9 “healthy” foods that are actually harmful

Where do the calories come from?

If you are an adherent of a healthy diet, then you probably know how to count calories, but even if your diet is far from healthy, simple mathematics will help you make the calculations. Let's say you have a large potato that you decide to cook. 220 kcal to your snack.

and less than one gram of fat.
The fact is that you can bake potatoes without additional dressing in the form of oil, but you won’t be able to cook French fries without oil. The same potato, but turned into a serving of French fries, will “cost” about 700 kcal
and will contain more than 3 grams of fat. Think about it: the calorie content of the dish has increased approximately three times, and this is calculated per potato.

Of course, different foods absorb oil differently during frying, but if you average it out, you can “estimate” how much the calorie content of a fried dish will increase compared to a baked one. It is believed that in every 100 grams of finished fried food

contains about
2-3 grams of fat
, so if your potato weighed about 200 grams, then when frying it will absorb about 4 grams of oil.

But you should worry not only about calories, but also about vitamins. The high temperature required to fry foods destroys vitamins

, so less nutrients remain in the finished fried food. Steaming food is considered more gentle.

How to replace fried food?

Nutritionists and doctors prescribe a diet for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and heart, which is dominated by oven-cooked or steamed dishes, as well as boiled dishes. You can add a minimal amount of fat to them or not add it at all.

Unfortunately, the body cannot be deceived by arguments of reason, so boiled food cannot replace fried food, food receptors quickly recognize “fake”, and you will not get the same pleasure from boiled food as from fried food. The fact is that fried food has a brighter taste, it really tastes better, so it’s very difficult to give up fried food “without a fight.”

If you are a fan of fried food, then grilling


You can cook food
on a grill pan On the contrary, grilled foods lose excess fat. We will have to look for an alternative to fast food. For example, instead of french fries and “store-bought” chips, you can make chips at home. They may not be crispy, but they will definitely be healthier. To make homemade chips,
cut the potatoes into thin slices, lightly sprinkle with olive oil, add spices and place in the oven until cooked. Thin slices will dry quickly and take on a beautiful golden brown hue. You can eat them straight hot.

Important, useful, harmful... substances, products and bacteria and their effect on us


The human body needs clean drinking water every day. The daily requirement is measured in glasses (at least eight), liters (at least two) and milliliters (35 ml per kg of weight). The amount of water or drinks one needs to consume depends on the amount of water in the rest of the food - so if a person eats a lot of vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals and soups, he will need to drink less than someone who does not.”


Fiber itself does not contain any vitamins, minerals or nutrients. However, it, like a brush, sweeps dehydrated, hardened food debris out of the intestines, increases blood supply and intestinal motility, reduces the absorption of cholesterol and bile acids, stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora, reduces the risk of heart attack and intestinal cancer, maintains normal blood sugar levels, provides lasting immunity. Fiber is found only in plant foods: dry beans, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.


Potassium is responsible for maintaining water balance in the body, heart function, muscle and nerve activity, reduces swelling, normalizes blood pressure, removes toxins, and relieves spasms. To maintain health, a person should consume up to 2 grams of the substance daily.

Signs of a lack of substance in the body are: dry skin, slow-healing wounds, brittle hair, tumors, muscle pain, and rapid bruising. As well as arrhythmia, low blood pressure, kidney dysfunction, bone fragility, insomnia and depression. Millet cereal is considered one of the best sources. When millet porridge is heated over a fire, the potassium deficiency in the body is replenished within 24 hours.


Probiotics are microorganisms that have a slight healing effect. These include living microorganisms (bacteria), which are part of the normal intestinal microflora of a healthy person. Preparations based on probiotics are used both independently and in yoghurts and other dairy products. These include: lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and sometimes yeast. Probiotics do not cause any side effects or pathologies. Can be stored in the refrigerator. These are ideal products for dietary nutrition, normalizing intestinal function and restoring microflora. The use of probiotics affects: anti-infective defense mechanisms; improvement of barrier functions; metabolic effects; changes in intestinal motility and function.


Nutritionists recommend consuming no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day; for hypertension and heart disease, less than 2,000 mg. However, according to WHO, the average Russian consumes about 1000 mg more than normal.

— Inside each cell there is potassium, outside there is sodium. If sodium accumulates in excess in the body, fluid is retained. To relieve this pressure, the body needs to get as much water as possible. Naturally, all resources are mobilized for processing, and the load on blood vessels, heart, liver and kidneys increases. However, an absolute refusal of sodium can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the heart, comments Oksana Galkina, a nutritionist at the regional oncology clinic.

Sodium content per serving of foods: table salt (1 tsp) - 1259 mg; soy sauce (1 tbsp) - 902 mg; frozen pepperoni pizza (1 serving) - 902 mg; pickled cucumber (1 medium) - 883 mg; baking powder (1 tsp) - 488 mg; hamburger (1 piece) - 474 mg; sauerkraut (½ cup) - 469 mg; canned peas (1 cup) - 428 mg; ham (1 slice) - 373 mg; salted nuts (¼ cup) - 205 mg; white bread (1 slice) - 170 mg; chips (30 g) - 168 mg.

Fact. Soda - the drink of those who get fat

“Don't drink the calories,” nutrition experts warn. People who do not limit their consumption of sugary drinks can drink up to 400 extra calories daily. Thus, soda or juice from a tetra pack contains on average about 150 calories per glass. You should also be careful with freshly squeezed juices: it is better to drink them diluted with water.

The general partner of the issue is Altai Source.

This should be removed from the children's menu.


Daily chips easily add 3-4 kilograms of weight to a child over the course of a year. But the problem here is not only fat mass. The composition of additives that are used in the preparation of potato or corn chips, in combination with carcinogens, leads to metabolic failure. This, in turn, has a bad effect on the development of internal organs.


Much has been written about carbonated drinks, but neither the abundance of sugar in them nor the list of chemical compounds on the label stops children. However, parents too. But as soon as a reasonable adult carefully reads the composition of a carbonated drink, his love for this benefit of civilization will noticeably decrease. Obesity is the most harmless thing that can result from regular consumption of soda. The consequences are terrifying: from digestive diseases to diabetes and even cancer. Meanwhile, sweet drinks do not quench your thirst; after half an hour you want to drink again.

Sausages and sausages.

Their modern children love more than vegetables and fruits. But the children here, in general, are not to blame. This is instant food, we buy it ourselves so as not to have to stand at the stove. This results in saving time in exchange for the health of the child. There are no sausages without harmful substances and an abundance of fat! Unless it's a farm or homemade product. Conventional sausages for the most part contain starch, emulsions, flavoring additives, nitrite-curing mixture and many other substances that negatively affect the development of a child’s body.

Roskachestvo reminds that if you want to feed your child sausages, pay attention to products with the Quality Mark - for example, according to the standard of the Russian quality system, “Dairy” sausages applying for the Quality Mark must not contain starch, preservatives (benzoic and sorbic acids) and dyes: E102, E110, E124, E131, E132.

Fast food.

How many times have they told the world that hamburgers, French fries, fried pies, whites and donuts do not benefit anyone except their manufacturers and sellers! Carcinogens, huge amounts of fat, incompatible foods, an insane amount of calories for one lunch - that’s what fast food is.

Chocolate bars

with “nougat, caramel and coconut.” Unfortunately, their composition is noticeably different from what is advertised in favor of an abundance of “chemicals” and fat. They contain a huge amount of calories, which go mainly into fat on the sides and thighs. By the way, they satisfy hunger for a short time; you won’t be able to get enough of them.

Store-bought sauces and mayonnaise

. The problem here is the abundance of flavoring additives, a large amount of fat and, most unpleasantly, vinegar. When stored in plastic packaging, it provokes the release of dangerous carcinogens from the container into the sauce. With constant use, carcinogens accumulate in the child's body, leading to various diseases.

Crab sticks and shrimp.

They are not as harmless as we used to think. The first ones are made from cheap varieties of fish - unfortunately, not always of good quality. They contain quite a lot of starch. At the same time, flavorings and dyes are added to crab sticks for presentation and smell. And shrimp are often grown in special water with antibiotics.

Pastries, cakes and buns

Of course you can eat. But very carefully. The cheaper the product, the more flavorings and dyes it contains. Plus a huge amount of fat and sugar in any baked goods, leading to metabolic disorders and acid-base balance, and ultimately to obesity.

Jelly marmalade, bright lollipops, “rubber” marshmallows

and other newfangled sugary sweets consist of thickeners, sweeteners, flavors, fillers, stabilizers and emulsifiers. I hope your appetite has already disappeared and from now on you will walk around the counters with such goods for half a mile.

For reference:

Under no circumstances should children be offered sweets as a reward for eating lunch. Otherwise, sweets become more attractive, and lunch becomes hateful.

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