Burpee - what kind of exercise is it in sports and how to do it correctly

Burpee technique

The exercise should be performed at a pace that is suitable for a particular person, depending on age, health and goals.

  • For those who want to lose weight with the help of exercise, it is necessary to perform it as quickly as possible, for a time. Thus, a fast pace will help burn more calories from subcutaneous fat.
  • For those who train coordination and strive to increase muscle tone , you can perform the exercise at a calm pace, not for quantity, but for quality.

The classic version of the burpee technique is performed as follows:

  1. Place your feet parallel to each other, no wider than shoulder width.
  2. Perform a squat while inhaling, keeping your abdominal muscles toned and not allowing your back to round or arch excessively.
  3. Place your palms on the floor, parallel or with your fingers slightly turned inward, and inhale. Exhale as you jump into a plank position, keeping your spine straight.
  4. Pressing your elbows to your body, inhale and lower yourself as far as possible to the floor.
  5. As you exhale, push up from the floor.
  6. As you inhale, jump up towards your palms.
  7. As you exhale, jump from the floor to the starting position.

Technology in dynamics:

Burpee technique for beginners

The advantage of the exercise is that almost anyone can do it, regardless of physical fitness. For beginners, it is recommended to perform burpees as follows:

  1. Squat down, and, as in the classic version, jump back while lying down;
  2. Bend your elbows and lower your whole body to the floor;
  3. Push off with your hands, jump up to your palms and jump up.

The burpee technique for beginners is simplified by eliminating push-ups . However, the technique must be accompanied by the force of strong and tense corset muscles, which, when lifted, stabilize the spine and keep the torso in a level position.

To rise from the floor, you can also push off with your knees; this technique of performing burpees is great for girls , as it significantly removes the load from the shoulder girdle. This option works like this:

  1. after jumping into the plank, first lower your knees, then do push-ups from your knees.
  2. And in the reverse order - go to the plank and jump to the palms.

Who is it contraindicated for?

Burpees are an excellent solution for those who want to lose weight, as well as become strong and resilient. Studies have proven that a five-minute exercise is equivalent to a half-hour run in terms of calorie burning intensity. This state of affairs is impressive. But not always and not everyone can do burpees.

There are diseases and conditions for which these exercises are not recommended. Here are the main ones:

  • Cardiovascular diseases.

People suffering from these diseases are better off choosing a less intense training option. Because otherwise there is a high risk of increased blood pressure, which can lead to a stroke. This is due to the fact that during exercise there is a rapid change in body positions, as a result of which untrained blood vessels can malfunction.

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

During pregnancy and after birth, women are advised not to do burpees. This is due to the fact that the body in such conditions can malfunction, which is fraught with problems and problems associated with women’s health.

  • Post-traumatic and postoperative periods.

Due to the stress on the body that occurs during exercise, there is a high risk of exacerbation of previously treated diseases and injuries. To prevent this from happening, a long period of rehabilitation and more gentle gymnastics are required.

  • Diseases of musculoskeletal tissues.

During burpees, muscles and joints are actively involved in the work. If there are problems in their activities, then there is a high risk of the condition worsening due to intense stress.

Burpees are a great way to strengthen muscles, burn calories, and gain weight. But when performing exercises, it is important to consider a number of factors that allow you to maintain health and avoid all kinds of injuries.

Benefits and contraindications for doing burpees

Pros of exercise

  • When performing burpees, all major muscle groups work, both external and internal, performing the function of a corset for the spine;
  • Exercise forms a beautiful body shape and tones the muscles;
  • Strengthens the spine, prevents curvature of posture and back pain;
  • Strengthens the heart muscle and improves respiratory function;
  • Improves the overall endurance of the body;
  • Helps burn subcutaneous fat;
  • Improves coordination;
  • Reduces training time by training all muscles at once.

Contraindications for use:

  • Heart disease, high blood pressure;
  • Spinal injuries, hernia, displacement, protrusion;
  • Inflammation of the joints, injuries of the knee joints.

Several reasons why you should do burpees

Since burpees burn a huge amount of calories, this exercise is ideal for weight loss. Almost all muscle groups take part in its implementation. In addition, the following facts testify in its favor:

  • the cardiovascular system is strengthened;
  • physical endurance increases;
  • respiratory organs develop;
  • You can train at home, without using special equipment or going to the gym;
  • it is possible to adjust the difficulty level of the exercise by removing or adding elements;
  • for athletes who actively practice strength training, burpees will help build muscle mass;
  • This exercise restores coordination.

On a note! If you want to pump up the muscles of the lower body, it is recommended to include two jumps in the complex exercise. To give more attention to your chest and arms, it's worth adding a couple of push-ups. If you need to strengthen your abs, it is enough to pull your knees to your chest in a plank position.

Who is the exercise suitable for?

Burpees are truly a unique exercise for men and women of all fitness levels. Firstly, the technique (classical and lightweight) will help increase endurance, including the overall tone of the body to overcome all the difficulties of everyday life. Secondly, increasing endurance with burpees also means losing weight. Cycling the exercise in a continuous sequence over a long period of time (over 20 minutes) burns a large number of calories. As with cardio exercises, carbohydrates are burned first, and after glycogen reserves are depleted, subcutaneous fat is burned. And fats begin to burn after the first twenty minutes of training , so the exercise is not limited to a certain number of repetitions and approaches.

Burpee training is performed for a while at a certain pace, pauses and short breaks are possible. The complex can also be alternated with other exercises, for example, crunches, jumping rope, pull-ups and any others that do not include burpees.

Benefits and Benefits of Exercise

You already know what a burpee is, but now let’s figure out what it gives us and what its advantages are. First of all, the main advantage of the exercise is that it allows you to use many important muscle groups throughout the body. This is not strange, because you need to consistently do push-ups, jump from a deep squat, and complement all this with a straight-armed plank pose. For those who perform or perform burpees, which muscles are used during this process is an interesting and relevant question. The exercise works many muscle groups, but the hamstrings, triceps, quadriceps, calves and buttocks, pectoralis major, deltoids, and abs receive the most load. Active muscle work combined with an intense pace provides enormous energy expenditure, so the benefits of burpees for weight loss are very great. Both men and women often include this exercise in their training programs.

The burpee exercise, we already know what it is and what muscles work, also has the following benefits :

  • To give yourself the maximum load, you do not need a special room or additional equipment. All you need is motivation, your own body and a couple of square meters. The exercise can be performed both at home and in the gym, which makes it universal and popular.
  • Burpee exercise, which has great health benefits, trains the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, improves blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, energizes and invigorates, which makes it a good choice for morning exercises.
  • Thanks to burpees, you can develop explosive strength, speed and endurance, train balance and coordination. It will give you the opportunity to learn how to control all the muscles of the body and perform the necessary movements clearly, quickly and consistently.
  • When it comes to the question of the burpee exercise and what it is good for, weight loss comes to the fore. Exercise helps burn a lot of calories and excess fat. The advantage for those losing weight is that it combines both strength and cardio exercise.
  • Exercise is good for busy people as it helps save time. It is enough to do several intervals every day, and this will already be a sufficient load. Of course, it all depends on the desired results. If you need to lose a lot of weight or increase muscle mass, you should supplement it with burpees and other exercises.

Many people looking for all kinds and the most effective ways to lose weight are interested in the question, how many calories does burpee (burpee) burn? After all, the fame of this universal exercise runs ahead of it, attributing to it a lot of miraculous properties. Let's analyze the calorie consumption when doing burpees in comparison with other types of activities based on different weight categories.

How many calories do burpees burn is a pressing question for those who want to lose weight. The answer to this will depend on the weight of the person doing the exercise. The larger it is, the more kilocalories will be burned. For example, let's take a person weighing 70 kilograms. Walking slowly for an hour will allow him to burn 150 kcal, fast walking - about 280 kcal, running at a medium pace - 480 kcal, jumping rope - 540 kcal, and burpees for an hour - about 980 kcal. For a person weighing 90 kg, an hour of intense burpee training will burn up to 1200 kcal.

These calculations are taken from a calorie consumption of 2.8 kcal per 1 repetition of burpees at a pace of 7 exercises per minute.

Recommendations for beginners

  • It is necessary to start doing burpees after general strengthening of all muscles. Strong abdominal, back and arm muscles will prevent injury.
  • Perform the exercise at a calm pace, concentrating on the correct technique. Thus, the heart muscle will gradually strengthen, and a fast pace will not disrupt the heart rhythm and exceed the permissible heart rate limit.
  • Start doing burpees in combination with other exercises for 10-15 repetitions of 2-3 circles. After adapting to the load, you can perform burpees in long cycles - from 10 to 30 minutes.
  • When performing a workout, do not forget about warming up, warming up and stretching your muscles to minimize the possibility of injury. Also stretch your muscles after exercise to keep them flexible and speed up recovery.

How to do it correctly?

For the exercise to be effective, it is important to follow the technique. Only if done correctly can you achieve good results and benefits for your figure.

Here are the main points to pay attention to during training:

  • Gymnastics begins with a warm-up. To do this, you must first perform several squats with your arms extended forward. Then do a plank, remaining in this position for about half a minute. Next, the warm-up program involves push-ups and then jumping rope.
  • After this, you can proceed to the main training point. During this gymnastics, it is important to include all muscles in the work: abdomen, legs, buttocks.

It is also necessary to monitor correct breathing, combining it with movements. If this is difficult to do at first, you can simplify your training program.

How many calories does burpee burn?

Execution time, min.Calorie loss, kcal.

Possible results from doing burpees

A huge advantage of performing this exercise is the long-term burning of calories after stopping the workout. Unlike cardio exercises, this technique trains the muscles, so the body will use its own fat reserves to repair them. Of course, the result will be different for everyone, it depends on many factors:

  • age;
  • gender;
  • genetics;
  • weight;
  • physical training;
  • frequency and duration of training.

For one athlete, in a month the result will be expressed in improved relief of the shoulder girdle and the presence of six-pack abs, while another (woman or man) will be able to lose 10 kg in the same period. Naturally, losing 5-10 kg in 1-2 months is quite possible, but the load should be combined with proper nutrition, and not just doing burpees for five minutes. For better results, it is necessary to develop an individual set of exercises for all muscle groups.

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