Liquid chestnut for weight loss - real reviews from doctors, how to take it, how much it costs and composition

What is Liquid Chestnut

Liquid chestnut is a dietary supplement intended for weight loss. It contains guarana berry extract.

This plant grows in the Amazon. It is included in most drugs aimed at weight loss. It can be found in products such as Turboslim, Raspberry. At the same time, the fat-burning properties of this vine have not been scientifically confirmed and are subject to doubt.

Chemical composition

The additive contains the following components:

  • guaranine - extract of the fruit of the Amazonian guarana;
  • organic substances: amides and saponin;
  • resin - wood resin;
  • theobromine - obtained from cocoa fruit;
  • theophylline - is an analogue of caffeine, present in cocoa beans;
  • microelements: iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium;
  • antioxidants.

The dietary supplement called “Chestnut Drops” additionally contains L-carnitine and acacia fiber gum arabic.

Release form

The additive is available in the following forms:

  • “Liquid Chestnut Super Forte” capsules, manufactured by ShenZhen Hongsen Biology Industry Co, China. One package contains 60 capsules, the cost is 14-15 dollars.
  • Chestnut drops are a concentrated solution, its cost is between 17-20 dollars.
  • Liquid chestnut powder has a red tint and is odorless. Packaging weight: 60 g, manufacturer not specified. Price 17-20 dollars.
  • “Liquid Chestnut Night” in powder form - is produced in powder form and is a strengthened formula. Its cost is 17-20 dollars.

All of these drugs are not medicines. They are certified as dietary supplements and are not sold in pharmacies.

Where can I buy

Interesting fact: Liquid chestnut is extremely difficult to find. Even if you enter the request “Buy liquid chestnut online on the official website” into the search, the sites that open may sell the wrong product.

It is alarming that the packaging of dietary supplements sold on different websites looks different, but at the same time they have the same description.

Benefits of Liquid Chestnut

According to the manufacturers, the dietary supplement has the following effect on the body:

  • increases metabolism;
  • promotes the burning of subcutaneous fat;
  • fights increased appetite;
  • reduces cravings for sweets;
  • prevents overeating;
  • has a mild diuretic effect and eliminates excess fluid from the body;
  • increases the effect of physical activity;
  • tones and invigorates.

All these properties have a positive effect on weight loss processes. In addition, a course of taking Liquid Chestnut improves your health, namely:

  • increases the body's protective properties;
  • stimulates internal processes;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream;
  • eliminates cholesterol plaques and makes blood vessels more passable.

All these guarantees are given by manufacturers, but they do not have scientific confirmation. Therefore, it’s up to you to believe them or not.

Girl doing sports

The effect of guarana and horse chestnut fruits on the body

The drug in liquid form contains a large number of different vitamins.

  1. It contains a high content of groups A, B and E.
  2. Guaranine component. This substance is similar to caffeine in its effect on the human body, but it is better absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract without irritating it.
  3. Liquid chestnut contains a stimulating component - theophylline. It has a strong diuretic effect on the body and also stimulates muscle function.
  4. It is noteworthy that black tea, which many of us start our day with, also contains small doses of this substance.
  5. But the functioning of the central nervous system is positively influenced by another component included in liquid chestnut - theobromine. Thanks to it, people who start using this remedy for weight loss notice that their appetite decreases. Against this background, physical activity increases, and a person feels cheerful for a long time.

On websites selling liquid chestnut for weight loss, you can often find claims that this product can destroy fat cells. You should not believe this promising thesis, since no method, except plastic surgery, is capable of destroying fat cells.

As qualified doctors explain, the number of fat cells that are in the body of a particular person is determined at the genetic level. Their number can be reduced exclusively with the help of liposuction and nothing else.


To minimize the risk of side effects or other complications after taking Liquid Chestnut, it is important to follow some rules:

  1. You can drink the product only after consulting a doctor and in the absence of contraindications.
  2. Liquid chestnut contains a large amount of caffeine, so it is recommended to avoid tea and coffee while taking it. If you cannot do this, then this method of losing weight is not suitable for you.
  3. Liquid chestnut is often confused with horse chestnut extract. In fact, these are 2 different drugs, so do not confuse them when purchasing.
  4. Liquid chestnut promises lazy weight loss, which means you will lose weight even if you don’t exercise. But this is not true. For the effect to be noticeable, it is recommended to move more, hula hoop, and eat right.
  5. Some doctors do not recommend diluting liquid chestnut powder and drops in milk, as it is incompatible with guarone extract.

Reviews from doctors

Powdered guarana is rich in theobromine and theophylline. The components of the seeds do not burn fat directly. They force the human body, in particular muscles, to work more intensely, which leads to the transformation of fat depots into an energy resource.

The second useful point for losing weight is to suppress appetite with the help of caffeine, which is part of the seeds. In order for the weight loss effect to manifest itself as quickly as possible, nutrition alone is not enough. A block of physical activity should be added to the set of activities.

It is important to know that Liquid Chestnut can increase the concentration of glucose in the blood. Because of this property, people with carbohydrate metabolism disorders should not take the powder.

Questions and answers

Below are the main questions and answers to them regarding taking Liquid Chestnut for weight loss.

Question: How to take the drug, before or after meals?

Answer: Capsules are taken 40 minutes before meals, a cocktail of drops - 10 minutes before meals. Regular powder, not Night, is consumed after meals.

Question: How much weight can you lose?

Answer: According to manufacturers, you can lose up to 5-6 kg in a month on Liquid chestnut.

Question: How long should I take the supplement?

Answer: The duration of taking the dietary supplement is from 3 to 6 weeks. It all depends on the initial excess weight and the desired results. Once the desired weight is reached, Liquid Chestnut should be discontinued.

Question: What does the supplement taste like?

Answer: When diluted, it has no taste.

Question: How much does the supplement cost?

Answer: The price of capsules is about 800 rubles, powder and drops - 1100-1200 rubles. You can get into promotions, in which case the cost of the drug will be in the range of 950-990 rubles.

Question: Are there any analogues for Liquid Chestnut?

Answer: Dietary supplements for weight loss containing guarana include Amazon chestnut, Fucap, Guarana tea, and Guarana capsules. You can also use preparations that do not contain guarana, but have a similar effect. Here is the list:

  • Lida;
  • Reduxin;
  • Magic beans;
  • Xenical;
  • Orsoten;
  • Lipoxin;
  • Goldline.

How does it work?

Many strength athletes decide to buy liquid chestnut or other high extract supplements for one simple reason - they work. As numerous studies have shown, Amazonian guarana has a very positive effect on the body:

  • activates energy production. While taking the supplement, a person feels a powerful surge of energy and strength. There is a desire to train, be active, and “burn” the released energy. That is why the liquid chestnut supplement is very popular. A person takes it, moves more and, accordingly, burns extra calories;
  • reduces appetite. Another plus that Amazonian guarana can boast of, and with it a special preparation, liquid chestnut. Taking the supplement allows you to forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time. In fact, any product or drink containing caffeine has the same effect. The reason for this phenomenon is the redistribution of blood flow in the body, that is, blood primarily flows to the upper part of the body (to the head, muscle tissue, heart, and so on);
  • metabolic processes are accelerated. Amazonian guarana is well known for its ability to speed up metabolism, which is a key factor for any athlete. The only negative is that this phenomenon leads to increased blood pressure and tachycardia. For people with hypertension and heart problems, this can be very critical. That is why before taking liquid chestnut or other drugs similar in structure, you should consult your doctor.

Instructions for use

One of the main advantages of Liquid Chestnut over other supplements is the presence of instructions for use in the drug, which is absent in most dietary supplements.

The use and dosage of the drug is as follows:

  1. Take 1-2 capsules 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals. They are not chewed or dissolved, but simply swallowed with a glass of water at room temperature.
  2. Liquid chestnut in drops for weight loss is taken 30-35 drops, diluted in a glass of plain water without gases. The liquid is thoroughly stirred and drunk 10 minutes before meals.
  3. Regular powder is taken in this way: 2 measuring spoons (they are included in the kit) are diluted in a glass of warm liquid (juices, compote, water, smoothies, yogurt). If desired, the powder can be used as a spice for any dish; in this case, the product is used in no more than 1 tsp. at a time. Take the powder 2 times a day after meals, but no later than two hours before bedtime. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get rid of insomnia.
  4. Knight enhanced powder is drunk as follows: 1 scoop is diluted in a glass of any liquid except milk and drunk 30 minutes before bedtime.

Interesting fact: Liquid chestnut contains resin, also known as the food additive E-314. It is used to make vegetable oils, chewing gum, and sauces.

Woman at a doctor's appointment

Liquid chestnut is a new fat burning supplement

The drug contains unique and highly effective components, such as:

  • Guaranine
  • Theophylline
  • Theobromine
  • Amino acids
  • Minerals, vitamins and microelements.

According to the manufacturers, the supplement helps to significantly lose weight in a short period of time, and is suitable for long-term use, as it has no special contraindications or side effects.

There is no need to compare or confuse this exotic remedy with ordinary horse chestnuts, much less introduce them into your diet!

Liquid chestnut has special properties:

  • Speeds up metabolism;
  • Restores energy
  • Increases activity;
  • Reduces appetite:
  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Cleanses the body of harmful toxins and elements.

Liquid chestnut method of use

In fact, everything is quite simple, the most important thing is not to use the product in excess. Daily dose - 1 tsp. powder, which can be halved and taken in several passes.

Chestnut powder mixture can be added to various liquids:

  • teas, juices, smoothies, cocktails, soups, cereals, desserts, broths, etc.

The mixing technology is as follows: per liter of liquid, a teaspoon of powder. The mixture must be consumed immediately after shaking; storing in the refrigerator until next use is not recommended.

Several recipes for daily intake of natural exotic chestnut powder.

For a cup of green tea, dilute 0.5 tsp. chestnut supplement. We drink it after eating, warm, at room temperature.

This is exactly how you can add liquid chestnut to a fruit smoothie.

To prepare it you will need 2 apples, an orange, raspberries, and strawberries. Beat in a blender and add the powder at the end. The drink is ready to drink.

To take the drug for lunch, make vegetable broth, add a piece of chicken or mushrooms, and sprinkle with herbs. Just before serving, pour a little powder into a plate, stir well, and let sit for a few minutes. The dish is tasty and healthy, helps improve intestinal microflora, removes toxins from the body, and improves mood.

About 20 minutes after eating food, it is advisable to devote time to physical activity; it is important to put energy in the right direction, so as not to cause overexcitation and not disrupt the sleep process.

During the period of a low-calorie diet and exhausting activities, it is important to consume liquid chestnut twice a day, in the morning and at lunchtime. Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink a glass of low-fat kefir and have a good rest before starting the next day.

There is also a recipe when liquid chestnut is prepared independently, without the addition of other products.

A glass of clean, non-carbonated warm water contains a teaspoon of a natural component; this energy-fortified drink is consumed on an empty stomach before starting a long workout, for more effective and rapid weight loss.

This therapy also has cosmetic advantages:

  • facial skin is cleansed, pores are narrowed, rashes are eliminated;
  • hair acquires a healthy shine and does not break during the hairstyle process;
  • nails become smooth and clean, do not peel off, even with prolonged wear of the gel coating.

Benefits of consuming liquid chestnut in your daily diet

Consumption of the powder of this exotic plant has a beneficial effect on all functional characteristics of the body. The product has been approved by medical studies as a food additive for preparing various dishes, this indicates its safety for humans.

The use of the composition has a positive effect on cognitive abilities and memory; liquid chestnut is often used in sports nutrition, increases the body's endurance, gives vigor, fortitude and good mood.

Are there any side effects while using the drug?

It would be appropriate to note that the high safety of the product is ensured by the careful principle of its use and compliance with the technology for using the composition.

  1. Overdose;
  2. Improper storage;
  3. Counterfeit drug;
  4. Inadequate proportions for creating a healing composition.

All these points can affect the safety of the components and cause food poisoning.

It is also prohibited to combine the intake of liquid chestnut with other medications, sedatives, aspirin and paracetamol.

The product is completely contraindicated for people with heart disease, hypertension, and mental disorders.

There are no special warnings for pregnant and breastfeeding women, but be sure to consult a doctor before taking the drug.


Excessive and improper consumption of Liquid Chestnut can cause harm to the human body. That is why it is important to consult a doctor before using it, and also take dietary supplements according to the instructions for use.

The product is recommended for use in cases of obesity, excessive appetite and high levels of bad cholesterol. Other conditions and diseases are not indications for the use of Liquid Chestnut.

You should not take the supplement in the following cases:

  • period of bearing a child;
  • heart pathologies;
  • blood diseases;
  • individual intolerance;
  • the presence of mental disorders, including epilepsy;
  • insomnia;
  • hypertension;
  • breast-feeding;
  • liver pathologies;
  • dystrophy and anorexia;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • kidney diseases;
  • age up to 18 years.

This list of restrictions for use is not final. These contraindications are listed in the instructions for the drug, but as for the rest, they are definitely unknown, since clinical studies have not been conducted. For this reason, you can take the drug only after your doctor’s permission.

Useful properties of Liquid chestnut for weight loss

All of the above components of Liquid Chestnut do not directly trigger fat burning, but due to their stimulating effect they help reduce appetite and increase physical activity. In general, the ingredients of this powder are characterized by the following positive properties:

  • Thanks to the presence of substances of plant origin, they start the process of cleansing the human body of toxins, while accelerating metabolism and improving the absorption of nutrients obtained from food.
  • Helps dull the feeling of hunger and gradually reduce appetite. Gradually, the stomach gets used to less food and shrinks, which eliminates the possibility of further overeating and breakdowns.
  • By stimulating activity, they indirectly influence the improvement of muscle tone and overall endurance of the body. Training becomes more effective, due to which fat is burned much faster.
  • They improve metabolic processes and also prevent fat from compensating for burned reserves (this effect allows you to get rid of the “orange peel”).
  • Guarana helps burn already accumulated fat.
  • The presence of minerals, vitamin B1 and oxidants allows the body to maintain a normal state of immunity, which usually suffers greatly from a limited diet and frequent exercise.

Side effects

The instructions for the drug indicate that it has no side effects. At the same time, many who used Liquid Chestnut for weight loss noted such unpleasant sensations as:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • severe allergic reaction in the form of swelling, hyperemia, urticaria, various rashes;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increases nervous excitement and irritation;
  • reduces blood clotting, which is dangerous in case of injury;
  • severe dizziness followed by loss of consciousness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • migraine;
  • indigestion;
  • diarrhea and flatulence;
  • electrolyte imbalance.

When the first unpleasant symptoms appear, it is important to immediately stop taking Liquid Chestnut.

There is an opinion that energy drinks with guarana can lead to an attack of epilepsy. As a result, doctors do not recommend abusing them.

How to prevent side effects from occurring?

To avoid complications after taking Liquid Chestnut weight loss product, you need to pay attention to the reputation of the seller in advance and not buy the product in suspicious or unfamiliar places. The mega-popularity of Amazonian guarana powder also has the opposite effect - there is a high risk of purchasing a fake. In addition, “Liquid Chestnut,” the instructions for which encourage you not to overeat and avoid junk food, is not a fat-burning product. It only provides energy and ease for training, during which the main process of thermolipolysis occurs.

Therefore, a large amount of high-calorie food is not compatible with taking an exotic plant extract. “Liquid chestnut,” the instructions for which contain strict warnings, should also not be used during therapy with sedatives (antidepressants, psychotropic and sedatives). When prescribing such medications, it is necessary to familiarize the doctor with your diet and dietary supplement intake. When preparing a weight loss cocktail, you need to carefully choose the base for it and strictly follow the recipe. At the slightest discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the intestines and temporarily exclude the Amazonian “Liquid Chestnut” from the diet.


Below are reviews from doctors and people who took Liquid Chestnut for weight loss. Check them out to see if this weight loss method is right for you or if it is better to use other weight loss methods, for example, try a coffee, liquid or oatmeal diet, or take goji berries.

Valentin, nutritionist

Liquid chestnut for weight loss is an untested dietary supplement used by many men and women for weight loss. Personally, I do not recommend taking this remedy as it may cause more harm to your health than good.

Arseny, therapist

Patients who have taken Liquid Chestnut often come to see me with complaints of headache and severe vomiting. For me personally, this is yet another proof that it is better not to use this supplement.

Valeria, 25 years old

I drank Liquid Chestnut for 3 weeks and lost 1.5 kg. While losing weight, I felt weak and overwhelmed.

Alexandra, 29 years old

I have been taking Liquid Chestnut in courses for several years to lose weight. This product helps me stay in great shape and has a positive effect on my mood.

Liquid chestnut is a dietary supplement, like acai berries, that has not been scientifically proven to be effective. That’s why it’s up to you to believe that it will help you lose weight or improve your well-being. But if your goal is a slim figure, it’s better to go in for sports and switch to a balanced diet, removing harmful foods from your diet. These actions will really help you lose weight.

Liquid chestnut to eliminate health problems

The beneficial properties of liquid chestnut have been proven by many studies; when used correctly, the product has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins from the body, promotes weight loss and weight normalization. Strengthens the immune system, is an excellent source for the prevention of viral diseases, does not contain chemical or artificial components.

Environmentally friendly and natural, stored in a cool, dark place for a long time. Convenient and easy to prepare.

What else can so easily help us improve our body health and improve our figure in the waist and hips?

It is in high demand among athletes and people who spend significant time training and perform significant physical activity.

Love yourself and your body, watch your food and be healthy!

Order liquid chestnut on the official website

Despite the high popularity of the product, the product can only be purchased on the official website; so far it has not been possible to find the product in pharmacies and retail outlets.

Today, in order to buy liquid chestnut profitably, the official website offers various promotions, discounts and economy offers, with which you can save on the purchase of the product.

You can find sites where there is free delivery or auction discounts for bulk purchases of dietary supplements. This is very profitable and interesting for every consumer.

Real reviews from drinking liquid chestnut

Evgeniy, 24 years old.

Claims that guarana has helped him greatly with his headaches and migraines.
He took half a tablet a day. Guarana also helped him improve his overall health and get rid of depression. So he continues to take it for many years. Alena, 28 years old.
She claims that these capsules or tablets help her a lot.
She usually takes half a capsule and takes it in the morning. And this gives her a boost of energy for the whole day. She doesn't like coffee, it only irritates her, but guarana, she says, gives her new life. She is sure that guarana contains all the necessary vitamins, which provide everything you need for both the heart and the body. Olga, 31 years old.
She claims that she tried guarana and really got an effect, but after that the effect of guarana on her began to dull.
That is, she is still taking the drug, but she does not feel any effect. Sometimes taking guarana makes her feel like she drank a lot of coffee. Oksana, 28 years old
She says she has two children and therefore needs a lot of energy. But she doesn’t like coffee, she doesn’t like the taste. One day she read an article about this remedy and thought it would be interesting to try. Moreover, the article mentioned that guarana improves memory. So she tried guarana and found that she felt great. She drinks guarana with water, and then feels one hundred percent. Ivan, 25 years old
Claims that liquid chestnut helps him maintain sanity and good health for many years. In addition, the specifics of Ivan’s profession are such that he needs to remain in a normal state of mind while driving a car. He works as a truck driver. And he often needs to travel at night. So, guarana capsules prevent him from falling asleep while driving. In his opinion, this is a good alternative to caffeine. Nikolay, 32 years old
He writes that he really likes liquid chestnut. The fact is that Nikolai works two jobs, and it is important for him to often keep himself cheerful. He takes half the tablet, and twenty minutes after taking it, he feels as if he just woke up in the morning after a long sleep, and is now ready for any accomplishment. But at the same time, Nikolai recommends being careful about the dosage of the drug. One day he took not half a pill, but a whole pill, and so he felt unwell for a while. Inga, 25 years old
. She writes that she was a very plump girl. Her classmates always teased her and laughed at her. And at an older age, she could not arrange her personal life due to the fact that many considered it to be very full. Everything changed after she read in one magazine that guarana makes it possible to lose weight. She ordered a batch of liquid chestnuts from an online store. A couple of days later the package arrived at her post office. She began adding the powder to her food. At the same time, I tried to move more, run, ride a bike. And after four months she was able to acquire a normal, slender body and could calmly go to the beach in a swimsuit. She gained a lot of fans. Now Inga is grateful to the producers of liquid chestnut for changing her life so much.

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