4 most popular diets for weight loss: 10 kg per week

Dramatic weight loss is a lot of stress for the body, so it is extremely important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet while dieting. You shouldn’t exhaust yourself with complex workouts and a too limited menu in order to lose 10 kg in a week. This approach will cause irreparable harm to health. A safe program should consist of a tailored diet and exercise to burn fat. Sticking to such a plan is much simpler, more effective and healthier for the body.

  • List of fat burning diets
      Single food diet
  • Methodology of doctors
  • Mayo Clinic Recipe
  • Protein-rich nutrition
  • Fat burning liquid
  • Super fast weight loss
  • 6 petals
  • Diet of Maya Plisetskaya
  • Quitting the diet
  • Disadvantages of diets
  • Exercise program
  • How does rapid weight loss happen?

    Losing 5 kg or even 10 kg in a week is possible, but not only fat will go away along with the weight. Despite the fact that most of the mass is fat, the body will also lose a significant percentage of water.

    This is partly because low-calorie eating and exercise lower insulin levels, causing the body to get rid of stored carbohydrates that bind water. The body can only store about 300-500g of carbohydrates in a form known as glycogen. However, the substance retains a volume of water 3 times greater than the amount of carbohydrates. Due to decreased insulin levels, the kidneys dump excess sodium, which helps retain water in the body. Along with a decrease in fat and water mass, weight is lost due to the lack of heavy food in the diet.

    Universal ways to get rid of extra pounds

    You don't have to go on a strict diet to start losing weight. The same method will not always suit different people, but there are several solutions that help not only lose weight, but also maintain the desired shape.

    Adhering to the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle will become a useful habit for both adults and children:

    Way to lose weightDescription
    Active lifestyleSimply walking outside often and taking the stairs instead of the elevator is enough to burn more calories. An active lifestyle saturates the body with oxygen, which leads to reduced stress levels
    Diet foodDiet involves a complete revision of your diet and eating habits. Giving up junk food and switching to low-calorie foods greatly affects the rate of weight loss. This is why most diets are based on vegetables, fruits, fish and low-calorie meat. You can eat foods with a negative calorie content - celery, cabbage, carrots, etc. The body spends more calories on their absorption than it receives from this food
    Playing sportsA little exercise during the day and evening will help you lose weight. If you include special training in your program, you can remove your stomach and sides
    WrapsDue to a passive lifestyle and an increase in fat layer, cellulite appears on the thighs. Diet alone will not help remove the orange peel; you will need to wrap it with cling film. The procedure includes scrubbing and applying a fat-burning gel to the skin. You can include it in a weight loss program to enhance the effect.
    Drink more fluidsIt is important to drink a lot of water. This maintains good skin and body condition and also promotes weight loss. Liquids such as milk, kefir, green tea, coffee and fresh juice increase metabolism and reduce caloric intake
    Proper sleepIt is advisable not to go to bed after 12 o'clock, as the quality of sleep deteriorates. You should eat at least 2 hours before going to bed. Sleep should last at least 8 hours. If you follow the recommendations, your body will have more energy to burn calories
    Reducing your calorie intakeCounting calories is the basis of proper weight loss. If more is consumed per day than the body can expend, fat begins to accumulate under the skin. To count calories, you need to weigh and record all the foods you eat. It is advisable not to drink high-calorie drinks, as they are quickly digested and hunger soon appears again. Instead, tea and coffee are preferred

    How many kg can you lose in a month without harming your health?

    One of the main conditions for weight loss is a calorie deficit. Every day a person gets energy from food. Part of it goes to satisfy the natural needs of the body, ensuring its vital functions. Everything that is not used is put aside in reserve. The amount of calories per day is individual for each person. It takes into account age, height, weight, and level of physical activity.

    When an energy deficit occurs in the body due to normalization of nutrition and the introduction of physical activity, reserve reserves and deposits in problem areas begin to be used to meet needs. With a properly organized diet, body fat will be burned, not muscle mass.

    Another important factor is changes in eating behavior . Often people “eat stress”, get rid of negative emotions through their favorite dishes, desserts: if they get nervous, angry, they calm themselves down with chocolate, a difficult day at work - a hearty dinner without restrictions, any measure.

    We need to work in two directions. Many people take on only one reason, without paying attention to the other. It is important to create your own specific regime, which will become an integral part of life and become part of it forever. Otherwise, the eating disorder will reduce the results obtained to zero, and the lost kilograms will return. Therefore, by dealing only with obesity or only with emotionality, we will never achieve the desired result. An integrated approach is important.

    It is not difficult to calculate how much weight you will actually be able to lose. To burn one kilogram of body fat, you need to create a deficit of 7000 kcal. To do this, it is enough to cut your daily diet by 15-20%. Additional calorie burning can be achieved through physical activity and regular training.

    To lose 2-3 kilograms in a month without harm to your health, you need to slightly reduce your calorie intake and exercise several times a week. This approach is considered optimal and does not cause stress to the body. To draw up a detailed nutrition plan, it is better to contact a nutrition specialist. He will be able to create the most suitable diet, include your favorite foods, take into account individual characteristics and preferences, and tell you how to lose weight correctly.

    List of fat burning diets

    There are many different diets for quick weight loss. In most cases, the effect is explained by radical dietary restrictions. Because of this, the body experiences severe stress and emotional decline, which usually leads to a breakdown.

    When choosing a diet, you should give preference to gentle options that provide the body with nutrients.

    Strict diets often eliminate large amounts of foods, resulting in a lack of essential vitamins and minerals. In fact, it will be enough to completely eliminate sugar, junk food and fast carbohydrates. Despite their high energy value, such products are not beneficial to the body and are stored as excess fat. The best foods to include in your diet are vegetables, fruits and cereals. Due to their long absorption and high nutritional value, mono-diets are often created based on these products.

    Single food diet

    An effective way to quickly lose weight at home is a mono-diet. The basis of the diet is usually one product. You can safely limit your menu for 7 days. Advantages of a mono-diet:

    • no need to count calories;
    • contains a huge amount of nutrients in most vegetables and fruits;
    • cleansing the body and eliminating skin imperfections;
    • lack of hunger;
    • budget.

    The buckwheat diet mainly consists of boiled buckwheat. In addition to water, you can drink low-fat kefir, and also eat a small handful of dried fruits as a snack. If dizziness or malaise occurs, you need to dilute your food with watery fruits and berries. It is important to maintain water balance in the body to avoid constipation. Given the strictness of the diet, you should not stick to it more than once a month. By eating only buckwheat, you can lose up to 7 kg in a week.

    Any diet allows you to eat oatmeal cooked in water in any quantity. In the first half of the day, you are allowed to add a handful of dried fruits and nuts to the porridge to give the dish a sweetish taste. In the second half, you can eat sour fruits and boiled vegetables. A glass of kefir before bed is also allowed. Often sticking to oatmeal fasting is unsafe for health.

    The buckwheat diet contains the least amount of calories, since the energy value of a cucumber is 16 kcal per 100 g. This diet has a de-loading effect on the body. However, given the meager diet, it is not recommended to overdo physical activity, as the body may feel severe weakness and fatigue. It won't hurt to take vitamin supplements to maintain muscle tone.

    The kefir-apple diet is strictly prohibited for people with high stomach acidity. The essence of nutrition is to alternate between kefir and apples. During one meal you can eat no more than 2-3 fruits and 1 glass of drink. Apples can be consumed in any form, for example, baked or grated.

    Methodology of doctors

    If you need to lose excess weight guaranteed and safely at home, the most suitable option is a diet developed by doctors. Initially, the technique was prescribed to patients with problematic weight before major operations in order to avoid possible complications.

    There are two versions of the program: for 7 days, which helps burn up to 10 kg of fat, and a two-week method that removes up to 15 kg. The diet includes mineral water, skim milk, apples, vegetables, teas.

    Mayo Clinic Recipe

    The Mayo Clinic treatment is based on a special fat-burning soup. You need to eat it every day and in unlimited quantities. Due to the fact that the soup is nutritious and low-calorie, you can go on a diet almost every month. If the 7-day program is interrupted, you must start over again to get results.

    In a week of eating this way you can lose from 5 to 10 kg. Unlike other low-calorie diets, fat-burning soup will not make you feel tired or unwell. For this dish you need 6 onions, several tomatoes, 1 head of cabbage, 2 green peppers, a bunch of celery, 500 ml of vegetable broth. You need to cut the vegetables into small pieces and pour in the broth, season with salt, pepper and (if desired) curry or hot sauce. Boil everything over high heat for 15 minutes, then reduce the heat and continue cooking until the vegetables are cooked.

    You should eat soup every time you feel hungry. But you shouldn’t eat this dish exclusively. It will be useful to dilute the diet with other products.

    Protein-rich nutrition

    Due to the absence of carbohydrates and fats in the diet, the body begins to use its own fat reserves for energy. Protein nutrition consists of protein-rich foods - meat, eggs, milk, fish and protein shakes. The main value is their nutritional value, thanks to which you can not feel hungry for a long time.

    It is allowed to adhere to a protein diet for no more than 14 days, after which a break of 3-4 months must be taken. This is necessary to avoid protein poisoning. Basically, after following a diet for a week, 4-5 kg ​​of pure fat is lost. To consolidate the results, you will need a repeat course.

    Fat burning liquid

    A liquid diet can be called an alternative to a fasting day, since all nutrition is supplied in an easily digestible form, the stomach can rest and cleanse itself. There are many types of water regime. You can drink freshly squeezed juices, smoothies, water, fermented milk products, protein shakes and fat-burning soups.

    A one-week course of a drinking diet consists exclusively of liquid low-calorie foods. It is worth considering that during such a diet, the size of the stomach may decrease slightly due to a significant decrease in load. Therefore, after finishing the diet, the body will be satiated with less food eaten. As a result, the burned kilograms will not be able to return.

    The popular kefir diet is also included in the list of liquid nutrition. Usually people turn to her when they need to quickly and safely lose weight. The kefir diet most often consists of drinking a liter bottle of the drink throughout the day. Sometimes the amount of fluid is limited to 500 ml per day. However, such nutrition can cause dehydration with serious consequences. You can drink plain clean water and herbal tea without restrictions. It is also allowed to dilute the diet with low-calorie protein products.

    Super fast weight loss

    Intermittent fasting, or fasting, is another effective and proven tool for burning fat. To do this, you need to reduce your calorie intake, or better yet eliminate them altogether. There are many different options, such as a 16-hour fast with an 8-hour window for energy replenishment, or a 20-hour fast with a 4-hour window.

    This method of losing weight is not suitable for people with serious disorders of the digestive system. It is not advisable to carry out such unloading more than once a month. You can lose up to 3 kg in one go.

    6 petals

    This is an unusual format for losing weight. First you will need to cut out 6 paper petals and combine them into a full-fledged flower. Everyone must subscribe to one of the proposed mono-diets (fish, vegetable, chicken, cereal, cottage cheese, fruit). They must be followed in the order specified, without making exceptions. As part of the diet, you can lose 0.5-1 kg per day.

    The 6-day program also follows the principle of separate meals. During each meal, one protein or carbohydrate product is consumed. This method helps to break down more fat. Basically, fast weight loss is facilitated by following a mono-diet. Also, the stomach cannot get used to a specific product in a short period of time, so it is in a constant state of stress and burns more energy.

    Diet of Maya Plisetskaya

    The emphasis is on eating protein foods and training hard. It is advisable to take protein from low-fat sources. A quick effect is provided by the absence of coffee, cocoa and chocolate in the diet. In addition to the fact that chocolate and cocoa contain a large number of calories, they contain substances that disrupt the water-salt balance. Coffee retains a lot of water, and with hard training, the effect only increases.

    You need to completely remove sweets, fried foods, and fatty meats from your diet. Due to the high sugar content, dried fruits are prohibited. This will reduce the amount of substances leading to fluid retention. Potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants are added to this list. There is an opinion that they are poorly digested and cause digestive problems.

    The menu includes many delicious and healthy products:

    • green vegetables (broccoli, savoy and cauliflower, spinach, lettuce);
    • cereals (barley, lentils, brown rice);
    • white lean fish.

    Dishes can be baked, stewed and boiled. The main thing is that cooked food remains low in calories. Don't get carried away with oil - you can use no more than 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil per day. All cereals are boiled in water, no salt is added. If you want something more tasty, you can add lemon juice and chop parsley or dill into the porridge. Any spices are strictly prohibited.

    How much do you need to eat to lose 10 kg in a month?

    How to quickly lose 10 kg? There are many different techniques. Some of them are effective, allowing you to lose those hated pounds in the shortest possible time. Others are loyal and promise gradual weight loss. The approaches differ according to the following criteria:

    • by duration: weekly diet, for a month, several months;
    • according to the severity of restrictions. There are mono-diets that allow the consumption of one or two foods or complete, balanced ones. The latter practically do not limit those losing weight and are based on calorie counting;
    • according to incoming products: there are balanced diets, high protein or carbohydrate;
    • a comprehensive technique that includes working with proper nutrition and correction of eating behavior.

    It is important to find your own type of nutrition that will be comfortable and not cause discomfort. But it should be understood that rapid weight loss may be unsafe and carry certain contraindications. It is necessary to lose weight only under the supervision of a weight loss specialist, diagnosis and weight control.

    Losing weight quickly in a short period of time is quite possible. But what will be the consequences? That is why it is important to find a specialist who will supervise each stage of weight loss and monitor your health.

    Quitting the diet

    A well-thought-out way out of a debilitating diet can consolidate the result without regaining weight. If you do not take this stage seriously, you may lose all your achievements. Much will depend on the psychological state of the person after the diet. Often, after successfully losing weight by 5 or even 10 kilograms, he gains twice as much. This approach will lead nowhere and requires a serious revision of your personal attitude towards your body and the goal of losing weight.

    The method of exiting a low-calorie diet is simple and consists of gradually increasing the caloric content of the diet. However, do not forget about the principles of maintaining weight. It is best to continue eating small meals. In this mode, there is no feeling of hunger, which helps get rid of breakdowns and maintain weight. In a particular case, the features of the method may vary.

    The duration of leaving the diet is calculated from the duration of the diet multiplied by 2.

    Disadvantages of diets

    Despite the high percentage of effectiveness, as well as the variety of diets, sudden weight loss is not always harmless to health. Some of the main symptoms of a bad reaction to diet include:

    • Restricted nutrition can cause glucose starvation. It is easily identified by symptoms such as decreased reaction and thinking abilities. This is not critical if an important event is not planned during the diet, where sober and quick thinking is required.
    • Headaches, a sharp drop in blood pressure and depression are often observed. In this case, you can neutralize the symptoms by dissolving a spoonful of honey in a glass of warm water. If your health does not improve, it is recommended to eat a handful of dried fruits or switch to another regimen.
    • Coming off the diet takes about a week, which increases the duration of the low-calorie diet.

    It is impossible to lose weight easily. This process always requires a lot of effort and willpower.

    Exercise program

    In addition to following a low-calorie diet, it is important to do short workouts at home every day to speed up your weight loss process. For best results, take a detox drink in the morning and then start exercising. Switching to an intense pace of exercise ensures weight loss without dieting. Losing weight through exercise is equally effective for both women and men, and is allowed even for teenagers. Best exercises:

    • Walking and jogging. Walking long distances is an easy way to lose weight all over your body. Anaerobic exercise is good for the heart and brain. Alternating between walking and running improves circulation, reduces cholesterol and supports healthy weight loss. This combination is best for those who want to remove fat from the lower body. Walking at a moderate pace (15 minutes) + running (10 minutes) is expected. You need to do 3 approaches.
    • High leg raise. Workout for losing weight in the abdomen and legs. High lifts burn excess fat and strengthen your heart. When lying down, you need to raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees. You should start with two sets of 15 repetitions.
    • Body weight squats. These are the best exercises to burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. The effectiveness of the training is affected by the correctness of its implementation. Squats should be done 10 repetitions on each leg.
    • Yoga. It is an ancient and healthy way to restore inner harmony and lose weight. It makes the body more flexible, improves blood circulation and increases metabolism. One round of exercises includes a sequence of 10 basic yoga poses. You need to perform 5-7 circles daily.
    • Breathing exercises. The best way to lose weight without putting in a lot of effort and time is through breathing practices. Just one exercise helps relieve stress, cleanse and relax the body, thereby reducing cholesterol levels and providing natural control of weight gain. The exercise is performed for 5 minutes, after which you can take a short walk.

    Menu for losing weight by 10 kg per month

    Proper nutrition is the first step towards a healthy, beautiful body. The diet should be balanced, meeting the body's needs for vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

    The menu for the week depends on the daily calorie intake, the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. You can calculate the required values ​​using an online calculator or yourself using the following formulas:

    1. Calculate basal metabolism - the number of calories required to maintain life:
        For men: 10 × weight (kg) + 6.25 × height (cm) - 5 × age (g) + 5
    2. For women: 10 × weight (kg) + 6.25 × height (cm) - 5 × age (g) - 161
    3. Multiply this value by the activity coefficient:
        1.2, - sedentary lifestyle, training;
    4. 1.3 - low activity lifestyle, moderate intensity training two to three times a week;
    5. 1.5 - moderate lifestyle, training up to five times a week, fairly active work;
    6. 1.7 - active lifestyle, daily training, active work;
    7. 1.9 - daily intense training, active physical work.
    8. The resulting value is the calorie rate required to maintain your current weight. You need to subtract 15-20% from it, you get the required norm for weight loss.
    9. For healthy weight loss, you need to stick to the right ratios of protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber.

    Based on the obtained values, you can create a menu. Let's look at an example of a balanced diet for the day.

    • omelette of two or three egg whites;
    • porridge cooked in water - 50-70g;
    • any fruit;
    • a cup of coffee with the addition of low-fat milk.
    • small piece of baked white fish - 70g;
    • a small portion of vegetable salad with the addition of wine vinegar;
    • serving of rice - up to 50g.
    • serving of soup - 250g;
    • You can season the soup with a spoonful of Greek yogurt instead of sour cream;
    • a portion of vegetable salad;
    • slice of rye bread - 20-30g.
    Afternoon snack
    • chicken breast marinated in soy sauce, baked in the oven;
    • mushroom garnish - 60g;
    • buckwheat porridge - 50g;
    • apple.
    • low-fat cottage cheese - 70g;
    • fruits - 120 g.

    This menu provides the body with the necessary nutrients, vitamins, minerals, while the calorie content of such food is very small: 1034 kcal, proteins - 82 g, fats - 21 g, carbohydrates - 141 g.

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