Effective two-day diets for quick weight loss

Basic rules of the 2-day diet and recommendations

The following are instructions that will help you lose weight correctly and effectively.

Think over your diet

This is 50% of the success of the diet, because if you think in advance and make a list of foods that will be consumed within two days, the risk of so-called “breakdowns” is reduced. The list of products is compiled depending on which diet option was chosen. It’s best to purchase groceries in advance so that you don’t have to go to the store and stumble upon tempting products on the shelves.

Create a meal schedule

The second step, after grocery shopping, is to plan your meals. Firstly, it will be easier for the body, and secondly, it will also help to avoid unnecessary snacks.

On a two-day diet, there should be at least three meals, the calorie content of which will be between 700 and 1000 calories. The highest calorie intake should be breakfast and dinner. Snacks are not excluded, but it all depends on which diet you choose. You should also plan your schedule so that your last meal is taken 3 hours before bedtime.

Only after thinking through these two points and writing them down for yourself can you start a diet. That is, the decision to lose weight quickly must be deliberate and planned.

Follow the recommendations

And a few more recommendations that will help make the two-day diet as effective as possible:

  • Don't skip breakfast, as this meal fills your body with energy for the whole day. Breakfast should be complete and hearty; don’t be afraid to overeat in the morning, as all the calories will be burned during the day.
  • Breakfast and lunch should mainly consist of light foods: eggs, cottage cheese, cereals, toast, etc.
  • Don't forget to drink a lot of regular water - 1.5-2 liters during the day. During a diet, the body cannot experience a lack of moisture, and water perfectly blocks the feeling of hunger.
  • It is best to eat meat in the evening - for dinner. In this case, the side dish should only be vegetable.
  • On a two-day diet, like on any other, high-calorie foods, fried foods, sweets and processed foods are not allowed. If you allow yourself such freedom once, then the whole result will come to naught.

Reviews and results

Excess weight must be lost gradually by eating right and exercising regularly. However, in situations where you need to correct your figure in a matter of days, the “Two by Two” diet can be successfully used. Even such a small victory over your weight will make you stronger and more confident.

Only healthy people can use fast diets and in cases of extreme necessity, since there is a high probability of deterioration in health and exacerbation of existing diseases. When resorting to such diets, monitor your health and if you experience dizziness , weakness or nausea, stop following the diet.

  • “... I have my own method of emergency weight loss (2,800 in two days), but I cannot recommend it, because the condition afterwards is disgusting. And I myself used it only once, on March 8th. On the first day: for breakfast, 1 piece of toast (made from “correct” flour) with honey, 2 cups of coffee without sugar. I can’t live without coffee, so I drank it these two days too. For lunch and dinner, two fresh cucumbers. I drank water (2.5 liters) all day. In the evening I began to feel nauseous and felt discomfort in my stomach. I lasted until the morning and the weight was 1 kg 700 g. On the second day, breakfast was the same, and for lunch and dinner I ate a large tomato. I also drank a lot of water the entire second day. The result of the second day is 1 kg 100 g. The whole secret of losing weight is the absence of salt and the diuretic effect of cucumbers and tomatoes. After such an experiment, weakness and weakness appeared (as if I had been under a roller), and there was a heaviness in my head. Until the end of the week, I got: boiled vegetables, oatmeal with water, liquid cottage cheese with kefir, vegetable soup with chicken broth, steamed cutlets. The nausea and weakness went away on the fourth day.”
  • “... When I urgently needed to lose weight, I sat on kefir for 2 days and drank a diuretic on an empty stomach. With this mode, 3 kg is easily lost. But it's liquid. If you continue to sit on kefir, the result will be less or there will be no result at all. The water returns within a couple of days. I will not conduct such experiments anymore. It’s just that at that time I urgently needed to fit into a beautiful dress for the holiday. The stomach has retracted, and the hips have also shrunk. I saw this not only in the dress, but also in the skirt, which did not fasten and was cracking at the hips. It doesn’t seem surprising to me, if you skip dinner, then the next morning your stomach will be one centimeter smaller in volume, and the effect of a diuretic will be greater.”
  • “... Hunger and monotonous nutrition are a mockery of the body. When I want to lose weight quickly, I eat everything unsalted: vegetables (raw and stewed, unsweetened fruits), but within reason, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, eggs, boiled fish. You can eat lean borscht or vegetable soup all day. It is clear that unsalted food is terribly tasteless and you can’t eat a lot of it. I can’t drink water, so I drink my favorite green tea (sometimes with honey – it’s absolutely fabulous). My results for this period vary - from 1 kg to 1.8 kg. In my daily diet I try to limit rolls, cookies and other sweets; I have stopped buying sausages that contain nitrite salt, monosodium glutamate and dyes. My whole family eats boiled or baked meat - hot and cold (for a sandwich). For a long time now we have been eating porridge and pasta as a separate food, and not with meat or cutlets. All this allows us to maintain weight plus or minus 2.5 kilograms.”

Lemon diet options for 2 days

Lemon contains large amounts of vitamin C, which helps burn fat, so pay attention to the following diets.

“Minus 5 kg in 2 days”

If you have great willpower and a desire to lose 5 kg, it is suggested that you completely give up food for two days. The diet involves drinking only one drink, which is prepared according to the recipe:

  1. Squeeze the juice of 7 lemons.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of honey.
  3. Add 1 teaspoon red pepper.
  4. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.
  5. 1.5 liters of boiled water is poured.

Lemon-honey diet

Suitable for those who are wary of the combination of lemon juice and pepper. It assumes the same rules as the previous version, only the drink is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • juice of 15 lemons;
  • 3 liters of boiled water;
  • 70 g honey.

This type of diet can be called a fasting diet, since it will cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Find out more about this type of diet here.

Lemon-kefir diet

The most original version of the diet, which involves the following rules:

  • morning, afternoon and evening you need to drink 500 ml of kefir and eat half a lemon;
  • Half a lemon can be replaced with lemon juice from it;
  • lemon juice can be taken separately or after mixing with kefir;
  • If you feel very hungry, you can eat an orange or an apple.

Functions and rules of the two-day diet

The “2 kg in 2 days” diet as an effective method of losing weight, in addition to the main goal of quickly losing weight, performs a number of related tasks. They are implemented through the following functions of a short dietary course:

  1. Unloading. Helps to perform a kind of reboot of the body.
  2. Detox function. Internal cleaning at a fast pace.
  3. Wellness. This is a consequence of the previous function: getting rid of waste materials and toxins leads to the healthy course of physiological processes.
  4. Aesthetic. The appearance is transformed: the posture is leveled, the silhouette looks slimmer, the figure takes on beautiful shapes, and the face has sculptural contours and a healthy color.

Cucumber diet for two days

The cucumber diet is one of the most effective in terms of quick weight loss, because you can achieve amazing results on it - lose from 2 to 5 kilograms. This effect is due to the fact that during the diet a lot of cucumbers are eaten, along with which a person also absorbs up to two liters of water. And if you add to this amount the amount of clean drinking water that should be drunk, then the body receives a real natural detox.

Toxins and wastes intensively leave the body in two days, and extra pounds go along with them.

The basic principle of a quick cucumber diet is to eat at least 2 kg of cucumbers, but more is possible. The main dish in this case will be cucumber salad, which is prepared according to this recipe:

  1. 2 kg of cucumbers should be cut into pieces.
  2. Season them with low-fat sour cream or olive oil.
  3. Diversify with herbs: parsley, dill, green onions, arugula.

The salad cannot be salted, but if it tastes completely bland, you can add a little lemon juice.

The classic cucumber diet menu for two days will be like this:

  1. Breakfast – Black tea or coffee without sugar, wholemeal bread toast, spread with butter or jam of your choice. If the toast is buttered, you can put sliced ​​cucumber on top.
  2. Second breakfast (before 12 noon) – cucumber salad.
  3. Lunch – one boiled chicken egg, cucumber salad and a piece of boiled chicken breast.
  4. Snack – cucumber salad.
  5. Afternoon snack – one apple, orange or pear (your choice).
  6. Dinner – cucumber salad.

In addition to water, on this diet you can drink green tea without sugar or mineral water throughout the day. But this does not change the condition for consuming 2 liters of clean drinking water.

Menu (power mode)

In mono-nutrition diets, the product is distributed into several doses. In between, you can drink water and green tea. Here's a list of varied meals throughout the day.

First day

  • 80 g of oatmeal, brewed with boiling water (sugar cannot be added to “live” flakes, but berries can improve the taste of the dish);
  • unsweetened tea.
  • carrot salad with lemon juice and vegetable oil.
  • boiled chicken 100 g or two eggs;
  • cabbage salad.
Afternoon snack
  • apple (small grapefruit).
  • cottage cheese 150 g;
  • herbal tea.

Second day

  • cottage cheese 150 g;
  • green tea.
  • chicory drink;
  • plums
  • dietary borscht (vegetable soup, Bonn soup).
Afternoon snack
  • Herb tea;
  • whole grain bread.
  • boiled fish;
  • vegetables.

Kefir diet for two days

Kefir allows you to lose several kilograms, has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, and promotes the excretion of feces, which are often the cause of excess weight. There are three options for the kefir diet for 2 days:

Option 1

This version of an effective diet for two days involves a complete refusal of any food in favor of kefir. But the amount of kefir here will be limited - no more than 1.5 kefir per day is allowed. This amount should be divided into several doses, and you should not drink anything else except plain water.

The diet is quite strict, but allows you to achieve maximum results - minus 5 kg in two days.

Option 2

This option is less harsh, since in addition to kefir, some food is allowed. These are mainly vegetables and fruits. So, the allowed amount of kefir is 1.5 liters per day, the allowed amount of fruits and vegetables is 1 kg (this is the total allowed amount of vegetables and fruits together, and not separately). Among fruits, it is best to give preference to apples, watermelon, oranges, and pears. You can't eat grapes and bananas. Vegetables - everything except potatoes.

Option 3

For 2 days you need to follow the following diet:

  • For breakfast, you should eat toast with bran and drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • For lunch, you should prepare yourself a vegetable salad, season it with olive oil, and also drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • For dinner, the menu includes two apples, a piece of cheese and again a glass of kefir.

There are no snacks in this menu, as they are replaced with kefir. The total amount of kefir drunk per day should be one and a half liters, so between main meals you can safely drink kefir and water.

After a kefir diet, body reactions such as diarrhea, flatulence, and bloating are possible. If such discomfort occurs, then it is better to abandon such a diet in favor of another option.

Basic principles

Such a diet really helps to achieve the desired result, since it allows you to lose a couple of kilograms if you follow certain instructions:

  1. A lack of daily calorie content provokes weight loss, and an excess of it provokes weight gain.
  2. Reducing calorie consumption simultaneously with an increase in daily physical activity contributes to rapid figure correction.
  3. Weight loss with such a short-term method is achieved by eliminating excess fluid and cleansing the intestines - fat cannot be eliminated using this method.
  4. To maintain the gained shape, a systematic exit after completing the diet is required.
  5. An important requirement for any weight loss system is compliance with the fluid intake regime; its daily norm should reach the level of 2 liters. It is allowed to drink herbal infusions along with clean water, unsweetened green tea.
  6. Categorical refusal of any unhealthy food, alcohol, flour products or sweets.

  7. Baths, peelings, and other cosmetics are suitable as additional measures for emergency weight loss.
  8. It is recommended to organize fasting days on weekends in order to stay at home, not violate the proposed plan, and scrupulously follow it.
  9. It is imperative to consume vitamin C, which can smooth out the unpleasant consequences of emergency weight loss.
  10. The duration of the proposed course should not exceed three days.
  11. The frequency of repeating the recommended program is allowed a maximum of four times per year.
  12. When choosing any mono-diet, before starting it, you need to experiment, trying products produced by different manufacturers, and then settle on the brand you like. This will help you cope with food restrictions easier and smooth out a slightly stressful situation.
  13. When you have to engage in mental activity while completing the program, you can eat some dried fruits or drink a cup of warm honey water to saturate your brain with a portion of glucose.
  14. The stated two-kilogram weight loss is likely only with significant obesity. If you are only slightly overweight, you will not be able to lose much weight. Lifestyle, the presence of bad habits, the degree of organization of the nutritional regime, and the individual characteristics of the figure are also significant.

Be sure to read: Features of singer Valeria’s diet to maintain an ideal figure. Detailed menu

The most effective options for urgent figure correction are fast-acting express diets or mono-diets, which involve consuming only a strictly defined product. Such fasting days are guaranteed to reduce waist size, restoring water balance in the tissues.

Truly effective weight loss is only possible when you combine nutritional deficiency with exercise. But sports activities must be performed under scrupulous supervision, since the body is in a powerful state of stress due to strict prohibitions on consuming food.

Fitness trainers recommend that clients do aerobic training simultaneously with circuit training in order to start the maximum possible fat burning process. The first option involves aerobics, vigorous exercise and running, the second – a high pace of performing the recommended exercises.

If training in the gym is not possible, they are replaced by regular home exercises along with push-ups, hoop rotation, and abdominal pumping. All this will contribute to the transformation of your figure.

Buckwheat diet for two days

Buckwheat must be cooked in water; no vegetable oil, sugar or salt should be added. The recipe for making porridge is as simple as possible:

  1. One tablespoon of washed buckwheat should be poured with two glasses of boiling water.
  2. Leave the porridge for several hours so that it has time to steam.
  3. If all the moisture has not been absorbed during this time, then it must be drained. Buckwheat is ready to eat!

This porridge should be eaten 4-5 times a day during the diet. At the same time, you can also drink green tea without sugar and, of course, maintain water balance.

If such a diet is too strict for you, then you can add kefir to your diet with the buckwheat diet (drink up to one liter per day). You are allowed to combine these two products by cooking buckwheat with kefir (you will get a cold soup). And the third option is to alternate between taking porridge and taking kefir by the hour.

You can also stick to the buckwheat diet, diluting it with fruits. In addition to buckwheat porridge, you can eat a couple more fruits and six pieces of dried apricots or prunes.

In the case of the buckwheat fast diet, there are contraindications. You cannot follow a buckwheat diet for two days if you have:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • period of puberty.

This diet can lead to poor health, especially under severe mental and physical stress. If weakness, darkness in the eyes and dizziness appear, then you should eat a spoonful of honey or drink a mug of tea with sugar.

We also recommend trying the kefir-buckwheat diet for weight loss.

Positive and negative sides of the diet

The lemon diet is an effective method to lose extra pounds. There are many advantages to this method for losing weight. The main thing is not a quick result at all, but effectiveness even after the end of the diet.

Using this method, there is no need to be afraid that the lost kilograms will return immediately after your diet becomes the same . The lemon diet gives a great boost and helps the body burn fat for some time. Now let's look at all the pros and cons of the method.


  1. Excellent results in a short period of time and... This point is important, because it is for the sake of rapid weight loss that people choose the lemon diet. With proper nutrition, you can lose at least 1-2 kilograms of fat per day. The speed at which lemon cleanses the body and destroys fat is incredibly high.
  2. Beneficial effect on the body . As mentioned above, lemon juice completely cleanses the body of harmful substances. This will have a good effect on its work and the functionality of each organ separately. Digestion will also improve due to the large volume of water. Lemon can help prevent diseases such as diabetes, because a drink made from lemon juice and water strengthens blood vessels and keeps all body processes in good working order.
  3. Strengthening the immune system . This is an added bonus to weight loss. Vitamin C, which is contained in citrus, strengthens the body's defenses and promotes the absorption of calcium.
  4. Appearance . Lemon juice affects skin color, making it healthier. The condition of the skin itself also improves and becomes more elastic.
  5. Low cost . Every person can afford a fruit like lemon. It is not expensive at all, and water can be taken from a tap or well. That is, at minimal cost you will get a good result.

The diet had a lot of positive aspects, but only one minus. It does not apply to everyone, but only to a certain group of people who are allergic to citrus fruits . This category of people trying to lose weight should forget about the lemon diet, because nothing can be done about the disease.

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