively, or simply move more
. This will allow you to expend energy faster and lose excess weight. During this time, the weight will come off slowly, but don't let that scare you. The main thing is that he leaves.

During this phase of the Moon you will be especially hungry, so it is better not to prescribe diets at this time

– there is a very high risk of failure in the future, and the result will not be what you expect.
Just try to eat less high-calorie foods. For example, if you previously drank tea with 3 tablespoons of sugar
, put it at 2. Subsequently, you can reduce the amount of sugar to a minimum, and later you will replace it with
sweet fruits and honey

Change of phase by the moon (8 lunar day)

The second crisis moment of the lunar month. On this day, the Moon usually changes phase from 1st to 2nd and becomes in a negative aspect to the Sun. This is a day of fasting. Try, just as on the day of the new moon, to exclude meat, eggs, fish and dairy.

. This is a fasting day.

Second phase (9-14 lunar days)

The second phase of the lunar month also lasts a week. Here, as in phase 1, it is important not to overeat, choose mostly the right dishes, and prepare them in such a way as not to increase the calorie content of healthy foods.

Full moon (15th lunar day)

The full moon day can sometimes fall on the 16th lunar day; you need to check the moment of the full moon on the calendar. On this day, it is best to fast: drink water,

fruits and vegetables
. If the moment of the full moon falls at night or early in the morning, then the fast should be kept on the day preceding the moment of the full moon.

Third phase (16-21 lunar days)

After the moment of the full moon, the moon begins to wane, and this allows you to get rid of excess weight much faster

. If your goal is to lose weight quickly, increase your exercise and eat less in the next two weeks.

During the third phase, you have more strength than at other times of the month; you were able to accumulate a lot of energy in the first two weeks. Therefore, right now it is important to spend it correctly.

If you agree to lose weight gradually, you can allow yourself something harmful and high in calories

. But again: consume all high-calorie foods in the first half of the day, sweets for breakfast, pizza for lunch. Also remember about a sense of proportion. If you allow yourself these foods daily and without measure, new weight gain is inevitable.

Change of lunar phase (22nd lunar day)

Fourth day of fasting: fruits and vegetables

(best raw
), fresh juices, water.
Fourth phase of the Moon (23-30 lunar days)

In the last phase of the lunar month, it is also easy to lose weight, especially if you take real action

for this. And although you have a little less strength now, continue to eat so as not to overeat. It is better to leave the table without being completely full, especially in the evenings.

The final day of the lunar month is the 29th lunar day

— it is best to also adhere to fasting, or eat only light foods, exclude flour and sweets, and meat. It is best not to mix proteins with carbohydrates.

Sometimes a lunar month consists of 30 days

, but the 30th lunar day is not considered unfavorable, although it is also included in the group of
Hecate days
, when the Moon cannot be seen in the sky.

Weight loss spell on the waxing moon

Another powerful ritual is performed, on the contrary, during the waxing moon. All you need to do is patiently follow all the rules. The plot must be read daily for 13 days. It is advisable to retire to a room for this, preferably around midnight. There should be dim light in the room, for example, from a sconce or floor lamp. While reading, it is important to interrupt the entire mental process, thinking only about the words being spoken.

The conspiracy to lose weight during the waxing moon is a whispering of the following text: “As fire melts wax, so the moon will enter my flesh. It will remove fat and melt the sides. The extra weight will come off like a crazy demon. There will be no joy from sweetness. Appetite will decrease, but satiety will remain. In 13 days I will be slimmer. I conjure you, the moon: grow, decrease, do not forget me! Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Menu (Meal Schedule)

Example of a food menu for the first 4 days of the new moon

  • two boiled chicken eggs;
  • black coffee or tea without sugar.
  • 200 g of boiled lean meat, such as chicken or beef;
  • a glass of low-fat (0%) kefir.
  • green apple.
  • a glass of dry red;
  • A few hours before bedtime, if you have an acute feeling of hunger, you can drink a glass of low-fat (0%) kefir.

Full moon spell for weight loss

The mysterious power of the moon is especially evident during the full moon. It is better to perform the ritual on Monday or Friday. Before the procedure, carefully read the text, or better yet, memorize it, so as not to stumble during the ritual and pronounce the phrase with confidence. This must be done again in front of an open window. The spell itself on a full moon for weight loss: “As you, Mother Moon, decrease from this moment, so my weight begins to melt, my fullness goes away. You, Moon, are declining and melting my fat. The round Moon will turn into a thin moon, and my fullness will completely disappear. Amen".

New moon diet for 4 days - how to follow?

You should start the diet on the 1st day of the new moon. The duration of the course will be only 4 days, but during this period you will be able to achieve truly impressive results in losing weight, since the body will work in a completely different way, not like on ordinary days.

And if you follow such a diet every new moon, you will say goodbye to the problem of excess weight forever!

So, the new moon diet: menu for all days

  • 8.00 – a cup of green tea with the addition of a teaspoon of natural honey;
  • 10.00 - 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 12.00 - a cup of green tea with the addition of a teaspoon of natural honey;
  • 14.00 - 200 grams of lean boiled meat;
  • 16.00 - a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • 18.00 - green apple;
  • 20.00 - a glass of dry wine;
  • 22.00 - a glass of low-fat kefir.

Also, during a diet, it is very important to monitor the amount of fluid consumed. During the day you should drink your individual water intake. It is very simple to calculate: per 1 kilogram of your weight - 30 grams of water. The New Moon Diet has good reviews and results.

What kind of nutrition do you need on a new moon to lose weight? The authors of the new moon diet note that if between new moons you do not control your diet in any way and allow yourself any food, then there will be no point in such diets, since all the weight lost will be successfully returned back each time. To prevent this, it is recommended to adhere to any of the following dietary principles between new moons:

  • do not eat after 6 pm;
  • eat by counting calories (to do this, you must first calculate your individual calorie intake using a special formula);
  • once a week, arrange a fasting day for yourself;
  • follow a diet based on the principles of a healthy and balanced diet.

Weight loss spell before bed

Another unusual option is a plot to lose weight before bed. Conducted with a glass of water and the following words - “Warm water, take my fat with you. Wash away the excess from me, leave the thinness. Make your sleep sound and your body slim. Me healthy and beautiful. Pour some water, but the weight goes away and doesn’t come back. Let it be so". All that remains is to wash your face with water and immediately go to bed.

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Conspiracy to reduce appetite

If the cause of excess weight is excessive food consumption, then this is what you should do. Prepare a lot of food so that it is impossible to eat. Eat, and wrap the rest in red cloth and take it to the bend of the river (stream).

Say these words:

“Water brings water, water brings trouble. Just like water is water, so is trouble for me.”

Throw a bundle of food into the river and say:

“Just as water always flows and floats, so the unclean cannot live in my body. Don’t stuff your stomach with food, don’t suffer from hunger, don’t force you to eat. The water will take the food, drown it, and give me (her name) peace, satiety and health. So be it!"

Leave without looking back. Gluttony will disappear along with hunger.

Water spell for weight loss

To perform the following ritual, you will need an ode from a pure source, illuminated in the church. You also need to buy 12 candles there. A spell for water for weight loss is performed on the waning moon like this:

  1. In the evening, take a glass of illuminated water and place it in front of you along with a lit candle.
  2. Mentally try to imagine achieving the desired form. The result will depend on this.
  3. Then calmly and measuredly read the following text: “The water is wild, it flows here and there, don’t run, help me. Take my weight and run away with it, water, water, it’s not my problem, take away the trouble, I won’t find grief.”
  4. When finished, put out the candle and drink the water in one gulp. Repeat the procedure for 12 days without skipping.

Lunar diet menu

The lunar diet should be built based on the goals and characteristics of the body. If you want to lose a lot of weight, go on a strict diet:

1 day – vegetable Day 2 – pineapple Day 3 – mushroom Day 4 – drinking Day 5 – pineapple Day 6 – mushroom
Only vegetables (raw or steamed) are allowed; a light salad can be prepared; potatoes are prohibited. Pineapples in any quantity, exclude canned ones Boiled mushrooms You can drink juices from vegetables, fruits in any quantity, green tea, water. Similar to the second day Boiled mushrooms

By following this diet, you can lose 4-6 kg. It is forbidden to follow such a menu for people with diabetes and disorders of the digestive system. If you are one of them, use other weight loss techniques designed for the waxing, waning, full and new moon periods. The last two are the most effective and promise weight loss of 3 kg per day.

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On the waning moon

During the waning moon phase, the process of cleansing the body of toxins and harmful substances occurs; it is recommended to eat more cereals and drink more water. By following these tips, you can lose 4-5 kg. The menu can be composed as follows:

  • breakfast: oatmeal with green tea;
  • lunch: vegetables (fresh), rice (boiled);
  • dinner: salad with vegetable oil;
  • Use fruit for a snack.

To the waxing moon

This phase is accompanied by a surge of strength and an increase in appetite, so it is necessary to exercise and introduce more protein foods into the diet. The menu for the week could be like this:

  • for breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, cottage cheese (200 g), salad (vegetable);
  • for lunch: vegetable broth soup without potatoes, a piece of boiled chicken fillet;
  • you can snack on cheese, cottage cheese;
  • for dinner: boiled fish (100 g), fresh vegetable salad;
  • 2 hours before going to bed you can drink no more than 250 ml of kefir.

Diet during the full moon and new moon

During the full moon, food is difficult for the body to digest, so try to arrange a fasting day with water and juices. They should begin at 7 pm before the full moon and end at the same time the next day. It is allowed to consume carrot, beetroot, cucumber, peach, apricot, pomegranate, pear juices and large amounts of mineral water.

During the new moon, it is better not to cut down your menu too much, but to add more proteins and liquids. You can arrange emergency weight loss in 36 hours. To do this, eat as usual for 1 day, and at 18:00 have dinner with 200 ml of fish or meat broth. During the second day, drink only broths: 200 ml of fish or meat for breakfast, 150 ml for lunch, dinner, afternoon snack and 150 ml of vegetable broth for dinner.

On the morning of the third day (at 6.00) drink 200 ml of vegetable broth (without potatoes), then eat as usual. In the intervals between main meals, drink still mineral water and green tea without sugar. The result of such a nutritional system will be getting rid of at least 2 kilograms of excess weight and cleansing the body of harmful substances.

Appetite spell

This ritual will help you cope with your appetite. For the ritual you will need a belt or other object, for example, a cross. A conspiracy against appetite is carried out at midnight during the waning moon. It is necessary to read the following above the talisman: “I conjure the Queen of Heaven to accept the gift from me. I give away (so many) kilograms. Let whoever needs it take it. But another reward awaits me. The body is slender, like a birch tree. The figure is graceful, like a doe, the beauty is flaxen, not earthly. Amen". This item should be with you every day.

Reviews of the lunar diet and its results

It is believed that full compliance with all the rules of the lunar diet allows you to get rid of 6-7 kg of excess weight in 1 month. It is impossible to guarantee such results, but it is clear that the diet really works.

Of the 29 days of the lunar cycle, 3 days are completely “hungry”, 3 days you can strictly eat only vegetables and cottage cheese, 5 days you need to eat exclusively vegetables. And for 18 days you can eat your usual foods. Of these 18 days, only 9 days require caloric restriction.

Thus, for a whole month you can eat only 9 days without any restrictions (with the exception of flour and sweets). Not everyone can withstand such a strict nutrition schedule. The reviews are of a very different nature: for some it is easy to adapt to this diet, and for others it is quite difficult, but everyone is unanimous in one thing - the diet works.

There are often reviews of exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcers of both the stomach and duodenum during the period of “hungry” days. Less often, girls complain of stool problems, increased gas formation , and pain in the epigastric region.

Weight loss conspiracy on a candle

Candles were almost always used in any magical rituals. With their help, prayers are also performed. To carry out a conspiracy to lose weight using a candle, you will need to prepare another mirror and a needle. Next, you need to wait until midnight and do the following:

  1. Place a mirror and three candles in front of you. On each one, first scratch the amount of extra kilos with a needle.
  2. Next, light the first candle and read the following words: “I light my candle - I get rid of fat. There is no place for him anymore in my life. Goodbye, evaporate, get out of my destiny. Let it be so".
  3. Repeat the same with the two remaining candles.

A powerful weight loss plot from Vanga

According to the advice of the seer Vanga, women can even make conspiracies on their own. It's more like weight loss whispers. They are used in almost any situation. Vanga’s strong weight loss conspiracy goes like this: “In the ocean-sea, hunger sleeps due to constipation. Three whales are not letting him out. The Lord’s servant (name) will not suffer from hunger. The terrible trouble will calm down, dissolve in the morning fog. Go to the ocean, leave the Lord’s servant (name) slender. The eyes are asleep, they don’t stare at the food. The nights will melt by morning, and hunger will leave the body behind, do not harm it, do not break it. It was said in the night, be silent from hunger! Amen!".

Consequences of conspiracies for weight loss

If you are just a beginner in the field of using spells, then do not rush to abuse them. It is important to look at the first reaction, and then decide whether to continue practicing this method of losing weight. If suddenly the process went too quickly, then do not panic, because this could cause even more harm. Just stop doing the thinning ritual and soon everything will return to normal.

The main thing in any situation is to control your emotions. Then the unpredictable consequences of weight loss conspiracies will not affect you. Otherwise, it is important to believe in what you say and start working on yourself. Without changing your diet and lifestyle, you will not achieve the effect. Only through your own efforts will you be able to see a positive result - confidence and long-awaited slimness.

Quitting the diet

If you decide to achieve your ideal weight thanks to the new moon diet, then during the “rest” from it before the next new moon you need to:

  • refuse food after 18:00;
  • spend a fasting day every week, for example, on apples , kefir or any other product;
  • give preference to healthy foods, refusing preservatives, fatty, fried, synthetic sweets, flour, fast food, etc.;
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