Galina Grossmann's method of weight loss and rejuvenation, diet, menu examples, videos, reviews

Who is Galina Grossman and the main principles of her diet

Galina Grossman is a popular nutritionist. After graduating from the Faculty of Biochemistry, she researched human biochemistry in closed ecosystems, which brought her fame in scientific circles.

In 1996, Galina founded the Center for Human Biology and Ecology in Tallinn. The purpose of the organization was to study human biology and creative abilities. Grossman’s scientific research became the basis for the creation of the author’s system for rejuvenating the body, one of the important parts of which is the weight loss technique.

The concept of losing excess weight, developed by a nutritionist, is based on balanced and timely food intake and fat burning. The diet provides other bonuses:

  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
  • restoration of good condition of the spine and knee joints.

Grossman reflected her concept in courses, video trainings and books, the most popular of which is “Abdominal Biolifting”.

Basic principles of the Grossman diet:

  • weight loss is possible only if you combine a balanced diet with a daily routine (sleep at least 8 hours a day and go to bed no later than 10 pm) and physical activity;
  • you need to eat food strictly at the agreed time: breakfast at 9-10, lunch - 13-14, first dinner - 17-18, second dinner - 20-21;
  • You can’t skip meals;
  • eat, adhering to the list of permitted foods, consuming them in the volume recommended by the author of the method;
  • make one of the days of the week (always the same, for example, Thursday) “water” - on this day you need to increase the volume of liquid you drink by 1.5-2 times and not eat anything;
  • do not consume prohibited foods;
  • drink as much water as your body requires;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unlike other methods of losing weight, the Grossman diet has more advantages than disadvantages. It is easily tolerated without overloading the digestive system. In addition, it consists entirely of those nutritional components that should be present in the diet of people who care about their health.

The undeniable advantages of the nutritional system proposed by nutritionist Grossman include the following:

  • Efficiency. Anyone who decides to lose weight this way notices a significant weight loss.
  • No hunger. The diet menu is selected in such a way as to saturate the body well.
  • Diet. Eating on a schedule protects against unplanned snacking, adjusts the digestive process and regulates biorhythms.

  • Time for sports. Thanks to the regime during the diet, there will be no difficulties with planning sports training. Since at least an hour should pass between them and meals, you can immediately note what time the “window” will be for this.
  • Long lasting results. A significant duration of the diet and exit from it help to “get used” to the correct diet, so the final weight stabilizes for a long time.
  • Health improvement. Sports and the absence of harmful foods in the diet will improve your well-being and skin condition.

The only difficulty noted by those losing weight on the Grossman diet is the mandatory strict adherence to the nutrition schedule. It is important that every day breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner occur at clearly limited times. Therefore, adapting to the scheme, you will have to adjust your work process and weekend plans.

Watch Galina Grossman's diet in this video:

The importance of water in the Grossman diet and rules of use

For the full functioning of biochemical processes in the body, water is needed. Only with the presence of this component is it possible to fully nourish and renew cells and remove toxic decay products from the body.

Therefore, Grossman recommends drinking 2 liters of water per day between meals. And once a week, arrange a fasting day: on Thursday, drink only warm boiled water.

After such a hungry day, you need to start the morning with a glass of tomato juice, and drink 200 ml of kefir or juice as breakfast.

Advantages and disadvantages of this diet

Based on reviews from doctors and nutrition professionals who have experienced the diet, we can highlight the pros and cons of the Grossman nutrition system.


  • easy to carry;
  • does not overload internal organs;
  • provides the body with all necessary nutrients;
  • normalizes the functioning of the body;
  • provides long-lasting results, subject to the principles of proper nutrition in the future.


  • meals are scheduled strictly according to the hour: you have to adjust your work and rest schedule to your diet;
  • the body does not receive enough of the right fats that the body needs;
  • Drinking large amounts of water can be dangerous for some diseases.

Basic principles of the Grossman diet

Galina Grossman's diet is based on a special balanced diet, in

which is based on animal proteins and plant fiber.

Thanks to this combination, the body receives the necessary nutrients from foods, and burns all excess. This means that weight loss occurs smoothly, without strict restrictions and stress. P

Therefore, the result is stabilized and consolidated for a long time.

The duration of the diet is one and a half months. Moreover, for the first 30 days you will need to eat only at certain hours and with approved foods. And over the next two weeks, expand your diet a little. This principle will allow you to correctly switch to your usual menu or make it healthier.

Since the nutrition system is designed not only to create a beautiful body, but also to restore health, it has no contraindications. Adult men and women can change their diet to a dietary one. In addition to losing weight, they will be able to get rid of heartburn, blood pressure changes and joint problems. However, good physical activity in this case is one of the important conditions.

We recommend reading about the Chinese diet. You will learn about the essence of the weight loss method, the advantages and disadvantages of the diet, menus for 7, 14 and 21 days, weight loss results. And here is more information about the Bormenthal diet.

Stages of the diet and the right way out of it

The power system consists of 2 phases:

  • Diet, or main period. It lasts 30 days and involves the need to adhere to a menu consisting of protein foods and fiber. During this period, intensive weight loss occurs.
  • Exit from the diet, or stabilization. It lasts 2 weeks and involves a gradual expansion of the list of foods consumed for a gentle transition to a balanced diet. You need to eat by the hour.

During the main phase, you can select recipes for dishes yourself, choosing ingredients from the list of permitted products in recommended quantities. During this period you can:

  • seafood;
  • white fish;
  • lean meat (rabbit, poultry, beef);
  • eggs (rare);
  • low-fat fermented milk products (including cottage cheese);
  • vegetables (exception - potatoes);
  • fruits (with the exception of grapes and bananas);
  • whole grain and rye bread (no more than 50 g per day);
  • greenery;
  • prunes and dried apricots;
  • tea, coffee without sugar.

Vegetables and fruits can be consumed in any form, including making juices from them, and meat products can only be stewed, baked or boiled.

At the second stage, some relaxations occur:

  • snacking on fruit between meals;
  • any sweet foods (up to 50 g) 3 times a week;
  • gradual introduction of porridges to the menu;
  • meat fried in a dry frying pan (occasionally);
  • vegetable oil for salad dressing;
  • fasting days twice a month.

The stabilization stage helps to maintain the achieved results. And not only on a physical, but also on a psychological level. By gradually enriching your diet, it is easier to stick to proper nutrition in the future. And you are unlikely to crave fatty foods or sweet cake: taste habits change quickly, because the body knows what will benefit it and what will not.

What foods can you eat during the Galina Grossman diet?

Perhaps the most common question among all people losing weight is how many pounds of fat they can lose using one or another weight loss method. For example, Galina Grossman’s diet (according to the correct menu for the week) will help you burn about eight kilograms in a month.

If your weight was initially very high, then there is a high chance that you will be able to lose 15 kilograms over the same period. All calculations are based only on the initial weight of the person losing weight; the more it is, the greater the process of losing fat deposits.

At the first stage of Galina Grossman’s diet, it is allowed to eat meat and fish, which contain a minimum percentage of fat, vegetables in any quantity, any fermented milk food, unsweetened fruits and freshly squeezed juices from them, tea and coffee without added sugar, as well as a small amount of black bread.

In the second stage, that is, two weeks, you are allowed to diversify your daily diet with the following products:

  1. Rarely and in a small amount of oil (preferably in a dry frying pan) lightly fried meat or fish.

  2. You can consume no more than 50 grams of sweets in one week; it is best to divide this amount into three doses and scatter them on different days of the week.

  3. Sweet fruits and juices from them are added, but in moderation.

Menu at the weight loss stage

You can choose your own recipes, the main thing is to adhere to the recommended volumes.


  • 100-150 g of protein food: baked or steamed fish, beef, turkey, or seafood, cottage cheese or hard-boiled egg.
  • 250 g steamed or fresh vegetables;
  • a slice of rye bread;
  • 200 ml of tomato juice or kefir.


  • vegetable or meat broth, sprinkled with herbs - 300-400 ml;
  • any raw vegetables, chopped into salad - 100 g;
  • 200 ml low-fat yogurt;
  • A cup of tea or coffee.

First dinner

  • first dinner - fruit (except for those excluded, see list above)
  • a glass of tomato juice or kefir.

Second dinner before bed

  • unsweetened kefir or tea - 100 ml,
  • dried apricots or prunes (5 pieces).

Weight stabilization after a weight loss course

There are several stages in the weight loss course using Galina Grossman’s method:

  • 4–6 weeks – weight loss course
  • 4 weeks - weight stabilization course.

Further, if you are overweight, the entire cycle (several cycles) can be repeated.

When you reach a normal weight, nutrition is approximately at stabilization level. As a rule, you simply don’t want any other food, because... food habits have already been formed to eat properly.

A water day should still be held once a month. Galina Grossmann usually has a water day for her weight loss team on the 4th of every month. Then the weight can be maintained for a long time.

What is weight stabilization

The stabilization period after intensive weight loss is the time required to adapt all processes in the new body, to take a psychological break from food restrictions, and to consolidate correct eating habits.

Nutrition to stabilize body weight

What do you eat to stabilize body weight after a weight loss course according to Galina Grossmann’s method?

It is still important to eat according to the clock.

  1. First breakfast - a glass of orange or grapefruit juice (will help remove fat breakdown products from the body).
  2. Breakfast is approximately the same as during weight loss + sometimes you can allow 20 grams of sweets.
  3. Lunch - any soup, 200-300 grams of vegetable salad, 30 grams without yeast bread, for dessert - yogurt.
  4. First dinner - 100 grams of protein delicacies (cheese, red fish, caviar, nuts, cottage cheese, meat), 30 grams of bread, 100 grams of vegetables, 100 grams of fruit, a glass of tomato juice or 1% fermented milk drink.
  5. Second dinner - some prunes or other dried fruits.

Drink tea, coffee, hot water - as much as you want during the day. You can have some fruit during the day. 3 times a month you can afford almost everything, a sort of “celebration of the belly”.

Water day

A water day is carried out once a month, or once a week if you want to lose another 2-3 kg in a month of stabilization. A water day just eliminates our errors in nutrition.

Physical activity

Galina Grossmann does not recommend intense training in gyms for overweight people, but simply advises moving more, walking, dancing, etc.

Menu for the stabilization period

During this period of the diet, the diet becomes more relaxed, but healthy and low in calories. We offer one of the menu options for the day.


For breakfast you can eat:

  • 150 g of boiled or baked lean meat;
  • salad of crispy vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil - 250 g;
  • 200 ml tea sweetened with honey;
  • 20 g marshmallows.


The second meal could be like this:

  • 250 g vegetable soup;
  • a slice of rye bread with butter;
  • 200 ml tea or coffee;
  • halva or candied fruits - 50 g.

First dinner

Option for the last hearty meal:

  • 200 g fruit salad;
  • 2 slices of dark chocolate;
  • 200 ml tea.

Dinner before bed

It is advisable to leave the last meal the same as during the weight loss stage: 5-7 pieces of dried apricots or prunes and 100 ml of low-fat kefir, tomato juice or tea.

Water Thursdays

This is Thursday, when the body is saturated with water, air and energy. Anything else is unacceptable. This fasting should begin on Wednesday: instead of the last two meals, you should drink warm water, to which you can add a few drops of lemon juice.

Therefore, the last meal before fasting Thursday in the first stage (and yes, in the second) you should take on Wednesday at 14:00.

Please note the mode:

  • From 14:00 to the moment of the first feeling of hunger, count 2-3 hours, so let's assume that at 17:00.
  • From 17:00 to 00:00 - 7 hours;
  • Throughout Thursday you also need to refuse food - another 24 hours;
  • Friday, first meal at 12:00 – another 12 hours.

Therefore, Fast Thursday is not 36 hours of abstinence from food, as many websites indicate, but 43 hours, that's almost two days without 5 hours. Yes, you really correctly noted: you can start eating after abstinence only on Friday afternoon, and in the morning you can only have a glass of fresh tomato juice.

Galina Nikolaevna Grossman says that on Wednesday you should prepare emotionally. Immerse yourself in positive thoughts, be sure that such a day will pass easily and naturally, you will get rid of bad habits and negative communication. Here we can only agree: a positive attitude is the basis of success.


Even dietary dishes can be prepared quickly and tasty. We offer several recipes.

Tender turkey marinated in kefir:

  • Mix 0.5 liters of kefir with 2 crushed garlic cloves.
  • Pour the prepared sauce over turkey fillet (100-150 g).
  • Leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  • Place on a non-stick baking sheet and bake until done at 180°C.

Fragrant fish in foil:

  • Divide any white fish into pieces, clean and remove bones.
  • Lightly salt and pepper.
  • Place on foil, drizzle with lemon juice and sprinkle with thyme.
  • Wrap the edges of the foil and place in an oven preheated to 180°C until done.

Pumpkin puree soup recipe:

  • Remove the skin and seeds from the pumpkin.
  • Cut the vegetable into arbitrary cubes.
  • Pour salted water over the fruit and cook until soft.
  • Cool slightly and puree the vegetable in a blender.
  • Heat over low heat, place in a plate and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Oatmeal with apples:

  • Pour in a third of a glass of rolled oats.
  • Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer covered for 10 minutes.
  • Add a quarter of the apple cut into small cubes and cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Place on a plate and add honey to taste.

Recipe for a nutritious and healthy salad:

  • Chop half a cucumber and a tomato into slices.
  • Grind a quarter of the raw carrots with a grater.
  • Mix the ingredients, add 0.5 tablespoon of olive oil, chopped bunch of dill and 0.5 teaspoon of sesame seeds.
  • Tear the lettuce leaves and place on a flat plate, then place the prepared dish.


  • Mix 100 g of cottage cheese with a tablespoon of natural yogurt.
  • Cut any fruit into small cubes.
  • Place in a transparent glass in layers: fruit, cottage cheese, fruit, cottage cheese, etc.
  • Place in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • An excellent opportunity to adjust the shape and record the result for a long time.
  • There is no time limit, you can lose a few extra pounds or set a goal to get rid of 10 to 20 kg. The advantage of this diet is that it will not harm your health, and you will systematically be able to achieve your goal.
  • Giving up bad habits, diet and diet rejuvenates and heals the entire body, changes are noticeable after a few weeks.


  • You have to prepare fresh and easily digestible dishes, weigh portions and eat strictly according to the plan.
  • The diet involves many prohibitions: sugar, smoking, alcohol, etc., which require willpower and resistance.
  • Rebooting on the water is a difficult mission for people, and also dangerous for those who suffer from acquired diseases.

Exercise and sports while dieting

Galina Grossman recommends avoiding heavy physical activity during the weight loss stage:

  • long, exhausting run;
  • gym;
  • sports swimming;
  • aerobics;
  • strength training, etc.

This is due to the fact that the body receives a reduced amount of calories, and all the energy is spent on burning fat and cleansing, so excessive exercise can be dangerous.

Instead, the nutritionist advises:

  • walks in the open air;
  • easy running and walking;
  • yoga;
  • morning exercises;
  • dancing.

Galina Grossman also recommends feasible exercises in order to remove belly fat. It is recommended to perform the movements after a light warm-up.

We offer some of them:

  • Vacuum. Take a deep breath and exhale completely, resting your hands on your slightly bent knees. While holding your breath after exhaling, pull in your stomach and hold it in this position until the first signs of fatigue. Repeat 2-3 times.
  • Complicated vacuum. Make a vacuum as described above, but at the same time place your hands on your stomach and allow air to enter your lungs, while your stomach remains retracted. Hold the breath for a few seconds and exhale completely. Repeat 2 times.
  • Leg lift. Lie on your back, lower back pressed to the floor, arms along your body. Raise your legs straight at an angle of 45° and lower them to the floor. Repeat 8 times. Rest a little, taking a few deep breaths and exhalations. Repeat the sequence, but raise your legs at an angle of 90°. Do the exercise 8 times.
  • Abdominal stretching. Lie on your stomach. Raise your head, shoulders, chest and stomach, leaning on your outstretched arms, hands under your shoulders, push your chest forward and strain your buttocks to relieve the load from your lower back. Do 2-3 breathing cycles. Sit on your knees, buttocks on your heels, lean forward: forehead on the floor, arms extended forward. Take a few calm breaths in and out.

Prohibited Products

To normalize and maintain weight, it is necessary to completely abandon prepared foods sold in stores, eliminate fast food and semi-finished products. Do not overdo it with sugar, salt, spices. Prohibited and relatively harmful products include:

CategoryForbiddenFrequency of use. You can use 1-2 times a week
Vegetables and greenscanned corn, potatoes.peas, lentils, white cabbage, cauliflower, mushrooms.
Fruitsbananas, canned pineapple melon
Flour, pastadumplings, pancakes, pasta
Bread and muffinscookies, baguette, bacon
marshmallows, sweets, cookies, cakes, chak-chak, halva.jam
Meatpork, lamb, sausage, smokedLow-fat jellied meat, beef, beef broth, liver
Fishnavaga, roach, saury, flounder, pollock
Dairydry cream, cheese, tofu, soy milk
Beveragesbeer, vodka, cider, soda

Recommendations from nutritionists

The Grossman diet has earned a lot of positive reviews and is more like a balanced nutrition system, since the body is provided with all the necessary substances. However, nutritionists recommend:

  • Before starting this diet, consult your doctor. For some diseases, sudden changes in diet can make the problem worse. In addition, drinking 2 liters per day is not recommended for everyone. For example, in case of pathologies of the kidneys and cardiovascular system, this volume should be adjusted downward.
  • During the diet, undergo regular examination by a doctor to prevent deterioration of your health.
  • You should not stay on such a diet for longer than recommended, since during this period the body does not receive the required amount of healthy fats (Omega-3, Omega-6, etc.), which are necessary not only for the good condition of the skin and hair, but also for full functioning of the body.

In pursuit of beauty, it is worth remembering that health comes first. The nutritional system must be selected in accordance with the needs of the body and only after consultation with a doctor.

Video with consultation by Galina Grossmann: losing weight is simple and easy

In the next video you will see firsthand how Galina Grossmann consults. Information about the rules of weight loss and rejuvenation will be useful to everyone who dreams of losing extra pounds, rejuvenating and healing the body.

Tags: Excess weight, rejuvenation

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Energy sessions with Galina Grossman

Some moments of individual energy sessions are reminiscent of communication with Kashpirovsky. Who doesn’t remember: there was such a magician and sorcerer on the screens of post-Soviet televisions. In general, he was a good hypnologist, and there were even cases when operations were performed under his hypnosis without anesthesia.

You can get about the same with Galina Nikolaevna. In the video below, “The Psychology of Weight Loss,” she charges the water and promises that the weight loss process will start from the first sip. Water, like anything you put in your mouth, must be taken warm. She refers to water as a phenomenon with her “I”.

We hope you watched this video, because soon you will read to the second, but for now let’s say that people who have a pronounced schizoid personality type (this is not name-calling, but a psychological typology) will perceive such sessions very critically. On the contrary, a hysterical personality type is more susceptible to hypnotic influence and can more successfully complete a session and achieve results. It is worth understanding here that there are rarely completely schizoid and hysterical types - more often mixed with a predominance of one thing. More details and intelligibility here: CLICK .

In the Youtube player below, Galina Nikolaevna demonstrates her neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) skills. Little experience in this matter is obvious due to some failures: construction of phrases, choice of words, jumping topics. However, forgetfulness of words can be attributed to a decline in conversational practice in the Russian language.

It doesn’t matter how professional hypnosis is during a session, the main thing is that it does not cause harm and helps you lose weight. A listener who is very depressed about his problem is ready to do anything, which means he may not pay attention to these nuances. So, in one of the many videos, the “patient” may not like the attempt to suggest something like this: “Listen to what I say, only I will help you find health and youth, do whatever I say.” This is an approximate wording accidentally caught after studying one of the sessions and now it is difficult to find this video.

In general, Galina Grossman’s sessions are online communication using tools of psychological influence on the sufferer. They are only as effective as you are lost in your problems. Reviews on the Internet are mostly positive, so you can only try to question this approach with a professional psychiatrist/psychotherapist and personal intuition. Don't be shy and write your opinion in the comments.

Basic rules for losing weight in a week.

  1. First of all, you cannot refuse food or even any meal. For normal weight loss and healthy body, we need to eat at least four times a day. The seven-day diet is designed for four meals a day - every day you must have breakfast, lunch, first and second dinners.
  2. But in the morning, about half an hour before meals, you should drink a glass of hot water with lemon juice. Simply squeeze half a lemon into a mug and pour boiling water over it. You can replace lemon water with yogurt. It is not forbidden to drink coffee and black tea - no more than 200 milliliters.

If we expect to lose weight after a hearty holiday, we remember that during the holidays, not only extra pounds have accumulated in the body, but also harmful remnants of fatty foods, as well as alcohol toxins. You should also get rid of them.

An infusion of dandelion root will help us cope with this task. A glass of this infusion should be drunk about fifteen minutes before breakfast. The plant has excellent healing properties - it removes toxins and improves the breakdown of fat deposits. This way our fat will burn faster.

If you feel that you have had too much alcohol during the celebration and are being haunted by heaviness, additional cleansing of the intestines from harmful alcohol residues will not hurt. Therefore, the first thing you need to do before starting the diet is to cleanse with a water enema. With this action we begin our seven-day course.

How to lose weight? How to lose weight with Dr. Galina Grossmann

Hello, my dear readers and those who want to lose weight!

I think you are like the women I work with. Who come to me to lose weight, to easily and joyfully remove body weight. These are highly educated women who want to be an example for children and want to be successful. It is also important for them that losing weight is healthy, so that they have not only a brilliant appearance, but also that they have a successful life and delight in their eyes!

I'm sure that most likely you want this too, that these things are important to you, which are easily solved by simply losing excess weight. Many women feel embarrassed about their figure on the beach, in the bathhouse with friends, and how many beauties didn’t get married just because they were embarrassed to show their body to a friend, afraid to undress in front of him, but intimate intimacy is very important for women’s health and beauty . And how often it happens that a husband loses interest in his wife because of her plumpness, and after losing weight for the first time in many years, he begins to carry his beauty in his arms. And older ladies suffer from hypertension, high sugar, and cholesterol. These many and other problems can be solved by proper healthy weight loss.

People have been taking my body weight off for a very long time, and I started regular appointments on issues of excess weight and obesity in 1989 . My losers become simply beauties, they are simply unrecognizable! The transformation of 40-year-old women is especially surprising; they become more beautiful and graceful than they were even at 18 years old. The waists are thin, the arms and legs are chiseled, and the faces are spiritual and refined. Such beauties can only be found on the canvases of artists. But this beauty was hidden under fat for many years. And for ladies over 50-60, the energy of life returns, new areas of activity and opportunities for their material well-being open up. Teenagers' social status and self-esteem rise. Therefore, I know that you too can lose weight, look younger, look prettier and improve your quality of life.

In fact, by nature, people are unique and beautiful in their own way. They don't have to be fat; losing weight is a natural process. Our body knows how to burn its fat. After all, fat is just a reserve substance for everything. Remove fat reserves and replenish it; for this, every person has programs. I know and can awaken these programs. I know exactly what mandatory conditions need to be created for intensive health-improving weight loss .

You’ve probably already seen that losing weight on your own is not very easy. It is difficult to find correct information on this topic. And if there was one, how to apply it? Unfortunately, the topic of weight loss is now saturated with a huge amount of incorrect advice, mistakes, rumors, erroneous data and distortions. You probably know a lot of conflicting recommendations that you heard from friends, colleagues, read on the Internet, books, magazines or saw on TV.

Doctors say that being overweight is a predisposition and you just have to come to terms with it. Fitness instructors say you need to run, exercise on machines and eat more protein. Success coaches say that you need to pull yourself together and have iron willpower. Manufacturers of dietary supplements claim that it is enough to include their products in your diet. Nutritionists believe that it is enough to count calories and eat according to a list of the right foods. Psychologists say that you just need to solve your internal problems and the fat will go away on its own. And unfortunately, many people say that now being overweight is inevitable, and this is normal and you just have to come to terms with it. This is all a MISCONCEPTION !

Another misconception is that it is correct to lose no more than 2 kg in one month. If, for example, you need to lose 24 kg, it turns out to be on weight loss for as long as 12 months. This thought alone puts a person into fuss, and this is not an incentive, only 2 kg per month, in reality it is long and painful for the body. This artificial process harms us.

Losing weight should be fun and fast using natural weight loss programs and the weight will come off much faster. My losers lose 8-15 kg in 4 weeks and this should become the norm for you, just as it is the norm for my losers. How to determine if the chosen method of losing weight is right for you? How can you understand whether you are losing weight correctly?

You can remember your past experiences. Many of my weight loss clients have tried different methods in the past. Remember, did you feel good while losing weight? Did you feel joy? Have you smiled often? Were you in a good mood? What signals did your own body trigger? What about your soul? What was your emotional state?

For example, in 1991 I had a young, beautiful client. By the way, the wife of the owner of the company, offering services for removing body weight using exercise machines and drinking large amounts of distilled water. She worked out in the gym for several months, trying to get rid of at least a few kilograms. As a result, she developed swelling due to the large amount of water, fear and a feeling of guilt appeared due to the constant pressure of the trainer, requiring her to perform increasingly greater loads and accusations of laziness.

Another beauty was put on salads with olive oil by a nutritionist. As she told me, she only ate the roots and gained weight. How many did you eat them? - I asked. She answered: “Of course, a full bowl.” Why so much? The doctor told me the more the better, so I ate. Moreover, she proudly said that she followed the doctor’s instructions. Olive oil helps you lose weight! - she asserted. I asked and all this with bread? She answered, “yes, with bread.” From eating a lot of vegetables, her stomach grew and became wider and saggy. Due to the ban on consuming meat and other animal products, she had a constant feeling of hunger and a desire to chew something all the time. Striae appeared on the skin due to protein starvation, and the weight only increased instead of going away. This was in 1994. If the doctor had the opportunity to work more with her, it is unlikely that he would have put her on such a diet. Appointments are usually 15 minutes long. In reality, if you lose weight incorrectly, your immunity decreases, your mood drops, your well-being worsens, and your faith in the possibility of improving your appearance and health disappears. And the main thing is faith in whether it will be possible to get rid of this hated fat.

And if your body improves, if your face becomes beautiful and you feel good, your skin tightens, optimism appears, joy - these are signs that you are losing weight correctly . This is how the body lets us know that it likes the change. As a result, not only excess weight goes away, health comes, blood pressure normalizes, the skin becomes younger and tightens. Many are cured of diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, genitourinary diseases, headaches, and joint pain.

The human body contains fats that have been stored for many years, and removing them requires a lot of effort. It is much more difficult to remove than fresh fat gained over the holidays. Therefore, the fat that was gained over the holidays still belongs to the “fresh” category; it must be urgently removed from the body. It has not yet fully packed into the mast cell; blood vessels still go to its deposits. It can be successfully removed in just 1 week. From a weekly program to remove fresh fat, you can then successfully switch to a monthly program to remove 8-16 kg , where old fat will also come off. To lose weight, you need to solve several problems at once. A number of them need to be addressed on the first day of weight loss. It is necessary to activate the metabolism, force the stomach to work, because it is poisoned by food and alcohol, cleanse the liver, solve the problem of putrefactive processes in the intestines, the problem of dysbiosis. After the holidays there is no energy, a breakdown occurs. Feelings of guilt and self-criticism must be removed, because they kill the energy of life and fat does not want to be burned. Apathy also interferes with the burning and removal of fat from the body. For many people, the thyroid function of the gland decreases; it also needs to be activated. Many are unable to stop the enormous amount of food consumption that has opened up after the holidays. You need a proper nutritional system, otherwise it will all get packed into fatty fat cells and you will have to take the full course.

The weight loss course after removing holiday fats has its own rules for nutrition and fluid intake. Nutrition is gradual.

At the first stage, a daily menu is provided to restore stomach function. Remove putrefactive processes from the intestines, helping to cleanse the liver.

At the second stage, nutrition complete in essential substances includes a variety of foods. It also makes it possible to switch to a further course of weight loss. The main nutritional requirement for a weight loss program should be such that you can continue to eat approximately the same. The diet must be rich enough to provide a person with all the necessary substances, otherwise, when a person returns to his usual diet, the fat also returns to the usual places of nutritional automatisms.

This is why the apple, kefir, and rice diets do not work. To lose body weight joyfully and quickly, just nutrition is not enough, you need a lot of information, a certain state of mind. You cannot create this state yourself; you need an example, help or training, and what can we say about energy. People usually don’t have enough of it for even ordinary everyday life, not to mention for removing body weight. Someone else should help support you, inspire you. It is necessary not only that you only want, but also someone else wants you to remove body weight. I want you to take off your body weight so that together I can rejoice in your slimness and beauty, because you are a woman, because you want to be healthy, because you are beautiful, because you might want to get married, because you want to be successful, because you need to be the master of life, you want to be an example for your children, because I love you and want you to take off your body weight joyfully.

You and I live at the same time on our land. I, like most people, want there to be more joy, happiness, so that people are healthy and live as long as possible. I am for beauty, for youth and for longevity. I know how much excess weight shortens a person’s life and reduces its quality. Fat by itself does not disappear from the body of a healthy person, and if a person spontaneously begins to lose weight, this can be a dangerous signal of the development of a serious illness. It’s painful to watch when a person weighed down with excess weight limps with a stick in his hands. He is heading towards an inevitable and quick ending.

I know how joyful and healthy it is to lose weight, I know how to do it, it has become my profession .

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