Soso Slimming Plaster weight loss patch: real reviews, composition and effectiveness


The question has arisen, how to use Slim Patch patches for weight loss? The instructions in Russian contain complete information about this product: what a patch for weight loss is, how herbal ingredients will help you lose weight, how to use Slim Patch patches for weight loss.

In order for the weight loss course to be successful, it is important to follow the recommendations of the manufacturer, nutritionists, and study the reviews of people who have already tried the patches. Slimming patches are very easy to use; their task is to remove fat from a given area of ​​the body and help sculpt the figure.

Overweight problem

Extra pounds are not only an aesthetic problem, but also a real threat to health. With the appearance of excess weight, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, the load on the spine increases, and blood pressure also increases. There is a lot of talk today about the dangers of obesity. However, there is no point in mentioning all the accompanying problems once again.

Much more attractive is the question of effective treatment. There are no clear recommendations in this area. Otherwise, we wouldn’t meet fat people on the streets - observations show that there are more and more of them every year.

Getting rid of extra pounds around the waist is really difficult. Nutritionists recommend sticking to a healthy diet, eliminating bad habits and exercising. The listed activities require not only time and money, but also good willpower. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of this last quality.

The Soso Slimming Plaster can come to the aid of such people. Real consumer reviews confirm that extra pounds literally melt away before our eyes. At the same time, you don’t need to exhaust your body with long workouts in the gym or give up your favorite delicacies. You just need to stick the product on the skin of your stomach and enjoy life. Is this remedy really that effective? Is it worth spending money on it?

Indications and contraindications for use of the product

This patch to combat excess weight will help you if you need to solve the following problems:

  • Reduce body size.
  • Reduce appetite.
  • Get rid of swelling.
  • Detoxify the body.
  • Reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Contraindications for which it is not recommended to use the product include:

Reading: Pepper patch for cough: photo, where to apply, instructions for use, reviews

  • Colds and infectious diseases, which are accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Individual intolerance to any ingredients.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Age up to 16 years.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Skin diseases, as well as violation of the integrity of the skin in the place to which the patch needs to be attached.

Short description

The Chinese Soso Slimming Plaster is an effective method of combating extra pounds. The recommendations according to which it is produced are rooted in ancient Chinese medicine. Even then, none of the healers doubted that the human body is a complex system. Even a slight weight gain was previously considered one of the manifestations of a metabolic disorder. Losing weight was perceived as a health procedure, after which all vital processes were certainly restored.

Ancient recipes were taken as the basis for the product described in the article, then slightly modified by scientists. The result of their long work was a Chinese weight loss patch. He was quickly appreciated and became popular among all segments of the population.

Composition of the slimming patch

The components included in the product have long been used to restore metabolism in the body. The recipe has changed and improved over time. Today, as part of this product you can find:

  • Orris root. Its components eliminate digestive problems.
  • Cyperus seeds. They activate the process of removing toxins.
  • Ginseng root. This is an indispensable assistant in burning fat.
  • Senosid seeds. This plant has long been used in the fight against excess body weight, as it has a laxative effect.
  • Hot pepper. Promotes active burning of fat deposits.
  • Rafaniya seeds. Their action is aimed at quickly removing fluid from the body.

This is what the modern recipe for the Chinese Soso Slimming Plaster looks like. Real consumer reviews draw attention to precisely this characteristic of the product - natural composition. Many people who have lost weight admit that the process of losing extra pounds was painless only thanks to the natural components of the product.

Components of the patch and their effect

The purpose of the weight loss patch is to activate metabolic processes, remove excess fluid from the body, and break down fats. And also, thanks to the patch, appetite is somewhat reduced. Reviews of the Slimming Patch say that it has a beneficial effect on the skin, restoring its firmness and elasticity.

The action is ensured by the composition:

  1. Musk deer musk. Reduces appetite, promotes activation of metabolic processes.
  2. Alisma root. Helps remove excess fluid, thereby eliminating puffiness.
  3. Hawthorn. Improves blood circulation, reduces cholesterol, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and reduces nervous tension.
  4. Black sesame. Under the influence of seeds, the breakdown of fats is accelerated, and the body is cleansed of waste and toxins.
  5. Senna. Laxative.
  6. Fucus vesicularis. It improves digestion, activates the thyroid gland, which means it helps stabilize hormonal levels, which has a beneficial effect on the process of losing weight.
  7. Garcinia cambogia. Reduces hunger and cravings for sweets.
  8. Guarana. Promotes metabolism, removes cholesterol.
  9. Mint. An excellent body cleanser, as well as a mild sedative.

All components “work” for weight loss, and when combined, their effect is enhanced many times over.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with another weight loss product - Reduslim tablets. This is a new drug that will help you get a slim figure in a couple of weeks. Read the article at the link about the positive effects, as well as the contraindications and side effects of Reduslim.

Advantages of the product

The Soso Slimming patch not only effectively reduces weight, but also restores vital processes in the body. In addition, among its strengths we can highlight the following:

  • ease of use;
  • fits tightly to the body, so is practically invisible under clothing;
  • allows you to engage in any type of activity;
  • does not contain compounds harmful to the skin;
  • effective for 72 hours.

Another important advantage of the Soso Slimming Plaster is its affordable price. The cost of this product is only 990 rubles. The manufacturer often runs various promotions on its official website, so those who want to lose weight can purchase it at an attractive discount.

Who needs to buy the patch?

This product should be purchased by all those who are already desperate to fight extra pounds. Also, consumers who have health problems due to obesity will be able to evaluate the effect of the patch.

This product, according to the manufacturer, helps you achieve your dream figure in a short time. In addition, it allows you to get rid of psychological discomfort and uncertainty. After all, these are the problems that overweight people have to face.

Product action

The Chinese weight loss patch Soso Slimming Plaster provides a unique opportunity to lose a few extra pounds without dieting or grueling workouts. Many people do not believe in the miraculous properties of the product, but the manufacturer convinces them otherwise and gives thousands of examples of satisfied customers.

There is a reasonable principle of operation of the product, thanks to which you can lose weight. The complex effect, from reducing appetite to burning fat deposits, is due to the content of a large number of biologically active substances in the patch.

Here a completely logical question arises about why you can’t take extracts from medicinal plants internally, if they really are so good. It turns out that exposure to biologically active substances alone is not enough. The patch acts on problem areas using the old method of Tibetan monks - acupuncture.


If you have the following pathologies, you cannot use weight loss patches:

  • Elevated blood sugar:
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland, hormonal in nature;
  • Allergy;
  • Disorders of the stomach (gastritis, ulcer), pancreas, spleen.

If you have serious illnesses (especially chronic ones), a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary. The patch is also prohibited for use by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Note! The use of the slimming patch Slim Patch is temporarily suspended:

  • If severe irritation occurs on the skin;
  • During menstruation;
  • During illness - colds, viral diseases, infections (especially accompanied by fever).

The active substance of the patches has a powerful effect on the digestive system. During the course, alcoholic drinks and coffee, heavy and spicy foods are excluded. It is not recommended to go to bed with a full stomach (the last meal is organized 3-4 hours before bedtime).

Instructions for use

The use of this tool does not require any special skills from those who want to acquire attractive forms. Ease of use is an important advantage of the Soso Slimming Plaster for weight loss. Reviews from people who have already tried its action on themselves prove this fact.

To start the process of activating metabolism, it is necessary to cleanse the problem area of ​​the skin of impurities. After this, you can glue the patch directly to the area of ​​acupuncture points. One of them is located in the center of the navel, the other is 5 cm to the left or right, and the third is located approximately 4.5 cm downwards. After two days, the product should be removed and replaced with a new one. The duration of the course of application is 2-3 months.

Applying patches

Before starting a weight loss course, you should read the Slimming Patch instructions for use.

How to apply a patch to the body

Slim patch patch, instructions for application to the body:

  1. Take a bath or shower, dry off,
  2. Open the sealed package,
  3. Get the Slim Patch,
  4. Choose a place to apply patches on the body,
  5. Pre-wipe the skin with lotion (degrease), dry,
  6. On the side of the yellow active composition there is a protective film on the patch,
  7. Grab it by the corner, take it off,
  8. Apply the Slim Patch tightly with the yellow side to the skin.

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Multiple patches can be used simultaneously. The patch is suitable for any area of ​​the body that needs to get rid of excess fat. Use weight loss patches for the abdomen, sides, buttocks, thighs, arms, knees, back. The only limitation: the application area must be free of burns, wounds, cuts, rashes, and pimples.

How much to wear and how to take it off

The patches are worn on the body for 8-10 hours (under clothing or applied at night before bed).

Slimming patch, removal instructions:

  • Carefully peel the patch from the skin by the corner,
  • Rinse the application area with warm water.

Patches do not leave marks or irritation on the skin. But it is better to lubricate the application site with a moisturizer. The next patch is applied to the same problem area next to the location of the previous patch.

Additional Terms of Use

Additional recommendations on how to use Slim Patch:

  1. The weight loss patch is most active during rest and sleep.
  2. The manufacturer recommends applying the patches at night and removing them in the morning. In the evening the following patches are applied.
  3. The number of patches that can be glued to the body at the same time is not limited.
  4. To achieve a sustainable result, the recommended course is at least 25-30 days.
  5. If you want to get rid of significant amounts of excess weight, plan a course of 3-4 months.

After 30 days of use, a break of at least a week is required. Then the application of patches to the body is resumed.

Soso Slimming Plaster: real consumer reviews

People who decide to lose weight once and for all often choose this product. What do they say about him?

Most reviews are positive. According to consumers, this product really works. However, an increase in the effect can only be achieved if you slightly reduce your diet. This means cutting out all unhealthy foods and keeping portion sizes the same. The popularity of this patch is largely due to its natural composition, as well as the almost complete absence of contraindications. And pregnant women are unlikely to want to lose weight while they are carrying a child under their hearts.

Does Soso (Chinese weight loss patch) have negative reviews? Such opinions also occur. As a rule, they are due to slow results. Of course, a person with up to 20 extra kilograms is unlikely to be able to get rid of them in 2-3 days. In this case, you just need to be patient.

Doctors' opinions

Doctors most often speak negatively about the Soso Slimming Plaster product. Real reviews from doctors warn that you first need to understand the cause of obesity, and only then begin to solve the problem. This patch has certainly not undergone clinical studies. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about its effectiveness based solely on real examples of people losing weight.

However, some experts tend to trust this miracle product. They explain their point of view by the principles of action of the patch. Its whole essence comes down to the knowledge of Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Impact on certain points of the human body allows you to achieve stable functioning of the body and even lose weight. The product described in the article works exactly according to this principle.

Let's sum it up

One of the most popular fat burning products today is a product called Soso Slimming (weight loss patch). Reviews, price and effectiveness of the product - these are the parameters that people who want to get rid of extra pounds pay attention to. The patch presented in this article has managed to earn the trust of consumers. The low price allows absolutely any segment of the population to acquire the desired forms. A large number of positive opinions do not give reason to doubt the effectiveness of the weight loss product.


The name Slim Patch translated from English means “slimness patch.” The analog name of the product among consumers has become Slimming Patch, a weight loss patch, since “slimming” is literally translated from English as “weight loss.”

Sealed Slim Patch packaging reliably protects the product from the penetration of air, light and moisture. Inside there are 10, 15 or 30 pieces of disposable patches:

  1. The product is made of breathable material (the area under the pasted patch will not sweat). The size of one patch is approximately 5 by 7 cm.
  2. On one side, each patch is coated with an active adhesive composition (yellow), protected by a transparent film.
  3. A lightweight ultra-thin magnet is attached to the back of the patch (magnetic waves enhance the effect of the Slim Patch).

The smell of the patches is pleasant, with notes of essential oils, herbs and spices.

There are Slim Patch on sale, made in the USA and China. Chinese patches are not equipped with magnets.

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