The right combination of foods for a healthy diet

Features of the diet: separate meals

The basic principle of the diet is separate meals, but you still need to combine a variety of foods in your diet. The separate food diet menu includes both sweet and starchy foods. The goal of the 90-day diet is to teach the body to eat properly and absorb the necessary substances as much as possible, while normalizing all metabolic processes. But despite this attractiveness, there are still limitations to separate meals.

The principle of a separate diet is a duration of three months with a clear distribution into nutritional cycles. The cost of losing weight is comparable to regular food expenses. This type of weight loss can be turned into a system of regular nutrition, the most important thing is that the body is comfortable and harmless. You can combine the diet with sports activities. As a result, during the course you can lose from three to twenty-five kilograms, depending on the amount of excess weight.

Basic principles of separate power supply compatibility

  • To normalize metabolic processes and reduce harmful cholesterol in the circulatory system, you should use lean varieties of meat, fish, and poultry as food. Excellent combination with green vegetables, in this case animal proteins are not so harmful;
  • Legumes and grain legumes get along well with vegetables and vegetable oil;
  • Eat starchy vegetables. Potatoes, green peas, bread, pasta, turnips, radishes, radishes, rutabaga should not be mixed with animal fats;
  • Vegetable oil can only be used for food if it is unrefined;
  • Leaf parsley, Provençal herbs, beets, lettuce, tomatoes, eggplants, celery, dill, cucumbers, salads, bell peppers interact well in small quantities with fats of animal and vegetable origin;
  • As a product, cottage cheese stands out as an independent unit. It is not recommended to be consumed with meat products and fruits;
  • It is not advisable to drink food with milk. The reaction to fruit and vegetable juices leads to the curdling of lactic enzymes. This can cause the formation of putrefactive processes in the cavities of the intestines and stomach;
  • Remember that mushrooms are difficult food for the stomach, so keep their consumption to a minimum. Mushrooms in any form can be combined with proteins and carbohydrates without any problems;
  • Green vegetables and eggs are perfectly digestible and combine with each other;

  • Sour fruits and tomatoes do not go well together; it is advisable to eat them 20 minutes before meals. It is better not to eat melons and watermelons before the main meal.

The separate food compatibility table will give answers to all options and combinations in the combination of products. They are compiled on the principles of a chess table. People's reviews of separate meals, as always, are different. Some respond positively and claim that eating separately helped them lose weight and stabilize their body weight. It requires self-discipline and faith in good performance.

Contraindications for separate meals


  • Features of the diet: separate meals
  • Contraindications for separate meals
  • The principle of a separate nutrition diet
  • Where to begin
  • Separate diet menu
  • Additional recommendations
  • The right way out of dietary nutrition
  • Diet recipes

It is strictly forbidden to use this type of food for people with diseases of the excretory and digestive systems, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. If you have a large percentage of excess weight, this type of weight loss can only be used under the strict supervision of a specialist.

The principle of a separate nutrition diet

The ninety-day diet menu is divided into four daily stages:

The first day is to eat exclusively protein foods.

The second day is to eat exclusively starchy foods.

The third day is to eat only carbohydrate foods.

The fourth day is the consumption of fortified foods.

It is worth noting that every twenty-ninth day is a fasting day; on this day you are only allowed to drink non-carbonated clean water in unlimited quantities (but not less than 2 liters).

The entire amount of food must be eaten before eight o'clock in the evening. The minimum volume of the daily diet is consumed at breakfast, the maximum volume of the diet occurs at lunch and dinner, the portion size is approximately the same as for breakfast. You can eat one small fruit as a snack.

Authorized products:

  • protein - whole grain bread, broth, all vegetables (potatoes are prohibited), cottage cheese, cheese, dairy products, meat, fish, eggs;
  • starch - whole grain bread, vegetable broth, all vegetables, legumes, cereals;
  • carbohydrates - dark chocolate, cookies, cakes, baked goods without yeast, eggs and milk, all vegetables, flour dishes, cereals;
  • vitamin - vegetable and fruit juices, nuts and seeds, fresh fruits, dried fruits soaked in boiling water.

Fasting days with separate meals

If the initial weight is quite large or weight loss is happening at a slower pace than you planned, it is permissible to use fasting days. Separate meals allow you to use almost any fasting day option that you like.

Possible options:

  1. Kefir. During the day, at regular intervals, you can drink 1.5-2 liters of kefir.
  2. Vegetables + fruits. You are allowed to consume up to 2 kg of products, including freshly squeezed juices. It is advisable to consume no more than one type of vegetables and fruits at one meal.
  3. Buckwheat. You are allowed to consume no more than 700 grams of buckwheat porridge per day, cooked in water without adding salt and oil.
  4. Apple. You are allowed to eat up to one and a half kilograms of fresh apples and drink a couple of glasses of freshly squeezed apple juice.
  5. Cottage cheese. You can eat 600 grams of cottage cheese per day, dividing it into five parts.
  6. Baked apples. Five times a day you need to eat one large apple, baked in the oven.
  7. Vegetable soup. During the day you can eat two liters of light vegetable soup without bread and potatoes.
  8. 600 grams of boiled fish, divided into several meals, is another option for a fasting day.
  9. 350 grams of rice cereal, boiled in water, without salt and oil, divided into three portions.
  10. It is permissible to eat only watermelon or only cucumbers during the day - this perfectly removes excess fluid from the body.

Remember that a fasting day cannot be carried out more than once a week. Ideal days are Saturday or Sunday when you don't have to go to work.

Separate nutrition is a great way not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse the body of waste, toxins and everything unnecessary. Remember that a small retreat will not cause serious harm, so if you attended a holiday feast and ate everything there, just make the next day a fasting day.

Where to begin

In order for the body to feel comfortable when switching to a new diet, it needs to be gradually adapted. First, introduce two dietary days every 7 days. Once every 5 days you need to introduce a fasting day on kefir or apples. Try to hold out for 10 days - 20 days, and only after that switch to a 90-day diet.

Before you start a diet, you need to write down your diet for every day (at least for a week). During the preparatory period, the body is completely cleansed of waste and toxins. But still, this type of weight loss, based on separate nutrition, also has its drawbacks. First of all, at the beginning you will feel a sharp hunger, and some foods will simply lose their taste.

Many doctors leave their reviews regarding this type of weight loss, and they are not always positive. The only thing that is important to do is consult with doctors before going on a diet and follow the diet exactly. There is a nuance - if for some reason there was a “failure” in the diet, you need to go back to the very beginning, if the diet has been going on for at least a month and there was a “failure”, you need to take a break for a week.


If you conduct an analysis of opinions on separate meals, which is based on real life experience and results, you can find that out of 5 points, people vote for separate meals with grades of “4” and “5”.

Separate nutrition for weight loss helped some people lose 27-30 kg in 90 days, others are content with modest results of 5-7 kg, which is also not bad in such a short time. The menu for the week in a table, printed on a printer and attached with a magnet to the refrigerator door, makes life much easier.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Separate diet menu

Let's look at an approximate menu by day, designed for one week (for convenience, create a menu in advance in accordance with the table of permitted products).

A split diet involves eating a specific block of foods per day:

The first day is protein (meat) - breakfast (two fruits and a glass of fresh berries), lunch (one hundred and fifty grams of salmon steak and one hundred grams of green salad), afternoon snack (a sandwich with lettuce, chicken and fresh tomatoes), dinner (a glass of kefir and fermented baked milk ).

The second day is starchy (vegetable) - breakfast (one glass of berries and two fruits), lunch (two hundred and fifty grams of vegetable stew), afternoon snack (two hundred grams of fried potatoes with turmeric and celery), dinner (a handful of dried fruits).

The third day is carbohydrate (delicious) - breakfast (one glass of berries and two fruits), lunch (three hundred grams of boiled or steamed poultry), afternoon snack (spaghetti with tomato sauce and basil), dinner (sugar-free tea with biscuit).

The fourth day is vitamin (fruit) - breakfast (berries and fruits), lunch (two hundred and fifty grams of fruit salad), afternoon snack (two hundred grams of baked apples with cinnamon), dinner (two or three pieces of fresh melon).

The fifth day is protein - breakfast (berries and fruits), lunch (two hundred and fifty grams of green salad with legumes and avocado), afternoon snack (two hundred grams of protein omelet with cheese and ham), dinner (two hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese).

The sixth day is vegetable - breakfast (fruits and berries), lunch (two hundred grams of stewed with garlic and carrots, eggplant, fifty grams of whole grain bread), afternoon snack (two hundred grams of potato casserole with herbs), dinner (medium-sized banana, definitely not overripe).

The seventh day is carbohydrate - breakfast (fruits and berries), lunch (two hundred and fifty grams of vegetable lasagna), afternoon snack (one hundred and fifty grams of any pie), dinner (one cup of hot dark chocolate).

Separate meals for weight loss: menu for the week

If you have to periodically go on different diets in search of the ideal way to lose excess weight, then you have probably heard about separate meals. This idea is not new; the technique was developed back in the last century.

The founder of the diet claims that foods are digested in the body at different speeds, and each group requires its own digestive conditions. From which it follows that at the same time you can only eat food from certain groups, so as not to pollute the body and get rid of excess weight that appears as a result of metabolic disorders.

The essence of the diet is not to limit calories, but to combine foods. The separation is based on a theory proposed by Dr. Herbert Shelton at the beginning of the last century - the simultaneous consumption of proteins and carbohydrates leads to inactivation of enzymes.

According to the nutritionist, due to the different duration of digestion of individual groups of foods, when they are consumed simultaneously, some of the food begins to rot in the stomach while the digestion process is underway. As a result, poorly digested food becomes a favorable environment for the development of fermentation processes, which leads to disruption of the digestive system and slagging of the body.

What groups are products divided into:

  1. Protein - fish, seafood, eggs, meat, dairy products, soy.
  2. Carbohydrates - cereals, bread, fruits, potatoes.
  3. Vegetable and animal fats.
  4. Plants - vegetables, cereal sprouts, herbs, mushrooms, nuts and seeds.

Although the system does not imply giving up a large number of products, it is advisable to completely eliminate fast food, carbonated drinks, sugar, coffee, sweet alcohol, and confectionery. This will lead to better results.

For the convenience of creating a menu, we have prepared a product compatibility table for you.

  • Products that go well together are marked in green
  • Yellow – average compatibility.
  • Red - bad.

Product Compatibility:

Food Compatibility Chart

The product's name1234567891011121314151617
1Meat, fish, poultry
3Butter, cream
4Sour cream
5Vegetable oil
6Sugar, confectionery
7Bread, cereals, potatoes
8Sour fruits, tomatoes
9Semi-sour fruits
10Sweet fruits, dried fruits
11Vegetables are green and non-starchy
12Starchy vegetables
14Cottage cheese, sour milk products
15Cheese, feta cheese

The main principle is that you cannot combine carbohydrates and proteins in one meal. Therefore, meat and fish dishes can only be eaten with vegetables or fats. And consume carbohydrates with fruits or fats.

It may seem difficult at first to master a program for separating foods for one meal. But over time, you will accurately learn to determine what dishes to prepare for lunch or dinner, what can be used as a snack or breakfast.

Like every diet, sharing your meals has its pros and cons. Positive points include:

improving the functioning of the digestive system;

restoration of metabolism, which causes rapid weight loss;

the ability to diet for people with kidney and genitourinary diseases;

complete saturation due to large portions;

prolonged lack of hunger;

elimination of problems with gas formation;

normalization of stool.

we will have to completely change the eating habits that we have been instilled in since childhood

Meat will need to be eaten without bread, cereals, pasta

Eat fruits a couple of hours before the main meal, and not after meals

During the diet, you cannot make any deviations, otherwise you will have to start all over again. And you will have to forget about your favorite spaghetti with cheese, homemade cutlets with buckwheat, pilaf, and sausage sandwiches.

Try taking the 7-day course first to see if this method suits you or not. If the diet goes smoothly, you don’t feel hungry, and you lose extra pounds easily, you can continue for 14 or 21 days without interruptions.

Menu table for the week:

Days of the weekBreakfast 8.00Snack 11.00Lunch 14.00Afternoon tea 17.00Dinner 20.00
Mongreen applesBuckwheat porridge with butterBoiled chicken fillet with fresh vegetablesFresh berry smoothieA serving of cottage cheese with natural yoghurt
WOatmeal with water and olive oilorangesFish fillet with zucchini stewed in sour creamSoft cheeseBoiled rice with mushrooms
WedkiwiOmelette with stewed tomatoesBaked potatoes with bacon and a portion of rye breadkefirStew with beef and vegetables - eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes
ThuVegetable salad: tomato, bell pepper, cucumber, onion, greens, feta, dressed with olive oilAny fruit except bananasBaked mackerel with broccoliRyazhenkaSpaghetti with homemade tomato sauce
FriMillet porridge with butter and honeyWhipped strawberry and banana smoothie with orange juiceStewed cabbage with minced turkey meatNuts and dried fruitsAny seafood stew with green vegetables - zucchini, celery stalks, broccoli
SatScrambled eggs with bacon and fresh vegetable saladSandwich made from whole grain bread with butterBeans stewed with potatoes and tomatoes in olive oilCottage cheese with sour creamBaked cauliflower with chicken breast
SunStewed spinach in butter with cheese and soft-boiled eggsBaked pumpkin with dried fruitsMeat cabbage soup with sauerkraut without potatoesVegetable stew with rye bread toastFruit salad of sour fruits, seasoned with sour cream

As you may have noticed, we do not indicate the number of servings of foods consumed at one time. Eat enough to feel full without overeating. Try to gradually reduce portions for better effect.

The weekly menu is designed to provide sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements. You don't have to take a vitamin and mineral supplement when you're on a diet.

Please note that there should be a time interval of at least three hours between meals so that the food has time to be completely digested. During breaks you can only drink clean water. Black tea without sugar is best consumed at breakfast. After dinner, before bed, you can drink green tea or herbal infusion. And avoid coffee, cocoa, and sweet carbonated drinks altogether.

Although the concept has existed for a hundred years, nutritionists around the world have not come to a clear decision. Opponents of the theory believe that there is no scientific basis for the claim that protein requires acid to be digested, and carbohydrates require an alkaline environment. And, if you combine them, the digestion process will be disrupted.

Anna Kotova


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Our body contains fully the necessary enzymes that help break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates at the same time. And it doesn’t matter in what combination we use the products. For example, amylase contained in saliva breaks down carbohydrates, pepsin and trypsin in the stomach digest proteins. And fats are broken down by bile produced by the liver. But, as practice shows, separate meals really help you lose weight. While on a diet, people pay more attention to the composition of products, refuse fast food, and eat less baked goods and easily digestible carbohydrates.

The habit of endless chewing, which often leads to the appearance of extra pounds, gradually disappears. Usually after lunch we eat dessert, then move on to fruit, then it’s time to drink tea with something sweet, then it’s time for dinner. And before going to bed we have another tea party.

When eating separately, one of the important conditions is to maintain significant time intervals between meals, which helps to get rid of the habit of regularly snacking. At the same time, the system is built in such a way that you do not have to strictly limit yourself in food. You can eat as many permitted foods as you want at one time. But, admit it, how many stewed vegetables can you eat without cereals or meat without bread?

According to reviews, a week on separate meals helps to get rid of 3-5 extra kg, restores intestinal function, reduces bloating, and improves complexion. To improve results and maintain the correct weight, you can completely switch to following the principles of separate nutrition.

Even a long-term diet is not harmful to health and is suitable for almost everyone. The only thing is to exclude from the diet foods that cause allergies or individual intolerances. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, children, the elderly, and people with chronic diseases should be treated with caution when following any diet.

Have you ever been on separate meals? Have you noticed any effect? Share your experience in the comments with our readers.

Additional recommendations

In order for the results of a ninety-day diet with separate meals to be maximum, you need to remember and adhere to certain recommendations: vegetables are only allowed to be boiled, stewed or baked, limit yourself to fruits and bread as much as possible; include foods with a minimum fat index in the diet; It is advisable to include in the diet foods that do not require heat treatment; do not include store-bought semi-finished products in your diet; when cooking, use minimal quantities (if possible, avoid altogether) salt, sauces, spices, and herbs.

The right way out of dietary nutrition

In order to consolidate the results obtained during the diet of separate nutrition, it is necessary to exit it correctly. During the exit period, it is important to follow the basic rules, otherwise all the lost kilograms will return as quickly as possible, and in excess. Basic rules: eat fruits and berries for breakfast; continue to adhere to separate nutrition; eat food on a schedule, without unnecessary snacks and overeating.

Based on numerous reviews on forums and social networks, we can draw a general conclusion: after three months of active dietary nutrition and sports activities, the body will completely get used to the new diet, and the dietary diet will smoothly transform into a lifestyle. The body now has enough volume of food consumed; it requires eating at certain hours, while accumulating the required amount of energy.

If you follow all the rules, then in a month you can lose from five to nine kilograms (if you have a lot of excess weight), a maximum of twenty-five kilograms over the entire period of the diet.

The advantage is the normalization of metabolism and the development of proper eating habits.

Principles of approach

The basic principles of separate nutrition are based on the following aspects:

  • Dividing the number of meals by the maximum allowed.
  • Only one type of nutrient is consumed at any given meal.
  • Do not mix products with a combined nutrient composition.
  • Complete rejection of unhealthy junk food.
  • The ability, with rare exceptions, to combine different types of nutrients, if they undergo the same fermentation.
  • A large amount of fiber to regulate the processes of food digestion in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Maximum unloading of the gastrointestinal tract.

Using the table, it’s easy to create a diet plan for the day and week. But we must not forget other nuances of separate nutrition. For example, the main meal is in the afternoon, and in the morning there is a minimum of food. Portions should be small. Fruits or nuts are suitable as a snack.


It is preferable to start the day with juicy fresh fruits (no more than three types). They are easily and quickly digested, pleasant to the taste, and charge you with the necessary energy for work. Canned or dried fruits are not suitable and do not bring any benefit. Porridge from any cereals and tea without sugar are acceptable. During the week, alternate rice, buckwheat, millet, and oatmeal.


Vegetable salad or soup, protein (fish, poultry, lean meat). Another option: salad with a starchy product (potatoes, pasta).


Cottage cheese with stewed vegetables. Baked vegetables with cheese. Or a salad of fresh vegetables with any meat dish (omelet).

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