Energy diet cocktails: composition, benefits, reviews, nutritionist’s opinion. Energy diets - how to take for weight loss?

Energy diet weight loss cocktail: benefits

Thanks to the advertising that flows from radio, television and social networks, we can conclude that Energy Diets is a fairly well-known brand that spares no money on marketing and promoting its product. There are few products on the modern market for athletes that have the advertising and marketing level of Energy diet.

Energy diet weight loss cocktail, benefits:

  • According to the seller, this is a balanced source of nutrition that helps the body lose weight. At the same time, the composition contains the optimal amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • In cocktails there are enough of them for the full functioning of the body. Thus, Energy diets help fill the calorie deficit and lose weight. According to the manufacturer, the composition contains a huge amount of vitamins, microelements and amino acids, which can almost completely replace a good diet.
  • There are also enzymes that help quickly digest food. This allows you to improve digestion.


How it works

How does weight loss happen? Diet based on Energy Diet:

  • easily optimizes daily calorie intake;
  • provides the body with the necessary amount of vitamins, fiber, microelements;
  • is varied, does not get boring and does not cause disgust, as it includes a large assortment of cocktails with different flavors that can be mixed with each other;
  • Thanks to fiber and enzymes, it improves healthy digestion;
  • cleanses the intestines of toxins;
  • removes toxins;
  • changes eating habits;
  • improves well-being;
  • thanks to a sufficient amount of protein and dietary fiber, it gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness;
  • Helps control cravings for junk food.

But the main function of energy diets is to normalize metabolism, violations of which most often cause obesity. If you follow the weight loss program developed by the manufacturers, you can achieve good results and maintain them in the future.

General information. To sell ED in different countries, products must comply with their laws. For example, in France guarana is allowed in cocktails, while in Russia it is not. So this component is absent in the batches for the Russian Federation. But in French concentrates its amount is minimal, and this does not change the taste of the product itself, so no differences are felt.

Nutrition of Energy diets: features of use, calorie content

The manufacturer recommends almost completely replacing your entire diet with Energy diets, with the exception of one meal. That is, you can eat foods from your usual diet just once a day, and the rest of the time replace them with Energy diet.

Nutrition of Energy diets, features of consumption, calorie content:

  • One serving of the cocktail contains 210 kilocalories. This calorie content is derived from the calculation of the product being dissolved in milk, with a fat content of 1.5%. To dilute the powder, you must use low-fat milk.
  • The basis of this product is soy and lecithin. The composition contains soybean oil, proteins of animal and plant origin, and a complex of enzymes. If you believe the advertising, it is this complex of enzymes that helps improve the digestion of food and also speeds up metabolism, promoting the rapid breakdown of fats that are located under the skin. The product contains fiber, which helps remove excess toxins from the body. Gum is used as fiber, and chicory inulin is also contained.

The most interesting thing is that the composition of nutrients, as well as the amount of proteins in the product, is indicated taking into account cow's milk. Accordingly, animal proteins and proteins that are indicated on the package may not be contained in the product and are introduced using cow's milk.

Functional nutrition

Energy diets: cocktail composition

Thanks to the fiber content, it is possible to achieve a quick feeling of fullness, and a person remains full for a long time. The composition contains acerola or Caribbean cherries - this is a vitamin product that contains much more vitamin C than onions and citrus fruits.

Energy diet, cocktail composition:

  • The secret ingredient is royal jelly, which the manufacturer calls royal jelly. It is a strong antioxidant, so it helps fight viral diseases and fatigue.
  • It contains a huge amount of vitamin B, which helps cope with viruses and various autoimmune diseases. The predominant source of protein in the product is soy, peas and milk protein, which is introduced externally.
  • Fats are represented by soybean vegetable oil. Carbohydrates are represented by peas and starch. The composition contains chicory, strawberries, a thickener, as well as vitamins in the form of artificial additives. Contains acidity regulator.

If you carefully study the composition, you can understand that the source of protein is soy and peas. There are practically no useful animal proteins that are involved in the construction of muscle mass in the product. They are introduced externally by adding milk. As for carbohydrates, these are mainly cheap starch, sugar, and chicory inulin. Vegetable oil is used as fat.

Full composition

How to drink Energy diet cocktails?

It is not worth replacing your entire diet with them. The product does not contain sources of omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 acids, which are necessary for a person who is involved in sports and weight loss. Although such additives are available in almost all protein shakes, in the same price segment as Energy diets.

How to drink Energy diet cocktails:

  • This product should not be considered as a complete source of nutrition; in principle, the manufacturer insists on this, because after all, one meal a day should be standard for a person.
  • It is usually taken twice a day, morning and evening. Cocktails need to be supplemented with other foods.
  • Of course, we are not talking about sweets or cakes. Basically, this is a healthy diet, high in protein and fiber.
  • It is best to include boiled chicken fillet and fresh vegetable salad in this meal. This will increase the amount of fiber and animal protein, which is very small in the product.

Delicious cocktail

Smart diet: allowed foods

Bread : whole grain, bran - no more than 150 grams per day

Soups : vegetable broth, thick vegetarian soups (no more than 1 tbsp of potatoes or cereals per serving), soups with weak meat or fish broth (no more than 2 times a week) - 250 ml per day

Meat : natural, lean, without visible fat - 150 grams per day

Fish and seafood - no more than 300 grams per day

Dairy and fermented milk products : low fat and without additives - no more than 150 grams per day

Eggs : hard-boiled or omelette - 1 piece per day

Cereals : buckwheat, oats, lentils, brown rice, quinoa - no more than 50 grams of dry cereal per day

Vegetables : any, preferably raw (limit potatoes, carrots, beets) - no more than 800 grams per day

Fruits : any, preferably raw (except bananas, grapes, dried fruits with caution) - no more than 300 grams per day

Drinks : tea and coffee without additives, still drinking water - no more than 2 liters per day

Fats : vegetable oil - no more than 20 ml per day, butter - no more than 10 grams per day

Nuts and seeds - no more than 30 grams per day

Sauces, spices : any spices without additives, tomato sauce without additives

Desserts : dry cookies without sugar (3-4 pieces per day), fruit mousses and jellies without sugar, dietary marshmallows - no more than 50 grams per day.

Smart food Energy diets through the eyes of a nutritionist

Energy diet Smart is an improved line that contains 23 vitamins and minerals. The package contains 15 sachets of 30 g each. Enough product for 30 doses. The complex is improved in relation to the primary line, it contains extracts of pomegranate, rosemary and mangosteen. These are products included in the antioxidant complex that slows down aging.

Smart food Energy diets through the eyes of a nutritionist:

  • The composition also contains an anti-stress complex, which helps improve mood. This is possible thanks to extracts of energy plants, magnesium and vitamin b6. After all, it is these vitamins and microelements that contribute to the release of the happiness hormone.
  • The composition contains fast and slow carbohydrates, which provide both immediate saturation and gradually increase the amount of insulin released in the blood. There are phospholipids that restore cells and rejuvenate the body. This is an ideal product for those who want to lose weight and who have practically no time to prepare breakfasts and dinners.
  • The product should be used by those who watch their diet and eat properly. This is a great option for modern people who spend most of their time in the office and have no time to exercise, exercise, or cook. Cocktails help you lose weight with minimal effort and time. After all, all you need to do is buy milk and dilute one bag.

Diet food

How to dilute an Energy Diet cocktail?

The cocktail must be prepared in a shaker, which is sold on the manufacturer’s website. However, the most common one, used for preparing protein shakes and proteins, will also work.

How to make an Energy Diet cocktail:

  • You need to pour a portion of dry powder into a shaker and pour in 200 ml of liquid. This could be water, vegetable broth, or milk.
  • According to the manufacturer, it is best to dilute the powder with milk, as this will increase the amount of animal protein and fat in the product.
  • It is necessary to close the shaker and shake thoroughly. It is necessary that the mass is homogeneous and without lumps.
  • If the cocktail seems too thick, you can add additional milk or water.



Energy diet cocktails have a fairly powerful effect on the body, which must be constantly kept under control. This is not a dietary supplement that you drink when you want and expect to lose weight. The nutrition system requires strict adherence to the program. And if you ignore it, the consequences may not be the most pleasant.

The products in this line have many warnings - contraindications that should be studied first. These include:

  • impaired enzyme synthesis;
  • enteritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • heart failure;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, pancreas;
  • acute gastritis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • allergy to cocktail components;
  • insomnia;
  • metabolic syndrome.

For various Energy Diet products, these contraindications may be expanded. For example, Cappuccino and Coffee cocktails contain caffeine, which will harm the bodies of children, the elderly, people with increased nervous excitability, and hypertensive patients. So this weight loss system is designed for those who do not have any health problems.

If you have any diseases (acute or chronic), permission to use these concentrates must be obtained from a doctor. Otherwise, side effects may occur, the most common of which are:

  • tachycardia;
  • gaining weight rather than losing it;
  • dizziness;
  • migraine;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • nausea;
  • shortness of breath, etc.

Such troubles are possible if you use cocktails haphazardly, ignoring the instructions for their use and contraindications.

Energy cocktail for weight loss: reviews

Reviews of Energy Diet cocktails are very contradictory. Many believe that people who did not get the desired effect did not use the product correctly, or diluted it with insufficient milk. Below you can read reviews from people who have used the Energy diet.

Energy cocktail for weight loss, reviews:

Valentina, 37 years old . I have never been skinny, so I often experiment and go on diets. True, I’m not very good at it. A friend recommended Energy diet cocktails. The cost of one jar seemed very high to me, but I still took the risk of buying it. But it lasts a long time. Overall, in 2 weeks, I lost 3 kg. I can’t say that I’m very impressed with the result; I think that on a regular protein diet or protein-carbohydrate alternation, you can lose weight much faster and at less cost. The composition actually contains components that dull appetite, while improving mood by blocking the feeling of hunger. After drinking the cocktail, you will feel full for a long time. If it weren't for the high price of the product, I would try again.

Olga, 28 years old . I really like the Energy Diets product, I have been using it for several years, but not all the time, but periodically. In addition to protein shakes, I purchased a lot of interesting and necessary things on the company’s website. These are capsules to improve metabolism, as well as vitamin supplements. I feel great, my hair is growing much better. I can say that I really like the Energy diet and it helped me lose 7 kg. Of course, I didn’t believe the reviews that stated that it was enough just to drink cocktails instead of food. In fact, you need to go on a special diet, low in fat and carbohydrates. An addition to this diet is Energy diet cocktails. I managed to lose weight painlessly, without a constant feeling of hunger. Cocktails really block your constant appetite, so you almost don’t feel like eating.

Maxim, 40 years old . I bought these cocktails because I was wondering if they would really help me lose weight. The manager offered me not just one can of cocktail, but a whole complex, which cost 12,000. After ordering, I received an offer to work for the company and distribute the products. This is something like network marketing, I had to force the cocktail on everyone I knew, constantly praising it. I only drank a few servings because the taste seemed chemical and terrible to me. I vomited in the evening, so the next day I no longer experimented and took cocktails. So I have several cans. I will not sell this to my friends and family. The girl said that perhaps I had purchased a fake, of which there are a lot on the market now due to the popularity of the company.

Read on the topic:

  • 5 Best Protein Shakes at Home: Recipes
  • Vegetarian sports menu
  • How much protein is in 100 grams of cottage cheese?
  • High Protein Foods: List
  • What is healthier in a chicken egg: white or yolk?

Unsaturated fatty acids are a catalyst for building muscle mass and losing weight, but they are not found in shakes. However, a huge advantage of Energy diets is the presence of a large amount of vitamins P, C, group B, and D. It contains vitamin b12.

Contraindications for weight loss

Dietary nutrition limits the ability to consume Energy diet to the following persons:

  1. Age up to 18 years.
  2. The period of bearing a child.
  3. Lactation.
  4. Serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is important! People prone to allergic reactions should use the product with caution.

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