Diet minus 10 kg in 10 days (eggs, mackerel, breast, potatoes)

General rules

Excess weight haunts many people. In the frantic pace of life, many people are forced to eat irregularly and poorly, often satisfying their hunger with fast food. But this is often the main reason for the appearance of extra pounds and health problems. Nutritionists in many countries are constantly developing special diets, puzzling over how to help get the body in shape.

5–10 kilograms of excess weight is not a death sentence. Of course, more serious stages of obesity require an integrated approach to solving the problem, consultation with nutritionists and doctors. The 10 days minus 10 kg diet is a real way to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.

To properly begin the weight loss process, it is important to prepare the body:

  1. 7 days before the start, give up bread, minimize the consumption of salt and sugar, and also remove fried, smoked and fatty foods from your daily menu. It is recommended to spend several drinking or fruit fasting days.
  2. Control your portions and remember to eat on time.
  3. Get rid of bad habits.
  4. To quench your thirst, use regular drinking water. Eliminate carbonated drinks; you can replace them with herbal infusions. Coffee lovers are allowed to drink a cup of an invigorating drink without sugar in the morning.
  5. Do not exceed the recommended diet time limits. At the end of it, you should give your body a rest for at least six months.

It should be understood that this is a rather harsh diet. It involves cutting down (completely eliminating or limiting the quantity) of the usual set of products.

How to avoid returning to your previous weight?

It is especially difficult to save the results obtained, so a number of rules must be followed:

  • stop eating sugar, you can replace it with honey;
  • We eat carbohydrate foods before 12 noon, and protein foods separately in the afternoon;
  • we refuse store-bought drinks;
  • We don’t eat for a couple of hours before going to bed;
  • We use fruit as a snack;
  • We eat whole grain bread.

You need to treat your body with more responsibility. Don’t overeat on food, eat in fractional portions, choose only low-calorie foods to create your diet.

A diet of 10 days minus 10 kg will help you quickly return to normal weight, but you should learn to eat right all the time so as not to subject your body to such stress.


Reviews from those who have lost weight:

Alexandrova Anastasia

Nutrition and healthy lifestyle specialist and author of For many years, she has successfully helped women and men lose weight and maintain a beautiful figure.


A diet for 10 days minus 10 kg is a clear nutrition system. It must not be violated, altered, adjusted or substituted for one product with another. In this case, it will not be possible to achieve your goals.

A diet is not a hunger strike. You need to eat, but in prescribed quantities and according to a specific menu. All products are consumed boiled, without adding salt, pepper or other spices.

To quickly lose up to 10 kg of excess weight, there are a huge number of diets. But the most popular remain:

  • kefir;
  • protein;
  • cabbage;
  • buckwheat

Their meaning is to consume certain foods for 10 days.

Do lost kilograms come back?

This question is quite natural, since it is known that weight lost quickly also returns quickly. However, this problem can be prevented by following a few simple rules:

  • You need to exit the diet gradually, for at least 3 days.
  • As usual, you don't need to overeat.
  • It is best to use a fractional nutrition system: small portions 4-5 times a day.
  • Avoid cakes, pastries, baked goods and other unhealthy sweets.
  • Minimize your sugar intake.
  • Do not eat after 18.00.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, preferably an hour before meals and no earlier than an hour after.
  • Stop drinking alcohol.
  • Exercise regularly.

These simple rules for healthy eating will help you not only consolidate the results you get from your diet, but also improve them. A properly balanced diet will certainly lead to the loss of all excess weight, and if you combine it with cardio training, the effect will be simply stunning. Let's take a closer look at how to eat on the most popular diets that promise weight loss of up to 10 kg.

Kefir diet

The maximum result of a kefir diet is affected by the weight of the person losing weight: the larger it is, the more kilograms you will lose. It not only helps you lose weight, but is also a kind of cleansing for the entire digestive system. Kefir is a nutritious product rich in beneficial bacteria that has a beneficial effect on the body. This thick drink removes harmful toxins and waste.

Losing weight with the help of a kefir diet is not difficult, but you should prepare yourself that it does not differ in the variety of the menu. It is best to consume low-fat fermented milk product.

Benefits of kefir:

  • it is rich in prebiotics and lactocultures;
  • has a mild diuretic effect;
  • improves metabolism;
  • regulates cleansing processes;
  • prevents the development of microbes in the intestines;
  • normalizes the digestion process.

After such a diet, the body will become healthier and the bones will become stronger. Kefir significantly increases the rate of elimination of salt and excess fluid, and promotes the breakdown of fats. Just a glass of the drink will help ease the feeling of hunger, minimizing the desire to snack on buns or something sweet, because these are the foods that are deposited on the sides in the form of extra pounds.

The daily intake of fermented milk product is 1500 ml, which is divided into 7–8 doses. Kefir diet for 10 days minus 10 kg - menu by day:

  1. Potatoes, boiled in skins – 5 pcs.
  2. Boiled poultry meat – 100 g.
  3. Low-fat cottage cheese – 200 g.
  4. Sea fish or seafood – 100 g.
  5. Fruits and vegetables low in sugar - as much as your body requires.
  6. Only kefir.
  7. Limit the consumption of any food and drink only water.
  8. Drink only kefir.

During this period, it is recommended to monitor your health; you should not start a diet if you have chronic diseases or are currently ill.

Features of minus diets

A minus diet, which involves losing ten kilograms, can be calculated for five days, a week, or maybe even a month. At the same time, you can choose a diet based on the main product, which is the basic one during the diet.

Diet minus 10 kg per week

The most common diet minus 10 kg, reviews of which we found on the Internet, is the buckwheat diet with kefir. Cereals contain almost all the useful vitamins and microelements that the body needs. A large amount of slow carbohydrates allows you to not feel hungry for a long time after eating. Kefir will improve the functioning of the digestive system and diversify fresh buckwheat.

You can eat buckwheat in unlimited quantities, but as practice shows, you won’t be able to eat a lot of it. Still, eating the same porridge for seven days is difficult to maintain such a diet. But the result will be stunning. It is best to prepare buckwheat for this diet in a thermos - fill it with hot water overnight in a ratio of 1:2. During the day, buckwheat should be eaten in equal small portions and, if desired, washed down with low-fat kefir. You can’t add sugar or salt to the porridge, but if you’re really tired of it, you can diversify it with a small amount, 50-100 grams, of apples or pineapples.

Diet minus 10 kg per month

You can choose a diet that helps you lose 10 kg in a month by reading our article “Lose weight in 30 days. 3 ways to lose weight in a month.”

Apple diet minus 10 kg

Often the apple diet is also called pectin diet. All this is due to the fact that apples contain the largest amount of it. Pectin is a natural “nutritionist” for the body, as it stimulates intestinal motility, removes toxins from the body and dissolves cholesterol plaques. Scientists have calculated that just 25 grams of pectin fiber eaten per day reduces weight by 300 grams. I mean, pure fibers. Since apples consist not only of pectin, in order to lose weight, you need to eat a lot of aromatic fruits. Apple diet minus 10 kg – menu for the week:


  • For breakfast, grate three apples and pour lemon juice over them.
  • Make apple salad for lunch. To do this, add parsley and chives to three grated apples. Sprinkle the boiled egg on top of the salad.
  • For dinner, just eat three apples.


  • For breakfast, prepare a cup of boiled rice and two green apples.
  • For lunch, make apple soufflé. To do this, bake two large apples, separate the pulp and mix it with boiled rice. The portion should weigh 150 grams.
  • For dinner, boil rice and eat it without salt. Total – 100 gr.


  • For breakfast, put 100 grams of cottage cheese and a couple of apples on the table.
  • For lunch, prepare an apple-curd salad. To do this, grate two apples and pour lime juice over them. Separately, mix 100 grams of cottage cheese, a handful of walnuts and a teaspoon of honey. Now mix apples and cottage cheese - the salad is ready.
  • For dinner, eat only 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese.


  • For breakfast, grate and mix two juicy carrots and one sour apple
  • For lunch, prepare an apple-carrot salad. To do this, chop two carrots and one apple, mix with a spoon of honey and sprinkle with fresh lemon zest.
  • For dinner, bake two apples and eat them with honey (a teaspoon).


  • For breakfast, make a salad of boiled carrots and beets (one piece each). Pour apple juice over the salad.
  • For lunch, boil 100 grams of oatmeal and grate one apple into it. In addition, eat one egg and small baked or boiled beets.
  • For dinner, make this salad: chop and mix one carrot and one apple.


  • Like Monday.


  • Like Tuesday.

Kefir diet minus 10 kg

The kefir diet is designed for 7 days, during which it is recommended to consume up to one and a half liters of low-fat kefir per day. In addition to the fermented milk drink, it is also recommended to drink plain water and, if desired, natural coffee. And of course you need to eat other healthy foods. Below we will tell you how much and what foods you can eat in one day, and you yourself divide them into the number of meals. Weekly kefir diet menu:

  • On Monday you can:

500 ml of kefir and four potatoes baked in their skins (without salt).

  • On Tuesday it is recommended:

500 ml kefir and 400 g cottage cheese (0%).

  • On Wednesday, eat:

500 ml of kefir and 0.5 kg of any fruit, except sweet grapes and bananas.

  • On Thursday prepare:

500 ml of kefir and 0.4 kg of boiled chicken breast.

  • On Friday eat:

500 ml of kefir and 0.4 kg of fresh vegetables.

  • Don't eat anything on Saturday:

Let it be a fasting one - you can only drink mineral water, but without gas.

  • On Sunday, repeat the same meals as on Wednesday.

Protein diet

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for humans. But when they come in excess with food, they immediately turn into fat. The protein diet is based on a strong reduction in carbohydrate intake. The body begins to look for other resources. On a protein diet you can easily get rid of subcutaneous fat.

Allowed list of foods on a diet for 10 days minus 10 kg:

  • lean meat;
  • low carbohydrate vegetables;
  • dairy products, low-fat cheese;
  • vegetable oil;
  • seafood;
  • cereals;
  • chicken, quail eggs;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • nuts.

The following must not be used in any form:

  • bakery products;
  • sweets;
  • sausages;
  • sweet drinks, including store-bought juice;
  • fruits high in sugar;
  • animal fat and cow butter;
  • fried, salted, smoked foods;
  • alcoholic drinks.

All products from the menu presented below are divided into 5 meals. The daily calorie intake is 1000. Approximate menu for a diet minus 10 kg:

By daysBreakfastSnackDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1Whole grain sandwich with chicken breast3 quail eggs200 g mushroom soup, 100 g zucchini baked with tofu150 g sea salad150 g mackerel baked with vegetables
22-egg omelette with spinach0.5 pcs. grenade 150 g salmon100 ml fermented baked milk150 g steak, 100 g coleslaw
3100 g low fat cottage cheese4-6 egg whitesTofu with vegetables and whole grain noodles100 g without additives, 100 g cabbage salad with carrots150 g mussels in tomato sauce
4200 g turkey meat1 apple200 g zucchini soup, 100 g whole grain bread100 g tomato salad dressed with linseed oil150 g baked beef, 100 g vegetables
5Kefir and 3 oatmeal cookies2 tangerines150 g chicken, celery salad with apple150 g tofu100 g rabbit stewed with vegetables
6150 g long-cooked oatmealGlass of yogurt and bread100 g mackerel baked with eggplantsSalad dressed with yogurt sauce150 g veal, 100 g cabbage salad
7Coconut milk smoothie with berriesGrapefruitTurkey stew – 150 g, vegetable salad with yogurt sauce150 g of celery and green apple and nut butter150 g shrimp with asparagus
8150 g buckwheat porridge100 g boiled tuna with fresh tomatoes200 g lentil soup100 ml yogurt200 g tuna, vegetable salad
9150 g low fat cottage cheese2 egg whites, 1 cucumber200 g seafood, 150 ml vegetable juice30 g nuts200 g squid with mushrooms
10200 g millet porridge in water with the addition of dried fruits2 boiled eggs200 g halibut, lettuce leaves1 orange120 g stew with brown rice

There is another diet for 10 days minus 10 kg, on the 1st day you need to eat 5 eggs. They eat them throughout the day, one every 2 hours. On the second day, you can boil the fish without salt. On the 3rd – prepare chicken fillet. For 4 days you will have to eat 5 boiled potatoes (1 piece every 2 hours). 5th – chicken ham or beef (0.5 kg). On the sixth day, any low-sugar fruits are allowed. 7th – vegetables. The eighth day is reserved for cottage cheese, the daily norm is 0.5 kg. On the 9th day - kefir, and on the 10th - herbal decoction. By following this diet you can quickly lose weight.

Drinking diet

If you follow a drinking diet for a week for 7 days at home, minus 10 kg will most likely not be possible to immediately lose. To achieve this result, it must be repeated after a week-long break, which requires compliance with the rules of a healthy diet.

The basis of the drinking diet is fruit and vegetable juices, broths, clean water, herbal teas. Anything that can be consumed in liquid form (eg smoothies) is also used. Even tofu, chopped and mixed with vegetable juice, is suitable. It will supply the body with protein.

Fats are consumed with chicken and beef broth. Avocado will supplement the body with fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Sugar is provided by fruit juices.

Carbohydrates and fiber are consumed with oatmeal mixed with drinks.

Buckwheat and drinking day are components of the “Favorite” diet. 7 days on your favorite diet looks like this:

  1. Drinking.
  2. Vegetable.
  3. Drinking.
  4. Fruit.
  5. Protein.
  6. Drinking.
  7. Balanced.

Cabbage diet

For those who need to lose excess weight, but do not have the opportunity to buy expensive products, the “cabbage menu” is perfect. When starting to limit yourself in food, you should understand that any mono-diet is a difficult test for the body. You need to prepare for this step both mentally and physically.

A unique summer diet of 10 kg in 10 days, reviews of which are mostly positive, is based on the same principles as the protein and kefir diets. A number of foods, salt, sugar and spices should be excluded.

Any variety of cabbage is suitable for a cabbage diet, but the most effective are cauliflower, white cabbage, and broccoli. You can create your own menu and cooking method. The main thing to remember is that the menu should contain not only cabbage, but also fruits, lactic acid and protein products, as well as other vegetables.

Sample menu for one day for a diet of 10 days minus 10 kg:

1st dose – a cup of green tea with lemon, a boiled egg.

Step 2 – any low-sugar fruit.

Meal 3 – 150 g of poultry with cabbage salad dressed with olive oil.

Meal 4 – low-fat cottage cheese with a handful of berries – 100 g.

Meal 5 – stewed cabbage with chicken fillet.

6th reception – 200 g of kefir.

And the whole point is that the processing and assimilation of cabbage requires more calories than are in the vegetable itself.

Types of diets per month for losing 10 kg weight

Nutrition should be balanced. The main condition is compliance with all dietary rules, control of the amount of food consumed and an active lifestyle. There are several types of diets:

  1. With carbohydrate counting: Kremlin, low-carb, no-carb.
  2. On a separate product (mono-diet).
  3. Belkovaya, etc.

The famous Kremlin diet

The Kremlin diet is effective and has a varied menu. This option is ideal for those who can easily tolerate the lack of carbohydrates in their meals. There are no strict restrictions on portions, but this does not mean that you can eat kilograms of permitted foods.

The main principle of the diet is strict carbohydrate counting. A point system is being introduced: one point is equal to 1 gram of carbohydrates, which are contained in 100 grams of the product. Those who want to lose weight should consume no more than 40 g of carbohydrates per day.

Below is a breakdown of the main products consumed:

NamePoints (amount of carbohydrates per 100 grams)
Cottage cheese2
Sour cream3
Poultry meat~0
Green tea~0
Cabbage salad1
Vegetable soups2

A more complete list is presented in the picture below.

Friends, look how simple it is, we decided not to add a complete list of products and points to the article here, the list is too large and it’s impossible to find anything there without an interactive search.

However, we now have a functional table of correspondence between points (cu) and food products, complete with search , and ready-made dishes are also available there. Follow the link Table of points for the Kremlin diet and do not forget to add it to your collections or bookmark the search page.

Important! The main thing is to count carbohydrate foods. For the first week, you should exclude carbohydrate foods, potatoes, fat, sugar, dried fruits, pasta, cereals and bread, and for the next three, add carbohydrates by 20-30 grams per day. Create an individual menu from the products offered and in 30 days you can get rid of up to 10 kg.

Diet "Fairy Tale": proven and effective

"Fairy Tale" provides for strict dietary nutrition. Snacking or deviating from the list and schedule is prohibited. A prerequisite is to have a good breakfast. Main dishes should be prepared from chicken fillet, vegetables, fruits and eggs. You need to drink a lot of fluid - at least 2.5 liters. Water can be replaced with lemon water or green tea without sugar.

Sample menu for the week:

Fruits and a glass of kefirChicken fillet with brothCottage cheese
Vegetable saladMuesli with kefir
Boiled fish with vegetablesWhite yogurt
Boiled eggs with beansA glass of milk
Baked chicken filletCottage cheese with fruit
Vegetable puree soupA glass of kefir
Baked fish with herbsWhite yogurt with nuts

On a note! The hardest thing in “The Fairy Tale” is overcoming the feeling of hunger for the first three days. Then the person easily fits into the schedule. Breakfast should remain the same throughout the month, and lunch and dinner can be alternated and swapped.

Classic low carb diet

Carbohydrates are simple and complex. This diet involves the consumption of complex compounds and foods that contain few carbohydrates. Thanks to the table below, it is easy to create a balanced menu. Remember that portions should be small.

The last meal should be three hours before bedtime.

Important! For the next three weeks, you can combine a combination of products.

Powerful protein (no-carbohydrate) diet

Protein quickly saturates the body, and the secret of the effectiveness of such a diet lies in the fact that a person eats a small amount of food, does not feel hungry and loses weight. The picture shows a high protein product and should be on the menu.

Protein-rich foods (approximate amount per 100 g of product):

Sample menu:

OatmealChicken fillet with vegetablesYogurt
BuckwheatPea soupKefir
Cottage cheeseBaked fishMilk
EggsBeet soup with beansCottage cheese
OmeletteBoiled beef with vegetablesNuts
OatmealVegetable soup with chicken brothDried fruits
BuckwheatCottage cheese casseroleMuesli

On a note! Each serving should not exceed 150 grams.

Effective types of mono-diets

Losing weight using a separate product is very popular. The only inconvenience of such a diet is monotony. It will be difficult to follow such a diet for a month, but the result will exceed expectations.

Buckwheat, cabbage and egg

The buckwheat diet allows you to feel weight loss at the end of the first week. The main condition for this diet is to eat buckwheat twice a day. In the evening you need to pour a glass of kefir over buckwheat and eat it in the morning. Prepare the same dish for yourself for dinner. For lunch you can eat soup, vegetable or fruit salad.

Cabbage and egg diets are based on a similar principle. Breakfast and dinner should be replaced with dishes containing these products, and for lunch you should eat low-calorie and light foods. Oatmeal, kefir and rice

This diet is identical to the previous ones. Moreover, they can be combined.

Below is a sample menu for a week that can be used throughout the month:

Rice and glass of milkBeef with vegetablesOatmeal and a glass of kefir
Vegetable salad
Pea soup
Cottage cheese casserole
Baked fish
Beet soup
Fruit salad

On a note! You can change and alternate dishes, but in the morning and evening eat strictly rice and oatmeal or monotonously one of these dishes. Portions no more than 100 grams.

Separate, drinkable and vegetarian

These diets are considered the most effective, but harsh. Over a month's period, you can lose around 15 kilograms.

The basic principles of each diet:


  1. Five meals a day.
  2. Every day a different type of product: vegetables, cereals, soups, fruits, protein and fermented milk products.
  3. Daily calorie content should not exceed 1500 kcal


  1. Drink more than 3 liters of water per day.
  2. Eat liquid foods: soups, juices, tea, dairy products.
  3. Daily calorie content should not exceed 1000 kcal


  1. Eat only vegetables, beans, fish and fruits.
  2. Eliminate fatty foods.
  3. Maintain water balance.
  4. Daily calorie content should not exceed 1000 kcal

On a note! If someone losing weight feels weak, dizzy and nauseous, it is worth changing their diet.

Buckwheat diet

This is a special cereal containing a huge amount of vitamins, fiber, protein and amino acids. But it contains few carbohydrates, which is why it is valuable for weight loss. You can eat as much buckwheat as your body requires, but seasoning it with salt, spices or oil is prohibited. It is recommended not to cook the cereal, but to steam it overnight in boiling water so as not to lose the entire range of useful substances.

A strict diet minus 10 kg in 10 days involves eating one buckwheat. For those who understand that they cannot cope, there is a lighter option: for breakfast, lunch and dinner, in addition to buckwheat, you are allowed to drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Exit and possible consequences of rapid weight loss

Rapid weight loss can have a number of negative consequences:

  • sagging skin if the person losing weight does not take care of it or his age exceeds 40 years;
  • “breakdowns” on foods that were prohibited during weight loss and their negative impact on the digestive system;
  • return of lost weight after restoration of water-salt balance and return to the usual menu;
  • exacerbation of existing diseases when following strict diet options.


In order to maintain the results obtained for a long time, experts recommend correctly quitting any diet:

  • you need to continue to eat small and balanced meals, but gradually increase your calorie intake (by 200 kilocalories per week);
  • with mono-rations, the menu should first be expanded with healthy foods, and it is recommended not to return to junk food at all;
  • when increasing the amount of salt consumed, the volume of water should also be increased;

If you really want to eat unhealthy foods: sweets, flour, fast food, then such meals are allowed once every 7-10 days. These days it is recommended to train intensively.

Eating habits

To stay in shape throughout your life and maintain the results forever, you need to listen to the following advice from nutritionists:

  1. Avoid salt or reduce its consumption to a minimum, because it retains fluid in the body, which causes the appearance of an extra 2-3 kg.
  2. Eliminate sugar - a fast carbohydrate and the main “enemy” of a slim body. You can replace it with organic sweeteners.
  3. Avoid late meals before going to bed. The optimal time for dinner is 3 hours before bedtime.
  4. Don't forget to drink water and carry it with you at all times. If a person drinks coffee or tea, then for each cup of these drinks an additional 200 ml of water should be drunk.
  5. Make a menu so that there are 3 main meals and 2 snacks per day. Serving size for breakfast, lunch and dinner is about 300 g, for a snack - up to 200 g.
  6. Once a week or every 10 days, arrange a fasting day.

Options for fasting days:

  • drinking - with water, juices and green tea;
  • fermented milk - based on cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt of minimal fat content;
  • fruit - on any fruit, except sweet high-calorie ones;
  • vegetable - on raw vegetables.

Even if a person fails to lose 10 kg in a month, following all the rules and recommendations of specialists, he will definitely achieve good results and will most likely acquire new useful habits. When choosing a diet, you should take into account your health status - mono- and low-calorie diets are contraindicated for any disease.

Diet for 3 weeks minus 10 kg

Its essence is very simple; all products should be crushed in a blender before use. You will have to eat every 2 hours, before going to bed you need to take a two-hour break. It is imperative to maintain water balance and drink 30 ml of water for every kilogram of weight. You can eat fruits, vegetables, lean meats and fish, green tea and water. The diet is quite varied, so the 10 kg diet is within the power of anyone losing weight. It is also recommended to add physical exercise.

Diet for a month minus 10 kg without harm to health: daily menu, recipes at home

DayBreakfastLunchDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1Oatmeal with dried apricots and walnutsFruit saladA piece of boiled beef weighing 200 g, steamed vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, carrotsA glass of kefir with a teaspoon of flax seedsFish stewed with vegetables
2Rice pancakesAny citrusVegetable stew with turkey meatYogurt jellySeafood cocktail, salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers
3Cheesecakes with branThe right dried fruit candiesBattered chicken fillet baked with onion, tomato and cheeseCottage cheese with fiber and sweetenerFish cutlets, asparagus and steamed carrots
4Omelette with bell pepperKiwiVinaigrette with beans, steamed chicken cutletKefir fat burning drinkFish soup, cucumber and herb salad
5Buckwheat porridge, cucumber, 2 hard-boiled eggsKokosankiSoup with turkey meatballs, lentils with vegetable saladGinger drinkZucchini stuffed with minced chicken
6Oatmeal with bananaPotato cakePumpkin puree soup, beet salad, boiled beefBran pancakesSalmon with orange sauce
7Diet cake made from lavash and custardBaked Apple with Peanuts and RaisinsBell peppers stuffed with brown rice and chickenProtein cocktailStewed rabbit with vegetables
8Lazy oatmeal with berriesAny citrusChickpeas, stewed vegetablesYogurt with branFish baked with vegetables and lemon
9Rice porridge with raisinsCurd 'Raffaello'Chicken fillet baked with cottage cheese and herbsSassi waterStuffed squid, cabbage and cucumber salad
10Cottage cheese casseroleBanana milk puddingPuree soup from different types of cabbage, milk chicken sausagesKefir with prunesVeal steak, lentils, fresh vegetable salad
11carrot cakeBerry smoothieCheese soup with rye croutons, turkey meatballsCocoa jellyChicken stewed in kefir-cheese sauce, grilled sweet peppers
12Baked oatmealKefir jelly with fruitsVegetable stew with beefBerry smoothieRed fish skewers, Greek salad
13Oatmeal pancake with curd fillingFruit saladRabbit stewed with vegetablesHandful of nutsLightly salted salmon salad with vegetables
14Rice pancakesEnergy barBoiled chicken sausage, broccoli and steamed asparagusKefir jellyChickpeas with vegetable salad
15Oat bran porridge with milkCurd mousseBuckwheat porridge, beet salad, baked chicken chopCucumber and green saladFish stew with vegetables
16Buckwheat porridge, black bread sandwich with cheese, vegetable saladHandful of nutsTomato soup, beef stewed with vegetables2 hard-boiled eggsSquid salad
17Chocolate banana muffinsFruit saladMinisterial meat in a dietary versionCottage cheese with berriesShirataki pasta with shrimp
18Diet honey cakeKiwiMushroom soup, lentilsCheesecake with flour baseFish cutlets with grilled vegetables (mushrooms, bell peppers, zucchini)
19Diet cake 'Red Velvet'Any citrusBeans stewed with vegetables in tomato sauceCurd mousseChicken with mustard-honey sauce, tomato, onion and parsley salad
20Oatmeal with apple and raisinsCheesecake with flourless baseVegetable fat-burning soup, chicken meatballsKefir with fiberSquash caviar, baked turkey
21Diet BrownieEnergy barBoiled turkey sausage, stewed cabbageYogurt jellyFish soup, lentils, cucumber
22Diet charlotte with pearbird's milkDietary borscht with boiled beefCitrus salad with yogurtOmelet with cheese and vegetables
23Budget Chocolate PieFruit saladPumpkin and potato puree, chicken milk sausagesSandwich made from whole grain bread, cheese and cucumberSteamed salmon and asparagus
24Diet pancakesCitrus freshSalad of beets, cheese and herbs, stewed beef with vegetablesDessert made from bread and curd creamTuna, egg and cucumber salad
25Pie with cottage cheese, banana and poppy seedsBaked apple with dried apricots and walnutsRoast turkey, lentils, coleslawYogurt with branFish casserole with broccoli
26Omelet with cheese and herbsThe right dried fruit candiesCheese soup, rabbit with vegetablesKefir with bran and steviaDietary fur coat with sardine
27Buckwheat porridge with vegetable saladCurd 'Raffaello'Vegetable puree soup, steamed chicken cutletsCitrus freshLiver cake, vegetable salad
28Rice pancake cakeBanana milk puddingDiet borscht with beefYogurt with berriesFish stewed with vegetables
29Oatmeal pancake with maple syrupApplesauceVinaigrette, boiled beefGreen smoothie made with parsley, cucumber and limeSeafood omelette, cabbage and cucumber salad
30Apple lavash strudelBerry smoothieChicken stew2 hard-boiled eggsBeans stewed in tomato sauce, vegetable salad

Pros and cons of diets

Each of the listed diets is really effective and helps to achieve the desired results in the shortest possible time, the main thing is to follow all the recommendations. But if, after a diet of minus 10 kg in 10 days, you return to your previous life and eat everything that comes to hand, then the excess weight will return very quickly.

Although diets are strict, they bring considerable benefits to the body. After them, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, the size of the stomach is reduced, and the blood vessels are cleansed. All the dishes are simple and not too expensive, so even an inexperienced cook can cook them and won’t put a strain on the family budget.

By limiting yourself to most foods, you may experience unpleasant symptoms: irritability, dizziness, and a high risk of breakdown.

IMPORTANT! Informational article! Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Military diet for 7 days

According to reviews, this is the most effective diet for a week; minus 10 kg in 7 days is an unlikely result. But after repeating the course, this effect is quite real.

The military diet promises quick weight loss. Recommended products are consumed for 3 days. The course is repeated after a 4-day break.

1 day:

  • Breakfast: grapefruit, whole grain toast with 2 tbsp. l. peanut butter, hot drink (tea or coffee).
  • Lunch: Whole grain toast with tuna.
  • Dinner: 90 g of meat, apple, green beans, banana.

Day 2:

  • Breakfast: whole grain toast, egg, hot drink.
  • Lunch: egg, cottage cheese, hot drink.
  • Dinner: ½ tbsp. broccoli, carrots, vanilla ice cream, 2 hot dogs without a bun.

Day 3:

  • Breakfast: cheddar, apple, hot drink.
  • Lunch: whole grain toast, egg, hot drink.
  • Dinner: banana, tuna.

For the remaining 4 days, any food is consumed without exceeding the energy income threshold of 1500 kcal. Don't forget about movement (this is a military diet, after all).

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