Calorie content of jam, sweets and confectionery products: table of calorie content per 100 grams

What is the calorie content of sugar in pressed and loose form?

  • Sugar has been one of the most popular and sought-after products among humanity for many hundreds of years. Sugar is added to baked goods, sweets, drinks, dough, tea, coffee. It is simply impossible to imagine modern life without sugar. A person is not used to living without sweets, because it is not only a source of carbohydrates, but also a good positive mood
  • Statisticians have calculated and determined that a person can eat up to sixty kilograms of sugar in a year. Today, there are several types of sugar, the most popular of which is white beet sugar. You can buy it both in pure loose form and in refined form.
  • The energy value of each type of sugar: white, brown, palm, beet or cane is almost the same. The total number of calories may vary by only 3 or 5 calories

sugar in bulk and refined form
Sugar is a very nutritious product and nutritionists strictly recommend limiting its daily consumption. The fact is that per hundred gamuts of product there are 399 kcal. If you measure sugar in teaspoons, you can calculate that one spoon contains about eight grams of sugar, which means its calorie content is about 32 grams.

Calorie content of custard cake

Custard cakes are also loved by many - they are one of the most popular among cakes. Unfortunately, they are also very high in calories. The dough also contains a lot of calories, since it contains a large amount of fat, and cream. Different types of cream are used in custard cakes - butter, butter, protein, curd or custard. Depending on this, the calorie content of the custard cake may vary.

Buttercream has the highest calorie content - 500-560 kcal per 100 g. It is harmful for people with diseases of the liver, pancreas, biliary tract, as well as a tendency to be overweight. Less harmful and high in calories is protein cream, whose calorie content is about 250-350 kcal per 100 g, depending on its sweetness, that is, on how much sugar the confectioner puts in it. The calorie content of custard cake with protein cream is 280-300 kcal.

The calorie content of custard is even lower - 220 kcal per 100 g, and if you prepare it without oil, then the calorie content of the custard will become about 150-170 kcal per 100 g. However, cake manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of production, not only do not refuse butter in the cream , but they also replace butter with cheap fats - margarine or palm oil, which makes the calorie content of the product higher and also increases its harm to health. The calorie content of custard cake with curd cream is about 280 kcal per 100 g , and the cream itself contains 160-170 kcal per 100 g.

What is the calorie content of sweets table?

Candies are the favorite sweets of children and adults. The modern assortment of sweets offers a wide variety of different types, glazes, fillings and tastes. Wrapped in colorful, attractive packaging, the candies become a desirable treat. However, such sweets contain a huge amount of calories.

Most men and women are constantly forced to monitor their fullness and figure. That is why they follow diets and eat low-calorie foods. The accumulated calories must be expended in excess through physical labor or exercise in the gym. The table will help you calculate the correct number of calories consumed per day:

Type or name of candyCalorie content of candy per 100 grams
Jelly candy160
Caramel lollipop240
Gummy candy286
Chocolate truffle345
Fudge candies368
Caramel with filling378
sucking candy369
Soufflé candy397
Cherry covered in chocolate399
Chocolate Peanuts399
Pineapple candy501
Halva in chocolate528
Red poppy516
Ferrero Rocher579
Teddy bear in the forest580

Calorie content of the most popular types of sweets

Cake “Potato”: calorie content, composition, portions

Potato cake, whose calorie content reaches 360 calories depending on the ingredients in the confectionery product, is one of the most popular types of cakes known throughout the world. Today there are more than 20 recipes for making this dessert. The classic recipe for Potato cake, which contains only 280 calories per 100g of product, includes the following ingredients:

  • Cookie;
  • Condensed milk;
  • Butter;
  • Cocoa powder;
  • Nuts;
  • Fruits.

As can be seen from the composition, the “Potato” cake, the calorie content of which is determined by its ingredients, is not a dietary product. The main advantage of this type of delicacy is the complete absence of heat treatment, since all the ingredients are mixed and whipped into a single mass, after which the cakes themselves are formed. To reduce the calorie content of cakes, some chefs use bread crumbs instead of cookies, and also significantly reduce the amount of fat in the product. Depending on the base ingredient (breadcrumbs or cookies), you can also omit the cocoa powder. It is recommended to eat Potato cakes, which are high in calories and lack vitamins and nutrients, more than once a week. The permissible single serving is up to 100g. The average weight of one Potato cake is 70g.

Calories in chocolate, table of calorie content of types of chocolate

  • There is probably no such person who does not know and does not love chocolate. Chocolate is a unique sweet dessert. There is still debate about the benefits and harms of this dessert, because its caloric content is contraindicated for those who are constantly struggling with the problem of excess weight, and its saturation with protein allows you to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger
  • Chocolate contains an essential component; it contains a lot of flavonoids - essential microelements that are beneficial for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Chocolate can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, thereby cleansing blood vessels. If you eat chocolate in minimal quantities, it can lower blood pressure
  • The calming properties of chocolate are probably known to everyone. It significantly improves body tone, relieves stress and improves brain function. It is useful to eat chocolate during breaks between work, when writing important scientific papers and when solving mathematical problems. However, this particular dessert can instantly raise blood sugar and that is why it should be consumed with caution by diabetics

types and calorie content of chocolate

The benefits and harms of eating chocolate depend only on how much you eat per day. By the way, scientists have calculated that even the smell of chocolate has a beneficial effect on the psyche.

Calorie table for all types of chocolate:

Type of chocolate:Number of calories per 100 grams of product:
White chocolate porous547
Honey white chocolate with nougat535
White chocolate with nuts562
Milk chocolate522
Aerated milk chocolate530
Milk chocolate with nuts533
Milk chocolate with raisins547
Milk chocolate with almonds538
Milk with raisins and nuts554
Milk chocolate with cookies545
Milk chocolate with hazelnuts559
Dark chocolate 99%530
Dark chocolate 87%592
Dark chocolate 85%530
Dark chocolate 80%550
Dark chocolate 70%520
Black aerated chocolate528
Dark chocolate with cognac500
Dark chocolate with nuts570
Black with nuts and raisins524

Calorie content of cakes, their composition and properties

Today there is a huge variety of cakes, and the constant development of technology suggests that their number will continue to increase. The calorie content of cakes depends on the type of dough, as well as filling and cream, so to find out how many calories are in a cake, you need to study its composition. The most popular trust for cakes is biscuit with a calorie content of up to 320 calories per 100 g, shortbread with a calorie content of up to 410 calories per 100 g, puff pastry - up to 360 kcal and custard - up to 270 kcal.

It is also necessary to take into account the calorie content of the cream. One of the most popular creams is custard, the calorie content of which reaches 220 kcal per 100 grams of product. Curd fillings for cakes can contain up to 250 kcal per 100 grams, the calorie content of condensed milk is 320 kcal, jelly is 120 kcal, chocolate is from 400 to 580 kcal.

Many of us can't imagine having tea or afternoon coffee without a cake, but a small cake can pack a lot of calories. The average calorie content of a cake is approximately 300 kcal, and its weight is from 70 to 120 grams.

The high calorie content of this product could be neglected if it contained many vitamins or other substances necessary for human life. But cakes usually contain “empty” calories, pure energy that must be immediately wasted, otherwise it will be stored as fat reserves. Therefore, you should eat cakes only before serious physical activity, and in no case before sleep or rest.

What is the calorie content of candied fruits table?

Candied fruits are dried fruits. They differ from dried fruits in their high sugar content, as well as the presence of gelatin and dyes in their composition, which give them a bright, attractive appearance.

Candied fruits are quite high in calories and are not recommended for those who are afraid of gaining weight and are watching their figure. It is best to prepare candied fruits at home; they will be much healthier and tastier than store-bought ones.

calorie content of candied fruits

Calorie table for various candied fruits:

Type of candied fruit:Its calorie content per 100 grams:
candied pineapple200
candied watermelon rind354
candied lemon peel300
candied carrots300
candied papaya337

Calories in dates, raisins, prunes, dried apricots: table

Dried fruits are the healthiest sweet of all. Dried fruits are useful for eliminating hunger, having snacks for work, and eating with tea in the evening. Dried fruits are a source of healthy vitamins and minerals. Their unique property is to have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and cleanse it naturally. Dried fruits are good to eat in the cold season, when there are simply no fresh fruits.

Some dried fruits have twice the nutritional value of fresh fruits. They are good to eat as usual, add to cereals, yogurt, and even make compote from them. To get the maximum benefit from dried fruits, you need to rinse them with boiling water before eating them. This will save them from excess dirt and harmful substances that are used to process the goods for transportation.

calorie content of dried fruits

Calorie table for dried fruits and dried berries:

Name of dried fruits:Number of calories per 100 grams:
a pineapple339
dried apricots272
dried apricots279
date fruit292

At its core, dried fruit is a concentrate of fresh fruit and it contains exactly the same benefits as regular fruit.

Is it possible to choose a low-calorie cake?

If you really want something tasty, but you’ve already heard about the calorie content of cakes, many people have the idea to choose the least calorie-rich one and enjoy it. Probably the most popular in our country are custard cakes and Potato cakes. By the way, they are often classified as the least caloric.

The calorie content of a potato cake is determined by its composition. It can reach 360 kcal, but such cakes are rare. Usually in pastry shops we buy Potato cake, prepared according to the classic recipe and its calorie content is only 280 kcal. This cake contains cookies, condensed milk, cocoa, butter, fruits and nuts.

Of course, the calorie content of potato cake does not allow it to be called a dietary food, but there are ways to reduce it. To get a lower calorie content, it is prepared with bread crumbs instead of cookies, and you can also reduce the amount of butter. But, despite such steps, the calorie content of potato cake remains high and you should not consume it more than once a week.

The calorie content of custard cake is even higher; it can be up to 460 kcal, depending on the ingredients. A regular custard cake is a tube filled with cream and covered with chocolate or other glaze. Depending on the calorie content of the cream, the calorie content of the custard cake may vary. The cake can be filled with curd cream with a calorie content of up to 250 calories, buttercream with a calorie content of up to 220 calories, or protein cream with a calorie content of up to 225 calories.

Calorie content of baked goods: cake, cookies, gingerbread, pastries, cupcakes, pies. Table for 100 grams

Desserts are the most favorite part of any menu. These are sweet, rich, creamy and fruity dishes that can bring a lot of pleasure to any sweet tooth. But along with their unique taste, these are very high-calorie dishes. They contain a lot of sugar, butter, cream, chocolate, candied fruits and other ingredients. Desserts should not be eaten very often and with extreme caution.

Calorie table for sweet pastries:

Dessert name:Calorie content per 100 grams:
Apple pie186
Raisin cupcake276
Sponge cake350
Puff pastry465
Cake "Potato"310
Cake with fruit filling378
Butter buns365
Oat cookies247
Chocolate cookies350

calorie content of sweet pastries and desserts
Sweetness effectively lifts the mood and keeps the human brain in good shape, and it is simply impossible to imagine a full life without carbohydrates. Nevertheless, you need to make sure that excess calories, along with sweets and baked goods, do not enter the body and do not settle as extra pounds on the sides, hips and stomach.

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to resist the aromas of freshly baked buns and cookies. People are attracted to this dish by three main ingredients: eggs, sugar and fats. Together they create an incredibly attractive taste and delight the taste buds. Sweet baked goods are full of so-called “fast carbohydrates”. They are quickly consumed in the body and unused are deposited in fat cells.

In order not to seriously harm your figure and eat sweet pastries, you need to follow the basic rules:

  • give preference to baked goods, the dough of which was mixed with natural ingredients
  • baked goods must contain either vegetable or butter fat and not a drop of transgenic fats
  • give preference to baked goods that contain a minimum of fat and eggs
  • choose baked goods with healthy fillings: fruits, berries, nuts, jams

Calorie content of cakes: composition, harmful and beneficial properties

Currently, there are many types of cakes, and modern technologies make it possible to create more and more new types. The calorie content of cakes depends on the baked pastry dough, as well as the type of filling. The most popular test semi-finished products for making cakes are:

  • Biscuits - up to 320 calories per 100g (main ingredients: eggs, sugar, flour);
  • Shortbread dough - up to 410 calories per 100g (main ingredients: flour, butter or margarine, sugar, eggs);
  • Puff pastry - up to 360 calories per 100g (main ingredients: flour, margarine or butter, water);
  • Choux pastry - up to 270 calories (main ingredients: flour, eggs, water, butter).

The next factor that determines the calorie content of cakes is the types of filling, of which there are a great many variations. The most popular fillings for these confectionery products are:

  • Creams (one of the most popular is custard, the calorie content of which reaches 220 calories per 100g of product);
  • Curd fillings, for which fatty varieties of cottage cheese, cream, eggs are used (calorie content reaches 250 calories per 100g);
  • Fruits;
  • Nuts;
  • Condensed milk (about 320 calories per 100g);
  • Jelly (calorie content reaches 120 calories per 100g);
  • Pudding (based on eggs, sugar, milk, flour - calorie content about 120 calories per 100g);
  • Melted chocolate (the calorie content of which, depending on the variety, ranges from 400 to 580 calories).

Discussions on the benefits and harms of cakes are still ongoing. The cake is an excellent addition to a cup of coffee or tea, and will also be an excellent solution for dessert. Captivating with its small size, the calorie content of any type of cake is quite high. On average, the weight of one cake ranges from 70 to 120g. The average calorie content of a cake is about 300 calories (a significant part of a person’s daily diet). The calorie content of cakes could be neglected given the rich vitamin composition, as well as the exceptional beneficial properties of this product, however, most cakes are a set of “empty” calories. Such cakes are sources of easily digestible carbohydrates, which do not provide long-term saturation of the body, quickly transforming into fat deposits. Most of the nutrients contained in cakes are lost during the cooking process.

How many calories are in baked goods? Calorie content of samsa, belyashi, chebureks

Baked goods with more filling fillings are especially popular: meat, cheese, mushrooms and others. Such baked goods are always sold in public places, at train stations, in buffets and shops. You can eat it on the go, at work and on the road. Everyone has tried chebureks at least once in their life - delicious delicacies fried in oil, filled with minced meat.

calorie content of cheburek

Of course, the healthiest pasties are those prepared at home and only from natural ingredients, rather than those prepared on the market from cheap products.

Such food is very high in calories and its frequent consumption leads to obesity. To avoid causing problems with your health and figure, you should correctly calculate the amount of calories you consume:

Product name:Calorie content per 100 grams:
Samsa with meat314

Calorie table for cakes, types of cakes and their energy value

Cake accompanies almost any holiday. This is an essential attribute at a birthday party, it is a delicacy on the occasion of an anniversary, it is a treat for guests. There are a great variety of cakes and each of them is a work of culinary art. Along with excellent taste, this is the most high-calorie dessert. This is because the cake includes a huge amount of vegetable and animal fats: eggs, butter, cream.

At the same time, it contains a lot of sugar, fillers and related ingredients. It’s safe to say that eating cakes every day is harmful to your figure and human health. You can afford them occasionally and only in minimal quantities. A correctly compiled table will help you calculate the number of calories:

Cake name:Calorie content per 100 grams:
Waffle cake522
Honey cake478
Napoleon cake533
Cake pigeon's milk303
Enchantress Cake382
Chocolate cake569
Almond cake535
Cake with fruit filling378

calorie content of cakes

Calorie table for cookies, different types of cookies

Cookies are always associated with home comfort and mother's kitchen. This sweetness can be easily and unnoticeably consumed in huge quantities. The calorie content of cookies varies and it directly depends on flour - the main ingredient and other components of the dish. Cookies made at home will always be healthier and lower in calories than those offered to us in stores.

Cookies can contain a lot of nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits, cottage cheese, chocolate chips, marmalade, poppy seeds and other goodies. The table will help you calculate calories correctly:

Type of cookies:Calorie content per 100 grams:
Oat cookies414
Sesame cookies445
Raisin cookies418
Chocolate cookies478
Cookies with cottage cheese366
Sugar cookies422
Nut cookies429
Baked milk cookies436
Cookies with coconut432

calorie content of cookies

Calorie table for pies, types of baked goods

Pie is a simple and delicious pastry. You can enjoy it in a cafe, buy it in a store, but most often the pie is a homemade dish. In terms of its calorie content, it is much lighter than a cake, but the more eggs, butter, fats and other high-calorie components it contains, the “heavier” the cake will be.

Most often, the pie is filled with various fruit fillings: preserves, jams, fresh fruits, candied fruits, dried fruits, condensed milk and nuts. The pie doesn’t take long to prepare and always sells out while still hot, because the most delicious pie is a freshly baked one.

Pie name:Calorie content per 100 grams:
A pie with cabbage219
Pie with meat284
Poppy poppy pie324
Cheese pie370
Pecan pie341
Blueberry pie370
Pie with jam338

jam pie

Calorie content of the “Basket” cake

“Basket” is a cake familiar to everyone since childhood. This is a tartlet made of shortcrust pastry, in which there is berry jam at the bottom, and on it there are figures made of butter and protein cream, decorated with candied berries, candied fruits, cream flowers (however, there may not be any jam).

The calorie content of the “Basket” cake depends on the cream. For example, 100 g of a cake with protein cream contains about 370-380 kcal, and a cake with butter cream will already have up to 420 kcal per 100 g. The weight of one cake is approximately 60-90 g (with butter cream it is heavier).

Gingerbread calorie table, types of gingerbread and filling

Gingerbread is a well-known and beloved delicacy by many. It differs in that it can be stored for a long time. Their taste is distinguished by spicy sweetness and aromatic additives: cinnamon, mint, poppy. Most often, gingerbread cookies are filled with fruit or condensed milk. It’s not uncommon for gingerbread to be pure and taste like fresh mint. Gingerbread is eaten with tea or milk.

Making gingerbread cookies at home is very simple; their technology is very similar to baking cookies. Gingerbread cookies never sit out for a long time and are always eaten in the first minutes. Gingerbread cookies are quite high in calories and in order not to harm your figure, you should consume a limited amount of this pastry.

Name of gingerbread:Calorie content per 100 grams:
rye gingerbread374
Tula gingerbread365
gingerbread with condensed milk370
gingerbread with fruit filling363
mint gingerbread359

calorie content of gingerbread

Calorie table for cakes, different types of cakes

Cakes are a favorite sweet for many; they are similar to cakes and are smaller copies of them. Like cakes, pastries are a fairly high-calorie food. If you are watching your figure, give preference to simple desserts with fruit and berry filling. Jelly cakes are much lower in calories than those containing custard or butter filling.

Types of cakes:Calorie content per 100 grams:
Brewing cake381
Lemon cake302
Potato cake328
Tartlet "Panacotta"294
Cake “Basket” with fruits233
Cottage cheese cake280
Strawberry shortcake260

calorie content of cakes

Custard cake: calorie content, composition, safe portions

Custard cake, whose calorie content reaches 460 kilocalories, is one of the most common confectionery products. The classic custard cake is a tube filled with custard (the calorie content of which reaches 220 calories per 100g) and covered with chocolate glaze. Custard cake, the calorie content of which varies depending on the filling and design elements, can also be filled with:

  • Curd cream (up to 250 calories depending on additives);
  • Butter cream (up to 220 calories per 100g);
  • Protein cream (up to 225 calories);

The dough for custard cakes, which are quite high in calories, is based on butter, flour and eggs.

Custard cakes are not a dietary dessert. The confectionery product is based on animal fats. The ingredients in the recipe for custard cakes cannot be replaced, which does not allow them to reduce their calorie content. Regular consumption of such cakes will lead to weight gain.

When choosing a sweet treat, it is important to determine what products are used in the cake. Despite the high calorie content of cakes, some types are sources of vitamins and beneficial elements, while most cakes are only easily digestible carbohydrates, which are instantly converted by the body into fats.

Calorie table for cupcakes, types of cupcakes

Cupcake is the simplest and most delicious homemade cake. Each housewife always has her own special recipe, which she prepares on special occasions. A cupcake is a baked product without filling, but with the addition of various ingredients: raisins, candied fruits, dried fruits, nuts, poppy seeds, lemon zest, cognac and other goodies.

The cake is easy to bake and served warm. It is usually decorated with fresh fruits, berries and powdered sugar. In some versions, the cupcake is filled with dark and light frosting, decorated with mint sprigs, or topped with whipped cream. The cake must be fluffy, soft and sweet. Cake is a great addition to tea.

Name of dish:Number of calories per 100 grams:
Oatmeal cupcake147
Pumpkin cupcake210
Lemon cupcake275
Cupcake with nuts412
Raisin cupcake384
Chocolate cake449
Cupcake with candied fruits360
Orange cupcake281
Cupcake "Capital"376

calorie content of cupcake

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