Express diet from star nutritionist Margarita Koroleva: minus 9 kg in 9 days


Weight loss


The topic of losing weight becomes especially acute before the onset of summer. Almost every second girl dreams of quickly and permanently getting rid of extra pounds and shining with an ideal figure on the beach. But are there any chances of achieving such a result if there are only two weeks left until summer? Of course, yes, and you will get it done even faster than necessary.

following the “9 days” diet today , which was developed by the famous nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. Thanks to this nutrition system, Nikolai Baskov, Nadezhda Babkina and Philip Kirkorov lost weight. Be sure to try it too!

Diet of Margarita Koroleva

The “9 days” diet is a nutrition system that is divided into 3 stages, each lasting 3 days. During your cycle, you can only eat one type of food and drink a certain amount of liquid.

Thanks to this diet, many stars and celebrities have lost weight, because the diet developed by Koroleva is so effective and efficient that after just 9 days you literally won’t recognize yourself in the mirror. It's also great for those who don't have too much time to diet.

Kefir diet how much you can lose. Kefir diet

Kefir is a fermented milk product that is very beneficial for the body. Kefir can be used to prevent many diseases and to treat them. Consumption of kefir promotes rapid recovery of the body after serious illnesses. Kefir helps improve the functioning of the nervous and vascular system. But kefir has a particularly good effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Kefir will be of great help in stabilizing the functioning of the intestines, for example, it will relieve a person of the tendency to diarrhea. For patients with chronic gastrointestinal diseases, kefir will help stop nausea and heaviness in the pancreas.

kefir mono-diet

Winter kefir diet

The menu for this diet is as follows: Breakfast - sauerkraut salad, omelet, coffee with milk, or semolina porridge, egg, sandwich with butter, tea with honey. Afternoon snack – a glass of kefir, or an apple and a piece of cheese. Lunch – vinaigrette, chicken soup, stewed carrots, a slice of bread, or mushroom soup, stewed meat with cabbage. Lunch – 1 glass of kefir cocktail, or baked apples. Dinner – fish fried in vegetable oil, baked potatoes, tea, or carrot casserole with prunes, tea with honey. Before going to bed - a glass of skim milk, yogurt, or kefir. The diet is designed for three days, no more. The weight that can be lost with this diet depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Breakfast – a glass of kefir. You can add a slice of toasted bread to it. Afternoon snack – a glass of juice or kefir, two apples. Lunch – 200 g of boiled fish, sauerkraut, vegetable salad, vinaigrette. Lunch - fruit (preferably apples), a glass of kefir. Dinner – 1-2 apples, a piece of cheese, or carrot casserole, bread.

Principles of the 9 Day Diet

Before you start a diet, you should definitely familiarize yourself with its rules and principles. The nine-day weight loss system has the following features:

  1. Meals should be frequent, but in small portions, and the meals themselves should be separate. You can no longer eat 2-3 hours before bedtime, and if you feel hungry, drink water or green tea without sugar. The largest amount of food should be eaten for breakfast.
  2. You need to drink at least 3 liters of pure still water per day. In addition to it, you can drink green tea, freshly squeezed juice or coffee. Before each meal you need to drink half a glass of water, but you should not wash it down with food.
  3. It is imperative to follow a mono-diet and eat only those foods that are allowed in each stage.
  4. A complete ban on fried and fatty foods. All food should only be steamed, boiled, stewed or baked.
  5. Animal fats should be replaced with vegetable fats and flaxseed, olive and sesame oils should be introduced into the diet. Margarita Koroleva advises drinking any multivitamin complex and a teaspoon of flaxseed oil on an empty stomach. Oil on an empty stomach is an excellent remedy for improving skin condition and normalizing hormonal levels.

Diet No. 9 – for diabetes

September 9, 2010

Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease. However, this is not a reason to stop enjoying delicious food or even go on a hunger strike.

Diabetes mellitus is a serious disease that requires not only drug therapy, but also dietary changes. However, this is not a reason to stop enjoying delicious food or even go on a hunger strike. A properly selected diet will help avoid worsening the condition of type 1 diabetes and achieve improved health if type 2 diabetes is diagnosed. The main task of nutrition for diabetes of any type is to control carbohydrate metabolism and not allow

sudden release of large amounts of glucose into the blood.
For this you need:
Diabetes mellitus

A chronic disease that occurs when the body stops absorbing sugar, or glucose. Why does this happen? Find out in our fact sheet.

Avoid foods with a high glycemic index
, which provoke a sharp release of sugar into the blood.
This does not mean that all carbohydrates should be excluded from the diet - some of them, the so-called slow ones, on the contrary, allow a diabetic to maintain such an important stable blood sugar level. sugar substitutes
approved for diabetics - sorbitol, xylitol, saccharin, aspartame, sucralose, etc.
Your doctor will recommend the products that are right for you. People with diabetes are not recommended to eat foods that contain a lot of sugar: sweets, chocolate, ice cream, honey, dried fruits. 3. Switch to fractional meals
If you divide your daily diet into several small portions, equal in the amount of carbohydrates and calories, you can avoid the feeling of hunger, which usually leads to overeating and eating prohibited foods. 4. Eat a varied, low-calorie diet
Its energy value should be 2300-2500 kcal - due to the exclusion of sugar-containing and fatty foods. Especially for those who suffer from diabetes, several decades ago they developed a special nutritional system known as Diet No. 9
, which, after
consultation with a doctor,
can easily be adapted for eating at home. This nutritional system is quite suitable not only for a diabetic patient, but also for his loved ones who want to make their lifestyle healthier.

CanIt is forbidden
Rye, wheat, protein-bran bread, non-food flour products, special “diabetic” breadPastry and sweet flour products
Vegetable soups, cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka, weak low-fat meat and fish broths with vegetablesStrong, fatty broths, milk soups with semolina, rice, noodles
Lean meat and poultry, boiled, stewed or steamed rabbitFatty meat, geese, ducks, smoked meat and sausages, canned food, offal
Low-fat fish - boiled, baked. Canned fish in tomato or own juice Fatty and salted fish, canned food in oil, caviar
Milk, kefir, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat and unsalted cheeseSweet cheeses and yoghurts, cream, full-fat sour cream
Buckwheat, millet, pearl barley oatmeal. Legumes: beans, lentils Rice, semolina, pasta
Vegetables containing few carbohydrates: cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuceSalted and pickled vegetables
Any sweet and sour fruits and berriesGrapes, raisins, bananas, dates, figs

In addition, you will have to completely stop drinking alcohol.
Some drinks - liqueurs, fortified wines and liqueurs - contain sugar, which is dangerous for diabetes. In addition, some time after consumption, any alcohol blocks the flow of glucose from the liver and sharply reduces its level in the blood, which is dangerous for patients with diabetes. The diet for diabetes is quite simple and varied. The main thing is to monitor the amount of simple carbohydrates in foods, avoid fatty foods, and do not overeat or starve. And be sure to consult a doctor - after all, only a specialist can timely and correctly adjust medical nutrition. Tags:

  • Diets
  • Diabetes
  • Therapeutic diets

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Rice stage

It’s not at all strange that Margarita Koroleva chose this cereal for the first stage of her diet. Rice contains substances that gently coat the walls of the stomach and do not irritate them. Rice porridge perfectly cleanses the body, which helps prepare it for the next stages.

To prepare rice for the whole day, soak 250 g of cereal in water in the evening, and in the morning add water in a ratio of 1: 2 and cook for about 15 minutes until fully cooked. Then divide the porridge into 5-6 parts and eat them throughout the day. The last portion should be eaten before 20:00. Also, between meals, drink plenty of water and eat 3 tsp. honey a day.

Nutrition rules

For 1–2 weeks before starting the main diet, you should reduce the portion size to 250 g, eat meals in small portions - at least 4 times a day. It is advisable to have dinner before 19 o'clock. From the diet - consistently exclude fast food, sweets, fried foods, baked goods, canned food and spicy snacks. Reduce the amount of salt by consuming no more than ½ tsp. per day. Be sure to adjust your drinking regime. Every day you need to drink 2.5 liters of ordinary clean water - 1 glass every 2 hours. If it is difficult to drink such a volume, you can add lemon juice or a drop of honey to the liquid. It is advisable to avoid carbonated drinks, strong coffee and tea.

You need to get used to eating slowly, chewing every bite thoroughly. Spend at least 15 minutes at the table. This way, the brain will have time to give the body a signal of saturation in a timely manner. The absence of various “garbage” in the diet, moderate and regular eating corrects eating disorders, which many overweight people are not aware of. The most common is the dependence of mood on food. The habit of eating up worries and troubles, chewing out of boredom, choosing high-calorie and harmful foods instead of healthy ones are common causes of obesity.

Chicken stage

The second nutrition cycle of the nine-day diet consists of pure proteins. Chicken and lean white fish are ideal as the main allowed foods. Their meat is not only tender and low in calories, but also contains a minimal amount of fat and cholesterol.

In the evening, boil a whole chicken or fish, be sure to remove the skin and divide it into 5-6 parts, which you will eat all day. In the same way as in the first three days, you need to drink at least 3 liters of water between meals and eat 3 tsp. honey. You can also add a little parsley and a couple of drops of lemon juice to the fish for each serving. Please note that the last meal should be no later than 19:00.

The diet is over, what next? Consolidate the result

If immediately after the end of this nine-day period you run to overeat (to say the least), then you shouldn’t even start exhausting your body with some kind of high-speed weight loss courses. Such actions will not only provoke you to gain even more kilograms, but you can significantly undermine your health, including menstrual irregularities and mental disorders.

Remember, in order to maintain weight and not gain even more, the results of the diet need to be consolidated. Considering that you will most likely be on vacation (after all, you decided to lose weight very quickly for this?), remember at least simple rules on how to prevent the lost kilograms from returning:

  • continue to eat fractionally, approximately 200 - 250 g per meal - at least 4 times a day;
  • continue to drink about 2 liters of water per day;
  • do not have dinner later than 19.00;
  • exclude everything salty (such as herring, pickles), sausages, smoked meats;
  • exclude all sweets, butter, flour, bread;
  • exclude everything harmful and high-calorie (chips, nuts, fried seeds);
  • do not drink carbonated, much less sugary water or drinks;
  • eat 50 g of low-fat cheese and 4 bran loaves daily.

Vegetable stage

The last stage of the diet is the most productive in terms of weight loss. Vegetables will not only ensure rapid weight loss, but also strengthen the immune system, saturate the body with vitamins, give energy, strength and remove harmful toxins.

You need to eat from 800 g to 1 kg of vegetables per day. You can use both fresh and frozen fruits. According to your diet, you can boil them, stew them, use them as ingredients for salads, or simply eat them raw. You should not eat pickled, salted or spicy vegetables at the final stage, and the largest portion should be eaten for breakfast.

By secret

The 9-day diet or the diet of Margarita Koroleva, a famous Russian nutritionist, is interesting because it allows you to see the results clearly. After all, of those who have tried such a weight loss system on themselves, many appear in the gossip column every day. These are people for whom appearance is the key to success and relevance.

The diet is very popular among celebrities

For example, Philip Kirkorov, Anita Tsoi, and other celebrities. Looking at the results they achieved, their slimmer appearance, you inevitably ask yourself the thought: “What if I try too?”

Calculation of calorie content of foods

ProductWeight, gProteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
Selected Products

What are the features of the 9-day diet?

It is better to steam chicken

The nine-day diet is divided into three cycles. During the first three days, a person eats a certain amount of rice, in the next three days he switches to chicken, and in the last three – to an abundance of vegetables.

3 rice days 250 g of unpolished rice are soaked in cold water the day before. The next morning, the rice is washed, poured with boiling water (calculation 1:2) and cooked over low heat until the water boils away. The resulting mass is divided into six servings, which should be eaten without salt and oil throughout the day.

It is important not to eat two hours before bedtime. During three rice days, you can eat 3 teaspoons of honey per day, a couple of unsweetened fruits or berries

As with any other diet, a prerequisite is the need to drink large amounts of water - 2 liters, no less, but not at night! During rice diet days, the body is cleansed due to the properties of rice. 3 chicken days You will need a hen or chick weighing from 1 to 1.2 kg. The chicken is steamed. Remove the skin from the cooked bird and separate the meat from the bones. The meat is divided into 6 servings and eaten in 6 meals. Again, you should not eat 2 hours before bed in the evening. By the way, you are allowed to eat both white and red chicken meat. Thanks to dietary chicken meat, the body gets the necessary protein and fat reserves are lost. 3 vegetable days You need to stock up on 1 kg of vegetables for each day. Preferably cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, and lettuce. Perhaps tomatoes, beets, carrots, but there should be much less of these vegetables than green and white ones. For variety, half of the vegetables can be stewed and half eaten fresh. Do not add oil or salt. You can sprinkle with lemon juice for taste. Vegetables are eaten in equal parts for 6 meals. On vegetable day you will also need honey, 3 teaspoons. It can be washed down with water or green tea. Vegetables will help cleanse the intestines and strengthen the body with vitamins.

Reviews and results of the “9 days” diet

The diet gives visible results without the feeling of hunger

The “9 days” diet is classified as strict, so it is recommended not to start it suddenly, but to prepare a little by first changing your usual diet, breaking the usual portions into smaller ones. Then it will be easier for the body to tolerate the restrictions prescribed by the diet.

Reviews from those who have gone through the diet are amazing with their weight loss results. Everyone talks about losing weight at least 6 kg in 9 days. Some managed to get rid of as much as 10 kg.

Who is the 9-day diet contraindicated for?

You should not try the diet if:

  • you are under 18 years old
  • You are pregnant
  • suffer from anemia and low blood pressure
  • are in the lactation period
  • suffer from chronic gastrointestinal diseases

If you are interested in quick ways to lose weight, be sure to read our articles about the 3-day diet and losing weight in a week. Stay wonderful and be sure to share interesting information with your friends!

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About the author of the diet

Margarita Koroleva is an example of a successful and comprehensively developed personality. She has the Sechenov Medical Institute, a cardiology residency and an academic degree behind her. As a continuously practicing nutritionist, Margarita is a candidate and the author of a number of scientific and popular science works.

The most famous books by Korolev:

  • “The easy way to slimness” - the basics of the star doctor’s diet. It is noteworthy that a laudatory, emotional and absolutely sincere review of the book was written by Elena Malysheva, who was at first skeptical about the author and the popularity of her diet. But the very first meeting of two famous doctors of the country, where Elena Malysheva found herself as a patient, turned out to be the beginning of a fruitful collaboration. Margarita will then come to the “It’s great to live!” studio several times. as an expert in healthy eating and an expert on the right way to lose weight.
  • "My food diary." Here Margarita Vasilievna was not too lazy to describe in detail the practical guide to her first work. The explanation of the author's weight loss method is given in full, taking into account all possible questions from readers.
  • "Rules of well-fed slimness." Complements the first 2 books and represents Margarita’s next project dedicated to balanced nutrition. The project is called “Royal Diet” and includes as detailed programs as possible. The goal of some is to get rid of extra pounds, while others are to teach how to create obstacles to gaining weight. To the average person, far from the intricacies of physiological processes, it becomes clear how the body’s material metabolism is accelerated, which can enhance the burning of unnecessary fats.

Everything that Margarita Koroleva writes and says becomes understandable, because she does it with simple words, with enthusiasm and passion, as befits a professional in any business. She teaches not only how to lose weight wisely, but also how to contain the results, not let the kilograms add, and not let the mood and state of the body decline. The main development in this direction is considered to be the 9-day diet of Margarita Koroleva.

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