The best and most effective diets for 7 days with a result of minus 10 kg, reviews of those losing weight and the opinion of doctors

There are many types of nutrition programs. But there is no clearly correct and effective diet for 7 days with a minus 10 kg, the reviews of which are exclusively positive. This is due to the fact that something different suits each person. You can say that a particular diet plan is right for you if, while following it, you can easily cope with everyday activities in the same way as before changing your diet.

Diets minus 10 kg per week - losing weight wisely

When choosing a quick and effective diet to lose 10 kg in 7 days at home, consult a specialist. Go through a comprehensive examination and get your blood tested. This will give a general overview of your health. It is also important to identify or eliminate possible complications depending on the choice of a specific program for losing body weight.

Remember that minus 10 kg with a diet for 7 days is a very large weight loss. Healthy weight loss involves losing 3-4 kg per month.

Basic Rules:

  • healthy food choices;
  • regular meals up to 5 times a day;
  • refusal of food 2 hours before bedtime.

Types of diets for losing weight by 10 kg per week

You can lose 10 kg in seven days using mono-diets. They involve eating one or two foods within one week. For variety, you can alternate diets, which will not only help you lose weight, but also maintain your health.


Costs: free

The first effective diet is considered to be strict drinking. It involves the exclusion of all types of products. Thus, it is necessary to drink only water for several days.

During the drinking diet, you need to drink from 2 to 4 kg (depending on weight). To avoid dizziness and stress, you can add honey to warm water. In addition, you are allowed to drink green tea and eat apples.

It is important to consider that the first 2 days of the diet will really bring benefits, as natural bowel cleansing will occur. However, from days 3 and 4 you need to start adding negative calorie foods to your diet. For example, cucumbers, carrots and greens. You can make a delicious and healthy smoothie from them, which will also help you lose weight.


Costs: no more than 600 rubles

The kefir diet differs from the drinking diet only in the main product. So, this type involves the use of kefir, which can have a fat content percentage from 0 to 3.2. For 7 days you need to drink a fermented milk drink, occasionally adding seasonal berries or fruits (but not more than 1 kg).

Attention! You should not consume kefir with a fat content higher than 3.2% for a week, as this contributes to the development of diseases in the intestines. The microflora may be disrupted and a feeling of heaviness and bloating may appear.

Cucumber diet

Costs: from 1000 rubles

Nutrition during the cucumber diet is quite varied. This is due to the fact that eating cucumbers alone can trigger the development of diseases such as stomach ulcers or gastritis. However, there are quite serious limitations.

So, during the day you need to eat about 1-1.5 kg of cucumbers. A meager diet should be diluted with one avocado or several boiled eggs. You can eat whole grain bread and dietary meat. Eating 4 hours before bedtime is strictly prohibited. It is also important to maintain water balance.

Apple diet (with indulgences)

Costs: up to 1000 rubles

Apples contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. In addition, they have a sweet and sour taste, which can be useful for sugar lovers. During a light apple diet, you need to follow only three rules:

  1. Be sure to eat 1 kg of apples per day.
  2. Maintain water balance.
  3. Once a day, dilute the diet with one boiled chicken breast.

The breast can be replaced with duck meat or a piece of steamed turkey. It is also important not to eat these protein foods at night, as they can lead to heaviness and pain when eating this way.


Costs: from 1000 rubles (depending on the manufacturer)

You can lose 10 kg in a delicious way, that is, with the help of your favorite chocolate. This diet is based on the consumption of dark chocolate, green tea and water. So, one bar of chocolate should be eaten during the day in the ratio: one square of sweets per one cup of tea.

It is better to take dark chocolate with a high cocoa content (72% and above). Sweets should be without additives or oils. As an exception, it is allowed to consume 100 g of dried fruits daily (except for dried bananas).

There is no need to worry about feeling hungry, since evenly distributing a standard chocolate bar throughout the day will allow you to forget about other foods. The bitter taste perfectly satisfies hunger and gives a feeling of fullness.

Medical diet (No. 8)

The goal of a medical nutrition program is to maintain an optimal balance of all nutrients. First, it is preferable to calculate the actual energy consumption, reduce it by approximately 1500–2000 kJ. A further decrease in energy occurs at the next stagnation of weight loss.

A medical diet plan is commonly used to treat obese people, so it is best to discuss adherence to it with a doctor or nutritionist.

Allowed food:

  • lean meat;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • low-fat milk, dairy products;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • vegetable oils;
  • low-energy or non-energy drinks.

Forbidden food:

  • simple carbohydrates: sweets of all kinds;
  • meat with high fat content;
  • smoked meats;
  • eggs (allowed in limited quantities);
  • fried, fatty foods;
  • alcohol;
  • energetic drinks.


  • Breakfast: whole grain bread, Edam cheese, salad.
  • 1st afternoon snack: fruit.
  • Lunch: beef, butter, rice, vegetables.
  • 2nd afternoon snack: vegetables.
  • Dinner: tuna, pasta, vegetables.
  • 2nd dinner: fruit.

Based on this example, a weekly diet plan is compiled; 7 kg per week is the maximum possible weight loss.

The Traffic Light diet - simple weight loss without fasting

The principle of a medical food scheme also underlies the Traffic Light diet. The products here are divided into 3 groups (colors):

Green (allowed) group:

  • fish;
  • buckwheat;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • vegetable oils.

Yellow (limited) group:

  • ready-made sauces;
  • dried fruits;
  • cheeses;
  • cottage cheese;
  • pasta.

Red (prohibited) group:

  • bakery;
  • sweets;
  • fatty food;
  • alcohol;
  • soda;
  • raw milk;
  • fast food.

Diet for 7 days from beans

This diet for 7 days minus 10 kg of weight will not provide, but with interval repetition it will be effective. Its discoverer was James Skates from England, who consumed 2 cans of canned beans in tomato sauce every day. After 1.5 years, he managed to lose weight from an incredible 133 kg to 95 kg.

Example of using beans:

  • The white variety is suitable for soups.
  • Canned beans make a good lunch.
  • The red and mottled varieties are ideal as a side dish.
  • Mungo beans with juicy shoots will be a suitable addition to salads and Asian dishes.

100 g of beans contains only 1000 kJ.

Military diet for 7 days

According to reviews, this is the most effective diet for a week; minus 10 kg in 7 days is an unlikely result. But after repeating the course, this effect is quite real.

The military diet promises quick weight loss. Recommended products are consumed for 3 days. The course is repeated after a 4-day break.

1 day:

  • Breakfast: grapefruit, whole grain toast with 2 tbsp. l. peanut butter, hot drink (tea or coffee).
  • Lunch: Whole grain toast with tuna.
  • Dinner: 90 g of meat, apple, green beans, banana.

Day 2:

  • Breakfast: whole grain toast, egg, hot drink.
  • Lunch: egg, cottage cheese, hot drink.
  • Dinner: ½ tbsp. broccoli, carrots, vanilla ice cream, 2 hot dogs without a bun.

Day 3:

  • Breakfast: cheddar, apple, hot drink.
  • Lunch: whole grain toast, egg, hot drink.
  • Dinner: banana, tuna.

For the remaining 4 days, any food is consumed without exceeding the energy income threshold of 1500 kcal. Don't forget about movement (this is a military diet, after all).

Types of diets for quick weight loss of 10 kg in 7 days

Among all the other low-calorie menus, we selected those that are focused on extreme fat loss:

  • protein;
  • kefir;
  • doctoral (medical);
  • apple;
  • buckwheat;
  • cucumber;
  • "6 petals"

Protein diet weight loss 10 kg per week

A protein diet will help you lose 10 kg in a week and maintain muscle tone. Her diet consists mainly of protein foods, and there should be as little carbohydrates as possible. This allows you to reduce body fat, but at the same time keep your muscles healthy and strong.

The protein menu excludes alcohol, confectionery and baked goods, hot seasonings and any salad dressings except lemon juice. Animal products predominate.

Sample protein diet menu. Below are the dishes that need to be eaten per day in the given order, and the interval between each meal should be 3 hours. There are 5 meals in total, so you should start your day as early as possible so that the last snack is at least 4 hours before bedtime.

Diet days:

  • 1st day. Skim milk, a plate of rice porridge, 0.2 kg boiled veal, a plate of vegetables without seasoning, 2 boiled eggs with 0.2 kg of lean fish;
  • 2nd day. Coffee or tea, cottage cheese 0% - a saucer, 0.1 kg of boiled chicken fillet and the same amount of buckwheat, vegetable salad, 2 eggs and fish, as in the previous day;
  • 3rd day. Milk, 0.2 kg of fish, 150 g of buckwheat and a saucer of boiled shrimp, 0.2 kg of stewed vegetables with rice, 2 eggs (can be fried) and a piece of lean meat;
  • 4th day. Dried fruit compote, 1 chicken fillet, vegetable soup and rye bread, vegetables, fish and eggs, as in previous days;
  • 5th day. Kefir 1.5% and a piece of dried bread, stewed vegetables with rice 200 g, 150 g fish and 2 potatoes, any dairy product 0.25 kg, 0.1 kg meat and scrambled eggs;
  • 6th day. Coffee/tea/compote, crackers and 2 eggs: meat and rice with a total weight of 0.25 kg, vegetables, a piece of fish and a cup of cottage cheese;
  • 7th day. Kefir/yogurt, a piece of fish and vegetable juice, rice and meat, as on day 6, vegetable salad, scrambled eggs and apples (2 pcs.).

Kefir diet

The fermented lactic bacteria in kefir will prevent digestion from deteriorating due to dietary restrictions; on the contrary, the intestinal tract will work better and metabolism will increase. The weekly diet is quite strict, but there is an even more severe 3-day analogue, as well as a simple ten-day one.

Kefir diet menu. The diet is simple: for every day there is 500 ml of kefir and an unlimited amount of still water, and the rest of the products are changed according to the scheme described below.

Diet plan:

  • Monday. 800 g boiled potatoes.
  • Tuesday. 500 g boiled chicken fillet without spices.
  • Wednesday. A pack of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Thursday. 200 ml sour cream.
  • Friday. 1 kg of fresh apples and 0.3 kg of any other dried fruit, except bananas and raisins.
  • Saturday. Another 0.5 liters of kefir is added, making 1 in total.
  • Sunday. Same as Saturday.

Kefir diet menu for the week:

Medical diet

Like kefir, it has an option for a week or for 2, for 3 days or for 10. The number of kg lost depends on the initial data of the person, but not less than 5. Also known as “medical” because it was developed for weight loss for obese patients before operations. For this reason, the diet is considered harmless to health, although some of its days are extremely strict - they are spent on water.

Throughout the diet, it is necessary to take some kind of vitamin complex.

Sample menu:

  • Monday. Throughout the day, drink 6 glasses (250 ml each) of drinking mineral water without gas. There is a gap of at least 2 hours between each glass;
  • Tuesday. The same nutrition as on day 1, only instead of water there is milk with 0% fat content, and its portions are 150 ml, not 250. An apple is also added;
  • Wednesday. Monday repeat;
  • Thursday . 1 kg of chopped vegetables, seasoned with olive or linseed oil; 500 ml green tea;
  • Friday . Repeat Wednesday, but without the apple;
  • Saturday is the busiest day. In the morning, egg and tea, for lunch 0.1 kg of canned peas and the same amount of lean meat; for dinner a plate of broth with vegetables. You can snack on an apple;
  • Sunday . Throughout the day, eat 0.1 kg of cottage cheese, 1 apple, drink 1 liter of fermented milk product and 0.5 liter of milk.

Apple diet

Not very difficult, because on any day, if you feel hungry, you can add a few more apples to your meal, but no more than 4. These fruits help speed up metabolism and, together with pectin fibers, remove excess from the body.

Apple diet menu:

  • Day 1. For breakfast, a couple of grated apples without sugar and a small handful of walnuts. For lunch, a salad of a hard-boiled chicken egg, herbs and 1 apple is served. There is no need to season it with anything, and it is most effective to remove the yolk from the egg. Have dinner with 3 apples in any form: raw or processed.
  • Day 2 . It starts again with a couple of apples, but now instead of nuts, a small bowl of boiled rice is added to them. For lunch, a container of exactly the same volume with a mixture of rice and fruit puree without sugar (you can make it yourself from a boiled apple or buy puree for the little ones in the store). Rice again for dinner.
  • Day 3 . Now for tomorrow, combine 2 apples with a small bowl of 0% fat cottage cheese. For the 2nd meal, mix: the same amount of cottage cheese + diced apple + 1 tbsp. l. honey, a handful of any nuts. You can add a little lemon juice. For dinner, cottage cheese is half the amount that was in the morning.
  • Day 4. In the morning: 1 apple and 2 carrots, grate and mix. A similar dish during the day, and in the evening you are allowed to pamper yourself a little with 2 apples baked with 1 tsp. honey.
  • Day 5 . A break from fruit. Morning meal: boiled carrots and beets (small). For lunch, the same beets, white from a boiled chicken egg and a plate of oatmeal without milk. Have dinner with a plate of grated carrots with a spoon of honey.
  • Days 6 and 7 completely repeat 1 and 2.

Buckwheat diet

The buckwheat diet will allow you to lose 10 kg in a week and save a decent amount on groceries. Nutritionists consider buckwheat an excellent side dish for weight loss, and the price is an additional plus.

It is unlikely that you can lose 10 kg in a week, even using such an effective mono-diet as buckwheat, but losing 2-3 extra kilos without harm to your health is quite possible


  • Avoid eating after 7 pm as your metabolism is lower at night.
  • Do not use any spices, not even salt.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water.
  • Distribute food evenly.

Buckwheat diet menu for a week. All 7 days you need to eat the same way. For a day you are given a glass of buckwheat, which needs to be boiled without salt, 1 liter of low-fat kefir and 2 apples. These products need to be divided into small portions and eaten throughout the day, and if possible, it is better to avoid kefir.

Cucumber Diet

Cucumbers are useful to eat even without going on a diet, since these vegetables are easily digestible, remove excess from the body and do not harm the figure due to their high liquid content and low nutritional value. When expressing weight loss, they will come in handy as an inexpensive basis for your diet.

The menu of such a diet is not hungry, but it quickly gets boring. According to women, from 2-3 days the weight begins to disappear rapidly, but after a week, cucumbers in any form become hateful.

People with problems with the urinary system need to be careful, as the diet has a diuretic effect.

All 7 days you should adhere to the same diet plan:

  • The morning always starts with a large cup of some sugar-free drink. Better than tea or coffee, juice is allowed.
  • Lunch. 2 medium cucumbers and a cracker/bread/slice of whole grain bread.
  • Dinner. Several fresh cucumbers; any other vegetable except potatoes; some hearty food (boiled egg/piece of hard cheese/bowl of rice).
  • Afternoon snack. Fruit.
  • Dinner. Cucumber salad with herbs and olive oil.

Diet "6 petals"

The essence of this diet is a clear division of food products by day. Today the emphasis is on one product, tomorrow on another, and so on. Efficiency lies in the simultaneous use of the principles of separate nutrition and alternation of several mono-diets. Unlike the others, “6 petals” lasts 6 days, and about 1 kg is consumed per day. The total is 6 kg in less than a week.

Menu for the “6 petals” diet:

  • Day I. Based on fish cooked in any way other than frying in oil. In total, 300 g of the finished product is given per day, which must be divided into 3-4 doses. Drinks include green tea and water.
  • Day II. Vegetable. In the morning, tomato-cucumber salad with plants. oil; vegetable soup for lunch; for dinner again salad (can be salted) and a plate of sauerkraut.
  • Day III. Protein. 3 meals: for one of them you can eat chicken broth, and for the other 2 - boiled or baked chicken meat without skins. You need to drink green tea.
  • Day IV. Cereal. For breakfast and lunch there is wheat porridge with bread, for dinner boiled rice and also bread. Between these meals, it is recommended to snack on seeds.
  • Day V. Dairy products. 3 times the same set - 0.2 kg of cottage cheese, a glass of milk and a cup of tea.
  • Day VI. Carbohydrate and fruity. In the morning and afternoon, kiwi (2 pieces each) and something citrus (a couple of tangerines/orange/grapefruit). In the evening, baked apple, dried fruits and citrus again.

Vegetable diet: minus 10 kg in 7 days

This is another effective 7 day diet; minus 10 kg (reviews are evidence of this) can be achieved by repeating it after a week's break. It is based on root vegetables (carrots, parsley, celery). Another group is cabbage, beets, leeks, onions, garlic, broccoli, kohlrabi. The common denominator of all these types is low energy content.

During the break between courses, a healthy diet and control of energy consumption are recommended.

Menu by day of the diet for 7 days (the menu will provide minus 10 kg only if you follow the weight loss rules and repeat the course):

1 day:

  • Breakfast: carrots, apples, nuts, honey.
  • 1 afternoon snack: nuts, raisins.
  • Lunch: stewed leeks.
  • 2nd afternoon snack: apple, nuts.
  • Dinner: root vegetable soup.

Day 2:

  • Breakfast: carrots, pineapple, nuts, honey.
  • 1 afternoon snack: nuts, raisins.
  • Lunch: beet and cabbage salad.
  • 2nd afternoon snack: apple, nuts.
  • Dinner: vegetables.

Day 3:

  • Breakfast: carrots, apples, nuts, honey.
  • 1 afternoon snack: nuts, raisins.
  • Lunch: kohlrabi stew.
  • 2nd afternoon snack: apple, nuts.
  • Dinner: broccoli soup.

Subsequently, the diet is repeated.

Real advice from nutritionists for those who want to lose 10 kg in a week

Nutritionists suggest how to lose 10 kg in a week. They know better than anyone that you shouldn’t ruin your health for the sake of weight, so they give some important recommendations.

Nutritionist advice:

  • Such a sharp jump in weight is not possible for everyone, so do not despair if after the diet you only lost 3-4 kg.
  • When on a strict diet, you must take vitamin complexes.
  • Drink as much as your body requires, but not less than 2 liters.

  • Come up with motivation, remind yourself of the need to achieve the goal.
  • Before the diet, gradually reduce your calorie intake, and then slowly and carefully increase it.
  • Spend as much time as possible outdoors.
  • Don't forget about exercises and procedures. It is highly recommended to attend a massage or do body wraps.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Provide yourself with interesting activities during the diet.

10 kg is a lot of weight, which should take several months. As has been proven in practice, in an emergency situation you can get rid of it in a week, but you should start dramatic weight loss only after carefully studying the theory of weight loss.

Article design: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Lenten diet “minus 10 kg”

The goal of the diet is to lose 10 kg per week by consuming fresh, high-quality foods, temporarily eliminating salt, sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, and coffee. Some nutritional schemes also recommend drinking special teas, but in most cases, this is simply a marketing ploy by the manufacturers.

Allowed food:

  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • whole grains;
  • lean meat;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • legumes;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • high quality vegetable oils;
  • fish.

Forbidden food:

  • fatty meat and smoked meats;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • salt;
  • sweets, sugar;
  • fried foods;
  • salty snacks.

One-day repeating (with possibilities for variations) menu:

  • Breakfast: wild berries, millet porridge, herbal tea.
  • 1st afternoon snack: apple.
  • Lunch: fried trout with potatoes, vegetables.
  • 2nd afternoon snack: cucumbers.
  • Dinner: salad with chickpeas.

Fasting is also the basis of the Saikov diet. The above recommendations are supplemented by enemas (2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per 2 liters of water), restriction of drinking regime (up to 1 liter of liquid).

Rules for effective diets

Diets imply restrictions in the diet. Such changes are aimed at reducing calorie intake and, as a result, weight loss. You can get rid of 10 kg in a week, but to do this you will need to follow some rules.

  • The chosen type of nutrition must be strictly adhered to, eliminating all possible risks of disruption (it is better to remove chocolate, flour, fried, spicy and confectionery products from sight).
  • It is important to drink enough clean water, which is calculated by the formula:

30ml x weight = daily water volume

  • During sudden weight loss, the body experiences stress, so you should not go to the gym or do cardio at home. It is better to give preference to light stretching or yoga, which will support the condition of the skin. You also need to sleep a lot, because sleep reduces the feeling of hunger and saturates the body with energy.

Cucumber diet for 7 days

Cucumber removes toxins, stimulates the body, cleanses the intestines, and promotes digestion. With its daily consumption, the body gets rid of excess accumulated water.

The duration of the cucumber diet course is 7 days, minus 10 kg can be achieved by repeating it.


  • Breakfast. Yogurt, cucumber, apple.
  • Dinner. Cucumbers with breadcrumbs.
  • Dinner. Potatoes with cucumber, egg.

Buckwheat diet

Buckwheat diet is fast and effective; in 7 days 10 kg will not evaporate. But the nutritional value of cereals ensures no feeling of hunger, easy and natural weight loss.

The base is buckwheat porridge prepared the night before (ratio: ½ liter of boiling water per ½ kg of buckwheat). Pour boiling water over the cereal, cover, and leave until the next day. The remaining water can be drained.

Buckwheat can be supplemented with 1 liter of kefir per day (together with porridge or separately). Do not exceed your daily dose.

Is it possible to lose 10 kg in a week?

The rate of weight loss depends on how much excess weight a person has and whether he has any at all. If so, then the body will give away the excess much more easily, because it does more harm than good. But the closer the weight is to normal, the slower it goes away, and with low weight such weight will not disappear quickly - the body will resist it with all its might.

To lose weight by 10 kg or more you will need:

  • strict dietary restrictions;
  • physical exercise;
  • correct daily routine;
  • healthy sleep;
  • special procedures.

Drinking diet

If you follow a drinking diet for a week for 7 days at home, minus 10 kg will most likely not be possible to immediately lose. To achieve this result, it must be repeated after a week-long break, which requires compliance with the rules of a healthy diet.

The basis of the drinking diet is fruit and vegetable juices, broths, clean water, herbal teas. Anything that can be consumed in liquid form (eg smoothies) is also used. Even tofu, chopped and mixed with vegetable juice, is suitable. It will supply the body with protein.

Fats are consumed with chicken and beef broth. Avocado will supplement the body with fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Sugar is provided by fruit juices.

Carbohydrates and fiber are consumed with oatmeal mixed with drinks.

Buckwheat and drinking day are components of the “Favorite” diet. 7 days on your favorite diet looks like this:

  1. Drinking.
  2. Vegetable.
  3. Drinking.
  4. Fruit.
  5. Protein.
  6. Drinking.
  7. Balanced.

Buckwheat diet

Another option for a weekly diet that allows you to lose up to 10 kg in such a short time is the buckwheat diet. One of its main advantages is the ability to consume buckwheat in fairly large quantities. However, under no circumstances should you add oil, salt or any spices to it.

In addition, with this diet, you can drink about a liter of kefir every day with a fat content of 1% and consume an unlimited amount of water, simply put, the more, the better. Sweets will have to be excluded from the diet. If you really can’t bear it, you can add honey to warm water.

Also, anyone who wants to lose extra pounds and acquire a beautiful and slender body should remember that diets should be resorted to only if there are no gastric diseases, chronic or acute.

Strict kefir diet: minus 10 kg in 7 days

Although this strict diet for a week minus 10 kg in 7 days can provide, remember that we are talking about very rapid weight loss, requiring consultation with a specialist. The diet includes fruits, meat, baked potatoes, low-fat cottage cheese.

The daily menu consists of ½ liter of kefir, supplemented with 400 g of another product:

  1. Baked potato.
  2. Cottage cheese.
  3. Fruits.
  4. Chicken.
  5. Fruits.
  6. Pure or mineral still water.
  7. Fruits.

Pros and cons of losing weight quickly

So, if you want to lose weight quickly, then this diet is for you. To achieve results and not harm the body, you must carefully read the instructions. And see all the pros and cons of this diet.


  1. You can’t fit into your favorite dress, but you need it for a celebration next week. Diet per week minus 10 kg will help you.
  2. The main rule is not to give up food completely, as starvation can cause you to faint. If you follow the rules of the diet, then toxins and harmful substances will be removed from the body.


  1. Losing weight in a week is quite possible. The most difficult time comes after a week. You must continue to monitor your nutrition system and menu so that the lost pounds do not return.
  2. During a diet of seven days minus 10 kg, dehydration occurs. If a woman suffers from hypotension, then using such a diet is strictly contraindicated, as sleep problems, dizziness, and hypotension may occur.

Minus 7 kg on the Japanese diet

Japanese cuisine is low-calorie, rich in fiber, proteins, vegetable fats, vitamins A, B, C, D and E. But the weekly meal plan is based mainly on fruits, vegetables, cheese, meat, fish.

Breakfast: Gohan eggs, porridge or flavored rice

Breakfast is essential for most people, and the Japanese are no exception. This meal should be nutritious and give energy. In Japan, bread (as we understand it) is unknown. The base is rice, an important source of carbohydrates. The simplest traditional Japanese breakfast is hot rice with a raw egg, gohan. Light rice porridge is also popular, most often with the addition of dried plums.

Lunch: ramen, sushi or udon noodles

Sushi is widespread in Japan, the most famous types of which are nigiri, maki, and temaki. They are usually prepared according to traditional recipes; the Japanese avoid experiments. You can also choose hot cuisine, which is based on noodles. The most famous are udon noodles in meat broth with vegetables and pieces of meat. Ramen, a thick noodle soup with vegetables and beef, is also suitable.

Dinner: small portions, but many dishes

A Japanese dinner usually consists of several small dishes. In Europe, this practice is presented as an appetizer, main course, dessert. Traditionally, dinner is based on a bowl of rice with pieces of meat and vegetables, pickles, mackerel or other seafood. An almost essential ingredient is miso, an important source of nutrients.

Green tea - with every meal

In Japan, green tea is most often served and is consumed with almost every dish. Here it is part of the traditional tea ceremony.

Protein food scheme

The protein diet is based on the theory that when the carbohydrate content in the diet is significantly reduced, the energy supplied by them comes from the body's own fat reserves. An increased proportion of proteins ensures that muscle mass does not burn.

You can lose up to 10 kg in 7 days with a strict diet, provided you follow the basic rule - the weight of the dish should not exceed 250 g.

Authorized products:

  • meat;
  • cheese;
  • milk;
  • yoghurts;
  • cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • soy;
  • vegetables;
  • clean, mineral water;
  • sometimes nuts.

Prohibited products:

  • potato;
  • grains (rice, corn, millet);
  • paste;
  • bread;
  • sweets;
  • alcohol;
  • sweetened drinks;
  • sugar.

Approximate diet on a protein diet:

1 day:

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs.
  • Lunch: chicken.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt.
  • Dinner: fish.

Day 2:

  • Breakfast: bran, salmon.
  • Lunch: eggs.
  • Afternoon snack: Edam cheese.
  • Dinner: turkey.

Day 3:

  • Breakfast: bran, yogurt.
  • Lunch: trout with mustard sauce.
  • Afternoon snack: Cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: chicken.

Day 4:

  • Breakfast: omelet with chicken ham.
  • Lunch: chicken.
  • Afternoon snack: vegetables.
  • Dinner: fish soup.

Day 5:

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese, ham.
  • Lunch: trout with greens.
  • Afternoon snack: chicken leg.
  • Dinner: beef.

Day 6:

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs.
  • Lunch: chicken.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt.
  • Dinner: chicken cutlets (without breading).

Day 7:

  • Breakfast: yogurt, bran.
  • Lunch: salmon.
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: chicken.

Doctors Diet

This doctor’s diet, when used for the first time, provides the desired result of minus 10 kg per week. Among the side effects, reviews note headaches in the first couple of days. Also, it cannot be repeated more than once a month for a very simple reason - this is a very strict diet, and you cannot deviate from it, its daily menu is quite meager, designed to cleanse the body as quickly as possible. It is unlikely that anyone will decide to undertake such a “feat” without a very serious reason.

So, here's what the doctors' diet for seven days consists of:

  1. Monday (main test):
      Any food on this day is excluded. Instead, you need to buy a bottle of mineral water, divide it into several small parts and drink them instead of breakfast, afternoon tea, lunch and dinner;
  2. Tuesday:
      Almost completely similar to the first day, only instead of mineral water you need to drink milk. In the evening, around 9 pm, you can eat one apple;
  3. Wednesday:
      Similar to the first day;
  4. Thursday:
      For breakfast and lunch you can eat cabbage and carrot salad with vegetable oil. To drink – water and tea without sugar;
  5. Friday:
      Similar to the second day. Consumption of any food is prohibited;
  6. Saturday:
      For breakfast you can have one boiled egg and half a glass of tea. After a couple of hours - a glass of vegetable broth. For lunch you are allowed to eat 100 g of boiled meat and green peas. For afternoon snack, dinner and before bed you should eat one apple;
  7. Sunday:
      In the morning and evening, drink only kefir or milk. For lunch you can eat 100 g of cottage cheese. In the evening, one cup of tea without sugar is allowed;

After surviving these seven days, you can lose from minus 5 to 10 kg. However, even after going through the diet from start to finish, you shouldn’t break down the next day and start eating everything. This, at best, will negate all efforts to lose weight, and at worst, it will greatly undermine your health. Returning from such an extreme diet should be done with caution; you need to eat small amounts of salads and broths for the first few days. In addition, this nutritional system is strongly not recommended for people who have stomach problems, in particular, those with impaired metabolism.

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