Fasting day on rice. Benefit. Reviews. results

Fasting days for weight loss on rice are widely used to cleanse the body of toxins and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the rice diet effectively burns excess calories. With the right rice diet, you can easily get rid of 1–1.5 kg.

Rice is a product rich in amino acids, minerals and vitamins B, E, PP, H.

Useful properties of rice:

  • The grains of this cereal contain potassium, which safely removes excess fluid from our body. It also contains sodium, which has the opposite effect.
  • Contains fiber, which has the ability to cleanse the body.
  • This cereal also contains zinc and phosphorus. They are necessary for normal growth and development of tissues and organs, and the integrity of teeth.
  • Thanks to B vitamins, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, hair condition, skin, and the function of internal organs.
  • Iron content improves microcirculation of the body.

Rice is a valuable and satisfying grain. Therefore, nutritionists advise rice diets not only for people who want to burn extra calories, but also for general cleansing of the body.

Why rice

Did you know that this cereal, which we use for everyday nutrition, has the proud name “Gold of Asia”? She received it for the undeniable benefits it brings to our body.

First of all this:

  • the ability, like a sponge, to absorb all harmful substances and remove them from the body;
  • delivery of vitamins necessary for life, which the person himself does not produce;
  • meeting the need for potassium, calcium, iron, zinc and other useful substances;
  • almost complete absence of fat.

Regular consumption of rice allows you to:

  • remove waste and toxins;
  • get rid of excess fluid and swelling;
  • strengthen bones and joints;
  • burn fat deposits;
  • normalize brain function;
  • increase performance;
  • strengthen the human body as a whole.

An undoubted advantage is that rice can be used even by people with gastrointestinal diseases and allergies.

Methods of cooking rice

The ideal option for unloading would be brown rice. However, if you don’t have this on hand, you can use regular white rice. It is not recommended to use polished for this purpose.

There are several ways to use fasting days on rice.

Method 1: three days before unloading, pour one glass of rice with cold water. The water should be changed daily. Rice is cooked in water without adding salt or other spices. After it boils, turn down the fire. When the rice is cooked, cover with a lid and leave for 40 minutes.

2nd method: pour a glass of rice with two glasses of boiling water, put it on the fire, after the water boils, turn down the heat and cook for 10 minutes. Then the first layer of water is drained and a new one is poured. And cook the rice until completely cooked without adding salt or seasonings.

3rd method: before the fasting day on rice, you need to soak the rice in cold water.
The next day, add two glasses of clean water and cook over low heat.

Pros and cons of the tomato juice diet

Pros of the tomato juice diet:

  • The diet allows you to increase the body's defenses and speed up metabolism.
  • During the diet, the body undergoes cleansing.
  • Tomatoes are powerful antioxidants that help reduce the effects of radiation on the body.
  • During the diet, a person will not suffer from constipation.
  • Consumption of tomatoes and tomato juice helps prevent the development of prostate cancer in men.
  • Tomatoes help strengthen bone tissue.
  • Weight is lost and fat is burned.

As for the disadvantages of the diet, they include an unbalanced diet. Therefore, it cannot last longer than the specified time.

Rice Diet Recipes

On rice and kefir

Thanks to kefir, the rice diet becomes doubly effective. For this diet you will need 750 grams of low-fat or 1% kefir. The fasting day on rice and kefir is divided into 5 equal portions.

  • Breakfast consists of a glass of kefir and rice.
  • Lunch – a portion of rice.
  • Afternoon snack – a glass of kefir and rice.
  • Dinner: 1 glass of kefir and a portion of rice, with parsley or cinnamon.

For better absorption of kefir, it is advisable that it be warmer than room temperature.

Which rice to choose for unloading and losing weight

Any of the types presented below has the listed beneficial properties, but there is one “but” - each is useful to a different extent, and this depends primarily on the degree of processing.

Let's try to figure out what kind of rice there is, and which one is most suitable for fasting days.

White or polished

It is most often bought in stores, but the rice became white and so smooth after numerous processing and polishing, and this indicates only a minimal content of nutrients and vitamins. The only advantage can be called a shorter cooking time, but this does not apply to cleansing the body.


This type of cereal is also white, almost transparent, but it undergoes much less processing compared to the previous version. After steaming, the beneficial substances pass from the shell to the core and are preserved by almost 80%.

Brown or brown

This option is practically not processed, therefore it retains the maximum amount of nutrients, vitamins and microelements. Considering the information presented, it is best to use this variety in your diet.

Rules and tips

  • Use fasting days on rice no more than once a week.
  • Divide the rice intake into equal proportions, taking into account 5-6 meals a day. The required volume per day will be about 150 g of rice.
  • Don't forget to drink water. At least 2 liters of fluid per day.
  • Eat food a few hours before bedtime.
  • Avoid physical activity and sports during fasting days.
  • It is advisable to adhere to a mono-diet on rice, without consuming other foods.
  • When cooking rice, do not add salt to it. Since it retains excess fluid in the body, which adversely affects the functions of organs.
  • The next day after the rice fasting day, the diet should consist of dietary products: soups, fermented milk products, steamed vegetables, fruits. Porridge on the water. You need to eat small portions several times a day. Drink more than 1.5 liters of liquid.

Fasting day on rice from Elena Malysheva:

How to spend a fasting day correctly (on rice)?

Any unloading must be done correctly so as not to harm the body. Here are the main recommendations that has selected for you.

  1. Pick one day a week and stick to it, without moving it a day earlier or later.
  2. On this day it is better to avoid intense physical activity.
  3. It is better to choose a day off to eat what is intended, and not what the canteen near the office offers.
  4. It is advisable to take more meals - at least 4-5.
  5. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of clean drinking water (do not count coffee, tea, tomato juice, etc.). This is especially true for rice unloading - rice removes excess liquid, but it is necessary to replenish the water balance.

Nutritionists advise choosing brown rice - its unrefined grains will help remove all toxins as much as possible; moreover, unprocessed brown (or brown) rice retains more nutrients than white rice, and it contains less starch.


A fasting day on rice has a small number of contraindications.

Rice fasting day has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Rice has the ability to coat the walls of the stomach. It is not advisable to resort to such a diet for people suffering from hemorrhoids or prone to constipation. Rice diets can lead to constipation, so it is recommended to drink natural laxatives or teas while fasting on this product.

If you experience discomfort in the liver and abdomen, you should refrain from fasting days on rice.

Among the indications for the rice diet are individual intolerance to this grain and chronic gastrointestinal diseases during periods of exacerbation.

Experts also recommend drinking potassium supplements during unloading on rice.

Before starting a fasting day on rice, consult a specialist. He will select the optimal diet for a given day.

Number one product for weight loss?

The Japanese and Chinese often act as “advertisers” for rice; it is customary to nod in their direction: look, people have been eating rice all their lives and how slim they are.

Meanwhile, all this is nothing more than a myth. Did you know that in those countries where this cereal forms the basis of the menu, an obesity epidemic has long been present?

And medicine, and along with it scientists, are seriously concerned about solving the problem of the calorie content of food familiar to the majority of citizens of those places.

So why is rice almost the number one food for weight loss?

Double-edged sword

The fact is that

  • There is practically no fat in rice; in addition, one of its components is 7 percent vegetable protein, the composition of which is among the most complete among cereals.
  • At the same time, it contains virtually no fiber, which makes it difficult to digest. For those for whom this is a problem, on such weight loss days you should add vegetables to the menu, or abandon this method altogether.
  • Cereal is a very good sorbent: it, like a sponge, absorbs and removes various types of impurities (toxins) from the body, cleansing the intestines, healing the liver and kidneys, stabilizing the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing metabolism, improving overall well-being, and, ultimately, helping the process of losing weight.
  • At the same time, we should not forget that this cereal does not see the difference between those other chemical compounds, and with equal zeal it removes both “bad, harmful” and good, useful elements. Therefore, do not abuse it if you do not want problems with joints or teeth; in addition, it also removes potassium, which can harm the functioning of the heart.

  • Well, another double-edged sword, since we are talking about the pros and cons - cereal helps with diarrhea and at the same time leads to constipation. So, if you have problems with intestinal function, it is better to refrain from the rice diet.
  • And of course, don’t forget about the calorie content of cereal – 100 g contains about 130 kcal.

A little secret: To reduce calories, do the following:

When cooking, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil (or olive) to half a glass of cereal. After the porridge is ready, cool and dry it, spreading it on a baking sheet or large dish, and then pour it into a bag and put it in the freezer. Scientists from Sri Lanka have proven that in this simple way the calorie content of the product is reduced by 50-60%. After this, you can reheat the boiled cereal without fear that it will affect the calorie content.

Elena Malysheva, by the way, also recommends this method:

Reviews and results

Victoria: The rice fasting day for weight loss turned out to be the most productive and at the same time the most difficult for me. To make the rice more crumbly, I cook it in a slow cooker. Then I divide it into 5 even portions, it turns out about 150–200 grams at a time. I add herbs: parsley or dill so that rice without salt does not seem so tasteless. Even in the late afternoon, hunger is practically not felt, since rice envelops the walls of the stomach and has healing properties. I lost -1.3 kg in a day.

Svetlana: Rice itself is a high-calorie product. And many believe that, however, I have been repeatedly convinced that this is a myth. A rice fasting day helps me out when I need to lose more than one kg per day in a short time. In my opinion, they are the most effective. Just don’t forget about contraindications from the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, rice cleanses the body of toxins. The rice is quite filling. Therefore, such a diet is relatively easy to maintain.

Maria: For fasting days, it is best to use wild rice. My morning began with a glass of drinking water. After 20–30 minutes, I have breakfast with a portion of rice cooked in water. Lunch also includes rice, but the portion is larger than for breakfast. Between lunch and dinner I have a light snack in the form of 1 apple. For dinner - a portion of rice. I will not lie, as with any type of diet, in the evening there is a desire to eat something meat. It is recommended to drink laxative teas during the rice diet; I used Evalar tea, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. I managed to lose exactly 1 kg in a day.

Lyudmila: Due to the tendency to be overweight, you have to monitor your weight and periodically “pamper” yourself with fasting days and various kinds of diets. Recently, one of the favorite diets is rice. Because it's filling. Recipe: take 100 grams of rice, rinse several times in cold water. Do not add salt or add various spices. Unfortunately, the rice diet is completely tasteless; the rice turns out bland. To save the situation, I add a teaspoon of olive oil and sprinkle with herbs. I drank a lot of liquid throughout the day, about three liters in total. Lost 800 grams. You can get rid of extra pounds, the main thing is to maintain the result.

Menu options

Unloading on rice is presented in various options, based on the preferences and needs of the body, you can choose the most optimal variety. Rice itself does not have a distinct taste - this is perhaps the only reason why other foods are added to the diet. Otherwise, the main ingredient is as nutritious as possible, and its even consumption throughout the day allows you not to feel hungry.

On brown rice

The brown variety of the cereal has even greater nutritional value, and in terms of the content of nutrients it is much ahead of white rice - it speeds up metabolism, normalizes the intestinal microflora, cleanses the body, and removes excess fluid.

  • On a fasting day you will need 250 grams of rice, which must be prepared by first soaking it in water in the evening and leaving it overnight.
  • There is a softer unloading option, in which apples (0.2 kg) or kefir (1 l) are allowed to be added to brown rice.
  • The rice diet is supplemented with 2 liters of water.

Rice and kefir

Both of these products can be consumed separately (washing down the finished porridge with a glass of fermented milk drink) or soak the rice not in water, but in kefir.

  • Total share of products: 250 grams of cereal and 750 ml of kefir.
  • If rice is soaked overnight in kefir, it should also be boiled afterwards.
  • This combination of two ingredients allows you to prepare a rather interesting dish - rice pudding. A portion of boiled rice is whipped in a blender with a glass of kefir.
  • In addition to the products already mentioned, you must also drink still water (2 liters).

Rice with tomato juice

Tomato juice quickly saturates, allowing you to reduce the amount of boiled cereal consumed, so this variety has no restrictions on the volume of rice porridge

  • It is important to drink freshly pressed juice. It is prepared according to this recipe: carrots and tomatoes are taken in equal quantities, passed through a juicer, you can add a little black pepper.
  • There is no need to drink the juice in one gulp - sips should be small and leisurely.
  • Throughout the fasting day, it is allowed to eat rice in moderate portions; it is better to give preference to the brown variety.
  • In between drinking juice and rice porridge, you should drink water.

From Elena Malysheva

This unloading refers to strict diets. The result can be maximum weight loss and excellent health the very next day.

  • You only need 100 grams of dry rice per day. It needs to be boiled and then left for 30 minutes.
  • Vegetables with a total amount of no more than 100 grams are also allowed. They are added to boiled cereals.
  • Number of servings - 5.
  • You can eat greens in unlimited quantities.
  • As for drinks (in addition to the mandatory 2 liters of water), herbal teas are allowed.

From Margarita Koroleva

One of the most effective rice fasting is considered to be a one-day diet from a famous nutritionist.

  • You will need 250 grams of uncooked rice per day. The entire volume must be soaked in water the evening before unloading. In the morning, the cereal is thoroughly washed until the water is clear and boiled for a quarter of an hour.
  • The resulting dish is divided into 6 equal portions.
  • The last meal is no later than 8 pm.
  • During unloading, you can eat 3 small spoons of honey (in 3 approaches between long periods of time) - this should be a snack between eating rice, they cannot be added to porridge.
  • It is also important to maintain a water regime (2 l).

Rice and apples

Alternating boiled cereal with apples helps diversify a monotonous menu and will increase the amount of vitamins you get from food.

  • Amount of rice - 250 grams dry, apples - 3 medium-sized pieces.
  • The boiled cereal should be divided into 3 equal portions, and 1 apple should be eaten between them.
  • Apples can be eaten whole, grated or juiced (no added sugar).
  • Green and herbal teas are allowed.
  • There should be at least 2 liters of water.

Rice and green tea

You can speed up the removal of excess fluid from the body with the help of green tea. In addition, this drink is valued for its weight loss properties.

  • On a fasting day you will need a glass of dry rice.
  • This amount is divided into 5 servings, which must be eaten throughout the entire fasting period.
  • The total daily amount of tea is 6 cups, it should be drunk no earlier than an hour after eating rice.
  • In addition to tea, you should also drink water.

With vegetables

The fiber contained in vegetables removes waste and toxins faster, at the same time making the diet more varied and helping to endure a fasting day easier.

  • A glass of uncooked cereal is boiled and divided into 5-6 equal meals.
  • The allowed amount of vegetables is 0.3 kg. They must be eaten raw.
  • It is allowed to make a salad from vegetables in addition to rice porridge or eat them as a bite, cut into slices.
  • The salad cannot be salted or seasoned with sauces; it is only allowed to lightly sprinkle with lemon juice.
  • Maintain drinking regime.

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