7 best food diaries: counting calories with pleasure!

An ancient Roman aphorism says: “Hauritaquamcribro, quidiscerevultsinelibro”, which translated from Latin means “He who wants to study without a book draws water with a sieve.” If we slightly paraphrase this ancient wisdom, extending it to the modern realities of losing weight, you can make sure that it has not lost its relevance at all. “Anyone who wants to lose weight without a food diary draws water with a sieve!” The statements of scientists waging a tireless fight against the “plague” boil down to this idea. XXI century" - the obesity epidemic.

When voicing the idea of ​​keeping a food diary to their patients at the first appointment, nutritionists often encounter resistance. “Do I have nothing else to do?”, “Am I a mathematician, or what?”, “Do I really have to be tied to scales and a calculator now?” and even “Should I count calories right in front of the children?” - what kind of counterarguments are not used by those who are dissatisfied with this prospect and losing weight.

However, first of all, it is definitely worth it! Well, secondly, technological progress has advanced far enough to save you from using a calculator when doing calculations. What's more: you'll love counting calories!

Three main reasons to keep a weight loss diary

The inexorable laws of physics say that there is only one way to lose weight - “energy”. In order for “energy depots” in the form of fat reserves to disintegrate, the body’s energy consumption must exceed its intake. It is this fundamental connection that helps you clearly track your food diary.

As you know, energy is measured in kilocalories, or more simply put, calories. This means that the main task of losing weight is to reduce the amount of calories coming from food. Therefore, at the start of weight loss, experts set a “calorie threshold”, which should not be crossed until the extra pounds are completely defeated.

Typically, this limit is from 1000 to 1500 kcal. Determining how many calories we “eat” during the day (and sometimes at night) is possible only through a food diary, where everything we drink and eat is strictly recorded, including the weight of foods and, most importantly, their calorie content.

Those losing weight who at first try to shy away from keeping a diary ask the question: “Why don’t we eat exclusively healthy food?” It seems that the answer is obvious: everyone probably has friends who claim that they live on cabbage alone, deny themselves all gastronomic joys, almost starve - and for some reason their weight increases.

And only when they begin to scrupulously write down everything that they put into their mouths, the scales fall from their eyes: it turns out that in between eating cabbage they will either drink tea with cookies and sweets, or snack on cakes in a coffee shop, or be treated to dumplings...

And only when a person begins to keep a diary does he realize that each such “edible little thing” costs a good half of the daily calorie intake. And, as extensive practice shows, those who have “seen the light” immediately begin to successfully lose weight!

The second typical question from “dissenters”: “Isn’t it possible to determine the number of calories by eye?” Numerous experiments in which thousands of people took part show that it is possible, it is, of course, possible, but with a large degree of error - and always in the direction of a subjective reduction in the calorie content of the food eaten.

The “mistake” in the “by eye” assessment is from 30 to 50% underestimation of calories eaten! This applies to absolutely everyone, including nutrition professionals - be it a waiter, a chef, or even a doctor specializing in weight loss. Therefore, nutritionists recommend that in cases where there is no way to count the calories in a dish, double the estimated number that comes to mind. And keeping a calorie diary saves you from the need to wander in captivity of your arithmetic fantasies.

And finally, the diary will help you constantly make sure that you are on the right path: that is, you are eating what you need, and in the quantities that you need. In addition, the diary comes with a weight loss chart - in it you will triumphantly set milestones of your victories over fat. And even if there are few reasons for joy, you can always present your diary to a nutritionist, who will help you figure out what you are doing wrong and correctly adjust your diet.

Problems with keeping a food diary

However, some difficulties may arise when keeping a food diary. Let's look at the most common of them.

Problem 1: Obsessing over eating mistakes.

Well, you started such a diary. You carefully write everything down in it, but after a while you notice that you have become more nervous about food. Now you carefully study the composition, analyze the “right” and “wrong” foods, eat less and less, which is why you are constantly haunted by the feeling of hunger. What to do in this case?


It's actually not that complicated. Change your approach to nutrition. The main thing is not to starve, but to eat the “right” food.

  • The healthiest thing is split meals: 5 times a day in small portions. There should be no feeling of hunger.
  • It is useful to eat at least 5 colorful vegetables and fruits a day, drink at least 6-8 glasses of water, eat fish and lean meat 2 times a week, and you should have no more light carbohydrates (sweets, cookies, jam, sweet fruits) 1–2 servings per day.
  • Also write down your emotional state while eating. This will allow you to understand whether you are eating calmly and with pleasure or “stress eating.”

Problem 2: Lacks patience and is bored.

Many people complain that they don’t have the patience to keep a food diary for a long time.


You don't need to keep a diary all the time. Let's remember: the main goal of a diary is to develop a habit. For some, a week is enough to understand all their mistakes and correct them, while others need more time. You should not just automatically record everything you eat, it is important to analyze your diet, your well-being and emotional state.

Problem 3: No time.

If you don’t have enough time to keep a diary during the working day, you can use devices.
There are many special applications for smartphones and tablets that allow you to monitor your nutrition. They greatly simplify the process of keeping a diary and even make it fun. Ultimately, you can simply take pictures of the food you eat so you can compare the size and quality of portions.

Problem 4: I feel like I'm being controlled. Solution:

If keeping a food diary is associated with a feeling of constant control, and this causes you a persistent internal protest, then perhaps you should abandon this idea. But something regarding nutrition must definitely change. To begin with, at least increase the number of meals. Replace the usual 1-2 meals a day with 5-6. This will require you to include more new foods in your diet that you choose more thoughtfully. Proper nutrition is the key to the health of the whole body. Try to keep your diet balanced. Eat food in a calm environment, chewing it thoroughly.

Help with symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

If symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome appear against the backdrop of a busy work routine, stress and poor diet, you should think about changing your lifestyle. Well, if you need emergency help for your intestines, you can use drug therapy. The drug Duspatalin® 135 mg has a double effect on the symptoms of IBS: it relieves spasms and abdominal pain, and also normalizes intestinal function2. Thanks to its action, Duspatalin® 135 mg eliminates constipation, diarrhea, bloating and flatulence3. In this section you can learn more about the drug Duspatalin® 135 mg and learn about the rules for its use.

Co-author of articles, editor - Shimbaretsky Georgy Alekseevich.

How to choose your ideal calorie diary?

Gone are the days when the “pioneers” of training and weight loss courses scribbled their paper diaries literally on their knees, surrounded by scales and calculators. The era of digital technology has opened up the possibility of unlimited access to gigantic amounts of information, including that necessary for keeping weight loss diaries.

Any Internet user can find literally everything about what he has eaten or intends to eat in a matter of seconds. To do this, you just need to have a computer, tablet, smartphone or any similar device at hand. The only “traditional” device that you won’t be able to give up yet is the scale. All you have to do is enter the weight and name of the dish or products it consists of and - voila, everything is calculated automatically!

It is not surprising that sites focused on helping people lose weight are enthusiastically including “calorie counters” in their services. Perhaps the most important criterion for evaluating them can rightfully be considered ease of use and functionality. Well, the absence of intrusive advertising, which makes it difficult to view content, slows down the operating system, eats up traffic and, finally, is simply annoying - an important plus.

It is gratifying that the matter itself, as a rule, is not limited to counting calories: the best sites concentrate a lot of virtual “chips” for the benefit of those who have embarked on the path leading to slimness.

Here are the main ones:

  • availability of a mobile version suitable for portable devices;
  • the opportunity to consult with specialists;
  • additional help - topical articles, video tutorials, etc.;
  • support of like-minded people through a forum with the possibility of communication;
  • reviews from grateful users who share their experience of losing weight using a food diary;
  • rich “product” database, which is regularly updated.

Next, we will test the seven most popular virtual food diaries for losing weight for the presence of the listed “digital amenities”, assign ratings to each diary, summarize them in a single table and find out which of these resources deserves the title of ideal.

How to lead correctly

All you need to write in a food journal is a pen and a notepad. You should learn a number of rules that must be followed when conducting it:

  • In your food diary, you must record information about absolutely all the foods you eat. You need to make notes about both full meals and snacks. Women who tried keeping a food diary noted that even after several days of regular notes, positive changes began to appear.
  • A notepad should always be at hand. As soon as a person has eaten something, even the smallest and most insignificant, as it seems to him, an appropriate record should be made about it. Some people don’t always carry a food diary with them, relying on the fact that they can remember everything anyway. But practice shows that this opinion is wrong. Often something is forgotten, which makes the picture appear incomplete.

    Example of a food diary entry for weight loss

  • It is recommended to take notes immediately after eating. Then all the foods eaten will be accurately recorded.
  • You should make it a rule to fill out a diary every day. Those who look at it once a week or month certainly do not achieve much success in losing weight.
  • It is useful to make notes about exactly what time food consumption occurs. This will help you build the right diet, which excludes a heavy snack before bed.

Expert opinion

Yulia Mikhailova

Nutrition expert

At the same time, experts note that it is worth entering into a food diary not only information about which foods entered the stomach during the day, but also the size of portions. This will allow you to learn how to reduce volumes, which will have a positive effect on weight loss. It is also useful to indicate the parameters of the dishes eaten: the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calorie content.


This is a professional online resource for those losing weight from the No. 1 weight loss center in Russia “Doctor Bormenthal”. The site was developed and supervised by the famous Russian scientist Andrei Bobrovsky, a nutritionist and psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences, author of the “Doctor Bormental” method, scientific director of a network of clinics of the same name.

  • Convenience and functionality: 5 points

At first glance, the site is attracted by its noble design and complete absence of annoying advertising. In the footer of the main page, only significant projects of the Dr. Bormental weight loss center are tactfully announced. The interface is built clearly and harmoniously, at the same time it is simple and intuitive even for those who visited the resource for the first time.

The “Bormenthal” food diary itself is very flexible and detailed: here you can create a daily diet from both individual products and ready-made dishes, which are available in a wide range, including many delicious dietary recipes. The number of calories, their density (which cannot be found on other sites), as well as the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is taken into account - both in each meal and for the day (or any other time interval) as a whole.

Another “highlight” of the diary is the notes - you eat according to hunger, time or appetite, which allows you to track the relationship between food and emotional state. Not only food is taken into account, but also water drunk and physical activity. There is also a statistics section in which the calorie content of food and its fractionality are assessed, the “relationships” between products are analyzed, body parameters are determined, a weight loss and volume reduction chart is maintained, etc.

Everything on this site is impeccably subordinated to a single goal - to make the weight loss process as easy, effective and safe as possible. It remains to add that all the information on the site is scientifically substantiated and based on the most modern medical principles.

  • Availability of a mobile version: 5 points

You can easily access the “Bormenthal calorie counter” not only from a PC, but also from mobile and tablet devices - that is, the diary is actually available at any time and anywhere where the global network operates.

  • Possibility of consultations: 4 points

Consultations here are available only to VIP program participants. True, the fee for it is purely symbolic, although online appointments are conducted by well-known Russian nutritionists and psychotherapists.

  • Additional help: 5 points

The arsenal of help for losing weight on the “Calorie Counter” is very wide: there are trances, webinars, video tutorials, articles, quizzes, slimming recipes and instructions to help beginners.

  • Support of like-minded people: 5 points

There is a thematic forum on “Schitalka”, where people united by the goal of losing weight actively discuss any pressing issues, share successes and experiences, and exchange recipes for delicious and healthy dishes.

  • Reviews: 5 points


The “Bormenthal counting machine” has many loyal fans who have personally attested to its indispensability in weight loss in the “Book of Reviews” on the local forum, in success stories on the “Doctor Bormenthal” website and in videos on the YouTube video hosting site.

  • Database: 5 points

The food diary is synchronized with the largest database in Russia - the online food catalog "GoodsMatrix". Therefore, the information about products and dishes in this diary is the most relevant and varied that you can imagine.


This is a specialized social network that offers those who are losing weight to achieve their desired weight through various diets.

  • Convenience and functionality: 3 points a

Once you open the site, it immediately becomes clear that advertising and marketing function well here. Right in the header of the site there is a call to join the gardening project, under the header - to ride reindeer, and in the left sidebar - to buy cats, shoes, jewelry, etc. It is not clear what all this has to do with weight loss. When navigating through the pages of the site, the user every now and then stumbles upon the ubiquitous Yandex Direct.

However - to the food diary! On the website, its menu is modestly located between gardeners and deer. Here, thank God, there is a calculation of the calorie content of ready-made dishes and products, and accounting for calorie consumption during a particular physical activity, and weight control statistics. But the direct functions of the weight loss diary are rather weak and are lost against the background of the general diversity.

For example, the fields for filling out the diary are initially designed for only one meal - users will have to “conjure” adding meals. But along the way - the name of the site obliges you to “comply” - there is a large number of unbalanced diets that are potentially dangerous, and besides, they are not needed for weight loss in principle: all that is needed is a balanced diet within the calorie range.

  • Availability of mobile version : 5 points

There is a mobile application.

  • Possibility of consultations: 4 points

The site has a column of free consultants, but among them there are no nutritionists - only psychologists.

  • Additional help: 3 points

In addition to the already mentioned diets and psychological consultations, you can only find thematic articles here. Well, and “joint purchases,” as usual.

  • Support of like-minded people: 5 points

But here you can’t argue: this is a social network with all the necessary “accessories” - vigorous communication in groups and through personal correspondence, competitions, photo galleries, the opportunity to speak out and receive comments in the “Diaries” section. Although in essence these are blogs, not food diaries, and the fact that different sections are called the same is somewhat confusing.

  • Reviews: 4 points

On the review site Irecommend.ru there are entirely laudatory reviews, although in style they are more reminiscent of professional journalistic articles. But the website has a photo gallery of the participants, clearly demonstrating their figures before and after losing weight.

  • Database: 2 points

The base is very meager: there is only food, and there are only 12 ready-made main courses, and their list includes mainly boiled vegetables. If we are guided by the saying “cabbage soup and porridge are our food,” then when searching for the calorie content of porridges, only ready-made porridges from McDonalds and Nestle “helpfully” pop up, and there is no trace of cabbage soup in the database.

Lifesum: your food diary

Where to download: iOS, Android

Average rating: 4.6 Total number of reviews: 267,098

The application has standard functionality, in which there is nothing superfluous: tracking calorie intake and expenditure, BJU balance. Physical activities can be selected from the list, loaded from “friendly” applications, or added your own. Lifesum also allows you to control your water intake.

Before using the application, you need to register and provide your data: goal (lose, maintain or gain weight), gender, age, height, current and target weight. Lifesum will offer you a recommended weekly goal (you can change it yourself).

One handy feature: to add a product to your diary, you can scan its barcode or find it in the app by description or brand. We also note the nice design of the application with cute and funny icons.

In the paid version (749 ₽/month or 3390 ₽/year): meal plans with recipes and grocery lists, accounting for macroelements and carbohydrates, the ability to save a dish, synchronize Lifesum with medical applications and take into account body morphology when creating a meal plan.


This Internet project is presented to users as “a site for calculating figure indicators, weight, proportions, ideals and consumption.”

  • Convenience and functionality: 4 points

The site is quite simple - a typical set of online calculators. And this is good, since the service is not “cluttered” with an abundance of varied information. Everything is clear: a fairly convenient and detailed food diary, calorie consumption tracking, statistics of weighings and measurements of body volumes, keeping graphs for clarity, etc. True, advertisements for foreign language courses hang over the header, advertising screensavers intrusively flash in the left sidebar, and Yandex Direct is spread out freely in the basement.

  • Availability of a mobile version : 3 points

There is no mobile application, since, judging by the administration’s assurances, “the site is optimized to work on mobile devices.”

  • Possibility of consultations: 3 points

Consultations are provided, however, only with trainers, and not with doctors. However, the website honestly states that it is “intended for informational purposes and is not a substitute for medical advice.”

  • Additional help: 1 point

Not observed - as they say, “the situation is strict, nothing superfluous.”

  • Support of like-minded people: 5 points

There is a thematic forum where, by the way, everyone can publish their personal weight loss diary for public viewing and discussion.

  • Reviews: 4 points

On the forum you can find that a number of users liked this resource, and their sincerity is beyond doubt.

  • Database: 5 points

The product base pleases with its breadth: for each product and dish there are dozens of varieties, including the same “cabbage soup and porridge”.


The goal of this site, as stated on the home page, is “to provide a simple, easy-to-use tool for managing your weight.”

  • Convenience and functionality: 3 points

The site is an example of a typical calorie counter with all the tools to automate the counting: food diary, calorie tables, calorie calculator, graphs and rulers. It’s a pity that the diary is “tailored” to only one product—you have to add the rest of the data about products and meals yourself. In addition, the service does not pay attention to movement, and, consequently, energy costs.

Among the most annoying disadvantages: in the header, the “carousel” of banners flickers so much that it dazzles your eyes, and when you navigate through the pages, advertisements for “cash loans” and other things that are inappropriate here pop up here and there. In general, the site gives the impression of overload, being essentially a simple calculator with an attached forum.

  • Availability of mobile version : 5 points

Diet diaries, as the site rightly claims, are “accessible to anyone, from anywhere.”

  • Possibility of consultations: 1 point

Not provided.

  • Additional help: 2 points

Featured articles only.

  • Reviews: 4 points

Some users do not skimp on publishing their words of gratitude on the site. There are also reviews on Irecommend.ru, but they are clearly custom-made.

  • Support of like-minded people: 5 points

Well, the friendly mutual assistance and communication here is at its best: there is a dietary forum with many topics, and you can also exchange messages, keep blog diaries and read recipes, blogs and food diaries of users.

  • Database: 3 points

The table of calorie content of foods, as the website assures, “contains more than 1000 items.” True, there are no basic cabbage soup on this list, and there are only five types of porridges, as well as soups. It is proposed to add “culinary” information, which is clearly in short supply here, on your own.

Why keep a diary

The benefits of keeping records while dieting are obvious. A diet diary is necessary in order to:

  • strictly follow the goal;
  • create a nutrition culture;
  • control weight, perform figure correction;
  • keep track of what you eat and the number of calories you consume;
  • observe the dynamics of weight changes;
  • strictly follow the weight loss program.


This is a very respectable representative of our review - the official resource of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, embodying the state program “Healthy Russia”. There is also a section with food diaries.

  • Convenience and functionality: 5 points

At first glance, the “official” food diary serves as an excellent illustration of the aphorism “Everything ingenious is simple”: the section menu is in plain sight, no diversity, confusion or annoying advertising (the Ministry of Health, of course, does not need advertising).

But upon closer examination, it turns out that initially the diary is designed for only one product or recipe, and the remaining products are added independently. But this is more than compensated for by many other interesting and useful options: a movement diary with a database of types of activity and energy expenditure, training planning, a weight chart, as well as tests, surveys and personal recommendations.

  • Availability of a mobile version : 3 points

We were able to find a mobile version only for those who want to quit smoking, and not for those losing weight. But on the website you can download a health diary to monitor your diet and exercise.

  • Possibility of consultations: 5 points

This service is at the highest level - doctors with academic degrees, researchers, and heads of federal medical centers provide free consultations via online conferences. You can also get feedback via a toll-free hotline or email.

  • Additional help: 5 points

In addition to the already mentioned tests, recommendations and online conferences, you can find many articles, news and expert columns on the site. They cover the topics of weight loss, proper nutrition, movement, healthy cooking, etc. And what is especially gratifying is that all this information can be confidently trusted, since it comes directly from the Ministry of Health.

  • Reviews: 4 points

There are few comments on the well-known review site Irecommend.ru, but they are all positive.

  • Support of like-minded people: 4 points

No forums, no chats, no blogs with comments can be found on this site. Here is an exclusive luxury - to receive online advice approved by the Ministry of Health itself!

  • Database: 3 points

But the product catalog let us down: there are not so many ready-made dishes. If we talk about porridges, there are only four types of them, as well as three types of cabbage soup and four types of soup. The only meat is rabbit and turkey. Apparently, knowing this flaw, the administration added a note: “If the required entries are not found on the site, enter the products yourself or write to us.” Or it is simply suggested to read the labels on food packages.


This is a resource with a sports focus, presented as a “site that trains.” In addition to sections about training, there is a food diary and a calorie consumption counter.

  • Convenience and functionality: 4 points

The interface of the local food diary is noticeably different from its counterparts on other sites. The main inconvenience is that initially only breakfast is included in the diary, and you have to add the rest of the meals yourself. But the control zone here includes not only calories and dietary fats, but also micronutrients, and fats are sorted by type. You can keep charts for weight loss and volume reduction.

An undoubted advantage is the presence of a detailed training diary, which contains many thoroughly described exercises for various muscle groups. There are practically no advertisements here, and this is encouraging!

  • Possibility of consultations: 4 points

When paying for a VIP subscription, consultations with fitness trainers and a nutritionist are provided.

  • Availability of mobile version : 5 points

There is a calorie counter application for Android and mobile operating systems.

  • Additional help: 3 points

Among the free services to help those losing weight, the website contains instructions on nutrition, training, journaling, etc.

  • Reviews: 4 points

Success stories confirm the presence of a grateful audience for this site. They are published by real users in the appropriate section and illustrated with photographs of them in the process of losing weight.

  • Support of like-minded people: 5 points

The site has blogs, communication in the feed, a competition for the best diets, and a database of dietary recipes for users, equipped with photographs of dishes.

  • Database: 5 points

The catalog of ready-made dishes amazes with its diversity: there are a couple of dozen types of notorious porridges alone, and even more cabbage soup! Plus, you can check the calorie content of foods, their chemical composition and nutrients with two reference books at once - Skurikhin and USDA.

What do you need to keep a calorie journal?

Just three things - a notebook, a calculator and a scale. Kitchen scales for 5−10 kg.

It is desirable that the scales have a tare weighing function. This allows you to first weigh the container, reset the scales to zero, and then pour or pour the weighed product and get the mass of the product without container. This is very convenient and allows you to avoid unnecessary calculations and entries. The best choice is not a dial scale, but a digital electronic one.

Get a notebook for your diary. It’s better to have a small one, 60 sheets, so that it lasts for a month, and then start a new one the next day.

Photo: Depositphotos

Number the pages with the numbers of the month and write down EVERYTHING you eat every day. Name of the product or dish, weight of the serving, calorie content of the serving, total calories per day. In any format that suits you best.

Use the free pages at the end of the notebook to calculate the dishes you are preparing. If the paper method is not for you, use the website Daily-menu.ru. Keep a food diary and recipe book in electronic form.


This portal is dedicated to healthy eating. The closest attention is paid to calorie counting here.

  • Convenience and functionality : 5 points

The site presents a whole range of calculators-analyzers: individual products, recipes, dietary supplements, calorie consumption, etc. The recipe analyzer is especially convenient: in its field you can enter with one click all the products included in the dish being prepared, and adjust their specific gravity in the dish to the appropriate one calorie level.

As for the food diary, it is accompanied by statistics on BJU, a chart of weight loss and volume reduction, a nutrition calendar that shows the entered data for the week and month, and reports on all parameters regarding weight loss. Therefore, despite the dominance of Yandex Direct and other advertising, the diary as a whole deserves praise.

  • Possibility of consultations: 1 point

Unfortunately, consultations with specialists are not provided on the portal.

  • Availability of mobile version : 5 points

There is a mobile application.

  • Additional help: 5 points

The portal has a lot of information to help those losing weight: articles, videos, diets, illustrated recipes, etc.

  • Reviews: 4 points

On the review site Irecommend.ru there is an abundance of admiring comments, and not all of them are custom-made.

  • Support of like-minded people: 5 points

In addition to the forum, where a lot of pressing topics are discussed, there are blogs of participants about losing weight, exchange of recipes, a lottery, gifts and awards, competitions, surveys - in general, a lot of interesting things.

  • Database: 5 points

The grocery list is very rich - this applies to both individual products and ready-made dishes.

How to keep a food diary for weight loss? Download the template for free

The most convenient way, as I said above, is to create a file in Excel or Word, get a regular notebook and line it for several days in advance, or print a ready-made food diary template, which can be downloaded from the link below and fill it out, adding sheets under a paper clip.

I made 2 versions of templates - you can either in the form of a picture. To use the latter, you must first print it on a printer. The table in Word format can be kept both on the computer and in printed form.

If you show a little patience and perseverance, do not miss a single day - in the very near future the results of careful journaling will have a positive effect on your figure. Even with a quick visual analysis of what you eat and drink, you can quickly adjust and improve your diet in terms of healthfulness and calorie content.

More conscious nutrition will allow you not to throw everything into your mouth, think through your menu in advance and optimize it to suit your goals.

Good luck!

Tags: food diary for free, food diary for weight loss sample, food diary sample to fill out, food diary example, food diary to print, , , how to keep a food diary for weight loss, how to monitor food, electronic food diary

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And now, as promised, we will summarize all the ratings of the most popular online food diaries for all significant parameters into a single rating table.

Name of the siteConvenience and functionalityPossibility of consultationsAvailability of mobile versionAdditional HelpReviewsSupport of like-minded peopleDatabaseTOTAL

professional Bormental.ru and Takzdorovo are deservedly in the lead in this list . ru , however, the “amateur” Calorizator.ru also has something to be proud of. There are no obvious outsiders in this rating - other similar portals also have certain advantages, and you are free to choose the virtual diary that suits your taste as a companion to your slimness.

We hope that the diary you love will support your enthusiasm, make the weight loss process easy and fun, help you find new like-minded friends - in general, it will mean much more to you than just a calorie calculator!

Add it to the wall!

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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