Carob syrup (pekmez Harnup): properties and benefits

Composition and characteristics

Pekmez Harnup with a calorie content of 260 kcal per 100 g of product has a high nutritional value and includes a whole range of useful elements. The main ones:

  • sugars of natural origin,
  • choline,
  • organic acids,
  • vitamins B, D and A,
  • tannins,
  • cellulose,
  • pectin,
  • zinc, sodium, phosphorus, potassium.

In addition, by consuming natural carob syrup, a person receives 10% of the calcium needed per day, 11% of magnesium, more than 14% of manganese and about 70% of iron. The product contains per 100 grams: 60 g of carbohydrates, 3 g of protein and less than 1 g of fat. Carob syrup is a well-known powerful antioxidant and has antibacterial and bronchodilator effects. Due to its high content of dietary fiber, pekmez is recommended for digestive problems.

The syrup does not contain substances that are addictive or provoke a severe allergic reaction. It contains no caffeine or harmful cholesterol. The composition does not contain oxalic acid, which interferes with the good absorption of an important element - calcium. The glycemic index of the product is 30.

What it is

Pekmez is the condensed condensed juice of the carob tree (Ceratonia capita). This type of tree grows in the Mediterranean region, is evergreen and reaches a length of up to 10 meters . Thanks to its strong root system, the tree can grow on rocky and infertile soil. Local residents consider the tree sacred because There are absolutely no parasitic insects on it.

To obtain syrup, fruits are used that resemble brown pods with soft beans inside. They reach a length of up to 20-25 centimeters . The fruits of this tree are not consumed without processing, because... There is bitterness in the taste due to the high content of a group of astringents.

Immediately before the start of cooking, more mature fruits are selected and soaked. An important procedure is cutting off the edges of the pod , because It is in them that bitter elements accumulate. Afterwards, the beans are removed from the middle of the fruit, crushed and placed in a special container for steaming. The result is a dark, viscous syrup that is more than half carbohydrate.

This syrup is produced in a number of European countries, as well as America, India and North Africa. The syrup produced in the eastern part of the Mediterranean (Syria, Palestine, Lebanon) is of the best quality. However, on the shelves of domestic stores you can most often find products, also of equal quality, from Cyprus and Turkey. These countries are leaders in the production of pekmez for import.

Directly in the homeland of the carob tree, syrup from its fruits has been used since ancient times for the general strengthening of the body, both during and after illness.

Useful and healing properties

Sweet pekmez is widely used in folk and traditional medicine due to the presence of the following properties:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improved sleep;
  • normalization of cardiac activity and blood pressure;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • restoration of blood composition;
  • assistance in weight loss;
  • increased libido;
  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • regulation of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cleansing the body of carcinogens, toxins, and waste.

In addition, the benefits of regular use of syrup for anemia, diarrhea, vascular pathologies, and poisoning have been noted. The product is also useful for women during pregnancy and children.

Carob healing syrup is useful for disorders of the nervous system. It helps alleviate migraines, sleep disturbances, irritability and depression. It can be used to cleanse the body of harmful substances, as well as get rid of inflammation and ulcers on the oral mucosa. It is recommended to use pekmez in the treatment of ARVI, severe cough, pneumonia and sore throat. The thick liquid must be mixed with warm water and drunk at least 5 times a day.

The product is completely free of refined sugars, making the syrup approved for diabetes. However, it should be used with caution, not exceeding the dosage recommended by the doctor. Restrictions on intake are associated with the property of the product to slightly increase blood glucose levels.

Nutritionists recommend including syrup in the menu for people trying to lose weight. The product cleanses the body, improves metabolism and reduces hunger pangs. It is best to mix pekmez with water and lemon juice and consume it before lunch and dinner.

Beneficial properties of carob for weight loss

The beneficial properties of carob allow it to be used not only for weight loss, but also for general health improvement.:

  • accelerates metabolism - metabolism begins to proceed faster at the cellular level;
  • provides the body with the necessary amount of calcium and vitamin E;
  • removes salts of heavy metals and elements of radioactive origin from the body;
  • reduces appetite and cravings for sweets;
  • replenishes iron levels in the body;
  • gives a diuretic effect;
  • normalizes intestinal function, restores its microflora.

These properties are especially important when losing weight, because:

  • with rapid metabolism, new fat deposits stop forming;
  • while losing weight, important microelements are not removed from the body, which means there is no harm to overall health;
  • at the cellular level, excess fluid is removed, which leads to the disappearance of edema;
  • nutrients are absorbed by the digestive system even with limited nutrition;
  • Weight loss and diet will not provoke iron deficiency anemia.

Additional beneficial properties include strengthening the heart and blood vessels, improving regenerative abilities, and increasing immunity . All this makes a person energetic, able to train and stress his body physically, and invulnerable to colds.

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Use in cooking

The use of carob syrup in cooking is due to the diverse properties of the product and excellent taste. In Mediterranean countries, pekmez serves as an ingredient for ice cream, morning pastries, and salad dressing. The product goes well with nuts and dried fruits. It adds a subtle chocolate aroma and taste to sponge cakes. In Turkey and Cyprus you can buy original sweets - walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds in syrup. This delicacy is very useful for both adults and children.

The instructions prescribe the use of Harnup pekmez for gastrointestinal disorders, migraines, sleep disorders, and also as a remedy for colds and coughs. The syrup can be added to tea, coffee and other drinks. Thanks to its balanced BJU, pekmez is recommended to be mixed with cold protein shakes for quick recovery. This drink is especially useful for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle.

Carob syrup is a tasty medicine

Antioxidant, antibacterial and bronchodilator effects are completely preserved in the syrup. The main beneficial qualities for which carob (powder) is famous - the absence of caffeine, cholesterol and allergens - are also inherent in bekmes.

Doctors of folk and traditional medicine recommend carob syrup in the following cases:

  • To strengthen the immune system
  • For insomnia, irritability, headaches
  • As a means to normalize blood pressure and heart function
  • To remove cholesterol and restore blood composition
  • When dieting - carob suppresses appetite
  • To cleanse the body of toxins and eliminate stomach problems
  • Carob heals wounds from stomatitis well, relieves pain from bronchitis, sore throat, and pneumonia.
  • Syrup in moderate quantities is useful for children and women during pregnancy; it successfully treats diarrhea, anemia and vascular fragility.

For diabetes, carob syrup is allowed in doses recommended by a doctor.

Pekmez can be poured over desserts, cottage cheese, ice cream, fruit salads or baked goods, but if used regularly for medicinal purposes, it is better to dilute the syrup with water.

The use of picmez in cooking is very wide - it replaces sugar in all cases when it is necessary to sweeten a dish or drink. If you decide to try pekmez, you can find a delicious recipe on our website.

Carob syrup is recommended for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. Protein shakes with the addition of pekmez quickly restore strength.

According to reviews from those who regularly use carob pekmez, the syrup has a mild diuretic effect and helps remove swelling. Scientists tend to assume that a sufficiently high content of riboflavin prevents the formation of cataracts and helps to cope with night blindness.

Contraindications and possible harm

There are few contraindications to the use of carob syrup. The main ones:

  • age up to 2 years;
  • allergic reaction to fructose;
  • individual intolerance to the product.

People with type 1 diabetes should be careful when taking pekmez. This is due to the fact that the product contains “fast” carbohydrates, the use of which should be limited in this form of pathology. You should definitely consult a specialist about dosages.

Use Cases

Pekmez is used as a dressing for fruit salads , as an ingredient and decoration for confectionery, as a dressing for pancakes, pancakes or as a topping for ice cream. It is also used in regular and alcoholic drinks.

The pronounced chocolate taste and low calorie content compared to chocolate itself provide a whole field for culinary activity.

Selection and storage

Pekmez Harnup can be purchased in stores with Indian spices and luxury teas, supermarkets (in the health and diet food departments), as well as in online stores. It is important to study the composition of the product, pay attention to the manufacturer and expiration date. High-quality syrup will not have a low cost, because only the best raw materials are used for its production and no foreign impurities are added. Pekmez should be quite thick and have a rich dark shade, close to black.

Store the closed bottle of syrup in a cool place with low humidity. Shelf life ranges from 1 to 2 years (indicated in the instructions on the bottle). Once opened, the product should be stored in the side shelf of the refrigerator. Thickening and the formation of natural sediment are allowed.

How to choose quality Turkish carob syrup?

Due to its exotic nature, the syrup is little known on the domestic market, so buying it in a regular store will be problematic. Sales are carried out by specialized retail outlets or online stores. When choosing a syrup, you need to focus on the manufacturer of the product. It must be known and verified.

The main producers of syrup are Türkiye and Cyprus. The corresponding country is indicated on the label. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a product originating from these regions. The best purchasing option would be to order directly from the manufacturer, or purchase the syrup in the country where it was produced.

A quality product must have a certificate confirming its authenticity. If the seller cannot provide the relevant documents, then there is a risk of purchasing counterfeit products.

When choosing, you should also pay attention to the appearance of the syrup:

  • the packaging must be hermetically sealed;
  • the label contains information about the product, production date and expiration date;
  • the liquid should have a viscous, uniform consistency without clots (you can check this by shaking the bottle of syrup).

Carob syrup from Cyprus - application

Carob does not contain toxins or carcinogens, but is extremely rich in tannins and organic acids. It also contains starch, pectin, protein, B vitamins, minerals and trace elements, sugar. For what diseases is carob syrup from Cyprus useful?


When making syrup, no sugar is added at all, since carob pods are sweet in themselves. Therefore, it is indicated for diabetes, although in moderate doses, no more than 1 teaspoon twice a day .


The syrup should be drunk at the first signs of ARVI, as well as during cough and sore throat. For children from 2 to 5 years old, dilute 1 tsp in a glass of hot water and give it before meals, about half an hour. From 5 to 12 years old, 1 dessert spoon is recommended, while adults can enjoy a whole tablespoon of this delicious medicine. It is better not to rush to give syrup to children from 0 to 2 years old without consulting a doctor.

Heart and blood vessels

Due to the high content of potassium and sodium in the product, it perfectly improves blood pressure and is also effective for heart diseases.

Future mothers and children

Carob syrup strengthens teeth and bones, and also normalizes intestinal motility. This product contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, so it is recommended for children and expectant mothers .

For a slim figure

Carob syrup from Cyprus and its use for weight loss is a separate interesting topic. It's hard to imagine, but women often use carob syrup to become slimmer. Why? Yes, because there is not a single gram of sugar, despite the fact that the liquid is very sweet.

Everyone knows that eating sweets before lunch suppresses the appetite very well . Carob syrup has a similar effect, but even stronger: it not only suppresses the appetite, but also creates the effect of a full stomach. In addition, carob contains a sufficient amount of iron, calcium and magnesium, the replenishment of which leads to normalization of metabolism, decreased appetite, and, as a result, weight loss.

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