Nine-day diet of Margarita Koroleva - essence, real reviews and results

Nutrition rules for women after 50 years

To lose excess weight, you must adhere to nutritional rules that were developed specifically for women after 50 years of age:

Monitor your energy balance

In the fight for a slim figure, you must stop eating fatty and high-calorie foods, and you must not overeat. If you do not follow this rule, you will not be able to accelerate metabolic processes, which means that fat will continue to be deposited in problem areas: on the hips, abdomen, waist and, most dangerously, on the internal organs.

Introduce lipotropic foods

The diet should contain foods that do not disrupt the functioning of the pancreas, do not provoke fatty liver hepatosis, and do not lead to atherosclerosis. To do this, the menu must contain a sufficient amount of protein foods, but foods containing large amounts of cholesterol and lipids must be avoided.

Varied and balanced diet

Products to be given preference:

  • Vegetables, fruits and greens.
  • Nuts and legumes are valuable sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids and calcium. Regular consumption of these foods helps prevent cancer, stroke and heart attack.
  • Low-fat varieties of fish and meat.
  • Fermented milk drinks such as kefir and yogurt. After 50 years, one should not forget about cottage cheese as a valuable source of calcium.
  • Flax seed and green fenugreek seeds are a source of phytoestrogens - these are natural analogues of female sex hormones. In the period after menopause, they acquire special value.
  • Cereals, bread, and pasta should be present on a woman’s table, as they are valuable sources of energy. Dark cereals such as oatmeal, barley and barley contain three times more B vitamins and iron compared to white cereals. In addition, they contain enough magnesium and potassium, without which normal functioning of the heart muscle is impossible.
  • You should eat honey, raisins, dates, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn, barley as sources of glucose necessary for proper brain function.
  • Eating butter should be limited to a teaspoon per day, as it contains a lot of cholesterol. Olive oil should be used to dress salads. It is better to avoid mayonnaise altogether.
  • You need to eat sweets, as they increase the level of pleasure hormones (endorphins) in the body. However, preference should be given to marmalade, marshmallows, and marshmallows. Moreover, even these sweet foods must be limited in the diet.
  • You need to eat at least 5 times a day, but the portions should be small. Thermal processing of products: boiling, steaming, baking.
  • A woman over 50 years old should get enough fluids per day. Its volume is equal to 2 liters of clean water. This is the only way to ensure normal blood thickness. This, in turn, prevents thrombosis.
  • It must be remembered that milk tea and juices are foods that also have a diuretic effect. Therefore, it is imperative to drink clean water. This is the only way to avoid dehydration.

Not a day without minerals

Calcium is a basic microelement for the prevention of osteoporosis. The risk of developing this disease increases significantly after age 50. To prevent thinning of bone tissue, you should enrich your diet with low-fat cheese, tofu, yeast, mustard seeds, almonds, low-fat yogurt and ice cream, and brown seaweed. An excellent source of calcium is fish, such as salmon and mackerel. Don't ignore canned sardines.

  • Boron prevents the leaching of calcium from bones, increasing their strength. Sources of boron are products such as: raisins, prunes, almonds, figs. Vegetables you should include cabbage and asparagus in your menu. Strawberries and peaches are tasty sources of calcium.
  • Lignins are necessary for women after 50 years of age to combat hot flashes and eliminate dryness in the intimate organs. To do this, it is enough to eat 2 teaspoons of flaxseed once a day. It can be added to salads, fermented milk drinks, yoghurts, and baked goods. Salads can also be seasoned with oil obtained from flax seeds.
  • Magnesium, like boron, prevents the leaching of calcium from bones. It is also good for the heart and blood vessels. Regular consumption of foods with magnesium helps normalize blood cholesterol levels, cope with sleep disorders, and get rid of depression and bad mood. Sources of magnesium include lettuce leaves, wheat bran, cashew nuts, and seaweed. To get 1/3 of your daily dose of magnesium, just eat three tablespoons of chopped almonds. About 320 mg of it should enter the body per day.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential element that must be supplied to a woman’s body through food. These fats are necessary for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and for reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. In order not to provoke Omega-3 deficiency in the body, it is necessary to eat fatty fish. To do this, 2 times every 7 days you should include 100 g of salmon, trout, mackerel or sardines in your menu. Omega-3 is also found in walnuts and flaxseed (oils obtained from these products are no less useful).
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant that is essential for the heart. It helps combat dryness and thinning of the vaginal wall, and helps reduce the intensity of hot flashes. To get vitamin E from food, you need to include green peas, avocado, asparagus, chicken egg yolk, soybean and corn oil, brown rice and beans in your diet.

Take vitamin complexes

The body of a woman over 50 is not always able to absorb all the minerals and vitamins from food. To avoid a deficiency of nutrients, you should take vitamin and mineral complexes adapted to the person’s age. Examples of such drugs are: Gerimax, Multivitamins, Centrum Silver, Vitrum Centuri, Gerovital.

Eliminate dangerous foods from your diet

If you are over 50 years of age, you should not include the following foods in your menu:

  • Alcoholic drinks, spicy foods, as their intake increases the symptoms of menopause: sweating and hot flashes.
  • Salt and salty foods: cucumbers, tomatoes, sausages, sausages, smoked meats. Salt causes calcium to be leached from bones, which increases the risk of osteoporosis. This, in turn, threatens fractures and disability.
  • Flour products, fatty foods, sweets. All of these foods contribute to excess weight gain and also increase the risk of breast cancer.

Daily physical activity

Daily gymnastics for women over 50 years of age is a prerequisite for maintaining their own health.

However, there are some recommendations that must be followed:

  • You cannot perform sudden bends or swings of your legs.
  • There must be 15 second breaks between each exercise. If you were unable to rest during this time, then you need to increase the interval to a minute.
  • It is better to avoid running and jumping; brisk walking becomes the best option.
  • New exercises should be introduced no more than once every 30 days.
  • You need to breathe deeply and evenly during training.
  • If a woman has just started exercising, then strength exercises should be abandoned. They can be started only after 3 months.
  • After completing the complex, you must rest.

Kefir option

Many reviews of Margarita Koroleva’s 9-day diet note that it is easier to tolerate if the diet is supplemented with kefir. This fermented milk product improves intestinal microflora and improves digestion. To avoid excessive gas formation, you should buy only fresh kefir with a low fat content. The scheme of this diet option is slightly different from the usual one:

  • for the first three days, 100 g of rice and kefir in the required quantity are eaten every day so as not to feel hungry;
  • from 4 to 6 days - 100 g of white chicken meat and kefir;
  • at the last stage 1 kg of green apples with kefir.

The kefir diet is not recommended for people with gastrointestinal diseases and urolithiasis.

Features of menu design

The menu should be compiled based on the following principles:

  • The diet should be based on products of plant origin. Vegetables and fruits, as well as greens, should be present on the table every day. Moreover, in the total mass fraction their number should not be less than 50%.
  • Products should be rich in vitamins A, group B, PP and E. It is imperative to consume food containing polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • You should not drink after eating. At least half an hour must pass before a woman drinks this or that drink.
  • You need to eat often, but in small portions. This will prevent the stomach walls from stretching, and the body will not spend a lot of energy on digesting food.
  • Protein products must be present on every woman’s menu. The emphasis should be on low-fat fish, seafood, and poultry. You can also prepare dishes from veal and rabbit meat.
  • The maximum serving size per serving should be 300 g.
  • The menu should be balanced: the amount of proteins is 20%, the amount of carbohydrates is 35%. Taking vitamin and mineral complexes is a prerequisite for a woman’s normal well-being.
  • To avoid overeating, you need to chew your food thoroughly and avoid snacking on the go. If a person eats slowly, satiety will come faster.
  • You can lose no more than a kilogram of weight per week without harm to your health. Although this process will be lengthy, it will avoid breakdowns and exacerbation of various diseases.

Features of Margarita Koroleva’s 9-day diet

This is one of the most popular power systems. It was created based on the principles of separate meals. Margarita Koroleva tested this 9-day simple diet on herself. She lost weight with her help after giving birth. It turned out that when digesting different foods, the body experiences great stress. Food is not completely absorbed, so excess fat is deposited faster.

Margarita Koroleva’s 9-day diet is a type of mono-diet. With its help you can lose weight without harm to your health. It helps you easily and quickly lose up to 10 kg of weight. The body is cleansed of toxins and digestion improves.

A special feature of Margarita Koroleva’s diet is that all 9 days are divided into 3 stages. That's why it is also called interval. Only one product is allowed to be consumed every three days. At the first stage of the Queen’s diet, they eat rice, then chicken, and the last 3 days - vegetables. In addition, you can only drink green tea without sugar. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water. It is consumed after sleep and before each meal. It is not recommended to drink food with food.

Pros and cons of Margarita Koroleva's diet 9 days

The main advantage of this nutrition system is that it makes it possible to quickly lose from 5 to 10 kg of weight. At the same time, a person receives everything he needs: complex carbohydrates, proteins, fiber and vitamins. Another advantage is that there is no need to count the calorie content of foods and no material costs are required. All dishes on the menu are very easy and quick to prepare.

This diet activates metabolic processes, cleanses the body of toxins, and improves digestion. Therefore, if you follow the right diet, weight loss will continue even after you quit.

But Margarita Koroleva’s 9-day diet has a serious drawback: the diet is very meager, so not everyone can follow it. There are contraindications for mono-diets, and sometimes you may feel worse. Some reviews of Margarita Koroleva’s diet note that they experienced nausea, constipation, and abdominal pain. The disadvantages also include the possibility of fluctuations in sugar levels and water-salt imbalance.


Koroleva’s diet was created taking into account the principles of healthy eating. Therefore, it does no harm. But there are still contraindications for its compliance. After all, a limited diet can become stressful for the body. Those people who are used to eating a lot may experience nausea, weakness and dizziness.

There are several cases in which Margarita Koroleva is not recommended to follow this diet:

  • children and elderly people;
  • pregnant women;
  • for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • women with severe obesity.

Quitting the diet

In order for weight loss to be effective and the weight not to return, you need to exit the diet correctly. The diet is expanding gradually, so leaving the diet can be considered its next stage. It also includes rice, chicken and non-starchy vegetables. Then fermented milk products, fish and fruits are included. For about a month you need to stick to a low-calorie menu, avoid sweets, salt and fatty foods. All food should also be cooked without frying; pickles, marinades and canned food should be excluded.

The diet should consist of vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products, lean meat and fish. If, immediately after finishing Koroleva’s diet, you return to your previous diet for 9 days, the lost kilograms will return.

Diet menu for women after 50 years for 7 days

To get rid of excess weight without harm to your health, you should contact a nutritionist to create the right menu. However, if this is not possible, then you can independently study the principles of proper nutrition for women over 50 and plan a menu.

You need to eat at least 6 times a day, so you need to prepare six dishes. Portions should be small - about 250 g per meal.

Sample menu for 7 days for a woman over 50 years old:

Day of the week Dishes
1 Oatmeal and green tea.


Vegetable soup, tea.

Low-fat fermented milk drink.

Mashed potatoes with vinaigrette.

Before bed: a glass of kefir and an apple.

2 Cottage cheese with parsley and dill, tea with lemon.

Bunch of grapes.

Minced chicken cutlets, baked vegetables.

Fruit salad.

Steam omelette, orange.

Low-fat yogurt.

3 Rice porridge with milk and freshly squeezed juice.


Chicken fillet cutlets, cauliflower soup.

A glass of curdled milk.

Zucchini pancakes, cucumber and tomato salad with vegetable oil.

Green tea.

4 Hercules flakes with dried apricots and prunes, coffee with milk.

Cottage cheese pancakes, tea with herbs.

Chicken fillet in foil, lettuce leaves, cucumber.

A glass of tomato juice.

Stewed potatoes, fish zrazy.


5 Casserole with cottage cheese and raisins, tea.

Two soft-boiled eggs.

Baked vegetables and mackerel.

A glass of fermented baked milk.

Seafood, buckwheat.


6 Sea kale with carrots, compote with dried fruits.

Grapefruit, walnuts.

Soup with minced chicken meatballs, cheese.

Tea with marshmallows.

Baked beef, steamed vegetables.

Vegetable juice.

7 Salad with prunes, beets and garlic, tea with lemon.


Baked potatoes with green peas, baked hake.

Apple juice.

Fish soup, stewed vegetables.

A glass of low-fat kefir.

Permitted and prohibited products

Margarita Koroleva believes that losing weight should be natural and comfortable. For this reason, food restrictions that will cause a painful feeling of hunger are prohibited. In exceptional cases, you can slightly violate the correct diet and have a snack after 7:00 pm if hunger does not give you rest. During this period of time, it is better to drink a cup of green tea with a spoonful of honey, eat grapefruit or pomegranate, or give preference to a glass of low-fat kefir.

You should also not be thirsty. The nutritionist advises drinking a lot and often. The bulk of the liquid should be clean water. To stimulate the functioning of your metabolism, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. At the same time, salt consumption is limited.

You shouldn't overeat. To lose weight, it is recommended to give up the habit of eating a cooked portion entirely, without listening to your own feelings. Overeating causes stretching of the stomach walls. As a result, it can accommodate more food, which will ultimately cause obesity. It is recommended to eat slowly, chewing each piece thoroughly. As a result, satiety will occur when eating less food.

Don't give in to stress. Loss of faith in success and depressed mood often lead to the return of lost pounds. The menu should be compiled from a list of healthy products. You should avoid junk food.

Healthy foods
vegetables, fruits, berriesporridgeunrefined vegetable oils
eggs no more than three times a weeklean sea fish and seafoodlean meat
pure still water, tea, juices without sugar, coffee - once a day in the morning, occasionally - white winereduced fat dairy products – once a daywholemeal bread, whole grain bread, rye crackers
Inadmissible foods for the diet
butter, margarine, lard, saucesstrong alcoholbread made from premium flour, baked goods
carbonated drinkscanned foodpasta
confectionery, desserts, chocolatehigh-calorie dairy products with added sugar and fillersfatty meats and fish, sausages, frankfurters

Sample menu for a month

Women over 50 who decide to take a step towards a healthy lifestyle need to reconsider their approach to nutrition. A well-designed diet should always be followed, not just for a short period of time. To do this, you can use a sample menu for the month. The proposed option can be combined at your own discretion, but without violating the basic principles of proper nutrition.

Breakfast options:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese with fruits or berries. You can add sour cream to the dish.
  • Oatmeal with water or low-fat milk. You can add dried fruits and honey to the porridge.
  • Cheese casserole.
  • Cheese sandwiches, eggs.
  • Buckwheat porridge with your favorite berries.
  • Fruit salads with yogurt or sour cream dressing.

Lunch options:

  • Vegetables and boiled buckwheat.
  • Vegetable soups with bread.
  • Mashed potatoes with fresh vegetables, such as tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Fish baked on the grill or in the oven.
  • Vegetable cabbage rolls.
  • Chicken breast and corn porridge.

Snack options:

  • Vegetable or fruit juice.
  • A glass of fermented milk drink (kefir or fermented baked milk).
  • Fruits: oranges, pears, apples.
  • Low-fat yogurt.

Dinner options:

  • Boiled fish fillet and vegetables.
  • Baked vegetables with one potato.
  • Vegetable stew.
  • Vinaigrette and boiled rice.
  • Cauliflower and tomatoes.
  • Minced chicken cutlet and buckwheat porridge.

Also, the daily menu can be supplemented with bread, a portion of vegetables or fruits. Once every 7 days you are allowed to drink a glass of red wine.

Fasting days

If a woman wants to continue to lose weight comfortably, she must adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. In addition, it is recommended to carry out fasting days. They will give an impetus to getting rid of extra pounds and will allow you to consolidate the achieved result. Compliance with fasting days is carried out according to a flexible scheme. Thus, Margarita Koroleva advises spending fasting days after various celebrations, during which there was a plentiful feast. If a woman easily tolerates such days, which include 1-2 selected products, you can observe them for 2-3 days. In this case, no negative consequences arise.

During this method of weight loss, you need to eat frequently. You can take food up to 10 times a day. However, consumption is strictly in small portions. There are the following options for fasting days:

  1. Fruity. You need to eat 1.5 kg of fruit of your choice per day. These could be pineapples, apples, watermelons or oranges. The prescribed amount of food should be divided into 6 meals and eaten throughout the day.
  2. Meat. It is recommended to eat 400 g of boiled lean meat per day. The food is divided into six servings.
  3. Vegetables. It is recommended to eat 1.3 kg of raw vegetables during the day. They are consumed in the form of salads. It is recommended to take food 6 times a day.
  4. Dairy. During the day you need to drink 1.5 liters of one percent kefir. The drink is consumed one glass at a time over a certain period of time.
  5. Tomato. You need to drink 1.5 liters of tomato juice per day. No salt is added to the drink. The juice is drunk one glass during the day until 20:00.
  6. Curd. During the day you need to eat 6 times 100 g of fatty cottage cheese and drink 3 glasses of unsweetened tea.

Popular diets for women after 50 years

There are diets that are adapted for women over 50 years of age. They are characterized by a reduced protein content, but remain balanced. Such nutritional methods allow you not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to record the achieved result.

Diet of Margarita Koroleva

Margarita Koroleva offers women over 50 years of age her own weight loss system. It 100% complies with all the principles of proper nutrition. You need to eat at least 5 times a day, in small portions, and be sure to drink enough water.

The author of the diet does not encourage his followers to completely abandon flour products, but it is imperative to limit the intake of these products into the body. All desserts should be eaten in the first half of the day. This will allow the body to process them efficiently. Dinner should happen at 18:00. To avoid feeling hungry, you can drink a glass of kefir before resting at night.

Salt should be replaced with soy sauce, lemon juice, and spicy seasonings.

The presented weekly menu features a balanced product range. In 7 days you can lose about 1.5 kg of excess weight.

Breakfast Dinner Snack Dinner
1 A serving of pineapple, a glass of yogurt Chicken fillet, asparagus Vegetable soup in the form of puree Seafood and lettuce
2 Cottage cheese with berries, grated carrots with sour cream Fish with vegetables Apple Egg, cauliflower
3 Omelette of 2 yolks and 1 white with the addition of herbs and berries Baked fish and spinach Fruit juice Baked zucchini
4 Vegetables with rice Low-fat meat, stewed vegetables Pineapple piece Spinach and mushrooms
5 Oatmeal with honey, berries, apple, fruit juice Steamed fish, fresh vegetables Almonds (4 pcs) Stewed vegetables, boiled egg
6 Buckwheat with onions and carrots, cucumber Chicken fillet, lettuce leaves Dried apricots and prunes Fish and broccoli
7 Zucchini pancakes, fruit with honey, yogurt Stewed vegetables and meat A glass of kefir Boiled potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers in their skins

Read more: Diet of Margarita Koroleva

Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva's diet is universal and suitable for all women, regardless of their age. The menu has a balanced composition and an optimal ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. During the diet, a woman will not feel hungry, but the fat will gradually begin to disappear. The undoubted advantage of Malysheva’s diet is its lasting results.

Losing more than 4 kg in a month for women over 50 years old can be dangerous. Therefore, the diet is designed for 2-4 months. Method of losing weight according to E.

Malysheva assumes compliance with the following rules:

  • Hunger strike is unacceptable. You need to eat food at a strictly defined time, at least 4 times a day.
  • Every day you need to drink about 2.5 liters of water.
  • In one approach to the table you should not eat a portion whose volume exceeds 250 g.
  • The daily calorie intake should not exceed 1300 kcal.
  • Food must be chewed thoroughly. The slower a person eats, the faster saturation occurs.
  • You cannot refuse to play sports, but excessive physical activity is also unacceptable. An excellent option for women over 50 is brisk walking around the stadium or cycling.
  • Rest should be of high quality and complete. Sleeping less than 8 hours a day is unhealthy.


When compiling the menu, the emphasis is on vegetables. You should not eat foods that are sources of fast carbohydrates. You should avoid smoked foods, sweets and fatty foods. E. Malysheva opposes the use of salt, as it inhibits metabolic processes and retains fluid in the body. Moreover, the salt contained in dishes leads to overeating. It’s enough just to get rid of salt and losing weight won’t take long.

Breakfast options:

  • Boiled egg, grain bread.
  • Stewed vegetables, a piece of bread.
  • Porridge from 4 types of cereals.
  • Buckwheat with milk.
  • Salmon.
  • Oatmeal cooked in milk.
  • Sandwich with tomatoes and cheese.

Options for snacks between breakfast and lunch:

  • Yogurt with fruit.
  • A glass of green tea, one banana.
  • Bread and a glass of kefir.
  • A handful of cherries.
  • Mousse with cottage cheese.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Radish and cottage cheese.

Lunch options:

  • Boiled chicken, salad, rice.
  • Cottage cheese and tomatoes.
  • Asparagus and chicken fillet.
  • Sandwich with greens and meat.
  • Vegetables with veal meat.
  • Puree soup with squid.
  • Vegetables with mushrooms.

Options for second snack:

  • Berries and a glass of kefir.
  • Bread and tomatoes.
  • Apple.
  • Vegetable juice, grain bread.
  • A glass of yogurt and kiwi.
  • A glass of yogurt and oatmeal cookies.
  • Tomatoes and bread.

Dinner options:

  • Low-fat fish, salad, rice.
  • Chicken fillet, cauliflower, kefir.
  • Salad with asparagus and crab meat.
  • Kefir, cottage cheese, tomatoes.
  • Lamb and vegetables.
  • Steamed cod, salad.
  • Minced fish cutlets, fresh vegetables.

Read more: Elena Malysheva’s diet for a month

Buckwheat diet

The buckwheat diet in its classic form involves eating only buckwheat. This nutritional method is not suitable for women over 50 years of age. Therefore, if you have chosen the method of losing weight using a buckwheat diet, it is necessary to supplement it with other products that will allow the body to function at full strength.

Women over 50 years of age are recommended to opt for the “Multi Menu” diet. In addition to buckwheat, it is supplemented with products that will allow you to part with fat deposits without stressing the body. The diet lasts 30 days. During this time, you can lose 3-5 kg.

Foods that can be eaten:

  • Low-fat fermented milk drinks (yogurt, kefir), as well as cottage cheese and cheese.
  • Any fruits and dried fruits.
  • Any vegetables, but preference should be given to cabbage.
  • Any low-fat meat and fish.
  • Chicken eggs.

In addition to buckwheat, you can choose any three products from the list of allowed ones and eat 200 g of them per day. Dishes should be steamed or boiled. Baking foods is also allowed.


You should eat 5 times a day. The menu should be based on the list of permitted products. Buckwheat, as a main dish, is not boiled, but steamed. It is filled with hot water in the evening. In the morning, you get ready-made cereal that can be eaten.

Breakfast options:

  • Buckwheat porridge and any citrus fruit.
  • Buckwheat porridge and any regular fruit.

Options for second breakfast:

  • A glass of kefir.
  • Nuts and dried fruits.
  • Vegetables.


Buckwheat porridge with any vegetables or boiled meat. Supplement lunch with citrus fruit.

Afternoon snack options:

  • Any fruit.
  • A glass of yogurt or kefir.
  • Boiled chicken egg.


Buckwheat porridge with kefir or fermented baked milk, boiled or baked vegetables, lettuce.

Read more: Buckwheat diet

Protein diet

The protein diet in its classic version is not suitable for women over 50 years of age. It can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases and lead to other health problems. You should choose diets that are age-appropriate, but at the same time allow you to have a toned body and a beautiful figure.

Protein diet rules:

  • Protein products should not become the basis of the menu, but you should not refuse to eat them.
  • The menu should be balanced: 30% proteins, 30% fats and 40% carbohydrates.
  • If you sharply limit the intake of fats into the body, this will negatively affect your health: hair will begin to fall out, and your skin will deteriorate. Moreover, at the age of over 50 these problems become quite acute.
  • Protein products must be of animal origin. Only in this case the body will receive the amino acids it needs.
  • Simple carbohydrates should be excluded from the menu. Preference should be given to complex carbohydrates as valuable sources of energy.


You should not consume more than 1600 kcal per day, and to start losing weight, you need to subtract another 300 kcal from this figure. The proposed menu is aimed at 1200 kcal. To avoid exceeding this figure, you should not make servings larger than 250 g.

Menu No. 1:

  • Oatmeal.
  • Orange.
  • Soup with vegetables and chicken fillet.
  • Cheese and green tea.
  • Cottage cheese with fruit and a glass of fermented milk drink.

Menu No. 2:

  • Vegetables and protein omelet.
  • Pear.
  • Chicken broth based soup.
  • A portion of cottage cheese.
  • Vegetables and chicken fillet.

The proposed menu is indicative. It can be modified at your own discretion, but the caloric content of 1200 kcal should not be exceeded.

Find out more: Protein diets

Diet food

Anyone interested in healthy eating and concerned about weight loss has heard about nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. This doctor with extensive experience has his own aesthetic medicine clinic. Many famous people use her services. She creates an individual diet. But she has also developed several nutritional systems that are suitable for everyone to lose weight.

Nutritionist Koroleva believes that you need to lose weight slowly, so she only allows long-term diets. In her opinion, proper nutrition for at least 2 months is the best way to lose weight, since the lost kilograms will not return.

Principles of nutrition

Long-term dietary nutrition according to this system involves avoiding fast carbohydrates, sugar and salt. But the diet remains varied. You just need to follow a few rules:

  • eat in 3-4 hours in small portions, it is better to eat from small plates;
  • breakfast is a must, it helps start the metabolism;
  • dinner should be no later than 19:00, 2–3 hours before bedtime;
  • drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day, this helps cleanse the body of toxins;
  • completely give up alcohol;
  • Sweets are prohibited, only honey is allowed;
  • salt and spices that increase appetite are excluded;
  • you should not use mayonnaise, sauces, ketchups;
  • limit the consumption of pasta, confectionery, flour dishes;
  • Weekly fasting days are needed, preferably on kefir;
  • food should be boiled, baked or stewed with a small amount of oil;
  • preference should be given to vegetable oils - olive, flaxseed, corn.

The basis of dietary nutrition according to this system are vegetables, fruits, cereals, fermented milk products, lean meat and fish.

Healthy foods for weight loss

In order for dietary nutrition according to the Koroleva system not only to improve your health, but also to help you lose weight, it is recommended to include certain foods in your diet. The nutritionist believes that the most useful are:

  • grapefruit is a natural fat burner;
  • mint - helps cope with hunger;
  • cinnamon - eliminates hunger and activates fat burning processes;
  • green tea - tones and cleanses the body.

Sports exercises after 50 years

Before starting sports exercises, women over 50 years of age should consult a doctor. Moreover, this should be a specialist with a medical education, and not a trainer in a fitness room. You should undergo a comprehensive examination and obtain an assessment of the general condition of the body.

The doctor, taking into account age, body weight, and the presence of certain diseases, will give the woman specific recommendations regarding sports training.

An illiterately selected complex will lead to the fact that the desired result cannot be achieved. Instead of a slim body, a woman will get joint pain. Activities such as jumping, step aerobics and running on asphalt should be abandoned immediately.

What do we choose?

There are no special workouts for women who have entered menopause. However, experts advise choosing bodyflex. These exercises combine breathing exercises and stretching. You can also do Pilates and water aerobics. This will strengthen the muscle frame, but will not load the joints. It is possible to perform strength exercises. We must not forget about cycling, running and walking in the fresh air.

Performing strength exercises will tighten your muscles, while the load should be minimal, but last for a long time. You can do strength exercises at any age, but the technique for performing them must be correct. Therefore, it is very good when there is third-party control of a professional trainer.

During strength training, hormones are produced in the body. They allow you to regulate the functioning of the body as a whole. In addition, such loads make it possible to strengthen not only muscles, but also bones, and are also an excellent prevention of osteoporosis.

Basic Rules:

  • Aerobic exercises should alternate with strength training. If you do them separately, you will not be able to achieve the desired result.
  • Training should be regular. This will make it easier to endure the symptoms of menopause.
  • You definitely need to strengthen your back muscles. This guarantees beautiful posture and also prevents spinal diseases.
  • Warm-up is a must at the beginning of any workout. During exercise, you need to monitor your blood pressure and monitor your pulse. A contrast shower in the mornings and evenings will strengthen the vascular wall.
  • The loads should be long, but not too intense. This will normalize the circulation of oxygen in the body. Between workouts you should take a break of 1-2 days. The most suitable training schedule for women over 50 years of age: 2 strength training sessions for half an hour per week, 2 cardio workouts for 45 minutes per week.
  • An excellent exercise machine for women over 50 is the ellipsoid. It does not put a compressive load on the joints and intervertebral discs, but uses all muscle groups. Blood begins to circulate efficiently throughout the body, which ensures its normal functioning.
  • To get rid of joint pain, you can visit the hammam, but saunas and baths should be treated with caution due to the high temperature. In the hammam you can steam and warm up longer without fear for your well-being.

Essence and principles

The famous TV presenter Malysheva talks about losing weight after 50 years as a completely different task than what would happen at a younger age. In this case, standard methods are most often powerless and correcting the problem of excess weight must be approached from a different angle. The process of losing weight after 50 years for women must take place in accordance with certain conditions and rules:

  1. First of all, it is worth remembering that metabolic processes at this age are slowed down and after any method related to weight loss, you need to continue to eat properly, slightly reducing the restrictions.
  2. You cannot use mono-diets after 50 years. Any technique aimed at rapid weight loss will make a woman’s body after 50 years old look unsightly. This is due to the fact that the skin cannot renew itself as quickly as in youth. In order not to spoil it, weight loss should occur gradually.
  3. To lose weight, you will need to put in much more effort than in your youth. It is more difficult to activate your body to burn fat at an older age.
  4. Low carbohydrate methods are prohibited. The same goes for monotonous diets. The body enters stressful situations much faster and begins to store fat. Because of this, dishes should be varied.
  5. Be sure to take additional vitamin complexes and beneficial microelements.
  6. Portions should fill you up and not make you feel heavy. You can't overeat.
  7. Healthy nutrition for women after 50 years of age should take place in conjunction with monitoring all body indicators. If your blood pressure begins to rise, your general condition worsens, or unusual pain appears, you should immediately stop the procedure and consult a doctor.
  8. Nutritionists say that the optimal amount of weight lost per week is 1 kg. This way, the process of losing weight will be completely safe for a woman’s health.
  9. Late-night snacking is not permitted. You should refrain from any meals after 19:00. It is allowed to drink herbal teas and clean water.
  10. Do not expose the body to heavy loads. A light warm-up in the morning is enough to improve your results. We also shouldn’t forget about walking in the fresh air. To strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to saturate the body with a large amount of oxygen.

After the rules have been learned, you need to understand the features when preparing a diet:

  1. The majority of your diet should be fruits and vegetables – approximately 60%.
  2. Small meals are the key to success.
  3. You can drink water after eating only 1 hour later.

Reviews from doctors and those who have lost weight

Evgeniy Ovchinnikov, nutritionist:

“I suggest that all my patients over 50 years old first undergo a comprehensive examination in order to have a complete understanding of their health status. Otherwise, the diet can be harmful, causing an exacerbation of chronic diseases. You can’t “throw yourself into the pool headlong” by choosing any diet you like. You can't suddenly lose weight.

The process of losing weight should be smooth. The diet should be combined with physical activity. It is imperative to take multivitamin complexes. I cannot name a universal recipe for losing weight, since there is none. Everything is purely individual. Contact a specialist so you don’t regret the consequences of an incorrectly chosen diet.”

Reviews from those who have lost weight

Polina, 52 years old: “It wasn’t until I was 50 that I met a man who became my true love. We decided to get married, but first I needed to lose weight. It took me 3 months to lose 10 kg. But for the second year now I have been the happy wife of the best husband.

To lose weight, I simply started following the principles of proper nutrition. I gave up pastries, bread, sausage, and confectionery. It was difficult at first, but then I got into it. Now I’m doing sports and enjoying life in my new status as a wife.”

Valentina, 54 years old: “Even in my youth I tried to go on diets. But the weight always came back. After retiring, I decided to radically change my lifestyle and I succeeded. In 2 years I lost 18 kg of excess weight. Now, with a height of 164 cm, I weigh 65 kg. This shape is ideal for me. I lost weight according to Elena Malysheva’s system. At first I ordered ready-made sets, and then I started preparing them for myself. I continue to eat healthy, which allows me to look better than I did at 40.”

Author of the article:

Kuzmina Vera Valerievna |
Endocrinologist, nutritionist Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov, specialty “General Medicine” (2004). Residency at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, diploma in Endocrinology (2006). Our authors

Diet of Margarita Koroleva 9 days: reviews and results

Most people who have experienced this nutrition system speak positively about it. Many people call it quite easy, since there is almost no hunger, weakness or poor health. It is believed that you can lose up to 9 kg in 9 days of Margarita Koroleva’s diet; reviews from those who followed it note that this is real. The disadvantages of losing weight include the bland taste of all dishes and the monotony of the diet. For most, the hardest part of the diet is the vegetable part. At this time, you may feel hungry and have indigestion.

Margarita Koroleva's diet is a simple and quick way to lose excess weight. If you follow all the rules, you can get rid of 5–9 kg.

IMPORTANT! Informational article! Before use, you should consult a specialist.

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