Lamb and game. Table of caloric content and chemical composition of food products.

Amount of nutrients per 100 g of meat

Vitamins of group B, PP, as well as vitamin E - all this is contained in lamb. The calorie content of 100 g of raw lean meat is 203-209 calories.

Quantitative content of vitamins in the product:

  • PP – 2.5 mg;
  • riboflavin – 0.1 mg;
  • thiamine – 0.08 mg;
  • pyridoxine – 0.4 mg;
  • folic acid – 8 mcg;
  • pantothenic acid – 0.5 mg;
  • vitamin E – 0.5 mg;
  • choline – 70 mg;
  • B12 – 2 mcg;
  • H – 3 mcg.

Sheep meat also contains large amounts of copper, fluorine, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium and sulfur. Lamb is a product enriched with fatty acids, protein and selenium.

Useful properties of meat

Lamb contains less fat than pork and beef, which is why it is often used in dietary dishes. Sheep meat is recommended for consumption by people suffering from gastritis, as well as children and people over 50 years of age.

Eating lamb helps improve the functioning of the pancreas. In the East, meat is used to prevent the development of atherosclerosis and diabetes.

Refractory lamb fat is used in the treatment of colds. A spoonful of fat is dissolved in a glass of hot milk mixed with honey and drunk in one gulp.

Dietary properties:

Lamb has excellent culinary and nutritional qualities. This is due to its composition. It is a rich source of easily digestible proteins and various chemical elements. Lamb contains approximately the same amount of mineral components and vitamins as beef and pork. But in terms of iron content, it is about 30% ahead of pork. Lamb contains minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. It contains vitamins - B1, B2, PP.

Lamb is a rather difficult to digest meat, so it should be consumed sparingly by those who have problems with the intestines and stomach. But at the same time, in Eastern medicine it is recognized as the best meat.

Lamb is 2-3 times lower in fat content than pork and 2.5 times lower than beef. Thanks to this feature, dishes made from boiled lean lamb can often be included in dietary diets.

Lamb fat is widely used as a remedy for colds (such as sore throat, flu, ARVI). At this point, dissolve a tablespoon of honey and lamb fat in hot milk and drink the resulting hot solution.

Lamb contains almost no cholesterol. In addition, it contains the substance lecithin, which stimulates the functions of the pancreas and normalizes the processes of cholesterol metabolism in the human body. This significantly reduces the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis. Regular inclusion of this type of meat in the diet is a good way to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Meat broths made from lamb will be useful for those who are susceptible to gastritis with low acidity.

Lamb is also much healthier in quality than pork.

  • Eating lamb stimulates the activity of the pancreas and thus can serve to prevent diabetes.
  • Lamb has anti-sclerotic properties and the ability to normalize cholesterol metabolism in the body.
  • The large amount of fluoride contained in lamb will help protect teeth from caries.
  • The presence of sodium, magnesium and potassium salts has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Lamb contains a lot of iron, which is necessary for the process of hematopoiesis.
  • Iodine normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • The permissible daily dose of lamb is 50 g.

Damage to lamb

Eating meat is healthy only in moderation. An excess of lamb dishes in the daily diet can lead to the development of obesity. Due to the fact that this type of meat is considered difficult to digest, it is not recommended to eat it if you have constipation or intestinal obstruction.

Lamb cooked with the addition of fat, lard or butter is much higher in calories than meat stewed or baked in its own juice. It is worth remembering that the fattier the food, the harder it is to digest and the more harm it causes to the digestive system.

Nutritionists recommend eating lamb meat along with fresh vegetables. The fiber contained in vegetables helps the body process food faster.

How to choose quality lamb?

Your health depends on the correct choice of product. It is very important to choose the right lamb. A low-quality product can cause digestive system disorders and poisoning. In addition, the carcass of an old sheep is very tough and has an unpleasant odor. First of all, pay attention to the color of the product. A fresh, good carcass has a red and pink color. This is the color characteristic of a young lamb. A young lamb has small layers of fat. The fat should be white. If it is yellow, it means the animal is already old.

When choosing a product, you can be guided by the following recommendations:

  • Young lamb has only white fat;
  • The color of the meat should be the same, uniform;
  • A high-quality young carcass has elastic meat;
  • The aroma of a good lamb is rich and pleasant, without a specific smell;
  • The consistency of the product should only be coarse-grained;
  • The skeletal system of a high-quality carcass is white;
  • The surface of the meat should be moist.

The less fat is observed on the lamb, the younger it is. Also, the age of a ram can be determined by the condition of the ribs. The greater the distance, the gaps between the bones of the ribs, the older the ram was. Guided by these tips, there will be no problems with choosing quality products.

Features of cooking meat

Lamb has a specific aroma, so it is thoroughly washed and soaked in water or marinade. When cooking, various aromatic herbs are added to the dish, which makes the meat tastier.

Lamb, the calorie content of which in its finished form does not exceed 300 calories per 100-gram serving, retains beneficial substances when cooked and is also absorbed faster. This method of cooking meat helps to avoid saturating the product with excess fat.

Benefits for the body

Regular consumption of lamb will help:

  • get rid of anemia;
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  • strengthen teeth;
  • stimulate the process of hematopoiesis;
  • normalize the activity of the cardiovascular system.


The benefits of lamb for the female body are also great. The beneficial substances in meat help strengthen hair and teeth and improve skin condition. In addition, lamb stimulates the immune system and corrects metabolism, helping to get rid of extra pounds.

Lamb is also good because, in the absence of additional contraindications, it is allowed for pregnant women. In addition to the fact that this is an energy-intensive product that is good for the health of the mother, the presence of folic acid in the composition has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.

But if you are breastfeeding, you should avoid eating lamb. This is meat that is difficult to digest and will definitely not benefit the baby. That is why a nursing mother should exclude lamb for at least the first couple of months of lactation.


Men for whom muscle strength is always important should pay attention to lamb when choosing meat. She:

  • strengthens the musculoskeletal system;
  • stimulates protein digestibility;
  • increases resistance to stress;
  • stimulates sexual desire;
  • increases potency;
  • promotes testosterone production.


Lamb can become a complete food product for children over 3 years old - it is from this age that it is recommended to give the baby some meat. The greatest benefit comes from stewed, baked or steamed lamb.

It is useful for children because it has a positive effect on the overall development of the body. Regular consumption of this meat strengthens bones, teeth and muscles, prevents the development of anemia, improves the functioning of the nervous system and brain activity.

Lamb: calorie content of dishes

Lamb meat is fried, boiled, baked and stewed. The most common lamb dishes: shish kebab, lula kebab, shurpa, beshbarmak. Dishes made from young lamb meat are especially appreciated. They are more tender and more flavorful than those made from the meat of an adult animal.

The calorie content of fried lamb dishes will be 230-290 kcal/100 g. Boiled, steamed and baked pieces of meat, without adding oil and fat, have an average calorie content of 205-230 kcal/100 g.

Calorie content, BJU content

The calorie content and content of proteins and fats in the raw product depends on the type of meat, and on the finished product - on the method of preparation.

You heard right. Only proteins and fats that meet a third of the daily intake.

The complete absence of carbohydrates makes meat indispensable in some diets and proven nutrition systems.

In 100 grams:

  • young lamb - 135-190 kcal;
  • one-year-old lamb - about 203 kcal;
  • adult animal - from 209 kcal or more.

The amount of proteins and fats depends on the age and breed of the animal. Average values ​​for proteins per 100 g are 16 g, for fats - 16.5-17 g.

Boiled, the figure will be almost 291 kcal, stewed - 270 kcal, fried - 320. By the way, 100 grams of broth contains only 18 kcal.


Lamb pilaf is a traditional oriental dish. For tasty pilaf, it is recommended to choose meat from a middle-aged animal—the lamb must be at least 1 year old. Another important nuance: there should be 2 times more meat than rice.

List of ingredients:

  • Rice – 800 g;
  • lamb – 1.6 kg;
  • carrots – 5 pcs.;
  • three large onions;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • olive oil;
  • salt - to taste;
  • spices: cumin, ground red pepper, barberry, turmeric, sweet paprika.

Rinse the meat, remove veins and film, cut into large cubes. Rinse the rice, add water and set aside. Peel the vegetables, cut the onion into half rings, carrots into large cubes. Pour oil into a cauldron, add vegetables and meat there, fry until a crust forms. Salt generously and add spices. Pour water over the mixture and leave to simmer for 5-10 minutes. Pour rice into the prepared zirvak and stir.

Wash the garlic heads, lightly cut the cloves and place in the rice. Pour hot water into the mixture so that it covers the rice by 1-2 fingers. Cover the pilaf with a lid, reduce heat to medium, cook for another 30-40 minutes without opening the lid or stirring.

The calorie content of pilaf with lamb per 100 grams is 140-170 kcal; one serving of calories will be approximately 350-400 kcal.

How to cook lamb in the oven

  • 1. Wash the lamb thoroughly and dry it well, then cut it into pieces. 2. Mix hops - suneli, matsoni, mint and chopped garlic in one container, add salt and pepper to these ingredients and beat with a fork until the salt is completely dissolved. 3. Place the lamb in a baking dish, pour it with a mixture of herbs and matsoni. 4. Preheat the oven to two hundred and twenty degrees and place the form with lamb in it for half an hour. 5. After this time, reduce the power to one hundred and eighty and bake the lamb for about two more hours. Ready! Lamb in the oven can be served with vegetables or as a separate dish, depending on the preferences of each person.

Servings: 2 Cooking time: 2 hrs. 30 mins.


To prepare lamb kebab, you must first marinate the meat. As a marinade, you can use mineral salt water, alcohol (beer or wine), and fermented milk products.

Kefir will perfectly highlight the taste of lamb. To prepare shish kebab you will need:

  • lamb – 2 kg;
  • kefir – 3 l;
  • onion – 4 pcs.;
  • cilantro – 2 bunches;
  • spices: curry, black pepper, salt - to taste.

Wash and dry the meat, cut into large pieces. Peel the onion and cut into rings, chop the greens with a knife. Mix salt, herbs, kefir, spices and onions. Pour the marinade over the meat and refrigerate for 4-5 hours.

Lamb kebab, whose calorie content per 100 g is 190-250 kcal, has a delicate taste and bright aroma. You can serve the meat with a salad of fresh vegetables, pickled onions or baked potatoes.


The calorie content of boiled lamb in this dish does not exceed 300 kcal. In addition to meat, the dish contains vegetables: tomatoes, bell peppers, potatoes. The total calorie content of the dish per 100 g is 120 kcal, per 1 serving – 320 kcal.

To prepare the dish you need the following products:

  • Lamb meat – 1 kg;
  • 6 small potatoes;
  • 3 onions;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • 1 large bell pepper;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • spices: bay leaf, black peppercorns, cumin, salt - to taste.

Wash the lamb, cut into small cubes and lightly fry in olive oil. Wash and peel the vegetables, chop the onion, cut the carrots and pepper into thin strips. Peel the potatoes, cut into 4 parts. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin, then cut into several equal parts. Pour water over the fried meat, add salt and season with spices. Add vegetables to the meat and cook until done.

Lamb, which is low in calories in this dish, cooks quickly. You can add any vegetables, as well as spices, to shurpa. The basic version is presented here.

How to cook lamb in the oven

  • 1. Wash the lamb thoroughly and dry it well, then cut it into pieces. 2. Mix hops - suneli, matsoni, mint and chopped garlic in one container, add salt and pepper to these ingredients and beat with a fork until the salt is completely dissolved. 3. Place the lamb in a baking dish, pour it with a mixture of herbs and matsoni. 4. Preheat the oven to two hundred and twenty degrees and place the form with lamb in it for half an hour. 5. After this time, reduce the power to one hundred and eighty and bake the lamb for about two more hours. Ready! Lamb in the oven can be served with vegetables or as a separate dish, depending on the preferences of each person.

Servings: 2 Cooking time: 2 hrs. 30 mins.

Baked lamb

You can cook a delicious and satisfying dish in the oven. If a fatty piece of meat is used, it is not seasoned with oil, leaving it to bake in its own juices. Baked lamb is considered the ideal dish for any holiday table. The calorie content of 100 g of meat here will be no more than 250 kcal.

To cook lamb in the oven, you need the following ingredients:

  • lamb on the bone – 3 kg. (shoulders or ribs);
  • garlic – 5-6 cloves;
  • salt;
  • two large onions;
  • greens (for serving);
  • cumin, black pepper, mustard, bay leaf.

Wash and dry the meat, pound lightly. Break the bay leaf and stuff it into the lamb. Mix salt, cumin, mustard and pepper, chopped garlic and onion. Rub the resulting mixture onto the meat and put it in the refrigerator for 5 hours. When the lamb is marinated, it should be placed on a baking sheet or placed in a baking sleeve.

Place the meat in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 2-3 hours until cooked. The lamb is ready when it releases pale pink juice when pierced. Before serving, the dish is sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Baked lamb, whose calorie content (per 100 grams), without adding oil, is 190 kcal, goes perfectly with a side dish of stewed vegetables, sauerkraut or mashed potatoes. You can also serve a vegetable salad along with the meat.

Dietary meat: Myths about lamb.

Anna Belousova is a famous Russian practicing nutritionist, member of the international team of developers of popular weight loss products Modelform

invites her to understand the myths about lamb and why it is not necessary to exclude this meat from your diet.

When a nutritionist tells his patients that they can also eat lamb, among other types of meat, in most cases they are perplexed: “How? It’s too greasy, heavy, and smells!” Meanwhile, lamb is a very healthy and tasty meat, which greatly helps to diversify the diet during a diet.

So, let's immediately deal with the issue of fat content and calorie content. Fatty lamb contains 16.3% fat, lean lamb contains 9.6%, which corresponds to 209 or 166 kcal per 100 g. Let us consider for comparison beef, which contains 16% fat in fatty meat, 9.8% in lean meat, and In terms of calorie content, beef is even ahead of lamb, albeit slightly: 218 or 168 kcal per 100 g, depending on the category. Lamb remains far behind when compared in terms of fat content with turkey, broiler chicken, not to mention sausages and mayonnaise.

And yet, lamb fat has its own peculiarity. It is more refractory, that is, it breaks down at a higher temperature than beef or pork fat. Although, a temperature of 37 0C or slightly higher, which is typical for our digestive system, is quite enough for lamb fat. The main thing is that lamb dishes should not be washed down with very cold drinks.

The opinion about the “heaviness” of lamb is also a little erroneous: the protein of this meat is digested no worse than others. But the refractoriness of fat matters. People with liver, pancreas, or gallbladder disease may not tolerate lamb well. Although, its tolerance greatly depends on the method of cooking the meat.

In fact, the opinion about the fat content and heaviness of lamb is more subjective. Where do we most often encounter this meat? That's right, in the national cuisines of Central Asia, China, and the Caucasus. For example, pilaf simply cannot be low-fat, otherwise it is no longer pilaf! Traditional lamb in a frying pan in Chinese restaurants is prepared with the obligatory addition of pork, goose or duck fat and starch. And in the Caucasus, even fatty lamb is excellently cooked over coals, but usually they serve it with so much greenery and vegetables that the fat simply does not have time to be absorbed!

Just let's not forget that lamb is actively present in the cooking of other countries. It is readily eaten in Italy and Spain, Turkey and Greece (by the way, food in the Mediterranean countries is considered one of the healthiest), in Albania and Bulgaria, Hungary, Australia and the UK. Where does this worldwide prevalence come from? Everything is very simple: in those times when peoples led a nomadic or semi-sedentary lifestyle, it was flocks of sheep that accompanied them. There are numerous references to this even in the Old Testament. By the way, sheep farmers joke that you can never drive a cow or a pig like sheep. Therefore, our lambs are fitness enthusiasts.

And, if we touch on the field of livestock farming, then we need to mention one more important point. Sheep and rams are much more difficult to feed with combined food than other animals; they prefer natural food. And, therefore, the meat is more environmentally friendly.

In terms of the content of protein, vitamins and minerals, lamb is not inferior, but not much ahead of other types of meat.

Another important fact that requires discussion is the smell of lamb. In fact, all types of meat differ in smell from each other. A person with a good sense of smell will never confuse the smell of raw pork, beef, lamb, chicken or rabbit, even blindfolded. If, of course, the meat is fresh. So, lamb is the meat that stays fresh the longest, even in the heat. According to one legend, the choice of the capital of present-day Uzbekistan depended on lamb during the time of Tamerlane. The formidable ruler ordered that a lamb be slaughtered and skinned in each of the cities and monitor where the carcass would remain fresh longer. The choice fell on Samarkand.

It was in Uzbekistan that I was taught how to choose and cut lamb correctly. Of course, I am far from the chefs there, but I will share my knowledge!

If you really want to “make friends” with lamb, go to the market or farm store to buy meat, where you will be offered not just chopped pieces, but will be given a look at the whole carcass, or at least its large parts. This is where the smell problem is solved! The fact is that sheep farmers know many breeds of lamb, but culinary specialists distinguish only two features: fat-tailed and non-tail-tailed lamb. Non-fat-tailed lamb actually has a sharper smell, which many people don’t like. In addition, instead of it, they may well sell you goat meat, which is much cheaper (but this will not be reflected in the price tag, of course). In principle, goat meat is also quite edible meat, but it actually has a specific smell.

In general, look for fat-tailed lamb. Fat tail is an accumulation of fat around the tail, sometimes quite abundant, which makes fat-tailed lambs and sheep look like a lady dressed in a dress with a bustle. In the markets, they usually hang half a carcass or a hind leg with a tail, so that it can be seen that the lamb is correct. The total percentage of fat content of such lamb is slightly higher, precisely because of the presence of the fat tail, but don’t let this scare you - we will not take either the fat tail or the hind leg! Ask the seller to separate the front leg or shoulder blade from the same carcass: there is very little fat in it. Smell, press with your finger, assessing the depth of the hole, thereby checking the meat for freshness. Good fresh lamb has a not pungent smell, just a little sweet.

And then they will offer you to chop the piece into smaller pieces, so, under no circumstances agree! Otherwise, you will have to wash the lamb before further cutting, and less experienced housewives should not do this. It’s better to tinker a little yourself, but then the meat will be more dietary. I can imagine how after these lines real cooks from Central Asia and experienced butchers will curse me, but believe me, we simply have different tasks. For the chef it is important to cook tasty and “correctly”, for us it is as low in calories as possible. So we proceed to further cutting the meat “dry”; in extreme cases, you can remove external contamination with a paper towel. The fact is that all visible fat is separated from lamb that has not been pre-washed much easier than from other types of meat. It is best to do this with your hands, but you can also help yourself with a knife. When all the external fat has been removed, the piece can be thoroughly washed with cool water, dried with a paper towel, allowed to air dry a little more so that your hands do not slip, and then cut further into pieces convenient for your culinary purposes.

Well, what kind of lamb dishes does the world culinary offer us, read in the “Healthy Recipes” section on the modelform . ru

Be healthy, beautiful and happy! Your Anna Belousova, nutritionist, member of the international team of developers of popular weight loss products Modelform .

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