How to get rid of breast stretch marks?

It is generally accepted that the main cause of stretch marks on the skin is pregnancy and breastfeeding. Hence the most common localization of stretch marks is the chest and abdomen. This is easily explained: hormonal changes in the body during these important periods of a woman’s life, changes in the usual volumes of anatomical zones are automatically accompanied by stretching of the skin and disruption of the integrity of the capillaries. The spatial arrangement of the connective tissue framework of the dermis changes, which is visually manifested by striae - thin strips of skin from one to ten centimeters, which differ from the norm in color, structure and are considered a cosmetic defect.

However, not only pregnancy and lactation provoke stretch marks; they can be the result of injuries, excess weight and appear in both women and men. Then stretch marks can form on the thighs and buttocks. Dealing with them on your own is a practically impossible task. But how to remove stretch marks on the chest, stomach, hips? The specialists of the center for aesthetic dermatocosmetology MIDERM are ready to lend you a helping hand and help you get rid of any skin imperfections that have arisen, if you wish.

Causes of stretch marks on the skin

The most “dangerous” are considered to be stretch marks that arise as a result of hormonal imbalance. This may be puberty or menopause, when extra pounds appear that are unusual for the skin, which causes it to stretch involuntarily. There is no choice: you can’t argue with increasing muscle mass. By the way, the human constitution itself can cause the formation of stretch marks, as can constant stress, poor nutrition, and concomitant pathologies (for example, Cushing’s syndrome).

In addition, among the causes of striae there are:

  • macrotrauma or microchanges in connective tissue that occur even when wearing uncomfortable clothes;
  • imperfection of collagen or elastic fibers that do not have the necessary strength, which is established at the time of their formation;
  • genetic predisposition.

Stretch marks themselves are not very dangerous if they are a cosmetic defect and nothing more. But even here, when correcting stretch marks, their age matters.


There are two types of stretch marks: young and older. The first ones last no more than six months, pink with a purple tint, without a tendency to scarring. Correcting such stretch marks involves normalizing the shade and volume of the skin. If stretch marks protrude above the surface of the dermis, the situation is leveled by peeling. Sometimes there are so many stretch marks that without a plastic surgeon’s knife the problem becomes insoluble.

In stretch marks older than six months, scarring begins and they acquire a whitish tint, which is due to the breakdown of the collagen framework. In this case, the vessels of the connective tissue are left unattended, they are not compressed by anything, which leads to stagnation of blood in them. Of course, it is more difficult to treat such stretch marks. But the situation is by no means hopeless: the main thing is to find professionals who can provide adequate, comprehensive therapy and suggest how to properly remove stretch marks on the abdomen, chest, and thighs.

Plastic surgery methods for stretch mark removal

The Plastic Surgery Center offers many ways to restore lost beauty. Tummy tuck, performed by a highly qualified specialist, will quickly restore the definition of your figure after childbirth or sudden weight loss.

Abdominoplasty will eliminate asymmetry and make the waist, hips, buttocks, and abdomen impeccably beautiful. After a consultation and medical history, the plastic surgeon will offer options on how to remove stretch marks, get rid of folds, remove hernias, and restore the plasticity of the muscle corset. Striae appear after childbirth in almost every woman. The structure of rough scars is very similar to post-operative scars. Seals appear in the skin during pregnancy.

On a note!

Immediately after childbirth, stretch marks may have a bright red, bluish tint. The contours of the scars and their depth depend on the characteristics of the body, the complexity of childbirth, and the size of the fetus. After your first pregnancy, stretch marks often disappear on their own. However, if they do not go away, the help of a plastic surgeon will be required.

Causes of stretch marks

Human skin has a significant reserve of strength, elasticity, and the ability to quickly regenerate. With a sharp increase in body weight during pregnancy, the skin stretches. Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy greatly reduce the body's protective functions, and the skin's ability to quickly restore its previous shape decreases. As a result, the abdomen becomes wrinkled, flabby, and stretch marks form. To get rid of unsightly scars that spoil your appearance, you will need the help of a plastic surgeon.

Indications for plastic surgery are:

  • numerous, deep stretch marks that arose after childbirth, which cosmetologists cannot cope with;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight after a strict diet, illness or intense training;
  • endocrine diseases affecting the shape of the figure;
  • changes in hormonal levels caused by menopause;
  • severe dehydration, decreased protein in the diet, leading to weight loss.

To accurately understand the causes of negative changes in the body, the doctor will refer the patient for laboratory and instrumental studies. Extreme frankness during the consultation will allow you to quickly determine the technique that is optimally suitable for eliminating existing shortcomings. You can see what the body will look like after abdominoplasty using a 3D model created by the attending physician.

Ways to remove stretch marks using tummy tuck

It is impossible to remove deep stretch marks without plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery quickly solves existing problems, changing the contours of the figure, removing stretch marks, tightening tissue, returning the necessary elasticity to the muscles.

There are standard contraindications that are taken into account by the doctor during such operations.

  • Flu, ARVI, herpes and other infectious diseases accompanied by high fever.
  • All forms of diabetes.
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Poor blood clotting or tendency to form blood clots.
  • All types of malignant tumors, regardless of location in the body.
  • Diseases of the respiratory or cardiovascular system.
  • Allergy to drugs used during surgery.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not undergo plastic surgery. If the patient is actively losing weight or planning a new pregnancy, it is necessary to wait until the body has fully recovered and the contours of the figure become stable. For obese people, tummy tuck is done in conjunction with liposuction. After pumping out the fat traps, it is necessary to restore a beautiful appearance by tightening sagging areas of the skin, getting rid of stretch marks and sagging.

The plastic surgeon, together with the patient, selects a technique that can give the optimal result for eliminating stretch marks. A portfolio with photos before and after abdominoplasty demonstrates the results of the surgeon’s work. The time for the operation is set. To prepare, the patient needs to change her diet, paying more attention to fresh fruits or foods rich in biologically active substances that stimulate collagen production. You must stop smoking, take blood thinning pills, and drink alcohol for a month.

Features of tummy tuck to eliminate stretch marks

The surgeon selects the upcoming method of eliminating stretch marks in advance. If the folds are small and located in the lower abdomen, the optimal way to get rid of scars is mini-abdominoplasty. The minimally invasive operation takes place in 1-2 hours, affects a minimum of tissue, which allows the body to recover in several months.

The classic method of restoring beautiful abdominal contours requires a highly qualified surgeon. The operation provides a comprehensive solution to existing problems. At the same time, hernias, ptosis, and diastasis are removed. Plastic surgery lasts up to 5 hours and consists of several stages. An incision is made, then the skin-fat flap is peeled off to the lower edge of the ribs. Excessive skin is excised, and the separated muscle tissues are stitched together. The navel is placed in a new position after the skin has tightened.

After tummy tuck, patients stay in the hospital for 1-3 days. It all depends on the complexity of the operation, the chosen technique, and the patient’s condition. Complete recovery takes from six months to a year, which is determined by the technique chosen by the surgeon to eliminate existing pathologies. You can speed up the regeneration process by strictly following all the instructions of your doctor.

Alternative to tummy tuck for stretch marks

Cosmetic means for removing stretch marks can give good results. Before going to a plastic surgery center, try alternative methods of dealing with stretch marks.

  • Mesotherapy. An innovative method of combating stretch marks, which allows you to create an ideal body shape without surgery. A special drug is injected into problem areas to stimulate collagen production. Full course 10 sessions. After completion of the procedures, the skin acquires impeccable elasticity and smoothness. Stretch marks disappear completely if they are small in size.
  • Myostimulation. Special equipment performs microstimulation with electrical impulses. Acceleration of regeneration processes in the epidermis makes the skin elastic. A full course will allow you to cope with stretch marks without surgery, if they are small.
  • Roller massages. Special vacuum equipment provides intense stimulation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, increasing lymph circulation and increasing blood flow in the capillaries. Several sessions will dramatically change the condition of the epidermis for the better, eliminating stretch marks from the stomach, thighs, and buttocks.
  • Peeling. During the procedures, the cosmetologist rubs special preparations containing fruit acids into the affected area of ​​the body. Dead skin cells, interacting with the acidic environment, are quickly destroyed. In the treated area, regenerative processes are enhanced and the epidermis is rejuvenated.

If, after a full course of cosmetic procedures, stretch marks have not disappeared, or the result is ineffective, then tummy tuck will come to the rescue. An experienced surgeon will quickly get rid of stretch marks, regardless of their depth, size, or location. It is necessary to understand that stretch marks can appear again if you eat improperly, lead an inactive lifestyle, after pregnancy.

Risk factors

Surely, many people are concerned about the question: why do some people, all other things being equal, get stretch marks and others don’t? This is due to provoking factors: deficiency of protein products in the diet, climate, ultraviolet radiation, bad habits, lack of vitamin C - everything that reduces the synthesis of your own collagen. It turns out that the breakdown of old collagen remains at the same level, and not enough new is formed. This leads to sagging of the dermis and the formation of stretch marks.

Patients at risk, except pregnant women:

  • with a hereditary predisposition;
  • during puberty and menopause;
  • with extra pounds;
  • those who eat extra calories and often lose weight;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • bodybuilders.

Methods for removing young stretch marks

Although today on the Internet they increasingly and more insistently claim that they know how to remove stretch marks on the hips, abdomen and chest once and for all in a variety of ways, you need to clearly understand that this is only possible through surgery. All other methods are intended only to correct the aesthetic defect, reduce it to a minimum, and make it almost invisible. This is why the clinic you go to is critical. In any case, the behavior scenario is chosen by the doctor and a full clinical examination cannot be avoided. Then comes the time for correction.

Young stretch marks can be removed:

  • microdermabrasion - edge grinding with aluminum sand;
  • microneedling – activation of fibroblasts with microneedles for the synthesis of their own collagen;
  • peeling - median TCA, glycolic acid is useless;
  • laser – fractional and vascular;
  • injections of exogenous collagen, which serves as an activator of the synthesis of its own collagen fibers.

Mesotherapy is used as an additional technique; it does not produce results on its own, just like creams, gels, ointments, which are used at the final stage of treatment to achieve aesthetic perfection of the result.

The essence of laser stretch mark removal using fractional photothermolysis

Removing stretch marks using fractional photothermolysis allows you to get rid of them forever. During resurfacing, the top layers of skin are partially removed along with stretch marks.

The effect of the erbium laser in this case is very gentle, and skin restoration occurs faster, since under the influence of microscopic rays scar tissue is destroyed and the regeneration of healthy skin is stimulated due to the intensive production of collagen and elastin.

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