Losing weight quickly and effectively: Mexican diet for weight loss with reviews and results

This method will allow you to acquire a seductive figure in the shortest possible time, get rid of problem areas and wear your favorite outfits, feeling light and comfortable.

A feature of low-fat diets is the ability to use flour and sweets during weight loss, which are strictly not allowed in other types of diets. This does not mean that you can eat these foods uncontrollably.

They are allowed to be eaten in minimal quantities to maintain body functions during fasting. The Mexican diet is very popular because of its simplicity and quick effect.

There is no need to starve yourself to lose extra pounds.

The essence of the technique

This method of losing weight involves eating low-calorie foods that contain fat. Not all fats are equally harmful. There are useful ones among them, which during weight loss will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs and systems. These products include olive, flaxseed and vegetable oil. The consumption of fish and seafood is allowed due to the presence of Omega-3 and fish oil in them.

Important: The Mexican diet does not allow you to eat large portions of food.

Nutritionists have developed a menu plan that is aimed at fast and high-quality weight loss. By sticking to it, you can get amazing weight loss results.


The Mexican diet has strict restrictions, so you must adhere to the menu presented below and not change foods at your discretion.

1 day:

  • breakfast: two hard-boiled chicken eggs, orange or grapefruit, coffee or tea;
  • lunch: prunes, pre-soaked in water – 10 pcs.;
  • dinner: egg and orange - 1 pc.

Day 2:

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese or low-fat cheese up to 100 g, tea or coffee;
  • Lunch: egg and orange;
  • Dinner: pear and a glass of milk up to 1.5% fat.

3rd day:

  • breakfast: tea or coffee of your choice;
  • lunch: tomato and cucumber salad without dressing and low-fat cheese - up to 100g;
  • dinner: a glass of skim milk.

4th day:

  • breakfast: 2 spoons of muesli poured with skim milk;
  • lunch: cucumber and tomato salad without dressing;
  • dinner: 2 oranges.

Now some clarification: orange can be replaced with grapefruit. Drink coffee and tea without sugar or other additives. You also need to take into account that snacks are not provided and portions cannot be increased.

Now you need to pay special attention to muesli. The benefits of this product are justified only when it does not contain sugar and other harmful substances. Unfortunately, muesli manufacturers do not accurately indicate the composition on the packaging, so there is no guarantee that sugar was not added to the finished product to improve taste. It is necessary either to buy a product in which you have complete confidence, or, as a last resort, replace muesli with regular oatmeal.

Nutrition while losing weight

Despite the fact that it is allowed to consume fats while losing weight, there is a limited amount of foods containing them on the menu. The diet for 4 days of the Mexican diet consists of main dishes:

  • boiled eggs, whites which supply the body with all the necessary nutrients;
  • dairy products, which contain vitamins and microelements;
  • fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, fructose and glucose;
  • muesli and oatmeal for satiety;
  • coffee, which quickly breaks down fats, and also invigorates and fills with energy.

These foods will help you lose weight quickly. Despite the fact that the diet is low-fat, it is quite strict and requires strict adherence to all recommendations.

They eat three times a day. Any snacks are prohibited. Have dinner 3 hours before bedtime.

Important: Before starting a diet, consult your doctor.

Precautionary measures

The four-day diet is stressful for the body as a whole. If you do not arrange such “fasting days” more often than once a month, then there will be no negative consequences. This type of weight loss is not suitable in the following cases:

For stomach diseases, chronic diseases;

  • Personal intolerance to egg whites;
  • Personal intolerance to citrus fruits.

A strong desire to eat can result in negative consequences: neurosis or another disorder. Instead of the desired weight loss, illnesses will appear. Weakness, nervous irritation, and other unpleasant consequences can accompany the diet. Therefore, before starting the process of losing weight, it is important to consult a doctor so that these 4 days do not worsen your health and do not cause an adverse reaction to the products or the body itself.

Menu options

The Mexican diet has two menu options: strict and gentle. Each of them includes several rations per day. Reviews of the Mexican diet for 4 days indicate that it is easier to lose extra pounds on a strict menu.


On a strict diet menu you can lose up to 4 kg in 4 days.

First day:

  • for breakfast, eat 2 hard-boiled eggs, eat an orange, drink a cup of coffee with milk (316 kcal);
  • have 10 prunes for lunch;
  • have dinner with a boiled egg and orange (191 kcal).

Second day:

  • have 100 g of cottage cheese for breakfast, drink coffee with milk (145 kcal);
  • for lunch you are allowed to eat a boiled egg and an orange (191 kcal);
  • for dinner, drink a glass of milk and eat a pear (94 kcal).

The third day:

  • in the morning they drink only tea with milk (3 kcal);
  • dine on vegetable salad with cheese (441 kcal);
  • have dinner with a glass of milk (53 kcal).

Fourth day:

  • In the morning, pour milk over the muesli and eat 100 g (440 kcal);
  • for lunch, prepare a salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes (75 kcal);
  • dine with 2 oranges (76 kcal).

Important: Oranges on a diet can be replaced with grapefruits.


This version of the Mexican diet for weight loss is suitable for those who like to eat a varied diet, but at the same time want to lose weight.

First day:

  • have breakfast with oatmeal topped with drinking yoghurt (423 kcal);
  • for second breakfast, eat orange and almonds (681 kcal);
  • dine with fresh cabbage soup and vegetable salad (134 kcal);
  • for an afternoon snack, eat toast with Russian cheese (576 kcal);
  • for dinner any nuts and cucumber and tomato salad (75 kcal).

Second day:

  • have breakfast with oatmeal porridge with raisins (378 kcal);
  • for second breakfast, eat almonds and grapefruit (780 kcal);
  • for lunch, cook a stew with green beans and vegetables;
  • for an afternoon snack, drink 100 g of yogurt (65 kcal);
  • For dinner, eat a vegetable salad (134 kcal).

The third day:

  • have breakfast with oatmeal with honey (405 kcal);
  • for second breakfast, eat almonds and melon (677 kcal);
  • dine on baked vegetables and tuna (268 kcal);
  • for dinner you can make a salad of kiwi, orange and apple (1-22 kcal).

Fourth day:

  • for breakfast they prepare oatmeal with hazelnuts (794 kcal);
  • for second breakfast, eat almonds and orange (681 kcal);
  • dine with boiled turkey with vegetables (316 kcal);
  • for an afternoon snack you can eat 2 apples and any nuts (650 kcal);
  • have dinner with cottage cheese and baked apples (185 kcal).

Recommended menu

The Mexican diet is low in calories, strict, monotonous, and at the same time implies strict adherence to the recommended menu. It is prohibited to swap dishes and products intended for breakfast, lunch and dinner, or replace them with others, otherwise this will negatively affect the effectiveness of the course. In addition, one cannot exclude any of the menu components, since their list is already very modest.

For 4 days

The four-day option for losing weight on the Mexican diet is the most stringent and involves strict adherence to the following menu:

First day:

  • breakfast - 2 hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs, 1 orange, coffee;
  • lunch − 10–12 pcs. prunes, previously soaked in water;
  • dinner - 1 egg, 1 orange.


  • breakfast - 100 g of low-fat hard cheese or 160 g of low-fat cottage cheese, coffee;
  • lunch – 1 egg, 1 grapefruit;
  • dinner - 200 ml of milk (kefir), 1 pear (apple).


  • breakfast - tea (green, black or herbal);
  • lunch – 100 g of hard cheese (160 g of cottage cheese), 1 cucumber, 1 tomato (you can cut everything into a salad without dressing);
  • dinner - 200 ml of milk.


  • breakfast - 200 g of instant cereal or muesli with fresh fruit or milk;
  • lunch - 1 cucumber, 1 tomato;
  • dinner - 4 tangerines.

In addition to these drinks, you are allowed to drink water and herbal infusions, preferably from herbs that stimulate the gastrointestinal tract.

For 5 days

The weight loss diet from Mexican actresses, called “star”, is somewhat more varied in composition and 24 hours longer in duration, which is not so little for such a low calorie diet. In addition, it involves eating five meals a day. The menu for 5 days should be as follows:

First day:

  • breakfast - 100 g oatmeal, 70 g cottage cheese, 3 almonds;
  • lunch - ½ pomelo, 5 almond kernels;
  • lunch - 150 ml broccoli soup, 1 tomato;
  • afternoon snack – 3 slices of cheese;
  • dinner – 1 cucumber, 1 tomato, greens.


  • breakfast – 100 g of oatmeal, 10 raisins, 5 almonds;
  • lunch – 1 grapefruit, 5 almonds;
  • lunch – 220 g of vegetable stew with beans without oil;
  • afternoon snack – 100 ml yogurt;
  • dinner – 230 g of chopped vegetables.


  • breakfast – 100 g oatmeal with 1 tsp. honey, 5 almond kernels;
  • lunch – 1 orange, 5 almonds;
  • lunch – 250 g of tuna with vegetables;
  • afternoon snack – 1 grapefruit;
  • dinner - 150 g of fruit salad of apple, orange and kiwi with grated almonds.


  • breakfast – 100 g of oatmeal, 5 almond kernels;
  • lunch – 1 orange, 5 almond kernels;
  • lunch – 260 g of turkey stewed with vegetables;
  • lunch – 1 apple, 5 almonds;
  • dinner – 1 baked apple stuffed with cottage cheese.


  • breakfast – 100 g of oatmeal with dried fruits;
  • lunch – ½ apple, ½ orange, 3 almond kernels;
  • lunch – 230 g vegetable stew without oil;
  • afternoon snack – kiwi, ¼ orange and apple, 4 almonds;
  • dinner – 180 g of vegetable salad with ground almonds.

Thanks to the presence of almonds, stewed vegetables and oatmeal, this menu option is somewhat easier to tolerate and creates less stress for the body. However, portion sizes are so small that they do not provide enough of the nutrients a person needs.

Permitted and prohibited products

Allowed to use:

  • dairy products;
  • boiled and baked meat;
  • vegetable oil;
  • bread;
  • marshmallow;
  • honey;
  • marshmallows;
  • jams;
  • coffee, tea, cocoa;
  • all types of vegetables and fruits;
  • hard cheeses;
  • fish and seafood.

It is prohibited to use:

  • soda;
  • fried and spicy foods;
  • marinades;
  • canned food;
  • spicy and smoked food.

Important: Alcohol in any form is prohibited during the Mexican diet.

Physical exercise

Since the Mexican weight loss system places strict limits on food intake, the amount of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates received is only enough for normal daily activity (work, study, housework). There is no need to additionally load your body, because there simply won’t be enough energy. For 4 days you should forget about hard, exhausting training, which is especially important for professional athletes.

If you cannot live without movement, then take a leisurely walk along the streets for 15 minutes every day. This is enough to tone your muscles and also speed up your metabolism a little to achieve better results in losing weight.

Important! Do not overload your body under any circumstances, as this is fraught with numerous problems, both physically and psychologically!

Advantages and disadvantages

The Mexican diet, like any weight loss method, has its pros and cons.


  1. Quick positive effect.
  2. There is no feeling of hunger.
  3. Ease of cooking.
  4. Available products.
  5. The body receives a large amount of vitamins and microelements.


  1. Allergic reactions to some types of products are possible.
  2. There is a possibility of pain in the stomach area.
  3. Long gaps between meals.


Using the Mexican diet for weight loss is contraindicated if you have almost any health condition, including:

  • chronic and acute diseases of internal organs, especially the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergic reactions to dietary components (citrus fruits, eggs, nuts);
  • heart failure;
  • diseases of the kidneys and excretory system.

In addition, too strong dietary restrictions are prohibited during the period of recovery from illness, during pregnancy and lactation, in adolescence and old age.

Reviews and results

The use of the Mexican diet gives positive results in weight loss for any body size. In 4 days, if you follow the menu plan, you can lose up to 4 kg of weight. At the same time, all food is high in calories, and many people do not feel hungry during the period of losing weight. But you should not go on a diet for more than the prescribed period. To avoid negative consequences, do not overdo your diet. You can repeat the fasting course only after a month. Below are some reviews and weight loss results on the Mexican diet.

Irina, 43 years old: “Excellent diet. I didn't feel hungry at all. I ate deliciously and lost weight at the same time. Nuts completely nourished the body. I cooked baked vegetables with meat. Probably if it weren’t for the diet, I would be too lazy to prepare such healthy dishes for myself. Lost 3 kg in 4 days. I am very pleased with this fast. I could happily and easily eat like this for a long time, but nutritionists do not recommend doing this. Therefore, in a month I will lose weight again on this diet.”

Karina, 29 years old: “For those who want to lose weight quickly and at the same time eat tasty food, I recommend the Mexican diet. Amazing result. I simply ate delicious and healthy dishes, and my figure became slimmer every day. I lost 3 kg. This is an excellent result. I choose only this diet and recommend it to everyone who wants to lose weight.”

Quitting the diet

After a very limited diet, you cannot immediately switch to your usual diet. Since the body noticeably weakens, adjusts to a new mode of operation and loses its fat reserves, the sudden introduction of foods prohibited during the course into the diet can lead to problems with the digestive system, deterioration of health and the return of lost kilograms. To avoid such negative consequences, you need to gradually exit the process of losing weight on the Mexican diet. To do this, you should increase your dietary portions of food daily until their size becomes standard. At the same time, it is necessary to partially add familiar high-calorie foods to the menu.

The recommended duration for exiting the weight loss course on the Mexican diet is 8–10 days. During this period, a significant part of the diet should consist of protein products (lean fish, chicken, turkey, veal, eggs, low-fat dairy products), as well as vegetables, herbs, sweet and sour fruits and berries. All this needs to be boiled, stewed, baked without fat or cooked in a double boiler, and plant foods should be consumed mainly raw.

To consolidate the achieved results, it is important to continue working out in the gym, but increase physical activity. It is imperative to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and maintain sufficient drinking regime.

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Practical advice

To make your diet more effective, listen to the advice of nutritionists:

  1. The diet must be planned so that the break between meals is 4 hours.
  2. If desired, you can drink unlimited amounts of liquid.
  3. Monitor your losing weight by weighing yourself daily.
  4. It is necessary to introduce light physical activity.
  5. Be outdoors more often.
  6. You cannot take prohibited foods.
  7. Completely avoid fatty foods.

Diet features and tips

  • before taking the next portion, it is important to ensure that at least 5 hours have passed since the previous meal;
  • you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
  • You cannot add spices and salt;
  • it is important to follow the menu exactly; it is forbidden to exclude or add products;
  • it is necessary to give up sweet, fatty foods, as well as alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • During the diet, small physical activity is allowed, which will help improve metabolism, due to which fatty tissue will be absorbed more successfully.


Reviews indicate that the Mexican diet is a simple and tasty way to lose weight. Food saturates the body, and throughout the day a person does not feel hungry. This diet, despite being considered tough, is easy to follow and produces amazing results.

Reader’s story “How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months” I’ve been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

Basic diet rules

Nutritionists classify this diet as one of the strict ones. That's why following a strict diet like this diet is best during peak times. So, it is necessary to give preference to vegetables, dairy products, and dried fruits. Give up sugar, fast carbohydrates, ice cream. Alcohol must be excluded from your diet. An important principle is to reduce your usual diet. The advantages include the fact that such a diet is inexpensive, so anyone who wants to get slim can “sit” on it.

Tune in for 4 days and you will have the opportunity to lose up to 5 kg. But before restricting your diet, you need to mentally prepare yourself, because you will periodically feel hungry due to the consumption of a minimum amount of calories. However, the effect is worth it!

An important nuance of the diet is to eat only small portions. But you cannot prolong the diet, because you risk significantly harming the body. You can follow it, regardless of the time of year. And if you are not a fan of preparing culinary masterpieces, then you can be happy, because now you don’t have to cook!

Mexican diet: advantages and disadvantages of a 4-day fast

Of course, this diet has many advantages. Let's highlight the following:

  • results are noticeable after 4 days – minus 2-3 kilograms;
  • does not harm health;
  • includes foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates;
  • a fairly cheap option, considering that the products included in the diet are not expensive.

The disadvantages are:

  • no fat;
  • the likelihood of quickly gaining weight after finishing the diet, since after a long fast a brutal appetite awakens;
  • the diet provides for 3 meals, and nutritionists recommend eating often, but in small portions, that is, 4-5 times a day.

The menu for this diet is absolutely not complicated. It is also easy to follow, since the products included in its composition are not only tasty, but also more or less satisfying.

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