Scrub for stretch marks: top 8 popular home recipes

How does a scrub for stretch marks work?

Stretch marks (striae) are formed from tears in the elastic layers of the skin. Most often they appear during sudden weight gain (or weight loss). Skin that has lost its elasticity is especially susceptible to the appearance of stretch marks, which often happens due to poor blood circulation, lack of nutrition, and hydration.

Regular intensive peeling of the skin with scrub mixtures, both purchased and “our own production,” can restore firmness and turgor elasticity. Of course, it will not completely get rid of already formed scars, but it will significantly smooth them out in appearance and prevent further formation.

This effect occurs due to the effect of the scrub “microgranles” on the skin:

  • gently but intensively cleanses the epidermis of keratinized scales;
  • increases blood circulation in the skin, which promotes better nutrition and hydration;
  • cell renewal increases the formation of elastin and collagen fibers in the epidermis;
  • as a result of accelerated regeneration processes, scars from stretch marks become less noticeable.

Causes of stretch marks on the abdomen

Stretch marks or stretch marks are reddish or light-colored scars. They can appear on the stomach, chest, thighs, buttocks, and armpits.

Striae appear if elastin and collagen are produced in insufficient quantities, and a sharp change in the body occurs. The skin does not have time to adapt and breaks. These places are filled with connective tissue, which differs in structure from the dermis, which is why stretch marks are so clearly visible.

On the abdomen, such phenomena form mainly after childbirth, but this is not the only reason. They can occur due to sudden weight gain or loss not associated with pregnancy, cellulite, hormonal drugs, bodybuilding activities that radically change body shape.

How to prepare and use a scrub for stretch marks at home

Homemade scrubs for stretch marks are prepared using coffee grounds, salt and sugar. To effectively prepare and use a scrub at home, follow these rules:

  1. The scrub is used after washing. The skin must first be cleansed of dirt and sebum, thoroughly warmed, and moisturized.
  2. Hands with the composition massage the skin tissue. Places with stretch marks and orange peel are given a thorough massage. The skin should experience warmth and a rush of blood.
  3. The mass of homemade scrub is slightly warmed before use (the optimal temperature is slightly warmer than the body).
  4. The exposure time of the scrub is individual (depending on the reaction of the skin), from a couple of minutes to a full massage of 7-10 minutes.
  5. The mixture is washed off with warm water.
  6. It is recommended not to wash off the oily film formed from using a homemade oil-based scrub for stretch marks with soap. If necessary, clean skin is additionally wiped with a cloth or paper napkin.

After the cleansing procedure, it is recommended to moisturize the body with cream.

Scrub made from chocolate

To prepare the scrub you need the following ingredients:

  • 1/4 cup brown sugar;
  • 1/8 cup olive oil;
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder;
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract.

All this needs to be mixed and applied to the body with soft, careful movements. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.

Top 8 popular homemade scrub recipes for stretch marks

Homemade scrub mixtures are made from natural ingredients. Therefore, they are many times more effective than finished cosmetic products.

Coffee and oils - against stretch marks

For 50 g of any vegetable oil, take an equal amount of coffee grounds. When mixed, a thick butter-coffee mixture is obtained. If desired, add a spoonful of sugar or sea salt to the classic recipe.

Coffee with pepper - down with stretch marks and cellulite

Mix equal parts coffee, honey, and a little oil base. Add ground red or black pepper to the cleansing mixture (no more than 0.5 teaspoon per 100 g). Pepper enhances the heating of skin tissue, eliminating stretch marks and cellulite.

"Salty Sugar"

A homemade scrub made from sugar and salt is effective for stretch marks. They are mixed in equal parts. Sour cream, vegetable oil or honey are added as a base. The consistency should be a creamy mixture that is easy to rub over the skin.

"Lemon coffee"

Lemon juice tones and brightens the skin, which helps smooth out stretch marks and make them less noticeable. To prepare a citrus scrub, add a little olive oil and 20-40 g of natural lemon juice to 50 g of coffee.

Instant coffee scrub

In the absence of natural grounds, coffee scrub for stretch marks is prepared from instant coffee powder or granules. Salt and instant coffee mixed in equal parts are added to 100 g of sour cream to form a thick cream scrub.

But such a mixture is less useful than when using natural ground beans, since in the production of a powder product, coffee loses a significant part of its beneficial nutrients.

Exfoliant mask “Honey Coffee”

Another name for scrub mixtures is exfoliant. The “Honey Coffee” mask will not only nourish the skin, but will also thoroughly cleanse away dead scales.

To prepare a honey-coffee exfoliant, mix honey and coffee grounds in equal parts. A small amount of sour cream or butter is added to the mixture. To get the effect of a mask, keep the composition on the skin for at least 10 minutes.

"Coffee clay"

Cosmetic clay stimulates the regeneration of epidermal cells and will be an effective “partner” in the fight against body skin imperfections. The peeling mixture is prepared by mixing equal amounts of clay and coffee grounds.

The resulting abrasive is brought to the consistency of sour cream with warm boiled water. If desired, add a little oil base to the “Coffee clay” (olive, flax, almond or wheat germ oils are excellent).

Honey and coffee wrap

Wrapping is a procedure of thermal influence on the deep layers of the skin. A mixture of olive oil, honey, coffee grounds, mixed in equal parts, is applied to problem areas of clean, dry skin. The body is wrapped on top with several layers of cling film.

It is necessary to prepare a place in the house to rest during the wrapping procedure. The chair or bed is covered with oilcloth, so as not to stain it with the composition of the mixture, with a clean sheet.

You will need a blanket to cover it so as not to freeze, since the composition must be kept on the body for 15-30 minutes. Then the film is removed, the honey-coffee scrub is washed off with massage movements, and the skin is moisturized.

To better warm up the deep layers of the skin, add a pinch of dried ginger or mustard powder to the peeling mixture for wrapping.

Popular recipes for cosmetic scrubs

Pure cane sugar crystals are rich in glycolic acid, which activates the skin cell renewal process. You can simply mix sugar with a carrier oil, preferably olive, coconut or jojoba oil, to create a cosmetic mixture with the consistency of a paste. The scrub is applied to those areas of the body where there are stretch marks, using gentle, smooth movements.

Oatmeal is known as a gentle exfoliator. They have an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect. You can simply mix crushed oatmeal with honey and apply the resulting mixture to problem areas. The optimal duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

For whom homemade scrubs for stretch marks are contraindicated?

Before using the homemade composition for stretch marks for the first time, a skin test is required. All-natural components can cause an allergic reaction, which will manifest itself as a rash, skin irritation, headache or deterioration in health.

Therefore, a pre-prepared body scrub for stretch marks is used on a small area and the reaction is monitored. If no negative symptoms occur, the composition can be used.

Homemade scrubs for stretch marks are contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Why do stretch marks appear?

Striae (or stretch marks) are atrophic scars that appear as a result of sudden weight fluctuations, stretching of the skin during pregnancy and lactation, active growth during adolescence, and hormonal diseases. The reason for their blue-red color is paresis (weakening of the work) of blood vessels. Therefore, all procedures aimed at reducing stretch marks are based on stimulating blood circulation.

Striae often appear in pregnant girls and nursing mothers. But during pregnancy and lactation it is not so easy to fight them, because not everything is allowed. For example, mesotherapy is fraught with allergies in mother and child. During this period, physiotherapeutic methods such as laser resurfacing will be the safest.

There is an opinion that if you are predisposed, stretch marks during pregnancy cannot be avoided. But even if your mother is unlucky, you shouldn’t give up. Wear bandage underwear and do not neglect cosmetic products for stretch marks, which include hyaluronic acid and vitamins. They stimulate blood circulation in the abdomen and chest - areas that feel the greatest stress during this period. Apply the products with light massage movements using a mitten.

To avoid allergies, use proven creams and lotions Mustela, Thalion, Lierac, Weleda, Clarins or natural oils that do not cause allergic reactions (coconut oil and cocoa butter perfectly moisturize the skin).

A full range of measures to get rid of stretch marks

A scrub for stretch marks and cellulite is only part of the necessary complex for restoring healthy skin. To restore elasticity and firmness to body tissues, the following procedures are used:

  • Daily contrast douches in the morning.
  • Massage of problem areas. Self-massage with your hands or using cosmetic cups is effective. It is necessary to carry out 10-15 procedures lasting from 5 to 20 minutes.
  • Moisturizing and nourishing the skin with care products (creams, gels, body milk).
  • In combination with regular use of a scrub, a set of procedures will prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin and significantly smooth out existing scars.

In the fight against stretch marks, peeling of problem areas plays an important role. Body scrub restores blood circulation, promotes rapid cell regeneration, scar healing, and skin rejuvenation.

Constantly using a scrub is necessary not only to get rid of stretch marks, but also for the normal functioning of the skin, maintaining its beauty and healthy, blooming appearance.

Benefits of orange aroma oil for skin

Natural oils help get rid of swelling. If there are stretch marks on the body, the following are actively used:

  • Citrus aroma oils. They contain components that help smooth out the skin. Appropriate aromatic oils activate the fat burning process.

  • Essential oils of fir and cedar. They allow you to get rid of existing irritation on the skin and have a calming effect.
  • Aroma oils of caraway, cinnamon. The products have a tonic effect and increase skin elasticity.

When eliminating stretch marks, aroma oils are not recommended to be used undiluted. They are mixed with base oils.

Be sure to read: Causes of stretch marks on the back and treatment

To prepare an effective scrub, combine 4 drops of orange essential oil with 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. The scrub is applied to the problem area for 15-20 minutes.

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling is a procedure for cleansing the dermis of dead particles using products containing acids. When the top layer of cells is removed, the body begins to intensively regenerate, recovering. As a result, the skin looks young and refreshed.

Chemical exfoliation is used to get rid of stretch marks, scars, fine wrinkles, and age spots.

Types of chemical peeling

Peels differ in the depth of impact on the dermis:

  1. Superficial - the least traumatic, since it affects only the epidermis. Products for such peeling use acids (mandelic, salicylic, lactic and others) in small concentrations.
  2. Median penetration penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and is usually carried out with preparations containing several types of acids.
  3. Deep penetrates to the middle of the mesh layer. Products for it are made on the basis of phenolic acid. It is the most effective, copes even with deep wrinkles and scars, but severely injures the skin, so it is carried out only in salons under the supervision of a specialist.

Mechanism of action on stretch marks

According to the mechanism of its effect on the skin, chemical peeling can be safely called a burn peel, because in fact it is an acid burn, carried out under the supervision of a cosmetologist. By damaging the skin in this way, acids affect fibroblasts and stimulate collagen production. In place of the removed layer, a smoother and more uniform one is formed. Stretch marks are filled with new cells and become less noticeable.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Before using products with acids, you need to think carefully, because in addition to the advantages, the procedure also has disadvantages.

The advantages of chemical exfoliation include:

  • possibility of carrying out at home;
  • high effectiveness against small and fresh stretch marks;
  • the general condition of the skin improves;
  • combination with other techniques.

Among the disadvantages it is worth noting:

  • not very effective against old or large stretch marks;
  • discomfort during the procedure;
  • the need to carry out in the autumn and winter months, since it is necessary to protect the skin from the sun in the post-procedure period;
  • unpleasant side effects after peeling.

Contraindications to the procedure

Skin exfoliation should not be performed if at least one of the following contraindications is present:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • infections;
  • herpes;
  • malignant or benign tumors;
  • inflammation or damage to the dermis in the treatment area;
  • individual intolerance to peeling agents.

Technique in the salon

The technique of peeling in the abdominal area is similar to facial treatment:

  1. The cosmetologist selects the optimal concentration of the product based on the desired result and the complexity of the work.
  2. The problem area is degreased and cleaned.
  3. A peeling agent is applied to the abdomen.
  4. The cosmetologist neutralizes acids with a special composition.
  5. Remaining product is removed.
  6. Creams with a moisturizing and soothing effect are applied to the skin.

How to Effectively Use a Homemade Coffee Scrub

Help the ingredients in your home remedy work actively and safely. Follow simple rules:

  1. Before the procedure, steam your skin by taking a hot bath or shower, in a sauna or steam room.
  2. The product contains components that have an allergenic effect, so test the product on the inner bend of your elbow. If irritation does not follow, use homemade cosmetics all over your body.
  3. Do not use the scrub more than twice a week. For dry and sensitive skin, reduce the frequency of the procedure to once.
  4. If the process of preparing masks and scrubs seems complicated to you, simplify the procedure: pour natural ground coffee onto a washcloth and self-massage the problem areas. For a milder effect, mix crushed grains with your shower gel.
  5. Wash off masks and scrubs with warm water, or even better, with a contrast shower.
  6. After the procedure, apply a nourishing, moisturizing cream or oil to the body - olive, coconut, jojoba.
  7. Please note that with frequent use of natural coffee-based products, the skin may darken.

To prevent stretch marks:

  1. First, massage the entire body, actively treat areas of possible stretch marks with a dry brush.
  2. Apply any coffee mixture to your skin.
  3. Take a contrast shower to improve skin elasticity.

This simple procedure, accessible to every woman, will protect against the appearance of blemishes on the skin during periods of hormonal imbalances, active weight loss, and pregnancy. If stretch marks have already appeared, it will visually reduce them. Striae are especially susceptible to correction in the first six months. Use the product for 2-3 months. Old stretch marks will require patience for months or even years of correction. It is unlikely that you will be able to completely reduce them using home methods, but making them less noticeable, smooth and pale is in your hands.

Anyone can make a scrub, and it doesn’t require expensive ingredients. The invigorating aroma of coffee ensures the pleasure of the procedure. Beauty rituals will be pleasant and accessible.

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