How to lose weight without dieting: 10 proven methods based on science

What good motivation! A current topic that worries many, especially urban residents, around which there are many jokes. Fitness clubs are creating advertising campaigns on this topic, and queries in search engines are once again taking first place. The fact is that the whole world seemed to freeze during self-isolation and slowed down the pace of activity, including physical activity. As a result, more and more people, concerned about their figure, want to urgently lose the extra pounds they gained that came with quarantine. In addition to decreased activity, our body played a cruel joke on us - it increased the desire to consume simple carbohydrates and glucose, which turn into fat, so that we could “eat up” stress. It's easier to gain extra pounds than to lose them, so we decided to help you do it right. It is recommended to lose no more than 1-1.5 kg per week and 4-5 kg ​​per month, but there are times when you need to lose 10 kg in a week. For example, a wedding, vacation, sudden summer. First of all, you need to understand that the faster you lose excess weight, the more it:

  • can come back faster
  • pain

It further exposes the body to danger, which is fraught with tangible consequences. At the same time, extra pounds definitely have a negative effect on the body, so you should definitely get rid of them. To know how to avoid the above and lose 10 kilograms as quickly as possible without harm to the body, study our article.

Body mass index and what you eat it with

Why is the article called “how to quickly lose 10 kg”? Why not 5, 15 or, for example, 7 kilograms? The fact is that this is the most common figure that people finally notice and urgently sound the alarm. Let’s say 3 kilograms may not be noticed at all, since a person’s weight changes by about 2 kg in both directions during the day, depending on meals and the amount of water drunk. But the tangible weight that influences the volume and size of clothing is considered to be the same 10 kg. In order to correctly determine how many kilograms you still need to lose, calculate your BMI - body mass index. BMI gives the weight range you are recommended to be in, based on an assessment of how well a person's weight matches their height.

If you don’t want to count on your own, you can use calculators on the Internet, it’s accessible and takes less than a minute. Do not forget that this formula gives only an approximate estimate: for men and women, the estimate differs due to a number of physique and structure features; BMI and its norms will also be different for a child and an adult. Moreover, a person can be overweight, but not actually suffer from obesity, since the quality of his weight is entirely muscle, with a minimal amount of fat. This is because the BMI formula does not differentiate between muscle and fat mass. We will assume that we have decided on the body mass index. It's time to take action! We will give an example of recommendations, taking into account which you will certainly lose 10 kilograms quickly enough, but remember: the more responsible and professional you approach this issue, the better the result will be. Yes, it’s more professional, because the main recommendation for any person who wants to lose weight is to turn to specialists - trainers and nutritionists. During the process of losing weight, monitor your well-being; if you feel unwell, you should change the program or stop it altogether. Any drastic actions have their limitations.

Don't drink sugary drinks

This also seems strange, but drinks can be higher in calories than regular food. The problem is that they contain too much sugar. In 0.5 liters of sweet soda, its amount can reach 10 teaspoons. And these calories are not usually counted or paid attention to.

Avoid sugary carbonated drinks. Put less sugar in tea or coffee. Even with these simple rules you will reduce your total calorie intake during the day by 20-30%. This means you can lose weight without dieting.

Increased activity

Unfortunately, you can’t do without increasing activity and the number of calories burned. This is the foundation in the process of losing weight. Fat burning is a calorie deficit, that is, it is a negative difference between calories in and calories out during the day, where the number of calories burned is greater than calories in. It is believed that losing weight depends on two main things - nutrition, which makes up about sixty percent of success, and exercise, which makes up the remaining forty percent.
This proportion is very conditional, but, nevertheless, it is an obligatory tool on which the metabolic process and much more rests.

The calorie deficit must have a certain ratio, if you overdo it, you can completely stop losing weight, since the body will enter a state of stress and slow down the metabolism, trying to retain accumulated reserves. An acceptable calorie deficit is considered differently for men and women, amounting to approximately 10-15% of the daily value. Yes, if you are approaching the issue of quickly losing 10 kilograms of weight, you will have to independently count the calories consumed from food and consumed during the day. Don’t worry, it’s a matter of habit, everything is for the sake of results! Athletes don’t walk around cafes and shops with kitchen scales, so you will soon learn to visually assess your norm. Let's get back to activity. Agree, it is different for everyone: one person walks his dog a couple of times a day and walks to work, the second spends the whole day driving, and all his activity comes down to moving around the office and around the house. Statistics say that most people who completed the daily norm of ten thousand steps did not even complete three thousand during the quarantine period. Replace the elevator with stairs, the car with walking, watching TV with a walk before bed and, of course, don’t forget about sports! Sports should be regular.

Fast weight loss - truth or myth?

No matter how sad it may sound, rapid weight loss occurs due to the body getting rid of excess fluid. Remember your school biology course - all textbooks say that the human body is 80% water. This means that any change in its quantity will lead to weight gain or loss.

Popular express diets really help you lose weight, but not by burning fat - it remains in place. But the excess water leaves, but then returns again and often in larger quantities.

To lose weight, you need to not only eat right, but also exercise. Otherwise, the skin will sag and spoil the figure with ugly folds. And in order to have the strength for physical activity, you need to create the right diet, focusing on animal proteins and plant foods.

But even then, the excess fat may not go away, even though the figure will become toned due to strengthening muscle mass. To get rid of body fat, you need to burn more calories than you take in during the day. And this process is not quick.

It is considered normal if a person loses up to two kilograms per week, and five to six per month. Then there will be no health problems. And rapid weight loss of 10 kg or more can lead to disruption of the functioning of all vital organs. Keep this in mind when you decide to make drastic changes to your weight.

Diets and mono-diets

There are a huge number of diets, but believe me, there is no universal diet. Before choosing a particular diet for yourself, it is worth taking into account the main consequences:

  • The stricter the diet, the greater the chance of relapse
  • with a sharp change in the food basket and food preferences, corresponding reactions from the gastrointestinal tract may appear (disorders and other inconveniences)
  • You should switch from your usual diet to a diet gradually, and you should also end the diet gently

Based on the points listed above, our recommendation would be to reconsider your food intake without resorting to diets.


Because such nutrition can later be turned into a good habit, to which your body will respond with gratitude, beauty, good skin condition and good health.

You should definitely eliminate harmful foods from your diet that contribute to obesity and water retention in the body; exclude sugar, sweets, baked goods, flour, fast food, salty, fried, pork, mayonnaise, potatoes, coffee, smoked and sausage products, carbonated drinks and alcohol. This should be replaced with products with a negative calorie content, that is, those for the absorption of which the body spends more calories than it receives from the product itself (celery, cucumbers, grapefruit and others). Add more healthy fats, such as avocados, fish, and review the consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates at different times. If we talk about diets, then an interesting direction is the mono-diet, that is, a diet in which your diet consists of only one product. Despite the heated debate surrounding this method of losing weight, it remains very effective and popular.

The most effective ways to lose weight at home

However, there are ways to speed up your weight loss process—and yes, it will still take time.

And remember: only with gradual weight loss you will get the best, real and most lasting results, but which will not lead you to exhaustion.

Follow your diet

“If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight—it's that simple,” says Dr. Seltzer. "But you need to know your caloric intake before you can create a meal plan."

To estimate how much you're actually eating now to maintain your current weight, Dr. Seltzer recommends using MyFitnessPal. Just enter all the foods you eat during the day. The app will calculate your daily calorie intake. “No food is inherently good or bad,” says Dr. Seltzer.

Eat low-calorie foods

If you've been eating fast food for years, realize that you probably won't be able to stick to an organic, gluten-free diet for long right away. "To be in an effective calorie deficit, you must first change your diet as little as possible," says Dr. Seltzer, who insists that the best way to maintain sustainable weight loss is by incorporating only small changes into existing eating habits. So instead of ditching your daily burger routine and making bland fried eggs, your best bet is to opt for the same burger, but on a light bun. Or say, for example, replace a 300 calorie chocolate bar with a 150 calorie chocolate bar. "Your brain will feel the same way, so you won't feel deprived," he says.

NEXT: Eat most of your meals at night

Additionally, some studies show that the human body loads most of its calories during the daytime. But this lifestyle is problematic for many: Because family lunches and dinners with friends are often scheduled after sunset, "people who try to stop eating after 7 p.m. can't do that every day for the rest of their lives," says Dr. Seltzer, who supports an alternative strategy: eat a large meal every dinner.

After all, when you burn off all your calories too early and you go out to dinner with friends or just go to bed hungry, you're likely falling victim to what Dr. Seltzer calls the "f*ck it" effect. This is when you break just one rule, but are psychologically ready to give up the whole process of losing weight.

To set his patients up for success, Dr. Seltzer tells them to plan a big, heavy dinner, but eat a light breakfast and eat less for lunch, since most people who eat before bed tend to wake up feeling relatively full. Research shows that eating a balanced meal before bed can also help maintain stable blood sugar levels the next day, which also helps regulate appetite.

"People just find it easier to eat later in the day, and this approach ensures your social life doesn't suffer either," he says.

Eat More Protein

Dietary protein is one of the most important tools in your arsenal for losing weight at home, in part because you spend more energy digesting protein compared to carbohydrates and fats. But protein often goes hand in hand with natural fats, which add calories to each serving.

That's why leaner protein sources like chicken breast, white fish and low-fat dairy products have fewer calories than alternatives like bacon and hamburgers. Greek yogurt, cheese and cottage cheese are also smart choices.

Eat sweets with proteins

Dr. Seltzer explains that when you eat candy and other sugary foods on their own, they flood your bloodstream and disappear quickly, leaving you hungry or tired. Protein slows this release of sugar into your bloodstream, so you can both enjoy sweets and feel fuller longer.

Consume complex carbohydrates

Like protein, the fiber in complex carbohydrates slows the rate at which your body processes calories from carbohydrates, so you feel fuller longer, and it also keeps your blood sugar levels more stable, which is one reason why research consistently links fiber intake with weight loss. This means that whole grain bread is a better choice than white bread.

Drink more water

If you don't drink enough fluids, your body will release antidiuretic hormone, which will lead to water retention, which can affect your weight, preventing you from losing weight quickly and effectively. Although this sneaky effect is one of the reasons why bathroom scales are a poor indicator of weight loss. But if you cannot drink enough pure water, then dilute it with unsweetened coffee or tea.

Reduce your alcohol intake

Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram - more than carbohydrates and protein (four calories per gram), and these are all empty calories without packing vitamins or delivering essential nutrients throughout the body.

In other words? "Drinking alcohol makes you more likely to eat all the junk food," says Dr. Seltzer. At the same time, he does not ask patients to give up alcohol completely in order to lose weight. Plus, even studies show that you don't need to do this as long as your consumption is moderate, that is, less than a glass a day. “If you drink a glass of wine every night and notice that you eat more afterward, take that into account and reduce the portion sizes you eat before,” he says. "Or if you drink four glasses of wine a week, then drink three so you won't feel as much of a difference."

Learn to manage stress

"Any time you're stressed, you're probably going to eat," says Dr. Seltzer. This is because cortisol, a stress hormone, increases your appetite for sweets and fatty foods.

That's why you won't be able to talk about any weight loss if you don't know how to manage and reduce your stress level: maybe it's meditation, talking to your mom after work, or listening to music. Just make sure it's not stress that's driving you to the ash pit.

Sleep at least 30 minutes more

“Poor sleep is associated with a slower metabolism, and the earlier you get up, the more hours you have to eat,” says Dr. Seltzer.

Combine training with something enjoyable

Any activity should be fun for you, for example, you can watch Netflix while working out on the elliptical. It's much easier than giving up all the foods you love. "Exercising won't help you lose weight in just one week," says Dr. Seltzer.

After all, “Resistance training may even initially cause you to gain 1-2 kg due to the body's inflammatory response. And people who do low-intensity exercise may burn calories, but they often end up eating more or subconsciously moving less throughout the day to conserve energy, and research supports the theory,” he says.

It may take you several weeks or months to see the metabolic effects of exercise, and building muscle in general may lead to weight gain. "Do something you enjoy," says Dr. Seltzer, noting that exercise is amazing for your heart, mental health, and more.

Make love

No one doubts that this is perhaps the most sensational method, but it is considered not quite cardio or burns a significant amount of calories: women burn about 3.6 per minute. "It's still a good idea," Dr. Seltzer says, citing other benefits of the activity, such as increased release of serotonin and dopamine, as well as neurotransmitters that naturally reduce food cravings.

White cabbage

You can immediately give cabbage a huge plus when it comes to methods of preparing it. If buckwheat can be either boiled or brewed, then with cabbage there are more options. It can be baked, stewed, made into soup, or eaten fresh in a salad. Cabbage is considered a negative calorie food, so you can eat it in sufficient quantities. But, importantly, cabbage contains most of the vitamins, minerals and fiber we need. You can add greens to any mono-diet. When consumed in moderation, it will further stimulate intestinal activity.


Water is actively involved in the fight against excess weight. By the way, the more you drink water, the less liquid is retained in the body and, as a result, the less it causes swelling.

An important factor in losing weight is increasing the amount of water you drink. Experts explain that it affects the level of enzymatic activity, and with it, well-being and performance. Water ensures the removal of toxins and saturation with essential substances and minerals. With an increase in activity, it is imperative to increase the amount of fluid consumed. Here are a few life hacks that will help you control yourself:

  • Hang your water tracker in a visible place and record the number of glasses you drink per day
  • download a mobile application that will captivate you in a game format and remind you to drink plenty of fluids in a timely manner

Water will definitely become your faithful assistant in quickly losing 10 kilograms.

What exercises help you lose weight?

How much you burn in one workout depends on various factors such as your age, training regimen, fitness level, etc.

However, there are some exercises that will help you lose weight a little faster than others and are truly effective. Here they are:

Cardio exercises

Cardio workouts to burn fat at home are great for strengthening your cardiovascular system. They help burn calories very quickly, and the variations of such exercises are endless.

Anything you do quickly that gets your heart rate up is considered cardio. This can even include strength training if you do it at a fast enough pace. However, there are some really good cardio exercises:

  • Jumping Jack
  • Knee Raises
  • Burpee
  • Push ups
  • Squats

Try to do as many repetitions as possible and try to beat your own records each time. Here's a great cardio workout you can do at home:


If you are wondering how to lose weight at home really and quickly, then the best way to do this is to start running. This is the best form of exercise for your cardiovascular system and you are guaranteed to burn fat effectively.

This will be a bit of a challenge at first. But once you get used to it, it will be just great for you to go for a run, relax and think about something of your own.

However, your body can easily get used to one type of exercise, so it is important to vary it so that you do not run into this problem. Running will not only give you a new, improved body, but it will also add grace.

Fat burning workout program for beginners

ExerciseNumber of repetitions/time
1.Run10 minutes
2.Push ups30 reps
3.Run10 min
4.Squats20 reps
5.Run10 min
6.Burpee10 reps
7.Run10 min
8.Walking10 min

Power training

Strength training is effective if you want to lose weight but don't like cardio. For this, you can use weight training for 30-40 minutes every day and use dumbbells to perform exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, squats, etc.

Here's a great example of strength training in just 4 simple steps:

However, just working out will not make you lose weight and get a toned and slender body. You need to mix exercise with a high protein diet to get results.


Oddly enough, sleep should also be highlighted as one of the elements on the path to the cherished goal. Did you know that there is even a technique called “Sleep and Lose Weight”? This is because sleep really promotes weight loss: during sleep, basic mechanisms, hormonal settings and processes are activated, which consume a sufficient level of calories. What follows is that the better the quality of sleep, the more effective all processes are. And for healthy sleep, you need to drink and eat two hours before, ensure a comfortable and correct body position, and fall asleep in the dark.

It's good to get some fresh air before bed, so don't forget to take an evening walk. For night fat burning, you can add a little cinnamon, curry, cumin, turmeric or ginger to your food, and you can also eat one apple at night.

Hardware weight loss

This method is more of an assistant than an independent unit, but the world is moving forward, and who knows what awaits us in the future... The method of such weight loss is to influence the body through various devices.
But even in this case, to achieve a visible result, experts ask you to take into account proper nutrition and increased activity. Hardware weight loss methods have their own contraindications, features and disadvantages. Whether it is vacuum massage, ultrasonic cavitation liposuction, laser liposuction, mesotherapy, pressotherapy, cryolipolysis, endermological LPG massage or home procedures - they will not bring you any benefit if you do not take the above methods of natural weight loss as a rule. To summarize, we can say one thing: you can lose 10 kg very quickly in a week or a month, without using definitely harmful pills and other radical methods. The more points you take into account, the more strictly you observe them, the faster and more effective the process will be. The next step that you need to think about at the beginning of your journey is consolidating and maintaining the result. Accept yourself, love yourself under any circumstances and remember that the main thing is health!

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