How to force yourself to lose weight at home if you have no willpower?

And if you are a woman with a waist size of over 80 cm, this is already a serious problem. For men, the waist volume should not exceed 90 cm. But this is not the canon to which we should strive! This is the line that is dangerous to cross! Behind it comes obesity, and behind it come problems with the heart and more, since visceral fat (in the waist area) greatly complicates the normal healthy functioning of all internal organs.

So how do you find the willpower to lose weight? It's not difficult: you just need to answer some questions. Would you like:

  • be healthy;
  • receive attention from the opposite sex;
  • have a prestigious job (Healthy, fit people are more often promoted up the career ladder.);
  • have healthy children (An unhealthy body is not capable of producing healthy offspring.)?
  • Think for yourself.

Without understanding an adequate algorithm of actions, no amount of willpower will help you, simply because you will not see the result. And so we smoothly approached N. Chernyshevsky’s question “What to do?”

  • First we need to understand what fat is and how it makes our body fat.
  • You need to know which foods contribute to the accumulation of excess weight.
  • It is important to navigate the types of physical activity in order to understand which one will promote fat burning.
  • It will be useful to implement cleansing techniques into your life.
  • It is important to start loving yourself now, and it is out of self-love that you make efforts to become even better...

Having answered the above questions and mastered a clear algorithm of actions-skills, your willpower will begin to grow stronger for one simple reason: you will be able to see a way out of the current situation and the path to it.

What is fat?

The place of fat storage in our body is fat cells - lipocytes. There it is stored in the form of a chemical substance called triglyceride. In order for our body to spend it, the fat cell must break down this triglyceride into fatty acids and glycerin, which subsequently leave the fat cell into the blood and are transported to places of use.

The signal to start this process are hormones: adrenaline (when the body is preparing for an emergency load), glucagon (in response to hunger) and cortisol (in response to severe hunger, and even in combination with heavy physical or mental stress). And even if this breakdown process is started, we must understand that fat can only be burned: spent on the needs of the body (during a diet, for example) or through intense physical activity!

This is how fat is broken down, but how does it accumulate? The hormone insulin is responsible for filling the fat cell, the main task of which is carbohydrate metabolism, in particular the utilization of glucose in the body.

And here it becomes clear to us that not only the fat that we eat is responsible for the accumulation of fat, but also those carbohydrates (“fast”) that cause a sharp jump in insulin in the blood. And if we don’t get on the treadmill after eating a pie (I’m exaggerating), then the body will send this glucose straight into fat cells.

So-called fast carbohydrates:

  • products made from premium flour;
  • sausages;
  • honey;
  • store-bought sweets (drinks, soda, candy);
  • soft wheat pasta;
  • potato;
  • canned fruits enriched with sugar;
  • alcohol (in any form!!);
  • sugar and products with its addition, ice cream, preserves, jams;
  • fast food and almost all dishes in fast food restaurants.

About types of load

“How to lose weight: exercise” is a request from many who want to lose weight, and that’s great! You won't be able to lose weight without increasing physical activity. But mindlessly doing the exercises will be of little use. It is important to understand the essence of the fat burning training process.

During the day, when a person is active, he spends glucose, and at night he spends fatty acids - the deposits of our fat cells. Our body has both fuels, but as soon as we actively do something, then glucose is consumed, in the case when we are not in a hurry, we sleep, the nervous system works in a calm mode, the body will spend that - something less fast, but more energy-intensive, and these will be fatty acids.

This is a nocturnal method of energy supply. Thus, the well-known recommendation to go to bed early will allow you, at a minimum, not to have dinner a second or even third time, and at maximum, it will contribute to the consumption of fatty acids.

During the day, there is also the opportunity to burn fatty acids, but this again occurs in the resting stage. For example, during the day you are engaged in vigorous activity, and at some stage your blood glucose level drops sharply.

And you also decided to do some kind of training. As a result, first the body will empty all possible glucose storage depots, and only then, when you stop and calm down, it will spend fatty acids, perhaps even within 24 hours.

But there is such a danger here: the stronger and more intensely you train = burn calories, the less intensively the body will subsequently consume glucose deposits in its depots. The fact is that, when receiving excessive loads, the body experiences stress - and the brain sends a signal to the body about the need for the most economical expenditure of energy in order to survive.

Thus, a rollback occurs: instead of effectively burning calories and losing weight, the body will actively fill its reserve depots for future use and subsequently burn calories very sparingly. And it will look like this: you trained very hard and, when you come home, you feel very tired, lethargic and apathetic - this is what the body’s transition to energy-saving mode looks like.

Aerobic and anaerobic exercise

From here we smoothly move on to the concept of types of load. There are aerobic exercises and anaerobic exercises.

Aerobic exercise is long continuous exercise of moderate intensity (up to 50% effort). Such loads are the most wasteful of glucose. Examples of such loads include running, swimming, aerobics, fitness, and yoga, if the complex is a continuous dynamic.

Anaerobic loads are loads greater than 50% of effort in which muscles oxidize glucose without oxygen. This is an intense training, during which the muscle fiber contracts, the blood vessels contract, through which blood can no longer flow, which means that the nutrition that will ensure the muscles work will not arrive there.

As a result, the body intensively consumes the glycogen contained in this muscle, namely the muscle itself oxidizes glucose, but does it very uneconomically: only a small part of ATP is spent on the muscle performing its short but intense work, and the rest goes into lactate - into various acids, including lactic acid. The next day, these acids, which have a crystalline form with sharp edges, will injure the muscle tissue, causing pain.

Training in this mode greatly acidifies the blood, destroying muscle fiber. But not everything is so bad: it is in this mode that the body begins to produce anabolic hormones - those that will regenerate our body, restoring health and prolonging youth.

This is testosterone and samatotropic hormone. Therefore, we also need this kind of load. But if we excessively acidify our blood and destroy muscle fiber, then there is a chance that anabolic steroids simply will not have time to cope with the destruction.

Psychological techniques for those who want to lose weight

Dream less, do more. Let these not be global changes in an instant, but small innovations, but every day.

  • Make your diet habitual. Don’t look at dieting in the traditional sense – you do it for a week and that’s it. Let proper nutrition become a part of your life.
  • Train while having fun. To make your diet more effective, start moving more. This could be exercises, walks in the yard or park, swimming in the pool, outdoor games, cycling, etc. Find a type of physical activity that brings you pleasure; perhaps then you will do it more often.
  • Speak out your emotions. Instead of chewing food in stressful situations, you can talk to yourself - this will also relieve stress.
  • It's more fun in company! It is possible that during the diet you will break down. And there's nothing wrong with that. Friends in misfortune will support you in overcoming yourself. With their help, it will be much easier to achieve a final victory over weight.
  • Find the right motivation. If your goal is to look like a model from a magazine, then the idea is doomed to failure. The main goal should be related to you and be realistically achievable! It is easier to start losing weight in connection with some important or new event in life. Meeting classmates, moving to a new place, a friend's wedding, or even going to the theater are all good reasons to lose weight. The husband began to look at others - we immediately begin to lose weight to the waist size that was the day you met him.
  • Reade set Go! The most important thing, once you realize your desire to lose weight, is to do it right away. If, after looking in the mirror, you understand: it’s time to change your shape, start immediately implementing what you have planned. Make an appointment with a nutritionist, psychologist, or attending physician. This will be your first step. And it will become especially significant if the visit is paid. Then, having spent a certain amount on the fight against excess weight, it will be a shame to retreat.
  • An inspiring example. Watch the video with the participation of ballerina Maya Plisetskaya. Did you like her figure? Then find out the ballerina’s secret: “If you want to lose weight, shut your mouth!” Take her banal but effective recipe: to lose weight, you need to eat less and move more!
  • Little tricks. Those phrases that adults uttered in our childhood are very tenacious within us: “You need to eat everything that is given to you. The plate must be clean." If you care about your figure, do the opposite: don’t eat everything, leave a little. Better yet, use small plates so that even a spoonful of food looks like a mountain on them!
  • Everything's under control! Before opening the refrigerator, drink a glass of water, knock on the table, look at yourself in the mirror - in general, do everything to understand: are you really hungry or are it your inner “demons” that are pushing you to eat?
  • My fear is my enemy. Do you have an interview ahead, an unpleasant conversation with your boss? It is at such moments that we chew more than usual. Think before you eat an extra bite: is food a cure for fear? Deal with this feeling differently.

Interval training regimen

And what happens: on the one hand, anaerobic loads destroy the body, on the other hand, they heal and rejuvenate. And how to find the middle ground between destruction and restoration? There is a way out: include in the training loads on both strength (anaerobic) and endurance (aerobic).

Interval loads successfully cope with this task. For example, according to the Tabata protocol, which is an interval mode - 20 seconds of exercise, during which glucose is consumed, but the blood is gradually acidified, then - 10 seconds of rest, during which fresh blood washes away acids from the muscle, and the glucose level is not fully restored is happening. And so eight approaches. During this time, the muscle begins to waste fatty acids.

As a result, you will spend both glucose and fatty acids, but without acidifying! It is short anaerobic training that is very effective for burning fat during and especially after training and for strengthening and growing muscles.

The sports industry today is replete with trends and trends that promise to restore youth and health. Approach your choice consciously: when signing up for classes with a particular teacher, learn as much as possible about him.

  • How does he relax after training? Maybe he drinks beer every evening, then there is a chance of absorbing the same habit into himself. Without noticing it, we begin to resemble those on whom we regularly concentrate. Why such relaxation is dangerous, I think, explanations are unnecessary.
  • Does he smoke? No comments.
  • And, in principle, what he is like as a person. If a person is unpleasant to you, it is unlikely that your studies will be successful.

Today we can say that a direction such as yoga can compete with fitness and aerobics in terms of fat burning, and most importantly, in terms of how long the results are maintained. It is important to find a group that practices strength and dynamic sequences, including interval training.

Plus, yoga helps calm the mind and bring it into harmony with the body. And then you won’t have to eat stress and other troubles.

Stress relief

Tense situations “incite” a person to various temptations in the form of alcoholic drinks, fatty foods and sweets. It is important to keep your emotions under control, because nervous breakdowns are the worst enemies of a slim figure and health in general.

To stop eating stress, it is recommended to use the following techniques:

  • dancing and daily walks in the fresh air;
  • a cool shower to recharge your batteries;
  • communication on various topics with friends or on forums;
  • consultation with a psychologist;
  • habit of smiling more often;
  • loud singing.

It is worth mastering relaxation techniques. Kundalini yoga is considered especially effective. It relieves fatigue, improves mental state and triggers biological processes in the body, which also contribute to weight loss. Yoga will appeal to those who lack the energy and time for active sports. All exercises are performed at a slow pace and are ideal for practicing at home.

Cleaning techniques

When you decide on your diet and select an adequate load for yourself, it is important to understand one more thing: a thin body does not = a healthy body. A healthy body presupposes a certain internal purity, and I’m not talking about the spiritual world now (although this is the most valuable thing in a person).

Over a period of time, we all become quite heavily polluted from the inside: both at the organ level (for example, the small and large intestines) and at the cellular level. Therefore, to maintain the holistic health of the body, it is recommended to perform a number of cleansing techniques, both well-known (fasting days, for example), and little-known, such as yoga shatkarmas. Shatkarmas that can help solve problems with excess weight include:

  • Shankha-prakshalana - cleansing the entire gastrointestinal tract (from the throat to the anus) by drinking a saline solution, performing a certain set of exercises and removing it naturally (due to which cleansing occurs);
  • Vaman-dhauti - cleansing vomiting (Types: kunjala - vomiting with water (on an empty stomach), vyaghra-kriya - with water, but 3-4 hours after eating, gaja-karani - without water, after eating);
  • Agnisara dhauti-kriya - manipulation of the abdomen, igniting the digestive fire, enhancing fat burning;
  • Nauli - manipulation of the abdominal muscles to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and improve its functioning;
  • Kapalbhati is a cleansing breathing technique for warming up the entire body and improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Be careful!! Each of these techniques has a considerable number of contraindications! Carelessness and lack of quality information about how to perform these techniques can lead to disastrous results.

How to love yourself

The answer is simple: start thinking about others. Start doing something useful and, if possible, selfless for others. How it works? Receiving gratitude from others (we don’t count on it, but well-mannered people always thank us in words), our self-esteem and sense of importance and need increase.

This is often what is sorely missing. At the energy level, we cleanse our manipura chakra, raising the energy higher. And if energy transits upward through the manipura, then excess weight will not accumulate.

How quickly and effectively can you lose weight?

Speaking about nutrition, I have always been of the opinion that every person should eat the most natural food possible - what our planet so generously provides us with. We still live on this earth, and we should use its products to the maximum.

In my courses I offer the best that can be made from the food of our planet. And genetic memory remembers this. And people understand that this is true, that this is how it should be. But not everyone realizes: “How can this be? How did I not think of this before?

Let's face it: this is proper nutrition, not everyone likes it. Although they understand that this is the best option, it is difficult to switch completely to only such products. To do this, you already need willpower, you need to overcome your habits and desires. In general, for any diet you need to work on yourself. But you want to return to your previous lifestyle, even though it is detrimental to your weight. And a person understands this, but sometimes it is so difficult to overcome himself that he is ready to give up the goal.

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