Is it possible or not to eat semolina porridge when losing weight, rules and recipes for following a semolina diet

Many people believe that semolina, familiar to everyone since childhood, is not the best ingredient for losing weight. This is not entirely true; a diet based on semolina porridge was developed by specialists and allows you to lose kilos in a relatively short period. At the same time, the body is cleansed of waste and toxins, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, and the person receives a complex of useful microelements.

Is it possible to eat semolina porridge while losing weight?

Opinions about dietary nutrition on semolina are divided. Supporters of this cereal, among whom there are traditional healers and health workers, advise combining a dish from childhood with fruit and plenty of water. As with any diet, it is recommended to exclude sweets, flour, fatty, and fried foods from the diet. According to reviews, if you follow the regime correctly, you can lose 7-10 extra pounds in 2-3 weeks.

Opponents argue that semolina, even in water, porridge and an effective diet are incompatible things. In their statements, they draw attention to the fact that such a monoration causes a rapid gain of lost weight and contributes to the development of osteoporosis. It is strictly not recommended to eat semolina for dinner.

When choosing this method, you should remember that the cereal in question does not belong to balanced products; a preliminary consultation with a nutritionist will be required. It is advisable to take vitamins at the same time to prevent problems with skin, nails and hair.

The benefits of semolina for weight loss

A diet based on semolina porridge allows you to get rid of excess weight without prolonged fasting and stress on the body. In order for this method to really be aimed at losing weight and not have the opposite effect, it is necessary to follow the rules for preparing and consuming cereals.

Beneficial features:

  • supply of nutritious protein without fat;
  • the presence of vitamins (B, E), microelements (fluorine, copper, manganese, iron);
  • reduction of harmful cholesterol in the blood;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • source of proteins;
  • energy value along with low calorie content.

The first results of weight loss are noticeable within a couple of days. There are a minimum of side effects if you follow all the recommendations.

The benefits of semolina

Many people prefer to lose weight at home using products that they always have at home.

Important: Semolina porridge is not only tasty, but also healthy. Using it, you can not only lose weight, but also strengthen your body.

Why is semolina porridge and a weight loss diet based on it very effective? Because it is low-calorie and has many beneficial properties:

  1. The porridge is intended for people suffering from gastrointestinal problems.
  2. Allows you to develop activity, but only when using meru porridge.
  3. Supports kidney and heart function.
  4. Helps strengthen bones and immunity.
  5. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and nervous system.
  6. Reduces the possibility of cardiovascular diseases.

Most people prefer to give up semolina porridge because they think that eating it makes you fat, but the opposite is true. A semolina diet for weight loss will allow you to lose extra pounds and improve your body's functioning.

Is it possible to eat semolina porridge on a diet: essence and rules

The most popular option is calculated for seven days. The basis of the diet is semolina porridge; when losing weight, flour, sweets, fatty foods, alcohol, and soda are removed from the menu.

Basic rules (daily norm in brackets):

  • combination with fresh and dried fruits, nuts (7-8, 4-5, 2-3 pcs.);
  • exclude sugar from the diet; you can sweeten the dish with a small amount of honey (1 tbsp.);
  • The porridge is divided into 5-6 servings, consumed with a break of 3-4 hours (300 g);
  • homemade preserves and jams without sugar and sweeteners are added to the diet;
  • semolina porridge for weight loss is prepared with water or diluted milk (1:1);
  • To increase the effectiveness of the diet, you should drink at least two liters of liquid daily (pure water, still mineral water, herbal decoctions, tea, fruit juice, compote).

These rules must be followed unconditionally, otherwise the expected result will not occur. The duration of the procedure is minimal; if everything is done correctly, you will be able to lose 5-7 kg in 7 days.

Pros and cons of the semolina diet

This method of losing weight has its advantages and disadvantages, which should be carefully studied. Among the advantages:

  • getting rid of excess fat without discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • not contraindicated for people with chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • contains a significant amount of micro- and macroelements that are well absorbed by the body;
  • in addition to burning excess calories, cleansing of waste and toxins occurs;
  • no feeling of hunger, minimal duration.

Disadvantages of the semolina porridge diet:

  • contains an allergen (gluten);
  • the diet is not suitable for diabetics;
  • phosphorus is present, which interferes with the absorption of calcium;
  • The diet can be repeated no earlier than after 2-3 months, since metabolic processes slow down, which can provoke the opposite effect.

If you follow all the rules and recommendations, the negative aspects of the method can be circumvented, extracting maximum moral and physical satisfaction.


The semolina porridge diet is quite healthy, but still has some contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with:

  • Age up to 16 years,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Lactation,
  • Diabetes,
  • Gluten intolerance
  • Having an allergy to semolina.

If there are contraindications, the semolina diet can provoke a number of consequences that will significantly worsen the condition of the person losing weight and call the weight loss process into question.

Diet options

Is it possible to eat semolina while losing weight, and how to do it correctly? Two methods are mainly used. In the first case, porridge is consumed three times a day, with each meal eating a full portion without sugar or any additives. Fruits and nuts are used for snacking between meals. Half an hour before meals, drink a glass of water or green tea.

The semolina porridge diet in the second option assumes a similar dosage with the addition of 2-3 teaspoons of jam or honey. For drinking, drink up to 2 liters of still mineral water and 3-4 cups of coffee or tea without sugar. Dried fruits and citrus fruits - instead of snacks.

Both methods are not very different from each other, they are effective, the choice depends on the person’s preferences.

Permitted and prohibited products

A diet based on semolina porridge can be classified as a mono-diet, but it allows you to add other foods to the diet in limited quantities. You can diversify semolina porridge for weight loss:

  • dried fruits,
  • milk,
  • fruit jam,
  • nuts,
  • honey,
  • candied fruits.

This is a basic list of additional foods that are recommended for consumption on the diet. If you want to lose weight on semolina porridge, you need to give up the following products:

  • butter or vegetable oil,
  • bakery products,
  • sugar,
  • chocolate,
  • condensed milk,
  • canned food,
  • fatty meats,
  • alcohol,
  • carbonated drinks.

All these products in combination with semolina will have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, causing bloating, flatulence, diarrhea and other unfavorable factors. In order not to face certain consequences, you must strictly follow the list of permitted products and forget about prohibited ones.

Sample menu

The semolina diet for a week is presented as an approximate diet in the table (all main meals, except snacks, contain semolina porridge with water, diluted milk, with the addition of honey or jam, one serving - 150-200 g).

Counting day/week.BreakfastSnackDinnerSnackDinner
1st (Mon)Semolina + tea3-4 dried fruits+ glass of water6-8 walnuts+ green tea (200 ml)
2nd (W)+ 2 tsp. honey Green tea+ 3-4 dried fruitsTea+ any nuts
3rd (Wed)See day 1See #1+ 0.5 cups low-fat milk and 1 tbsp. l. jam without sugar 2-3 dried fruits+ any tea
4th (Thu)Porridge with milkNutsSee #2See #1Semolina without additives
5th (Fri)+ milk and nutsSee #1+ zucchiniDried apricotsSee #3
6th (Sat)Porridge on the waterSee #4Tea + 2-3 dried fruitsA glass of mineral water without gas+ tea
7th (Sun)+ dried fruits200-250 ml of clean water+ nutsSemolina without additivesSee #3

Exit from the diet on semolina porridge

In order for this method to bring the most positive effect, in addition to following all recommendations and rules, you need to remember a healthy lifestyle. You need to prepare yourself mentally so as not to break down and reduce all efforts to zero. If you have any doubts about whether semolina porridge is suitable for your chosen diet, you should definitely consult a professional nutritionist.

Another important point is the completion of the process. You should exit the special mode gradually. You can’t pounce on buns or fast food the next day. With this approach, the lost pounds will come back very quickly. It is necessary to introduce other products into the diet gradually, 1-2 ingredients per day. It is advisable to start with other cereals, expand the types of vegetables and fruits, as well as lean meat. It is better to avoid fried foods, alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks completely.

Can semolina porridge be harmful?

Alas, there are also negative aspects to this nutritious product:

  • The first and most important thing is a high glycemic index , that is, the absorption of fast carbohydrates occurs in an instant. Therefore, it is not suitable for feeding those who are losing weight or have diabetes.
  • Due to the content of ground wheat grains, the cereal contains gluten , that is, an unacceptable amount of gluten, which can cause diarrhea and an allergic reaction.
  • Phosphorus contained in semolina reduces the amount of calcium in the body.
  • They even say that gluten in food can contribute to the appearance of metabolic and circulatory system diseases.

But, if semolina porridge is consumed in moderation, especially as part of a diet, there will be no harm from it, but only benefit.

Not only porridge is prepared from semolina, but also: dumplings;

  • Puddings.
  • Casseroles.
  • Syrniki.
  • Fried fish rolled in cereal.
  • Soups and so on.

Dietary recipes

Preparing cereals is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to add the main component gradually, stirring constantly, in order to avoid thickening and the appearance of lumps.

Delicious semolina porridge: the first recipe for the diet:

  1. For the dish, take 35-40 grams of cereal, 120-130 ml of water, 150-160 ml of low-fat milk (1.5%).
  2. The prepared liquids are mixed in equal parts and brought to a boil.
  3. The semolina is poured in a thin stream with the mixture thoroughly mixed.
  4. Cooking period: 5-7 minutes.
  5. After a hint of thickening appears, remove the dish from the heat and cover with a towel for 10-15 minutes.
  6. The dish is served to the table in portions, adding fruit, honey, and jam.

Semolina for weight loss with raisins:

  1. Porridge is prepared from two tablespoons of cereal, a handful of washed raisins, and two glasses of water.
  2. Bring the liquid to a boil, add semolina, stirring the mixture constantly.
  3. Raisins are added at the last stage of cooking.

The dish will turn out not only healthy, but also tasty.

Semolina porridge on water

This type of semolina porridge is usually prepared for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases or those who are losing weight. After all, this will be a low-calorie option. So, decide in what container to cook the porridge, whether it will be a saucepan, or an oven, or a saucepan. You don’t need to salt or sugar it, but simply flavor it with something. We will prepare it now.

Cooking method

Step 1 What makes many generations turn to this magical, by the way, dietary product? As we know, porridge is cooked from semolina, produced from medium-ground wheat. One can only imagine how much useful stuff there is - vegetable protein, potassium, vitamins PP, B1, B2, E, iron, phosphorus, without which the functioning of the brain, blood circulation, nervous system, skeletal bones and muscles depend.

So, let's prepare a pan with water, preferably purified, that is, clean from impurities.

Step 2

No matter what they say, semolina porridge is good as part of the diet. Especially if it is therapeutic or restorative. But if you need to lose weight, experts advise not to eat it often.

Cooking semolina in the morning is a stage of a restorative diet that will definitely add strength. So, has the water boiled? Reduce gas. It is important for us to pour the cereal into the water, but not all at once.

Step 3

After all, semolina manages to instantly form into lumps, which will not add pleasure to anyone.

Therefore, while the water is boiling over low heat, gradually add the cereal with one hand, and with the other we do not get tired of stirring and stirring it, immediately adding apples or raisins, etc.

Step 4

What is also characteristic is that there is even a mono-diet (this is when, apart from one product, nothing is consumed for some time). But again, everything is done under the supervision of a nutritionist.

Since today we are preparing for a diet that is characterized by complete absorption of products, we will not be too distracted and will continue. So, the cereal is already in the pan, and the water has boiled?

Step 5

In the meantime, let's put water in the kettle for tea and eggs - we need to soft-boil it. As a rule, not many people manage to do this, but you only need to know a couple of secrets. The first secret is the right dishes. The second is the amount of water in it. That is, if one egg is boiled, then the dishes should hold no more than a glass of water. If it is larger, then the vessel is larger.

Place the egg in cold water until it covers it. Put the pan on the fire. Bring the water to a boil and count to 60. That is, only a minute should pass, and the soft-boiled egg is ready! Cool the egg in water.

Step 6

And the light on the porridge should be small. The lid is closed. If the semolina is mixed well, the porridge will have excellent consistency. Cook for no more than 5 minutes, but the porridge should not stick to the bottom.

It would be possible to soak the dried fruits in advance, then they will give more of their taste to the porridge. But it will be tasty even if they are a little tight.

Step 7

Has the kettle boiled? Brew weak tea. Slice a lemon and place it in a glass or cup. The egg is ready, and so is the porridge. By the way, this dietary table does not prohibit salt and sugar. But even here there must be a measure, observe it!

To avoid adding sugar to the already lightly salted (optional) porridge during cooking, we flavored it with raisins (or your favorite dried fruits allowed by your diet). Let the porridge sit for a while, covered. After 10 minutes you can serve it!

Semolina diet: reviews and results

Users share their successes on social networks and forums. Most responses to diets based on semolina porridge are positive. More than 90 percent of statements are from representatives of the fair sex, which is not surprising. Having studied several reviews, the following conclusions arise:

  1. The semolina diet allows you to lose weight by 4-6 kg in 7-10 days. It is recommended to lead an active lifestyle and minimize bad habits.
  2. It is important not to forget to drink a lot of water, the calculation is 30 ml per day per 1 kg of body weight.
  3. Sometimes the weight after losing 3-4 kg stops there. Here you need the advice of a nutritionist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the person and the correctness of the diet.
  4. Not everyone is able to follow a healthy diet in the future after semolina for weight loss. Those who were able to do this note that the weight does not return.

Many people prefer this method because of the possibility of combining the consumption of porridge with nuts, fruits and honey. At the same time, there is no strong feeling of hunger. If you don’t like the product in question at all, you shouldn’t force yourself; it’s better to choose another method of losing excess weight.

Experts say that a semolina diet for weight loss is not the best way to get rid of excess body fat. Nevertheless, it has the right to life if combined with physical activity, supplemented with other useful ingredients and daily monitoring of the body's vital indicators, including weight loss.

IMPORTANT! Informational article! Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Is it possible to eat baked goods for breakfast?

Cheesecakes, casseroles, muffins, pancakes, cupcakes - seemingly classic breakfast dishes, but probably not healthy enough?

I offer a convenient “Diet Baking” scheme that will help you prepare a healthier dish for any baking recipe.

  1. Main ingredient - flour. Replace regular wheat flour with a high glycemic index with healthier options:
      whole grain flour - heavy, gives baked goods elasticity;
  2. oat flour - light, odorless and without a specific taste;
  3. amaranth flour - light, perfectly raises baked goods, can be mixed with wheat, the only drawback is the cost is much higher;
  4. coconut flour - heavy, gives any baked goods the taste of coconut;
  5. flaxseed flour - very rich in fiber, recommended for patients with diabetes;
  6. buckwheat flour, rice, corn and others.
  7. Sugar. There is only one principle here: the less, the better. Reduce the amount of sugar, cook without sugar at all. Use natural types of sugar, such as grape sugar. Coconut adds a brownish tint to any dough.
  8. Oil. Ideal for baking are coconut, rice, and grape seed oil.
  9. sour cream with natural homemade yogurt.
  10. You can reduce the calorie content of baked goods by reducing the number of yolks or eliminating them. If the recipe calls for four eggs, add two yolks. In some casseroles or puddings, you don’t need to add yolks at all, and we don’t lose the fluffiness.
  11. It is better to use regular baking soda and lemon juice as leavening agents.

This is what charlotte and cheesecakes prepared according to the principles of dietary baking will look like.


Diet charlotte with apples and pears

We will need:

  • Whole grain flour - 70 g
  • Ground oat flakes - 70 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Grape sugar - 5–7 g
  • Kefir – 250 ml
  • Apples - 2 pcs.
  • Pears - 2 pcs.
  • Ground cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon


  1. Peel apples and pears and cut into thin slices.
  2. Mix two types of flour, pour in kefir and stir.
  3. In a bowl, beat the egg and egg white, add sugar. Mix it all into the dough.
  4. Pour half the batter into the baking dish, top with apples and pears, then pour in the remaining batter.
  5. Bake in an oven preheated to 170°C for 40 minutes.

Diet cheesecakes in the oven

This recipe produces very elastic cheesecakes, but not dry and ultra-curdly. To make them, you need heavy flour - whole grain, coconut, flax. 100–120 g of these cheesecakes can be included in breakfast or evening snack.

We will need:

  • Cottage cheese 5% (regular crumbly, not pasty or soft) - 400 g
  • Whole wheat flour - 4 tablespoons
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Natural yogurt - 4 tablespoons
  • Grape sugar - 5–7 g


  1. Mix cottage cheese with yogurt, add flour.
  2. Grind the egg with sugar. Mix with curd mass.
  3. Place the cheesecakes on Teflon parchment and bake in the oven at 170°C until browned, about 15–20 minutes.
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