Bomb pills for weight loss: the most effective fat burner?

Dreams of an ideal figure are common to every woman, and everyone is looking for ways to realize her dreams. Some spend hours in various sports activities, others come up with new diets, while others dream of finding the perfect pill. The market offers a huge variety of different weight loss drugs, and it is very difficult to understand it. One of these drugs is “Bomb” weight loss capsules.

It turns out that the “Bomb” for weight loss is sold for a symbolic price, and the results are amazing. Some women managed to lose 10 kilograms in just a month. The weight comes off evenly and the body does not get stressed. All this result is due to a certain composition, which guarantees the result. But is this composition good for health? The tablets are made by a Chinese manufacturer. And it is not clear who will be responsible for quality. This article will help you understand all these aspects.

The effectiveness of Bomb tablets

Many sites say that the “Bomb” for burning fat works wonders. But in fact, their effectiveness in the fight against fat deposits is unproven. It is completely unclear whether women are losing weight in a healthy way, or whether the process is detrimental to their health. The manufacturing company claims to have invented a new technology. This technology consists of extracting genes from plants, which subsequently help to lose weight. If you believe the reasoning of experienced scientists, it becomes clear that tablets are useless if they actually contain plants.

Some female representatives managed to lose 10 kilograms in a month. This could be self-hypnosis, or the “Bomb” weight loss capsules still have a special composition.

Slimming capsules Bomb 3rd row - reviews

Good day, dear readers of the site. To tell the truth, I have never left reviews on sites where account registration is required, but this time I decided to protect the female sex from buying this “miracle” drug. Of course, I don’t want to impose my opinion on anyone, and I don’t rule out the possibility that they were useless for my body, but I think that you should think about their bad side effects. Well, first things first. I’ll tell you a little about myself: I’m 26 years old, my height is 167 cm, before that I always weighed 52.5 - 53 kg, but over the winter I gained 2 kg, a total of 55 kg. In principle, I think that everything is OK with my figure, but I still wanted to return to my previous shape by spring, and since I use a massage hoop, I decided to buy Fat Burning Bomb tablets, third row, for greater effect. I bought them in a specialized Chinese store, having first asked the seller to show me a license for the right to sell tablets and other products. Now I’ll tell you about the tablets themselves: a red iron box containing 3 packs of green capsules, 10 pieces each, for a total of 30 pieces, and a small sheet of red paper with a clumsy Chinese annotation. The seller gave me a bunch of reasons in favor of these particular pills, and one of the main advantages, according to her, was that the Bomb was not addictive, and after stopping taking there is no relapse (in other words, you don’t gain weight again). Well, what can I say, I confess, I bought into her praise, and gained it. This package cost me 3,000 tenge (600 in rubles). Since I bought them after lunch, I couldn’t try them out, because you need to drink them in the morning on an empty stomach, or immediately after a meal. I waited until the next morning, but I’m not a kamikaze, I didn’t take risks on an empty stomach, I drank a cup of tea and one cookie, and immediately after a light breakfast, a capsule with plenty of water. At first I didn’t notice anything unusual, by the way, I read once, some girls wrote that they had a tingling sensation in the abdomen area, and they thought the fat was melting))) I didn’t have anything like that, by lunchtime I felt a little hungry, although I’m not a glutton at all, and I can eat once a day without any pills, and it doesn’t bring me any psychological suffering. I ate one small apple, and the feeling of slight hunger went away, but then another thing began: I began to feel very sick and dizzy, my heart rate increased, and I felt a lump in my throat. I’ll say right away that these tablets do not have a laxative effect, and after drinking them, you don’t have to worry about being pinched at the most inopportune moment. But they generously rewarded me with insomnia; before that, my sleep was in perfect order. In general, I drank them for exactly a week, considering that my 2 extra kg of such sacrifices were not worth it, and what do you think, I stepped on the scales, and the weight did not decrease one gram, the arrow still showed the same 55. After writing this review, the capsules, without regret, they will go into the trash bin. Dear women, girls, we all want to be slim, but in pursuit of a beautiful body we should not take unjustified risks. I wish you all health and prudence. Learn from other people's mistakes so you don't make your own in the future!

Composition of Bomb tablets

Before using any drugs, you need to study their composition and understand whether it is suitable for a particular organism. A “Bomb” is manufactured for burning fat based on the genes of herbs that promote the burning of fat deposits. The composition contains a number of specific vitamins that are aimed at burning fat, as well as supporting the body during weight loss. Another essential element is the presence of hot red pepper extract.

It is this component that is present in various supplements for people who engage in an active lifestyle. Pepper is able to establish metabolic processes in the body, which means that food will be better absorbed and calories will be burned faster. These tablets also take care of the immune system and plantain extract has been added for this purpose. The next component is Brazil nut, which, like pepper, helps burn excess fat deposits and make your appetite more moderate.

Positive and negative sides


  • high efficiency;
  • complete absence of hunger;
  • volumes go away evenly.


  • feeling of dry mouth and thirst;
  • depression;
  • bad breath;
  • tachycardia;
  • Can only be purchased online.

It should be noted that the list of contraindications for the Bomb is quite short. The manufacturer does not recommend taking the drug for those who have not yet turned 16 years of age and have already turned 65 years old, as well as for:

  • allergic reactions to components;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • stroke and heart attack previously suffered;
  • hypertension.

The side effect of “Bomb” is due to the Basha fruit included in its composition, or more precisely, to the substance rimonobant contained in it. It is characterized by an anorexigenic effect on the body, as well as an adverse effect on the nervous system. Back in 2009, the drug was banned due to many side effects, including hallucinations and even suicide attempts.


Naturally, any drug has some side effects, especially for diet pills. Perhaps they help, but there are times when they do more harm than good. So, let’s look at the harm “Bomb” diet pills can cause:

  • stool disorder
  • dry mouth
  • constant feeling of thirst
  • sleep disturbance
  • irritability
  • headache
  • nausea

Before using “Bomb” weight loss capsules, you need to monitor all the information on the Internet, especially reviews. You can find a whole range of similar effects in them, and decide for yourself whether these health pills are worth it.

Instructions for losing weight with “Bomb” pills

According to the instructions for use, it is recommended to drink one capsule of the product per day in the morning with a glass of water. Diet and exercise are not mandatory. The only requirement is a complete abstinence from alcohol, which will neutralize the entire effect of taking the dietary supplement. And there really is no need for any restrictions on food, because the drug completely suppresses your appetite. And it's all about the mysterious Basha fruit and its derivative rimonobant.

This substance has an anorexigenic effect and also has a negative effect on the central nervous system, due to which its use was banned in 2009 due to numerous side effects in the form of depression, disorders of the nervous system, and suicide attempts. Just all these unpleasant moments often happen to those who take a course of “Bomb” pills for weight loss. In addition, hallucinations, headaches, weakness, dryness and an unpleasant odor in the mouth may appear. By the way, no less scandalously popular Thai weight loss drugs have similar symptoms. At the same time, the list of contraindications for the super fat burner is quite modest:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • previous heart attacks and strokes;
  • hypertension;
  • age under 16 and over 65.

Diet pills "Red Bomb"

This type of tablet differs from the classic “Bomb” representatives. These capsules contain an additional number of useful vitamins that will promote faster metabolism. For an integrated approach, it is necessary to use physical activity and regularly visit the gym or swimming pool.

Additional components in the form of green plants will improve the functioning of the liver and pancreas, which is necessary during weight loss. The body strengthens its protective functions, which means that while losing weight a person will not feel in a stressful situation. “Bomb” weight loss capsules will provide the body with comfortable conditions for losing weight, which means the process will go quickly and with pleasure.

Indications and contraindications

The indication for the use of this biologically active drug is obesity.

Excess body weight does not always require treatment with pills. In the initial stages, it is enough to change your lifestyle and diet. If these measures are unsuccessful, the doctor may prescribe one of the medications to treat obesity.

The Bomba components are usually recommended for those who have a body mass index of more than 27-30 kg/m². The use of dietary supplements is possible only against the background of a diet.

The drug is contraindicated for anyone with arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, depression, or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Pregnancy and age under 18 years are also considered a contraindication for Bomba treatment.

Green bomb for weight loss

These are also tablets with additional ingredients in the form of lemon, pumpkin, and various types of nuts. The preparation also includes various seeds of green crops. According to the instructions, it can be taken from the age of 16, all components are natural and will not cause harm to the body. In addition to losing weight, this composition will help get rid of skin problems, irritability, and constipation. In order for the “Bomb” for burning fat to give the desired result, you need to carefully read the instructions and follow all the rules.

Indications for use

In addition to the fact that this dietary supplement helps people in the fight against a large number of extra pounds that are gained for various reasons, it is also effective in the following cases:

  • in order to lose excess weight gained during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • after using ineffective methods of losing weight, as well as all kinds of diets;
  • for people who are overweight over the age of 16;
  • for people suffering from constipation;
  • in the presence of cosmetic skin defects (age spots, acne, etc.).

Rules for taking pills

Before starting a course of treatment, you must very carefully read all the instructions in the instructions; drinking “Bomb” weight loss capsules according to your own method is not recommended. So, you need to take them once a day, in the morning, while your stomach should be empty. If the tablet was not taken in the morning, then this can be done during the day, after not eating anything for 3 hours. They should be consumed in a course of 3 days; on the fourth day there should be a mandatory break. Before starting the course, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines of waste products, and an enema will help with this. If you follow all these rules, manufacturers promise to lose 10 kilograms in a month. One pack is enough for a month, so you don’t need to buy a lot of them.

Instructions for use of tablets

Bomb capsules come with instructions according to which you should take the drug.

Course duration: 30 days. Before starting, you should not eat anything for 24 hours. Daily dose: 1 capsule. It is taken on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning half an hour before breakfast. If you were unable to do this in the morning, you can reschedule your appointment to another time, but you cannot eat for 3 hours before that. For people with gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended to take tablets 1 hour after meals.

It is not necessary to use the Bomb every day: diet pills can be taken according to a different scheme - 3 days on, 1 day off.

You can repeat the course 6 months after the first. To get the best results, it is recommended to exercise, follow a diet, and lead a healthy lifestyle while taking the drug.

Mode of application

Tablets can be used to combat excess weight. To avoid side effects and complications, consult a qualified healthcare professional before using any medication.

“Bomb” is prescribed in courses of 30 days. You need to drink two capsules of the drug per day. One capsule is taken 20-30 minutes before breakfast with a glass of clean drinking water. The second capsule is taken before dinner. If you have problems falling asleep after taking the drug “Bomba” in the evening, then reschedule the dose to the daytime (before 18.00). After a month, you should stop taking the drug. It is allowed to take 1 capsule in the morning every 2-3 days for a maintenance effect for another 2-3 months. If your weight corresponds to severe obesity, it may be necessary to repeat the Bomb treatment to burn fat.

What effect do Bomb diet pills have?

These products help in the shortest possible time to get rid of fat deposits on all parts of the body, burning existing fat and preventing the absorption of fat from food. Bomb fat burners speed up metabolism and improve overall condition and appearance - the skin is cleared of rashes, becomes elastic, fresh and velvety.

A significant advantage of these pills is that it is absolutely safe, it will help even those who have repeatedly tried to lose weight, but the weight came back. Manufacturers of super fat burners “Bomb” guarantee rapid weight loss of 6 – 10 kg per month with consolidation of the result for many years. Of course, you should reconsider your diet and diet, but you will no longer have to starve, as with some diets - just eliminate or reduce your consumption of harmful foods.

Another beneficial effect of these tablets is that they remove waste and toxins, normalize blood pressure, sugar levels and cholesterol. Some take them to normalize these indicators and intoxicate the body.

Important! Drinking alcohol will neutralize the effect of the pills!

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