Body drying for girls with a menu by day for 2 weeks

In this note, almost four months after the start of drying, I finally pulled myself together, found some free time and decided to talk about what body drying is , which is known to many as weight loss. Having experienced everything first-hand, as well as at numerous requests from my friends, I decided to share my notes, developments, and, let’s say, personal results regarding the fat burning process. Before you continue reading this article, I want to immediately point out that I am not some kind of nutritionist, professional athlete, trainer, or health consultant of any kind. I am the simplest person who managed to dry out quite a bit, as much as 20 kilograms in just 2.5 months , which in itself, in principle, is considered a fairly good result.

  • What you need to know about drying?
  • What diet should you follow while drying your body?
  • What exercises should you do to lose weight quickly?
  • And in general, is it really possible to dry yourself at home?

The answers to these and other questions have been voiced more than once in the vastness of the RuNet and, it would seem, there is nothing more to add, but I still climb with my notes, of which I have accumulated quite a few. Especially for those who are too lazy to read many, many letters, at the end of this page I have separately collected and highlighted all the key points on the basis of which my body drying took place. Here I insert a special link, clicking on which will immediately take you where you need to go. For the rest, I think it would not be amiss to note the fact that I approached this drying with all the responsibility and scrupulousness characteristic of my character. Long before the planned drying of the body, I watched more than one video, dug through a lot of useful information and documented all the most important points, which I am now ready to share. Well, shall we get started?

Drying the body

First, a few definitions, abstruse phrases and photographs.
Drying the body is a special set of actions, the strict implementation of which can significantly reduce the number of fat cells in your body, while simultaneously enhancing the aesthetics and relief of the main muscle groups.

For a better understanding, I will give a trivial illustrative example from the Internet.

Decoding. Lbs (Pound) is an English unit of mass equivalent to 0.45 kg. 195 Lbs = 88.45 Kg 178 Lbs = 80.74 Kg

This photo shows how some guy managed to dry out his body in just one month, lose about 8 kilograms of fat and gain a slimmer figure. Not bad - isn't it? And these are my results.

Not as perfect as the “Chinese”, but I think that in its own way it’s not bad either. In the photo on the left I am marinating kebabs. After taking sports nutrition, gaining weight and a successful picnic, on April 30 my weight was 99 kilograms 700 grams - this was my last “fasting” day before the start of cutting and this weight was my reference point. From the first of May I went on a diet and started drying out. The second photo was taken on June 27th – i.e. almost 2 months later and at that time my weight was at around 80.8 kilograms. As they say, the difference is obvious.

Of course, from time to time I did control weighings and, of course, during the entire drying period I accumulated a lot of photographs of me standing on the scales, but, perhaps, it’s still better to get straight to the point. And so, I’m on topic. In order to get rid of subcutaneous fat and lose weight, only one concept really works.

Important point! When drying your body, you must spend more energy than you receive with food or, conversely, eat less than your body needs.

At this stage, the main thing is to understand that
fat deposits (on the abdomen, hips, buttocks, waist, etc.) will begin to be broken down and consumed only when the body does not have enough energy.
And now is the time to remember what we eat, what calories are and what the calorie content of food is. Remember! The calorie content, or energy value of food, refers to the amount of energy that the body receives when it is fully absorbed.

Energy value of fats, proteins and carbohydrates
Fats1 gram9 kcal
Squirrels1 gram4 kcal
Carbohydrates1 gram4 kcal

From this table you can see that every 1 gram of fat eaten provides 9 kilocalories of energy, and 1 gram of proteins and carbohydrates is equal to 4 kilocalories, respectively - be sure to remember, or better yet, write down these data, they will come in handy more than once. Now, knowing the calorie content of the main nutrients (fats, proteins and carbohydrates), you can use a calculator and without much difficulty calculate the amount of energy consumed. In addition, I hope there is no need to remind you that the energy value of products , as well as their calorie content, is always indicated on the packaging, which, in principle, can significantly facilitate all calculations.

Personally, I went even further and over time purchased small electronic scales for the kitchen, on which you can weigh any products weighing from 1 gram to 5 kilograms. Overall, the purchase turned out to be quite useful. Okay, let's say we learned how to weigh foods and calculate their calorie content, but what next? How many calories does a person need? How much do you need to eat to lose weight and get dry? What foods can you eat and what can you not? What exercises to do to dry your body? What is the difference between body drying for girls and body drying for men? And so about everything in order. Naturally, each person has his own body and, let’s say, his own distinctive characteristics. Some people have a faster metabolism, some slower, some digest certain foods better, while others don’t digest them at all - for example, drinking cow’s milk immediately causes intestinal upset in me, which, as it turned out, , are familiar to about 70% of people. It’s sad, especially considering that drinking milk during drying could contribute to an even better result, since it contains quite a lot of protein, little fat and practically no carbohydrates. All this means that drying the body is different for each person and if I managed to lose 20 kilograms, this does not mean at all that you will achieve the same result, although on the other hand, nothing prevents you from surpassing it - Everything depends on you. In order to dry out your body and lose weight properly, you need to know your daily energy requirement. On the Internet you can find many different formulas, tables and all kinds of calculations, however, during my drying, I primarily relied on the daily energy requirement at rest .
How is it calculated? Remember! At rest, the human body spends 1 kilocalorie (kcal) of energy every hour for every kilogram of its own weight.

Those. at the beginning of my cutting, when I weighed 99.7 kg, my minimum daily energy requirement was almost 2400 kcal, and to be more precise:

99.7 kg x 1 kcal x 24 hours = 2392.8 kcal/day

*Place your own weight at the beginning and calculate your daily energy requirement for a resting state.

I calculated that every day I need to get 2400 kilocalories of energy and this is if I didn’t move at all all day! Further, every action taken increases the body’s energy expenditure. So, for example, if you walked up the stairs to the 5th floor, naturally your body will need additional energy. If you went to the pool or, for example, the gym and worked out there, you will again and again need additional energy for all these activities. If you really want, on the Internet you can find all the necessary data on calorie content depending on your activity during the day, and mine looked something like this:

2400 kcal + 500 kcal + 660 kcal + 10% = 3916 kcal

  • 2400 kcal is my minimum daily requirement
  • 500 kcal – from expenditure on activity during the day
  • 660 kcal – that’s about what I spend on training
  • 10% - Thermogenesis

Important point! Drying the body for a girl , or rather, calorie calculations will be somewhat different from men’s calculations.
As far as I understand, girls need to reduce their final daily calorie intake by 10%. Those. 3916 kcal – 10% = 3524.4 kcal/day. Thermogenesis is the process of producing heat in the body, which is especially enhanced during meals. Thanks to thermogenesis, the process of digesting food improves, blood circulation improves and, as a result, the supply of all cells of the body improves.

Knowing what thermogenesis is and what effect it has on the body, we can systematically move on to the next point in my instructions for losing weight - to fractional meals.

Important point! Fractional meals are not breakfast, lunch and dinner, as many people think, but meals in small portions up to 10 times a day.

Knowing that thermogenesis increases precisely during food intake, and that this improves the functioning of the body, split meals during drying come in handy more than ever.
Personally, during my body drying, I ate 6-7 times a day. For general information, you can also read online about what separate nutrition is . I haven't used it in my dryer, but there are actually a lot of positive reviews about it. And so, we found out how many calories I need every day in this case, and we learned what fractional nutrition is, but here it’s worth paying attention to one more important point. 3900 kilocalories is my daily requirement. But this norm is, let’s say, for balancing purposes – i.e. If I eat daily and get 3900 kcal from food, I will not lose weight! In this state, my weight was 99.7 kg and will remain so - it will not change either up or down. In order to dry out and lose weight, it is logical to assume that it is necessary to either reduce the amount of incoming energy (eat less) or increase its expenditure (move more). I wrote about this at the very beginning - about one concept. Ideally, in order to start the process of losing weight, it is enough to reduce the amount of incoming energy by 500 kilocalories or continue to eat as usual, but at the same time increase energy expenditure by the same 500 kcal. In other words, you need to eat instead of 3900 - 3400 kcal per day, or eat 3900, but at the same time spend 500 kcal more energy every day. In this case, energy consumption will exceed its intake into the body and this will inevitably lead to the energy deficit we need. As soon as this happens, your body will begin to look for alternative sources of energy to power your cells, and this is where the fun begins. In this state, the body begins to break down its own tissues and, first of all, these are, of course, fat deposits, since they are more energetically valuable (see table above). Another equally important point is the fact that full weight loss begins 21 days after the start of drying. It is during this time that the body is completely rebuilt and begins to use the fats that you have been eating for energy, perhaps for more than one year. From here it follows a completely logical conclusion that you need to lose weight for at least twenty-one days, and if you are really determined to get results, you will have to dry out much longer. By the way, about energy consumption and weight loss, I think it’s worth noting that cardio exercise is considered the most effective for cutting, rather than physical exercise in the gym. So, for example, running burns about 500 kilocalories per hour, and this is exactly what we need. In principle, it does not have to be just running - it can be a bicycle, an exercise bike, a treadmill or an elliptical trainer. The main thing is that the load is cardio. Here we can also highlight the fact that during cardio exercise you need to adhere to certain limits of your pulse, which can be calculated using the Karvonen formula - you can also easily find it on the Internet, but for those who are too lazy to look for it, I will say that this value is about 140-160 beats per minute. In other words, the cardio load should not be too intense - it should be moderate. It's better to run less distance but run longer. During my cutting, I didn’t focus on just one thing, I will say, I combined all the material I had learned and hit on all fronts at once - I ate less than I should, went to the gym and added cardio exercise. If everything is clear with cardio - run for 40-45 minutes every day , then I still had to tinker with the diet, or rather, with a balanced diet.

Rules for drying the body at home

Among all the ways to achieve a luxurious figure, drying for girls is one of the most difficult. This diet involves not only eating certain foods, but also grueling workouts. Not every girl can afford to live on a reduced diet and, in addition to this, play sports.

If you have chosen this weight loss option to lose weight, you will have to prepare for serious challenges. But if you endure everything, then an ideal figure awaits you as a reward. There is no doubt that this will happen, since photos of body drying before and after, which can be found a lot on the Internet, allow you to see phenomenal changes in the body after such weight loss.

In order to achieve a positive result, every lovely person who decides to change her body for the better must have self-control and willpower. During drying, eating sweets and cakes immediately after completing a workout is unacceptable. You should also not skip classes or meals. Having made an important decision to dry out, you need to know about the rules for carrying out such weight loss at home:

  • special attention must be paid to sleep. Its duration must be at least 8 hours. In addition, it is necessary to maintain a drinking regime and do not forget about rest;
  • When losing weight in this way, polyunsaturated fats must be present in the diet. They are found in large quantities in foods such as red fish, nuts, and flaxseed oil. Their presence on the menu ensures the preservation of women's health and beauty during drying;
  • During such a diet, it is recommended to consume only those fruits that have a low glycemic index;

If your muscle mass does not correspond to normal values, then it needs to be adjusted. To do this, you should consult with a trainer or visit a nutritionist. Otherwise, by resorting to drying out, you will cause serious damage to your health in your desire to lose weight.

Each girl solves the problem of excess weight in her own way. The most effective way is to dry the body. Of course, it requires considerable moral and physical effort from a lovely person, but the end result is worth it. In order to not only lose excess weight, but at the same time not harm your health, you need to learn in advance about the rules of drying the body. To do this, before starting the diet, you should contact a specialist who will tell you how to eat and how to get out of it correctly. By following the recommendations, you can achieve an ideal figure, while avoiding damage to your own health.

Nutrition and products for drying the body

Without going into details, I will say that while drying your body, you need to eat at least 2 grams of protein per kilogram of your weight every day , and you must completely limit yourself from fatty and sweet foods - I even stopped adding sugar to my tea. Every day you need to drink 3 liters of water or more. Mostly carbohydrates should be consumed in the first half of the day - eat in the morning up to 80% of all carbohydrates that you planned to consume during the day. Be sure to add fiber containing foods to your diet. For the first 2 weeks I “sat” exclusively on protein foods, but suspecting that constipation was about to start tormenting me, I decided to “slow down” a little and added some carbohydrates to my diet. Another important point will be carbohydrates, or rather the fact that when drying the body, not all carbohydrates are equally useful . I initially followed a no-carb diet, but after a few weeks I switched to a low-carb diet and added low-glycemic index (kick) foods to my diet. On the Internet you can find a huge number of all kinds of tables and lists of products with a low glycemic index, but as always, I decided to share my selection of, let’s say, the most affordable products. The lower the glycemic index (GI) level, the better...

Low glycemic index foods
Parsley, basil, vanillin, cinnamon, oregano5
Salted and pickled cucumbers15
Hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts15
Fresh cucumber15
Cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts15
Strawberry wild-strawberry25
Fresh raspberries25
Milk (any fat content)30
Low-fat cottage cheese30
Fresh pear30
Tomato (fresh)30
Fresh carrots30
Fresh beets30
Fresh grapefruit30
Tomato juice35
Fresh apple35
Dried apricots40
Canned green peas45

Knowing the previously stated rules of nutrition during drying the body and using the table above, everyone can easily create a diet suitable for themselves. Remember to eat at least 2 grams of protein per kilogram of your weight - every day. During the drying period, give up sweet and especially fatty foods. Limit carbohydrates, select them from this table, and under no circumstances eat more than you need. Do you want to know what I ate while drying my body? Please! These are products from my refrigerator.

Here's another photo of my diet while losing weight.

Yes – tomato juice, chicken eggs, low-fat or 1% yogurt and cottage cheese. For two and a half months I ate almost exclusively this. Of course, during this time, my wife and I still indulged ourselves a couple of times, but even at such moments we had everything under control - everything was weighed and calculated with an accuracy of the gram. One day we splurged a little, bought and cooked beef tenderloin.

Nutritional value of beef (per 100 g):
Fats16.8 g
Squirrels25.8 g
Carbohydrates0.0 g
Beef calories:254 kcal

After rummaging around in the freezer, we found some red fish and cooked poached salmon fillets.

Nutritional value of salmon (per 100 g):
Fats8.1 g
Squirrels20.0 g
Carbohydrates0.0 g
Calorie content of salmon:153 kcal

One day, during a promotion in our supermarket, we bought 4 avocados, from which we later made a light, dietary salad, adding some fresh tomatoes and boiled trout to it.

Nutritional value of trout (per 100 g):
Fats2.1 g
Squirrels19.2 g
Carbohydrates0.0 g
Calorie content of trout:97 kcal

The rest of the time there was always the same thing on my plate - egg whites . Every 2-3 days I went to the market and bought 3 trays (90 pcs) of chicken eggs. During drying, I only ate egg whites - I separated the yolk and immediately threw it away. Why eggs and why didn't I eat the yolks? The answer is quite simple - look at the calorie content of chicken eggs.

Nutritional value of chicken eggs (per 100 g):
Fats11.5 g
Squirrels12.7 g
Carbohydrates0.7 g
Calorie content of chicken eggs:157 kcal

Offhand, it turns out that one chicken yolk contains about 5 grams of fat, which, as we know, we need to completely abandon while drying the body. Eggs are easy to portion and easy to cook. Eggs have high biological value and good absorption rate. Moreover, this is especially true for those who want to get rid of subcutaneous fat as much as possible, but with minimal loss of muscle mass - these are, of course, mainly athletes.

Protein absorption coefficient table
Cottage cheese1
Fish (Pink salmon)0.9
Biological value of products
Cottage cheese88
Fish (Pink salmon)76

From these two tables it is clearly seen that eggs occupy a leading position. How did I cook egg whites? It's simple! We have a good ceramic frying pan at home that can be used to fry eggs without adding oil. It turns out something like this.

*Be careful – eggs are considered a fairly strong allergen!

Of course, since nutrition is limited during a diet, the amount of vitamins supplied with food is also limited, so it is logical to assume that during drying it would be rational to increase the intake of vitamins.
For 2.5 months I took different vitamins, including regular ascorbic acid with glucose , and more serious complexes like “ MultiMax ” and “ AlfaVit ” for athletes. From pharmacology, during drying, in addition to vitamins, I also took a fat burner , which I mentioned when I received a parcel with sports nutrition. Since I, in fact, have nothing to compare with, alas, I cannot give any assessment to this drug - I don’t know whether it works or not, however, as many say, drying out is a little easier with a fat burner. It’s easier, at least in the sense that you are mentally counting on the effect of these tablets, and thanks to this, the drying itself is more comfortable. But drying with fat burners also has a downside - increased aggression, so you need to be especially careful here.

Nutrition rules

In order for drying to be carried out correctly, it is necessary to pay special attention to the menu during such a special diet. When compiling a diet, it is necessary to choose the right combination of products, which must be natural. Don't forget about the optimal amount of calories. Girls who have decided to resort to this method of weight loss for the first time have a question about how long drying should last. To lose weight and create a sculpted figure, such a diet should last from 1 to 3 months. What your diet will be depends largely on the amount of fat reserves on your body, as well as your level of physical fitness.

During drying, the girl should eat in small portions, and she needs to eat 5-6 times a day . The menu should contain only healthy products. Meals containing carbohydrates should be consumed in the first half of the day. It is allowed to eat such food 2 hours before training. After completing physical exercise, you need to take a protein meal an hour later.

The content of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is of great importance. The main emphasis should be on proteins. At the beginning and at the end of the diet, the amount of protein in the diet should be from 50%. In the middle, the share of protein products must be increased to 70%. The amount of carbohydrates and fats should not exceed 30%.

During the diet, the following products must be present in your diet:

  • boiled chicken fillet;
  • eggs. It is recommended to consume the white without the yolk;
  • lean beef or veal;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fish.

Useful products include the following:

  • complex carbohydrates. You can eat a variety of cereals. You are allowed to eat buckwheat, a small amount of oatmeal and brown rice. Porridge from these cereals should be enjoyed only in the first half of the day;
  • fruits contain a significant amount of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is advisable to use them in the morning. Portions should be small;
  • seafood. It is allowed to eat seaweed, mussels and squid;
  • When drying vegetables, you can enjoy cucumbers and cabbage, tomatoes and zucchini. Potatoes should be excluded from the diet and the amount of carrots and beets should be reduced;
  • greenery. You can include dill, parsley and celery in your diet;
  • hard low-fat cheeses;
  • high quality vegetable oil. You can add olive, flax or sunflower seeds to your dishes.

During a special diet, it is necessary to exclude smoked foods and sweets from the diet. It is necessary to avoid alcoholic beverages and baked goods made from wheat flour. Mayonnaise and sauces are also prohibited. The amount of salt in the diet should be reduced, but it should not be completely removed.

Exercises for drying the body

If we talk about training and exercises during drying, then I repeat here - first of all, the main thing is to run every day.
Cardio, cardio and more cardio. In two and a half months of drying, I only missed two or three runs, and that was due to unfavorable weather conditions. During training in the gym, due to a lack of energy, all my working weights naturally dropped, but I was ready for this - this is a normal phenomenon. I switched all the exercises from my training program to pumping mode and slowly continued to train. Pumping is an effective training technique in which a large number of repetitions are performed in each approach, but with less weight and a minimum rest period.

During pumping, the muscles are actively saturated with blood, which is why a person has a peculiar feeling of volume and bloating, and short pauses during such approaches accordingly weaken the outflow of blood and enhance this effect.
In a good way, each person should independently choose exercises for drying the body , and create a program depending on their preparedness, however, I repeat - the main emphasis should be on daily, long runs. The next important point is that everything we did from the very beginning - counting calories, calculating daily energy requirements, weighing, etc. and so on. needs to be done again and again from time to time. For example, you went on a diet, started running and after 2 weeks you lost 5 kilograms - now you weigh less, and accordingly your body already needs less energy, so you need to make all the calculations again. Strict adherence to the rules described in this article allowed me to lose 20 kilograms in just two and a half months.

*Before I started drying my body, I weighed 99.7 kg.

I also want to note that
drying the body implies strict control and discipline throughout the entire period, but for me personally this was not a problem. If you can’t eat sweets, then you can’t! If you need to run for 45 minutes every day, then you need it! This is the only way to achieve results.

If you don’t know how to control and limit yourself, then you probably shouldn’t even try to lose weight. As I said at the very beginning, everything depends only on you.

Body drying - percentage of subcutaneous fat

Drying the body - this photo shows the percentage of subcutaneous fat for women and men. By looking at it, you can visually determine your degree of obesity.

Well, my entries on the topic “
Drying the body ” are finally coming to an end, and finally I decided to again highlight all the most important points that helped me lose 20 kilograms . Perhaps they will be useful to you too.

The story of Rachel Auer and her reviews with photos of body drying

Unhealthy lifestyle and harmful teenage eating habits led Rachel Auer to the point that she could hardly be proud of her figure. However, she had someone to follow by example and, under the guidance of her mother (an experienced fitness instructor in group programs), she was able to not only radically change her figure, removing all excess fat, but also build up decent muscle mass. In the article, Rachel not only gave her feedback on losing weight by drying the body, but also laid out a detailed menu and training plan that will help everyone else achieve the same result.

The main motivation for change was the realization of what Rachel's figure had become. When she saw herself in the mirror at the beginning of summer and realized that half of her clothes no longer fit her, she decided to change everything. At the beginning of her journey, Rachel could hardly run even 0.5 km. Nevertheless, thanks to perseverance, within a week she was given a distance of 1 kilometer, and later even two. Then she realized that only constant training would allow her to improve her physical fitness, and after just 1 year, Rachel was able to run the full distance (26.2 miles) at the Detroit Marathon.

However, the reviews and results of Rachel's body drying, although they were impressive, since running allowed her to burn all the fat, it was still only the beginning of the transformation. She was quite thin and it was at that moment that Rachel decided that her future path would be related to strength training.

Rachel program

Day 1 (biceps/triceps)

Cycle of 4 rounds

  • Lifting the barbell for biceps (part of the cycle) – 4x8-10;
  • Triceps extension in the upper block (part of the cycle) – 4x8-10;
  • Alternating dumbbell curls for biceps (part of the cycle) – 4x8-10 for each arm;
  • Straightening the arm back while bending over (part of the cycle) – 4x8-10 for each arm;

Superset – 4x8-10 of:

  • Lifting the barbell for biceps;
  • Lifting the barbell for biceps with a reverse grip.

Day 2 (legs)

  • Squats with a barbell – 4x6-8;
  • Deadlift – 4x6-8;
  • Penetration – 4x20;
  • Taking the leg back with emphasis on the hands – 4x10;
  • Seated leg extension 4x10;
  • Calf raises in the 4x10 machine;
  • Climbing on a stepper – 20 minutes.

Day 3 – rest

Day 4 (back/shoulders)

  • Wide grip pull-ups – 4x6;
  • Bent-over barbell row (superset) – 4x10;
  • Raising arms to the sides in a seated tilt (superset) – 4x10;
  • Seated barbell press – 4x8;
  • Arnold press – 4x8;
  • Upper pulley to chest – 4x8;
  • Horizontal thrust – 4x8.

Day 5 (cardio/abs)

  • Track running – 4 miles;

Cycle of 4 rounds:

  • Hanging leg raises – 4x10;
  • Russian body rotations – 4x10;
  • Lying leg raises – 4x10;
  • Plank – 4 sets of 1 minute.

Day 6 (chest/biceps)

  • Bench press (medium grip) – 4x10;
  • Reduction of hands in a crossover – 4x10;
  • Alternating dumbbell curls for biceps (superset) – 4x10;
  • Barbell curls for biceps (superset) – 4x10;
  • Hammer dumbbell curls - 4x10 for each arm;
  • Curling arms on a Scott bench – 4x10;
  • Dumbbell flyes – 4x10.

Day 7 (legs/cardio)

  • Interval climbing in a stepper – 20 minutes;
  • Barbell squat (light weight) – 4x10-12;
  • Penetration – 2x20;
  • Seated leg extension – 4x15;
  • Seated calf raises – 4x10-12.


Rachel's diet was simple and balanced, and the main emphasis was on natural, low-calorie foods with plenty of protein.

Meal 1

  • Cream of wheat (3 tbsp);
  • Egg whites (4 pcs);
  • Protein (1/2 scoop);
  • Chopped zucchini (1 piece);
  • Turkey bacon (2 slices).

Meal 2

  • Protein cocktail.

Meal 3

  • Grilled chicken breast (120 grams);
  • Low-carb yogurt (1 pack);
  • Cooked broccoli (1 cup).

Meal 4

  • Protein (1 serving);
  • Egg whites (4 pcs);
  • Peanut butter (2 tbsp).

Meal 5

  • Lean turkey fillet (180 grams);
  • Peas (1 cup);
  • Whole grain toast (1 slice).

Meal 6

  • Low-fat Greek yogurt (1 cup);
  • Protein (1/2 serving);
  • Fruits (no restrictions).
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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