Calories Raisins(1). Chemical composition and nutritional value.

Interesting facts from history


  • Interesting facts from history
  • What are raisins
  • Beneficial features
  • Effect on the body
  • Possible dangers
  • How to choose the right one
  • Raisins in cooking

It is difficult to say when the first raisins appeared. But most likely, the first dried grapes appeared naturally on a dried vine. And although it took several hundred years before it became clear which of the 8,000 grape varieties are best suited for raisins, nevertheless, almost 3 thousand years ago people began to collect berries and dry them in the sun. The modern drying process is very similar to how our ancestors made raisins, although ovens are more often used for industrial purposes.

Historians believe that the first steps in viticulture were taken by the Phoenicians and Armenians. The Phoenicians established their plantations in Spain and Greece, and the Armenians grew vineyards in the territory of modern Turkey, Iran and Iraq. These areas turned out to be ideal for raisin production. And in Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, the first raisin markets were created around the same time. In Ancient Rome, dried fruit was used for various purposes: during religious rites, as money or prizes in sports competitions. At one time in the Roman Empire, you could buy a slave for 2 cans of raisins.

Recipes for preparing raisins during a diet

We bring to your attention several recipes from this incredibly tasty and healthy delicacy.

Decoction for cleansing the body

To prepare we will need:

  • senna grass – 0.2 kg;
  • white raisins – 0.2 kg;
  • Rose hip-based holosas – 300 ml.

Preparation: pour one liter of boiling water over the senna and let it brew for an hour. Separately, steam the raisins with a liter of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then mix both infusions and add Holosas.

You need to take this decoction at night, 100 ml. As for storing it, the refrigerator is perfect for this. It is advisable to “cleanse” the body in this way no more than once every six months.

Weightloss remedy

To prepare we will need:

  • prunes – 0.4 kg;
  • white raisins – 0.1 kg;
  • dried apricots – 0.1 kg;
  • rosehip – 0.2 kg;
  • senna grass – 0.1 kg;
  • honey (preferably uncandied) – 3 tbsp. spoons.

Preparation: Using a knife or food processor, chop all ingredients. Then mix everything thoroughly and add honey, mix again. You should consume this mixture in the amount of one tablespoon in the morning, before your first meal, and in the evening, before you go to bed to rest.

What are raisins

Raisins are dried sweet grapes.

Until the Middle Ages, this product was used as a sweetener and in its popularity in those days was second only to honey. Today, many manufacturers make raisins by drying them in direct sunlight. Some, however, preliminarily mechanically dehydrate the fruit to speed up the drying process. After this, the process of harvesting dry grapes takes from 2 to 4 weeks. In properly prepared fruit, the amount of moisture should not exceed 16% of the total weight.

You can often see the designation “seedless” on packages of raisins. As a rule, this means that the dried fruit is not made from a seedless variety of berries, and the seeds were removed before or after drying. But what’s important is that in both cases the taste of the raisins will be slightly different. But dried fruits with seeds are a little more difficult to find today, but still possible.

In the markets (especially on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays) you can find different varieties of raisins:

  • dark - this is the most common variety of dried fruit, usually seedless, despite the dark color, it is made from green grapes;
  • golden, also known as muscat, is made from white muscat grapes, which are dried not in the sun, but in a special cabinet, due to which the light color is preserved. Usually they are dried without seeds, and sulfur dioxide is sometimes used to preserve a beautiful color;
  • Kishmish – popular in Europe, made from seedless yellow grapes, typically softer than other types of raisins.

Nutritional value per 100 g

Calorie content229 kcal
Carbohydrates78.2 g
Squirrels3.08 g
Fats0.5 g
Cellulose3.7 g
Niacin0.77 mg
Thiamine0.1 mg
Riboflavin0.13 mg
Pantothenic acid0.09 mg
Pyridoxine0.02 mg
Folic acid5 mcg
Vitamin C2.3 mg
Vitamin E0.12 mg
Vitamin K3.5 mcg
Sodium1 mg
Potassium759 mg
Calcium50 mg
Copper0.32 mg
Iron1.9 mg
Magnesium7 mg
Manganese0.3 mg
Selenium0.6 mcg
Zinc0.22 mg

How many calories are in raisins

The calorie content of the product depends on the raw materials used and the drying method. But it should be remembered that some producers, using unsweetened grape varieties

, the raisins are additionally treated with sweet syrups to enhance the taste and give them a special sweetness.

Raisins are obtained by dehydrating grape berries. There are several drying methods:

  • natural drying with preliminary blanching of fruits with soda solution - oftobi
  • soyagi
    - long-term and gentle drying of berries, maximally preserving useful and nutrient substances.

Among all the variety, there are 4 categories of raisins obtained as a result of one or another drying method:

  • regular (medium sized raisins with one or two seeds);
  • dark sweet seedless raisins;
  • sweet light seedless raisins;
  • brown large raisins with several seeds.
Product/dish, fat content percentageCalorie content, kcal per 100 grams
Curd mass with dark raisins, low fat82,5
Cheesecakes with raisins on low-fat cottage cheese113,7
Curd mass with raisins “White City”, 0%124,2
Curd mass with dark raisins, 4.5%165,7
Curd mass with dark raisins, 8.0%190,2
Oatmeal with raisins204,3
Pancakes with cottage cheese and raisins209,1
Rye bread with raisins253,4
Curd mass with dark raisins, 15.0%261,3
White raisins262,9
Dark raisins sultanas264,0
Dark raisins with pit264,6
Dark raisins without seeds273,8
Light raisins raisins285,1
Bun with raisins287,4
Curd mass with dark raisins, 18.0%295,3
Loaf with raisins306,1
Baking with raisins325,4
Curd mass with dark raisins, 23.0%345,6
Chocolate covered raisins377,3
Raisin cupcake389,2
Oatmeal raisin cookies394,8
Rusks with raisins396,2

Beneficial features

Raisins are dried grapes, but unlike fresh ones, they have a higher calorie content and concentration of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. But it contains slightly less vitamin C, folic acid, carotene, luteins and xanthines.

Raisins, like prunes, figs or dried apricots, are a rich source of calories. Due to its high content of antioxidants, it has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and cholesterol-lowering properties. Research shows that due to the antioxidant substance resveratol, these dried fruits are useful in combating various types of cancer, such as colon, prostate, and melanoma. The same substance is useful for preventing coronary heart disease, degenerative diseases, Alzheimer's disease, viral and fungal infections. Resveratol has a beneficial effect on vascular health, as a result of which it is able to prevent coronary heart disease. And raisins, made from red or purple grape varieties, contain a lot of anthocyanins. These antioxidants have antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antimicrobial and anticancer properties.

Another aspect of the beneficial properties of raisins is provided by fiber. Studies have shown that moderate consumption of foods rich in this substance helps reduce body weight, prevents constipation and some types of cancer, and lowers cholesterol.

Being a gluten-free product, raisins are suitable as a healthy food for people with gluten intolerance.

100 g of raisins contain approximately 23% of the daily dose of iron, which makes this dried fruit useful for people at risk of anemia. Perhaps few people know that raisins contain about as much iron as boiled beans or ground beef. In addition, a handful of dry grapes will provide calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and other beneficial minerals. Benefits for people with heart disease will be provided by potassium, of which 100 g of raisins contains almost 750 mg.

Benefits and components of raisins

Its beneficial properties are so wide that quite often it is used not only for preventive, but also for medicinal purposes. Due to its rich composition, which includes potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, as well as small amounts of iron and zinc, raisins are used for heart diseases. These elements also help strengthen bone tissue. It contains a large amount of vitamin B, such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9. They have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improve memory.

Organic substances found in dried berries can have a positive effect on the health of teeth and gums and help strengthen them. This also has a positive effect on lowering blood pressure. Thanks to vitamin C, which is part of grapes and is preserved in dried berries, raisins have healing properties for inflammatory processes in the throat and respiratory tract.

In situations where stool is difficult, it is a good remedy and helps cleanse the intestines. It contains an antioxidant that is very active in fighting cholesterol and is capable of cleansing arteries. This substance is also able to regulate blood circulation and blood pressure.

Effect on the body

Digestive system

Due to the fiber, raisins swell when they enter the body. At the same time, the product works as a means of accelerating the process of food digestion, regulating the removal of toxins and the absorption of nutrients.

Weight gain

Raisins are a healthy product for people who want to gain weight without the risk of increasing cholesterol levels. The energy reserves of the product are very high, which makes it useful for bodybuilders and other athletes. Another aspect is also important, in addition to additional kilocalories, food made from dried fruits contains many vitamins, amino acids, minerals, in particular such important ones as selenium and phosphorus (they contribute to more efficient absorption of other useful components).

Circulatory system

For many years, people believed that dried grapes could lower blood pressure and protect the heart muscle. Not long ago, scientists began to test this assumption in the laboratory. The first results showed a direct connection between arterial hypertension and raisin consumption. Scientists believe that this effect is due to the potassium contained in dried fruits. After all, this element is known to be able to relax blood vessels, reduce their stiffness, and lower blood pressure.

Being a rich source of iron, raisins protect against anemia and, thanks to B-complex vitamins and copper, promote the formation of new blood cells.

Acidosis is a condition accompanied by increased acidity of the blood, and the roots of this problem lie in the digestive system. Over time, acidosis can lead to boils, skin diseases, internal organ diseases, arthritis, gout, kidney stones, hair loss, heart disease and even cancer. But ordinary raisins can prevent acidosis. It is a good source of potassium and magnesium, minerals effective in neutralizing acids.

Role for the eyes

The phytonutrients found in raisins are known to have antioxidant properties. These substances are beneficial for eye health by protecting them from damage caused by free radicals, including macular degeneration and cataracts. In addition to their antioxidant qualities, raisins contain significant amounts of vitamin A, which is also important for sharp vision.

Anti-cancer product

Dried grapes contain high levels of catechins, polyphenolic antioxidants. These substances are, so to speak, an “antidote” against free radicals. The latter are dangerous components that in the human body cause pathogenic degeneration of healthy cells (this leads to the spontaneous growth of malignant tumors and metastases). Raisins, being rich in antioxidants, prevent this process.

Benefits for diabetes

People with diabetes also benefit from this product.

Raisins in moderation (we must not forget that this is a very sweet and high-calorie product) prevents hypo- and hyperglycemia.

In addition, it promotes the production of hormones that prevent excess weight gain (a common problem with diabetes).

Healthy teeth and bones

This dried fruit is an excellent source of calcium, boron and many nutrients important for maintaining bone health. In particular, boron plays an important role in bone formation and efficient calcium absorption. Boron is useful in preventing osteoporosis, especially in women after menopause. Potassium contained in dried fruits also promotes the formation of healthy bone cells, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing osteoporosis.

Oleanolic acid present in raisins plays a crucial role in protecting teeth from tooth decay and brittleness. In addition, it protects against streptococci and bacteria that cause caries. In addition, raisins are rich in calcium, an essential substance for teeth, as it prevents enamel from peeling and makes it stronger. And now an interesting detail: the longer you chew raisins, the better the beneficial substances contained in the fruit come into contact with tooth enamel. In particular, this also applies to oleanolic acid, which cleanses the oral cavity of bacteria.

Benefits for men's health

For centuries, raisins have been renowned as a product that stimulates libido and causes arousal. Researchers attribute this effect to the presence of arginine in dried fruits, which is useful for treating sexual dysfunction. Arginine increases sperm motility and increases the chances of conception. In India, there was an interesting practice: the bride and groom on their wedding night drank a glass of milk in which raisins and a pinch of saffron were boiled.

In addition, raisins increase sexual stamina and add energy.

Dried grapes are also useful in many other cases:

  • promotes the removal of bile from the body;
  • burns cholesterol;
  • promotes heart muscle health;
  • removes toxins;
  • protects against intestinal disorders;
  • has an antiviral and antibacterial effect.

Composition and calorie content

Comparison of dark and light raisins can be made according to parameters. The differences will be in the calorie, fructose and potassium content.

Raisins can be consumed by those who are on a diet. Dried fruits saturate the body with nutrients and have a low glycemic index. Knowing how many calories are in dark raisins can help you create a meal plan. The BJU formula for all types of raisins is as follows:

  • fats – 1%;
  • proteins – 4%;
  • carbohydrates – 95%.

It is not recommended to replace a full meal with raisins. In this case, there is a risk of getting a large amount of carbohydrates and sugars. The daily norm for a healthy person is 50 grams.

White grapes contain more sugar, which can contribute to weight gain in the absence of exercise. All grape varieties contain the following substances:

  • antioxidants remove toxic substances from the body, help strengthen the immune system, and increase skin tone;
  • vitamins B, C, K, E, PP;
  • folic acid helps strengthen the body, forms blood cells and helps iron be absorbed;
  • microelements - iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper, zinc - contribute to the normal functioning of all organs;
  • fiber improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps prevent constipation, and reduces the amount of food eaten.

Taking dried fruits can reduce cholesterol levels and the development of atherosclerotic plaques.

Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system, promotes the absorption of iron, is responsible for cellular oxygenation, and helps the formation of dental tissue.

Vitamin E normalizes blood clotting, improves liver function and improves the functioning of nerve cells.

Vitamin K is involved in the digestion process, promotes the flow of bile and forms bone tissue.

B vitamins are involved in the body's redox reactions and improve bone marrow function. Promote hematopoiesis, improve liver function, and synthesize sex hormones. B4 regulates insulin in the blood and the functioning of red blood cells.

Iron, which is contained in raisins, increases the activity of enzymes and saturates the blood with oxygen. Potassium normalizes blood pressure. Dark raisins have a higher potassium content than light ones. Calcium is involved in the structure of bone tissue and the functioning of the nervous system

How to choose the right one

Today it will not be difficult to buy raisins of various varieties and types. When buying a product, pay attention to its appearance and aroma - for low-grade raisins they will be far from ideal. It is important to give preference to dried fruits without burns, scars, cracks and other mechanical damage, mold and insects.

Raisins have a fairly long shelf life; they do not lose their freshness for a long time in an airtight container, away from sunlight. It can be stored in the refrigerator or other cool, dark place.

But an important note: prolonged storage in the refrigerator may cause sugar to precipitate. But the sweet crystals that appear easily dissolve in boiled water, into which the raisins are immersed for a few minutes.


There are a number of diseases and conditions in which the use of raisins is prohibited, including:

  • diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2;
  • individual intolerance, allergic reactions;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • enterocolitis;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • disorders of the digestive process;
  • obesity;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • mouth ulcers;
  • tuberculosis.

How to choose and store correctly

There are several ways to naturally dry grapes:

  • Drying grapes in the shade is called soyagi. This procedure is quite lengthy. This dried fruit looks more attractive and has a higher cost.
  • Drying oftobi - drying grapes in the sun. This method takes about 5 days and the dried fruit obtained as a result of this drying method is tougher.

To choose a good and high-quality dried fruit, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Good raisins are matte, wrinkled, fleshy.
  2. Should not be excessively hard or soft. This indicates poor drying or poor quality transportation.
  3. You can throw a few berries and listen to it so that it falls quite quietly.
  4. This dried fruit has a bitter or sour taste and is not worth buying.
  5. High-quality dried grapes must have a stem. This means that the berries have not been chemically treated.
  6. If the raisins are white and transparent, then they are guaranteed to have been treated with chemicals. Because the.
  7. Raisins should be stored in a glass or plastic container with a tightly closed lid at room temperature for up to four months. Refrigerate for up to six months.
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