Massage is an effective method for eliminating stretch marks on the thighs

There are three types of scars that form under the skin:
  • Large burgundy-blue scars running longitudinally
  • Small scars of pale pink color
  • Thin white stripes of shallow depth.

For stretch marks to form on the body, mechanical stretching of the skin is not enough. If we talk about what causes stretch marks in a more understandable language, then we can say that they are the result of the healing of micro-tears in the elastin and collagen fibers of the skin. Such injuries occur due to disruption of regenerative processes in tissues or poor elasticity of the skin. The thinned dermis is susceptible to the formation of internal tears, which over time are filled with connective (scar) tissue.

Atrophic scars can appear on the thighs, abdomen, buttocks, chest, lower back, and even on the arms and face. As a rule, they begin to appear during puberty, while athletes are building muscle mass, with sudden weight loss or rapid weight gain, during pregnancy, as a result of hereditary predisposition, due to certain diseases. Scarring is a serious problem as all layers of the skin are affected. Dermal ruptures themselves do not pose a danger to humans and are not treated in medical institutions. But if stretch marks have formed for no apparent reason and there are such alarming symptoms as the growth of excess hair on the back, face, chest, high blood pressure, weight gain, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Adolescent children often face the problem of stretch marks on the back, chest, hips and buttocks. The reason for the appearance of defects is the accelerated growth of bones, behind which the muscles and skin do not have time to stretch. This can also occur as a result of hormonal changes. White stripes that do not tan in the sun can cause serious complexes about their appearance, so many teenagers try to solve this problem as quickly as possible. First, you need to consult an endocrinologist to rule out hormonal imbalance, and only then consider the issue from a cosmetological point of view.

Most pregnant women know that during periods of intense weight gain and belly growth, terrible red and blue stripes can appear on the body that are difficult to get rid of. Unfortunately, many people begin to think about how to remove stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth, and this is not entirely correct.

Athletes who diligently increase their muscle mass sometimes experience the appearance of white stripes on their arms and legs. Striae on the hands indicate that the skin in these places has become thinner and collagen structures have collapsed. Skin defects can also be caused by taking hormonal drugs to quickly increase muscles. In the future, after stopping hormones, the muscles may return to their previous state or decrease slightly in volume, but the stretch marks will remain.

Stretch marks (striae ) are a skin defect in the form of linear stripes localized in places of greatest extensibility of the skin. Fresh stretch marks are pinkish or red-violet in color; Over time, they become discolored, turning into pearly white atrophic lines. Striae are localized mainly on the skin of the mammary glands, abdomen and thighs. They are purely a cosmetic drawback and do not cause any physical discomfort, but even in this case, many women are not ready to put up with the presence of stretch marks. To remove (or reduce the severity of) stretch marks, chemical peels, laser skin resurfacing, algae wraps, etc. are used.

  • External manifestations of stretch marks (stretch marks)
  • Causes of stretch marks
  • Prevention of stretch marks
  • Preventing stretch marks during pregnancy
  • Removal (treatment) of stretch marks
  • Stretch marks. Striae. – treatment in Moscow
  • Stretch marks. Striae. – illustrations

Stretch marks. Striae.

The unpleasant problem of stretch marks (striae) appearing on the skin is familiar to the vast majority of women. Almost 2/3 of the fair sex note their occurrence in the chest, abdomen, hips in the postpartum period, after breastfeeding or as a result of a sharp loss of extra pounds. Stretch marks, or stretch marks, are cicatricial changes in the skin due to microtrauma of its individual fibers.

Despite the fact that stretch marks on the skin are not a dangerous condition for health, they cause a lot of inconvenience to their owners in aesthetic terms. Women are embarrassed to wear revealing clothes and try not to sunbathe so that stretch marks do not stand out on darker skin. As with any other cosmetic defect, you need to start fighting stretch marks even before they appear.

Causes of stretch marks on legs

There are many reasons that can lead to the appearance of stretch marks on the legs. Most of them are associated with changes in hormonal levels. Below are the main causes of stretch marks on the legs :

  • Pregnancy, uncontrolled weight gain during pregnancy;
  • Puberty in adolescents, when a hormonal surge occurs;
  • Endocrine diseases (characterized by the appearance of fan-shaped, wide and long stretch marks);
  • Rapid weight loss, or, conversely, weight gain (this kind of stretch marks bothers both women and men).

The mechanism for the formation of stretch marks on the legs is as follows : due to changes in hormonal levels, changes occur in the body, to which the skin cannot quickly adapt. So, with rapid weight gain, the skin does not have time to adapt, as a result of which its internal layers are torn, and blood fills such tears, coloring the wounds red and purple. Such damage resolves after time, but existing tears cannot disappear. This is how stretch marks appear on white skin.

External manifestations of stretch marks (stretch marks)

There are three types of stretch marks (striae) on the body: thread-like shallow whitish stripes, small pale pinkish scars and longitudinal cicatricial defects of a blue-burgundy color, which become light over time.

Stretch marks usually appear on the skin of the thighs, abdomen, chest, and with concomitant hormonal disorders - on the face. Stretch marks caused by sudden weight loss are located vertically on the body, while endocrine disorders are located horizontally.

Under the influence of a violation of hormonal regulation or significant stretching of the skin, its collagen and elastin fibers lengthen and become thinner, which leads to their internal tears. In places where fibers are injured, connective tissue grows. At first, stretch marks have a pinkish-purple tint, then gradually fade and acquire a pearly white color. If measures are not taken in time, then after some time the stretch marks will begin to look like scars. Dark or tanned skin accentuates stretch marks even more, because connective tissue does not contain pigment and does not tan.

Causes and mechanism of stretch marks

Most often, girls face the problem of stretch marks on their bodies during puberty. It is at this time that the body actively grows, the volume of the chest and hips increases. The skin cannot cope with the tension, resulting in microscopic tears in its thickness. Gradually, the thinned areas are replaced by scar tissue. In this case, the problem is cosmetic in nature and is not a sign of any disease.

Stretch marks on the skin in children may be the result of some pathology, which is accompanied by a decrease in skin elasticity and/or a sharp increase in body volume. Among the most common pathological causes are:

  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome and other forms of hypercortisolism (increased adrenal hormones in the blood);
  • Marfan syndrome (genetic pathology of connective tissue);
  • adrenal hyperplasia (a genetic disease accompanied by a decrease in cortisol production);
  • diseases accompanied by decreased immunity.

Stretch marks can also occur due to long-term use of glucocorticoid hormones, sudden weight gain, or poor nutrition.

Causes of stretch marks

The appearance of stretch marks is not just the result of overstretching of the skin. Stretch marks (striae) are the outcome of the healing of skin collagen and elastin fibers after microtrauma, i.e. their scarring.

The occurrence of stretch marks is caused by increased secretion of cortisol, a hormone from the adrenal cortex. Its hypersecretion leads to stretching, thinning, and then rupture of the skin fibers with the subsequent appearance of stretch marks (striae).

The cause of fiber ruptures and their subsequent scarring may be insufficient elasticity of the skin or its poor regenerative ability. Internal microtraumas of the fibers lead to the growth of connective, i.e., scar tissue in places where there are tears.

The reasons for the appearance of stretch marks in the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and chest can be very different: puberty, pregnancy, and significant weight fluctuations. Adolescents in adolescence, pregnant women, athletes - all those who, for one reason or another, quickly gain body weight - are susceptible to stretch marks. The hereditary factor also plays a role if stretch marks run in the family of older women. Another reason for the appearance of stretch marks may be hormone replacement therapy for diseases of the endocrine system.

In people who are forced to take steroid hormones for a long time (hydrocortisone, prednisolone and other adrenal hormones), as well as in patients with Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, stretch marks can appear over the entire surface of the body and on the face. Such stretch marks are more pronounced in length, width and body surface area than stretch marks of pregnant women or teenagers.

About stretch marks on legs

Stretch marks on the legs can be seen quite often. This problem especially worries women, as well as adolescents during puberty. Stretch marks on the legs appear as thin, uneven lines on the skin, initially red, purple, and then white.
Most often, stretch marks on the legs are localized in the hips. Of course, this cosmetic defect makes women hide their legs, feel complex and shy. That is why stretch marks on the legs require immediate treatment. After completing the necessary course of treatment, women cease to be ashamed of their legs and can finally emphasize their beauty.

Prevention of stretch marks

Avoiding the occurrence of stretch marks is not easy, especially in cases where there are objective reasons for this: pregnancy, endocrine problems, poor skin elasticity and existing stretch marks due to weight changes. But this task is completely solvable if you approach it with all seriousness and responsibility.

Preventive measures to prevent the formation of stretch marks should be taken by women who, for one reason or another, gain or lose extra pounds. During pregnancy, when significant overstretching of the skin of the chest, abdomen, and thighs occurs, it is necessary to take especially careful care of these areas of the body. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, dermatocosmetologists recommend the use of creams containing vitamins A, E and C, as well as a collagen-elastin complex.

Professional cosmetic lines Decleor, Babor, Biotherm offer special creams that effectively prevent the appearance of stretch marks. A massage of the areas most vulnerable to the formation of stretch marks on the chest, thighs, and abdomen with light rubbing of olive oil has a good effect. Daily use of products to prevent stretch marks, although it does not guarantee 100% results, in some cases can serve as an effective remedy against their occurrence.

The modern cosmetic industry offers a wide variety of special phytocreams: Biotherm (Biovergetures), Galenic (Specific Vergetures), Gernetic, Lierac (Photolastil), Phytomer (Pre Vergetures), Vichy (Vergetures) and many others. others that effectively combat the occurrence of stretch marks. Special skin-strengthening creams, as a rule, include active moisturizing components (aloe juice, chitosan, hyaluronic acid), as well as vitamin and mineral complexes, collagen, amino acids and protein hydrolysates. A mandatory ingredient in such products are vegetable oils (avocado, borage, grape seeds, wheat germ, cocoa, sea buckthorn, aspen, soybean, thistle, rose hip, etc.), which nourish weak, stretchable skin.

Teenage stretch marks

The causes of stretch marks in teenagers are almost the same as in adults: sudden weight gain, hormonal imbalances, etc.

But there is another reason why a child’s body is subject to such a cosmetic defect - the skin does not have time to stretch as the child grows. This happens infrequently and is not a cause for concern.

Most often, you can notice stretch marks on the abdomen, buttocks, hips and chest, however, as in adults. But, if you notice stretch marks on a teenager’s back, you should immediately consult a doctor. They may indicate insufficient muscle mass or a serious disease of the internal organs.

Stretch marks in men

For some reason, it is believed that stretch marks are characteristic only of the fair sex; in fact, the stronger sex has the same chances of getting stretch marks as women.

Only most often the cause of stretch marks in men is excessive physical activity, especially for those who are actively involved in sports, which entails a sharp increase in muscle mass.

And, of course, stretch marks in men occur with sudden weight gain. Moreover, the stronger sex is very sensitive to stretch marks on the skin.

Cosmetic procedures are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Preventing stretch marks during pregnancy

Preventative measures to prevent skin stretch marks should be taken before pregnancy. For this purpose, you can undergo a course of vacuum or general hygienic massage procedures. Vegetable oils used in massage have proven themselves to improve skin elasticity and nutrition.

Mud and algae wraps promote the entry of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals into cells, improving skin tone and turgor.

During pregnancy, you can resort to self-massage. After taking a shower, the body must be thoroughly rubbed with a soft terry towel, and then, using pinching movements, clockwise, carefully work the skin of the abdomen until it is slightly reddened. This method of self-massage increases blood circulation and nutrition of the skin, thereby protecting it from the appearance of stretch marks. It is useful during pregnancy to wear special elastic underwear and a bandage that protect the skin from the appearance of stretch marks.

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