Body Revolution with Jillian Michaels "Body Revolution"

Fighters for body beauty have probably heard about the “monster” of fitness training - American trainer Jillian Michaels. The author of video courses, TV presenter and simply a professional in her field, Gillian makes her students feel every muscle, every cell of their own body during classes.

Who is Jillian Michaels? It turns out that she suffered from excess weight in her youth; as confirmation of this fact, Gillian showed her old photograph on a medical talk show. At 12 years old, she was 150 cm tall and weighed 79 kg! Afterwards, she enrolled in a martial arts class and a new life began for her. She lost weight, received her black belt and was invited to the “Biggest Loser“ program.

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In all of Gillian's workouts, she competently combines cardio and strength training and manages to achieve maximum effect in a short time. While working out with Jillian Michaels, one thought is spinning in my head: “I wonder at what minute I will die and stop enduring this mockery of myself?” The question arises: “Who is forcing it?” Believe it or not, absolutely no one. But looking at this fragile little woman screaming at you from the screen, it’s simply impossible to stop!

Don't have time or opportunity to visit a sports center? Exercising at home can give excellent results. If you just can’t choose a suitable training system, then you need a professional video course, for example, one of Jillian Michaels’ programs.

The exercises included in the complexes of this trainer do not require the purchase of expensive equipment. To practice, you will need comfortable clothes, a little time and simple sports equipment - dumbbells and an expander. What is noteworthy is that the training programs begin with minimal loads, and therefore they are suitable even for beginner athletes.

Loads during training should increase gradually. The program is universal: by doing all the exercises in the video course, you can not only lose excess weight, but also develop all muscle groups. Like any other exercise, training using this system begins with warm-up exercises. Then follows the first power part, during which the “front-upper area” is worked out - these are the arms, shoulders, chest. These exercises are performed with light weight dumbbells.

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The Body Revolution program consists of 3 phases. Phase 1 exercises are aimed at accelerating metabolism and burning excess fat. The 2nd phase will greet you with more complex exercises. They will help completely transform your body. With the 3rd phase you will consolidate your achievements and polish your body to the required shape.

Each phase is designed for 30 days and consists of five different workouts: one cardio workout and 4 strength workouts - 2 of them on the “front part of the body” (pectoral muscles, shoulders, arms, abdominal muscles, quadriceps) and 2 on the “back” part of the body" (back muscles, buttocks, muscles of the back of the thigh, etc.).

Body Revolution Training Equipment:

  • rug,
  • 2 dumbbells,
  • expander

The program can be divided into 3 main phases (one phase - 1 month).

First, you will launch and accelerate the processes of metabolism and fat burning.

In the second, you will work the muscles, after which your contours will become noticeably tighter and more prominent.

In the third, you will consolidate the result by refining the smallest details of your figure.

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Classes are held 6 times a week, 2 of which are cardio exercises, and another 4 classes will be aimed at working the front or back of the body. This principle of load distribution allows you to give the muscles of a certain part of the body a rest during a 2-day break between identical workouts. So, here's how we'll do it:

Class schedule for the Body Revolution program with Jillian Michaels:

  • Mon: arms, chest, abs
  • Tue: back, legs, buttocks, abs
  • Wed: Cardio
  • Thu: arms, chest, abs
  • Fri: back, legs, buttocks, abs
  • Sat: cardio
  • Sun: rest. You deserve it!

As you can see, the abs are worked on in each of the strength training sessions, which means that for those who participate in the “Body Revolution” program, the dream of having a beautiful flat stomach will become a reality!

To make your classes more effective, you can create a calendar in which to mark your achievements; this will greatly motivate you. Although there will be plenty of motivation, because in her videos Gillian constantly reminds you of what awaits you after training. Probably, there is no such strong psychological work with students in any existing home fitness course.


Are common

You can only train in sneakers. It is forbidden to use sneakers or exercise without shoes - this increases the risk of injury. If you do not master the correct technique for performing the exercises, you may not achieve the effect. Buy dumbbells for training (we have already told you how to make the right choice) or replace them with bottles of sand or water.

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Gillian warns about the soreness that will occur during the first week of intense training. After this period, it will gradually weaken and go away completely. If muscle pain continues, either you are doing the exercises incorrectly, or you need to change the program to an easier one, or you have health problems.

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There is no need to be afraid of building muscle mass: Gillian does not offer dumbbells heavier than 4 kg, and with them it is impossible to achieve a bodybuilder figure. All programs are aimed at fat burning and weight loss.

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In terms of nutrition

When creating weight loss programs, Michaels could not ignore the issue of diet, without changing which weight loss would not occur. However, she does not suggest any specific diet.

Its rules are rather slightly adjusted principles of healthy eating:

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  1. Jillian Michaels suggests calculating daily caloric intake using the formula: 655 + (9.57 x weight in kg) + (1.852 x height in cm) – (4.7 x age in years). The result obtained cannot be reduced under any circumstances. This normalizes metabolism.
  2. 4 meals: 2 main, full (breakfast and lunch) and 2 additional, light (afternoon snack/lunch and dinner). This improves digestion.
  3. You need to drink 8 glasses of water a day.
  4. Other drinks can only be consumed between meals. This could be juices or green tea.
  5. It is better to avoid salt, but if this is beyond your strength, at least limit its consumption to a minimum.
  6. Keeping a diary will help you adjust your menu so that it works for weight loss.
  7. In the first month of training, animal proteins are prohibited: no meat and eggs, and low-fat fish can be eaten no more than 2 times a week.
  8. After a month, continuing to exercise, you need to gradually include chicken breast, turkey and rabbit in your diet.

Don’t forget about water: you need to drink 8 glasses a day, and this is in addition to other drinks in the form of juices, fresh drinks, etc. p, blockquote 32,0,0,0,0 —>

  • fast food, snacks (chips, nuts, crispy sticks);
  • cream, margarine;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ice cream;
  • fatty fish and meats;
  • semi-finished products;
  • pickles, marinades, smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • baked goods, sweets, cakes, pastries, refined sugar;
  • dairy products with minimal fat content;
  • coffee, alcohol, carbonated and energy drinks, store-bought juices;
  • white rice, semolina.

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Sausages and boiled sausage without fat can be allowed, but extremely rarely. Sauerkraut - only in small quantities as a separate ingredient in salads.

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Sample menu for 1 day:

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Yoga workouts

Regular yoga is not designed for weight loss, unlike a special complex developed by Jillian Michaels. Jill offers an interesting interpretation of yoga that combines strength and aerobic exercise. This complex is a two-level weight loss system, each level of which lasts half an hour. This complex is aimed at improving your stretching and coordination of movements, as well as gait. It enhances the effectiveness of strength training performed both in the gym and according to a specific system. The maximum number of extra pounds that this method helps you lose is ten. Remember that you need to exercise in comfortable sportswear and shoes on a special mat, even if you are training at home.

Jillian Michaels' exercises are great for strengthening all muscle groups. Classes using this system of exercises will help you make your figure more prominent or lose more weight. The end result depends on the type of nutrition: with a calorie surplus and consuming large amounts of protein, muscles begin to increase, and with a diet with a predominance of complex carbohydrates, the process of weight loss begins. Jill advises either continuing to exercise to maintain your figure, or eating right. The main thing in achieving your goal is to exercise regularly and not eat unhealthy foods, and that’s when you will achieve your dream figure.

Jillian michaels 30 Day shred left. Jillian Michaels: Slim figure in 30 days (30 Day Shred)

One of Jillian Michaels' most popular programs was “30 Day Shred.” This course of exercises created a real sensation among those who want to lose weight: in just a month you will get rid of excess weight and make your body beautiful and fit.

For training at home, we recommend reading the following articles:

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About Jillian Michaels' workout “Slim figure in 30 days (30 Day Shred)”

“Slim Figure in 30 Days” is a special course created by Gillian for beginners in fitness and sports. The workout lasts only 25 minutes, and this is enough to tone your body in a month and help you lose weight. The lesson traditionally begins with a short warm-up and ends with a cool-down. It is not recommended to skip them, because your body must prepare for the load.

The main part lasts 20 minutes and follows the 3-2-1 principle. What it is? This is Jillian's super effective fitness routine: 3 minutes of strength training, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abdominal exercises. As a result, you strengthen your muscles and lose excess weight.

The “30 Day Shred” program consists of three levels, each of which you study for 10 days:

  1. The first level is quite tolerable in complexity, and in comparison with the second and third, it can even be said to be simple. Don't expect an easy walk, of course, but the load is quite accessible. You study it for 10 days, preferably seven days a week, and move on to level 2.
  2. The second level is the least favorite and most difficult for most students. After the first walking level, the second level is much more serious in terms of load. It is from the second level that you will notice qualitative changes in your body. Don't quit training, even if the second level seems overwhelming to you.
  3. The third level is more accessible than the second. And your body has already become resilient, you are no longer afraid of stress, and the reflection in the mirror is already pleasing. 10 days of the third level, and now you can think about what to do after the Shreds course.

So, the 30 Day Shred class schedule is:

  • From 1st to 10th day: first level
  • From the 11th to the 20th day: second level
  • From day 21 to day 30: third level

That is, every day you study one video

20-25 minutes. If you yourself want to increase the load to achieve faster results, you can add other Jillian Michaels workouts or training from other trainers. But if you're just starting out, we recommend training only with the 30 Day Shred program for the first month.

Pros of the “30 Day Shred” workout:

  • its duration is only 25 minutes;
  • suitable even for the most beginners in the sport;
  • a complex of strength, aerobic and abdominal exercises will help you burn extra calories as quickly as possible and strengthen your muscles;
  • With this workout you will fall in love with fitness, because it will become so accessible, understandable and effective for you.

Questions and answers about the workout “Slim figure in 30 days (30 Day Shred)”

1. I've been doing the first level of Shreds for 10 days now. It has become easier to carry out the program than the first days, but it is still quite difficult. Is it worth starting the second level?

Definitely worth it. The second level, by the way, will be much more difficult, but there is no need to delay it. Firstly, the more your body gets used to the current load, the less efficiency it receives from the workout. Secondly, there is no point in exercising “in your comfort zone,” as you won’t lose weight.

2. I've been doing 30 Day Shred with Jillian for a week. Today I weighed myself and it turned out that I have gained 1 kg! So, am I getting fat?

No, most likely your muscles began to retain water from physical activity. After 1-2 weeks, the weight will go down, but most quickly you will notice the result in decreased volumes. Read more about this in the article: What to do if your weight increases after training?

3. Do you need to do the program for 30 days in a row, without days off? It's real?

In fact, this is very possible, especially since the training is quite short. Gillian herself advises working out all 30 days without days off, but if you are afraid that you won’t be able to cope, 1 day off per week will not be critical.

4. Which dumbbells are best to train with?

For those who have an initial level of physical fitness, you can use dumbbells of 0.5-1.5 kg. For the average level - 2 or 3 kg. The exercises involve the muscles of the arms and the shoulder body, so these weights will be optimal.

Jillian michaels meal plan. How to create a diet menu for 30 days?

To eat according to the Jillian Michaels program and correctly draw up a plan that is entered into your food diary, the main thing is to know what you can serve for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.


This is the most important component of a complete healthy diet and lifestyle, and all nutritionists in the world (Jillian is no exception) say in unison that breakfast should “be!”, and in what form it should be, we will find out based on the monthly diet from Jillian Michaels:

  • Oatmeal with fruits and nuts, and most importantly without sugar. As an addition to this breakfast, you can have a glass of skim milk or natural yogurt.
  • Omelette, eggs Benedict, steamed or boiled in the amount of 2 pieces, a slice of grain bread and a cup of green tea or coffee with cinnamon, respectively, without sugar.
  • Half a portion of cottage cheese and a small whole grain bun.
  • Natural yogurt with nuts and fruits.
  • Granola (muesli) with dried fruits with a cup of skim milk.
  • Turkey, lettuce and grapefruit salad dressed with olive oil.


Gillian's diet offers these options:

  • Chicken breast (boiled, steamed or grilled) plus porridge (buckwheat, pearl barley or wheat).
  • 200 grams of fish (baked in a sleeve or foil, steamed or boiled) plus a salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • 150 grams of beef with boiled beans.
  • Chicken, turkey or beef cutlets with mashed potatoes.
  • Fish cutlet or steak combined with pepper and tomato salad.
  • Salad with chicken fillet, avocado and grapefruit plus bread.
  • Salad of boiled egg, celery and cucumber with herbs plus wheat porridge.
  • Chickpea porridge.
  • Beef or lean pork steak and canned corn.
  • Vegetable stew (combinations of potatoes, onions, bell peppers, tomatoes and seasonal vegetables are possible).
  • Grilled vegetables plus bread.
  • Lavash (pita) roll with herbs, salmon and vegetables.

Afternoon snack

Gillian's nutrition system provides the following healthy snack options:

  • protein bar for weight loss and apple;
  • granola bar;
  • boiled egg with apple;
  • banana-apple smoothie;
  • fruit salad with nuts;
  • natural yogurt and almonds;
  • a glass of kefir and a banana;
  • low-fat cottage cheese with fruit.


After a hard day at work, many people want to raid the refrigerator, but since we decided to adhere to the principles of the diet from Jillian Michaels, the menu for dinner is as follows:

  • boiled (baked) fish and fresh salad;
  • vegetable stew;
  • chicken or beef sauté;
  • baked salmon with yogurt sauce;
  • chicken breast with tomato and cucumber salad;
  • cottage cheese casserole with fruit;
  • chicken breast salad with feta cheese, vegetables and olives.

Since you can create a menu for every day yourself, you won’t get tired of such a diet, and the 30-day weight loss course will be completed without failure.

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