Striped diet: alternating “white” and “colored” days as an effective method of losing weight

Striped diet: alternating one-component and healthy menus

Duration : from one to three weeks; Features : alternating diet - kefir mono-diet + low-calorie days; Cost : low; Result : minus 3-8 kg; The striped diet is not suitable for : those suffering from diseases of the digestive and excretory systems, those with lactose intolerance, as well as pregnant and lactating women. Before starting a diet, you should consult with your doctor; if you are severely obese, lose weight only under the supervision of a specialist!

Striped diet: reviews and results

Most people who practice this technique note a significant improvement in their digestion. Kefir supports the function of the pancreas and intestines, eliminates the manifestations of dysbiosis. Vegetables and fruits saturate the body with vitamins and cleanse the liver. Meat, fish and cereals maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time and prevent excessive loss of muscle mass.

For many, at the end of the diet, the weight dropped to 9–12 kg, and the swelling went away. With significant obesity, body weight often continued to decrease during the period of withdrawal from the diet.

The disadvantages of the method include the lack of sweets in the diet and low calorie content. Because of this, weakness and dizziness may occur while following the diet. It is not advisable to play sports, work hard or work hard. And for people with peptic ulcers, pathologies of the kidneys, hematopoiesis and gout, the striped diet is contraindicated. The diet is also prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents.

Striped diet: secret ingredient - kefir

The striped diet attracts attention not only with its funny name, but also with a lot of positive reviews. It is suitable for those who:

  • wants to lose weight;
  • loves kefir and tolerates it well;
  • considers kefir mono- and express diets too strict and stressful.

The name of the striped diet is an eloquent illustration of the basic principle of food selection: it alternates between “white” days, on which you should eat only kefir (no more than 1.5 liters from morning to evening), and “regular” days, on which you can eat practically nothing. anything - of course, focusing on the principles of healthy eating, otherwise it is unlikely that you will be able to lose noticeable weight.

The effect of the striped diet is ensured by the “rocking up”: those who have sad experience with strict diets know the risk of a “plateau effect”, in which, despite an extremely meager diet, the scales at some point stop. This happens thanks to the instinct of self-preservation: the body decides that weight loss has reached a critical point and not only conserves fat reserves, but also does everything to ensure that literally all the substances coming from food “remain in place.”

A striped diet does not give the body the opportunity to adapt to an “unfavorable” nutrition system: “strip” days turn out to be too short a period of nutrient deficiency for hormonal triggers to work and the body to go into emergency mode of weight retention. In addition, short-term abstinence from solid food is much easier to bear psychologically, so losing weight on a striped diet is quick and relatively easy.

There are many varieties of the striped diet, tested by volunteers and differing in their approach to daily calories and the amount of food allowed, duration and, of course, the expected result. But all the “varieties” of the striped diet have one thing in common: the main secret to staying slim on it remains kefir.

Kefir has long been truly loved by Russians. Having decided on a striped diet, it is important to choose a high-quality main product for it: only kefir produced in accordance with GOST R 52093-2003 and having a limited shelf life has health-promoting qualities.

Fermented milk “kefir” drinks (without a clear name “kefir” and an indication of the state production standard) with or without additives, as a rule, are a surrogate for the legendary “food of long-livers”, the main value of which is the balance of nutrients and live bacteria and fungi that improve microflora intestines and, accordingly, metabolism.

For a striped diet, it is recommended to choose kefir with 1% fat content - this is a compromise between “not very dietary” dense kefir (according to GOST, its fat content can reach 8.9%!), and “empty” kefir 0.5%. Thus, the striped diet on a “white” day will bring you only 40 kcal for every 100 ml of kefir.

If hunger and the feeling of an “empty stomach” in the first days of the striped diet cause severe discomfort, you can add any two small vegetables or fruits to the diet - for example, apples or cucumbers. But you can (and should) drink plain water without gas on “white” days without restrictions: despite the fact that kefir is liquid, it does not completely cover the body’s need for moisture during the period of weight loss.

Striped diet: what to eat on “normal” days

The menu of non-kefir days on the striped diet may include all your favorite foods without restrictions on the content of essential nutrients, but some revision still won’t hurt. For a weight loss result that is pleasing to the eye and heart, give up fast food, processed foods, baked goods and white flour bread and reduce the amount of sweets as much as possible.

The right choice on a “regular” day on the streak diet is fresh, minimally processed food. Meat, fish and poultry, as well as vegetables that require heat treatment, are best cooked in a steamer or grilled without fat. In order to lose weight faster, limit your daily menu to 1500 kcal and eat small portions 5-6 times a day.

It is better to avoid fatty, “heavy” foods so as not to overload glycogen depots. Alcohol is also prohibited for the entire duration of the striped diet. You can drink tea without sugar and additives (4-5 cups a day) and treat yourself to a morning cup of coffee without milk and sugar, and don’t forget to drink plain still water - at least 1.5 liters a day.

Main principles

The method is based on alternating so-called white and colored days. In the first, you need to use only fresh kefir and nothing more. The drink should be low in fat, no more than 1%, prepared in accordance with GOST, with fermented milk starter. Various “kefir products” are absolutely not suitable. You need to drink up to 2 liters of kefir per day. Apart from that - only clean water.

Alternatively, on “white” days you can reduce the volume of kefir you drink to 1.5 liters, supplementing the menu with a plate of porridge with water or 150 g of boiled unsalted skinless chicken breast. Or eat 1 green apple and 2 grapefruits, reducing the daily portion of kefir to 1 liter.

On “colored” days, the diet is more varied. It should include green vegetables, berries, fruits, cereals, whole grain bread, chicken eggs, lean fish and meat. Black coffee and tea are allowed. The results of the striped diet depend on the initial body weight and the degree of motivation of those losing weight. The more kilos you accumulate, the more effective the method is. To lose up to 10 kg or more, you need to avoid breakdowns, eat small portions - about 250 g. Sit down at the table at least 4 times a day. For breakfast, mostly slow carbohydrates.

A few hours later - a small snack. Lunch should include a hearty protein dish with a vegetable side dish. Dinner is preferably light, but not meager: a portion of meat, fish, greens, fruit. Fresh fruits, nuts, and juices are suitable as snacks.

The energy value of nutritious “colored” days should not exceed 1500 kcal, “white” days - 700 kcal. The duration of the course is 21 days. A longer period is undesirable, as it increases the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases, exhaustion, development of hypovitaminosis, and anemia.

To maintain the achieved results, you need to exit the diet correctly. In the first 2 weeks, the daily diet should not exceed 1500 kcal. In the following days, you need to increase the energy value of your diet by 100–200 kcal. For 2-3 months you should not eat fried and fatty foods, smoked foods, and salty snacks.

Duration of the strip diet

Depending on the seriousness of your intentions and willpower, you can choose one of the striped diet options suitable for the duration.

Striped diet for 7 days

The diet plan begins with a “white” day: from morning to evening you drink one and a half liters of kefir in small portions. The next day is a healthy diet with limited calories and a predominance of protein foods. If you wish, you can exercise on “regular” days, but the striped diet does not work as a permanent fitness diet.

Striped diet for 21 days

In this type of striped diet, there are three “strips” and, accordingly, seven approaches to each of them. The menu is structured as follows:

  • 1 day - kefir
  • Day 2 - healthy eating (1500 kcal per day)
  • Day 3 – healthy eating (1200 kcal per day)
  • Day 4 - kefir, etc.

Since such a striped diet has a serious duration, it is recommended to take a vitamin-mineral complex throughout its entire duration. Stop the diet and consult a doctor if your health worsens, pain appears, or problems with sleep and digestion occur.

Kefir striped diet and sports

Since exactly half of the days of the course you will eat absolutely normally, physical activity during such a diet is not prohibited.

But it is advisable to conduct training on those days when you eat as usual. Perhaps during fasting kefir days you will feel a loss of strength, so it is better to refrain from intense exercise at this time. In general, the striped kefir diet shows good results, especially when combined with physical activity.

Striped diet: a variety for the hungry

On a kefir day on a striped diet for the hungry, kefir becomes the main, but far from the only product. On a “white” day, you are allowed to eat a portion of oatmeal with water (without sugar), 2-3 fruits (not bananas or grapes) and a portion of a protein product for dinner (no more than 150 grams, optimally chicken breast or fish fillet). Before each meal on this type of striped diet, you need to drink a glass of kefir; Kefir, predictably, must be consumed the rest of the time so that its total volume is the usual 1.5 liters on a “white” day.

For a normal day on the striped diet for hungry people, the recommendations are standard - eat any healthy food, making sure that the total number of calories does not exceed 1500 kcal.

You need to follow such a diet for 3 weeks, or 21 days - judging by the reviews, during this time you will be able to lose 3-5 kg, but with minimal stress and maximum (of course, from the point of view of the striped diet) comfort.

Exiting a striped diet of any duration assumes that after the “reduced program” menu, you will not rush to load up on high-calorie, heavy meals. To ensure that the weight lost with difficulty does not return with “reinforcement”, for at least 14 days after the end of the diet, try to keep the daily menu within the notorious 1500 kcal.

Diet rules

The strip diet has several variations depending on the duration and degree of calorie restriction. A similar feature of all options is the alternation of days:

  • “white” - only kefir is allowed (about 1.5 - 2 liters). It is important to choose a quality product marked with compliance with GOST requirements. The optimal fat content is considered to be 1%. The label must contain the exact name of the product – “kefir”, and not “kefir drink”, etc.;
  • “multi-colored” - the diet consists of the most healthy products with a total calorie content of no more than 1500 kcal .

How to eat on “colored” days:

  1. Flour, salty, fatty and smoked dishes, fast food, desserts, etc. are prohibited.
  2. Heat treatment should be reduced to a minimum. Alternatively, you can steam or grill.
  3. It is advisable not to combine proteins and carbohydrates, vegetable and animal protein in one dish.
  4. The general menu scheme looks something like this: for breakfast, porridge from cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, for example) in water without sugar, for lunch - vegetable soup without adding potatoes, frying or pasta. For dinner, it is better to eat protein foods with side dishes of vegetables.
  5. The last meal is no later than 7 - 8 pm.

If physical activity is combined with a diet, then it is better to exercise on “colored” days. In addition, it is advisable to take vitamin supplements and complexes along with meals.

Although the diet involves consuming fermented milk products in large quantities, you must remember about the drinking regime. Kefir cannot fully satisfy the need for liquid.

The daily water intake is at least 1.5 liters. Allowed drinks on “colored” days also include tea without sugar, coffee without additives in the form of, for example, milk or cream. Alcohol is also prohibited.

Varieties of the striped diet:

  • Weekly.

Follow the diet for 7 days. Change of days in the order “white” - “colored” - “white” - “colored”.

  • Diet lasting 21 days.

The most optimal way of alternating: 1st day – “white”, 2nd day – 1500 calorie , 3rd day – 1200 calorie meals, then again 1st, 2nd and 3rd days, etc.

On “white” days, especially if you feel very hungry, you can add 1–2 fruits or vegetables (except tomatoes)/a serving of oatmeal/a serving of a protein product (lean meat, cottage cheese or fish, up to 150 grams) to the diet.

  • A diet lasting no more than 3 weeks.

Those losing weight independently choose the duration and methods of alternation, as well as the calorie content of the diet. Regardless of the type chosen, such a nutrition system can be repeated only a month after its completion.

Leaving the diet should be accompanied by 2 weeks of nutrition with a daily allowance of no more than 1500 calories , which must be taken from healthy foods.

Larisa Dolina's striped diet

The “face” of the popular variety of the striped diet was the famous pop diva Larisa Dolina - the kefir “Dolina diet” has not lost popularity for several years. The secret is not only that this nutrition plan is followed by a celebrity, but in the ease of application and demonstrative effect.

The singer herself, with the practicality characteristic of a native of Odessa, comments on her love for the striped diet: she says that she prefers to lose weight on kefir because it is an inexpensive product. And many women will agree with her with satisfaction!

Larisa Dolina independently selected a comfortable striped diet plan for herself, using as a basis the diet received by one of her colleagues from a professional nutritionist. Her weight loss program is based on the following rules:

  • kefir days (all odd numbers) - only low-fat kefir all day
  • ordinary days - meals according to the principle of separate (proteins cannot be eaten together with carbohydrates or fats, plant and animal proteins are consumed separately, acidic foods are not combined with carbohydrates)
  • fast food, sweets, salty, smoked foods are strictly prohibited
  • on any days - no food after 17:00.

At one time, Larisa Dolina, using the striped diet, lost more than 20 kilograms - this took several years. Now she resorts to using a proven nutrition plan only from time to time when she needs to unload, and her favorite product does not let the singer down! In order to stay slim, both during the period of active “dieting” and outside of it, Dolina eats 5-6 times a day in small portions and always goes to the gym - according to her, any weight loss without physical activity is meaningless, since the muscles will remain flabby.

Diet price

The price of a diet is quite difficult to determine; it varies depending on personal preferences and lifestyle. If we take into account the proposed menu, then the price of the classic striped diet:

  • kefir day - 1.5 kefir 2.5% costs approximately 100 rubles;
  • diet for 1500 calories – up to 300 rubles;
  • diet for 1200 calories - up to 250 rubles.

Thus, a week of diet will cost you no more than 1,500 rubles. If you buy food for the entire 21-day marathon in bulk, then 3 weeks of the diet can be invested in 5 thousand rubles.

How to drink kefir correctly on a striped diet?

Practical studies have shown that the human body does everything to evacuate as quickly as possible any cold liquid that gets into it, regardless of its density. To have time to “remove” the beneficial substances it contains from kefir, drink a fermented milk drink at room temperature.

If you are on a striped diet and decide to treat yourself to a bonus in the form of a vegetable or fruit on a “white” day, do not choose tomatoes - their amino acid composition conflicts with fermented milk products, blocking the absorption of calcium. Take note that any milk products bring maximum benefit at night: therefore, after finishing the striped diet, a glass of kefir at night will become a healthy eating habit.

Striped Diet Menu (Eating Routine)

Example of a menu for days with a maximum calorie content of 1200 Cal.

BreakfastChopped tomato, boiled chicken egg or omelette in a dry frying pan, rye toast or a piece (about 30 g) of dark whole grain bread, unsweetened coffee or any type of tea.
LunchA glass of low-fat natural yogurt, fermented baked milk or kefir.
DinnerVegetable salad of sweet peppers, tomatoes and cucumber, seasoned with lemon juice, 250 ml of chicken broth with chopped herbs.
Afternoon snackApple, orange, peach or other non-starchy fruit.
DinnerBoiled or baked chicken breast.

Example of a menu for days with a maximum calorie content of 1500 Cal

BreakfastA bowl of buckwheat or oatmeal in water with dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins, etc.), tea with flower honey or black natural coffee.
LunchA handful of any nuts or one green apple.
DinnerUp to 200 g of boiled lean chicken, green salad of cucumbers, lettuce, arugula, spinach and other greens.
Afternoon snackOne orange or a handful of dried fruits.
DinnerGrilled sea fish carcass, 150-200 g of low-fat curd paste.

Cons of the striped diet

Despite how easy it is to follow, the striped diet, which uses kefir as the main product, also has a number of side effects. It is categorically not recommended for those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Healthy people should also decide on intensive weight loss on kefir with some caution - for example, the famous doctor Alexey Kovalkov is sure: “kefir is healthy, the kefir diet is harmful.”

Nutritionists warn: consuming large quantities of kefir for more than three days in a row significantly increases the risk of gastritis. Live fungi, which, when consumed in moderation, have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, if kefir becomes the main food, support constant alcoholic fermentation. Together with acid, this alcohol has a destructive effect, creating an aggressive environment in the stomach and intestines that corrodes the mucous layer.

Alternating days during the striped diet somewhat reduces the potential danger of large “doses” of kefir, but do not forget - everything is good in moderation, and even products with the most respectable reputation may not be completely safe.

Time frame for losing weight

The duration of weight loss during the striped diet
The duration of such a diet is no more than two weeks. However, some also offer a 10-day diet option: 5 days of regular nutrition and 5 days of kefir fasting. Choose the option that will be most convenient for you. You can repeat this diet several times a year with intermediate periods of a month, when the next need arises to lose accumulated weight or simply improve your well-being by cleansing the body with kefir.

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