Diet for cellulite on the thighs and buttocks: principles, menu for 10 days, opinion of a nutritionist

Cellulite is a pressing problem for women. According to statistics, the number of women who have “orange peel” is growing. Nutritionists have developed an anti-cellulite diet, the essence of which is to exclude from the diet foods that can cause this problem. To fight effectively, you need to know the reasons for the appearance of “orange peel.”

Causes of cellulite

The exact causes of its occurrence are unknown. Many believe that the main factor is excess weight. A woman gains extra pounds and an unsightly layer of fat appears. But this does not always happen - it happens that slender ladies also have an “orange peel”.

Causes of orange peel:

  1. Improper nutrition - consuming large quantities of fatty, smoked, salty, sweet and starchy foods.
  2. Foods high in additives.
  3. Smoking and alcohol.
  4. Unfavorable environmental conditions.
  5. Stress.
  6. Little physical activity.
  7. Long-term wearing of high-heeled shoes.

The main reason is still considered to be poor nutrition, in second place is insufficient physical activity, and the rest take a secondary place. Therefore, if a woman wants to get rid of the “orange peel”, she should reconsider her diet.


The effectiveness of a diet for cellulite lies in the exclusion from the diet of foods that can provoke the appearance of cellulite.

Before you start an anti-cellulite diet, there are three important things to remember:

  • The more cellulite accumulates, the longer it will take to go away. It is worth objectively assessing the condition of the skin and getting ready to work;
  • To achieve the best effect, it is worth combining the diet with other anti-cellulite procedures;
  • The peculiarity of nutrition for cellulite is that it is a temporary phenomenon. You change your diet for a certain time, but if after it you return to your previous diet with unhealthy foods, cellulite will return again.

Try to maintain a healthier lifestyle, include more vegetables and fruits in your menu. And then a well-thought-out diet for cellulite will help get rid of problem areas on the legs and butt.


You don't have to give up all your favorite foods. They just need to be consumed in limited quantities.

Nutrition against cellulite

There are many reasons for the appearance of cellulite. These include ecology, heredity, lifestyle, the presence of diseases, and bad habits. The questionable quality of products is the scourge of the modern population in any country. Soda, nutritional supplements, fatty foods and fast food items are all on most people's menus. It is the harmful components that most quickly tend to be deposited on the legs and butt in the form of an unpleasant crust. And frequent overeating without stopping provides building material for obese cells.

Nutrition is not the main, but the main reason for the appearance of most diseases and problems with the figure. To minimize obesity and the appearance of lipodystrophy, you need to radically reconsider your gastronomic habits.

First of all, you need to pay attention to those foods that contribute to cell obesity, accumulation of fluid and salts.

For health and beauty it is necessary to exclude.

Fast food and semi-finished products

They make life much easier for a modern person who is often in a hurry, saving time or simply being lazy. Giving up them can be more difficult than it seems at first glance, but it is worth it. Firstly, homemade food is healthier (E 123 is definitely not there), and secondly, it is much cheaper. This includes not only fast food burgers, but also cheap sausages, frozen prepared foods, sauces, etc.

Confectionery and sugar

This is a combination of the same semi-finished products (if we are talking about ready-made cakes and pastries), excess calories and unhealthy fats. In addition to increasing the risk of obesity and lipodystrophy, sugar significantly reduces the elasticity of muscles and skin.

Fatty foods

We are talking about saturated animal fats, especially if they are fried. These fats are found not only in meat and lard, they are found in fatty dairy products, cream, and butter.

Baked goods and flour products

Here you will find everything to grow “excellent” cellulite: sugar, fat, a lot of calories. Diet biscuits, oatmeal cookies, and unleavened pastries do not count, but their quantity should also be limited.

Pickles and marinades

Excessive salt consumption leads to the familiar “orange peel”, problems with the kidneys and liver. Addiction to pure salt threatens the appearance of edema, which is the first sign of problems with blood circulation.

Carbonated drinks

They retain water in the body. If we talk about sweet sodas, we will not find a single advantage of these products. They are not even suitable for quenching thirst, since after a while the desire to drink intensifies even more.

Bagged tea and instant coffee

One serving of natural coffee will only help in the fight against fat deposits, while instant coffee will do nothing but harm. Since cells grow from the accumulation of all kinds of “evil spirits,” freeze-dried coffee and garbage bagged tea should be excluded.

Often, those who decide to fight cellulite and extra pounds allow themselves delicious food, hoping that they will then burn it off in the gym. When a cell is “saturated” with waste and fat, it is almost impossible to clean it. Therefore, even among the tasty and forbidden, it is better to choose the most natural products possible. It is important not to forget that giving up harmful additives is a requirement aimed at improving your health, and not just at correcting your figure.

For beauty and health you need to enter it into the menu.

Rye flour bread

Yes, despite the fact that this is baked goods, a couple of slices of this coarse bread will improve digestion and cleanse the intestines. Plus, it contains few calories.


Viscous oatmeal porridge helps especially well; you can add dry or fresh fruit and a little honey to it for taste. Porridges are rich in slow carbohydrates and vegetable protein; they fill you up for a long time and also improve digestion. It is better to exclude semolina and white rice, but barley, corn, millet and buckwheat are suitable. The latter is even used in a separate anti-cellulite buckwheat diet.

Low fat dairy products

Low-fat kefir, natural yogurt, milk, and cottage cheese are suitable. Lipotropic substances in these components slow down the accumulation of fats in internal organs.

Fish and seafood

You can use any lean fish, sea fish is best. You need to exclude smoked and salted fish, caviar. In addition to being delicious, gifts from the seas and rivers perfectly tighten the skin and tone the muscles.

Vegetables and fruits

This also includes berries and greens, in a word, all plant foods. Potatoes, carrots and beets should be limited. Celery and pineapple are excellent for weight loss. The first contains a huge amount of dietary fiber, and pineapple contains a fat-burning component - bromelain, which is why it is used in the exotic pineapple diet.

Water without gas

The accumulation of fluid in the body is one of the causes of cellulite. However, drinking plenty of water only works to your advantage; it cleanses the body, in particular cells, of harmful components and water.


No wonder. We are not talking about heavy drinks, but about natural red wine. Nutritionists recommend drinking it periodically, 200 ml per day. This product cleanses cells well and improves blood circulation. The main thing is not to get carried away.

Having a list of products, you can create your own menu. It is recommended to focus on raw plant foods. Eating this way is very similar to a vegan diet or a raw food diet. For those who do not have enough roots and greens, you can boil or bake fish and seafood, eat porridge and soups.

In fact, any low-calorie diet can be considered anti-cellulite if you add sports and massages to it. Among individual anti-cellulite techniques, a 10-day diet is popular.

Useful products to help fight cellulite

The basis of the anti-cellulite diet is the exclusion of foods that contribute to fluid retention in the body. Because the point of a new diet is to rid the body of unnecessary fats and toxins.

Products that can be consumed during the cellulite diet:

  1. Water (boiled or filtered) in large quantities.
  2. Tea made from a decoction of herbs, juice (preferably freshly squeezed), compote. No added sugar!
  3. Vegetables and fruits, dried fruits.
  4. Cereals (whole grains), legumes.

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The following are allowed in small quantities on the anti-cellulite diet menu:

  • dairy products, meat, seafood, fish - all with reduced fat content;
  • eggs;
  • nuts and seeds, fatty fish and vegetable oils.

Many experts argue that you should not consume dairy products if you have cellulite, but there is also an opinion that if cellulite is not very pronounced, then consuming such low-fat products in small quantities is acceptable. This also applies to cottage cheese. The main thing is that the product is non-greasy and natural, and then it will not contribute to cellulite.

Now let’s learn more about foods that burn cellulite and why they are included in the diet:

  • Fruits, vegetables and cereals normalize intestinal function. A diet with regular consumption of cereals, especially buckwheat, is especially useful for cellulite.
  • Drinking plenty of liquid helps get rid of toxins and waste - at least 2 liters daily.
  • Grapefruit and blueberries help strengthen the vascular system and have a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system. Grapefruit releases substances that reduce appetite, causing sudden attacks of hunger to disappear.
  • Include avocado in your diet - the acids it contains help burn fat and normalize appetite.
  • The anti-cellulite diet also includes pears because they speed up metabolism.
  • As for vegetables, pay attention to cabbage, especially Brussels sprouts - it helps normalize collagen synthesis.
  • You can add a variety of sprouts (soybeans, beans and others) to vegetable salads.

By the way! There is an interesting theory that potatoes help against cellulite due to the potassium in their composition.

As you can see, an anti-cellulite diet can be not only healthy, but also delicious! The above products will benefit the entire body!

Nutritionist's opinion

“I would like to immediately note that it is impossible to solve the problem with cellulite with diet alone. You may be surprised, but most often “orange peel” occurs as a result of improper diets and fasting, due to protein depletion. The fat cell consists of adipocytes, between which there are connective tissue cords. These strands hold adipacids like threads. Our body is a smart mechanism. And if he doesn’t have enough protein, he will take it from those places where it is less needed. And the least protein is needed is in connective tissue. As a result, the cords lose their elasticity, and fat cells begin to appear upward. As soon as you start to lose weight and the layer of subcutaneous fat tissue becomes thinner, you will notice cellulite. In addition, cellulite is a hormonal problem. The more estrogen you have, the more orange peel will be visible.

The main fight against cellulite is to remove excess fluid and swelling from the body. And the anti-cellulite diet really contributes to this. It is aimed at eliminating foods that retain water from your diet. But, nevertheless, do not expect that after 10 days your “orange peel” will really disappear.

It should also be noted that the anti-cellulite diet is low in animal fats, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body as a whole. In addition, the basis of her diet consists of fresh vegetables and fruits, so she is not suitable for people with digestive problems.

If you really decide to fight cellulite, remember 3 basic rules. First, avoid salt and fatty foods and drink plenty of water. Focus on ensuring that your daily menu consists of 50% protein foods, 30% fiber (vegetables, fruits, berries and greens) and 20% complex carbohydrates.

Secondly, take a contrast shower and use hard washcloths. This will improve your blood circulation. It is worth noting that all anti-cellulite products are also aimed at increasing blood circulation. And finally, thirdly, go in for sports. Only physical activity can give visible results.”

What foods should you exclude?

Have you ever wondered what foods cause cellulite? But their list is extensive, and, unfortunately, many of these products are frequent guests of our kitchens and tables. And therefore, in order to avoid cellulite, you need to know what you can’t eat to eliminate and prevent the problem.

List of foods that cause cellulite:

  • grilled chicken;
  • dishes prepared by frying (best steamed or baked);
  • dairy products with a high fat content (as it is no secret that they can cause cellulite);
  • alcohol (any alcohol is excluded, especially beer, since the product causes cellulite);
  • pickles;
  • canned food and various semi-finished products;
  • seasonings and additives to enhance taste;
  • smoked meats, sausages, frankfurters;
  • sugar (one of cellulite's best friends);
  • bread (but! whole grain is allowed);
  • pasta;
  • sweets and baked goods (fruits and berries are allowed as sweets, they contain many useful vitamins);
  • White rice;
  • butter and ghee;
  • fat meat;
  • drinks containing caffeine.

The listed foods and dishes increase the load on the liver and kidneys, which leads to fluid retention in the body. And this contributes to the formation of an “orange peel”.

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By the way, such nutrition is appropriate for anti-cellulite massage. After all, if you combine a massage course, but consume harmful foods, you will not get a good result. And if you manage to remove the orange peel, it will come back after a while.

Sweets have a very negative effect on cellulite. Even after a diet, you should reduce the amount of sweet foods as much as possible.

Video: what not to eat if you have cellulite.

Basic recommendations

Eat meals every 2-4 hours in small portions. The duration of the anti-cellulite diet is 10 days. During it, fruits and vegetables are not subjected to heat treatment and salads are prepared from them. It is best to include foods that contain large amounts of potassium in your diet. During the “unloading” of the body, physical activity should be replaced by walking.

You can make small concessions in the form of boiled vegetables. But before that, they need to be consumed raw. Portions should be the same. On such days, you are allowed to add a few tablespoons of boiled cereals. If you feel hungry, it is acceptable to eat low-fat yogurt, but in moderation.

Basic principles of the cellulite diet

The diet for cellulite on the thighs and buttocks does not involve strict restrictions. These 10 days will be just fasting days for you. But in order to achieve results, it is still important to follow some principles:

  1. The daily calorie content of consumed meals should be 500-1000 kcal less than you consume. On average, the daily intake should be 1200-1500 kcal.
  2. Breaks between meals should be at least 2 hours. Usually food is consumed in small portions every 3-4 hours.
  3. Breakfast begins no later than 1.5 hours after waking up.
  4. If you completely remove foods containing carbohydrates from your dinner, fat burning at night will accelerate.
  5. Fill half the plate with a main dish, such as porridge, and the other half with vegetables. This way you can reduce the number of calories you consume, and also get rid of the constant feeling of malnutrition.

Menu for 10 days

Below you can look at the anti-cellulite diet menu for 10 days in table form:

1FruitsVegetable salad with a little olive oilFruit and salad
2FruitsLight vegetable salad FruitFruits
3FruitsVegetable salad with olive oil (small amount)Fruit and salad
4 (half an hour before meals - salad or fruit)Lentils, oatmeal, brown rice - everything is cooked in water. Can be replaced with boiled vegetables. Same as for breakfastThe same
5FruitsVegetable saladFruit and salad
6The menu is the same as on day 4
7FruitsVegetable SaladFruit and salad
8Same food as on day 4
9FruitsVegetable SaladFruit and salad
10Same as day 4

Following the anti-cellulite diet menu will help you achieve good results. But this option is not suitable for everyone. If you are not sure that you can withstand it to the end, try the gentle mode.

Important! Before starting an anti-cellulite diet, be sure to consult your doctor! If something happens, he will help you adjust the menu for you and make it the most useful and safe!

This nutrition option is the most effective; it can help a woman solve the problem.

Nutrition for cellulite: menu

Avoid sodium (salt) for three days a week.

Immediately after waking up, drink a glass of warm water with lemon.


Hot drink of your choice (I'm not a monster, so I'll let you have a cup of coffee) and one of the following:

  • whole grain muesli,
  • whole grain crackers with sugar-free jam,
  • fruits with yogurt,
  • a smoothie of fruit and yogurt with the addition of bran, whole grain oatmeal, almonds or walnuts.


  • yogurt, fruit, almonds

Lunch or dinner

  • rice, pasta or other whole grains with vegetables and olive oil,
  • oven-cooked fish with side dishes and a sandwich with whole grain bread,
  • grilled chicken with vegetables and a sandwich with whole grain bread,
  • legume and vegetable soup,
  • omelette with vegetables and sandwich with whole grain bread,
  • vegetable cream soup with whole grain bread.

A simplified version of the anti-cellulite diet

A gentle diet should be combined with physical activity. The best thing is to alternate: a day with training, a day of rest. On sports days, you are allowed to cook cereals in water. Smoothie preparation is allowed. Breakfast is divided into two meals.

For lunch, you can make vegetable soup (not with meat broth!). It is optimal for an anti-cellulite diet to boil brown rice or buckwheat porridge with a small amount of lean boiled meat as a side dish. For dinner, any vegetable dish is served, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil, in addition to vegetables - a small amount of seafood or fish.

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Diet on normal days:

  • for the first breakfast you can make an omelet from proteins with vegetables;
  • on the second - smoothies and fruits;
  • lunch - soup and vegetable salad;
  • For dinner, a vegetable dish is served with a minimal addition of vegetable oil and a glass of kefir.

In this option, snacks are allowed, for which a small portion of nuts, smoothies or freshly squeezed juices are suitable. The main thing is to monitor the calorie content of your dishes, because if it exceeds the norm, then you should not expect results from such a diet.

Anti-cellulite nutrition: general strategies

To outline a general line of behavior in the fight against cellulite, let's once again go through the main reasons that contribute to its appearance.

Causes of cellulite:

  • Bile deficiency.
  • Slagging (fast food, stimulating drinks, alcohol, etc.).
  • Fluid retention in the body (improper eating and drinking regimen).
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Stress.

Enriching the diet with special products that promote bile secretion, removal of toxins, and restoration of water-salt balance:

  • Clean drinking water (removes fluid from the body).
  • Herbal and green teas, compotes, fruit drinks without added sugar (can be replaced with honey).
  • Freshly squeezed juices and fresh fruits (the fiber and potassium contained in them remove toxins, restore water-salt balance, speed up metabolism) - at the same time they
  • Must make up at least 2/3 of the entire diet and be varied.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Fresh or steamed/boiled vegetables.
  • Legumes (contain fiber).
  • Whole grains (wild/brown rice, barley, buckwheat).
  • Black radish, grapefruit, barberry (berries), rose hips, dandelion flowers, celandine, mint leaves, chicory (improves liver function, promotes bile secretion).

As a tasty variety, you can consume in small quantities:

  • Lean meat, fish, seafood (protein).
  • Low-fat fermented milk products (protein).
  • Vegetable oils, nuts and seeds (preferably raw) – the unsaturated fatty acids they contain will help the body function stably.

Try not to add too much salt to your food; ideally, keep your salt intake to a minimum.

Eat seasonal foods, it's healthy, tasty, accessible and cheap.

Season vegetable salads with lemon juice or olive oil.

Drink water more often - about 6-8 glasses a day: this will relieve you of stagnation in the body. And drinking 1-2 glasses of clean water half an hour before breakfast will improve intestinal function and dull the feeling of hunger.

Post-diet regimen

The anti-cellulite diet is strict, so the transition to another diet should be smooth so that it does not become stressful for the body. You should gradually expand your menu, but you must understand that healthy and proper nutrition should become the norm for you.

Be sure to include sports and cosmetic procedures with an anti-cellulite effect in your daily routine. Only with complex action will it be possible to get rid of the “orange peel”.

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