Effective circuit training from Dmitry Yashankin for men

Winner of the Arnold Classic 2012 in the classic bodybuilding category, Dmitry Yashankin recommends increasing strength endurance with circuit training. Trust a professional and try this grueling and effective circuit training for men.

Circuit training itself is a real test of endurance, and if this is Dmitry Yashankin’s program, then expect a serious challenge to your muscles.

In addition to its incredible effectiveness in losing weight, circuit training loads all muscle groups, expands the capillary network and strengthens the heart. This workout will make you more resilient, work your entire body and allow you to burn the maximum number of calories – about 800 per hour.

Circuit training for men

This workout works your entire body: legs, shoulders, chest, arms and entire core. Feel for yourself how exhausting simple exercises can be. Perform at least 3 circuits to sculpt your body.

All exercises are performed for 15-20 repetitions. You can do several of these circles if you are prepared enough! Three is enough for me, but some of my clients are able to do all five! To begin with, of course, one or two such series of exercises are enough. Endurance and performance increase significantly after such training! Begin?!

Print this workout plan and take it to the gym. Complete as many laps as possible depending on your fitness level. Individual exercises can be replaced according to the situation with a similar muscle group.

What kind of training is this

Circuit training is a set of exercises for all the main muscle groups of our body, which are performed with minimal rest between exercises (20-30 seconds). After completing the circle, give a couple of minutes to rest and start over.

The number of circles in an exercise depends on your fitness level and the composition of the exercises that they include. The total training duration is from 30 minutes to 1 hour. This training has gained popularity among boxers, wrestlers, hockey players and professional athletes in general.

Also, circuit splits will be useful for beginners - they will speed up the metabolism, help you lose a couple of kilograms of fat and gain a couple of kilograms of muscle mass. Plus, such workouts are usually simple and can be done both at home and in the gym.

Circuit training from Yashankin

Circular - max circles
Barbell squats

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Barbell

Barbell calf raise

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body part: Calves Equipment: Barbell

Lunges with a barbell

  • 1 set of 15 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Barbell

Dumbbell flyes lying on an incline bench

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Dumbbells

Vertical barbell pull

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Barbell

Reduction of hands on the lower block while lying down

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body Part: Chest Equipment: Block

Seated dumbbell press (or barbell or standing)

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Dumbbells

EZ-barbell curl on a Scott bench

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body part: Biceps Equipment: Barbell

Seated French press

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body part: Triceps Equipment: Dumbbells

Shrugs with a barbell

  • 1 set of 15 reps
  • Body part: Trapeze Equipment: Barbell

Seated calf raise with barbell

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body part: Calves Equipment: Barbell

Raising legs to arms from a lying position

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Body weight


  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body Part: Press Equipment: No

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Important . Don’t stop during breaks; the pause between sets of this circuit training according to Dmitry Yashankin’s method should last just long enough for you to have time to change the machine and take a position to perform the next exercise. Rest while moving.

This type of circuit training develops the capillary network, works all muscle groups, enhances breathing and improves your health.

Warm-up before circuit training

Start by doing warm-up and stretching exercises before each workout to warm up your entire body. Stretch your shoulders, spine, back, legs. Squat, do lunges, extensions for the triceps and elbow joints.

For warming up, Dmitry also recommends presses, stretches, jerks, and pushes to warm up the ligaments and muscles in all planes and directions. With each repetition, increase the amplitude and breathe deeply.

As a complete warm-up, you can look at the movements that suit you in his complex for the morning warm-up.

Full body strength training with dumbbells for men

Squats with dumbbells on shoulders

Why: Accented work on the quadriceps. The gluteal muscles, back extensors, and hamstrings are less actively involved in the work. A powerful volume is created in the lower half of the body, and joint mobility improves.

How to do it: Hold dumbbells in your hands, stand straight and place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Do not unroll your socks. Now raise your arms, bending your elbows, so that the dumbbells are on your shoulders. Do a squat, lowering your hips and pelvis until they are parallel to the floor, then return to the stance without sudden movements. Do not bend your knees, do not tilt your body too much.

We recommend reading: Barbell press in the Smith machine on the shoulders: technique of execution

How much to perform: 10-15 repetitions.

Push-ups (from the floor or from a bench)

Why: Pumping the upper and lower bundles of the pectoral muscles, triceps. This version of push-ups also loads the biceps, anterior deltoids, and abdomen. This exercise for strength training for men is one of the most effective.

How to do it: Place yourself in a plank position with straight arms. The body is straight, the legs are close to each other. Place your palms narrowly, slightly on the sides of your shoulders. Now, using the classic technique, do push-ups. Lower your body as low as possible without sagging your pelvis or back. Do not move your elbows too far to the sides, they should look back

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions.

You can perform exercises from a bench if push-ups from the floor are still difficult for you.

Bent-over dumbbell row

Why: Increasing the volume and width of the entire back muscle mass. When performing the exercise, the emphasis is on the latissimus, rhomboids, teres major, lumbar extensors and triceps with the posterior deltoid. The deadlift is one of the most beneficial movements for men, as it develops back thickness, gives a muscular appearance, and improves posture and proportionality.

How to do it: Place your feet shoulder-width apart, take dumbbells in your hands, and from the rack, now tilt your body forward, slightly bending your knees and leaving support on your heels. Lower the shells freely downwards, palms inward. Pull the dumbbells to your waist (arms along your body) and squeeze your shoulder blades together and return them back. The body is static.

How much to perform: 10-15 repetitions.

We recommend reading: A set of circuit strength training exercises

Lunges in place

Why: Increase muscle volume in the lower body. The leg pumping exercise forms the correct shape of the thigh, loads the gluteus maximus and minimus muscles with the four quadriceps and biceps. Stabilizers are developed to the maximum, balance and coordination are improved.

How to do it: First, take the starting position for a lunge - leave your left leg in place, and step back with your right foot, placing it on your toes. Both dumbbells in hands, back straight. Bend your legs, lower your pelvis and bring your thigh parallel to the floor, stand with pressure in your heel. Knee over foot. Perform a full set and switch legs.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions on each leg.

Standing Dumbbell Press

Why: Development of strength and volume of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, creating a spherical shape of the shoulders. The load on the middle and anterior deltas, the triceps and biceps also work. The legs, abs, and back are indirectly involved. The bench press should be included in strength training for men on a regular basis.

How to do it: Position yourself in a normal stance, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and stay straight. Raise the dumbbells above your head. Bend your elbows and bring them just below your shoulders, lower your arms to your sides. Squeeze back up.

How much to perform: 10-15 repetitions.

Calculate your ideal sports weight!

Bench chest press

Why: Basic exercise to increase the strength and mass of the chest muscles. This press also includes the front deltoids and triceps. Many stabilizers from the shoulders, arms, back, and abdomen are involved. The relief is outlined, the muscles are worked out more symmetrically if you take dumbbells rather than a barbell.

How to do it: Lie on the floor with your back down, take the apparatus in your hands, straighten your arms above you, place them close to each other. Bend your knees, pull your legs slightly towards your pelvis and place your feet. Lower your arms to the side, bring your elbows to the floor, squeeze up.

How much to perform: 10-15 repetitions.

If you have a bench, fitball or comfortable stools that can be connected, it is better to do it on the bench, this will give you greater amplitude and higher efficiency.

Spider Elbow Plank

Why: Dynamic load on the muscles of the whole body. The abs work intensively in the exercise; the shoulders, arms, buttocks, legs, and back are also involved. This type of plank increases muscle endurance, restores mobility in joints, strengthens the core and corrects the position of the spine.

How to do it: Lower yourself into a plank position on your elbows, tuck your pelvis and stomach, and keep your legs next to each other, without arching your back. From the side, pull your right knee towards your elbow of the same name, do not change the position of your body. Lower it back down. Then repeat with your left leg. Don't take long pauses.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions on each side.

Crunches to bent legs

Why: Intensive training of the abdominal muscles. The upper part of the abs is loaded due to twisting, and the lower abdomen is loaded due to bent legs. Exercise strengthens the core, increases muscle strength and endurance, and forms relief.

How to do it: Roll over onto your back, bend your knees and lift your legs up, bringing your hips to the vertical and pressing your lower back tightly. Extend your arms above your head. Perform a twist - lift the top of your body and touch the sides of your shins with your palms and lower yourself. Move your arms out to your sides.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions.

French standing dumbbell press

Why: Strengthening and strengthening the triceps muscles of the arms. All three heads are involved in this exercise: lateral, medial, long. The elbow muscle is also activated as it extends. Great for strength training for beginners as the pressing motion is gentle on joints and ligaments.

How to do it: Stand up straight, take both dumbbells in your hands and lift them above your head. Elbows straight, as close to the head as possible. Without moving them apart from a fixed point and maintaining the position of the shoulder bones, lower the weights back and down. Straighten your elbows back. Keep your back straight.

How much to perform: 10-15 repetitions.

You can do this option if you have a large dumbbell weight.

Two types of biceps curls

Why: Uniform pumping of both heads of the biceps. The emphasis is on their upper section, which gives the biceps a more peaked shape. Indirectly, flexion also involves the muscles of the forearm, especially the brachioradialis.

How to do it: First, grab some weights, then get into a regular stance. Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms along the body. Do 2 types of bends: with your palms facing your arms, while maintaining the position of your hands (hammers). Alternate your lifts. Do not use your body to help lift the dumbbells.

How much to perform: 10-15 repetitions.

Basic circuit training in the gym

Circular - 3-5 circles
Deep squats with a barbell on the chest

  • 1 set of 10-20 repetitions
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Barbell

Bench press on a horizontal bench

  • 1 set of 10-20 repetitions
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Barbell

Barbell curl

  • 1 set of 10-20 repetitions
  • Body part: Biceps Equipment: Barbell

Bent-over barbell row

  • 1 set of 10-20 repetitions
  • Body Part: Press Equipment: Barbell

Smith Machine Bench Press

  • 1 set of 10-20 repetitions
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Exercise machine

Triceps extension down on a block using a rope handle

  • 1 set of 10-20 repetitions
  • Body Part: Triceps Equipment: Block


  • 1 set of 10-20 repetitions
  • Body Part: Press Equipment: No

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Stay focused and highly motivated throughout your workout. Don’t make a false start, using up all your glycogen in the first lap, distribute your strength wisely, trying to reach peak form by the last lap and complete it beautifully.

If you don’t have access to the gym, you can limit yourself to training with your own weight. All you need is a horizontal bar, parallel bars and any available weights like cans of water.

Bodyweight circuit training

Jumping lunges

  • 0.5 minute 1 set
  • Body Part: Hamstring Equipment: No

Jumping rope

  • 0.5 minute 1 set
  • Body part: Calves Equipment: Other


  • 1 set of 10-20 repetitions
  • Body part: Triceps Equipment: Body weight

Handstand push-ups

  • 1 set of 10-20 repetitions
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Body weight

Lunges with dumbbells forward

  • 1 set of 10-20 repetitions
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Dumbbells

Any decent weight will do .

Burpee (burpee), plyometric exercise

  • 1 set of 10-20 repetitions
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Body weight

Pull-ups with deviation

  • 1 set of 10-20 repetitions
  • Body Part: Lat Equipment: Other

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Circular training for specific muscle groups, for example, leg muscles, is also possible. Do 4 rounds of this workout. On the first circuit, perform 15 repetitions of the exercise; in the second round – 12 repetitions; in the third and fourth – 10 and 8, respectively. Weight is selected individually.

How to do circuit strength training

Circuit training is a high-intensity cyclic exercise where all major muscle groups are involved in the work. Large weights are not needed here, so in the initial stages this style is often recommended, including for men. If you train at home, then full body strength training is one of the best solutions, since you only need dumbbells and a mat for a full program.

We recommend reading: Meditation for beginners

Why do men need circuit training?

  • preparation for heavy strength exercises, practicing technique;
  • developing body endurance and muscle strength, giving tone;
  • strengthening joints, heart and blood vessels, stimulating metabolism;
  • uniform correction of the figure, creation of ideal proportions;
  • increase in heart rate, activation of fat burning and manifestation of relief.

The complex for beginners is represented by multi-joint exercises that involve the muscles of the whole body. The legs, buttocks, abs, arms and shoulders, back and chest are loaded. Strength training at home or in the gym will strengthen muscles and joints, improve endurance, and improve the proportions of your figure.

You will need dumbbells up to 4-5 kg ​​(for beginners) or up to 8-10 kg (for advanced ones), as well as a mat for push-ups, planks and crunches. At first, you can use water bottles instead of dumbbells.

Lower body circuit training

Circular - 4 circles
Squats without weights

  • 1 lap - 12 in 15 seconds, 2 lap - 10 in 15 seconds, 3 and 4 laps - 8 in 15 seconds
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Body weight

Extensions in the simulator with each leg alternately

  • 1 lap - 12 in 15 seconds, 2 lap - 10 in 15 seconds, 3 and 4 laps - 8 in 15 seconds
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Lunge with dumbbells forward

  • 1 lap - 12 in 15 seconds, 2 lap - 10 in 15 seconds, 3 and 4 laps - 8 in 15 seconds
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Dumbbells

Deadlift with a barbell on straight legs

  • 1 lap - 12 in 15 seconds, 2 lap - 10 in 15 seconds, 3 and 4 laps - 8 in 15 seconds
  • Body part: Hamstrings Equipment: Barbell

Calf raises on a leg press machine

  • 1 lap - 12 in 15 seconds, 2 lap - 10 in 15 seconds, 3 and 4 laps - 8 in 15 seconds
  • Body part: Calves Equipment: Exercise

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With such an arsenal of exercises and a basic understanding of the concept, any man has unlimited circuit training options available to him. Have fun training.

Supplements for Intense Training

To ensure that your muscles recover faster after circuit training, grow qualitatively, and increase your strength levels, strengthen your diet with sports supplements.

Taking sports supplements - isotonics, energy drinks, creatine, beta-alanine, bcaa amino acids and pre-workout complexes will help you increase your endurance during training. These sports nutrition products are specifically formulated to improve performance in sports and fitness for men and women. Just add it to your diet and go ahead to conquer new heights.

Supplements for crossfit training for men

Olimp Sport Nutrition | Beta Alanine Xplode?

  • Contains a matrix of additional ingredients that allow you to quickly and without loss overcome the gastric barrier and getting directly into the muscles, it does not turn into a by-product in the human body and does not overload the liver.
  • Category: Amino Acid Complex More about the category

Recommendations for use: one serving before training. Recommendations for preparation: depending on body weight: up to 70 kg - dissolve 3 g in 80 ml of cold water. 70-85kg - dissolve 6 g in 160 ml of cold water. Over 85 kg - dissolve 9 g in 240 ml of cold water.

The advantage of Olimp Sport Nutrition “Beta Alanine Xplode” is that it is presented in powder form. This way you can choose the correct portion size depending on your body weight.

USPLabs | Jack3d?

  • A formula that includes only safe and proven products that will allow you to be your best in training.
  • Category: Pre-workout supplements

Mix 1 scoop with 250-300 ml of water and consume 30 minutes before training, at least 6 hours before bedtime.

When it comes to maximum results and records, you need to have only the right ingredients in the right proportions. Don't be fooled by a huge list of ingredients in tiny dosages. This is what made and makes Jack3d a legend! Find out your limit! Ingredients: Citric acid, natural and artificial flavors, silicon dioxide, calcium silicate, sucralose, acesulfame potassium.

Animal | Pak?

  • Universal Animal "Pak" - these are all the vitamins in the required quantities! This is a unique mineral complex containing 10 of the most essential minerals.
  • Category: Vitamin-mineral complex More about the category

1 serving per day during meals, with plenty of water


Weider | Pure Creatine?

  • Creatine is an essential element for converting energy in the body. This vital substance is found in muscle cells in the form of creatine phosphate.
  • Category: Creatine powder More about the category

During the first week, take 1 teaspoon 4 times a day. Next month, half a teaspoon 2 times a day. The break between cycles is 2 weeks.

The Weider Pure Creatine supplement will allow every athlete to dramatically increase the performance and volume of their muscles in the shortest possible time, making more intense and professional training available. Increased muscular work, requiring maximum energy release, is accompanied by increased consumption of creatine phosphate as the most important energy source for the muscular system, as a result of which the body's need for creatine during physical activity increases significantly! In addition to increasing endurance during training, creatine helps increase muscle size. Creatine from Creapure is used. Ingredients: Creatine monohydrate. Nutritional value (per 150 g): proteins 48.7 g, carbohydrates 127.3 g, fats 11.8 g. Calories: 811 kcal.

Prime Kraft | BCAA 2:1:1 ?

  • BCAA 2:1:1 is a mixture of three amino acids - leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are not synthesized by the human body.
  • Category: BCAA More about the category

mix 2 scoops per 350-400 ml of water or other drink and take 30 minutes before and immediately after training

Sports nutrition Prime Kraft BCAA 2:1:1 is a mixture of three amino acids - leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are not synthesized by the human body, but at the same time make up a third of muscle tissue, and therefore it is extremely important to replenish their supply for those who seek to build muscle . In addition, Prime Kraft BCAA 2:1:1 promotes faster growth of muscle tissue by synthesizing muscle protein, replenishes substances required for energy synthesis, synthesizes other amino acids, such as alanine and glutamine, prevents the destruction of muscle tissue, increases endurance and performance , and also ensures stable metabolism in tissues. Useful features of the Prime Kraft BCAA 2:1:1 product are ideal for both professional athletes and beginners

VPLAB Nutrition | Glucosamine Chondroitin?

  • Protection and prevention of joint diseases.
  • Category: For joints and ligaments

The daily dose is 2 tablets, which are recommended to be taken with meals, and not forgetting to drink plenty of water.

Heavy training overloads joints and ligaments; moreover, with age, the synthesis of glucosamine and chondroitin deteriorates, and such an important element as MSM (methylsulfonylmethane - a natural source of sulfur) enters the body in negligible quantities. Chondroitin and glucosamine play a vital role in the restoration of connective tissue, improve the shock-absorbing properties of cartilage, and increase joint mobility.

MSM is a source of sulfur, biologically available to the body, a component of the proteins that make up all connective tissues. The trace element reduces inflammation, accelerates the synthesis of collagen proteins and helps maintain healthy joints.

VPLab took care of you and released a product that includes salts of all three important elements - chondroitin, glucosamine and MSM. The listed ingredients in combination have a synergistic effect, complementing and enhancing each other’s effect.

The product is ideal for the prevention of diseases of connective tissue, joints and ligaments, and will also become an effective addition to the complex of therapeutic measures for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Contains high concentrations of active ingredients; Helps increase joint mobility; Ideal for the prevention of diseases of connective tissue, joints and ligaments; Reduces inflammatory processes; Accelerates the regeneration of cartilage tissue;

Sports nutrition recommendations are indicative only. Before purchasing, we recommend that you consult with a specialist in the store.

Rule #1: Do the exercises in any order.

Scientists at Harvard Medical School have proven that in 30 minutes of circuit training a person can burn up to 500 kcal. Moreover, the body will continue to burn fat tissue for several hours after the end. You can perform the exercises in any order. There are many options. You can start with the buttocks and the following set: gluteal bridge, sumo, alternating legs back, high chair, moving in the oath with a fitness band. 30 seconds for each approach. Then you can move on to your hands. Push-ups, planks, dumbbell presses, and dynamic planks are suitable for working them out. Also 30 seconds. Then it’s the turn of the press – there are many options here, which I think everyone is familiar with.

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