Why are fruits effective in weight loss?
When eating fruits for the purpose of losing weight, two components come into play in the fight against excess weight: fructose and fiber.
Fructose is a sugar found in fruits. This substance makes the fruits sweet and tasty. Fructose has two undoubted advantages for those who want to lose weight:
- low glycemic index, which is especially important for diabetics;
- Reduced calorie content compared to regular sugar.
True, fructose does not saturate the body. When consuming it, you do not feel full. Therefore, you can overeat unnoticed and gain extra calories. Try to eat fruits that are low in fructose and high in fiber while losing weight.
The fiber contained in fruits brings great benefits to the body:
- gives a feeling of satiety in which you won’t be able to eat too much;
- cleanses the intestines of harmful accumulations;
- is not converted into energy, therefore, the calories eaten will not be deposited on the sides.
Avocados and pomegranates contain the most fiber. Pears, kiwis, apples, citrus fruits, pineapples, peaches and bananas have average amounts of this substance.
The healthiest unsweetened fruits
All fruits that are low in sugar are already good for the body. But it should be borne in mind that only if they are used in moderation. What fruits are unsweetened and what are their benefits? For example, lemon is the record holder for the content of vitamin C, which is so necessary for the body’s immune system, especially during periods of increasing numbers of viral diseases. But there are also contraindications to its use: stomach ulcers, gastritis, hypertension.
Avocado is no less useful. Regular consumption of these fruits (half a day) improves memory, helps normalize intestinal function, get rid of constipation, and reduces blood pressure.
Thus, absolutely all unsweetened fruits are healthy. They are recommended to be eaten before or after meals, and are better used as a snack. A single dose of fruit is 100-150 grams or 2-3 fruits.
Rules of use
In order for fruits to help with weight loss, you must adhere to the following rules:
- limit the daily intake of fruits to 600-800 g;
- eat fruits in small portions, rather than eating everything at once;
- give preference only to fresh fruits, since heat treatment removes nutritional elements from fruits and reduces their beneficial properties;
- do not eat fruits after a heavy meal, wait at least half an hour;
- do not get carried away with eating fruits at night - this can only be done in limited quantities;
- do not mix fruits with other dishes;
- consume citrus fruits in the first half of the day – from 6 to 12 o’clock;
- Do not eat sour fruits on an empty stomach.
The greatest benefit will be obtained if you eat fruit for breakfast, before lunch (about 30-40 minutes before) and as a light snack.
TOP 10 best fruits for weight loss
Citrus fruits (grapefruits, oranges) are great for burning weight. They contain special substances - flavonoids, which prevent the formation of fatty deposits. In addition, they participate in the normalization of the metabolic process.
Yellow fruits (for example, pineapples) have the ability to break down fat. Let's take a closer look at these and other fruits.
This fruit is considered one of the most useful fruits for weight loss. It contains a lot of fiber and is capable of breaking down fat well. What other benefits does it have for the body?
- contains a small amount of calories;
- removes toxins and excess fluid from the body;
- improves metabolism and intestinal function;
- activates fat burning;
- improves food absorption and digestion process.
This fruit should not be consumed during exacerbation of stomach diseases (ulcers, gastritis). And it can be eaten on an empty stomach only by those who have normal stomach acidity.
This fruit “knows how” to burn fat. It is rich in beneficial vitamins and has a great effect on metabolic processes in the body. You can even replace high-calorie desserts with orange.
Do not replace natural fruits with juice. The fact is that fruits have much fewer calories and more fiber, which is not found in juice at all.
Oranges can be eaten with natural yogurt. Just cut the fruit into slices and add yogurt - a light dinner is ready.
A pineapple
Pineapple is one of the recommended fruits for those who are struggling with excess weight. What are its benefits for the body:
- dulls the feeling of hunger;
- stimulates fat burning;
- improves the process of digestion of food - helps to absorb proteins;
- gives a feeling of satiety;
- contains few calories, high fiber and moderate amounts of fructose.
To lose weight, eat one slice of pineapple before meals. Do not eat the fruit if you have high stomach acidity, ulcers or gastritis.
Pomelo is an exotic citrus fruit that also provides certain benefits to the body when losing weight:
- saturates well;
- removes harmful substances from the body;
- promotes the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates;
- improves metabolic processes.
The fruit is low in calories and contains many useful microelements and substances. It is best eaten raw with membranes. But you can also remove the partitions and add the fruit itself to a salad or smoothie for weight loss.
Pomelo should not be eaten if you have allergic reactions to citrus fruits or with increased stomach acidity. You should stop using it if you have stomach and kidney problems. An overdose of fruit can cause constipation and urolithiasis.
Pear is an excellent source of fiber that is beneficial for the body. In addition, she:
- perfectly removes waste and toxins from the body;
- has a positive effect on intestinal function;
- keeps you feeling full for a long time.
In addition to fiber, these fruits contain a lot of fructose. Therefore, fruits should be consumed in limited quantities and only fresh. In addition, pears are fortified and are not recommended to be eaten on an empty stomach. It is better to do this 20 minutes after eating.
Apples are low in calories and have a good amount of fiber. True, there is also enough fructose there. When consuming these fruits, try to choose sour varieties rather than sweet ones.
Apples burn fat well, but only if consumed correctly. These fruits should not be abused. For the purpose of losing weight, you can eat baked apples.
This fruit helps break down fats and cleanse the body of harmful substances. Improves digestion and has a natural diuretic effect.
People who have a stomach problem should be very careful when consuming lemon. It’s better to give it up completely.
Kiwi is very useful for people who want to lose weight. He:
- helps normalize digestion;
- dulls the feeling of hunger;
- relieves the feeling of heaviness after eating;
- rich in fiber, low in calories.
You should not eat kiwi every day in large quantities. Several times a week, you can replace this fruit with an apple or orange.
The calorie content of watermelon is very small, in addition, it helps to relax the intestines and empty them. But at the same time, watermelon does not saturate the body at all, which is why it is so easy to overeat.
If you eat watermelon on a diet, eat it on its own, without bread. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.
Avocados should be consumed with caution. This is a very high-calorie, albeit healthy fruit. It contains a lot of useful substances necessary for the body. It contains a lot of fiber, so it can be consumed while on a diet, but no more than once a week.
Advantages and disadvantages of a fruit diet
A fruit diet should be treated with caution. The same fruit can have a beneficial effect in small doses and cause great harm if you overeat it. It is important to properly distribute the consumption of fruits throughout the day, as well as control their quantity.
Advantages of a fruit diet:
- easy to carry;
- beneficial substances enter the body;
- no need to prepare complex dishes;
- depending on the specific diet, you can lose from 3 to 7 kg in a week.
The disadvantages of losing weight with fruit are usually associated with overeating:
- Blood sugar levels increase – fructose begins to promote the deposition of sebum;
- the number of calories eaten increases due to the uncontrolled absorption of certain fruits;
- Protein starvation occurs if you eat only fruit for more than 2 weeks.
Fruit and berry diet for type 2 diabetes mellitus
Proper nutrition and choosing the right foods is the main task of type 2 diabetes, the most severe endocrine disease. In type 2 diabetes, less insulin is produced than the body needs. Therefore, it is necessary to help the body absorb sugar as much as possible, distributing it as energy to various organs and systems, and not “locking it” in the blood. To achieve this, you need to eat foods with a low glycemic index. So what fruits and berries are healthy? Let's take a closer look at the fruit topic for diabetics. Most fruits for type 2 diabetes are healthy because they contain a large amount of minerals and vitamins that are extremely necessary for people with this diagnosis. After all, diabetics have reduced immunity, and even non-dangerous diseases often cause complications. But it is important for diabetics to adhere to recommendations on the choice of fruits and berries, their quantity and time of consumption.* The glycemic index of fruit (GI) should not exceed 70 units.* The amount of fruit consumed should be moderate. A day you can eat 2 large fruits (orange, apple, pomegranate), 3 medium-sized fruits (kiwi, apricot, tangerine), approximately 100 g of small berries (blueberries, currants). You can eat 2 slices of melon or watermelon with a total weight of no more than 300 g. But then you will need to give up other sweet fruits. * Diabetics need to eat fruits and berries in the first half of the day, before 13-14 hours, since during the remaining time of the day you will be able to eliminate sugar fluctuations in blood. And measure your blood sugar level at least twice a day with a glucometer. It is better to eat fruits or berries separately from the main meal, during snacks. Consider a group of healthy and permitted fruits for type 2 diabetics. It includes fruits and berries that have a low glycemic index. Namely: apples of any variety, pears, plums, pomegranates, apricots and peaches. This group also includes most berries (blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, etc.), citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits) and exotic fruits (mango, kiwi). But along with safe fruits, there are also such which it is better to refuse in order not to harm your health. Let us list the fruits that are included in the prohibited list. The ban on their consumption by diabetics is due to the high glycemic index of these fruits and berries. This means that when they are consumed, the blood sugar level rises too sharply and quickly, which is dangerous for the body. The category of prohibited fruits and berries includes sweet cherries, bananas, grapes, figs, as well as juices and compotes made from them, especially with added sugar. Dried fruits are not prohibited for diabetics, but their quantity should be strictly limited. For diabetes mellitus, it is allowed to consume no more than 2-3 pieces of dried fruit in one day. You can eat only those dried fruits that are also allowed fresh, that is, you can eat dried apples, pears, dried apricots, prunes. Prohibited dried fruits for type 2 diabetes include raisins, figs, dried bananas, dates.
Fruit calorie table
When choosing fruits for weight loss, focus on their calorie content. The table shows the values of this parameter for fruits.
Fruit name | Kilocalories per 100 g of product |
Grapefruit | 35 |
Mandarin | 43 |
Orange | 43 |
Peach | 45 |
Apricot | 44 |
A pineapple | 50 |
Pomelo | 38 |
Papaya | 43 |
Apple (sour/sweet) | 38/48 |
Pear | 47 |
Cherry | 60/52 |
Lemon | 34 |
Kiwi | 48 |
Watermelon | 28 |
Pomegranate | 72 |
Avocado | 210 |
Grape | 72 |
Banana | 96 |
Quantitative sugar content in fruits: table
Depending on the quantitative sugar content in fruits, their list can be presented in the following table.
Sugar content in fruits
Fruit name | Sugar content per 100 grams, g |
Avocado | 0,66 |
Lime | 1,69 |
Lemon | 2,5 |
Cherry plum | 4,5 |
Grapefruit | 5,89 |
Nectarine | 7,89 |
Papaya | 5,9 |
Apricot | 9,24 |
Quince | 8,9 |
A pineapple | 9,26 |
Orange | 9,35 |
Pear | 9,8 |
Guava | 8,9 |
Kiwi | 8,99 |
Clementine | 9,2 |
Kumquat | 9,36 |
Mandarin | 10,58 |
passion fruit | 11,2 |
Peach | 8,39 |
Plum | 9,92 |
Apple | 10,39 |
Bananas | 12,23 |
Grape | 16,25 |
Cherry | 11,5 |
Pomegranate | 16,57 |
Figs | 16,0 |
Persimmon | 16,53 |
Mango | 14,8 |
All the fruits presented in this table can be divided into 4 groups based on the amount of sugar they contain.
- Low sugar content - up to 3.99 g per 100 grams of fruit. The “record holder” in this group is avocado - an unsweetened fruit, which in terms of taste is sometimes classified as a vegetable.
- With a small amount of sugar - from 4 to 7.99 g per 100 grams. The winner in this group is the cherry plum. The average fruit contains up to 1 gram of sugar.
- With an average sugar content - from 8 to 11.99 per 100 grams. The most useful in this group is the peach.
- High in sugar. The consumption of these fruits should be limited to people with diabetes.
Answers to popular questions
Is it possible to eat fruit before bed?
Nutritionists advise eating fruit no later than an hour before bedtime. Eat an apple or grapefruit if you are feeling hungry. But under no circumstances eat banana or avocado.
Are candied fruits healthy?
Candied fruits are small candied pieces of berries or fruits. This is a fairly high-calorie product, although rich in fiber.
Due to their calorie content, candied fruits are not advisable for those who are on a diet. The benefits of these sweets for weight loss are not so high. If you want to pamper yourself, then you can eat 30-40 g of candied fruits in the first half of the day, but no more.
What fruits should you not eat?
When following a diet, you should avoid eating the following fruits:
- banana – it contains a lot of fructose and calories;
- grapes - low in fiber and fructose (in addition, they are easy to overeat);
- dried fruits - these include raisins, dates, figs (lots of calories and sugar);
- nuts are very high in calories, although they are beneficial for the body.
What vegetables to combine with fruits?
In addition to fruits, some vegetables are useful for people losing weight, which can be combined in salads along with the fruits discussed:
- cabbage (any kind) – this vegetable contains many vitamins, carbohydrates, no fat and few calories;
- beets – has a mild laxative effect, helps cleanse the body of toxins, saturates it with beneficial acids;
- cucumbers are a low-calorie product filled with fiber;
- zucchini - remove excess fluid from the body, contain only 16 calories and a lot of useful substances per 100 g;
- onions, celery are low-calorie vegetables that stimulate intestinal function and provide the body with necessary vitamins.
Fruits and berries with low and high sugar content
In the table I have collected the most popular fruits and berries as their sugar content increases. The amount of sugar in each product is indicated per 100 grams.
Fruits and berries | Sugar content (g/100g) |
Avocado | 0,66 |
Lime | 1,7 |
Lemon | 2,5 |
Cranberry | 4 |
Cherry plum (domestic plum) | 4,5 |
Strawberry | 4,6 |
Raspberries | 5,7 |
grapefruit | 6 |
Papaya | 5,9 |
Watermelon | 6,2 |
Currants (red, white) | 7,3 |
Nectarine | 7,9 |
Currant (black) | 8 |
Peach | 8,4 |
Quince | 8,9 |
Guava | 8,9 |
Kiwi | 8,9 |
Clementine (a hybrid of orange and tangerine) | 9,2 |
Apricot | 9,2 |
A pineapple | 9,2 |
Orange | 9,3 |
Kumquat | 9,4 |
Pear | 9,8 |
Blueberry | 9,9 |
Plum | 9,9 |
Apple | 10,4 |
Mandarin | 10,65 |
passion fruit | 11,1 |
Cherries | 11,5 |
Cherry | 11,5 |
Bananas (ripe) | 12,2 |
Persimmon | 13 |
Mango | 14,8 |
Lychee | 15 |
Figs (fresh) | 16 |
Pomegranate | 16,6 |
Grape | 17,5 |
Tangerines are close relatives of lemons and grapefruit, but contain twice as much sugar.
Fruits and berries with low sugar content - up to 3.99 per 100 g of fruit or berry. The choice in this group is small - citrus sour lime and lemon, and avocado, which is often mistakenly classified as a vegetable due to its taste.
Fruits and berries with low sugar content - from 4 to 7.99 g per 100 g of fruit. The leader in the group is sour cranberry. To overcome its sourness, add to sweet berries and fruits, desserts and cereals.
Fruits and berries with an average sugar content - from 8 to 11.99 g per 100 g of fruits and berries. The first currant in this group (namely black, white and red are less sugar-containing). Fruit: peach.
Fruits and berries with a high sugar content - from 12 g per 100 g of fruits/berries. Such fruits are not recommended for people with diabetes, and those who want to balance their diet should limit their quantity.
10 fruits and berries with the lowest sugar content
Top 10 most accessible fruits and berries in the middle zone, by consuming which you will get the minimum amount of sugar and the most benefits.
- Avocado An unsweetened fruit that resembles a vegetable in its taste. Eat half an avocado daily for healthy fats and fiber.
- Lime and Lemon It is difficult to eat a whole lemon or even a lime; try adding them to lemonades and salads to get all the benefits of these fruits.
- Cranberries Cranberries are one of the most sour berries. Mix it with semi-acidic fruits and berries, or add it to vegan dairy products or porridge.
- Cherry plum (domestic plum) An alternative to the common plum, containing less sugar and very low in calories.
- Strawberries The minimum sugar content, the presence of vitamin C, a large amount of nutrients and accessibility make strawberries one of the best berries in the list of semi-acidic berries.
- Raspberries Raspberries contain a minimal amount of sugar, but they taste very good. It is rich in vitamin C, magnesium, iron, calcium, vitamin B6 and fiber
- Grapefruit Rich in vitamins, grapefruit contains the least amount of sugar among all citrus fruits (except lime and lemon).
- Watermelon Juicy watermelon contains a small amount of sugar, but a whole slice contains 3-4 tablespoons of sugar. If you like to overeat on watermelon, just remember this.
- Currants White and red currants contain less sugar, and black currants contain a little more. Moreover, all types of currants contain less sugar compared to other berries.
- Kiwi Kiwi contains not the smallest amount of sugar and closes our list. But at the same time, kiwi contains a large amount of vitamin C and nutrients and goes well with semi-acidic fruits.
Lemons, oranges, grapefruit
All citrus fruits contain a minimum amount of sugar. Lemons and limes are the leaders in this indicator - only 1-2 g of sugar per fruit. Half an orange or grapefruit with peel – 6-7 grams. An additional advantage of citrus fruits is that they are rich in vitamin C. Nutritionists recommend consuming fresh fruits whole, since juices contain a lot of sugar but little fiber.
Lemon is hard to eat whole because of its taste. Acid is bad for tooth enamel. The juice can be added to a glass of water before breakfast. The drink starts metabolic processes after sleep and reduces appetite. Lemon zest contains plant substances that help strengthen the immune system and protect against cancer and diabetes.
The effect of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels is characterized by an indicator called the glycemic index (GI). The higher it is, the more glucose levels rise, and the faster insulin is released. Fruits with a low glycemic index are those that have it less than 35 units. These include plums, whose GI is only 22. The nutritional value of fresh fruits is 42 calories per 100 g, dried - 225.
The fructose content in plums is 10 g per 100 g, one fruit is up to 3.5 g. You need to choose fruits that are elastic, with thick skin, because overripe ones are more sugary. The color of the plum does not matter. It is good to eat no more than 6 large fruits per day. People with sensitive digestion should take into account the laxative properties of the fruit and avoid eating plums at night.
The most popular fruit crop is available all year round. Due to their properties, apples are considered very healthy. They belong to dietary products. There are only 47 calories per 100 g. The sugar content of apples depends on the variety - in green ones it is less than in red ones. 1 medium fruit contains 19 g of sugar.
The fruits contain retinol, vitamin C, minerals, pectins and ash compounds. Malic and tartaric acids stop fermentation in the intestines. Under their influence, fats are broken down and the process of losing weight is accelerated. It is recommended to eat 4-6 apples per day. Larger amounts can damage tooth enamel.
Watermelon, cantaloupe
The largest berry is very tasty and safe for your figure. The sugar content of watermelon is up to 10 g per cup of chopped pulp. This fruit is especially useful for kidney problems - it removes stones. The pulp is saturated with iron, its consumption normalizes hemoglobin levels. You can eat 500 g of watermelon every day. For treatment, the norm can be increased to 1.5 kg.
Cantaloupe or cantaloupe is a moderate sugar food. One cup (150 g) of chopped fruit contains 13-15 grams of glucose. Melon contains beta-carotene, vitamins A and C, potassium and choline. In hot weather, eating cantaloupe will prevent dehydration. Canned or dried fruits retain their beneficial properties, but contain more sugar.
honey melon
A popular summer snack, a slice of honeydew melon contains about 11 grams of easily digestible sugar.
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Honeydew melon also contains potassium, vitamin C and iron.
Reviews of those who lost weight with the help of fruits
Irina, 24 years old, secretary, Vologda. I recently went on a fruit diet. I used oranges and protein products as a basis. After 3 weeks I lost almost 5 kg. The diet itself was very easy.
Olga, 32 years old, translator, Chelyabinsk. I don’t go on fruit diets, but I often arrange fasting days for myself. I try to focus on oranges, apricots and kiwis. I replace candies and other sweets with candied fruits. I almost don’t want to eat, and in 2-3 days of this regime I lose about 3 kg of excess weight.
Not all fruits are beneficial when following a diet. To achieve the desired effect, consume fruits correctly, taking into account their calorie content and the amount of fructose and fiber content.