Efficacy and regimen of Reduxin for weight loss

In the fight against extra pounds, women and men often use medications that reduce appetite, reduce the amount of food eaten, and begin the process of losing weight. One of the effective medications prescribed for obesity and overweight is Reduxin. It is produced by domestic pharmaceutical companies and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Endocrine Plant", so you can buy a weight loss product in any city and any pharmacy.

The drug gives a lasting effect, helping to change eating habits and get rid of hated kilograms. But, like any other medicine, it has a number of contraindications, special recommendations and side effects. Before starting to take diet pills, it is advisable to consult an endocrinologist, cardiologist, neurologist and nutritionist to exclude the presence of hidden diseases and the risk of developing possible complications.

Composition and release form

Reduxin is available in the form of gelatin capsules, colored blue or cyan and containing white or white-yellow powder. The contents of the capsules consist of 2 main components, which have different properties and act differently on the body:

  1. The first active substance of the drug is sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate, which in the official medical literature is more often found under the abbreviated name sibutramine. This synthetic compound belongs to the group of prodrugs that are converted into a drug as a result of metabolic processes occurring in the body. Sibutramine has anorexigenic properties - it activates ß-adrenergic receptors, dulls the feeling of hunger, activates thermogenesis, the breakdown of fat cells (lipolysis) and the release of energy.
  2. The second active ingredient is microcrystalline cellulose (MCC). It is made from natural plant raw materials - cotton, is not broken down in the digestive tract with the help of enzymes and leaves the body unchanged. Microcellulose creates a feeling of fullness in the stomach, suppresses appetite, changes the rate of absorption of foods, prevents an increase in blood glucose levels, and increases the viscosity of the food bolus. MCC is an excellent adsorbent: it binds and removes pathogenic microorganisms, toxins and allergens from the body.

Manufacturers offer 2 versions of Reduxin with different concentrations of active ingredients:

DosageCapsule colorContents of sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrateMicrocrystalline cellulose content
10 mgBlue10 mg158.5 mg
15 mgBlue15 mg153.5 mg

An auxiliary component in the composition of the drug is calcium stearate. It participates in metabolic processes and prevents the body from experiencing a lack of this vital microelement during weight loss. The capsule shells are made of gelatin and colored with titanium dioxide and blue food coloring. Capsules are packaged in blisters of 7, 10, 14 or 15 pieces, and packages contain 30, 60, 90, 120 or 180 capsules.

The company produces another type of weight loss drug - a set called Reduxin Met. In this set, the effect of capsules with sibutramine and MCC is enhanced by tablets containing metformin hydrochloride. This chemical compound prevents the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine, normalizes blood glucose levels and insulin secretion, and reduces the content of total and “bad” cholesterol - triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins. These properties of metformin hydrochloride help to reduce body weight smoothly, without harm to the body.

Efficiency comparison

Of course, Reduxin with a concentration of 15 mg has a much greater effect, but in terms of safety and the number of side effects it is inferior to the first drug, so you should always start with a low-dose drug, gradually moving to a more highly concentrated one. At the same time, you should not risk your own health by immediately starting to take effective tablets labeled 15.

One of the common negative effects is an increase in normal blood pressure, so you need to measure it periodically while taking this drug. All these facts must be taken into account when deciding to use one or another effective drug to reduce excess body weight.

If a drug is highly effective, this does not mean that it is completely safe for health. It is advisable to lose weight naturally, and not take risks by taking special pills. All this is connected with the influence that these powerful drugs can have on the entire human body. If there is no way out, and you need to reduce body weight as soon as possible, then the popular Reduxin 10 will be the optimal solution at a very reasonable cost.

While delivering benefits in one problem area, they can spoil another, because they all have harmful effects. Having decided to take the well-known Reduxin, you need to weigh all the possible risks that await you on the thorny, difficult path to a suitable figure. You can first consult with a local nutritionist, he can indicate safer ways to lose weight.

Medicine and healthComment

Mechanism of action of tablets

Reduxin acts in a complex manner:

  • gives a feeling of pleasant satiety;
  • neutralizes cravings for sweets, baked goods, fatty and high-calorie foods;
  • helps reduce appetite and reduce the volume of eaten portions by 1.5-2 times;
  • helps normalize metabolism, blood glucose and cholesterol levels;
  • gives a long-lasting and lasting effect.

However, the medicine with sibutramine is not suitable for everyone - it is intended for the treatment of obesity and overweight, when all other possible options have already been tried and have not brought any noticeable results.

The principle of action of Reduxin
Women and men with a normal body mass index, seeking to improve their figure parameters, should not rely on the healing power of Reduxin - if they have a few extra pounds, the drug will be ineffective. The anorexigenic effect of the drug is much better manifested in patients with pre-obesity or grade 1 obesity, that is, when there is more than 8-10 kg of excess weight.

Indications for use

Reduxin is indicated for nutritional obesity, which occurs against the background of an incorrect approach to diet planning and low physical activity. The main causes of excess body weight in this pathology are:

  • the presence of sweet, rich and high-calorie dishes in the diet;
  • eating large amounts of food;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • lack of physical activity.

Read more Glycemic index of foods: table for weight loss

Reduxin capsules are prescribed for body mass index (BMI) levels greater than 30 kg/m², which indicates 1st degree obesity. In case of nutritional obesity, accompanied by metabolic disorders or type 2 diabetes mellitus, taking the drug may be recommended even with a BMI of more than 27 kg/m². To calculate this indicator, it is customary to use the ratio of a person’s weight and his height squared:

BMI = weight (kg): (height (m))².

With a BMI of up to 25 kg/m², there is no need to prescribe sibutramine - slight restrictions in the choice of foods and increased physical activity will help get rid of 3-5 extra kg. With a BMI of 27.0 kg/m² and above, you can think about taking Reduxin, but only with the permission and under the supervision of a doctor.


No matter how attractive an anorexigenic drug is in terms of weight loss, it cannot be taken for many pathologies. The list of contraindications includes:

  • organic causes of excess weight (decreased thyroid function, hormonal imbalance, problem in the endocrine system, malignant and benign tumors in the brain, impaired water metabolism);
  • problems in eating behavior (anorexia, bulimia);
  • Tourette's syndrome (motor and verbal tics);
  • uncontrolled arterial hypertension with pressure readings above 145/90 mmHg. Art.;
  • severe disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • drug, alcohol or drug addiction;
  • benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  • heart and vascular diseases (coronary disease, congenital defect, tachycardia, arrhythmia, stroke, cerebrovascular accident, decompensated chronic heart failure);
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • mental illness;
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • hypersensitivity to sibutramine, microcrystalline cellulose or the auxiliary components that make up the gelatin capsule.

The drug can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription

Reduxin should not be taken simultaneously with certain medications:

  • MAO inhibitors;
  • antidepressants;
  • neuroleptics;
  • sleeping pills;
  • centrally acting drugs for the treatment of mental disorders and the fight against extra pounds;
  • medications that affect blood clotting or platelet function.

The manufacturer also set an age limit: Reduxin is prohibited from taking by children under 18 years of age and by persons over 65 years of age. The drug is prescribed with caution for chronic circulatory failure, controlled arterial hypertension, a history of motor and verbal tics, mental retardation, mild to moderate liver and kidney dysfunction, cholelithiasis, neurological disorders, glaucoma, epilepsy, bleeding disorders and a tendency to bleeding.

Sibutramine does not have the best effect on reaction speed and concentration. Therefore, during a weight loss course, it is not recommended to drive cars or dangerous machinery, as well as engage in activities that require concentration and speed.

How to take it correctly

Treatment with Reduxin is convenient and simple: 1 capsule should be taken orally in the morning on an empty stomach or during breakfast with a glass of still water. The daily dosage is selected individually, because depends on the tolerability of the active substances and the body’s response to therapy. But there are several basic recommendations that are typical for most patients with overweight and nutritional obesity:

  1. At the beginning of therapy, take capsules containing 10 mg of sibutramine, and if tolerated poorly, switch to a daily dose of 5 mg.
  2. If within 30 days from the start of treatment, body weight has decreased by 5 percent or more, continue taking Reduxin at a dosage of 10 mg. Otherwise, increase the dose to 15 mg of sibutramine per day.
  3. Stop taking the anorexigenic drug if, after completing the treatment course, the patient who has lost weight begins to gain weight again.

The total duration of therapy should be established by a physician experienced in the correction of obesity as part of complex therapy. The manufacturer does not recommend taking Reduxin for longer than 2 years, because There are no data on the safety and effectiveness of longer-term use of sibutramine supported by clinical studies.

The drug is dangerous in combination with alcohol: alcohol increases appetite and stimulates the nervous system, while sibutramine, on the contrary, causes drowsiness. Such compatibility is fraught with a large expenditure of one’s own resources on removing antagonist substances from the body, allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock, breathing problems and even cardiac arrest. In addition, alcohol-containing products are not combined with dietary measures aimed at reducing body weight. Therefore, during treatment with Reduxin, it is better to avoid strong drinks.

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Main Difference

Many people who want to lose weight when purchasing this medication labeled 10 or 15 should know the following difference:

  • This labeling is due to the difference in the concentration of the active substance of these popular tablets - sibutramine. Reduxin 10 contains only 10 mg of this potent substance, and tablets labeled 15 contain 15 mg.
  • These two products have a difference in effectiveness due to the content of this important substance for weight loss. The popular Reduxin 15 has a great effect in this regard. Leading experts advise starting with small doses of the drug of 10 mg due to minimal side effects.
  • These popular weight loss drugs were until recently freely sold; now they are both included in the list of potent drugs that can only be dispensed strictly as prescribed; this fact unites them.
  • Regular use of this drug promotes increased expenditure of accumulated energy in the body, resulting in a general reduction in excess body weight. In terms of losing excess weight, the drug labeled 15 wins in many ways. But first you need to take a lower concentration of 10 mg.

Side effects

Taking the drug with sibutramine may be accompanied by side effects, which most often appear in the first days or weeks of the treatment course. The list of unpleasant symptoms includes dermatological pathologies, disorders of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems:

  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nervousness, irritability;
  • depression;
  • convulsions;
  • short-term memory impairment;
  • tachycardia;
  • sensation of heartbeat, tingling, burning, crawling;
  • high blood pressure;
  • sweating;
  • itching and bleeding in the skin;
  • urinary retention;
  • swelling of the face or limbs;
  • dry mouth;
  • thirst;
  • change in taste;
  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • painful menstruation;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • flu-like syndrome;
  • rhinitis;
  • blurred vision;
  • impotence.

As you continue to take the drug, side effects become less pronounced or disappear completely. The drug does not cause addiction, so its withdrawal does not have a negative effect on the body. In rare cases, increased appetite and headache may occur.

Cases of Reduxin overdose have been little studied. Adverse reactions associated with taking unreasonably high doses of sibutramine and microcrystalline cellulose included headaches, dizziness, rapid heartbeat and increased blood pressure. In case of suspected overdose, doctors prescribe symptomatic treatment - taking sorbents, gastric lavage, prescribing beta-blockers, ensuring free breathing, monitoring the condition of the heart muscle.

Side effects of Reduxin

When taking 10 mg and 15 mg capsules, the following side effects may occur:

  • nervous system: insomnia , dry mouth, dizziness , headache , paresthesia, anxiety, drowsiness; in rare cases - depression , nervousness , convulsions, back pain, irritability ;
  • cardiovascular system: palpitations, tachycardia , increased blood pressure, vasodilation;
  • digestive system: constipation , changes in appetite , nausea , exacerbation of hemorrhoids ;
  • dermatological manifestations: sweating, skin itching, Henoch-Schönlein purpura;
  • manifestations of the body as a whole: in rare cases - edema, dysmenorrhea , flu-like syndrome , rhinitis , thirst , nephritis , thrombocytopenia , bleeding.

Upon withdrawal, negative effects on the body are rarely observed. Increased appetite and headache may occur. There is no data on manifestations of withdrawal syndrome.

Side effects are most often observed in the first days or weeks of taking the pills. Negative manifestations are mostly mild and weaken over time.

Efficacy of Reduxin

The drug with sibutramine helps to achieve good results in the process of losing weight: by reducing the volume of portions, a person begins to consume fewer calories, and fat cells are broken down and converted into energy. According to official sources, patients' weight is reduced gradually - 0.5–1 kg per week. During the first month of taking the capsules, you can lose up to 4-5 kg ​​of fat, and after a year of constant use - up to 20-25 kg. Similar figures can be found in reviews of those losing weight who take Reduxin to normalize weight.

However, we should not forget about possible side effects, against the background of which weight loss may become too high a price. Taking anorexigenic capsules must be combined with a low-calorie diet, changes in diet and lifestyle, giving up bad habits, increasing physical activity and physical activity. Only under such conditions can weight loss and lasting results be guaranteed.

Drug interactions

The concentration of sibutramine metabolites in the blood plasma is increased by some drugs:

  • antibiotics (Rifampicin, Erythromycin);
  • antiepileptic drugs (Phenytoin, Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital);
  • glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone);
  • immunosuppressants (Cyclosporine);
  • antifungal medications (Ketoconazole).

When taking Reduxin simultaneously with drugs to treat depression, migraines, coughs, colds, allergies or pain, a potentially dangerous serotonin syndrome, or serotonin intoxication, may develop. Doctors include Sumatriptan, Dihydroergotamine, Dextromethorphan, Pentazocine, Pethidine, Pseudoephedrine, Fentanyl, Ephedrine as provoking drugs. To eliminate the risk of unwanted drug interactions, if you are taking any medications simultaneously with Reduxin, you should consult your doctor.

Sibutramine does not affect the action and effectiveness of oral contraceptives, therefore the combined use of oral contraceptives and an anorexigenic drug is harmless to the body.


If Reduxin is combined with inhibitors of microsomal oxidation (including inhibitors of cytochrome P450 isoenzyme 3A4), there is an increase in the concentration of sibutramine metabolites in plasma with an increase in heart rate and an increase in the QT interval, which is clinically insignificant.

A number of drugs can speed up the metabolism of sibutramine: macrolide antibiotics, phenobarbital , carbamazepine , dexamethasone , phenytoin .

Please note that serious interactions may occur when taking multiple medications that increase serotonin levels in the blood at the same time.

serotonin reuptake inhibitors , a number of drugs for the treatment of migraine, antitussives, and potent analgesics.

Non-exposure to oral contraceptives has no effect.

Cost of the drug

Although the weight loss drug is produced in Russia, it can hardly be called a cheap medicine. For one month of treatment you will have to pay from 1,700 to 2,700 rubles. depending on the prescribed dosage. The estimated cost of Reduxin is shown in the table:

Sibutramine dosageNumber of capsules per package, pcs.Average price, rub.
15 mg30From 2620
15 mg60From 4424
15 mg90From 5854
10 mg30From 1757
10 mg60From 2849
10 mg90From 3880
set 15 mg + 850 mg30 + 60From 2730
set 10 mg + 850 mg30 + 60From 1799

The above cost may vary depending on the region of sale, exchange rates on the world market and the trade policy of the selling organization. Products ordered through online stores will cost less than similar drugs purchased in city pharmacies. This difference is explained by the small number, lack of rent and other overhead costs.

Reduxin price, where to buy

The price of Reduxin 15 mg No. 60 in Moscow and St. Petersburg is on average 4,500 rubles. The price in Moscow pharmacies for a pack of 90 capsules is on average 5800 – 6000 rubles. You can find out where to buy Reduxin 15 mg in Moscow with delivery in an online store that specializes in selling medicines.

The price of Reduxin 10 mg in Russian pharmacies (in Omsk, Voronezh, Novosibirsk, etc.) is 1700 -1800 rubles for 30 capsules. You can buy a package of 60 capsules of Reduxin 10 mg in St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, and Yekaterinburg for an average of 2,700 rubles. Costs in pharmacies in different cities may vary.

Diet pills in Kyiv, as well as in other cities of Ukraine (Zaporozhye, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk) can be ordered through an online pharmacy. The price of Reduxin in Ukraine via the Internet is on average 2000 hryvnia for a package of 60 capsules. How to buy cash on delivery should be found on websites that specialize in selling the drug.

In Belarus (in Minsk and other cities), as well as in Kazakhstan, you can also buy this drug without a prescription in an online pharmacy. How much the drug costs depends on the packaging and place of sale.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Reduxin Light capsules 625 mg 90 pcs. Polaris LLC RUB
    1,711 order
  • Reduxin Light Strengthened capsule formula 650 mg 30 pcs. Polaris LLC

    RUB 1,710 order

  • Reduxin Light capsules 625 mg 30 pcs. Polaris LLC/ Korolev Pharm LLC

    RUB 1,077 order

  • Reduxin capsules 15 mg 90 pcs. Ozon LLC/Mosk.endocrine plant/Biokhimik JSC

    RUR 7,771 order

  • Reduxin capsules 10 mg 30 pcs. Ozon LLC/Mosk.endocrine plant/Biokhimik JSC

    RUB 2,224 order


The pharmaceutical industry offers several analogues of Reduxin with similar composition, identical indications and contraindications. The active ingredient in these drugs is sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate in a dosage of 10 or 15 mg. Among imported and domestic generics, the most popular are:

  • Lindaxa (Czech Republic);
  • Slimia (India);
  • Meridia (Germany);
  • Zeliks (Poland);
  • Redews (India);
  • Talia (India);
  • Goldline plus (Russia).

Read more Effective pills that reduce appetite and suppress hunger

If you decide to use Reduxin for weight loss or replace it with an analogue, you must consult your doctor. Like any psychotropic drugs that depress the central nervous system, drugs containing sibutramine can be addictive and lead to the development of unwanted side effects. Medical statistics have even recorded cases of death that were the result of self-administration of medications for weight loss.

Due to the fact that uncontrolled use of drugs with sibutramine is potentially dangerous to human health, such drugs should only be dispensed with a doctor's prescription. However, pharmacies do not always follow the tenets of Russian legislation and require a prescription from customers. And all kinds of online stores, specialized forums or social networks through which anorexigenic drugs are sold are practically not subject to state control.

It is worth mentioning separately another product called Reduxin-Light. Many buyers mistakenly believe that this product is a lighter version of the drug containing sibutramine. Despite the similarity of names, the drug has nothing in common with the original medicine: it belongs to the group of dietary supplements, is not a drug and acts on the body differently.

The main active components of the Reduxin-Lite drug are conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and vitamin E. These components have a beneficial effect on metabolism, activate the production of enzymes that process subcutaneous fat and convert it into energy. Unlike dietary supplements, the original Reduxin affects the brain centers and central nervous system, dulls the feeling of hunger and helps reduce the amount of food eaten.

Who should not take it?

  • The popular Reduxin 10 or 15 is prohibited for use in the presence of severe forms of renal or liver failure, or with the combined use of other potent drugs.
  • There is some loss of appetite during long-term use of these effective diet pills.
  • The presence of any mental disorders is also a reason to prohibit this potent drug.

Despite the many advantages that unite these Reduxins, many newcomers to the field of taking strong diet pills are all interested in what is more effective than the well-known Reduxin 10 or 15?


Maria, 30 years old, Sochi: “After the birth of my child, I gained 28 kg. All kinds of diets and dietary supplements for weight loss did not give the desired result, so I decided to take a course of Reduxin. In the first few days I had a severe headache, but then everything returned to normal. I noticed a sharp decrease in appetite - I ate through force, began to do without snacks and nightly trips to the refrigerator. In 3 months I lost 12 kg and plan to continue treatment. The only disadvantage of the drug is the relatively high cost and the need to go to the doctor for a prescription.”

Anastasia, 33 years old, Kostroma: “I took Reduxin 15 mg for six months. I prescribed it to myself after reading rave reviews on weight loss forums. As a result, I was able to lose 10 kg, but losing weight was too expensive - I was constantly thirsty, I became apathetic and depressed, and often lashed out at my family and friends. But the worst thing is that as a result of long-term use of sibutramine, a hormonal imbalance occurred in the body and problems with the thyroid gland began. Now I’m registered with an endocrinologist, and half of the lost fat has returned to its original place.”

Irina, 29 years old, Anapa: “In 80 days of taking Reduxin, I was able to lose 13 kg, while actively moving and reducing the daily amount of food by almost 2.5 times. It was not difficult to do this, because... capsules suppress appetite and cause indifference to sweet, starchy and fatty foods. The drug is convenient to take (1 tablet per day), but cannot be combined with alcohol. It's not scary, because... a slim figure is much more important to me than the fleeting pleasure of alcohol.”

Ekaterina, 40 years old, St. Petersburg: “Before prescribing Reduxin, the endocrinologist forced me to take a blood test, do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and internal organs, and an electrocardiogram. Based on the results of the examination, it was recommended to take 10 mg capsules. The doctor advised me to take some vitamin and mineral complex at the same time in order to eliminate the deficiency of substances necessary for the body. This precaution helps compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals that occurs when eating small amounts of food.”

Larisa, 28 years old, Murmansk: “After reading reviews about Reduxin, I decided to test its power for myself. I bought it at the pharmacy closest to my house (no one required a prescription) and started taking it according to the instructions. After 30 days I purchased a package with an increased dosage of 15 mg. At first everything went well and I started losing weight. But after increasing the dose, nausea, apathy and insomnia appeared. After suffering for 5 nights, I decided to stop taking the medicine. In a month and a half I lost 5 kg, but I won’t risk continuing treatment.”

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