How to lose weight before the wedding: options for booster diets for brides with video

  • How to become a slim bride without harming your health?
  • Not just a diet
  • Options for quick diets before the wedding
  • Mono-diet
  • Protein diet
  • Detox diet
  • Recommendations for losing weight brides
  • Conclusion
  • The desire of every girl to look perfect on her own wedding day is quite natural. Only in pursuit of this ideal, some brides go beyond what is reasonable. For example, to lose weight and get a slim figure, exhausting diets are used, up to and including complete abstinence from food. Under no circumstances should you torture your body in this way; this is fraught with not just a painful appearance and poor health, but also serious health problems and even a threat to life.

    Not just a diet

    When setting yourself the task of losing weight, you should not focus only on prohibiting high-calorie foods

    In order to make your figure slim and fit, you need an integrated approach, including:

    • daily physical education, sports (jogging, gym, swimming in the pool);
    • visiting a beauty salon;
    • special massage for problem areas;
    • bathing procedures, swimming in thermal springs;
    • drinking enough liquid;
    • inclusion of fat-burning foods in the diet (ginger, grapefruit, pineapple, garlic and other vegetables, fruits, herbs).

    Options for quick diets before the wedding

    Even if, due to numerous pre-holiday hassles, you completely forgot that you also need to lose weight, don’t be upset. Express diets have been developed especially for special occasions, and any bride looking for an answer to the question of how to quickly lose weight for her wedding will find a suitable option for herself.

    Proper weight loss should be gradual


    The essence of this diet is simple and lies in the name. "Mono" translates to "one". If you decide to lose weight before a friend’s wedding or are a bride yourself who dreams of losing a couple of extra pounds in a short time, choose a single product (maximum two components are allowed) for every day and eat only that.

    The effect of this diet lies in the fact that the body, oversaturated with the same set of substances, ceases to properly assimilate monotonous food; more energy is spent on digesting the product than it is capable of providing.

    This approach is unsafe for the body; you should turn to a mono-diet in really very important cases. In addition to impaired digestibility of food, there is another problem: the lack of many beneficial substances contained in various other ingredients. By abusing this method of losing weight, girls run the risk of becoming regular clients of an endocrinologist.

    The most popular mono-diet options:

    • Buckwheat, boiled in water (up to 700 grams) plus about half a liter of kefir;
    • Half a liter of green tea and a kilogram of apples;
    • Half a liter of green tea and low-fat cottage cheese (up to 600 grams);
    • 3 green apples, a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice and 250 grams of rice, boiled in water.

    In order not to cause serious harm to health, it is recommended to use a mono-diet for a maximum of three days. During this time it is quite possible to lose from 2 to 5 kg of weight

    Protein diet

    Again, from the name we can conclude that in this option you will have to “lean on” food rich in protein. First of all, these are eggs, chicken breast and low-fat cottage cheese. It is allowed to diversify the diet with a small amount of greens, steamed vegetables and fruits, and honey. But sugar and salt should be completely excluded during a protein diet.

    To reduce the serious load on the liver and gastrointestinal tract, with this option for losing weight it is very important to consume large amounts of fluid. This could be water or herbal tea (especially those that promote weight loss).

    Another important rule of the protein diet is that the daily intake should not exceed 1300 kcal, which should be divided into at least 6 meals. This type of weight loss allows you to get rid of excess weight up to 10 kg in just two weeks.

    Protein food for the diet of the same name

    Detox diet

    This diet for brides before the wedding involves a complete abstinence from solid food. In this option, you can and should drink water, herbal infusions, fruit drinks, fermented milk drinks, and eat various soups.

    The only liquid that is strictly prohibited is alcohol. You should not test your health by combining an express diet with alcohol abuse.

    It is worth noting that the detox diet is not for the faint of heart or for overly busy girls. You will have to visit the water closet several times more often than usual. But the result is worth it: in a couple of weeks you can lose up to 15 kg.

    In order not to become weak or even get sick on such a diet, drink smoothies: this is a real detox for the body, but! In addition to fruit, there should be spinach!

    Basic recommendations

    Consider guests' dietary restrictions

    We are not talking about the personal wishes of each guest: it is unlikely that one dinner will harmoniously combine the food preferences of all your relatives, friends and acquaintances. But it is extremely important to check with them about any food allergies or special diets: if many of your friends adhere to a vegetarian or vegan diet, if someone requires a kosher or gluten-free menu, you should take this into account when choosing dishes.

    Offer guests a choice

    At modern weddings, newlyweds are increasingly abandoning the classic banquet in favor of the dinner party format, where a menu card is waiting for each guest on the table. Don't make it difficult for your guests to choose: a couple of hot and cold appetizers, two types of hot dishes (for example, classic and vegetarian) and a choice of desserts - this is enough to satisfy the tastes of different guests.

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    Do a trial tasting

    A mandatory stage of preparation that should never be neglected! The quality of the dishes offered by a restaurant or catering cannot be assessed only by beautiful photographs on the menu: you should make sure with your own eyes that the presentation of the dishes corresponds to the level of your holiday and their taste will not disappoint you.

    Consider product compatibility

    Not all dishes go together: Japanese sushi should not be offered to guests as an appetizer before a Mexican burrito. And, of course, do not forget about the correct selection of alcohol: light white wine is not the best companion for steak.


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    Don't forget about the children's menu

    If there will be a lot of young guests at your wedding, be sure to check with the restaurant if it can provide a separate children's menu with interesting servings and lemonades.

    Feed the contractors!

    Your wedding planner, photographer and videographer will be with you throughout your wedding day - don't leave them hungry! Of course, the menu for contractors will be simpler than the banquet menu for guests, but it will also require your attention and certain costs.

    Making a wedding menu: top 7 mistakes

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    Recommendations for losing weight brides

    Whichever option you choose, you will find the following helpful tips useful:

    • to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body during a diet, be sure to purchase a complex of multivitamin preparations at the pharmacy;
    • stop the diet immediately if you feel weak, dizzy, or have a decrease or increase in blood pressure;
    • follow a diet regimen, the last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime;
    • if you have any disease, you should definitely discuss your diet with your doctor;
    • express diets are completely unsuitable for pregnant brides;

    And finally, one more extremely important rule: you need to complete any express diet smoothly. Otherwise, you will not only overload your body and get health problems, but you will also gain weight as quickly as you lost weight

    Accordingly, you should not “sit” on buckwheat or apples until the wedding itself, so as not to tempt yourself at the festive banquet with an abundance of dishes.

    Wedding size menu for weight loss. Wedding diet, 4 weeks, -16 kg

    Lose weight up to 16 kg in 4 weeks.
    The average daily calorie content is 830 Kcal. It is known that many people, especially the fairer sex, are guilty of “eating” stress, which is often reflected by adding a couple of (or even more) unnecessary pounds. We also eat extra when we are nervous before such an important event as a wedding. If you also “ate” your sides or other problem areas, you will be interested in learning about the wedding diet.

    Wedding diet requirements

    It is not necessary to go on a strictly prescribed diet if your weight situation is not critical, and there is still a lot of time left until the most important day in your life. You can simply make certain simple adjustments to your diet and get by with what is called a little blood loss when losing weight. The following nutritional rules can also be found under the name light diet. It is recommended to do the following.

    • Avoid products containing white flour and any form of sugar. It is better to suppress your passion for sweets with the help of sweet fruits and dried fruits. If you really want a forbidden product, eat it for breakfast. This way, the likelihood that calories will be stored in reserve is minimal.
    • Drink enough water (up to 2 liters per day). This practice will help you avoid unwanted snacks (after all, our body often perceives thirst as a feeling of hunger), and will also have a positive effect on your appearance, which does not change for the better when dehydrated.
    • You can eat almost anything, avoiding overtly fatty and high-calorie foods and without overeating. There should be at least 4-5 daily meals, eat in small portions. Focus on seasonal vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries, lean fish and meat, low-fat milk and fermented milk.
    • Consume most of the products by boiling or baking. Do not pamper her with oils and fats. Those foods that can be eaten raw, do so.
    • If spices are not contraindicated for you, prepare dishes from, for example, Indian or Chinese cuisine, which are rich in these additives. Spices speed up metabolism and help you lose weight faster.
    • Don't forget about sports activities; at least do exercises in the morning. And if you can systematically load your body in the gym, it will be just great.
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