Drinks for weight loss and cleansing the body at home: 15 recipes

Fat burning drinks

In terms of dietary nutrition, fat-burning drinks for weight loss are effective aids in the fight against excess weight. They will also help with a standard diet, when you don’t want to go on strict diets, but need to lose weight. By following a healthy lifestyle with exercise and proper nutrition, you will lose those hated pounds, and fat-burning drinks will speed up this process.

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Drinks for weight loss

Fat-burning cocktails for weight loss are a godsend for those who want to lose excess weight. They quench thirst and hunger, improve the functioning of the body due to the beneficial properties of the components, speed up metabolism, cleanse toxins, etc. Recently, many recipes have appeared for teas, cocktails, decoctions, infusions, drainages and other drinks that actively burn fat, adding energy for physical activity.

Teas for weight loss

There are a large number of varieties of teas for weight loss with a pleasant taste and aroma. Drinks prepared at home do not contain chemicals, so they do not harm the body, as can be the case with store-bought teas. By brewing it yourself, you will receive a remedy for the fight against excess weight, strengthening the immune system, hair, and nails. After drinking tea, your skin looks better and you become more active.

The most famous tea for weight loss is ginger drink, which burns fat cells. The recipe is simple:

  1. Peel the fresh ginger root and then cut into small slices.
  2. Pour boiling water over 10 g of crushed plant root.
  3. Simmer the drink over low heat for 5-10 minutes.
  4. For taste, add a slice of lemon.
  5. Drink on an empty stomach once a day.

Another fat-burning tea is sea buckthorn drink with the addition of ginger. B vitamins strengthen the muscle system and normalize metabolism. The recipe is:

  1. Grind ginger root (2 cm) in a mortar.
  2. Crush 100 g of sea buckthorn to a porridge.
  3. Add sea buckthorn and ginger to a mug or glass, pouring 600 ml of boiled water over the ingredients.
  4. Let the tea brew for 10 minutes.
  5. Add 1-2 tbsp honey, 1 tsp ground cinnamon.

Sports cocktails

Losing weight with sports drinks can be of two types: based on protein shakes and fat-burning supplements:

  • Protein shakes contain protein products (milk powder, egg whites, protein in the form of concentrate, isolate, hydrolyzate). Liquid (water or skim milk) and some fat (usually flaxseeds or oil) are added to the ingredients. For taste, you can chop berries and vegetables. Combining protein drinks with strength training will help not only lose weight, but also gain muscle mass and tone your body.
  • Fat-burning cocktails with additives (taurine, guarana, ginseng) add energy. During aerobic exercise, fat cells are burned faster. Dietary supplements and herbal substances are added to water or juices, making this drink a real fat burner.

Lemonade for weight loss: recommendations

The entire complex of activities should take no more than 12 days.

  • It will take 3 days to prepare;
  • 3-5 days – period of drinking lemonade;
  • 3-4 days - a smooth return to solid food.

Over 9-12 days, weight loss averages 7-9 kg.

Cleansing period

During the cleansing period, the main food becomes diet lemonade, prepared at home from freshly squeezed lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper.

The morning begins with a glass of salted water. At night - laxative tea. In addition to lemonade, you can drink pure still water or green tea.

Preparation stage

At the preparation stage, 3 days before starting the diet, replace meat, bread and processed foods with fresh vegetables and fruits. In 2 days, switch to liquid food - broths and juices from vegetables and fruits.

On the last day of preparation before starting the lemonade diet, drink up to 2 liters of orange juice, which can be diluted with water.

Allowed vegetables

If you do not tolerate giving up solid food well, and the feeling of hunger is irresistible, include slices of raw vegetables in your diet:

  • cucumber,
  • tomatoes,
  • bell pepper,
  • cabbage,
  • cauliflower,
  • carrot,
  • beet,
  • celery.

A similar set of vegetables can be consumed in small quantities while drinking lemonade.

Post-diet period

After a period of the lemonade diet, it is much easier to switch to proper nutrition and continue to lose weight due to a calorie deficit. Let us remind you that for effective weight loss with a decrease in fat mass there are only 2 inexorable rules:

  1. We must consume fewer calories than we expend. Then the body takes energy from reserves, including subcutaneous fat.
  2. We must change our diet permanently to avoid weight gain again.

When returning to solid food, eat as you did during the three days of the preparatory phase, only in the reverse order (orange juice - broths and juices - fresh fruits and vegetables).

Salt wash early in the morning

We start our day with a glass of salt water:

1–2 tsp. Dilute ordinary sea salt in 900 ml of clean water without gas at room temperature.

  • We drink in small sips.
  • You should stay near the toilet for an hour, because... excretory processes are activated.

Fat burning drinks at home - recipes

A fat burning cocktail will be useful if you eat properly, even without following a strict diet. Fat burner properties can manifest themselves independently or during physical activity: cardio and strength training. There are many recipes for making cocktails at home. The drinks contain many different ingredients, so every girl will find something suitable for herself.

Cinnamon infusion with honey

The components of the drink are useful not only as a mixture, but also individually. Their benefits have been proven more than once, and the list of microelements with vitamins is amazing:

  • Cinnamon is considered a health spice. It includes essential oils, resin, tannins. The seasoning is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP, and contains potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and other equally useful elements. The properties of cinnamon include the effect of natural antioxidants and antimicrobial effect. For weight loss, cinnamon spice is used because it accelerates metabolism, lowers glucose, cholesterol, and insulin levels.
  • Honey is a natural antiseptic and preservative containing more than 300 microelements: carbohydrates, organic acids and their salts, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, fatty and essential oils, phosphatides, styrene, terpenoids and other lipids. At the same time, it is a conductor of useful substances into cells.

Honey and cinnamon in a fat burning drink enhance each other’s effect, helping the substances to be absorbed better. When taken regularly, the infusion converts glucose into energy, quenches appetite, and gently cleanses the intestines due to its slight laxative effect. For this combination of ingredients to help with weight loss, you should prepare the cocktail correctly:

  1. Take 200 ml of cold boiled water, 1 tsp honey and 0.5 tsp cinnamon.
  2. Dissolve cinnamon in water, after which it should be left for 30 minutes.
  3. Add honey to the cinnamon and stir the drink well.

For effective results, take the infusion 2 times a day, half a glass. Infuse a new drink every day, because the beneficial properties are lost after 24 hours. If mucus or film forms on the surface of the infusion, change the cinnamon, which is either of poor quality, or cassia (Chinese spice). It’s better to buy cinnamon sticks, and to make a cocktail, grind it yourself in a blender or coffee grinder.

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Sassi water

Weight regulation with the help of beneficial components occurs when drinking Sassi water. The drink speeds up metabolism, removes toxins from the body, cleanses the blood, normalizes digestion and gives a feeling of satiety. It’s easy to prepare a vitamin cocktail:

  1. Grind 1 tbsp ginger root or take 1 tsp powder.
  2. Peel and cut 1 cucumber with 1 lemon.
  3. Tear a few peppermint sprigs with your fingers.
  4. Place the ingredients in a glass and fill them with water.
  5. Leave the drink overnight or 8-9 hours in a place without sunlight.

During this time, the drink will be enriched with minerals, vitamins and essential oils, and for the best effect from Sassi water, follow the following rules:

  • cocktail products must be fresh;
  • ginger is pre-cleaned;
  • Do not leave the drink in the sun;
  • You can consume no more than 4 liters of vitamin cocktail concentrate per day;
  • Drink 1 glass at a time, every 3-4 hours.

Fat burning drink for the lazy

There is also a fat burner for the lazy. The effect of the cocktail is manifested without heavy sports training, but proper nutrition and aerobic exercise are not canceled. To prepare the drink you will need:

  1. Take 1 kiwi, 2 pieces of lemon, 7 branches of peppermint and parsley, 100-150 ml of water, and honey if desired.
  2. Place the peeled kiwi in a blender, adding the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Drink the cocktail immediately after mixing.

Weight loss drink at night

Instead of your last meal or as a snack before bed, you can drink a cocktail of kefir, cinnamon and pepper, which is especially effective in the evening. The drink satisfies hunger, and its beneficial properties for the stomach and intestines ensure rapid weight loss. Mix the following ingredients into a cocktail and drink every evening:

  • 200 ml low-fat or 1% kefir;
  • 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon;
  • 0.5 tsp ground ginger;
  • red pepper on the tip of a knife, but if the cocktail turns out spicy, reduce the amount.

Sports drinks

  • Stimulates muscle tissue recovery
  • Fat disposal
  • Boosting Metabolism
  • Maintaining water-salt and electrolyte balance
  • Maintaining immunity
  • Increased stamina

Take during and after training to quench thirst.

Sports drinks are designed to quickly restore strength during intense training due to the carbohydrates they contain and maintain water-salt and electrolyte balance due to a complex vitamin and mineral complex.

Isotonic Isotonic is a sports drink that helps to quickly recover after heavy physical exertion by replenishing the reserves of salts and sugars washed out of the body through sweat. In addition to minerals, isotonic drinks contain carbohydrates to maintain energy levels during long workouts.

Oxygen water Oxygen water is characterized by a high content of oxygen introduced under pressure. Perfectly quenches thirst, energizes, and activates strength.

Protein and BCAA drinks Protein drinks are based on protein components designed to nourish muscles for better recovery and subsequent growth after heavy weight training, during which micro-tears of fibers occur. Protein shakes will help out when you miss a meal or when you want a variety of flavors while maintaining a balanced menu.

With L-carnitine Drinks with L-carnitine are designed to combine effective recovery during intense training and active fat burning by activating the transport of fat molecules into muscle cells.

Energy drinks with guarana and caffeine Energy drinks are designed to maintain tone during long-term workouts, increase endurance coefficient, eliminate fatigue, restore salt balance and replenish energy deficiency.

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Why is sports nutrition necessary?

The key to success in sports is based on three components: training on the importance of the second factor, namely nutrition. But muscles can increase in volume and strength parameters can grow only if all the necessary nutrients, minerals and vitamins are present in the body.

If the athlete does not supply all these substances to the body in sufficient quantities, then the process of gaining weight will not only become impossible, but the muscles will begin to break down under the influence of catabolic reactions. To achieve their goals, athletes need to pay close attention not only to simple food, but also to shift their focus to sports nutrition.

Drainage drink for weight loss at home

One of the factors in the appearance of cellulite and excess weight is water-salt imbalance. Excess fluid accumulates in the body, worsening the state of health: swelling of the body appears, bags under the eyes, excess weight with a low percentage of fat, muscle elasticity is lost. If the violation is ignored, heart and kidney diseases are subsequently discovered. To solve this problem, drink drainage drinks.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), drainage cocktails should be taken with caution, because components with high acidity are used to prepare drinks. To prepare the drink, choose any of the following products, pour boiling water or place in a water bath, but do not boil, and then let it brew a little:

  • dried wild berries (lingonberries, cranberries);
  • currant or birch leaves;
  • herbs parsley, dill, coltsfoot;
  • vegetable juice;
  • lemon, honey, spices (cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, peppercorns);
  • natural sweeteners (brown sugar, stevia, honey).
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