Weight loss product “Liquid chestnut” - reviews

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Liquid chestnut for weight loss: real customer reviews

Victoria, Lipetsk. 41 years old.

One year has passed since taking liquid chestnut. I literally lost 23 kg in just 2.5 months. It scared me right away. I was worried about the condition of my skin, what it would be like. I didn’t want to see saggy skin and stretch marks. But all fears were in vain. There are no stretch marks, the skin is elastic, even better than before. While taking the drug, I had the feeling that there was a gradual cleansing going on. Now I not only look great, but I’m also 10 years younger in my soul.

32 years. Alina.

The second birth rewarded me not only with a child, but also with an excess weight of 27 kg. This event made me depressed. My loved ones, especially my husband, did not support me at that moment and allowed me to go deeper into the problem. I tried so many diets, I ate only vegetables, but the weight remained firmly in one place. On the advice of my friends, I purchased Liquid Chestnut overnight for weight loss. The results were stunning, the weight began to disappear rapidly. In the first month I lost 8 kg, which I was very happy about. My husband also appreciated it. I was happy like a child and continued to take the drug. 2 months passed, I lost all the extra pounds (27) and even improved the result. Victory!!!

Angelina 88.

I’ll also leave my review of Liquid Chestnut Super Forte. I ordered the drug online and languished in anticipation. The long-awaited day came when I received it and began to take it. After two days I noticed additional energy. If before I trained for 1.5 hours, now I was ready to do more. I didn’t feel tired, just energized. Ten days ended with a weight loss of 5 kg. I'm very surprised by the result. I thought it was another scam - and suddenly this happened. Now not only I am losing weight, but also my mother, sister and godfather. Together and synchronously we remove extra pounds.

31 year. Marianne.

I read a lot of information about chestnut. I liked the fact that you don’t need to use any effort to lose weight. Here are my results, I’ll tell you frankly, I don’t consider them revolutionary. I lost 2.5 kg in 7 days, my appetite has really decreased, I run to the toilet very often, perhaps the excess fluid is leaving. But my heart started beating faster and it worries me. Why did I get involved in this adventure? It would have been better if I had chosen a diet. And so I threw away the money and ruined my health.

Olga, 35 years old

There are so many enthusiastic responses to the work of the drug, I’m wondering, has no one listened to doctors’ reviews about liquid chestnut for weight loss? It, of course, gives colossal effects - kilograms melt before our eyes, but the body also wears out faster and ages. Such drastic changes are a lot of stress for him. And here it’s worth thinking about what is better: it’s better to lose extra pounds or lose a couple of years, or even a dozen years, and look like 40 at 30?

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Purposes for collecting user personal information

4.1. The Administration may use the User’s personal data for the following purposes: 4.1.1. Identification of the User registered on the Seoseed.ru Project website for his further authorization. 4.1.2. Providing the User with access to personalized data from the Seoseed.ru Project website. 4.1.3. Establishing feedback with the User, including sending notifications, requests regarding the use of the Seoseed.ru Project website, processing requests and applications from the User. 4.1.4. Determining the location of the User to ensure security and prevent fraud. 4.1.5. Confirmation of the accuracy and completeness of personal data provided by the User. 4.1.6. Creating an account to use parts of the Seoseed.ru Project website, if the User has agreed to create an account. 4.1.7. Notifications to the User by email. 4.1.8. Providing the User with effective technical support if problems arise related to the use of the Seoseed.ru Project website. 4.1.9. Providing the User, with his consent, with special offers, newsletters and other information on behalf of the website Project Seoseed.ru.

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How to take Liquid Chestnut and how much

The drug is a powder that is brown in color. It should be used as an additive to liquid drinks: aromatic coffee, tea, juices, yoghurts. Liquid chestnut is also available in capsules.

  • Take liquid chestnut twice a day. In this case, the daily dose should not exceed one teaspoon.
  • The chestnut supplement can also be used with soups, borscht or thin porridge.
  • The manufacturer warns about overdose, which leads to sleep disturbances and nervous overexcitation.
  • Do not consume the powder in the evening.

If you have a sedentary lifestyle, it is better to take the supplement in the morning and at lunch, so that the energy received can be useful throughout the day.

For athletes, it is good to use the drug before starting active activities. Then, after training. This technique will well restore expended strength and make a person active in the future.

In the photo Liquid chestnut Night:

But how to properly take Liquid Chestnut Knight for weight loss is a completely different question. The drug is designed to work at night. It is taken half an hour before bedtime, and while you sleep, it destroys extra pounds.

More details on how to drink liquid chestnut for weight loss are described in the instructions for use, which must be included with the drug.

Rights and obligations of the parties

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6.1.1. Make a free decision to provide your personal data necessary to use the Seoseed.ru Project website, and consent to their processing.

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6.2. The administration is obliged:

6.2.1. Use the information received solely for the purposes specified in clause 4 of this Privacy Policy.

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Who is contraindicated for Liquid Chestnut?

Both guarana fruits and any preparations based on them are not recommended for people with:

  • heart rhythm disturbances,
  • cardiovascular pathologies,
  • epilepsy or a predisposition to this disease,
  • mental disorders,
  • frequent mood swings,
  • hypertension.

In addition, be sure to check with your doctor about how to combine Liquid Chestnut with other medications. You 100% cannot take a weight loss product at the same time as psychotropic, sedative medications, or antidepressants.

Responsibility of the parties

7.1. The Administration, which has not fulfilled its obligations, is responsible for losses incurred by the User in connection with the unlawful use of personal data, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, except for the cases provided for in paragraphs. 5.2. and 7.2. of this Privacy Policy.

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7.9. The administration is not responsible for any information posted by the user on the Project Seoseed.ru website, including, but not limited to: information protected by copyright, without the express consent of the copyright owner.

Composition of the drug

Components that make up Liquid Chestnut:

  • Guaranine is a natural product made from the fruit of the evergreen guarana bush. The plant is native to Venezuela and Brazil. The ingredient is an effective and “long-lasting” stimulant and analogue of coffee, only it contains several times more caffeine.
  • Theophylline. It is of plant origin and is a heterocyclic alkaloid that stimulates the nervous system and has a diuretic effect. Theophylline has found its use in bronchodilators. It has contraindications for stomach ulcers, epilepsy, arrhythmia and for pressure deviations up or down.
  • Theobromine is classified as a psychostimulant and coffee analogue. The component acts on mental and physical activity. The body, while taking it, copes well with fatigue and sleep. Theobromine and theophylline help increase oxygen in the blood and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide. Due to these processes, energy is consumed and metabolism increases.

Overdoses can lead to addiction, such as with alcohol. Then a person may experience vomiting, arrhythmia, nausea, diarrhea, and frequent urination.

  • Saponins are organic compounds that are found in various parts of plants: roots, stems, leaves, fruits. The component is included in drugs for the treatment of bronchi. It affects the endocrine glands.
  • Additional beneficial substances of the drug are amides, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium.

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The composition of the night Liquid Chestnut is somewhat different:

  • Gum arabic acacia fiber
  • Bamboo fiber
  • Antioxidants
  • Forskolin
  • L-carnitine
  • Apple juice (dry)


The powder is contraindicated for people who have:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Nervous system disorder;
  • Insomnia;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Glaucoma;
  • Hypertension;
  • Kidney disease;
  • Infants and feed them;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Adolescence up to 12 years.

Beneficial features

  • Has a positive effect on physical inactivity.
  • Metabolism accelerates.
  • Increases the body's energy.
  • Reduces appetite.
  • Improves memory and cognitive abilities.
  • Increases endurance.
  • Cleanses the body.

Dispute Resolution

8.1. Before filing a claim in court regarding disputes arising from the relationship between the User and the Administration, it is mandatory to submit a claim (a written proposal or an electronic proposal for a voluntary settlement of the dispute).

8.2. The recipient of the claim, within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the claim, notifies the claimant in writing or electronically of the results of consideration of the claim.

8.3. If an agreement is not reached, the dispute will be referred to the Moscow Arbitration Court.

8.4. The current legislation of the Russian Federation applies to this Privacy Policy and the relationship between the User and the Administration.

Beneficial features

  • Liquid chestnut extract accelerates metabolism.
  • Increases endurance, physical. activity and gives energy, due to which fat cells are broken down faster.
  • After a glass of drink from the extract, the tonic effect lasts for 4-6 hours. For example, after 200 ml of coffee, activity persists for 1.5-2 hours.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the digestion process and helps the body absorb beneficial components from food.
  • Reduces appetite.
  • Cleanses the intestines, copes with problems such as chronic constipation/diarrhea.
  • Does not irritate the walls of the stomach, is well absorbed.
  • Removes lactic acid from the body, thereby preventing muscle pain after a long workout.
  • Has a slight anesthetic effect.
  • Cleanses the liver of toxins.
  • Activates the cardiovascular system and improves blood circulation, but due to the high caffeine content it increases blood pressure.
  • Improves potency.
  • This product is approved by doctors and nutritionists.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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