Meytsitang (butterfly wild plant) effective drug for weight loss (36 caps.)

According to the latest medical research data, about a third of the world's inhabitants are overweight or obese. And while doctors and nutritionists are looking for therapeutic ways to effectively solve this problem, chemists and pharmacists are launching new drugs on the market that promise rapid weight loss. Wild plants Butterfly is one such remedy. The Chinese drug promises to reduce the volume of the figure and cleanse the entire body.

Composition of capsules Wild plants Butterfly

It is believed that the Chinese weight loss remedy is exclusively a herbal product. Gelatin capsules of Butterfly wild plants (or Meisitang) contain an oily substance resembling a liquid extract. Its exact composition is not indicated, but most often the following ingredients are listed:

  • Job's tears (koix);
  • passionflower seed husk;
  • swamp;
  • lotus leaves;
  • madder;
  • amino acids and trace elements (unspecified).

In addition, the description notes that Wild Plants Butterfly is an improved version of another drug, also produced - LiDa. It has proven itself as an appetite suppressant, but it causes a lot of side effects, the culprit of which is one of the ingredients - simbutramine.

And although this substance is not exactly named among the components of Wildflower Butterfly, it can be assumed that it is also present in the composition.

We recommend reading about Chinese diet pills. You will learn about Chinese diet pills and their composition, the most effective drugs Lida and Bomb for burning fat. And here is more information about the drug Lida for weight loss.

The benefits and effectiveness of diet pills “Butterfly Wildflowers”

The peculiarity of the unique Chinese tablets is that the “Butterfly” drug for weight loss works in several directions simultaneously.

Active components of plant origin have the following effect:

  • activate metabolic processes;
  • burn fat tissue at the cellular level;
  • remove waste and toxins from tissues;
  • eliminate cravings for foods harmful to the figure - sweets, smoked meats, fatty foods;
  • improve the general condition of the body;
  • prevent re-accumulation of fatty tissues;
  • relieve unpleasant consequences on the skin - even after rapid weight loss, the dermis remains firm and elastic.

Among weight loss products, Wildflower Butterfly is considered the leader in effectiveness. The results can be observed after the first doses - appetite will decrease significantly, fatty tissue will begin to break down and rapidly melt.

Do you know? The drug can be used not only for weight loss. If there is a lack of amino acids, copper, or phosphorus in the body, it is recommended to take a course of “Butterfly Wild Plants” tablets - the problem will disappear for a long time.

Effect on the body

The manufacturer promises significant weight loss after taking the drug Wildflower Butterfly. This result should be achieved through:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • lack of hunger and desire to constantly eat sweets;
  • burning subcutaneous fat;
  • complete cleansing of toxic substances and all toxins.

At the same time, the “mandatory program” does not include changing the usual diet, menu and lifestyle in general. That is, the “miracle remedy” will ensure slimness without any significant effort.

However, even the ingredients listed in the composition indicate that the mechanism for getting rid of extra pounds will occur somewhat differently.

Most of the plant components of Wild Butterfly Plants have a strong diuretic effect. This means that subcutaneous fat deposits in problem areas and not only will be spent on replenishing lost water necessary to maintain the functioning of the body. That is, they will “save” him from dehydration and exhaustion.

Along with the liquid, other valuable components that can be obtained from food will also come out. Therefore, the usefulness of the menu will also be significantly reduced.

Another important point that will affect your weight while taking Wildflower Butterfly is lack of appetite (this is precisely what simbutramine affects). An additional and significant reduction in caloric intake will occur unconsciously and without maintaining the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

All together will have a strong and quite harsh effect. Therefore, the process of losing excess weight with the help of the drug Wildflower Butterfly will not be easy. And it is unlikely to strengthen the immune system.

More about Dikoros

There is not much information about this drug, but there are clearly established facts:

  • The real name of the supplement is “Meizitang”;
  • Manufacturing company – Dali;
  • Dosage form – capsules in a gelatin shell;
  • Country of origin: China.

The manufacturer claims that this product stimulates rapid weight loss - 5-7 kg per week. At the same time, those who want to lose weight should remember that such “reactive” getting rid of excess weight is not always for the benefit of our body.

How to take the pills

The drug Wildflower Butterfly is recommended to be used to reduce the fat content of the diet and get rid of extra pounds and toxins. The tablets are taken once a day for a month. Then take a break for 90 days and, if necessary, repeat the course.

Following any diet while losing weight using this method is not necessary. However, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. They will reduce effectiveness or have too strong a toxic effect on organs.

Rules for taking wild plants

On the days you take the drug, it is better to follow the following rules:

  • Follow your diet - at the time of taking the supplement, it is better to avoid baked goods, sweet carbonated drinks, and fatty foods.
  • Follow the drinking regime - the recommended dose of water (not sweet and still) - up to 3 liters per day. The instructions for the drug also recommend Chinese green tea with coffee beans - the drink is a stimulant of gastrointestinal motility.
  • Physical activity is not forceful, it is better if it is moderate. Yoga, aqua aerobics, fitness, Pilates - these types of exercises help maintain skin and muscle tone.
  • Cosmetic procedures - massages, wraps, scrubs - prevent sagging skin.

Be sure to read: Rules for using whey for weight loss

Possible complications after

Taking a potent weight loss drug cannot go unnoticed. Already after the first week of the course with Wildflower Butterfly, side effects will appear caused by depletion or the influence of “unspecified” components.

Most often, those who took these capsules noted the following conditions:

  • indigestion;
  • irritability;
  • lack of desire to eat;
  • dry mouth;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • jet lag;
  • migraine and dizziness;
  • decreased concentration;
  • problems with stool.

In addition, among the reviews about the drug there are complaints about a noticeable deterioration in appearance - changes in skin color and tone, dark circles under the eyes, as well as the rapid return of lost weight after stopping taking Wildflower Butterfly.

Contraindications to the product

Fighting excess weight by resorting to the Chinese drug Wildflower Butterfly is strictly prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. And also to everyone under 18 and over 65 years old.

In addition, you should abstain from this remedy if:

  • tendency to intolerance or allergy to any component;
  • suspected cancer;
  • problems with the heart or blood vessels;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys or gastrointestinal tract;
  • unstable blood pressure levels;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders.

It is also important to consider the lack of information on the combination of Wildflower Butterfly with other medications and dietary supplements. Therefore, you should not use any medications on your own until the end of the course of combating excess weight.

Composition of dietary supplements

“Wild plants” usually mean plants that have not been cultivated by humans - that is, growing in the wild. According to the manufacturer’s application, they are included in the composition of the Chinese drug. But there is no complete confidence in “Wildflower Butterfly”, which was produced in the land of the rising sun - it is not a medicine, but a food additive. Medicines are strictly controlled; dietary supplements are not subject to such checks. The composition may not correspond to reality; sometimes it is difficult to find any information about the components stated in the instructions.

Be sure to read: Is taking Nicotinic acid effective for weight loss?

The situation is the same with Meizitang - the manufacturer keeps the exact composition of the drug secret from customers. An extremely meager list of main substances is given, the remaining components are declared as “other”. Active components:

  1. Madder is a perennial herb. It has a powerful diuretic effect - there are cases where patients experienced crushing and passage of oxalate and phosphoric acid stones from the urinary system. In the preparation, madder functions as a component responsible for removing excess fluid from the body and preventing edema.
  2. Marshweed - the plant has a decorative role rather than a medicinal one. The supplement contains fiber to enrich it, which suppresses the feeling of hunger and stimulates peristalsis.
  3. Passionflower is also an ornamental plant, the length of which can reach a length of about 10 m. In addition to the fact that the plant is attractive in appearance, it has the following medicinal properties:
  • Sedative (calming, relaxing);
  • Painkillers;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Anticonvulsant.

In alternative medicine, passionflower tea is considered a good remedy for relieving stress and tension; it can be consumed during menopause (at times of emotional instability). Passionflower is able to fight fatigue, while stimulating brain function - improving memory and concentration. There were no cases of addiction to this plant. It contains beta-carotene, pectin, potassium, vitamin C, tannins, and fiber. It is thanks to the latter that the drug is able to overcome the feeling of hunger;

  1. Beaded flower - koix, Job's tears - other names for the same plant. The herb is a cereal and has a strong diuretic property. Due to the fact that it effectively relieves swelling, it is used to treat prostatitis and dropsy, as well as other pathologies in the urinary system. This plant also has a protective and supportive effect on the pancreas.
  2. Lotus – the supplement contains the leaves of the plant – they have been used in Chinese medicine since ancient times. Lotus leaves are suitable for combating excess weight due to the L-carnitine they contain - an amino acid that can regulate metabolism at the cellular level - convert fatty acids into energy. The plant's alkaloids do not allow you to gain extra pounds even if you abuse food - thanks to the ability of active lotus compounds to prevent the accumulation of fatty acids and compounds. It is known that this plant helps fight the “orange peel” effect in the thighs and buttocks and prevents its reappearance. In addition, lotus has strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. Cassia tora - or coffee beans - is an ancient anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. This plant belongs to the legume family, stimulates peristalsis and intestinal function in general. Normalizes the functioning of the liver and kidneys. They contain flavonoids, polysaccharides, and organic acids. Cassia removes toxins and waste, reduces cholesterol in the blood and swelling - which directly affects weight loss.
  4. Psyllum - the husk of plantain seeds - is on par with bran in terms of dietary fiber content. The fiber they contain is of high quality. Its content in the husk of plantain seeds has the following effects on the body:
  • Prevention of constipation;
  • Stimulates the healing of erosions and wounds on the surface of the gastric mucosa;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Binds and removes toxins from the body;
  • Suppresses appetite - fibers absorb liquid from food well - as a result of which the food lump becomes larger - that is, a small amount of food is needed to satiate;
  • Inhibits the absorption of lipids and carbohydrates.
  1. Oriental sigesbekia - in oriental medicine, this plant is used as an antitumor and antipyretic agent. In the Wild Butterfly dietary supplement, sigesbekia plays the role of a sedative component and relieves the stress that a person undergoes while on a diet. This plant is contained in capsules in minute doses - which makes scientists doubt the effectiveness of the component.

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The listed components are included in the main composition of the Butterfly Wild Plant supplement, however, in addition to them, sometimes the instructions mention two more:

  1. Bamboo - the manufacturer claims that the supplement contains bamboo shoots, which are extremely beneficial for the body - they lower cholesterol, are a preventative against cancer, and effectively reduce weight. They have antiseptic and antioxidant properties.
  2. Wormwood, a natural anthelmintic that also has a positive effect on the gallbladder, is a prophylactic for chronic cholecystitis. Stimulates the functioning of the intestines, acts as a sedative on the nervous system - the drug has a double effect - relieving stress and suppressing the feeling of hunger.

The buyer should know that there are more than 20 species of wormwood - the manufacturer does not specify which species is contained in Wildflower Butterfly.

If we assume that each of the products declared by the manufacturer is actually present in the described dietary supplement, experts have certain complaints about their effectiveness - according to their version, such a set of components can provide an exclusively diuretic effect, and, to a lesser extent, improve the general condition - but more from there is no need to wait for the drug. Contrary to this statement, reviews on the Internet from people who have used the drug say the same thing - the extra pounds really go away. This may be true, but the essence of losing excess weight is not at all in the exceptional “naturalness” of the drug - fat is lost thanks to sibutramine.

It is important to know! Sibutramine is a substance that is officially prohibited in Russia and European countries - it is not surprising that it is not even stated in the composition. Initially, it was used in the production of antidepressants, but the drug did not have a pronounced effect. Subsequently, it was found that sibutramine is a good fat burner. Manufacturers of biological additives have relied on this. However, the buyer should be aware that against the background of rapid weight loss without exercise and diet, this substance poses a potential threat to his body. The list of pathologies that can be caused by taking sibutramine includes headaches, internal bleeding, prolonged depression, decreased or increased blood pressure, and insomnia. The advantage of this chemical compound is its stimulation of performance and good mood, akin to euphoria. But there is much more danger in sibutramine. It is especially important to know about the dangers of sibutramine for pregnant women - the substance can cause congenital anomalies in the fetus.

Will weight loss happen?

The issue of certification of the drug Dikorosy Butterfly remains open. Therefore, many experts do not speak very flatteringly about this product, paying attention to the side effects and the “mechanism” of losing excess weight. In addition, they are concerned about the need for “recovery” after completing a weight loss course, which can take from several months to a year.

Among those who have tried to fight excess weight with the help of Wildflower Butterfly, there are many comments about its effectiveness. Based on them, we can say that in one month of taking this remedy you can lose from 2 to 10 kilograms. At the same time, the main “advantage” is considered to be the lack of appetite and the need to constantly go to the gym.

We recommend reading about the dietary supplement Porziola for weight loss. You will learn about the composition and mechanism of action of Porziola, rules for using the drug, contraindications, cost. And here is more information about fat burners for weight loss.

A quick and safe way to combat excess weight has not yet been found. Therefore, you have to resort to potent drugs similar to Butterfly wild plants at your own peril and risk. Only a specialist can assess how justified this will be. Therefore, it is better to turn to him for help before purchasing the product.

Wild plants Butterfly (Meizitang Capsules): diet pills. - reviews

So, I decided to write a review about this wonderful drug and my phenomenal weight loss….

Do I recommend wild plants? NOT THAT WORD! I even strongly advise anyone who persistently struggles with excess weight to try to trust them. In my opinion, today, perhaps, only liposuction is more effective than this remedy in the fight against hated volumes and kilograms in a short time.

I’ll start from afar….During pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, I lost a fair amount of weight, gaining quite a bit, about 10-12 extra kg. She weighed 58-60 kg with a height of 160 cm.... Clothes size “jumped” from 40-42 to 44-48. If we turn to anatomy and physiology to say a few words about different body types and their tendency to gain weight, let me note What about my body type (ovarian (or sexual) or “hourglass”, that is, wide rounded hips and rather dense legs; there is a tendency to quickly accumulate fat in the lower part of the body, that is, just on the hips, legs, sides; and all these “architectural excesses” are eliminated with great difficulty, actively becoming covered with cellulite due to a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. In addition, according to the type of muscle structure, I am a mesomorph, which means a medium-slow metabolism and actively developed muscle mass, which looks very unaesthetic, being “overgrown” with fat. In general, having this body type is generally quite easy to gain and difficult to lose excess weight. But I didn’t despair, and stubbornly began working on getting my figure back. Looking longingly at the reflection in the mirror and at the photo before pregnancy, I firmly decided: “it’s time to lose weight.” I began to zealously sweep off the shelves of pharmacies and stores all kinds of advertised products such as turboslim, various herbal teas for weight loss, and then switched to the “Lose Weight in a Week” nutrition program... By the way, with these “suitcases” I lost about 3 kg per course, but it was very unnoticeable, the volumes remained the same and were still upsetting.

I also tried to play sports: at home on a stepper + various leg swings, squats with a lightweight barbell, and even visited the gym several times, but this also had little effect, since I had difficulty sticking to the diet. There were constant breakdowns, psychosis, hysterics... I wanted everything at once, but I had to start all over again every time... Until I decided to order these wonderful Chinese pills through an online intermediary. Having been burned so many times by “turboslims”, I must admit that I didn’t even believe in their effect. But out of desperation I decided to try, I thought, “that’s it.” If they don’t help either, to hell with losing weight. And if they help, then I will believe in a miracle.” And a miracle happened! I don’t know what they put in those capsules...

....But I noticed the effect from the very first day of taking it - drinking just one pill in the morning, I could NOT WANT TO EAT AT ALL

almost all day!
This is perhaps the main plus.
I didn’t feel like eating, I simply forgot about it, I didn’t feel hungry at all, I even had a feeling of fullness, I don’t understand where it came from) I easily got by with a couple of sausages with a slice of bread and one low-fat yogurt.
In addition, I felt COMPLETE INDIFFERENCE towards sweets and food in general
, which I had not noticed before, moreover, I could not indifferently pass by a chocolate bar, cutlet, sandwich with sausage, etc. And then suddenly - and how it cut off!
After some time, I began to notice an extraordinary surge of vivacity, a desire to actively move, do something,
this did me good - since at that time I was just writing my final qualifying thesis and preparing to take the State Educational Standards test.
exams at the university. That is, I began to notice only continuous advantages. The instructions recommend taking the pills for 36 days, 1 capsule per day before meals, that is, almost a month, but the desired effect began to appear within a week
- when I stood on the scales,
I saw a plumb line of 2 kg, measuring the volumes - minus 2-3 cm in the hips, legs and waist

I started keeping a diary of food intake, weight and volume. Every week I photographed myself for a thorough comparison, and noted with indescribable joy - THERE IS DEFINITELY AN EFFECT! In addition, contrary to popular belief, I noted that I personally did not have ANY PROBLEMS WITH STOOL and digestion in general

. This, I consider, is a very big advantage for a “weight loss” product. Acquaintances, relatives and friends began to tell me one after another: “Oh, you’ve lost so much weight!”, and I myself began to notice how things were slowly starting to “hang” on me, and I myself seemed to be getting lighter))) And when the “thighs” They stopped hatingly closing and rubbing against each other and the long-awaited “clearance” appeared between them - my joy knew no bounds!

Now about the downsides... Yes, even the Sun has spots. The use of this drug requires one MANDATORY CONDITION

You must drink very, very much
. About 3 liters per day. And even more. So - the first minus. Wild plants make me constantly thirsty, so I drank a lot of water. And accordingly - the second minus (sorry) I wrote a lot. Among the somatic manifestations, she noted a rapid heartbeat and mild cramps when falling asleep. Also, after some time I began to notice insomnia, and with it tearfulness and irritability. I don’t know whether all this was due to wild plants or stress, but at the same time, I also noted this as a minus. Another minus for me personally is their inaccessibility. In fact, they cost pennies (about 300 rubles on Chinese sites), but if you order through an intermediary, you will pay twice, three, or even four times as much! They cost me 700 rubles, I heard that someone sells them for 1200... Plus they say they are sometimes counterfeited... But all this seemed completely insignificant to me against the backdrop of the general joy of the long-awaited weight loss!!! These modest-looking capsules helped me easily survive a strict diet for a whole month; with them, time flew by very quickly and unnoticed, and the result was more than pleasing!



============================================================================= results. Beginning of weight loss: Weight 58 kg, waist size 74, hip size 110, thigh size - 59………

End of weight loss - Weight 47.5, waist size 61, hip size 86, thigh size 49-50

I present to your attention a photo report of my weight loss with wild plants. I made several collages for comparison and added separate “before” and “after” photos. Judge for yourself. (Sorry for the frankness of some photos, I just sometimes took pictures in a negligee in order to properly evaluate all the changes) To avoid any questions about authenticity, I always tried to take photos against the same background - in the closet mirror against the backdrop of a children's corner and a computer




after (note: high thighs can deceptively appear to be "sideways"

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