Calorie content of sushi and rolls of the most popular types: Philadelphia and California

Composition and benefits of Japanese dishes for weight loss

Sushi has a spicy taste and healthy properties. Eel, boiled rice, crabs, sauces make the food heavy on the stomach, but there are light varieties of Asian treats.

Sushi has a spicy taste and healthy properties.

For a healthy diet, vegetable rolls with cucumber, avocado, and chakki seaweed are suitable, but the portions in this case should be moderate.

You can eat up to 20 pieces per day, half of which are for breakfast.

Calorie content of sushi and rolls

Rolls can be consumed during a diet, but it is worth considering that most of them are quite high in calories, which is explained by their composition.

The basis of the dish is boiled rice, fish meat, seaweed and seafood, which are not considered dietary.

To choose healthy rolls you need to follow some tips:

  • Choose a snack with brown rice: it is lower in calories.
  • Do not use seasonings or sauces.
  • Remove soy sauce from the menu, it increases appetite.
  • Remove tempura rolls (in batter) from your diet.
  • Wash down the dish with green tea without sugar.

To reduce calories, you need to choose types of sushi with the lowest carbohydrate content.

Differences between sushi and rolls

  • The first dish that began to be prepared in Japan was sushi. The main ingredients are seafood and pressed rice. Now there are many different recipes for making sushi. A person has the right to choose what he likes. Some people order a ready-made dish, having previously studied the composition. Rice in Japan is called "sushemi". It is from this word that the name of the dish comes. The most common type is classic rolls , which are prepared in the form of a rice roll. The main ingredient is wrapped in red seaweed called nori .
  • The main difference between sushi and rolls is the filling. It is customary to put only fish and other seafood in sushi. You can use a variety of foods to fill the rolls, including fruits, vegetables, meat and cheese.
  • There is another difference between sushi and rolls - in the method of consumption. Sushi is eaten using special chopsticks, but rolls can be eaten with chopsticks, a fork or your hands. To understand how to properly consume rolls, when ordering, carefully read the additional information that is written on the menu.

Japanese dish

Calorie table of the most popular rolls

The calorie content of rolls depends directly on their variety and on average adds 200-300 kcal to the diet.

The calorie content of rolls depends directly on their variety.

Using the table, you can find out the calorie content of any type of sushi and choose the lowest-fat options:

NameCalories per 100 grams
With cucumber80
With eel110
Dragon Maki188
With salmon115
Zucchini maki86

The lightest are the Avocado, Cucumber and Zucchini Maki rolls.

Rolls according to Dukan

Dr. Dukan's diet involves eating exclusively seafood and allows daily consumption of sushi.

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For the Dukan diet, rolls are prepared in a special way: crab and salmon are removed from the recipe, white rice is replaced with brown rice.

For a successful diet, it is recommended to add soups, juices and teas to sushi. The classic recipe includes brown rice, crab sticks, nori, cucumbers, avocado, cottage cheese.

With avocado

Avocado rolls
To prepare avocado rolls, you will need to purchase nori seaweed, round or brown rice, and avocado.


  1. Pour water over the rice, boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Prepare and cut the nori into two halves, chop the avocado.
  3. Place the seaweed on the table, add rice, avocado, and form a roll.
  4. Allow time to soak (10 minutes), cut into 6-8 pieces.
  5. Serve on a plate with a slice of avocado.


Philadelphia rolls have 142 kcal. They are rich in easily digestible protein and fiber, which promote weight loss.

The seafood included in the composition increases mental and physical activity, saturates the body with iodine and iron.

For cooking you need:

  1. Divide the nori sheets into several parts and boil the rice.
  2. Gradually place cubes of cheese, herbs, and cucumber on the seaweed.
  3. Top with rice, wrap salmon in a thin strip, cut into pieces.


California rolls are a popular and high-calorie variety.

100 g contains 176 kcal, which makes them not the best option on a diet.

Rolls "California"

The products included in the dish (crab meat, tobiko, mayonnaise) affect its calorie content.

Note! Crab meat is a strong allergen. Frequent consumption of such rolls can provoke allergies.

Crab can be replaced with crab sticks or lean fish, tobiko (flying fish roe) with red caviar. It is recommended to exclude mayonnaise.

With cucumber

Cucumber rolls are the lowest calorie type. Cucumber contains a lot of organic acids and fiber, which is useful for a person losing weight. This type of delicacy can easily be prepared in your kitchen.

For cooking you will need:

  1. Boil 200 g of brown rice, separate the nori sheets, finely chop the cucumber.
  2. Place a layer of rice on an unrolled seaweed sheet and add chopped cucumber in the middle.
  3. Form a roll and cut into 6 equal-sized pieces.

Calorie content of salmon roll

Salmon rolls, or shake maki , are popular among healthy eaters due to their low calorie content - 128 kcal per 100 g.

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Fresh salmon is used for cooking - a storehouse of vitamins B, A, E and D, selenium, zinc and minerals. Doctors do not recommend eating such rolls often, as they can cause a slowdown in metabolism and constipation.

Shrimp roll calorie content

The traditional shrimp roll recipe includes shrimp, red onion, lettuce, and several types of sauces, making them greasy and heavy on the stomach.

Shrimp roll is a fat-containing fast food dish.

Depending on the ingredients, their calorie content can vary from 294 to 445 kcal, which excludes them from the list of low-fat dishes.

Note! Shrimp roll is a fat-containing fast food dish. Replacing the ingredients will not be able to bring its calorie content below 294 kcal.

When preparing this type of roll at home, you should exclude mayonnaise and yogurt, replacing it with green sauce. It is recommended not to use pita bread, crackers and cook the dish in the oven.

Calorie content of Philadelphia rolls

In fact, this type of rolls was invented in Europe, most likely they have gained such popularity and include the following:

  • rice;
  • nori;
  • Philadelphia cheese";
  • salmon or salmon;
  • avocado;
  • soy or rice sauce

Calorie content ranges from 100-150 kcal. per 100 gr. If we compare 1 roll, then its calorie content is about 40-50 kcal.

The final calorie content depends on the filling of the roll and its size. One serving of roll is about 200 grams, so the caloric content of a serving will be 240-400 kcal.

The role of sushi and rolls in losing weight

If you choose the right ingredients, rolls can be dietary and benefit the body. Sushi on a diet saturates the body with microelements and helps you lose weight while giving up sweets and unhealthy foods.

It is recommended to strictly monitor the amount of sushi: the daily dose should not exceed 20 pieces. Rolls themselves do not affect fat burning, but together with dietary dishes they can activate metabolism.

Avoid fried rolls

It is worth understanding that when losing weight, sushi fried in batter is a forbidden dish: this method of preparation and oil can double the calorie content of the dish.

Frying sushi requires a lot of oil and special breadcrumbs (tempura), which contain a lot of fat. It is better to be content with vegetable sushi with classic seafood.

Don't get carried away with cream cheese

Another tip for losing weight is to avoid rolls with cream cheese. It contains a lot of saturated carbohydrates, its consumption slows down digestion and promotes weight gain.

Excessively large amounts of cheese have a negative effect on the liver and increase cholesterol levels.

Skip the toppings

Sushi contains many ingredients that add weight to the dish. Toppings in Japanese cuisine can include extra sauce, avocado, pieces of crab and flying fish roe.

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These foods increase the calorie content of food, so they should be excluded.

Replace white rice with brown rice

White rice itself is difficult for the body; it contains a lot of fat, which takes a long time to be absorbed in the body and slows down metabolism. It is better to replace white rice with brown rice.

The latter contains a lot of magnesium and zinc, which are important for the normal functioning of the body. In addition, brown rice is a natural source of fiber, which helps burn fat.

Sashimi (raw fish without rice) is the best option

The best option on a sushi diet is sashimi.
The best option on a sushi diet is sashimi - various varieties of raw fish without garnish. Such nutrition saturates the body with iodine and fluoride, but it is not recommended for everyone.

Some people's bodies are unable to accept raw fish, resulting in nausea and gastrointestinal problems. Only certain types of fish can be eaten raw. Salmon, scallops, sea bass, etc. are used to prepare sashimi.

Tuna and salmon should be your favorite friends

Salmon and tuna must be present in the diet. Their meat contains a lot of iron and fluorine, and therefore it is useful for the body when losing weight.

To reduce the calorie content of tuna rolls, it is advised to use lightly salted fish, a little meat, and completely remove sauces and cheese. By giving up smoked fish, you can cut your calorie intake by almost half.

Add vegetables to the roll

Adding vegetables as a filling will significantly reduce the energy value of the dish, reduce the heaviness of the rice and refresh the taste.

Vegetables can act as substitutes for fat-containing foods such as smoked fish, ham, cheese and others.

Don't skip the ginger and wasabi

Despite the deep-rooted opinion about the dangers of sauces in rolls, it is better not to refuse some toppings.

Wasabi and ginger speed up metabolism, activate blood flow and improve digestion.

They will start cleansing the body and improve the breakdown of fiber.

Harm of sushi, sashimi and rolls to the human body

  • The benefits of eating sushi, rolls and sashimi are observed only if consumed correctly. If you overuse such dishes, you can cause significant harm to your body. Try to follow the norm and buy food only from trusted establishments.
  • You can often find news that a person has been poisoned by sushi. This happens if low-quality fish was used during the cooking process. It may contain tapeworms and roundworms, which, penetrating the human digestive system, provoke the development of helminthiasis.

But it can also be harmful

  • Soy sauce , which is served along with dishes, also causes harm A large amount of salt is used to make it. A person should consume no more than 8 g of salt per day. In 1 tsp. soy sauce contains a little more than 1 g. If a lot of salt enters the body, fluid retention will begin, which will provoke an increase in body weight .
  • Exceeding the daily salt intake can lead to joint problems and increased blood pressure. Therefore, it is better for hypertensive patients to refrain from consuming soy sauce.
  • Dishes that contain sea tuna are especially harmful to humans. A lot of heavy metals, including mercury . This may lead to poisoning. Therefore, it is better to eat dishes made from marinated, salted or smoked fish.
  • If you overuse rolls and sushi, then the accumulation of iodine contained in nori seaweed occurs. This leads to problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Sushi should not be consumed by people suffering from diabetes. This is because rice contains a lot of starch , which can increase your blood sugar levels.
  • Nowadays you can find low-quality wasabi and soy sauce on store shelves .
    They contain many
    emulsifiers, dyes and preservatives. Such ingredients in the composition will definitely not bring benefits to a person.

Consumption should be rationed
So, Japanese cuisine has gained popularity far beyond the country's borders. Sushi, rolls and sashimi are known all over the world. If you belong to the category of people who like to eat such dishes, then carefully study the composition and place an order only from trusted sellers. To be safer, you can cook them yourself. This way you will be sure that high-quality products were used that will not cause harm to the body.

Useful articles:

  • How to cook sushi rice correctly
  • What is the difference between sushi and rolls?
  • How to make your own rolls
  • How to make rolls: preparation and rolling technology
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