Gardenin FatFlex - an unremarkable dietary supplement or an effective weight loss drug?

“Lose weight with taste!”, “A simple secret to losing weight quickly”, “The first professional weight loss program”, “100% natural”, “More than 10,000 positive reviews” - all these attractive advertising slogans have made Gardenin FatFlex quite popular. Well, how can you not believe them when you can’t fit into your favorite dress, and you have neither the energy nor the time to diet. And here: I diluted the powder in water, drank it, and lost 5 kg in a week as if nothing had happened. (Note: this is exactly the result that the manufacturers promise).

So, is it worth using Gardenin for weight loss or is this just another beautiful fairy tale based on the placebo effect, and this cocktail is no different from many “magic” pills that fill the modern dietary supplement market?

What it is

Gardenin FatFlex is a dietary supplement, not a drug with all the ensuing consequences. It is sold exclusively on Internet resources, and there are more than a dozen “official sites” alone, and each positions itself as the sole distributor of the original drug. So you don’t have to look for it in pharmacies.

. According to documents published on numerous websites, these are Orins LLC, GeneticLab and some others (most of them are located in Moscow). However, the package itself contains a certificate of conformity issued in the name of ArtLife LLC (St. Petersburg). Judging by the information on the Internet, all these companies are engaged in the marketing and sale of various food products. They have nothing to do with scientific developments and pharmaceuticals.

Despite this, Gardenin FatFlex is declared as a professional weight loss program and a complex for correcting excess weight. On the packaging next to the name there is even a Professional label, which at the subconscious level evokes positive emotions and trust in many buyers: if the product is developed by specialists, then the result is guaranteed. However, the creators of this miracle are unknown, and all the loud inscriptions on the box hardly reflect the essence of the drug.

A professional weight loss program involves a detailed action plan drawn up by nutritionists, doctors and trainers. It is designed for a specific period and must lead to a specific result. It is unlikely that this can mean the usual instructions for using the drug.

And the stamp “excess weight correction complex” for this drug most likely means only a combination of several components collected into a single “innovative” formula.

So all the big words on the packaging and websites are most likely a marketing ploy. However, it is worth noting that Gardenin has declarations and certificates of conformity. They must guarantee, if not effectiveness, then at least its safety.

What is Gardenin FatFlex

This professional weight loss program is aimed at effective weight loss, rejuvenation and cleansing of the body from the inside. At the same time, it does not cause any problems in use, has practically no contraindications, the only exceptions are people with individual intolerance to the product, acute intestinal diseases and gastric ulcers.

The unique properties of the product allow you to lose weight without grueling diets, torment, stress and physical activity:

  • improves metabolism;
  • breaks down fat cells;
  • cleanses the body and circulatory system of waste and toxins;
  • removes excess liquid;
  • improves the digestion process;
  • reduces appetite;
  • reduces the risk of weight gain after a course of treatment;
  • normalizes blood sugar;
  • replenishes the lack of microelements and vitamins.

Release form

Gardenin FatFlex is an instant greenish-gray powder, packaged in sachets, which the manufacturer called flexes. 1 flex (25 g) = 1 serving. One package contains 5 such packs (for a week).

Diluted in water or any other liquid. The result is a “Cream-Vanilla” cocktail. Judging by the reviews, the drink does not have a pleasant taste, and the smell leaves much to be desired. In addition, many note a persistent aftertaste that is not interrupted by food. Despite the fact that this is a rather individual feeling, there are many such complaints.

Gardenin FatFlex does not have such a release form as tablets. So if you come across something like this, know that it is a fake and you should not risk your health by consuming a dubious product for which there are no documents.

The price varies on different sites from $3.15 to $15.77 for 1 package with five flexes.

Preliminary conclusion. Gardenin FatFlex is one of the many dietary supplements for weight loss on the market today, which is not much different from similar powders for preparing fat-burning cocktails.

General information about Gardenin FatFlex dietary supplement

Complex product for rapid weight loss Gardenin FatFlex is a gray-green instant powder with vanilla flavor, packaged in flexes (sachets) of 20 g. The package consists of 5 sachets.
It is enough for a week of use. Gardenin is not sold in pharmacies; it can only be ordered on the official website of the distributor. There are about 10 of these sites in the network, which list different manufacturers of dietary supplements. You can order dietary supplements in the online store by filling out a form with personal data. Payment is made upon receipt of the parcel by mail.

The cost of 1 package of Gardenin in Moscow is about 900 rubles.

Effect on the body

Since Gardenin FatFlex is declared as a drug for weight loss, it must act on the body in such a way that the process of weight loss begins. According to the manufacturers, this is possible without diets and grueling exercise. As they promise, the cocktail:

  • improves digestion;
  • activates metabolism;
  • has a fat burning effect;
  • provides long-lasting satiety, making you forget about hunger;
  • has a laxative and diuretic effect;
  • increases the effectiveness of training, helps build muscle mass.

Among other things, Gardenin lifts your mood, gives a boost of energy, and relieves neuroses and depressive thoughts. Under such conditions, a person can spend more calories during the day than usual, and prevent compulsive overeating (we have already told you what it is), which is caused by stress.


The composition of Gardenin is declared to be 100% natural. There are only three herbal extracts mentioned on the websites.

Orange fruits

It is in this citrus that there is a special substance that gives the drug its name - hordenine, which is a powerful natural fat burner. However, it is immediately worth noting that the research base for its beneficial properties is practically absent, so it is difficult to judge its effectiveness. It is assumed that it increases the production of norepinephrine, thanks to which a person feels a surge of vigor and strength, and his mood rises. This increases energy expenditure throughout the day and allows you to burn a lot of calories. Hordenine is also believed to block hunger pangs.

It can be found in sports nutrition: Atro-Phex (BSN), CryoShock (Neogenix), Lipo-6x (Nutrex) and others.

Juniper berries

They have a diuretic effect. They have a choleretic effect. Stimulate digestion, increase the secretion of gastric juice. Famous for their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, disinfectant properties.

However, they have one property that it would be nice for everyone losing weight to know about: they increase appetite.

Chia seed meal

Chia seeds are a source of dietary fiber, which cleanses the intestines and improves peristalsis. They promote quick and long-lasting satiety. Their benefits also lie in their rich chemical composition: the body receives a whole complex of microelements and vitamins (read more about the properties of seeds and the principle of their action on the body at the link).

But as soon as you become the happy owner of Gardenin, it becomes clear that it contains not only plant extracts. Here's what we read on the flex (the ingredients are listed in the same order as on the packaging, that is, in descending order of their percentage in the preparation):

  • fructose;
  • maltodextrin;
  • oatmeal;
  • soy protein isolate;
  • chia seed meal;
  • guar gum (stabilizer E412);
  • bamboo fiber;
  • wheat fiber;
  • tricalcium phosphate (stabilizer E341);
  • konjac gum (food additive E425);
  • guarana seed extract;
  • baobab powder;
  • vitamin complex (A, E, C, D3, H, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12);
  • flavoring "Cream-Vanilla".

Question one: why is the composition indicated on the packaging completely inconsistent with what is being promoted on the Internet? There are no bitter oranges, no juniper berries.

Question two: why is Gardenin’s composition far from being as 100% natural as the advertisement says? There are also stabilizers in the form of food E-additives, the dangers of which everyone has heard, and flavoring, and sweeteners. Particularly noteworthy is maltodextrin, a product of starch processing that can hardly be called dietary: its glycemic index is equal to 136 units, which is an exorbitant indicator. Moreover, this component is listed second in the composition, which means that there is quite a lot of it in the drug.

Question three: why is the composition indicated on the package very similar to the composition of another weight loss drug - Guarchibao. It is not for nothing that there is information that they have the same one, which is listed in the certificates of conformity of both.

Composition of the drug

Gardenin includes three main components:

  • Pomeranian. It contains hordenine and synephrine and is considered an active fat burner, included in many fat burning products.
  • Juniper berry extract. It is a storehouse of vitamins, as well as a carminative, diuretic and stomachic.
  • Chia seed meal. It has a rich composition of nutrients: Omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber, which cleanses the intestines.

Please note: When taking Gardenin FatFlex, you can notice some changes: the desire for frequent snacks quickly stops, the diet becomes less caloric, and metabolic processes proceed much faster. Losing body weight occurs gently and naturally, without exposing the body to stress.

Indications and contraindications


Despite the fact that Gardenin is not a drug, there are also indications for use as dietary supplements. In this case it is:

  • excess weight;
  • obesity I and II degrees;
  • regular exercise;
  • the need to replace fatty tissue with muscle tissue;
  • compulsive overeating.

Attention! Gardenin FatFlex is not a drug and does not treat obesity or any other disease. This is a dietary supplement, but it contains bioactive components that can be harmful. In this regard, it is recommended that before taking it, undergo a medical examination and consult with specialists about the possibility of such weight loss.


Unfortunately, manufacturers indicate as contraindications only individual intolerance to the components of the drug. In fact, the same hordenine from bitter orange cannot be taken for cardiovascular diseases and pregnancy; it is not compatible with psychostimulants. The only question is whether it is actually included in Gardenin FatFlex.

Experts advise to be extremely careful with dietary supplements of this kind. They have many more contraindications than manufacturers indicate. You should not try this kind of weight loss if you have the following diseases:

  • kidney;
  • digestive system;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder.

It is also undesirable to use Gardenin for pregnant women and nursing mothers, diabetics and hypertensive patients. Elevated body temperature and worsening infection are also not the best conditions for such weight loss.

Side effects:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • sleep problems;
  • migraine, dizziness;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • tachycardia;
  • causeless restlessness, anxiety;
  • diarrhea, nausea.

The most unpleasant side effect is a complete loss of strength 3-4 hours after taking the cocktail. It is accompanied by weakness, headache, irritability and sudden mood swings. Such symptoms are typical for the use of regular energy drinks.

It is important. If, after taking the drug, pronounced side effects occur and do not go away within 24 hours, its use should be postponed and consult a doctor as soon as possible to avoid complications.

Instructions for use

One of the undeniable advantages of Gardenin is its simple method of application. The instructions on the package describe in detail how to properly dilute the Flexa powder and how to take the cocktail so that weight loss is as effective as possible.

  1. Dilute the contents of 1 package (flexes) in 250 ml of plain water or any other liquid (juice, milk) at room temperature.
  2. Mix thoroughly and wait until the powder is completely dissolved.
  3. Drink once a day during meals or after training.
  4. Dosage regimen: daily for 5 days, take a break on weekends.
  5. Weight loss course - 1 month or until the desired result is achieved.

Some resources suggest replacing dinner with this cocktail. Yes, this will be a fairly effective way to lose weight, since the total daily calorie intake will decrease and there will be no attacks of hunger in the evenings. On the other hand, given that the drug has the properties of an energy drink, the question arises: will it be possible to fall asleep after using it at night?

About the brand. The company chose a bright slogan for its products: “Gardenin FatFlex - lose weight with taste! Slimness and beauty or excess weight and complexes - it’s up to you!”

How to take it correctly

The drug is produced in the form of a powder packaged in sachets. The supplement consists only of natural ingredients. One sachet contains 5 g of product. You need to use the dietary supplement immediately after a meal or workout, diluting one packet of powder in a glass of water. It is necessary to take the powder according to the following scheme: take one sachet once a day for 5 days, then rest for 2 days and repeat the weight loss course.

If you take the fat burner correctly, following all the recommendations, the manufacturer promises weight loss at the following rates:

  • First week – 3-6 kg of fat.
  • In two weeks – 8-9 kg of fat.
  • Per month – 12-14 kg of fat.

Gardenin Fatflex also acts on the body according to the same scheme. Changes in the body occur gradually:

  • From the first week of use, the digestion process begins to improve. There is an adjustment to the physiological breakdown of subcutaneous fat. Weight decreases and body volume decreases.
  • After two weeks of taking the product, metabolism is restored and then accelerated, toxins and harmful substances are removed from the body, and the functioning of the digestive system is improved.
  • After a month, a person feels better, his appetite stabilizes, the feeling of hunger disappears, his appetite decreases, and overeating disappears. The figure is tightened, the psychological state improves, and the skin throughout the body becomes clearer.


The Gardenin FatFlex complex works for any degree of obesity. The instructions for use recommend that, to achieve results, take the dietary supplement for four weeks, then take a break for a month and repeat, if necessary. The drug has no side effects. Gardenin FatFlex has no contraindications because the powder contains only natural ingredients. The only limitation is the presence of individual intolerance to any component in the dietary supplement.

special instructions

Despite the fact that Gardenin is a weight loss product that raises a lot of doubts, like most modern dietary supplements, you can get results from it. And this is within your power.

Firstly, if you read the composition of the drug, everything is not so bad. Most of the ingredients are of plant origin and have beneficial properties for the body. Fiber satisfies hunger and cleanses the intestines. Guarana and baobab are constant products in dietary supplements, which are credited with fat-burning properties. And maltodextrin and soy protein isolate are typical components of sports nutrition that promote muscle growth.

Secondly, do not rely on a miracle remedy that helps you lose weight without dieting. It can not be so. The weight loss process will only start if you adhere to a healthy lifestyle, in which nutrition plays a key role. Therefore, if you want to lose weight with Gardenin, it is advisable to change at least something in your usual routine.

If you don't have the willpower to diet, learn the principles of proper nutrition and stick to them.

If you don’t have time to go to the gym or can’t wake up in the morning for a run, increase your physical activity and do simple exercises at home to lose belly fat (can be found here).

Get enough sleep, walk more, avoid stress and emotional stress, drink a lot of water, quit bad habits - against the backdrop of all this, Gardenin can be quite effective.

Helpful advice. To imagine all the pros and cons of this drug, you should carefully read the reviews of those who have already tried to lose weight with its help, they are clearly stated in them.


Dietary supplements in powder form, which are diluted in water and become a miraculous cocktail that burns fat and extra pounds, are not uncommon on the modern market. And almost all of them have a “100% natural” composition. Therefore, Gardenin has many competitors and analogues:

  • DietDrink;
  • Vita la Vita;
  • Eatless new;
  • Turbofit;
  • Guarchibao FatCaps;
  • HydroPure;
  • Spirulina powder;
  • Turboslim express weight loss;
  • XLS Medical;
  • Slimmer;
  • Superfruits Mangosteen Powder.

What Gardenin will become for you - a typical dietary supplement or an effective means of fighting extra pounds - is up to you to decide. Of course, you shouldn’t rely on advertising slogans that say that you don’t need any effort to lose weight with its help. Therefore, along with purchasing the drug, think about the fact that in order to achieve the result you will have to work yourself.

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