For the most strong-willed and patient: the Herculean diet for weight loss

Is it possible to lose weight on oatmeal?

It is certainly possible to achieve impressive results. After all, oatmeal is considered a dietary product. But you need to know that only unprocessed flakes are beneficial, and instant oatmeal is a dish that can only temporarily relieve hunger. There is no benefit from them, as well as benefits for the figure. This also applies to natural oatmeal, cooked in milk with the addition of butter or vegetable oil. It is also better to replace sugar with dried fruits or fresh berries. The rolled oatmeal diet is effective due to the properties of this cereal:

  • oats are a cereal with a low glycemic index (40), so it belongs to the category of slow carbohydrates, which have benefits for the body in the form of normalizing blood sugar and improving intestinal function;
  • porridge prepared from rolled oats in water also has a low calorie content and will relieve hunger for a long time;
  • This product allows you to quickly and easily lose weight, since it is characterized by rapid saturation. It also removes harmful substances from the body, cleaning out waste and toxins.

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Possible diet variations

The basis of the oatmeal diet for weight loss is the consumption of oatmeal, ideally 2 times a day. You can start with a 2-phase plan or a 7-day menu.

  • 1st phase. In the first week, porridge is consumed 3 times a day. At this stage, it is recommended to consume only whole grains and not instant flakes that do not have the proper composition. You can combine them with fruits.
  • 2nd phase. During the 2nd week, the amount of porridge is reduced to 1-2 servings per day. You can use instant flakes. The rest of the food should be healthy, low in fat, and include lots of fruits and vegetables.

The second option is an oatmeal diet for a week, including 2 porridges per day. Therefore, stage 1 is skipped.

Menu for the oat diet for a week

1 day:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, tea.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, oatmeal.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt.
  • Dinner: chicken salad.

Day 2:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, kefir.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, oatmeal.
  • Afternoon snack: grapefruit.
  • Dinner: fish.

Day 3:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, yogurt.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, oatmeal.
  • Afternoon snack: pear or apple.
  • Dinner: chicken, vegetables.

Day 4:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, kefir.
  • Lunch: tomato soup, oatmeal.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit salad.
  • Dinner: fish.

Day 5:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, nuts.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, oatmeal.
  • Afternoon snack: orange.
  • Dinner: chicken salad.

Day 6:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, kefir.
  • Lunch: oatmeal, asparagus.
  • Afternoon snack: salad.
  • Dinner: fish.

Day 7:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, yogurt.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, oatmeal.
  • Afternoon snack: kefir, apple.
  • Dinner: chicken, vegetables.

As part of the diet, you can use proven recipes for preparing delicious porridge, listed below. Instant cereals are not recommended - they are usually sweetened and therefore contain more calories.

To prepare porridge, ½ cup of oatmeal is recommended. The diet plan also allows low-fat milk, yogurt, kefir, and fruits. Be sure to add cinnamon - it will give the dish a pleasant sweetish taste.

Eat porridge for breakfast and lunch. Fresh fruits are suitable for the 1st afternoon snack; vegetables with unroasted nuts are recommended for the 2nd half of the day. The basis of the dinner is high-quality sources of protein, such as lean meat, fish and zucchini, baked in the oven. A small, low-calorie dessert is allowed.

Oatmeal-apple option

The top spot in the ranking is (according to reviews) the oatmeal diet with apples.

Ingredients for porridge with apples:

  • ¼ liter of water or low-fat milk;
  • 50 g flakes;
  • 1 tsp. butter;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • apples.

Pour milk into a saucepan and add cereal. Bring to a boil while stirring. When the porridge becomes thick enough, sweeten it with honey and pour into a bowl. Add butter and fresh or dried apples. You can garnish with grated coconut.

Kefir-oat option

The oatmeal diet with kefir is no less popular than the above apple option. It is best to cook porridge in the evening (“overnight”). There's a reason for this. Thanks to kefir cultures - beneficial microorganisms contained in kefir - the flakes are easier to digest, maximizing the absorption of all important nutrients. Because we are not what we eat, but what we absorb in our intestines.

The porridge turns out soft, and you don’t feel tired after eating it. This is because digestion does not require much energy.

Ingredients for oatmeal with kefir:

  • 150 ml milk kefir;
  • oatmeal (about 50 g);
  • 1 banana;
  • a handful of nuts;
  • optional: 1 tbsp. l. honey or maple syrup;
  • cinnamon.

If you plan to eat the porridge right away, crush the banana with a fork and mix with other ingredients.

If cooking overnight, combine all ingredients except banana, cover, and leave on counter at room temperature (refrigerate in summer). In the morning, add banana.

Oatmeal-buckwheat diet

Buckwheat is a well-known and popular product. This is not a cereal; the cereal belongs to the category of pseudocereals. It does not contain gluten, so it is suitable for the diet of people suffering from celiac disease. The health benefits of buckwheat are due to the large amount of vitamins and minerals it contains.

When on a buckwheat-oat diet, you can prepare porridge with almond milk as an alternative to cow's milk - it will provide the body with energy from plant proteins. Additional components (honey, cranberry) contain anti-inflammatory substances, rejuvenate, restore the body, significantly increase the benefits of the dish, and improve the taste.

Gourmet version: Toast buckwheat flakes and almond slices for the perfect nutty flavor. It is not surprising that reviews of the oatmeal diet for weight loss with buckwheat are laudatory - one bowl contains a concentration of most of the substances the body needs.

Ingredients for buckwheat-oat porridge with cranberries and pumpkin seeds:

  • 2 tbsp. l. buckwheat flakes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 1 tbsp. frozen or fresh cranberries;
  • 100 ml almond milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • pumpkin seeds for decoration.

First, cook the cranberries (pre-cooking is recommended). Place fresh or frozen berries in a saucepan and add a little water. Cook until soft, add honey, stir.

Fry buckwheat in a frying pan. As soon as it heats up and acquires a nutty aroma, add oatmeal, milk, bring to a boil, stir for about 5 minutes.

Pour into bowls, top with warm cranberry mixture, and sprinkle with pumpkin seeds. A good improvement is adding white yogurt.

Curd and oatmeal diet

This is an oatmeal diet option, the reviews of which are also very positive. The recipe contains blueberries, but any other fruits or berries can be used instead (for example, a mixture of wild berries, strawberries).


  • 100 g oatmeal;
  • 25 g vanilla protein;
  • 125 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 50 g low-fat white yoghurt;
  • 100 g blueberries;
  • water.

Place blueberries (or other berries or fruits), cottage cheese, and white yogurt in a deep bowl. stir. Add water if necessary. Stir in vanilla protein. Add cereal. Leave in the refrigerator for 6 hours.

Losing weight with oat bran

Most people associate oat bran with horse feed. But surprisingly it is a recognized delicacy. They are very tasty, contain valuable minerals, B vitamins. Due to the significant amount of fiber, bran is indispensable for the proper functioning of the intestines. They help remove toxins and cleanse the digestive system. It is not surprising that the oat diet (that is, one of its variations) includes the use of bran.

Bran porridge can be prepared in water, using milk, adding natural yogurt and fruit.

The following delicious porridge will help you lose weight using oatmeal.

Ingredients for oat bran porridge with raspberry sauce and coconut:

  • 2 tbsp. l. bran;
  • 1 tbsp. fresh or frozen raspberries;
  • 2 tbsp. l. white yogurt;
  • fresh coconut pieces;
  • a little cane sugar.

Place the bran in a bowl and add cold water until it is completely submerged. Microwave for 2 minutes.

Meanwhile, chop fresh coconut and fry in a dry frying pan. Sprinkle with fresh or frozen raspberries and add cane sugar. Fry it. When the raspberries release juice and the sugar melts, remove the pan from the stove and pour the resulting sauce over the porridge. Garnish with coconut pieces.

Oatmeal jelly diet

Oatmeal jelly is not even a drink, but a nutritious liquid dish. It contains a number of important substances, vitamins, minerals present in the flakes.

The diet of the dietary scheme is similar to the menu for eating porridge - jelly is consumed 2 times a day.

For example:

  • Breakfast: jelly.
  • Afternoon snack No. 1: any fruit.
  • Lunch: buckwheat with chicken.
  • Afternoon snack No. 2: yogurt.
  • Dinner: jelly.

Ingredients for oatmeal jelly (for 1 serving):

  • 1 tbsp. cereal;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 1 tbsp. low-fat milk.

Grind the flakes to flour (for example, in a coffee grinder). Stir in ½ tbsp. water. Boil the remaining water with milk. Slowly pour in the prepared flour mixture. Cook until thickened (about 5 minutes).

What are the benefits of oatmeal?

Nutritionists recommend eating oatmeal for people of all ages. It can prevent many diseases - improve intestinal function, cope with constipation, and normalize glucose levels. Oatmeal for weight loss is recommended for people with excess body weight, because it does this without harming the functioning of the body's most important systems. In addition, it can be consumed by pregnant women, since it is a complete product, rich in vitamins and nutrients, and does not provoke allergies. Porridge has additional benefits for the immune system - it significantly increases it. Combining an oat diet with physical activity, you will not feel sick, because this cereal is an excellent source of energy. The end result of such a diet is a loss of up to 10 kg of weight in 30 days.

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whole diet – detailed menu, reviews, recipes, diet principles

The oatmeal diet is one of the most accessible, simple, effective and time-tested methods of getting rid of extra pounds.
It is not for nothing that the oatmeal diet is popular among Englishwomen from the most ancient aristocratic families, who are accustomed to losing weight not only wisely, but also “with taste.” Traditional medicine extols oats, using them to treat a wide variety of diseases. It helps to cope with insomnia, colds, reduces blood sugar levels, and helps relieve inflammation in the pancreas. Oats are given to children to prevent rickets. It can be used to treat people with liver disease.

Oatmeal, when consumed regularly, allows you not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to improve the health of the body as a whole.

How to cook oatmeal for weight loss

It is better to use whole oats that are boiled in water. True, it takes quite a long time to cook (about 50 minutes), but the result is worth it, because in the end you will get a very healthy porridge for your diet. The recipe for the correct preparation of whole grain cereals: rinse the oats several times under running water, leave in water overnight (the oats are filled with water in a ratio of 1:3). After this, start cooking - first on high heat until it boils, then on low for about an hour.

Hercules flakes cook a little less - about half an hour. For 1 cup of cereal you need to use 2 cups of water. You can add a little salt to the porridge or add fresh berries, natural spices or dried fruits to the already prepared one. Cook both flakes and whole grains, stirring constantly.

Instant cereal is poured with boiling water. In a few minutes they are ready to eat.

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Which oatmeal is best to buy?

This culture is represented by several types, all of them are obtained as a result of various types of processing:

  1. Whole oatmeal. This is a type of cereal that has undergone the least processing (steam), without losing its beneficial substances. Oat grains will give the greatest results if you are following an oatmeal diet for weight loss. Of all the existing types of oatmeal, this is the healthiest.
  2. Crushed oats. This type of oatmeal differs from the previous one only in that each grain is crushed. The smaller grain size ensures faster cooking of the cereal, and it contains exactly the same amount of benefits as the whole grain.
  3. Hercules flakes. They are oats that have been pressed and steamed. You need to cook the cereal porridge for 10-15 minutes. The longer the process of cooking porridge takes, the softer it will be on the stomach.
  4. Cereals "Extra". There are three types and differ in numbering. No. 1 is the coarsest type of such flakes, made from unprocessed grains. No. 2 - obtained by processing oats, cut into 4 parts. No. 3 - is the result of pressing finely crushed oatmeal. “Extra” No. 3 is recommended for therapeutic dietary nutrition, as it is the most gentle oat product for the stomach. They cook the fastest - just pour boiling water over them for a couple of minutes.

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What types of oatmeal are there?

Let's look at what kind of oatmeal there is, what each type is suitable for.

Whole grain oats

As I already said, this is the healthiest type of oatmeal. All nutrients, microelements and vitamins are preserved in this cereal intact. This porridge is found extremely rarely in stores, mainly due to its unpopularity among consumers due to the complexity and length of preparation. We got lazy, no matter what, and naturally prefer the analogue of porridge, which takes 15 minutes to prepare, to the original, which needs to be cooked for an hour. We do not think that during processing the cereal underwent multiple treatments and lost almost all its beneficial properties.

Oatmeal Hercules

The most popular type of oatmeal among women is that it is prepared quickly, the beneficial properties are preserved, although not in full, and the taste is 5+. In addition, the processing of oatmeal is such that the shelf life of Hercules is very long.

Hercules porridge has a fairly low glycemic index, only 40 units. Therefore, it is often recommended during diets and active physical activity. And the variety of dishes that can be prepared with Hercules is quite large - from classic porridge for breakfast to delicious cookies, which even I adore.

Oat bran and flour

Oat bran and flour are a processed product of a whole grain product. They are also eaten for the purpose of losing weight. Bran is very effective for constipation. Once in the stomach, bran swells, increasing in size several times, because of this, a feeling of fullness sets in very quickly.

Bran is taken, of course, not just in dry form, but added either to kefir, or to yogurt, or simply with warm water. Personally, I really like adding it to yogurt, which, by the way, you can make yourself

. As a snack with proper nutrition, this is an ideal option.

Oat flour, like bran, in addition to its dietary qualities, has the remarkable property of strengthening the immune system. You can take flour in the same way as bran, but the most effective way is to dilute two tablespoons of flour in warm water and drink 20 minutes before meals, once a day.

How to lose weight with oatmeal

It is difficult to find a healthier product that helps you achieve slimness than oatmeal. The benefits of an oat diet for weight loss are ensured by its ability to remove harmful substances from the body and satisfy hunger for a long time. Carefully plan your oatmeal menu for the whole day before starting your diet. The calorie content of this cereal is low, but portions of porridge should still not be large. You can also diversify your diet with oat bran and flour.

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Composition of oatmeal

The beneficial properties and beneficial effects of oatmeal on the body are determined by its rich natural composition.

Carbohydrates 60-68 g10-12% dietary fiber, 88% starch, 15% sugar
Proteins 11-14 gessential amino acids - 12, nonessential - 8, BCAA-15%, leucine, arginine, aspartic acid
Fats – 6-9 ghealthy -85%, saturated -15%

The energy value of the product is 330 Kcal.

The glycemic index of finished oat porridge is 40-55.

  • Oatmeal is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, E, A (beta-carotene), H;
  • contains large quantities of natural antioxidants that enhance immunity and remove radionuclides and heavy metal salts;
  • minerals that stimulate the normal functioning of the body - silicon, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, chlorine, calcium, sulfur, sodium, iron, manganese, zinc, copper;
  • beta-glucan, which lowers bad cholesterol levels.

Reasonable consumption of oatmeal and other dishes from this culture is the path to a healthy body and a beautiful, sculpted body.

Oatmeal in the morning

Many nutritionists advise starting the day with oatmeal. This is not unreasonable because:

  • With the help of porridge, the digestive process is started. Oatmeal helps to do this by gently passing through the esophagus. In addition, the consequence of this process is normalized stool;
  • If you eat such porridge on an empty stomach, it will not cause negative consequences, which cannot be said about many other types of products. Therefore, a diet based on oatmeal is safe for digestion - it does not affect acidity;
  • oat grains contain equal amounts of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, which makes it possible not to use additional products to balance the daily diet;
  • provided that you eat oat porridge for breakfast, you will not feel the need for sweets during the day.

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Benefits of oatmeal

Let's figure out how it happened that the same porridge can help you lose weight, or vice versa, gain weight. What is its secret, as well as how to properly prepare porridge for weight loss.

Oatmeal has a unique composition of microelements and vitamins. Oatmeal contains vitamins B, E and K. In addition, it contains iron, copper, phosphorus, zinc, potassium and magnesium. But the most valuable thing in oatmeal is beta-glucan, which is otherwise called soluble fiber.

Oatmeal is a fairly high-calorie product - 100 grams of the product contains 345 calories, as well as 12 grams of protein, 6 grams of fat and 65 grams of carbohydrates.

Oats are slow carbohydrates that are a source of energy for muscle tissue

Among other things, it contains antioxidants that reduce the negative effects of free radicals and dull the desire to eat sweets. Oatmeal also helps cleanse the intestines, calms the nervous system, and also magically promotes rejuvenation of the body!

Oatmeal with apples

To dilute the blandness of the porridge, you can supplement it with various components. The apple will add unobtrusive sourness and replace sugar. Among others, this is the most common oat diet recipe:

  • 1 medium apple, peeled, cut into cubes or thin slices;
  • Boil 2 cups of water and bring to a boil. Add apple and cook for 2 minutes;
  • pour 1 glass of rolled oats into boiling water and cook until porridge.

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Oatmeal with kefir

Kefir paired with oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, improving its functioning, which allows you to lose excess weight. Thanks to this oatmeal diet, up to 6 kg can disappear in 5 days. You can combine these two products in different ways: it is permissible to mix them or wash down oatmeal with a glass of kefir.

To diversify the taste of porridge, it is allowed to add fresh or frozen berries, some fruits or natural spices. An interesting combination of cottage cheese and boiled oatmeal can be created if you beat them with a blender.

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Mono-diet on oatmeal

Oatmeal mono-diets come in different durations: one-day, three-day and lasting more days. In the first and second cases, oatmeal is cooked in water, and the finished dish is not supplemented with any by-products. Porridge should be consumed throughout the day, while drinking at least 1.5 liters of filtered still water; sometimes it is allowed to replace water with tea without sugar (preferably green). A diet exceeding 3 days allows the introduction of a small amount of by-products into the diet, including lean meat, vegetables and fruits with minimal sugar content. With this diet, you need to endure 3-5 days of a mono-diet.

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Oatmeal diet: menu for three days

Another option on how to get rid of extra pounds.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday
150 g oatmeal in water 150 g oatmeal in water 150 g oatmeal in water
Some nuts, herbal tea Low-fat kefir, orange Apple, tea
150 g oatmeal with a spoon of honey, cucumber salad 150 g oatmeal with a spoon of honey, cucumber and tomato salad 150 g oatmeal with a spoon of honey, cabbage and carrot salad
Cottage cheese Green tea, low-fat yogurt Kefir, green tea
150g oatmeal with berries 150 g oatmeal in water with raisins 150 g oatmeal in water with prunes

Oatmeal diet

Too little calories is just as bad as too much. When their quantity is small, the body rearranges its work so that it begins to store fat. If you consume more calories than your body needs, it will not have time to process them, which will also result in extra pounds. The optimal norm for a healthy person is 1200 kcal. When adhering to proper nutrition, you need to monitor the quality of the prepared food.

You should not fry foods in butter or vegetable oil. It is better to make the menu from boiled, stewed or baked ingredients with the addition of a small amount of olive oil.

Breakfast on a diet, like lunch, should be more nutritious than dinner. In the evening you can drink kefir. Do not forget to combine this nutrition system with sports exercises.

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Minus 10 kg

This oatmeal diet is based on eating rice and oatmeal. During the week you need to eat rice:

  • rice in the amount of 4 tbsp. should be left overnight, soaked in a liter of water;
  • the next day, this rice should be cooked over low heat for the time necessary to obtain the consistency of boiled liquid porridge;
  • A portion of this rice is eaten on an empty stomach in the morning, the break between the next meal is 5 hours;
  • For the rest of the day, you can eat light, low-fat foods that won't overload your body. You can have dinner 4 hours before bedtime.
  • This principle of nutrition lasts 7 days.

The next week, the basis of the diet should be oatmeal. It should be consumed all day, adding variety to dishes with apples, boiled meat or fish and kefir. With this diet, you can lose up to 10 kg of weight, provided that you also drink up to 2 liters of water daily. Drink a glass of water 10 minutes before your meal; this will relieve hunger and allow you to reduce the size of food you eat.

If you want to learn how to remove your belly and sides at home, then you need to read this article -.

If you don’t like porridge, but want to lose weight, then, for example, a banana diet will suit you. On this diet you can lose up to 5 kg in a fairly short period of time.

If you are not a supporter of fruit diets, then you can try vegetable weight loss -.

If you cannot eat the same allowed list of foods on a particular diet, then there is the six-petal diet, which combines 6 different mono-diets. Each mono-diet uses its own products. You can read about this method of losing weight here.

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For 7 days

Before you start an oatmeal diet, you need to carry out some kind of preparation for it, gradually reducing the number of calories in your dishes and reducing the amount of junk food you eat. The diet that is followed for a week includes the following recommendations:

  • The daily content of oatmeal in the diet is 600 grams. The flakes can be boiled or infused by pouring boiling water. This amount should be enough for three meals;
  • in addition to rolled oats, weight loss dishes can be supplemented with low-calorie fruits and vegetables, fresh, boiled or baked, the total amount should not exceed 300 grams;
  • You can add dry fruits, any nuts to the oatmeal, or season it with cinnamon;
  • cottage cheese, natural yogurt and low-fat kefir are also allowed;
  • You need to get out of the diet gradually, introducing other foods into the menu besides those that you can eat while losing weight and replacing one of the dishes with them.

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Is it possible to eat oatmeal while losing weight and cutting?

Eating oatmeal while losing weight and cutting is not only possible, but also necessary. The goal of losing weight is to reduce the amount of adipose tissue and body volume. Drying the body, unlike losing weight, does not involve reducing overall volumes, but only burning fat mass. However, what these processes have in common is the main indicator - the destruction of fat.

Oatmeal plays a very important role in this. The proteins contained in its composition “work” to strengthen muscles, there is very little fat - they are not stored for future use, and fiber creates a feeling of fullness - and you don’t want to eat. The catabolic phase after consuming oatmeal in people who play sports is reduced, and recovery processes are accelerated.

To dry and lose weight, you need to choose types of long-digesting oatmeal - whole grains, chives, Hercules oat flakes.

For 3 days

The three-day diet does not allow the intake of other foods besides oatmeal. Porridge cooked in water cannot be salted or sugar added. There is no limit on the volume of oatmeal, the main thing is not to feel hungry. Green tea can also help with this.

On such a diet you can lose up to 3 kilograms. In addition, such nutrition will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and remove harmful substances from the body.

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Hercules breaks down very slowly in the body, so the feeling of fullness will remain for a long time. The main advantage of such a diet is that breakdowns are excluded. Those who are losing weight will feel great and will not want to go to the refrigerator for a tempting delicacy.

The flakes contain useful microelements and vitamins that are easily absorbed. A portion of oatmeal for breakfast will help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, speed up metabolism, and cleanse the body of toxins.

Regular consumption of rolled oats reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, blood clots, and normalizes cholesterol levels.

Oatmeal contains practically no fat, so even if you prepare a large portion of porridge according to a dietary recipe, it is impossible to gain weight.

Reviews from those losing weight indicate that the Hercules diet gives excellent results. Many people notice that the skin has become fresh, elastic, smooth, and their overall well-being has improved.

The product is also useful for people with kidney disease, the elderly and children.

Diabetics can safely include rolled oats in their daily diet, as the product has a low glycemic index.

Diet for a month

Oatmeal for weight loss is the base product of a diet that lasts a month. This approach to nutrition also implies adherence to certain rules:

  • During the first week you need to eat only oatmeal. When preparing it, do not use salt or sugar. Drink up to 2 liters of liquid in the form of water or green tea all day. The final meal should occur no later than 5 hours before going to bed.
  • In the second week, you can already add greens, low-calorie vegetables and fermented milk products to your diet (this allows you to eat porridge prepared with milk or infused with kefir). You need to drink water and herbal teas, preferring chamomile.
  • From the third week, it is allowed to add salt, sugar, vegetable oil or butter to oatmeal. Vegetables and herbal preparations are still allowed.
  • In the last week, you can eat lean meat and fish in small quantities. It is also allowed to add fruit.

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Principles of the Hercules Diet

It is important to pay attention to the fact that cereals must be soaked in water before cooking to activate the beneficial substances.

You should eat in small portions, at least five times a day.

“You can’t eat after 18:00!” - myth. A light, balanced dinner should be a must, ideally four hours before bedtime.

Instant oatmeal, which is brewed with hot water, is not suitable for the diet. You should choose the product you want to cook.

During the diet, it is recommended to drink eight glasses of water daily. You can afford a glass of low-fat kefir.

It is necessary to exclude all starchy fruits and vegetables from the oatmeal diet menu.

Eliminate sugar and butter. Use salt to a minimum.

If an oatmeal diet lasts more than seven days, doctors advise taking vitamins, since a mono-diet is not able to provide the body with all the useful substances.

Reviews about the Hercules diet are mixed. She tests her willpower, because not everyone can eat monotonous, tasteless food every day. Is the Hercules diet effective for weight loss? Reviews from those who have switched to a gentle menu indicate that the kilograms are coming off slowly. The reason is that, in addition to oatmeal, those losing weight included other foods in their diet.


Instant porridges are not included among dishes for weight loss, because they contain oatmeal that has undergone maximum processing - they do not contain any useful substances. In addition, sugar and other additives that provoke appetite are added to such cereals. Eating “correct” oats should not take a very long time. The diet should be balanced in the amount of healthy fats, proteins and slow carbohydrates, which oatmeal cannot fully provide. It can also cause a lack of calcium in the bones. Contraindications for the oat diet:

  • the presence of chronic and acute diseases of the digestive system, heart, blood vessels;
  • You cannot follow such a diet if you have diabetes;
  • if you are intolerant to gluten, which is contained in oatmeal;
  • Pregnant and lactating women should also avoid oat diets;
  • do not resort to this diet if you are allergic to gluten and grains;
  • This feeding method is prohibited for people with gastritis and other serious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with high energy consumption and heavy physical activity, you should also not go on an oat diet;
  • If you have a history of colitis, this diet will not suit you.

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How to get out of a diet

The correct way out of the diet will help you maintain your results:

  1. On the first day after completing the diet, introduce fresh fruits into your diet.
  2. On the second day, start eating fresh vegetables.
  3. On the third day, turn on hot dishes.
  4. Next, try to eat minimal meals every 4 hours.

Eliminate sweets and simple carbohydrates from your diet.

If you have not achieved the desired result in one week, the diet can be repeated, but not earlier than after two weeks. Monitor your well-being. If you have any problems losing weight, you should stop the oat diet and consult your doctor.

Cons of the oat diet

For all its advantages, the Hercules diet still has some disadvantages:

  • this diet does not replenish the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body and is low in calories;
  • with strict versions of the oat diet, such as fasting days or three-day meals, the choice of products is strictly limited;
  • you may feel unwell and general weakness;
  • It is difficult to follow an oat diet due to the fact that the main product is bland, and adding flavoring tones is prohibited.

These disadvantages and contraindications apply mainly to long-term diets. If you adhere to a non-strict diet using oatmeal, and its duration does not exceed the permissible norm, then these disadvantages will not affect you.

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What do people who have experienced the delights of the oat diet say?

Most women who have endured a difficult diet admitted that the Hercules diet is one of the most effective and affordable ways to get in shape. That's why the Hercules diet has only good reviews. Thanks to the fiber contained in rolled oats, the intestinal microflora returns to normal, waste and toxins are eliminated naturally. It is noted that for those who actively engage in sports and take walks, the effect of following the Herculean diet is more noticeable.

Reviews and results

Marina, 32 years old : With all my love for oatmeal, on the fourth day I could no longer look at it. Plus, I started to feel weak. Therefore, I added the usual products to the oatmeal. But the result was still noticeable - I lost 3 kg.

Varvara, 29 years old : If I feel like I need to lose 4-5 extra pounds, then I immediately buy oatmeal. I haven’t tried sitting on oatmeal alone; in addition to porridge, I always eat other healthy foods. I like this diet option because with a varied diet, you can get a slim figure.

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