Egg-curd diet for effective and quick weight loss

Cleansing the body and getting rid of extra pounds - these are the opportunities that a diet on cottage cheese and eggs opens up for those who want it. This is a weight loss and health program designed for a minimum period. But during this time, it is possible to get rid of fat deposits and lose at least 3–5 kg, depending on the efforts made and the characteristics of the body.

Nutritionists recommend using this diet only if you are overweight by 10–20 kg. If this figure barely reaches 3–5 kg, it is better to use dietary restrictions, go on a diet of 800 kcal per day, or simply actively engage in sports. This is the weight that a person can easily handle on his own - without the use of special programs.

Features, principles, benefits of the egg-curd diet

Almost everyone can use this course of getting rid of excess fat deposits. The egg and cottage cheese diet program has no special contraindications. Cottage cheese is a source of calcium, lactic acid bacteria, and minerals. There are various product options to choose from in stores - from fatty to low-fat, dietary. You should choose the right one based on the recommendations offered by the nutritionist. Following the rules of the egg and cottage cheese diet, as well as taking into account safety precautions, makes any program effective and safe.

The advantages and features of the effect on the body include the following criteria:

  • Efficiency – loss of up to 3–5 kg. This indicator indicates a gradual weight loss, which is good for the body. A sharp refusal of usual food and a strong decrease in muscle mass can cause stress for the body. When returning to a normal diet, it can quickly make up for the deficiency. If you lose weight gradually, as suggested by the egg-curd diet, the process can be safe, systematic and not cause side effects.

A sharp decrease in total body weight is fraught with the formation of gallstones!

  • Lack of constant feeling of hunger, which causes discomfort.
  • Prevention of osteoporosis and strengthening of bone tissue, including teeth.
  • The foods consumed on the diet contain a high content of vitamins, amino acids, and microelements that can improve the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.
  • Improving the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract due to the content of a large number of lactobacilli in products, which are responsible for 80% of immunity.
  • Breakdown of fat cells. The process is started by methionine.

However, do not forget that the diet with eggs and cottage cheese, like the other, is associated with food restrictions. Some minerals and vitamins will not be absorbed into the body. These include iron, which is less absorbed or not absorbed at all when there is a high content of dairy products in the menu. The absence of such a substance leads to its deficiency and a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood! That is why you cannot go on a diet with eggs and cottage cheese for more than 3-7 days. If there are contraindications, then you cannot use the program at all.

Basic Rules

The cottage cheese diet can be used as a comprehensive weight loss program, and as fasting days, the duration of which does not exceed two days. The duration of the cottage cheese diet is seven days, during which you can get rid of several extra pounds. What the result will be depends on the initial body weight and how strictly the rules of the proposed nutrition program were followed.

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The cottage cheese diet suggests dividing the daily diet into five parts. Fractional meals, which form the basis of not only the cottage cheese diet, but also other weight loss programs, will allow you not to experience the feeling of hunger, which often causes a “breakdown,” and to achieve the desired result.

In addition to fractional meals, the cottage cheese diet suggests carefully monitoring your water consumption schedule. It should be non-carbonated and not sweet; it is important to give up such drinks in order to get rid of several kilograms. In addition to clean water, you can include in your diet freshly brewed green tea, herbal teas and infusions, rosehip decoction, which should also be unsweetened.

One of the options for the cottage cheese diet suggests dividing 500 grams of cottage cheese and 400 milliliters of low-fat kefir into five equal parts, which should be eaten within one day. Another diet program suggests reducing the amount of cottage cheese to 300 grams and increasing the amount of kefir to one liter.

If the cottage cheese diet is used as a fasting day, it is allowed to eat low-fat cottage cheese. During the seven days that the curd diet lasts, the product is selected with a fat content of 0 to 5 percent. Due to the insufficient amount of nutrients, consumption of low-fat cottage cheese can provoke disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Important Tips

Eggs and cottage cheese for the diet must be fresh so that the permitted products do not cause harm to the body. You should select and buy them in a trusted place where the conditions for storing and releasing the goods are met. These are not the only recommendations that a person planning to use the egg-curd diet for weight loss can receive. There are a number of golden rules that will allow a person to get closer to his dream:

  1. You should choose cottage cheese not with zero fat content, but with 4–5%. Fats should be present in every person's diet. You can make cottage cheese from high-quality milk yourself.
  2. Drink at least 2–2.5 liters of water daily to avoid intoxication of the body. This indicator does not include consumed tea, coffee, juices, and fruit drinks. We are talking about simple clean water without impurities.
  3. Minimize your intake of sugar and salt.
  4. Completely avoid strong drinks. They not only harm the body, but also contain a large amount of calories.

  • Use physical exercise to better absorb microelements, vitamins, activate the metabolic process in the body, and also to quickly reduce overall weight.
  • If there are no contraindications, visit baths and saunas. They allow you to cleanse the skin of dirt, as well as remove all toxic substances with sweat.
  • Arrange periodic daytime egg-curd fasting. This is an event that will help maintain health, as well as ensure an influx of a unique vitamin and mineral complex, as well as lactobacilli. There is no need to give up lactic acid foods.
  • Take vitamin and mineral complexes that will restore the balance of elements in the body. They should not be used in conjunction with a nutrition program, but separately, so that all valuable substances can be completely absorbed.

After finishing the course in 3-7 days, you should not immediately pounce on food, especially high-calorie food. You should gradually include various foods in your diet, as well as increase your intake of valuable substances. A sharp increase in the daily portion of calories will negatively affect your weight and figure. You can not only gain back all the lost kilograms. With a large intake of calories, the body tries to store more, and therefore weight increases uncontrollably. You shouldn’t give up physical activity either.

What is the essence of the Maggi diet for weight loss?

The diet according to this nutrition system is prepared for a month with the hope of obtaining the expected result of up to 20 kilograms of excess weight loss during this time. This program differs from others in that it does not force a person to starve.

It is developed in such a way as to allow the body itself, with the help of its metabolic processes, to burn accumulated fat deposits.

Therefore, here you need to select the right products, taking into account the fact that after their consumption in the gastrointestinal tract, chemical processes will be activated that will contribute to the removal of toxic substances, the breakdown and acceleration of the processing of fatty tissue at the cellular level.

The priority of the diet menu here should be on the side:

  • Eggs or cottage cheese;
  • Citrus;
  • Meat;
  • Fruit;
  • Vegetables.

Eggs and cottage cheese are important sources of microelements for humans, and citrus fruits help supply the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins.

The positive features of the Maggi diet are:

  1. Simplicity.
  2. Consumption of products in any quantity.
  3. There is no need to count calories or take additional vitamin and mineral complexes.

According to some women, this nutrition system also has its drawbacks, since it requires strict adherence to the menu. And this, in fact, causes certain inconvenience due to the fact that here you need to set aside a clearly defined time for eating every day. Moreover, in addition to following the diet, you need to eat a lot of eggs (cottage cheese) and completely give up sugar, any fats or oils.

You may also be interested in the Kremlin diet, originally developed for American astronauts. Read more about it here.

What foods should be excluded when dieting on eggs and cottage cheese?

A 3-day diet on cottage cheese and eggs is a program that completely eliminates the consumption of the following foods:

  1. Fatty and sweet foods, sour and salty foods,
  2. Seasonings and plenty of salt,
  3. Confectionery and chocolate,
  4. Tea and coffee with sugar,
  5. Alcohol.

Do not forget that you should not consume all offered and permitted food products uncontrollably. You have to monitor your diet, and at the same time count the number of calories consumed. They should not be more than 1000–1200 kcal per day, but in other cases it is proposed to reduce this figure by another 200 kcal.


The egg-curd diet is designed for 3 days, less often it is extended for 7 days, but this is only if there are no contraindications and you are feeling normal. Otherwise, you should refuse to extend the course and stop at the results achieved.

It is recommended to use the course when:

  • There is excess weight - at least 10 kg above normal!
  • It is necessary to prevent obesity - fasting programs for only 1 day.

Those who are carrying a child and breastfeeding can also use the program, but only for a day. But don’t forget about the vitamins and minerals recommended by your doctor. They should be taken only separately from cottage cheese, which interferes with the absorption of a number of beneficial vitamins and components.


You can use the cottage cheese diet only for 3 or 7 days. Some people extend this period to 14–28 days, but this is fraught with serious health problems. If you eat this way for a long time, you can say goodbye to 10–15 kg, but you shouldn’t risk your health. And such a long program can lead to an uncontrolled increase in kilograms after its cancellation.

Sample menu for 1 day

This weight loss option cannot be called a classic, since the egg-curd diet is often designed for 3 days. During this time, no one will harm the body, and the amount of food and calories consumed should be reduced to 800–900 kcal per day. You can lose up to 1–2 kg, depending on the severity of the course and the initial weight.

Divide all meals into 5-6 meals. It is forbidden to use fruits, berries, honey, sweet tea, etc. Instead of one dose of cottage cheese, you can use a hard-boiled egg.

You need to eat every 2-3 hours so as not to feel hungry and allow food to be fully absorbed. If you need to take vitamins, you should do this together with eating an egg, since they will not be absorbed together with cottage cheese.

Sample menu for 3 days

The express diet is designed for several days, it allows you to get rid of an extra 2–5 kg. First of all, the volume of the waist, hips, and abdomen will be reduced. The daily diet will include a total of 500 grams of fermented milk product, and also include a couple of boiled eggs in the diet. Divide the nutrition process into 5-6 meals. Eggs should not be eaten with cottage cheese. You can drink an unsweetened rose hip decoction once.

Cottage cheese can be used to make a cake based on eggs and a small amount of oatmeal. You can make it yourself by blending it in a blender. By mixing an egg with 400 g of cottage cheese, you can add a couple of raisins, and a couple of tablespoons of sugar, as well as ½ tbsp. oatmeal Bake for 25 minutes, then consume, dividing the resulting number of muffins into several servings. You should not sprinkle the product with powdered sugar.

Diet with eggs and cottage cheese: menu

1st day:

  • first breakfast - a glass of clean warm water;
  • second breakfast (after 30 minutes) - 2 raw chicken eggs with half a teaspoon of natural honey (beat with a blender);
  • before lunch (30 minutes before) - a glass of clean warm water;
  • lunch - 100 grams of low-fat cheese (up to 17%), tea with half a spoon of natural honey;
  • dinner - a cup of vegetable broth with the addition of one tablespoon of bran (powdered) or a pinch of crispy bran, half a grapefruit or one green apple.

Day 2:

  • breakfast - a glass of clean warm water;
  • lunch - 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, a raw chicken egg with half a teaspoon of natural honey;
  • dinner - 150 grams of boiled skinless chicken fillet (or low-fat fish), a serving of fresh cucumber and tomato salad.

3rd day:

  • breakfast - a glass of clean warm water;
  • lunch - 30 grams of bread with bran, a thin slice of low-fat cheese, a portion of fresh vegetable salad with a small amount of olive oil;
  • dinner - 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese or a hard-boiled egg, a portion of vegetable salad with a dressing of olive oil and lemon juice.


All people know about the valuable properties of cottage cheese, but there are also contraindications to its use, as well as to the consumption of large quantities of eggs. You cannot use the products at all or limit their use if:

  1. Individual intolerance,
  2. Intestinal diseases,
  3. Iron deficiency anemia, which requires taking large amounts of iron. It is not digested together with cottage cheese.

For other chronic diseases, additional consultation with a specialist is required.

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