Grandma's diet: losing 4 kg in 4 days is possible!


Russian women have always been famous for their beauty and naturalness. They knew many recipes and knew how to look beautiful, but the issue of excess weight was relevant throughout the entire existence of mankind. During the youth of our grandmothers, when there were no fashionable diets, as well as clinics with qualified nutritionists, there was no particular fashion for thinness, but overly curvaceous forms were not the standard of beauty. How did the fair half of humanity cope with the problem?

Many people have heard about the existence of grandma’s diet for weight loss, but not everyone knows its essence and effectiveness.

Basic principles

Grandmother’s diet belongs to the category of low-calorie and protein, which is reminiscent of the famous Kremlin. It is based on the following principles:

  1. The daily calorie intake is 1,000 kcal.
  2. The menu selects the lowest calorie foods with a minimum content of carbohydrates and fats.
  3. The basis is protein (a complete list of which foods it contains) and fiber (vegetables).
  4. Duration - 1 week.
  5. Experts recommend it primarily to those who are actively involved in sports.

Typically, low-calorie diets like this require restrictions on exercise because energy is sorely lacking due to the lack of carbohydrates. However, grandma's is different in this regard. Protein foods help build and maintain muscle mass while losing weight. Moreover, it is recommended to work out at an accelerated pace in the first days, while there is still a surge of strength, and then rest for the second half of the week.

With this approach, on the grandmother's diet you can lose 4 kg in 4 days, and the remaining 3 work to maintain weight only with the help of nutrition.

Expected results

If you strictly follow the menu of your grandmother's diet for weight loss, you can lose from 4 to 7 extra pounds. It all depends on the starting weight. The larger it is, the easier the volumes disappear.

Fractional balanced nutrition helps the body not just get rid of excess water, as happens with followers of various mono-diets. Fiber, which is included in the daily diet of the grandmother, helps get rid of toxins and promotes quick satiety. Protein foods help maintain muscle tissue. In addition, the body spends a lot of energy on their processing. Eating proteins helps break down fat.

Grandma's diet should be followed for seven days. It is not recommended to repeat it more than once every 30 days.

In order to preserve the results of such a nutrition system for a long time, after its completion you should not indulge in prohibited foods. Complex carbohydrates and salt are introduced into the diet gradually. Violation of this rule threatens not only the return of lost kilograms, but also problems with the stomach and intestines.

Important! Grandma's diet - 4 kg in 4 days! Incredible results!


Proteins and fiber take a long time to be absorbed by the body. Given the accelerated metabolism and active breakdown of fats that will be observed throughout the diet, this may not have a very beneficial effect on your well-being. Especially if there are any diseases. Contraindications may include:

  • renal failure;
  • oncology;
  • elevated temperature;
  • kidney and gallstones;
  • age: up to 18 and after 55;
  • mental and eating disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system;
  • diabetes mellitus and other autoimmune diseases.

So before losing weight, it is advisable to undergo a medical examination and consult with a specialist whether you can focus on protein foods in your diet.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for grandma's diet (as for any other) is excess weight. Grandma's diet helps normalize metabolism and burn fat. The nutritional system also helps you get used to the correct regimen and a diet that is harmless to the body.

It is the set of products that makes the diet accessible to almost everyone, with the exception of people with an individual intolerance to one of the products, which can, as an exception, be replaced with another similar ingredient.

In addition to individual intolerance, there are also a number of contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Childhood and adolescence;
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • Kidney diseases.

It is the last point that is critical in the list of contraindications, since the processing of proteins in the body puts a large burden on the kidneys.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • lack of hunger, thanks to a varied and satisfying menu;
  • guaranteed weight loss;
  • formation of a slim figure by building muscle mass;
  • the ability to combine diet with exercise.


  • increased blood pressure, kidney problems, insomnia, blood clots;
  • decreased performance and concentration due to lack of carbohydrates;
  • irritability, mood swings due to lack of fat;
  • stomach discomfort;
  • the smell of rotten food from the mouth (this effect is caused by long-term consumption of proteins);
  • lack of calcium.


There are different versions of the grandmother's diet.

Option #1

One protein product is taken as the basis of the diet, and all the others are just an addition to it. This is better than any mono-diet, since different dishes are allowed, but it is stricter than classic diets. Most often, chicken breast or kefir are chosen as favorites. The first is a source of protein and allows you to fill up. The second is a fat burning champion. Results: minus 4-5 kg ​​per week.

Option No. 2

This option is more balanced and varied, because the menu contains equal amounts of dairy products, meat, eggs, and vegetables. The results are more modest - you can lose about 3-4 kg in a week, but at the same time you will be absolutely sure that you will avoid a breakdown, because such a diet will not allow you to go hungry.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the undeniable advantages of the grandmother's diet is its effectiveness. Also, the advantages include a short period of compliance and a varied diet. Grandmother's diet is not strict and is not limited to a small list of products.

Be sure to read: Useful properties of dill for weight loss

The disadvantage may be individual intolerance to any products and the presence of contraindications. Also, you cannot change the daily menu compiled for the entire course of the diet.


Imagine that you come to visit your grandmother, and you will have to live by her rules for the whole week. And they reflect the principles of a healthy lifestyle, which will also contribute to weight loss. Take the following recommendations into account:

  1. The day before switching to a new food system, do a fast on apples or kefir to prepare the body.
  2. Get enough sleep.
  3. Eat often: there should be 5-6 meals.
  4. You can't eat anything after seven in the evening. Maybe drink a glass of kefir, milk or herbal tea before bed.
  5. Be active: play sports, clean the house, go for walks, ride a bike, sign up for the pool, do exercises in the morning.
  6. Eliminate stressful situations and experiences.
  7. Meat and vegetables can be boiled, stewed, steamed, but not fried.
  8. It is advisable not to salt the dishes.
  9. Drink about 2 liters of water per day - regular or mineral.

These basics of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle should be followed for all diets, and Grandma’s is no exception. Otherwise, results may not be achieved.

Grandmother's diet - reviews

My mother used this diet when I was very little. I remember her stories about how at work they were on this diet with the whole friendly team, and only she was able to last the required 7 days. Not bothering myself at that age with the problems of excess weight, I only got the childhood impression that I had a beautiful and strong-willed mother.

The years passed, the kilograms grew... The time has come for me to take advantage of the so-called grandmother’s (and I call it my mother’s) diet.

This diet is quite simple and consists of familiar and not very expensive products. You need to eat several times a day strictly according to the clock. During the day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of plain water. And here is the diet itself - I know two options, they are approximately the same. I personally tried both the first and second options with equal success, although the first option suits me more, since I don’t want to eat at all in the morning, but in the evenings I feel hungry.

Well, strictly speaking, the first option is more classic, or something.


A glass of tea or coffee without sugar.


40 g cheese.


.120 gr. meat fried in a dry frying pan, 1 hard-boiled egg, 20 gr. cheese.


. A glass of tea or coffee without sugar.


100 gr. meat fried in a dry frying pan, a portion of vegetable salad (cabbage, carrots) with a small amount of vegetable oil.

for the night:

mint decoction

And the second option:


A glass of tea or coffee, 1 lump of sugar.


1 hard-boiled egg, 8 pcs. prunes


200 gr. boiled meat, 100 gr. vegetable side dish (cabbage, carrots, apple)


30 g cheese, one apple.


A glass of low-fat kefir

for the night:

Mint decoction

This is the diet and this set of products that I followed for 7 days, with only one difference - for meat I used chicken breast, which I did not fry or boil, but baked in the oven in foil - very tasty!

In general, in the process of losing weight you don’t really starve - a large amount of protein foods in the diet gives you a feeling of fullness. to eat the same thing for 7 days

So, for example, on the third day, the sight of baked chicken breast made me sad, and by the 5th-6th day I literally forced myself to eat it at the appointed time. The only thing that supported me was the knowledge that most of it had already been completed and there was very little left to victory.

My results: minus 4 kg, minus 4 cm at the waist and minus 2 cm at the hips.

Of course, this diet, like all others, has contraindications, namely:

— pregnancy and breastfeeding;

- childhood and adolescence;

— kidney diseases, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes;

- diseases in the acute period.

And for people who are practically healthy (as they like to write in medical cards), it also wouldn’t hurt to consult a specialist before deciding to go on a particular diet. The only pity is that we rarely adhere to this rule.

Well, one last thing. If you are great, and you have the willpower to stick with the diet to the end and not break, if you are now happy with your reflection in the mirror, you should not pounce on sweets. Otherwise, the insidious kilograms and centimeters will return very quickly (and bring friends with them), and we now know that getting rid of them is not so easy!

Thank you for your attention!

Product Lists


  • boiled eggs;
  • dairy products with minimal fat content: hard cheese, 0% cottage cheese, feta cheese, 1.5% milk, 1% kefir, fermented baked milk (due to its high calorie content, you can drink it no more than 2 times a week), curdled milk, natural yogurt;
  • boiled chicken or turkey breast without skin;
  • sirloin, lean pieces of beef and rabbit;
  • low-fat fish (it is better to bake or steam it, and add lemon juice instead of salt): carp, tuna, flounder, perch, pollock;
  • seafood;
  • vegetables;
  • mushrooms;
  • berries;
  • fruits, of which citrus fruits are preferred;
  • coffee, tea with milk, but without sugar, protein shakes, vegetable juices.


  • fruit juices, alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • pure fats: any butter, margarine, lard, cream;
  • smoked meats, meat by-products, semi-finished products, canned food;
  • baked goods, confectionery, pasta, bakery products;
  • nuts;
  • sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard;
  • Potatoes, peas, and corn are excluded from vegetables;
  • from fruits - grapes, bananas, persimmons;
  • dried fruits;
  • sweets, sugar;
  • cereals;
  • fast food;
  • fatty meats (pork, lamb) and fish (saury, halibut, herring, mackerel, salmon, sturgeon).

Eating on a diet

The diet is designed for exactly a week. You need to eat in small portions and leave the table feeling slightly hungry—you can’t overeat. The average serving size is 250 grams. Other snacks are prohibited.

7 day meal plan - daily menu

  • Breakfast: a glass of tea with two pieces of sugar
  • Second breakfast: a glass of coffee with a slice of low-fat cheese, 1 loaf of bread or lean cookies
  • Lunch: 150 g of meat, boiled or fried in a dry frying pan without oil, 1 hard-boiled egg
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of tea with two pieces of sugar
  • Dinner: 150 g of lean meat, 250 g of raw vegetable salad.

Other products not included in the menu are prohibited. Especially those that contain glucose: beets, corn, oranges, rice and others.

Don’t forget about your drinking regime - at least 1.5 liters of still water per day. Fruit drinks and homemade compotes without added sugar are also allowed.

Wheat and oat bran are useful to support intestinal function.


To avoid gaining weight again and to minimize side effects, you need to exit the diet correctly. Include prohibited foods in your diet gradually - most often, this stepwise approach allows you to lose a couple more extra pounds.

It will take about a week to quit grandma’s diet:

  • on day 1 you can include fruit juices, dried fruits, nuts;
  • 2nd - cereals, potatoes, forbidden fruits;
  • 3rd - baked goods, confectionery;
  • 4th - sweets, sugar;
  • 5th - fatty dairy products;
  • 6th - fatty meat and fish, but first - boiled;
  • 7th - butter, sauces, fast food.

Grandma's diet is a worthy alternative to the famous Kremlin diet, when there is no time to count calories in conventional units and go through various stages lasting several months. It is recommended for those who need to lose 3-5 kg ​​in a week and who cannot imagine their diet without meat.

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