Where to put leeches for weight loss? Location points


Hirudotherapy is a session during which a leech is used. It is this type of annelid that can bring invaluable benefits to the human body. It is not only used to remove excess fluid and relieve swelling, but also to restore metabolic processes and the functioning of certain organs, joints, etc. A living organism is also used for weight loss. But it is important for specialists to find leeches for weight loss - where to put them should also be correctly determined.

The method of losing weight using leeches can be carried out no more than once a year - this is the opinion of most experts who use worms for rejuvenation and weight loss. Conducting sessions at home is strictly prohibited, since the home “doctor” has neither the knowledge, nor the special tool, liquid, nor the ability to use leeches for weight loss.

Leeches in the fight against excess weight: features of the procedure

Leeches for weight loss began to be used not so long ago. In ancient times, it was not necessary to put annelids on the body to lose weight. They were used more to treat a wide variety of diseases. The revival of this practice happened in the 70s of the last century. But even at that time, various diseases were treated with annelids, but they did not think about obesity.

Hirudotherapy has only recently begun to be used for weight loss. The technique immediately became widespread. Despite fear and disgust, many people decide to use the technique because it:

  • Allows you to reduce total weight by 5–7 kg for all prescribed sessions;
  • Provides an opportunity to restore the functionality of various organs;
  • Allows you to get a lasting effect after eliminating extra pounds;
  • It will not require the use of various exhausting diet programs.

During the suction process, the leeches inject an anesthetic into the microwound - a substance that has an analgesic effect.

Medical leeches

These slippery and unpleasant creatures are actually very beneficial for our body. Hirudotherapy can solve a large number of health problems. At the same time, the medicinal leech is very different from its counterparts that live in stagnant bodies of water. It is sterile and does not introduce any infections into the human body.

They are used only once. However, today we will not talk about different types of treatment; we are only interested in where to put leeches for weight loss. Patients who have already tried this method note a quick effect that lasts for a long time. The benefits of this method are so significant that it has great prospects.


Hirudotherapy for weight loss is being used increasingly. However, the technique was initially tested for other reasons - it had a beneficial effect on diseases:

  1. Vessels and heart;
  2. Joints;
  3. Genitourinary and respiratory systems;
  4. Hypertension and neuralgia;
  5. Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  6. Endocrine system, etc.

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This is only a small fraction of the ailments that leeches can cure. It is important to understand that this is still not a panacea for various diseases, but an adjunct that is used in complex therapy. The same applies to the process of losing weight.

Leeches can be used in the absence of contraindications, but as an effective addition to other measures in a weight loss program.

Leeches for weight loss are used to improve overall well-being. Each cycle can include 10 sessions, their duration can be up to two weeks. And in the specified time you can reduce your total weight by 5–7 kg. The positive effect is achieved due to the beneficial effects of the composition of the fluids that the leech secretes, as well as the process of blood outflow. Together with it, toxins and other substances dangerous to humans are removed from the body.

What is the peculiarity and composition of the liquid that a leech secretes?

In the process of using leeches for weight loss, certain biological fluids are released. They will inject it into the patient’s blood, and then the components will spread throughout the body with current. Injected biologically active substances are beneficial for the body because they contain a whole range of valuable components:

  • Bdellins - directly affect the process of fat breakdown. Bdellins trigger and speed up metabolism.
  • Hirudin is a substance that is valued in medicine for its excellent qualities - the breakdown of fats and blood clotting. It is hirudin that is indicated for people with a tendency to thrombophlebitis.
  • Destabilase is a valuable substance that has a beneficial effect on immune defense; it is also used to restore the functioning of nerve endings.
  • Hyaluronidase is a component, the use of which allows you to eliminate puffiness, swelling, puffiness - all those external manifestations that appear due to improper metabolism and slow outflow of fluid from the body.

A whole set of components directly interfere with metabolic processes, trigger it and accelerate it.

Doctors have long studied the peculiarities of the effects of leeches on the body and came to the conclusion that the use of such worms allows a person to lose weight. And the secret of influence is hidden in metabolic processes. Their violation leads to stagnant processes and excessive accumulation of energy in the body.

Hirudotherapy in action

With the help of these amazing creatures, you can treat excess weight and cellulite, and even fight severe obesity. Of course, you shouldn’t hope that leeches will suck all the fat out of you. This is not liposuction, but just one step towards defeating excess weight. The treatment itself proceeds as follows. The hirudotherapist places live, hungry leeches on biologically active points of our body. Thus, the mechanism of action is similar to acupuncture.

The process doesn't end there. The leech bites the skin 2 mm deep and injects its saliva into the wound. Now you can watch how her body begins to fill with blood. In total, she can suck up to 10 ml of blood. It would seem very little. But the fact is that blood, lymph and tissue fluid will ooze from the wound for some time, due to a special enzyme in saliva that prevents blood from clotting. After about 10 hours, the wound will heal.

During this time, you can lose from 60 to 200 ml of blood, lymph and tissue fluid. At the same time, the hirudotherapist knows exactly where to place leeches for weight loss. But if you want to perform this procedure yourself, then let's figure it out further.

Points for installing leeches for weight loss

In order not to harm the human body, it is important to develop the correct technique for selecting and installing leeches. Not all points are equally good for this process. Most often, leeches are placed on the stomach, but this is not the only place where it is useful to place them. In medical practice, there is a scheme for placing leeches; it allows you to place leeches on:

  • Navel and belly;
  • Solar plexus;
  • Center of forehead;
  • Arms and legs;
  • Heart area.

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Only the attending physician can decide how and where to place leeches. The doctor assesses the patient’s condition, and only after that makes recommendations regarding where to place the annelid. Self-manipulation can be harmful to health.

The leeches that are offered by special companies should be installed correctly. These are safe worms, not those caught in your local pond. It is the latter that can cause infection. The procedure must be carried out only in a trusted clinic that does not neglect safety rules. They will work here in accordance with the requirements of safety rules - leeches will be purchased only from a specialized company, used once, and then killed in a special medical solution.

Layout of leeches

Leeches have been proven to help with weight loss - where to put the worms? Hirudotherapy involves the use of different points on the body, depending on the disease, and the technique is effective against diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. Each diagnosis requires its own set of places where the worms are placed. The scheme for placing leeches for obesity looks like this: over 10-15 sessions, 2-3 of them are placed on the sacrum and coccyx. In cases where obesity has hormonal causes, additional worms are attached to the area behind the ears.

Leeches on the sacrum

From 1 to 5 leeches are placed on this area at a time, but it is better to start treatment with one individual (this will help test the body’s reaction to the worms’ saliva without harm to health). Some patients report pain during the procedure, while others are concerned about allergies. The last factor is a good reason to refuse hirudotherapy for weight loss. Placing leeches on the sacrum involves placing individuals on the area of ​​the sacrococcygeal joint, the area of ​​projection of the sacrum and the end of the coccyx.

Leeches on the head

This localization of worms will not only promote weight loss, but also relieve vascular atherosclerosis and frequent migraines. Where do they put leeches on their heads? 1 individual must be placed in each of the following zones:

  • behind the ears (about 2 cm from the shells there is a tubercle not covered with hair);
  • on the jaw bone below the ear 3 cm;
  • on the ear tragus.

Leeches on the stomach

During one procedure, 5-10 individuals are used, which are placed on their stomach in the areas around the stomach, liver and pancreas. This method of treating obesity eliminates blood stagnation, thanks to which new blood carrying nutrients enters the listed organs. Placed leeches on the stomach helps restart the functioning of organs: for example, the liver begins to produce richer bile, which promotes faster digestion of food.

What are the contraindications to using leeches for weight loss?

Any technique has a number of positive aspects when used, as well as negative ones. That is why it is recommended to conduct sessions only with the help of experienced specialists. They follow established and existing requirements and rules, which minimizes all risks.

Leeches for weight loss are not approved for use by all patients. Among the prohibitions are those that suffer from:

  1. Various allergic reactions. The saliva of a worm contains many substances that can cause a strong reaction in the body. Allergy sufferers should look for other ways to get rid of extra pounds.
  2. Anemia, of any form. Doctors do not give permission for the installation of leeches for those who have already been found to have a lack of hemoglobin in the blood. The reason for this condition may be different, but the result is always the same - a ban on the use of leeches for weight loss or other purposes.
  3. Hypotension. Low blood pressure can be lowered further by blood loss after using leeches.
  4. Pregnancy and lactation period. At this moment, the woman’s body experiences enormous stress, which cannot be increased even if she is overweight.
  5. Poor blood clotting (hemophilia). The use of leeches poses a direct threat to life in this case.
  6. Menstruation. You should wait until the middle of the cycle so that the body has time to regain strength.

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Among the prohibitions are other diseases - diathesis and cancer. Various rashes on the surface of the skin also make it impossible to use leeches for weight loss.

How to place a leech?

So, you have decided on the procedure and will use leeches for weight loss. The necessary points (the photo will help you navigate the placement) are marked with a pencil and you can begin. Now the most important thing is that the picky creatures agree to suckle. To do this, the body must be washed clean without the use of scented gels and soaps. Give up alcohol and cigarettes, as well as perfume.

The area where you will place the leech should be treated with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, and then rinsed with water. Now put on a glove and use a small cup to catch the leech. By turning the vessel over, you can see how the leech has moved to the skin and sucked on.

How to properly use leeches for weight loss?

Hirudotherapy has become another analogue of acupuncture. This is explained by the fact that experienced doctors will place leeches on certain points. You should not use other places for this.

The area where leeches are placed on the body, as well as the time of the session, as well as the number of “blood-sucking elements” will be determined by the doctor. All information provided is for informational purposes only.

There are a number of rules and features of conducting sessions, including the following provisions:

  • Possibility of using a leech only 1 time. In order not to take risks, you should contact a specialized clinic where there is no danger of forgery and fraud.
  • The course of sessions should not exceed 10–15.
  • You can use a couple of leeches at one time.
  • Do not use aromatic oils, perfume, or scented cream before the session. Leeches cannot tolerate such drugs, and therefore the session may be ineffective. The body should simply be cleansed of impurities.
  • Self-medication is generally not acceptable.
  • Sessions are canceled at the slightest hint of allergic manifestations.

Most often, leeches are placed on the sacrum area and behind the ears. However, these are not the only places. Leeches can also be installed in the abdomen area, but not in the middle, but in the area where the liver is located.

Bloodsuckers can also be installed on other parts determined by the doctor.

Leeches for weight loss

Annelids are suitable for the treatment of various diseases; in addition, hirudotherapy is widely used for weight loss. Thanks to it, metabolism is accelerated, decay products and excess fluid are removed from the body. Leeches are treated not through bites, but through the saliva they secrete, which enters the human blood through the wound and contains one and a half hundred useful enzymes. When they enter the circulatory system, these substances have a beneficial effect on the circulatory and immune systems, normalize blood pressure and hormonal levels.

For weight loss, components of worm saliva such as hyaluronidase and lipase are especially important. The latter actively destroys fat, and the former helps fight cellulite. Hirudotherapy, according to doctors, is an effective and healthy way to combat excess weight. Thanks to it, a person’s metabolic processes and brain activity are accelerated, and the immune system is strengthened. However, the procedure can cause harm to health if you do not take into account the specifics of its implementation, so it is important to know about leeches for weight loss - where to put it, how often to do it, etc.

Contraindications for hirudotherapy:

  • severe anemia;
  • blood incoagulability;
  • low blood pressure;
  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • diathesis of hemorrhagic type;
  • oncological diseases.

Where can you put leeches?

When placing worms for weight loss, their placement does not play a fundamental role. However, there are areas that are more suitable for this. You can place leeches in the following areas of the body:

  • coccyx;
  • liver;
  • area above the perineum;
  • pancreas;
  • sacrum;
  • navel;
  • colon;
  • area behind the ears.

Where should you not place leeches?

There are points where it is forbidden to place worms, or this should be done very carefully and under the supervision of a doctor. You cannot place leeches on:

  • areas of the body with minimal fatty tissue (eyelids, scrotum);
  • mucous membranes (rectum, gums, throat, cervix);
  • areas where a large number of blood vessels accumulate.

How to place leeches correctly

To effectively and harmlessly lose weight through hirudotherapy, you must follow the rules for placing leeches. The main ones:

  • It is forbidden to take a bath/shower on the day of the procedure, or use body cosmetics (worms do not like foreign odors and may not stick);
  • In a few days you should avoid drinking alcohol and stop smoking;
  • Physical work is prohibited before the procedure;
  • It is better to increase the number of individuals gradually, monitoring the reaction of your own body to them;
  • the course should last no more than 12 sessions;
  • It is advisable to place the worms on heated skin, for which purpose they use heating pads, massages and rubbing the body.
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How many leeches can be placed at one time?

The number of individuals is determined by the specialist conducting the procedure. At the same time, at first it is recommended to bet no more than 4-6 worms, gradually increasing their number. How many leeches can you place at one time? Each individual absorbs approximately 5-15 ml of blood in one procedure, after which the same amount is released from open wounds. To lose weight, worms are distributed over several areas of the body (usually on the abdomen in the area of ​​the stomach and pancreas, sacrum, coccyx).

Is it possible to put leeches every day?

If the doctor determines that the patient has no contraindications, a course of hirudotherapy is prescribed (the duration is individual for each patient). Age, health status, and degree of obesity affect the duration of treatment. It is prohibited to apply leeches every day; the interval between procedures should be at least 2-3 days, and between courses at least 3-4 months. For initial obesity, treatment is carried out no more than once a year, and the course lasts from a couple of weeks to 1.5 months.

Basic requirements for hirudotherapy for weight loss

In order not to harm the body, you should:

  1. Place leeches in the late afternoon so that the person has the opportunity to rest;
  2. You must complete at least the minimum course, which consists of 10 days. One installed leech will be of no use;
  3. Schedule sessions no more than once a year, with rare exceptions – two;
  4. Drink a large amount of water per day - you should drink at least 2 liters to activate metabolism;
  5. Only a doctor can conduct a session;
  6. Forget about bad habits so as not to cause harm from the combination of addiction with hirudotherapy.

Leeches reduce the level of swelling, they anesthetize the bite site, and inject valuable substances into the body.

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