How to lose weight without training or dieting. Simple life hacks and useful habits

Many people want to look slim and fit, but not everyone is ready to diet and sweat in the gym. Fortunately, you can stay in shape not only through dietary restrictions and exercise.

Recent scientific research proves that a person’s weight is influenced by seemingly insignificant and even surprising, at first glance, factors.

We'll tell you what simple life hacks will help you lose weight without putting in much effort.

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Don't stay up late

The quality of sleep is fundamentally important for human health in general. Interestingly, the lack of night rest is reflected not only on the face of a sleep-deprived person, but also on the scales.

The fact is that during sleep the body spends an average of 50-70 kcal per hour, with the main energy costs occurring in the first half of the night. Therefore, those who care about weight should go to bed early.


During sleep, the body actively produces hormones responsible for metabolism. Regular lack of sleep leads to hormonal imbalance and poor digestion. Food is less digestible, which contributes to the appearance of extra pounds.

In addition, lack of sleep increases the level of ghrelin, a hormone responsible for the feeling of hunger. Therefore, a person who does not get enough sleep wants to eat more often. In addition, the body tries to compensate for the lack of energy with foods high in sugar, which also negatively affects the figure.

Five more minutes: why can’t you snooze your alarm?

How to lose weight if you can't exercise

Health restrictions that prevent you from actively exercising make many give up. However, in the hierarchy of weight loss, sport does not take second or even third place. This is because healthy eating with a calorie deficit makes us slim, and sports makes us athletic. You need to face the truth and understand that without training your figure will not gain muscle definition, but the lack of sports will not affect the process of losing weight.

Losing weight depends on five things: diet for weight loss, stress control, non-workout activity, healthy sleep and only then exercise. Let's look at how it works.

Nutrition for weight loss without sports

When calculating your daily calorie intake for weight loss, you must indicate your activity level without exaggeration. If there is no physical activity, select the appropriate value. You shouldn't rely entirely on these calculations, as most people estimate their physical activity incorrectly. The resulting figure will be your starting point, which must be adjusted as you get closer to the result.

Many people who are losing weight go to extremes - reducing calories to 1200 per day, but the weight stays the same. This happens for two reasons:

  1. You have accelerated hormonal adaptations to the diet, your body under stress retains fat, stores water, and also reduces the level of physical activity and cognitive function, which reduces calorie expenditure.
  2. Periods of controlled hunger of 1200 calories alternate with periods of unconscious overeating, resulting in no calorie deficit.

To prevent this, do not underestimate your caloric intake too much. According to calculations, it turned out to be 1900 kcal, so eat 1900 kcal, and weigh yourself at the end of the week (calorizer). If the weight does not come off, reduce calories by 10%.

Remember that for weight loss it is important not only the amount of calories eaten, but also the correct ratio of dietary fat and the choice of foods suitable for the diet. Nutrition control and minimally processed foods will allow you to stay within the limits of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Agree, oatmeal is easier to fit into your diet than a bun.

Managing stress while losing weight

Dieting is stressful, so reducing your calorie intake should be slow. However, losing weight is not the only stress in the lives of modern people. In a state of nervous tension, the body produces a lot of cortisol, which affects not only weight loss by retaining fluid, but also its accumulation - distributing fat in the abdominal area.

Learn to relax, rest more, do not set strict dietary restrictions, spend more time in the fresh air and the weight loss process will be more active.

Non-training activity

If we compare the calorie expenditure for training and for everyday activity, the “sports consumption” will be negligible. During a workout, the average person spends about 400 kcal, when mobility outside the gym can take 1000 kcal or more.

If you don’t have sports in your life, get into the habit of walking at least 10 thousand steps every day, and preferably 15-20 thousand. Increase your activity gradually, remember about stress. If you can't go for long walks, look for ways to increase your calorie expenditure and shorten your walks.

Healthy sleep for weight loss

Lack of sleep increases cortisol levels and decreases insulin sensitivity. This means fatigue, swelling, constant feeling of hunger, bad mood. All you need is to sleep 7-9 hours. Many people say that they cannot afford such a luxury (calorizator). But they allow themselves to carry tens of kilograms of excess weight. Sound and long sleep is extremely important for losing weight. You can always reach an agreement with family members by redistributing household responsibilities.

If you have difficulty falling asleep, calming herbal tea, a dark room and earplugs will help you. And if you couldn’t get enough sleep at night, you can find time to sleep during the day or go to bed earlier in the evening.

Workouts for those who cannot exercise

There are no absolute contraindications to all physical activities. If your doctor prohibits you from exercising actively for a while, prepare yourself to be able to exercise in the future. A set of exercises from physical therapy will come to the rescue.

Simple physical therapy exercises will help stabilize the spine and joints, speed up recovery, prepare the musculoskeletal system for future training, relieve pain caused by muscle hypertonicity and increase overall calorie consumption.

Be sure to consult your doctor about exercise therapy. He will tell you the optimal frequency of classes for you and guide you on the limitations.

Lack of exercise is not a problem for losing weight. A disordered diet, lack of adequate sleep, lack of physical activity and constant worry can interfere with weight loss. We get fat not from lack of exercise, but because of low mobility and poor nutrition, which are generously seasoned with nervous tension and lack of sleep.

Author: Ekaterina G., nutritionist, fitness blogger (especially for) Copying this article in whole or in part is prohibited.

Sleep in complete darkness

By the way, the quality of sleep is not always determined by its duration. To help your body recover properly, you need to sleep in complete darkness. Close curtains tightly, turn off all flickering lights from chargers, monitors and other devices. Or use a sleep mask.


Extraneous light, even not very bright, disrupts circadian rhythms and negatively affects the production of hormones. Experiments with animals showed that individuals who slept with a constantly flashing light bulb, with the same diet, gained weight faster than those who slept in complete darkness.

How you can quickly lose weight without dieting and sports at home: how to replace junk food

Now let’s remember once again what kind of diet will help us get rid of extra pounds without resorting to physical activity:

  • The menu should be dominated by healthy foods - low-fat first courses, lean meat, fish, seafood, unsweetened vegetables and fruits, porridge made from buckwheat, millet, rolled oats, barley. If you want to boil pasta, it must be made from durum wheat - otherwise, instead of complex carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates will be sent to the body, and they go straight to the “bins”.
  • Chocolate is allowed, but it must be bitter - containing at least 70% cocoa beans. At the same time, you need to eat it strictly before 16:00.
  • Remember: only fermented milk products with a fat content of no more than 20% are suitable for us!
  • Keep an eye on the glycemic index of your food - the higher the number, the more it affects your blood sugar levels. Prevent the occurrence and development of diabetes - choose dishes with a low GI and do not forget that cooking leads to its increase.
  • 15-20 g of vegetable oil per day is the norm, but it should be unrefined.
  • We exclude fast carbohydrates - white bread, sugar - from the diet without hesitation.
  • We eat sweet fruits (melon, peaches, bananas, etc.) before 16:00 - if consumed later, they go to the “fat depot”.
  • We drink water on an empty stomach, 1.5 hours before meals or 2 hours after meals, and juices before a planned snack.
  • Salads should be eaten with the main course - alone they whet the appetite.

You can lose weight with proper nutrition without exercise - these are not fairy tales invented to attract attention to yet another technique, but a fact confirmed by many nutritionists. Eat healthy food, watch your caloric intake and don’t deprive yourself of the joys of life. Before you load yourself up with another workout, think again - do you need such torture?

Take sunbathing

If at night it is really better to isolate the room from extraneous lights, then immediately after waking up, on the contrary, it is worth opening the curtains and letting sunlight into the room.

If you are exposed to the sun's rays for 20-30 minutes every morning, you can greatly help your body in the fight against excess weight. This is confirmed by the results of a study by scientists from Northwestern University in the USA. The fact is that sunlight ideally adjusts a person’s biological clock, thereby activating metabolism and all internal processes in the body.


Is it possible to lose weight without sports in a month: how to regain your slimness

If you think that we will talk about restrictions and methods that are based on the prohibition of everything and everyone, I hasten to please you - you cannot achieve good and lasting results with refusals. They can only lead to a slowdown in metabolism, digestive disorders and other unpleasant consequences, one of which is fatty liver hepatosis.

Why is this happening? After all, we firmly believe that less is more! However, with a lack of valuable nutrients, fat begins to accumulate in the liver - and from it cholesterol, cortisol, bile acids and steroid hormones are produced. The disease progresses, and our decision to feed on the holy spirit is to blame.

Is it possible to lose weight without dieting and sports? Of course, but under one condition - following the recommendations from experts:

  • The main rule that absolutely everyone must adhere to is that without a balanced diet, our efforts are in vain. What does it mean? It is necessary to remove “unprofitable” products from the menu and replace them with healthy goodies. The black list includes not only fast food, but also buns made from white flour, sausages, sausages and sausages, fatty meats, chips and crackers, sugar, as well as sweet carbonated drinks and strong alcohol.
  • Be sure to keep a food diary and control the calorie content of the dishes eaten. We weigh the food and record the results without lying. Please note: if you lie to yourself, you will move one step away from your ideal figure.
  • Drink your daily amount of water – from 1.5 to 3 liters. There is no need to pour it in forcibly - distribute the indicated volume and drink a glass in between meals.
  • Be sure to include protein sources in your diet - chicken breast, rabbit meat, game, fish. If you leave yourself without daily protein supplement, the muscle layer will disappear, and this threatens to re-gain the lost kilograms.
  • Less than 800 kcal for men and 600 kcal for women means starvation and exhaustion of the body. It is forbidden to torture yourself!
  • Boil broths, and do not brew “bum packages” - exclude from your diet everything that contains harmful additives and flavor enhancers. The latter provoke a strong appetite - we quench it by increasing the portion, but this cannot be done.
  • Eating after 6 is not prohibited, but the food should be light - low-fat broth or fish aspic with a side dish of vegetable salad.
  • And the main principle is to love yourself! Imagine the figure of your dreams and go towards your goal with a positive attitude, and not eternal grief with or without reason. Remember: a smile instead of tears is the strongest weapon in the fight for a thin waist, and thoughts are material!

You won’t be able to achieve significant results in a month, but that shouldn’t stop you—the main thing is to believe in yourself. Our body is a complex mechanism that cannot produce what it wants in an extremely short time. You will have to be patient and follow the advice of a nutritionist.

Choose dishes in “unappetizing” colors

To prevent weight gain, it is important to establish control over the amount of food consumed. Strange, but scientifically based tricks will help with this. Thus, according to colorists, dishes in blue, purple, gray and black colors significantly reduce appetite, but red, yellow and green plates, on the contrary, provoke you to eat as much as possible.

Contrasting food and utensils will also help reduce portions. American scientists have proven that a person will eat 30% more pasta in tomato sauce if it is served on a red plate rather than a white one.

Emotional hunger: how to stop stress eating

Course 1 – Losing weight without sports and chemicals Version 2.1

Course No. 1. How to lose weight without chemicals and sports. Version 2.1
Who is this course for?

The course is for those who want to lose weight the way people from the “Debriefing” section the Freshlife28 channel . For those who are asking themselves questions:

  • How to lose weight?
  • What can you eat and what can you not?
  • How to remove belly (or sides)?
  • What are fat burners?
  • What tests should I take?
  • How to count calories?
  • And similar ones. ( For more details, see the curriculum below )

This is a basic course - after completing it, you will be able to subsequently adjust your nutrition yourself if you decide to go in for sports, if you go on a business trip. By the end of the course you will see the first results in the mirror and on the scales. ATTENTION! version 2.0

means that this course takes into account many practical things that students needed most in all previous streams.
Those who have already taken this course do NOT need to take the second version again!
details in the video


1st Week

  1. How, how much and what to eat to lose weight? (we begin to create your nutrition program and are already starting to lose weight)
  2. How to determine what you can eat and what you can’t (add foods to your diet yourself - now you know how to do it)
  3. Typical mistakes of the 1st week
  4. What to do if you are not hungry, how to control the amount of food.
  5. First week webinar (answers to your questions)
  6. First week test (you must answer the test questions correctly)

2nd Week

  1. How to remove belly or sides? (Let's learn the basics of fat burning, learn about fat burners)
  2. Checking for swelling. Measurements, methods.
  3. Review of dietary supplements and sports nutrition (How you can help the body and is it really necessary. What is needed and what is not)
  4. Week 2 webinar (answers to your questions)
  5. Test of the second week (you must answer the test questions correctly)

3rd week

  1. Interactive webinar: How to “force” yourself? (We will learn how not to use willpower, how not to break down, how we are manipulated)
  2. Checking homework, adjusting your nutrition program
  3. Interactive webinar: “How not to lose motivation” (Basics of neurophysiology, dominants, exercises and methods of changing consciousness)
  4. How to overcome cravings for sweets? (Myths about sweets and what to do about them)
  5. Week 3 Quiz (must answer questions)

4th week

  1. Why did the weight increase? (We think about the future, what we will need to do)
  2. What could be wrong with your health? (we find out what tests we need to take if suddenly we cannot lose weight)
  3. Transcription of analyzes for those who need it.
  4. Adjustment of the nutrition program and product range.
  5. Week 4 webinar (your questions answered)
  6. Week 4 test
Requirements for applicants.
  1. Age from 19 to 50 years. ATTENTION – the restriction for people over 50 years of age is introduced only because results may occur slowly due to age-related hormonal changes, which must be corrected by a doctor. You can take part in the course because nutrition is no different from other age groups. But if you are not satisfied with the results and the reason - age-related changes - you take full responsibility upon yourself.
  2. Absence of uncompensated diseases of the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract (if you have problems, for example, with the thyroid gland, your doctor should already have selected therapy for you. Then you can)
  3. Lack of special nutritional prescriptions from the attending physician.
  4. Complete abstinence from alcohol (you can smoke if you smoke)
  5. Lack of pregnancy and breastfeeding
  6. Compliance with the regime during the training period
  7. Knowledge of arithmetic within the school curriculum up to the 4th grade of secondary school (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions)

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Eat from small plates

Another easy way to trick your stomach while eating is to use smaller dishes. It has been proven that a portion of the same size on a large plate is eaten much faster than on a small one. This effect was discovered back in the 19th century and was called the Delboeuf illusion.


Scientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology conducted a study that confirmed this theory. It turned out that reducing the diameter of the plate by 5 cm allows you to eat 22% less food. Thus, a simple technique will help you lose about 5 kg in a year.

Don't rush while eating

In the modern rhythm of life, snacks on the run and express lunches have long become the norm, but experts advise, if possible, not to rush while eating. As a rule, real satiety occurs earlier than we feel it, since the signal from the stomach to the brain comes with a slight delay.


In order not to eat too much, you need to stretch out the pleasure, eat in small pieces and savor the taste of the dishes. Moreover, this advice will only benefit the digestive system.

Try products with the “fifth taste”

Proper diet is one of the main factors influencing a person’s weight. But to maintain a slim figure, it is not at all necessary to go on strict diets and count every calorie. Some foods can have such an effective effect on the body that even a slight increase in their consumption helps you lose weight.


A similar property is observed in products that have “umami” (Japanese for “pleasant taste”), or the “fifth taste.” This category includes, among others, mushrooms, seaweed, green tea and tomatoes. The Japanese believe that the taste of these products does not fit into the framework of the four main ones: sweet, salty, sour and bitter. The secret of umami food is the high content of natural monosodium glutamate, which enhances the taste sensation. American scientists have found that after eating foods with the fifth taste, the feeling of fullness lasts longer.

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