18 Homemade Protein Shake Recipes

Any athlete can make a protein-based cocktail for themselves. To do this you will need desire and the right ingredients. Proper and balanced nutrition is a key point for a person involved in bodybuilding. In order for achievements in this matter to be high enough, your body should receive the required amount of protein every day. Grilled chicken breasts or juicy red meat are the first things that come to mind, but preparing such a dish requires time that you usually never have. And the process of digesting meat itself takes a lot of energy from the body, and such a hearty lunch cannot be combined with a visit to the gym. On the other hand, you can replace meat dishes with an equally effective remedy.

The different varieties of protein powders that come in powder concentrates are a great alternative. With all this, each type has its own specific task: muscle restoration, increasing body weight. Concentrated proteins could hardly boast of good absorption by the digestive organs. They literally forced bodybuilders to make grimaces as if they had a toothache. Nowadays, the modern market provides the opportunity to choose the most varied and palatable proteins. Despite this, the regular procedure for taking such powders, which are diluted in water, gives few positive results. They cannot compare with natural food products. In this article, we give you the opportunity to choose for yourself one of the most popular protein shakes made from natural and fresh products, which would suit you best and which you could prepare at home. Let's first discuss the most favorable time of day for drinking such homemade cocktails - this is undoubtedly the morning!

At this time, the level of glycogen in the liver decreases, since the body has not received any food throughout the night. In principle, the energy that is spent during sleep is insignificant, there is nothing wrong with that. On the other hand, a lack of glycogen, combined with vigorous activity after a person awakens, can activate the release of catabolic hormones that eat away muscles. After waking up, you can drink a protein shake to which you have previously added fructose, which is found in many fruits and in particular in honey. Glucose, compared to fructose, is immediately consumed after entering the muscles, and fructose is processed into glycogen after entering the liver.

Before you go to workout , you must charge your body with nutrients that stimulate muscle growth and help supply them with energy. To do this, you will need preferably slow-acting proteins (20 grams) and carbohydrates (40 grams). Ordinary dishes will not be effective in this situation. Firstly, training with a full belly is not the best option, and secondly, digesting regular food is a long process. In this case, it is best to use a whey protein shake. Again, opt for fructose when choosing carbohydrates. Fructose gradually releases energy and does not stimulate the release of insulin, which we absolutely do not need at the beginning of a workout, since it significantly lowers blood sugar levels and prevents fat burning.

After finishing your workout, you need to accomplish two missions - restore glycogen and supply your muscles with more protein. And our protein shakes will help us with this. The best choice would be whey protein (40 grams), but more recently it became known that for a better effect, casein should be added to this protein, which will make muscles grow much better. Fast carbohydrates are also necessary, the minimum dose is 60 grams (buns, chocolates, candies).

A bodybuilder needs to eat every two to three hours, which is not always possible, especially if you are working and not on vacation. But a prepared protein shake,

which contains honey and fruits will easily come to the rescue in this situation. This way you can make the simple procedure of soaking in protein a pleasure. You can use whey protein, casein, or a mixture of both as a basis.

It is imperative to prepare your muscles for the night, as they become exhausted during sleep. There is no need to fill your stomach with regular food, because during sleep it does not digest heavy food. A protein shake will also come to your aid here. Long-lasting casein is the main component of the cocktail. You can take carbohydrates, but only in small portions. During sleep, muscles do not need energy and excess carbohydrates will be processed into fat.

You will naturally spend more time preparing these cocktails than dissolving the powder, but the result is worth the cost.

Hot cocoa before bed:

  • One scoop of chocolate whey protein;
  • One cup of skim milk;
  • Half a cup of homemade low-fat cheese;
  • One bag of instant cocoa.
  • Cooking method:
  • Heat the milk thoroughly, but do not let it boil. Pour it into a blender and then add the protein, cheese and cocoa. Beat the mixture until smooth.
  • This shake will contain 0 grams of fiber, 1 gram of fat, 44 grams of protein, 20 grams of carbohydrates, 275 calories.

Protein shake recipes

A cocktail with the addition of cereals will be useful for cleansing the body of various deposits in the form of toxins, salts, and toxic substances. These harmful impurities in the body interfere with rapid weight loss. With the help of cereals, fat will be burned and the gastrointestinal tract will be cleansed.

RECIPE No. 1. Cranberry cocktail with oats.

  1. Drinking water - 100 grams.
  2. Cranberries (in any form) – 60 grams.
  3. Cottage cheese (3% fat) – 160 grams.
  4. Oats – 50 grams.

If desired, cranberries can be replaced with lingonberries. First, pour boiling water over the oats for 15 minutes. Pour the berries into the prepared bowl for blending. Add water and curd. The oats are swollen, throw them in there. Mix thoroughly until smooth. You can add half a teaspoon of honey for quick absorption of carbohydrates.

RECIPE No. 2. Oatmeal cocktail with banana added

  1. Low-fat milk.
  2. Cottage cheese (3% fat content).
  3. Liquid honey 20 grams.
  4. Oat flakes 50 grams.
  5. Banana 1 piece.

Heat the milk to a temperature of 30 degrees. Place oatmeal in a bowl and add milk. Let it brew for 5 minutes. Add cottage cheese. Stir and add honey and chopped banana. Using a blender, blend until smooth. You can try!

RECIPE No. 3. Oatmeal with added wheat

  1. Milk – 200 grams.
  2. Cottage cheese (2% fat) 250 grams.
  3. Flaxseed oil 25 ml.
  4. Wheat 30 grams.
  5. Oatmeal 25 grams.

Add wheat and oatmeal to the milk, cover with a lid, and let stand for 15 minutes. Pour the contents into the blender jar. Mix thoroughly. Add flax oil in a thin stream. Stir. This recipe is good for use in the evening instead of dinner.

RECIPE No. 4. Flaxseed porridge with oatmeal added

  1. Milk 200 grams.
  2. Oatmeal 50 grams.
  3. Flaxseed porridge 20 grams.
  4. Berries (to your taste) 100 grams.
  5. Honey 5 grams.

It is worth considering when preparing this product that flaxseed porridge has a high viscosity. Therefore, mix immediately with oatmeal and pour in milk. Place in a mixing bowl and add honey and berries. Whisk the contents. If necessary, you can add milk. Use immediately after mixing.

Homemade vanilla protein shake taken after a workout:

  • One scoop of vanilla whey protein;
  • Half a cup of vanilla low-fat yogurt;
  • One scoop of vanilla flavored casein;
  • Half a cup of vanilla milk.
  • Cooking method:
  • In a separate bowl, mix yogurt and protein until smooth. Pour the milk into a large glass and pour the protein and yogurt mixture into it, then carefully mix with a spoon.
  • This shake contains 0 grams of fiber, 61 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of fat, 48 grams of protein and 443 calories.

Why do you need protein shakes?

Many people have no idea what protein shakes are, so they mistakenly underestimate their importance and benefits for the body. In fact, these protein drinks are of particular importance in the life of every person, since their main component - protein - is the main element of a healthy diet. The body spends much more energy processing protein than digesting fats and carbohydrates.

This means that by eating protein foods, a person moves one step forward towards the body of his dreams, because in order to get rid of excess weight, you need to create a calorie deficit.

Calorie deficit

Every person who is faced with the problem of excess weight should be familiar with the concept of a calorie deficit. Thanks to this process, it is possible to get rid of extra pounds, avoiding such unpleasant “fellow travelers” of weight loss as:

Energy cocktail for the press diet

  • One cup of one percent milk;
  • Three quarters of a cup of instant oatmeal, pre-soaked in water;
  • Two scoops of chocolate-flavored whey protein;
  • Two tablespoons of low-fat vanilla yogurt;
  • Six crushed ice cubes;
  • Two teaspoons of peanut butter.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  • This shake contains: No. grams of fiber, 4 grams of fat, 12 grams of protein, 29 grams of carbohydrates and 220 calories.

How to choose protein shakes?

In order to choose the right protein shake, you need to consider several factors:

  • decide on the goal you want to achieve: build muscle mass, lose weight or undergo a “cutting”;
  • be sure to consult with your trainer, with whom you have been cooperating for at least a year and are confident in his competence;
  • sports nutrition helps you achieve your goal only if you devote time to physical activity;
  • Focus on popular manufacturers and trusted brands, as well as user reviews.

Good protein will not cause digestive problems and is therefore easy to digest. Before purchasing, you should consider your goal and type of protein:

  1. Whey. Suitable for those athletes who want to gain muscle mass and recover after training.
  2. Casein. For people with sensitive digestion and those who want to lose weight.
  3. Multicomponent. Suitable for “drying” and muscle building.

Cocktail “Berry”

  • Three-quarters cup soaked oatmeal in skim milk;
  • Three quarters of a cup of skim milk;
  • Three-quarters cup of frozen blueberry, strawberry and raspberry mixture;
  • Two scoops of whey protein;
  • Three crushed ice cubes.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a blender.
  • This shake contains: 4 grams of fiber, 1 gram of fat, 7 grams of protein, 27 grams of carbohydrates and 144 calories.

What is the importance of protein shakes?

A protein shake is exactly what people who are actively involved in sports or lead a healthy lifestyle need. To maintain a high metabolic rate, gain muscle mass or burn fat, you need to eat a lot of protein. Thus, experts believe that you should consume at least 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight.

Thus, an athlete weighing 90 kg needs to eat at least 180 g of protein daily. And this is quite a lot. To better understand this figure, it is worth noting that almost 1 kg of chicken fillet contains so much protein. Agree that not every person can eat that much chicken. Also, in addition to protein, you need to replenish the body with the necessary amount of carbohydrates and fats.

It will be difficult for the gastrointestinal tract of even a completely healthy person to cope with such a volume of food. In such cases, protein shakes come to the rescue - they are convenient, fast and tasty.

Protein shake “Summer” made at home

  • Two-thirds cup frozen strawberries;
  • Two scoops of vanilla whey protein;
  • 120 grams low-fat vanilla yogurt;
  • One medium banana;
  • Three quarters of a cup of one percent milk;
  • Half a cup of cantaloupe, cut into small cubes;
  • Three cubes of crushed ice.
  • Cooking method:
  • Mix all ingredients.
  • This shake contains: 4 grams of fiber, 2 grams of fat, 9 grams of protein, 39 grams of carbohydrates and 199 calories.

You can also use cocktail recipes from famous people who have made a lot of progress in the field of bodybuilding.

Pros and cons of a protein shake

Let's briefly look at the main advantages and disadvantages of a homemade cocktail compared to a ready-made sports supplement. The benefits of the cocktail include


  • You can select the composition as you wish and change components at any time;
  • You can always use fresh products;
  • There is no risk of stumbling upon a fake or low-quality protein supplement;
  • Financial savings.

But such a cocktail also has disadvantages, due to which it is inferior to a sports supplement. The disadvantages include


  • Unlike the powder form, a ready-made cocktail cannot be taken with you to work or for a walk (a homemade cocktail must be drunk immediately, otherwise it will lose not only its taste, but also its benefits);
  • Always contains more carbohydrates and fats (when preparing the supplement in production, complex technologies and a high degree of purification of raw materials are used; it is impossible to achieve the same at home);
  • It is difficult to calculate the protein norm (you need to know the exact amount of protein in each component).

Benefits of Protein Shakes for Weight Loss

When losing weight, body weight often decreases not only due to the breakdown of fat, but also due to the destruction of muscles. This is due to the fact that when there is a lack of proteins, the body begins to use muscles as a source to make up for their deficiency. As a result, body weight decreases when losing weight, but the figure becomes vague and the muscles become flabby. To prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue, you should eat plenty of protein-rich foods. Another way to solve this problem is to regularly take protein shakes for weight loss. They are digested faster and easier than protein foods. This method of losing excess weight has the following advantages:


  • The protein shake is quite filling, so you can drink it instead of one of your meals.
  • The drink can be drunk in the morning immediately after waking up. If you include certain ingredients in it, it will have an invigorating effect.
  • Thanks to the speed of preparing a protein shake, you can save time in the morning, so you can sleep longer or use the freed up time to perform hygiene procedures.
  • When you regularly consume a protein shake, your body expends more energy than it consumes, even without exercise.
  • A protein shake for weight loss contains very few calories. Two hundred milliliters of drink contains only one hundred and sixty kilocalories. At the same time, it contains the same amount of iron and protein as a piece of beef.
  • The protein shake for fat burning contains mineral supplements and vitamins that normalize the salt balance in the body. This is of great importance because the body loses salt when losing weight.
  • A protein shake supplies the body with amino acids, which serve as building materials. When taken into the body, amino acids are converted into muscles, thereby increasing muscle volume.
  • The protein shake is completely absorbed by the body.
  • The protein shake may include L-carnitine, which accelerates metabolic processes and fat burning.
  • The drink contains appetite suppressing components.

Thus, a protein shake helps to reduce the overall calorie intake and change the proportion of nutritional ingredients in favor of proteins. The drink's ingredients help maintain low blood sugar at night, which creates optimal conditions for the breakdown of fat tissue. After about a month of constant consumption of the cocktail, metabolic processes improve and accelerate, body weight gradually decreases, and the appearance of cellulite decreases.

How to choose protein for weight loss

To lose weight and gain sculpted shape, it is recommended to use the following 3 types of protein:

  1. Soy protein is the most inexpensive protein option used for weight loss. It is low in calories, but contains a small amount of protein and healthy components;
  2. Whey protein is considered the most popular type; it contains many amino acids and other useful components that are easily absorbed by the body. The price is determined by the degree of purification, quality of taste, and brand. If you want to get your figure in shape, be prepared to make every effort and spend a certain amount of money;
  3. Casein protein – characterized by long-term absorption of protein, it is recommended to take it at night. Due to this, it will destroy fat deposits and will be able to prevent the destruction of muscle mass at night due to the lack of protein.

Types of Whey Protein

Depending on the production technology, there are 3 types of whey proteins - concentrate, isolate and hydrolysate.

Each of them has its own degree of purification and, accordingly, price.

  • Concentrate is a well-filtered and dried substance (about 60-85% protein, 2-5 grams of carbohydrates and 2-3 grams of fat);
  • Isolate is essentially the most purified concentrate, almost without fats and carbohydrates (protein 89-95%, 1 gram of carbohydrates and 0-0.5 g of fat);
  • Hydrolyzate is an ultra-pure and pre-digested protein that the body does not need to digest. The assimilation process begins instantly and lasts no more than 20-30 minutes. (protein 99%, 0 carbohydrates and fat).

If you do not exceed your daily calorie intake, then choose concentrate. Otherwise, it’s still better to play it safe and buy isolate. It is a little more expensive, but will be more effective for weight loss

To make the right choice in favor of a good protein, it is recommended to pay attention to hydrolyzate, but the price of hydrolyzate is too high, which is associated with difficulties in production, so this option is almost always not relevant

Main types of protein shakes

Such drinks are conventionally divided into two main groups - for gaining muscle mass or losing weight:

  1. A protein shake for weight loss is a drink that contains a little protein (about 21 grams in each serving), while the amount of carbohydrates is reduced and there is pectin. This drink can easily replace one or two meals.
  2. Whey cocktail. It is prepared on the basis of a natural whey product. Such drinks are absorbed quickly, and they do not contain calories. They are recommended for use by those who play sports and for weight loss.
  3. Soy cocktails. Ideal for vegetarians and people who are lactose intolerant. Such cocktails allow you to quickly replenish your strength, while they are high in calories.
  4. Casein-based muscle growth shakes are high in protein. These are exactly what professional athletes use to build muscles and restore them after training.

Such cocktails for both weight loss and weight gain can be prepared with your own hands from available products or purchased in the store in the form of a special powder for dilution.

When to drink protein shakes for weight loss?

  • To lose weight, you need to drink a protein shake in the morning instead of breakfast. You can drink it neat, or you can eat it with a slice of bread, vegetables or fruit.
  • This is how we provide our body with the necessary amount of protein in the morning and replenish its supply spent overnight. This prevents the loss of muscle mass that is often observed during dieting.
  • Metabolism speeds up because protein shakes force the body to work harder and burn more calories. However, you should remember that when drinking protein shakes, you need to drink enough water per day. If you don't consume enough water, your body may experience stress.

Drinking protein shakes at night promotes slow but physiological weight loss. If you take a cocktail instead of dinner or before bed, you can reduce the feeling of hunger and save yourself from accidental snacking.

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